w t p t e,lv VOLUME XXX. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. JULY IS, 1902, NUMBER 27 77ie -H Store. July Special Clearing Sale ! Items of Inttrut as Goffespondeoee. -m Nearby Localities. Ladies Wrappers. Ladies $i.oo Wrappers reduced to 7Sc. 1.25 " " " 9Sc 1.75 " " " -38 Special Job of Ladies9 Handkerchiefs! 25 dozen would sell regular at 10c, special at 5c. 25 dozen sell regularly at' 25c, special at 15c. Ladies9 Shirt Waists. $1 00 shirt waists reduced 1 25 " " " 1 50 , .... " 1 3 to 7Sc. 9Sc. 1.18 1.38 California Canned Goods. Gallon peeled peaches 33c. California lemon cling peaches i2ilc, 18c and 22c per can California Apricots, Plums and Pears iajc per can. Gallon Appies 25c. NEW WASH GOODS ! July Clearing prices at 5c, 9c, 14c, 20c, to 40c. Didities, Swisses, Ducks, Silk Ginghams, Batistes, Grenadines Mercer ized, Tissues, Ginghams, Etc. BLADEN. I Tlio town is pretty quiet tliuso days. G lodell shipped :i sar of hogs to innrkut Tuesday. O. A. Easteiioy litis purchased tlio Hubert Taylor farm for $3,000 cash. (iood farm hand urn iti demand at $2.") per month. Who sav& wages have not raised, along with pi ices of meats? K II. Fox and W. E 'I'liorno mnikot ed some fat hogs at $7. 10. C. II. Fit?. & Co. commenced thresh- ! ing wlicat for Win. Dennett VV dues- day. Thoy nro the first in tho Held in this vicinity. Mr. Fit, and helpers of Itod Cloud aro ilnishing up James Lockhart's house and expect to have the carpen ter work dono this week. Mrs. (ioodell and Mrs. Easterly drove over to Blue Hill Saturday. Charles Mooro of Guide Hock is stopping at the homo of Mr. Best. Ed Doylo took tlio passenger for Campbell Saturday evening. From the number of threshing ma chines in this vicinity, indications are that there will bo a merry time in tlio field this season. James McBiide has accepted a posi tion with the east elevator. C. Spence and wife drovo to the county seat Monday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Wayman, a daughter, usual Nebraska weight. Dr. Townsend of Campbell was vis iting patients in this vicinity Sunday. For a few days it has not rained. The school board held another meet ing Mouday evening. .sick at present and wo all miss his "hello" on tlio street. Miss Nulliii Fowler eiiinu in from Edgar Monday for a visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fowler. E 1'. Foo accepted thu position of as sistant postmaster last Monday. I'lio f i lends of Mrs, C. E. Putnam will lie glad to learn that shu is rapidly recovering and will soon bu able to be at home. Misses F.llis and Lunnlu Hagor wont to Franklin Wednesday for a visit with relatives. Tlio Cowles baseball club wont to Superior to play last Friday ami met with their lirst defeat. Score, 5 to 1. The boys sneak highly of their treat ment by the Superior boys. George Holt shipped a car of cattle last Tuesday. The south elevator is noariog com pletion and will have doubled its ca pacity when finished. The peoplo of this vicinity aro very glad of the addition of a butcher shop to (iood & Bennett's Btoro. Mrs. Lou Dual entertained ton of her lady frionds at her homo last Friday. Carpet rag sowing was tho order of the day. A prizo was given lor tho ono who sowed tho most rags, and Miss Lennio Hagor won by sowing threo and one-half pounds. A sumptuous dinner was served to which tho young ladies did Justice. Books New Percales. novelties at Simpson's silk 4c per yd. Ladies9 Shoes. American Girl Shoe, every pair stamped $2.50, special clearing prices, $1.98. French Zephyr Ginghams. Were 25c to 30c, special out price, per yard ygefs close MINER BRGS. LINE. Weather wnrni and plenty of rain. After this week harvesting