V J For anything I I I 1 You May Meed ? 4 f Photographlo apparatus or supplies call on ! flemhoase Bros., I Wo soil honost 4 4 i " goods at honost 4 4 4 prlcos and 4 4 5 4 2 save you tho i 4 J 1 freight. I WEEK'S HAPPENINGS A nm linn nf lnpes and ombroiderio juit received. Prices right. i Nkw BOU9K. Tell as why a druggiat offora yoa a subatltute for the Madison Medicine rn . RnnWv Mmmt&ln Toa. Does be love you or is be after the bigger profit? C. L. Cotting. Geo. Hummel of Blue Hill was in the city the first of tho week and while her he received word of the serious illneaa. of his father who lives in Iowa and he left for thero Wednesday evening. After June 20 my days at Cowies will be Monday, Tuesdays and Wed nesdays, in tho Turner building, and Red Cloud Thursdays, Friday' and Saturdays, over Dr. Heed 'a former of lice. E. A. Thomas, Dentist. Mike and Fiank Kudrna came through tho city with their now thresh ing outtitThursday, which they hnd Just unloaded from the car. It consists of a 10 horse power engine, n 30 by 00 inch seporntor with blow stacker, a steel water tank ami supply wagon. On Monday niplit about thirty of tho neighbors o! Mr. Win I'.itten.on Indian creek, called at bis home in the form ofsurpiise paity to weleom Mrs. Van Patten home after a vimi to her parents in tho east. A very pleasaut time was had. Hazel Grace, nged 11 months and 11 days, daughter of Mrs. Charles Do Long, died Thursday of Inst week from congestion and inflammation of tho brain. Rov. Meredith conducted tho funeral services Friday Bud interment was in tho Ueaucharap comotery, in Lino precinct. Services at tho Methodist ;Episcop church: Preaching at 11 o'clock a.m and 8 p.m. by tho pastor, Rov. M. P. Dixon; Sunday school, 10 o'clock, L. P. Albrlffht. sunerintomlont; Junior Ep- worth League, 3 o'clock, Mrs. Brunen superintendent; hp worth league, c o'clock, Mrs. Mitchell, presidont. Tho populist and democratic stato conventions wore hold in Grand Island Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. A full stato ticket was named after a long and trying strugglo, in which the democrats were victorious. W. H. Thompson of Grand Island was named for governor, E. A. Gllbort for lleuten. ant governor, John H. Powers for sec retary of state, J. H. Broady for attor ney general, J. N. Lyman for treaa uror, Charles Q De France for auditor and Claude Smith for superintendent. Tho democrats named Thompson, Brennan and Broady. and tho popu lists are responsible for the rest. Scenb Oke-A private conversation. v.. , aI m Vnil will, will vou. (!!) I'll loarn jou to go and buy a lot of you got J. O. BcTLKU'a prices on flrit class i goods of the aamo kind. (II) Take you old chump will yoa learn some thlnf 1? j c . - .BBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBl j aaaaaaaaaP BBa ' BBa SBBBIBID aBb1 VtaayL tvjyjyjTjyJVBBjBB-m B GENHRAI CITY NETS. No. 3 horn mmmn rnrn tnr fwt at Ruby's. S. C. Bradv of Hastings was In tha city trlday. Mrs. Laura Moranville anont SuntU io TVymora. D. F. DlckersoH of Guide Rock u in town Friday. Irene Ferguson of Guide Rock w here last Saturday. If tou want job work of onv kind call and soe as. T. W. Gail of Franklin was in town tho first of the week. Floyd Hunter of Guido Rook was in Red Cloud Saturday. Jay Gather of Carey, O.. is visitlmr relatives in tho city W. B. and E. M. Shlrlev of Rosemont were in town Tuesday. Summer dress goods, lace nH m. broideries. F. Newhonse. Miai Jessio Laird of Blue Hill in Red Cload the last of the week. W. H. Ruyle of Beatrice was doing business in Red Cloud Saturday. Albright Broa. favo put up a new awning at their place of business. Miss Mert Kaley goes to Hobronthis morning for a visit with relatives. F. V. Taylor, undertaker and nm. balmer, opposito Cotting's drug atoro. Ludlow Bros, have a quantity of fino brick for sale at their yards north of town. Mra. B. M. Grico ia visiting with her daughter, Mra. John Rutledge, north of Inavale. Mr and Mrs. I. Friable left Tueaday evening for Denver and other points In Colorado. The Miaaes Stella and Jessie Dncker left Wedneaday morning for a trip through Colorado. Alva Sellers was attending to buai ness mattera in the vicinity of Bloom