The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 04, 1902, Image 5

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For anything X
You May Need
! I
i Photographic
Htipparatus or
supplies call on
1 Neaihoase - Bros., f
We sell honest
I gooas at nonest
prices and
save you the
frtioht- r
a ' "-- -
Head ArgtibriKlit's surprise "ml."
No II homo grown corn for feud tit
If vou want job work of ony kind
cull nnd see us.
" (JeotRo llndell returned from Mo
Cook bundny morning.
Ilov. I). 1) Humbly will speak Sun
day night on "Tliu Nubility of Toil."
F. V. Taylor, undertaker nnd um
balmrr, opposilu Cutting's drug store.
Ludlow llros bavu a quantity of line
brick for sale at tlieir ynuls north of
Mis. C. F. Cutid of ltlue Hill is visit
ing with hur parent, Mr. and Mrs. J.
L. Miner.
George Payne of Guide Kock was in
this city Tuesday attending to some
business mattert.
Mr. and Mrs. Cal Ward of Orleans
are visiting lu this city with L H.
Hnst and wife.
Mr. Jas. Paget of Glen Klder, Kan.,
attended the funeral of his sou's wife
in this city Sunday.
Orlando lientley came to this city
Tuesday from Lincoln, wheie he has
been staying for some time.
Mrs. Homer Sherwood has recovered
nnd is able to be out again after a
severe attack of typhoid fever.
For a clean, easy shave or an up-to
dato hair-cut, call at Ward Hiatt'a bar
ber shop. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Georgo Kickotts returned to tho city
Sunday to be in attendance nt the fu
neral of bis sister, Mrs. James Paget.
Miss Beatrix Mizer returned home
Saturday from Chicago, where sha has
been teaching in the Chicago Conserv
atory of Music.
Frank Cowdon and Del Turnure
were in Superior Tuesday evening in
attendance at a mooting of the Odd
Fellows lodgo of that city.
Person, tho sowing machine expert,
repairs organs and sowing machines,
at tho second store. All work guaran
teed. Prices reasonable.
J. W. of Iiluo Hill passed
4 through hero Wednesday on his way
home. He has been in tho western
part of the state looking after some
business matters.
After June 20 my days at Cowles
will be Momhys, Tucsd tys and Weil
nesdays, in the Turner building, and
Ked Cloud Thurs iuys, Fiidttj'a and
Siituid'iys, over Dr. lecd' foimer of
fice. K A Tll'MAi, Denti-t.
MiWold fool (') You will, will you.
t"i I'll loarn jou to go and buy a lot of
cheap Harness and Hurdwaio before
you got J.O. Uutlkk': prices on tirst
class goods of the smile kind. (!!) Take
that, (!!) and iat, (!!!') and that. Now
vou r'H chump will you learn some
ti nji"
Mrs. N M Doudti.1 of Guide Kock
was in the city Tuesday.
G M. Albln of Guide Kock was in
the city the tint of the wiok.
J. 15. Gri'Piihalgh of Cowles w.i in
the eh) .Monday on business.
A II. Kaley was in Haidy Tuesday
looking alter loine bu?iiie-.- inatteis.
1). W. Turnute and F W. Cm-den
were in Supeiior Tuexlny on business.
K V Uvet man is expected to dulivoi
the oration at Ciiumbell on the Fouith.
A. J. Hnjes of (iiiido Kock was
transacting business in this city Tues
day. K. K Ladd and George Humniell of
Inavalo weto in town Tuesday on busi
ness. Mrs. D. Dow of Carey, Ohio, is visit
jng with her daughter Mrs. A. U. Kaley
in this city.
John (. Potter will dolivor tho
Fourth of Jnly orations at Rosomont
and Nogunda.
Minor Bros, are having their storo
buildmg painted. C. C. Cowdon is do
ing tho work.
R. W. Quigglo of Rosomont has been
attending to business mattors in this
city this week.
Hon. E L. Adams of Minden, judge
of this district, was here giving out a
low decisions this week.
Ernest Hayes, Ed Fait field and M. E.
Fairlield of Guide. Kock wore in the
city Tuesday on business.
Orlando Rentier, brother of Alex
Rentloy, who resides south of this city,
was visiting here this week.
In tho suit of Aaron Conover and
W. W. Wright the supremo court hns
decided in faror of Conovor.
A.M. Walton. ,J. S Hoover, F. A.
Sweer and A. 1). Kanney of Rluo Hill
were attending couit in this city this
Fred Bright, living east of this city,
Had tin misfortune to havo a good
horse killed by lightuiug tho rlrst of
tho week.
