tl w a: ci 01 Ik n bi Id CI b rQfcfe?""- -tfr fuSLi. i-'i3 r'vuMi BHfi'5Sfc"-J!r. ivi. jjrJfcflMfcMwi-L j. jHSHiH H lftBnJfBSiBR'v' -'xshj-1 VOLUME XXX. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. JULY 11. 1902, NUMBER 2(5 The -B Store. If July Special Clearing Sale ! Wrappers. Ladies $i.oo Wrappers reduced to 7SC. 1.25 ' 98c. 1.75 " " " 1.38 Special Job of Ladies9 Handkerchiefs! 25 dozen would sell regular at ioc, special at 5c. 25 dozen sell regularly at 25c, special at 15c. Ladies9 Shirt Waists. $1 00 shirt waists reduced to 25 50 75. 7Sc. 9S0 1.18 1.3S California Canned Goods. Gallon peeled peaches 33c. California lemon cling peaches i2$c, 18c and 22c per can. California Apricots, Plums and Pears isjc per can. Gallon Appies 25c. NEW WASH GOODS ! July Clearing prices at 5 c, 9c, 14c, 20 c, to 40c. Didities, Swisses, Ducks, Silk Ginghams, Batistes, Grenadines Mercer ized, Tissues, Ginghams, Etc. New Percales. 'i Simpson's silk novelties at 4c per yd. Ladies9 Shoes. American Girl Shoe, every pair stamped $2.50, special clearing prices, $1.98. French Zephyr Ginghams. Were 25c to 30c, special out price, per yard 1&cts close Gomspondeuee. Items of Interest as Reported bv Chief Reporters at Several Nearby Localities. MINER BROS J Mrs. BLADEN. Uobt. Millor's sister returned 10 bor home nt Edgar Wednesday morn- ing. Wash Heed returned fiom Illinois Inst Thursday. Mrs. Nollio Nowhouso returned to her homo in Ked Cloud Friday. C. E. llieks started west Friday and returned Monday. Mrs. Percy Urandstult returned from Kansas Thursday, whore she had boon (or the past two or threo months. George Dennv and family roturueil Monday after a several days' visit with friends east of here. Cbas. Sp:nce,and wife came homo Moudajfi. iifVi8it with his brother at Uusktn'l'j.a state. Mr. Yager of Oquawka, Illiuois, Bpont sovoral days with bis friend Webster Woodsido. Kain, rain, every day, which is hnrd on the grain. Much of the wheat in the shock has commenced to rot and grow. I). E. Crum has purchasod a now lloubor threshing outfit which is ex pected to bo boro in a day or two. The funeral of Al Wilson, who was drowned on his place, was hold Mod day afternoon, Kov. Priestly official ing, and a large concourse followed the remains to their last resting plnco. The family has tne sympathy of the community in this ad hour of affllc tion. C. Chevalia drove over to liluo Hill Monday on business, James Saunders and wife and L. E. Spence and wife Hpont the Fourth in the eastern part of the state. Frank Wholan and family visited with her peoplo at Campbell the latter part of tho week. Charley Morey expects to start a blacksmith shop in Pauline. Mrs. Cash Keith and children of Lincoln are visiting in this vicinity. Eli 11. Cox was transacting business at the county seat Saturday. Don't bo persuaded into taking some thing said to bo "just as good" as Mad son Medicine Co, 'a Kooky Mountain Tea. Thero is nothing like it. . cents, no more, no less. C. L. Cotting. Sorvicos at tho Methodist Kpiscop 1 church: Preaching at 11 o'clock a.m. and 8 p.m. by tho pastor, Kov, M. P. Dixon; Sunday school, 10 o'clock, L. P. Albright, superintendent; Junior Ep. worth League, 3 o'clock, Mrs. lirunor, superintendent; Epwortb Loaguo, 7 o'clock, Mrs. Mitchell, president. CROOKED CREEK. Muddy, muddier, muddiest. Wo nro getting our dally rains now, and two at night. Crooked creek reached her high water mark last Monday morning. The heavy rains and wind are doing much damage to the wheat crop. Thero is much wheat yet to harvest, and the heavy rains have made it al most impossible to gel into tho Holds with u harvester. James