will bo a thing of tho past. About twenty-livo young persons were tho guests of C. Shuck this week and had a good time. Ico cream and cako were served. Lon Wilmott bought twelve calves ono day this week. Ho paid 813 per head tor tho best. Maxtor Hoy Shuck is tho ownor of a now pony. Al Sloby bus commenced work with his now threshing outlit. Ho is thresh log for Georgo Lindsay, near Hed Cloud this week. Tho Frill's' how havo comuiencod work with their threshing outfit. Tho Van Dyko brothers bad two harvesters cutting grain .'or them this week. Daniel Norrls lost four acres of pota toes from tho high water last week. C. Shuck has cut tho second crop of alfalfa and it will go two tons to the aero. Mr. Zalman has dono somo good work on tho roads this week. Lon Wilmott will commenco work on tho roads as soon as harvesting is over. Frionds havo received word that Milton Uu th do is in poor health this summer and unable to do any work. INAVALE. C. L. Eddy has sold his placn and gono to southern Kansas to look up a location, Wesley Wilson has moved into his now store. Fat Gilroy left Thursday for Ne York City to meet his sister-in-law, from tho old country. Sunday was Brother Kees' day at the Christian church. Will Tabor's tew steam threshing outlit was unloaded Tuesday, (Jeorgo Hummel left for his future homo in Indian territory Saturday evening. Wo are sorry to lose him. Art Wolcott has a hard time fixing tho roads since tho high water. Tho B, & M. has n gang of men hero concreting tho roadbed, and somo of it wouldn't hurt our streets. C. Hunter will soon commenco to remodel his new storo room. Mrs. Fannio Turkington and family returned to tbelr home in Alma after a week's visit with hr mother, Mrs. G. W. Knight. STATE CREEK. Cultivating corn is tho order of the day again, as many left tho cornfields to take care of tho crop of small grain. Now we aro boasting that part of our crops aro made. Tho ryo and wheat aro in the shock and the early potato is extra good and our oats bid fair to bo tho best crop wo have raised since 1802, and thev will do to bind in one week, so they are about made. A lot of our early patches of corn aro tas seled and Biking, and in tho main fields it is nearly all getting over tho turnback and the cultivators break considerable of it. The second crop of alfalfa is nearly ready to cut and tho spring sowing is looking nice. Almost every fanner has a lot or pasture of it for his hogs and, whilo corn is high and scarce, when you walk through your lot you can see your hogs winking at you and imagine you hear them say: "Wo aro all right ond fat enough without corn." Sovoral from this township attondod normal Oto and Will Frazior, Wirt Stevons Miss Emma Molino and many othors. J. T. Fruit and son bought a new stoam threshing outfit last year, and now AlbortSlaby has also bought one. Tho annual school mootings aro of great importanco this year and any man who neglects attending tho moot ing will regret it for ono year at least. Wra. Scrivnor is at work at his trado near Inavale, helping build a very largo granary, etc. Thero will bo several now residences and barns built on our crcok this fall. CROOKED CREEK. Wo aro having regular Nebraska weather this week. Everybody is busy finishing whoat harvest. Charles Crabill has boon shocking wheat for Ed Hoiher. James Mcl'arlland marketed somo tino shoats tho first of tho week. Tho people all say tho roads aro tho roughest right now they evor kuow them to be. Mrs. Kellet worked in tho harvest tield this weok. Albert Green, tho fruit treo man, was canvassing in these parts rues-day. Charles Fitz and father went up to Bladen Tuesday to start their thresh ing