Alvin Pope, who has boon teaching
at tho institute for tho deaf nnd dumb,
is at homo in this city spending tho
summer vucation.
Tho seats havo all boon placed in tho
now Dunkard Brethren church in this
city and the church will bo dedicated
on tho morniug of Sunday, July 1U, at
When you awake in tho morning
feeling like tho end of a misspent life,
your mouth full of fur and vour soul
full of regrets, take Rocky Mountain
lea. ureal medicine. C. L. Cotting.
One of tho chief pleasures of an un
married man thoso warm days is to see
tho married men whose wives are
away for tho summer lino up at the
lunch counter and call for a block of
raisin pie and a pint of coffoe Clv
Center (Kan.) Times.
Why should not this citv hava sirm
lighta of some kind? If we cannot
nave electric lights let us have lights of
somo kind so that it will not be nee
essrry for our citizens to buy so many
matches to light them on their way as
we have seen done so often in the oast
few weeks.
Rev. and Mrs. L. A. Husong of Ash
land, Neb., were renewing old ac
quaintances here the last of last week.
Mr. Husong delivered tho lecture at
the Masonic hall Friday evening and
returned to Ashland Saturday morn
ing. Mrs. Husong remained in tho
city for a short visit with friends.
Services at tho Methodist Eoiscoo 1
church: Preaching at 11 o'clock a.m.
nnd 8 p.m. by tho pastor, Rev. M. P.
Dixon; Sunday school, 10 o'clock. L. P.
Albright, superintendent; Junior Ep
worth League, 3 o'clock, Mrs. Bruner.
supeiintondont; Epworth League, 7
o'clock, Mrs. Mitchell, piesidont.
Episcopal services: Every lirst Sun
day in the month: Morning, at 10. .'10,
litany, holy communion; evening, at
7 ill), eveninp prayer and set num.
Every third Sunday in the month -Morning,
10-!I0, morning piayer and
Miiiiion. evening, 7:il0. evening piuvei
itn.l seniMii Every body welcomed. E.
U Brun, lector.
Charles Isoni mot with it rather im
ciiliar accident the lirst of the week.
While he was chopping some wood a
piece was thiown up and struck him
on the light eje, rupturing u blond
rol in tho ins, which bled mto the
aqueous hiimoi. It i not jot dcliuitelv
know whether the accident will Derma-
n ntly iiijuie the sight.
Set vices .it the Chun h of ChrUt will
bo huld us Usual next Lnid' day,
Freaelung at 10.130 a. m. and 8 p. in. by
tho minister, T. A Meredith. Bible
bchool ut noon, Traco Sheror superin
tendent Junior C. E ,!1 p.m., Mis. Mere
dith acting supeiinteudont Prayer
meeting Wednesdayat 8 p.m. Special
music at morning and evening pleach
ing services Wo will mako you wol.
como. Como anu ,' o us tho oppor
1 tunity.
W. H Sawyer of Guide Kock was at
tending to business matters in this city
Saturd ly.
Mrs Boyd Munsol of McCook came
to this city Monday for a visit with
i datives and ft lends.
Mai tied on Tueiday, July !;, in thN
city Mr. Haivcy 1) Villot and Miss
Ethel I.Shively, both of Smith county,
K insas, Judge Edson olliciatiug.
Last Tuesday morning bam lleaton
tut ued some cattle on bis alfalfa for a
few minutes, and inside of an houi
nine had died and the balance weie
very sick.
Ed Kooti and family left Monday for
Giesham, Neb., whoro thoy will make
their home in the future. Ed has been
in the employ of tho B. & M. at this
place for sine time.
Notick People owning lots in the
cemetery nro requested to tako care of
their lots immediately, as tho saudburs
are beginning to head out. By rcquost
of Cemotory Board.
Rounds out tho hollow places -.smooths
out linos that creop about ono's face;
woos roses back to faded cheeks. That's
what Rocky Mountain Tea does. 35
cent?. C. L. Cotting.
Marion Moranvillo of Guide Rock
took tho train horo Tuesday for a visit
in Denver nnd other Colorado points.
Ho will visit with S. Lightfoot in Trin-
idid before returning.
Mrs. Charles Palmer and sou Kay
left Monday for St. Paul, Minn., where
they go to procure an artificial arm for
Ray. While there they will pay an
extended visit to relatives.
Alex Smolscr returned home last Fri
day from Montana, where ho has been
visiting relatives for tho past few
months. Alex says there is no place
like home and Nebraska.
