The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 27, 1902, Image 8

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    .! 1
Women as Well as Men
Are Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble.
Kidney (rouble preys upon the mind, dis
courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor
ana cnceriuines3 soon
disappear when the kid
neys are out of order
or diseased.
Kidney trouble has
become so prevalent
I that It Is not uncommon
(or a child to be born
' afflicted with weak kid
neys. If the child urin
ates too often. If the
urine scalds the flesh or If, when the child
reaches an age when It should be able to
control the passage, It Is yet afflicted with
bed-wetting, depend upon It, the cause of
the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
these Important organs. This unpleasant
trouble Is due to a diseased condition of the
kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as
most people suppose. '
Women as well as men are made mis
erable with kidney and bladder trouble,
and both need the same great remedy.
The mild and the immediate effect of
w R t Is soon realized. It Is sold
by druggists. In fifty
cent and one dollar
sUes. You may have a
amde bottle by mall
free, alio namnhlet tell- ntmt f
Ing all about It, including many 01 tne
thousands of testimonial letters received
from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer
fc Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., be sure and
mention this psper.
euuHKcoufiuttbt. j
"I have beea ( CAHCAHKTHfor
Insomnia, with which I have been afflicted for
over twenty years, and I can (ay that Caacareta
bate ilven me more relief than any other reme
dy I have ever tried. I aball certainly recom
mend them to my friend aa being all they are
represented." Taos. Oiiaard, Elgin, llL
Heasaul. Palatable. PoMnt, Tail Good. Do
Good, Never Blcken. Weaken, or drips. 10c, Kc, Ma.
aurttot lmt4f C y, Salf. MlntU S. f w. tW
M.TA.lin Hold and guaranteed by ell drag-
I U'RJIU gnu to ITBS Tobacco Uablw
(tor tUfata ay ao teats)
Charles Throckmorton was enjoying
himself last Sunday nt tho exercises in
Al Kralik's grove.
Tho Sunday school gavo a splendid
program Sunday nt tho grove Ho v. A.
V. Cortnor dolivorod an address on
Father Ottorbcin, founder of tho U. I).
church. Tho exercises woro well at
tended and all seemed to enjoy thorn
Helves. W. (. Shannon, wifo and btby ro
turned Inst Friday aftor a visit of
about four weeks in Kansas, during
which titno thoy visited Emporia and
other points southonst. They wero one
day behind the .treat flood and in its
Wake, seeing the result of it in good
Mr. Merrill it bos, chore boy and
farm band, all combined, at the boys
are both working oat.
It seems the old men are the farmers
this year.
Mr. Iloughtaling cut bit wheat on
Tuesday and on Wednesday com
menced to cut for Mr. York.
Some of the farmers are now sorry
that they plowed up their wheat.
Corn it looking well, but it is too
cold for it to grow fast.
PJWebstor, Jowell and Smith counties
wore well represented at tho Children's
day exercises last Sunday.
Will Hilton and family have gone to
Blue Hill to harvest bis small grain
thero. Howard. Uougbtaling also went
along to assist thorn.
Louis Eddy is homo from school at
Franklin, having gradua od with hon
ors and received tho highest scholar
ship. Ho will attend Uoano college al
, Crete.
Wesloy Wilson's store room is near-
ing completion and will bo ready for
occupancy by July 4.
George Hummel has sold bis interest
in tho blacksmith shop to Will Car
penter and will soon leavo for bis new
homo in Indian Territory.
Clyde Fitney and wifo, Art Myers and
Real Estate Transfers.
Tho following transfers, furnished
by tho Webster County Abstrnct Co.,
wero mndo during tho past week:
Alfred M. Moroy to William
James, w d, lots 7 and 8, block CZD
'J, Mo roy's nddition to Iiluo
Hill 3 no
C. E. Perkins, irustco, to Doit
rich 11. Stuhrenborg, w d, ni-J
5 3 0 2400
Silas Garber and wifo to M. W.