Mcintosh is running two binders whenever the sun shines. John lirush has seventy acres of wheat to cut, but ho will net it cut if anyone does. Tho bridge at tho Tonuant school house was impassable. Tho water ran over tho top of tho railing Monday morning. Tho bridge south of Sam Smith's eighty was washed onto Mr. Maurer's farm. Mr. Eugol's corn crib was blown over tho other night for tho second time this summer. Bert Tennant and family were dis turbed Saturday night while eating their supper by tho roof blowing oil their house. The carponters are,, Messrs. Maurer and Smith were res cuing calves and bogs in a boat Mon day morning. The hail did some damago to the corn and standing wheat. Arthur Bradsbaw commenced head ing his wheat on the Crone plaro Sat urday afternoon, but has not been in the Held since. Mr. Jarboo's cream wagon has to gather cream on one side of tho creek one day and on the other tbo next, on account of washouts. Tho farmers aro busy resetting their wheat shocks, when it is so they can't get in the fields to cut. Tho corn is not growing much this kind of weather, but tbo weeds are. Mr. Tennant, Sr., had some cattle coino near drowning Monday morn ing. William Uenkel and another Rontle- man from Inavalo aro cutting Mrs. Wallin's wheat, as Mr. Wallin h still ia Lincoln. NORTH BRANCH, KAS More rain than wo kuow what to do with. Tho Fourth is over, but we had lire works that night anyway, if the wind did blow. Charley llaworth bought a calf from Mr. Stryker. Clay and Charley McMalns started Tuesday morning to work in tho har vest fields up north of Guide Koek. Ojla Lamb left for Wichita last Fri day. Mrs. Pearson is still hero visiting her daughter, Mrs. Win, Kivott, Most all of tbo peoplo from hero celebrated at Red Cloud. Louisa Toland is visiting her sister Lucy, who is working for Mr. Kossler iu lied Otoud, Miss Blanche Jones of Wichita is visiting her many relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. Mageio AfcMains spent tho Fourth with Mrs. Toland. Sam Baylos of McCook is visiting his sister, Mrs. Frunk Watt of Maplo Grovo. Freddio Watt is spending a few days with hiB parents prior to his going back to Omaha. Tho commencement for tbo common school graduates who took the exam ination at North Branch will bo held thero sometime tho last of July, Tho nornmlites aro all homo again and report tbo best normal evor bold In this county, They also report the Books examinations pretty hard iu some branches. Among tho entertainments which they onj yod were Blind Boono'.s musical conceit and Byron W King's lecture. Mr .King is president of tho Pittsburg tl'a.) School of Oratory. REACH Another linn rain Saturday night. Everybody is in a rush to gut over their corn, as so mo of it breaUs now. Some of the farmers report their wheat in the shock spoiling on ac count of the wet weather. James Tato of Hennessey, Ok. T., is visiting with his sister, Mrs. Solomo 11 Fruitier and otlior relatives for 11 few days, and will then go out into Colo rado to visit onu of ills daughters. A son and daughter of Henry Smith are visiting relatives juid frionds in our neighborhood this weok. Nearly everybody around hero cele brated tho Fourth at Kod Cloud Last week was tho timo to play ball, as it whs too wot to do anything in tho field. Remember, wo ntways play every day that it is (00 wet to do anything else. Elmer Boardsloo and wife took their little girl to tho doctor Friday to have her jiws lanced. Sho has bean sudor- ing with mump.