Rev. F. V. Brun, tho Episcopal min
ister of Red Cloud, preached to a small
but lepiesentntive congregation at the
Christian church Tuesday evening.
Beaver City Times-Tribune.
Don't bo persuaded into takingsomo
thing said to bo "just as good" as Mad
son Mediciuo Co.'s Rocky Mountain
Tea. There is nothing like it. 35 cents,
no more, no less. C. L. Cutting.
Conrad Woelilo, W. Wrightand John
Glunz of Bentrico passed through tho
city Wednesday on their way homo.
Thoy havo boon making a tour of tho
statu looking after land, going over
land. CMr. and Mrs. Hayden left for their
home in Hebron Monday morning.
They were called hero by the sickness
of tlieir daughter, Mrs. Clarence,
who is reported to bo improving
At the re-idenco of Mrs. E Sharp in
south Red Cloud nt 8 p.m. Wednesday
July 2d, Mr. Samuel S. Williams, Dis
trict Deputy Head Consul M. V. of A.
southwest Nebraska district and Miss
Ada M. Fuller, both of Rod Cloud,
were married by Evangolist T. A. Mer
edith of tho Christian church. There
were only a few friends and relatives
present. The newly married couple
left for the east on the early Thursday
morning train.
Mrs. Lewetta N. Paget, wife of James
Paget of this city, died Friday, June
27, from a combination of troubles,
after a long sickness. Funeral services
were conducted at the M. E. church by
the Rev. Dixon last Sunday afternoon
and the remains were laid to rest near
this city. Mrs. Paget was born in St.
Joseph, Mo., June 5, 1870, and had
been a resident of this city for about
a year. She leaves to mourn her death
a husband, littlo child about two years
old, two brotbors, four sisters and
father and mother. The bereaved rela
tives havo the sympathy of the entiro
Tho city council havo received tho
water motors which they purchased
and thoy aro now ready for delivery.
All users of city water will bo required
to use motors bonce forth. While no
definite price has boon fixed there will
in all probability bo a minimum rato of
about 15c per month for tho lirst 2,500
gallons and in excess of this amount of
water the rato will bo about !0c per
1.000 gallons. The meters am all eoin-
intuit wiiii i-ouiiiiig ami win cost ti
' '' I
cacti, wincli may ho paid in small
mon tnly paj in -nts or ut call. .Nodcf.
mile late ot payment of mi-teis has as
yet been lived, but will, wo think, bo
about 75 cents pur mouth.
F. N. Richardson and W. B. Ruby
were in Franklin last Friday attending
the district encampment of too (1 A,
R. Tho district comprises oovyn conn-
..,.l ;.. i.- i . i .
in a in iviiii.iiis .um t-igiu counties in
Nebraska. Too reunion will be held
sometime in August at 1'ianklin, and
piepnations aie aln-ady under way to
make this one of the incut notable ills-
ti ict reunions held in years. Ollicers
foi the ecsiiing year were elected as
follows John Davidson of Franklin,
district coinmandei; W. B. Koby, sen
ior vice coniiuniander, Judge Prather,
of Bloominton, junior vice commander;
t rs KiehanlSiii, member council of
administration. Tho next nicotine-of
tho encampment will bo held in Red
Robert Rownd, for many years a
prominont ftrmor of Webster county,
r Why experiment with n)
Cpaint that is "just as y;ood"f
Iwhen you can ct the old
reliable 1 li- rn vv Mu i u
rthat has stood the test for)
(half a century.' 1 have as
complete stock.
died lat Sunday at the home of his
son, W. E Rownd, lu Gland Island,
Neb. His i cumins wete biought to
this city Monday, and inlet incut was
in the Indian eieek cemetery Rev
D D. Humbly, pastor of the Congrega
tional clitii ch of this city, conducted
tho services. Robert Rownd was born
in Maryland February 27, 18J8, and
was married to Matilda J. Moreland,
in Indiana, nbotit fifty years ago. In
tho spring of lS'.S. ho came to Webster
county and bought a farm on Indian
crock, whore ho resided until tho death
of his wife about live years ago, after
which he spent u year with his daugh
ter, Mrs Eunice Nelson, at Tingley, la.,
and for the past four years has lived
with his son in Grand Island. Three
children survive him, a daughter ami
two sons, Mrs Eunice Nelson of Iowa,
Will Rownd of San Francisco and
Willis Eupliiates c'Fi eight") Rownd of
Grand Island. Mt. and Mis. Nelson
and Mr. and Mrs. W. I' Rownd attend
ed the funeral. The friends and i da
tives have tlie sincete sympathy of the
outirc community.