Dlckcrson, q o d, lots 10 and
18, block 21, Uod Cloud.. 1
VinaMcCallum to L. F. Watt, w
d, lot 3 in 101 9 45
Lincoln Land Co. to John Kin
cher, w d, 11, 12 and 13, Guido
Rock CO
Joseph Freudonstoin to Frank
P. Fisher, w d, v m-J and swj
ne 27 2 0 2800
Total W840
Mortgages filed, 93020.
Mortgages released, 11057.
m e
Sill aa Sex Series.
roB BUM.
By 8ylvanus Stall, 1). D.
"WhataToubfcBOy Ought to Know."
"What a Young Man Ought to Know."
"What a Yonag Husband Ought to
"What a Man of Forty-five Ought to
By Mra. Mary Wood Allen and Sylva
net Stall, D. D.
"What a Young Girl Ought to Know."
What a Young Woman Ought to
"What a Young Wifo Ought to Know."
"What a Woman of Forty-five Ought
to Know."
Sold by subscription.
Threo good agonts wanted to help
canvass Webster county.
Agent for Webster County; Ked Cloud,
Nob r
It's Cool in Colorado.
July 1 to 13, August 1 to 14, 23, 24, 30,
31, September 1 to 10.
On tho abovo days the Burlington
will sell round trip tickets to Colorado
at extraordinary low rates.
It's cool in Colorado all summor long,
and there aro hundreds of resorts in
the Rockies where one may oscape
from tho heat of tho plains and spend
an alltogether delightful vacation. A
card to J. Francis, General Passenger
How's This?
Wo offer One Hundred DolMrs Ke
ward for nny case of Catarrh that can
not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cures.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
We, tho undersigned, havu known
F, J. Cheney for tho past 10 years, and
believe him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and llnanclally
ablo to carry out nny obligations made
by their firm.
West & Thuax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Waldino, Kinnan & Mahvin, Whole
Bale Druggists, Toledo, O. -Hall's
Catarrh Curo is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon tho blood
and mucous surfaces of tho system.
Testimonials sent frco. Price 75c per
bottlo. Sold by all druggists.
Hall's Family Pills aro tho best.
a m
Advertised Letters.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at the postofflcoat Red Cloud, Neb.
raake, for the week ending June
A. J. Manrer, O. B. Miner.
These letters win balwat to he 'dead
letter office "July, 10, if not called
for before. Wb'en 'calling toT 'aDdVtf
please say "advertised." T. O. Hack
bb, Postmaster.
A Generation Ago mi
?- " Coffee could only be bought m&Mfjl !
fwa(gte$l in bu!k Thc 2th Century JSSf ::
H Don Coffee flfi I
; HjucntsAJitil ways correct in weight, ir '
; ff&ffil81g clean, fresh, uniform and SBfW?
; fhT-ftlSafly retaining its rich flavor. jriysit
Inflammatory Rheumatism cured in 3 days.
If orton L. mil of Lebanon. Ind.. says: "Uy
wife had Inflammatory rheumatism In every
muacle and Joint; her suffering wai terrible ana
her body and face were swoolen almost beyond
recognition; naa Deen in Dea ror six weeas ana
had eight pbyalclana, but received no benefit
nnui ane tnea me Mystic uure ronuneumauim
her life." Bold by II,
uioua, neo.
It care Immediate relief and ahe waa able to
walkabout In three dayi, lam ture It tared
K. Orlce. Druggist, Ked
Six Million Boxes a Year.
In 1895, none; in 1900, 6,000,000
boxes; (hat's Cascarets Candy Ca
thartic's jump into popularity. The
people have cast their verdict. Best
medicine for the bowels in the world.
AH druggists, lor.
Agent, Omaha, Neb. will bring you a
wifo.Geo.Malkinsand wife. Flovd Pit- Rod supply of Colorado booklets that
ncv. Bert Holdridno. Balph Hunter, and will noip you plan your trip.
r. p. lcVv 1 , MAtttm
Be Fooledi
Take the etn . original
Made only by Madlion Madl
cine Co.. Madlton, Wit. It
keeps you wall. Our trade
mark cut on each package.