outlit. Francis Smith has been having somo trouble with his calves. Thoy got too much alfalfa, and one died, whilo somo othors aro very sick. Henry Harris commenced stacking his wheat tho lirst of tho week. Mr. Martin finished cutting Arthur Bradshaw's wheat on the Crone farm this week. The danco al John Brush's last Sat urday night was a success, thirty tick ets boing sold. Ed Dickson finished cutting his wheat Saturday night just in time to got tin hitched bofoio Sunday. (ico. Winton says ho has lost 100 bushels of potatoes by rotting. Mrs. Chas. Harrington loft on tho 2uVi train Monday morning for York to see her mother, who is very ill. COWLES. Mrs. Noah CralTord is on the sick list. John Waller commonced the season's threshing at E. Fawcett's on Wednes day. Ho has a now engine and is pre pared to do the host of work. Robert Hall camo in from Lincoln last weok and mado his parents a short visit. Frei Fuller roturnod to his home in Bethany Heights last Monday after a visit with relatives here. Toe little son of John Storey is quite STIWLLATER. The weather seems more settled now. Harvesting is drawing to a closo. Threshing has commenced. Warren Vancoof Guido Hock attend ed church at Eckley Sunday J. B, Hcevo has routed the J. E. Hauglit placo for tho coming year. J. II. Parsons has bought a threshing outlit. J. E. Butler and family took dinner at A. Bragg's, in Boavor Creek town ship, Suuday, and attended tho Sunday school rally in Guido Hock in the after noon, John KoDzac, wifo and daughter Mary visited at tho homo of J. H. Crozier Sunday. Given Free. Gommeneing, Saturday, Jane 21st. lielow we give a partial list of the books we have on hand at present. Arabian Night ) Now and KovifCil Edition Tho Fortunes of NIkoI Scott Ivnnliuo Scott llcjoml tlio City (3) A. Cotian Doyle Strang Secrcta A. C'onan Doylo All SortH mill Condltloim of Men .................................... Ucaant anil Itlco .let lidwardH Knlulit Krrant l.yall lluppo tlio Conncrlrit ..... Anthony Trollope Chicot tho Jcater .. Dumas CountotiH do Clinrny.....................Duuia Lovo and Llberly............................I)uinaB The Coimcrlpt.. ..... Dumas VIcomto do HraKclonno .Dumas Cotmiielo ...I-......Hand Tho Counted) of Itudolmadt.. Sand Indiana ........................... Band Kauchon tlio Cricket Sand Deldeo Warden ConfcMloniof an KiikIUIi Opium Katcr. Do Julncy OoldEUIc -..Marlltt A Datiithter ol Iteth lllack Tho Proiitlerameu () Alinard Tho Ullthcdale ltomauco.............1Iawtborno Ardath Marie Corelll Uarda Kbcra PIlRrlm'H 1'roKrcKa ........................... Iluuyiin The Dcciatteri Hall Calne Humphrey Clinker Smollct Corlnno .- Dt Stael 1'urlH Sketch Hook- Thackeray Tho Man Who Was Hood Merrick Jnck Horner Mary S. Tlerunn HomofCllo . ..Mnry .S.TItrimu Woodlimdern Thou. Hardy The Dcalro of the Bye (Iraut Allen Not In the 1'ronpcctim Danfurtb Itiimuntch - - I.otl A New Note DrKRon'M Teeth ... Tho Cedar htnr The('r)htH) llultoii A I.IMMK l.lo - .Mc.Mhuou Serrano Maun Thomiii . . Mongol One of these books will be given with every dollar you pay on subscription. If you pay one years subscrip tion in advance or one dol lar of back subscription you get one of these handsome books free. If you pay two dollars on subscription you get two books, if you pay $3 on subscription you get three books, etc. For every dollar you pay on subscrip tion you get one of these handsome books. Come in end get one before they ere ell gone. & n ' i "si mmwm HWrnnTi'i iTnlttllBiiiiiiiiiMliMtiiiiiWfffMTiT mtttm i mtfTWimTnmieirJmmWWWmm afJ$ u lr jiLAf safe &U!wt!5mllfimIffl!$MW"1i iMiilllfillMBfl MlliliMHMMMBWPIlT'V . "HM mmBMmm:ts3mmmmmmmwe'mmmmmmmmwwmi!miMmwwTiimmmpmm