- - Wo notico that Ed Carpor is hob bling around on crutches on account of an Injured periosteum of tho tivia bono of his rijlit leg. We will have a daily mail nt this placo after July 9 It comes by way of Esbon. Chas. Myors of Lebanon has been visiting bis cousin, Bon Boardsloo, and also took in tho celebration nt Ked Cloud. Will Frazior sold a lino load of hay to George Fellon last Thursday. Given Free. Tho DRY CREEK. Wo have bad too much rain creek has boon all out of banks. Tho rivor is the highest in years. It camo up to Morgan Davis' house, so ho pulled up and wont to his sistor's, on tho hill. Much of Mr. Beaton's wheat was washed down tho crook. Thero was a washout on the railroad betweon Amboy and Hod Cloud and no train passed for two days. Mrs. Docker has been very 111 for tho past week, confined to her bod most of tho timo. Tho crops in the country are tho nicest for years. Everything looks lino. Nod Hurd has some very fine oats. They aro fi foot high and some have over 100 grains to the head. ' Elm crook was up around the mill Monday. Somo of our neighbors have their wheat all cut, and some have just be gun. WALNUT CREEK. Kain every day now. It is feared the small grain will bo spoiled in the shock. Tho roads aro almost Impassable on tbo bottom and many of tho culverts are washed away. Joo Vaughan of Sumner county, Kansas, sou of James Vaughan, one our pioneer homesteaders, hat been visiting relatives and frionds. Tom Blaukenbaker lost a horse in tho high water. 1 11 attempting to swim tho crcok it was supposed the animal failed to mako the landing and, as the banks aro stcop, was carried down stream by tho current and drowned. Fay Arneson has succeeded in find ing and hiving three swanm of bees within tho last few wunkg. Mrs. Burnett of McCook is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Tom Jones, Many tons of alfalfa hay will be ruinod by the high water. Commencing, Saturday, Jane 21st. Below we give a partial list of the books we have on hand at present. Arntilnri NIrIiU (3) New anil llevlfcd Edition Tlio Fortunes of NIkcI . Scott Ivnnlioo Scott Iteyond tho City (S) A. Conan Doylo HtntUKO Hecreta A. Conan Doyle All Hort and Condition of Men .. ..... . llesant and ltlco Jet - KitwanlH KntKlit Krrnnt. I.yall llnpiio tho Conncrlpt Anthony Trollops Chicot the .Tomer Dumas Counter do Charity ...... Human I.ovo and Liberty tinman Tho Conscript - .... .Dumas Vlcomto do llraKetonne .. Dumas Coiihtielo ... .. Sand Tho Countess of ItiulolHtadt ... Sand Indiana Sand Fanclion Hit.- Cricket .. Sand Deleted .. - Warden ConfehsloiiHof an KiiRllali Opium Eater Do ijiilucy (luld Klnlo Marlltt A Daughter ol llcth Hlack The Froiitlernmen (S) ... Mmard The lllllhuilule Itomiiure Hawthorne A ninth Marie Corclll Tarda - Kliors I'llKrlm'H fniKruKN Iliinyati The Deemsters Hall C'alno Humphrey Clinker Srnollet ('iirliinii ... . Do Stncl Puis Sketch Hook Thackeray The Man Who Waniiood Merrick Jack Horner Mary S. Tlernati lli)ino-ello . .Mary S. Tlernati Wood lander Tlins, Hardy The Dedro of tho Byes (Irani Allen Not In thu I'roipectin. Danforth Itammitrh - I.otl A New Note . Mo.Mnhon UrtiKiiti'n Teeth . . Serrano The Cedar Mar - . Mann The Crystal llnltoii TIichiiiih A I.IvIiik '.Iu HotirKUt One of these books will be given with every dollar you pay on subscription. If you pay one years subscrip tion in advance or one dol lar of back subscription you get one of these handsome books free. If you pay two dollars on subscription you get two books, if you pay $3 on subscription you get three books, etc. For every dollar you pay on subscrip tion you get one of these handsome books. Come in and get one before they are all gone. 4 IJSJJttl mwm '"SSftW-'TlTTiXf. Ct ; wife: IT-Jrhu ms& jj.jaay. . ...iut rraia aaP a aa