Price, .13 cants. Navar aolS
In bulb. Accept no aubith
tute. Atk your drugglat.
have no elicit va mtgfnK'K H
ltl Kurcta IUr- jfCflldUS iltt dl
neiJ Oil, ll if """ v
ililt the Janji, jrjr Pi
kptiicieith- 'fitniLfireyc? ?
able, biitclfc. IMff?' ' $
do not Lrtuk. tej
lace 10 ch.fa K N f AX fl
andcui. IhatAVV r$
harneta aot Jfft . Vx N JB
only kt Y itw N ' Zjk
looaloglik nrv. r J7" 7
new, iul U'Lt f I 'f,
weara twice tfl , - y tr7
it lg'-y ' vjlfj JjT. Z I '
um of Eureka SsSSk Vf" I
UarneaaUU. .faD I
rjlfywber. VA NN) B!
locan IJ vyjJVN M
.II.Iim. Ik. I I VOiA 1
Made by U s?ffl
Standard Oil i WJ V
Company jj
J9m Send us your ordeiu for llli,
-KSLgj NcctltniH, Kxtntt'toiN, Siniik-
tngggggggaia ,rH VitlU, hunriu I'liti'lii'io,
MPPVtH Foiiiitlutlnn Ht'n lltinkM,
IHlSXfial Vtn handle KrritliinrrS 4."o-1 mul i
Hugh Reed drovo to Ked Cloud Satur
day night to catch tho early morning
train for the Beatrice chautauqua.
Mr. and Mrs. Pollock of Buffalo, N.
Y., was visiting her 1 ister Mrs. C. L.
Eddy a fow days, returning to their
home on Tuesday.
Monday evening
tho school election
officers to elect.
County Treasurer McCreary was
from Ked Cloud Monday evening.
Mr. Kothrock and wifo left for their
homo in Indiana Tuesday morning.
Sunday was Children's Day and tho
exercises wero good at tho M. K.
K. E. Ladd and John Knight woro
south of tho rivur Sunday.
Tho farmera aro all busy cutting
their wheat and rye.
If yofu knew how SCOTT'S
EMULSION would build you
up, increase your weight,
strengthen your weak throat
and lunis and put you in con
dition Tor next winter, you
would betin to take it now.
Send for 1 ra aaraple, and try it
SCOTT A BOWNI. Chemlete,
409419 Pearl Street, New York.
1 soc and Si .00: all drugglita.
Juno 30th will be
There will bo two
Send us your ordeiu for II Km,
hvotliniH, Kxtntt'toiN, Siniik
vrH, Vt'lU, hunriu I'liti'lii'io,
Foiiiitlutlnn llr Honkx, -lr.
Vtn handle KrtltliinrrS (,V-I mul t
Mieiun tlmmmlfril.-hl. I1EES WAX
..M rf Sfr-f. T.ISCOr.S. SCll.
Welither tine and Imivestiug
order of tho day.
J. E. Fox and Ernest Beauchamp
are tho owners of a new harvester.
S. Campbell of North Branch is
working tor S. Stuck this month.
Bon Vandyke is working for Len
Wllmott this weok.
Allen Carpenter and Was. Koen
crans are owners of new windmills.
Tho Wesleyan Mothodists will bold
their quarterly meeting at Penny Croek
school houso, district No. 8, Jnuo 28
20. Tho meetings will bo under the
direction of Elder Brady of Concordia,
Ucv. J. J. Campbell and wife of
North liranch wero tho guests of S.
Shuck and family this week.
Mrs. Frank Van Uyko was tho guest
of Harris Noblo lust.
Low Rate East.
Tho BurlinRton Kouto announces a
rate of 1,'W 05 to Provldonco, K. I., and
return on account of the International
Baptist Young Pooplo's Union. 'Tickets
on sale July 0, 7, and 8. For additional
information ask tho ncarost Burlingtcn
Route agent or write J. Francis, Gen
eral Passongor agent, Omaha, Nebr.
$45 to California and Return.
Tickets on sale April 21 to 27, May 27
to Juno 8, August 2 to 8. Liberal
stopovor arrangements nnd return
limits. For additional information risk
tho nearest agent, Burlington Route,
or writo for a California foldortoJ.
Francis, (ioneral Passongor Agent,
Burlington Rcuto, Omaha, Nob.
Low Rates for Harvest Hands.