Masonic Installation and Banquet
Lastl'nday evening Charity Lodge
No. 5!!, A. F. iV: A M, of this city, in
stalled the ollicers who had been elect
ed for the ensuing year. After the
installation and tttlf luiumeni of the
lodgo the doors weie thrown open ami
a number of invited guests weie ad
mitted to tho hall. The Rev. L A.
Husong, formerly of tins city, but now
located at Ashland, Neb., delivered a
very intetestiiig and instinctive lec
ture, giving a short history of tho order
from its beginning to the piesent time,
some of the trials through which it had
gone, and dwelling most particularly
on the good which it had done him
self. Ho also stated it as his belief that
one of tho reasons that it was not ap
preciated more by persons outside of
tee order was that it was so little un
derstood ty them; that instead of being
fought by the church, ns it often has
been in the past, it should bo encoitr
agod; that the better Christian a man
was the better Mason ho was. The
lecture was in fact one of the most in
structive nnd interesting to which wo
havo ever listened and was highly ap
preciated by those who heard it After
the lectin e tho guests were treated to
a most excellent supper, which w,s
prepared and served by W. S. Dense,
ani which elicited much favorable
comment on account of the good things
to eat and the excellent manner in
which they were served. In tho inter
vals betwoen tables the time was takon
up by listening to recitations and
songs. The recitations of Miss Harmon
and the songs by Miss Pearl Mitchell
were especially good.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach tba diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deaf
ness, and that is by constitutional rem
dies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed
condition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube is
inflamed you havo a rumbling sound
or imperfect hearing, and when it is
entirely closed, deafness is the result,
and unless the inflammation can bo
taken out nnd this tubo restored to its
normal conditon, hearing will bo de
stroyed forever; nine cases out of ten
aro caused by Catarrh, which is noth
ing but an inflamed condition of the
mucous surfaces.
Wo will give Ono Hundred Dollars
for any case of deafness (caused by
catarrh) that cannot becurred by II ill's
Crtarih Cure Send forcneiilais tree.
F. J. CHENEY A: CO , Toledo, O.
Sold bv Diuggi-ts, 7.k
Hall's Fnmilv Pills an the best.
arwwvvvvwwMWv w vwvvwwvc
120 per eent
on any of our
grades of
and many patterns
less than that. Now
is the time to buy
your wall paper.
Borders same price
as wall paper.
IChas. L. Cotting, i
mamLj. tr ' irui vTTWw
K)-.l JSKPw Jlxi
It's Only 1 Day Away.
Are you ready? Perhaps you'll want some
thing in Clothing, Furnishing Goods or Head
wear. The best to be had for the money is
here, always, no matter how many $20.00 suits
for $4.gS are unfairly advertised by many
Just Suppose
we dressed you in one of our swell Flannel
Suits, a new soft shirt, a late straw hat, a pretty
tie, a pair ol fancy hose for your low shoes
wouldn't you enjoy a
The whols outfit would cost you little as
are selling clothing at the greatest reduc
tion ever known in Red Cloud.
viaw-UHLvfcibii iiviWtlr-ifctb UftiUttb
The 4th I
of July I
In Red I
Cloud, I
And Buy Your I
Fireworks ot us.
Good clean
goods and
every one
sure fire.
3 Bunches of
Fire Crackers,
64 In a bunoh.
( s-
2 Boxes of
& (r
1 Big Torpedoes,
Come in. We will
have something
that will interest
you on that
big day.
I Bros.
a t
1 Hardware
I Co. I
i 1
i Boom i
The Day we
The day of ex
cursions, outings,
and djenics is just
around the corner
Glothing Go.
1 -t
A Twenty Year J
Life Policy
'In an Old Line Company is;
tlie best kind ot life
'Tho ensh value of the policy nt thoj
onu 01 mo period is mora than
jou havo paid.
-Fire, Lightning, Tornado and.
Life Insurance,
,In the beat Old LId or Mutual'
O. C. Teel, Agt.,!
Ukd Cloud, Nebraska.
:a Hare Opportunity
tfor Wall Paper
layers I
We offer our 'entire
stock of wall paper at
greatly reduced prices.'
livery pattern new,
fresh from the mill and"
tlrj prices the lowest
ever offered in Red
We will sell every
pattern regardless of
Albright Bros.,
Dnmcrcll Block,
Red Cloud, Neb.
Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold
l.HXiitlve Uromu-Quinino Tablets cures
ii cold iu sue day. No euro, no pay
1 s
!ttl!3MJYlJVi I
IW jmiit
--" AKlll I-