If vou aro short of help to tako earn
of your crops, advUo mo, ani I may
holpyou. Tho Burlington has arranged
for very low rates for harvest hands,
and has organized a buronu of assist
ance in securing 3amo. Call on mo for
particulars. A. Conover,
28 Agent B. &. M. R. R.
Annual Appropriation Bill.
Do It ordained by the Mayor and Council ot
the City of Ked Cloud:
Section I. That there bo. and there hereby la.
appropriated from tho amount nf tax autlioT
lied to be letted and levied for the current year
of iHii'j. to defray all necesmry expenses and
llabllUIci of aatd city, too following uniH for
thR following tiampil iiumoKea.vIt:
For general and Incidental expenses MHO 00
For ntreetB. alley and nldewalk .t .too
For officers' salaries 1TW
For maintenance and care of city
water wort - )
For costs and expenvc of litigation 20-
For inppllea anil printing - 200
For contingent nnd incidental ex
t cnseH - -lO
For health protection against con
tagious disease . ... ISO
For interest on vnter bonds 1.WO 00
For Interest on electric light bonds .100 00
To reimburse city for expense of build-
Ing sidewalks 4- 40
Section 'J. This ordinance shall be In force
from and after Its passive, npprovnl mid publi
cation according to law.
Passed June 4, ItHK.'.
Approved June 4, 1U02.
Published June C, 111 i.
I. II. IUmiton, Mayor.
Attest: C. K Kr.uiLK, City Clerk.
Ladies Can Wear Shoes
ono size smaller after using Allen's
Foot Easo, a powder to be shaken into
tho shoes. It maaes tight or new
shoes feel easy; gives instant relief to
corns and bunions. It's tho greatest
comfort discovery of tho ago. Cures
and prevents swoolon foot, blisters, cal
lous and sore spots. Allen's Foot Ease
is a certain curo tor sweating, hot,
aching feet. At all druggists and shoe
stores, 2.1c. Don't accept any substi
tute. Trial packago froo by mail. Ad
dross Allen S. Olmstead, LoRoy, N. Y.
An Ordinance.
An ordinance providing 'or tho lev) Ing of
taxes upon all tnc assessable property In the
city of Ked Cloud ebraskn. both real nnd
personal, for all gencrnl and special purposes,
as per the regular assessed valuation ot the
same for Uie fiscal year commencing on the
flr.t Tiifkilsv In Mav. lUui
Ho It ordained by the mayor and council or
the city of Ked Cloud. Nebraska:
That the following taxei be, and the same
aro horoby levied upon all the assessable prop
erty within the city of Ited Cloud. Nebraska,
both real and personal, aa per the assessed val
uation of tho same for the year 1S03, to-wlt:
For general revenue purposes, ten (10) mills
on tho dollar of the assessed valuation thereof.
For Interest on water bonds, fifteen (lb) mills
on tho dollar of tho assessed valuation thereof.
For Interest on electric light bonds, four (4)
mills on the dollar of the assessed valuation
This ordinanco shall tako effect from and
after Ita approval and publication aa required
by law.
Approved May 10, 1003.
C. K. Hkhh.e. I. U. IUxiton,
City Clerk. Mayor.
M tMatf.Am Diaalfiaaa Free Advice by our physicians, Tree Sample of
wtJlls rUrintjr Medicine, Dr. Kay's Home Treatment, a 116 pngo
Illustrated book describing symptoms, causes ot diseases, beat treatment, also many
tbiubuio recipes ana prescriptions in pi am laugunc, saves aoctor s cms. ash tor u.
nuame recipes and prescriptions In plain languace, saves doctors bins, ask lor it,
Dr. Kay's Renovator
cures the very worst eases or aD
ieari, L,iver ana maner
write ue aooat an tout nm
... m - ir- --z-
vui aonu ua no cis., BU CIS.
lyspepsia, cooiupation, iieaaacne, raipimion or
diseases and Ma results or l unppe. uena xor prooi oi is.
Stoma. Bold by Dmatiate. Doa't take any aubati'.ute
1.00 and etiraBd iTr. Kav'sKjaorator bv return malL
A St-eeat or ie-eeat paekaee of Dr. Kay's Renovator is fiMaaaaaa4Vaaal
to beaefll any ofj these symptoms or money refaadea byua.V91eirelBli.Wwsj
naarces, ug. u. j. kay mkdioal CO., saratof bprtngs, N. Y.
You will find that I can supply all your needs in this
My line of Whttm Qoodu and Light Mummer Qoodt
Prices lower than you have been accustomed
is very J
to J
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Highest Prices Paid for Produce.
City Dray and Express Line.
B. 3ftC. ROSS. PROP.
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
.BflKEBY and GAFE.i
When in town eat nt tbo
Bon Ton whero it is clean,
cool and no Hies.
,15 cent Meals at All Hours.
lSoda Fountain is Oien M
.Fifty-siv different kinds of summer
W. S. BENSE, Prop.
John g. potter,
Over Miisor'a Grocery Store,
GeatiUc mpti C. C. C Nvr eM im bek.
Beware ef the iuitt who tries te cU
iisejitMei lest as jee.M
RhromatUm Cured in a Day.
atic Cure for rheumatism ana aeuraigia
'".';' "-"-. ---.z;.- .. .-
readily euros in irom oue w iuido ua.,
1U ac
tion upou tne system la remarkable and mys
terious. It remorse at onoe the cause and the
disease Immediately disappears. Tbe first dose
ireaUy benefits. 75 centa. Sold by II. B. Qrlee.
Red Cloud, Neb.
Kurmci'd linvo uoiuiiienued cutting
their snmll (tniin.
Mr. Fnrnlmn and Mr. Krout each have
a now liindor.
Mr. Klinor Hobinson has a Shetland
pony colt at his farm. All tho children
und most of tho old folks in the neigh
bornood have boon to see it.
Several of tho Walnut Crook people
went to Inavalo to attend childrou's day
oxerclsos. Tho program was vory inter
miss urace ana sara Arnerson were
shopping in Red Cloud Wenoeday.
Throtifh YcllowiKme Park.
The Uurllngton Route is organizing a
personally conducted excursion to and
throagh Yellowstone Park to loave
Nebraska points, Tnesday, August 5.
Uncomonly low rates havo boon tnado
for this excursion. Tho total oxponso
of the trip will bo less than 1100.
If you're interested, writo for a copy
of Illustrated itinerary to J.Francis,
General Passenger Agent, Omaha.
Prizes for Pictures.
To advertio NobrnBka tho Hurling
ton Ilouto wants photographs of Neb
raska farm nnd stock scone.', and lots
of them. Prizes ranging from $5 to
$2r in cash, and including tripo to Chi
cago, ot. i.nuis, uonver ami tiirougn
tho Black Hills, havo boon announced
by J. Francis, general paBsonger agent,
Omaha, who will sond additional in
formation to nnynno interested.
Homeseekers' Excursion.
Juno 17th, July 1st and 15th. To
Arizona, Arkansas, Indian Territory,
Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and
Texas, ono faro plus two dollars for
the round trip, tickets limited to twen
ty one days from date of salo.
A. Conovbs, Agont.
a i
To thc Northern Lakes.
The Burlington Route announces ub
commonly low rates to laao resorts of
Minnesota, Wisconsin, South Dakota
and Iowa for. tho following dates: July
0 to 15, August 1 to 15, September 1 to
19. Better ask tho nearost Burlington
Route agent about the abort) excursions
and tako advantage of tho low rates
Publication of Summons.
Joseph C. Warner, Sylvia O. Warner, Srauel
Unrlier. Mrs. Samuel (larbcr anil George W.
(leer, defendants, will take notice that Klncr
U. Overman, iilalnlltr, lias tiled n petition nnd
rommenred an Helton against tliem In thc
illstrlet court of Webster county. Nebraska, to
foreclose it certain tax lieu held by the jilnlti
tlir upon the following' ilcicrlbed real estate In
Webster comity, Nebraska, to wit: Lots iiinn
bers IT. 18. Itf. 20, 21. ti. M and 21. In block 10
In tho orlKlnal town of Ited C'lntid. Nebrnskn.
iirlsltiK by virtnu of the purclinsu by I 1).
Wells ot suld tenlcstftto tit tnx salo from the
iin.ii I'liiuitv irensiirer of said county on May
"-"-.'..:.:.- ... .... .t. . ..
II, IVIU, tor IIIO IHXl'S lllL-n-uil iui iiiu ji-cun
1HU0 to lb9S. Inclusive, and for the pajmeutof
tho subsequent tuxes by said Wells for tho
jctUB 1M9 and 1900. which subsequent taxes and
tho certltlcnles of purchase at said lux sale
have been duly assigned by tho said I,. I). el s
totblaplalntltr nnd this plaintiff Is now tlio
lawful owner and holder of tho samo, and for
thc further sum of tho subsequent taxes for tne
year 1001. which wero paid by this plaintiff,
thero Is duo altogether on account of said tax
lieu to this plalutlir. tho sum of 1100.31 and at
torney's fees of II0.S3. maklnc In all 1120.27.
l'lalntltr prays that defendants be required
to pay said sum with Interest and costs or that
said real estate be sold and the proceeds ap
plied lu paymont thereof, that plaintiff -bo
decreed to have the Urst aud best lien on said
real estate for stad amount due, aud costs and
attorney's fees, and that the defendants be
foreclosed and forever barred of all Interest,
lienor tltlo In or to said laud and for general
and equitable relief.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before tho aotb day of June, 1002.
Dated this 81st day of May, lttH.
Klmsb U. Otirhan.
II r I.. It. txLacKLiDoa. Uls Attorney
B. St M. B.Y
clesoKt ud U.otirki tlit hair.
lrouiolej a ffrnwth.
Never Falls to Ucitore Or
Ciuts snip diHiwi a hair tilljiif.
jOe,yJlwil l)nigj;u v
Lock Box S3. Guide Rock, Neb.
Ill kinds of property bought, Bold and
Moving and
All work guaranteed satisfactory.
Your work solicited.
S'l. JOE
all points east and
and all jioinU
No, 13. rnssonger dally for Oberlln
and St. Francis branches, Ox
ford, McCook, Dcnvcrand all
PolntB west.................. 6:10 a.m.
No, 14. l'asscngcr dally for St. Joe,
Kansas City, Atchison, St.
t mi, T li.nAln via U.nnnn
and all toluu east and soutb 2-32 a.m
21. Passenger, dally. Deliver, all
polntsln Colorado, Utah and
.2, Passenger, dally for St. Joe,
8:35 p.m.
This atgnaturo is on every box of tho gonuine
Laxative BromoQuininc Tablets
tho remedy thai curts u colli lu one day
at Cat Prices
Louis aud i
II points east and
10:00 a.i
No. 174. Accommodation, dally excant
Sunday, Uaitlngi, Grand is
land. Black Qllls and all
polntsln the northwest 1:00 p.i
no. 01. rrcigui,
dairy. Wimore ana
Joe and Intermediate
DON'T arans
sbsT r I Y4irUfawayl
Yost east be cared of any form of tobacco uslai
tasUr. be made welt, strong, majroctle, full of
sww ins ana Tigor or laxinc mU'lW-m
tkat saakaa weak maa stroos;. Many
wmm unm. m. vku imii, UI.I SPaWaB
car aaraatcad. Booto
MratL All drasstiati
JuncUonpolnta u ;i6 p,B
oo. rniiusuiuii iui iviuuiicau
Orleans, Oxford and all points
west l:00p.a.
No. M. Freight, Wed. Frl. & Sunday
ror wymora and all point east a .80 a.m.
Bleeping, dining, and reclining chair care,
(seat free) on through trains. Tickets sold and
baggage checked to any point In the United
States or Canada.
For Information, time tables, mane or tickets
eall on or address A. Conover, Agent, Had
Clod,Rebr. or J. Francis, General rasaensjat
J to open tho summer season. Tho
latest patterns in mouldings
from 4c up.
i Artisti Materials,
Fancy Mats.
Studies foi Oil, Pastel and Water
I Color Paintings, Etc., also
Photographs i
UP STAIRS, Damerell Block.
ixnu vuvvu, utiu.
. l