ington th s week. Max Miser and Floyd Freelove Miiaea Marie Moranville and Bertha Talbot were in Gnide Rock Sunday. L. P. Albright and wifo went to Don vor Tuesday to attond the Intumatlnn. al Sunday School Convention. J. F. Winters of Lincoln, formerly of this city, was circulating among old friends here tho first of tho week. Misses Haskins and Fort, who have been visiting in Orleans with Miss Grace Wilos, aro expected home Friday. Charity Lodgo No. 53, A. F. & A. M. will givo an entertainment at their hull this evening. It is an invitation nlTair. Mrs. J. II. Remshcrg and (laughter went to Denver Tuesday to attend tho International Sunday School conven- tion. Person, tho sowing machine exuort. repairs organs and sowing machines, at tho second store. All work cunran. toed. Prices reasonable Miss Gortio Coon and Miss Jessio Cathor loft Tuesday ovoning for a pleasure trip through Colorado, going from thero to Buena Vista. Miss Sadie Baum returned to hor home in Galena, Kan., the first of tbo week after a very pleasant visit with her many friends in this city. Overing Bros, havo closed down their marble works for a month, and George Rickotta and Charles Grout havo gone to work in the harvest Holds in tho meantime. Wise is tho girl whoso sense of self iatorest prompts hor to take Rocky Mountain Tea. It (ills hor full of vigor and thero is always honoy in hor hoar for you. C. L. Cotting. You'vo got to hustlo all the timo to Keep in tbo swim. If you are slipping down the ladder of prosneritv. tako Rocky Mountain Tea. Makes people strenuous, u. L. Cotting. Joaepb Freudenatein of Clinton, III , waa in Red Cload the flrat of tha week looking after aoma investment- ha hia i nthia vicinity. While here ha made pleasant oaila on bia former townsmen, F. V. Taylor. A. C. Hoamer and P. c. Pbarea. Miaaes Ella and Myra Cook returned to their home in this city Sunday. Miaa Ella haa finished her atndiea in the Omaha College of Fnarmaoy, gradu ating with honors, and ahe and Miaa Myra have been visiting with their brother Herbert In Chicago. Mra. James Padgett died lut nlttt after a surgical operation. Mr. and Mra. Padgett came here from St. Jo aepb, Mo., a few montha ago, and Mr. Padgett hae bees connected with Ware! Hiatt in the barber bualnnmi. w . tunable to get partioulara of the sad event. Episcopal services: Every first Sun day in tho month: Morning, at 10:30, litany, holy communion; ovoning, at 7:00, evening, prayer .and sermon. Every third Sunday in the month: Morning, lf:80, aiornlng prayer and sermon; evening, 7:30. evening prayer and sermon. Everybody welcomed. E U. Bran, rector. Dave Kaley waa in Cowlea Monday. L. W. Hall of Alma waa in Red Cloud Monday, L. W. Garontte of Lincoln wee hare Tuosday. T. L. Paugh of Blue Hill waa ia town Tueaday. Ralph Hunter of Inavale was la town Saturday. W. R. Miner of Nelson waa in Uwn Wednosday. The P. E. O. gave a moonlight tlcaie last Tuesday evening. Mrs.T. E. Penman is viaiting with relativea in Oowtea this week. Mra. Geo. Hadelt ia visiting with Miss Mabel Lindsey this week. Frank and William Zelenka of Hum boldt, Nob., woro in tho city Tuosday, Win. Frnit was visiting in this vicin ity last week and loft for home Satur day. Born, Sunday, Jnne 22, to Mr. and Mra. Louis King of Garfield townsblp.a girl. G. M. Castor of Rlverton was in the city Sunday, the guest of George Over ing. Jake Nusteln was in Bine Hill Mon day attending to buslnesa matters there. Ralph Pope, who ia at present in the Philippine islands, ia expected homo soon. L. H. Hunter of Guido Rock was transacting business in Red Cloud last Friday. Mra. White of Cowlea paaaed through Red Cloud Tueaday on her way to Denver. Rob Mitchell of Chicago is viaiting with hia brother, Will Mitchell, and family. A. A. Wehrly of Everet.Waah., aajold timer here, ia circulating among old friends. W. H. Cloppee of Klvertoa waa transacting business in Red Cloab last Wedneaday. Mra. Jennie Strimple of Franklin waa tranaacting buaineas in this city Wednesday. Miss Mabel Day left yesterday on tho noon train for Doniphan for a visit with friends. Will Fruit and Van Benson wero in Bladen Monday looking for work in the harvest fields. Quite a number of Rod Cloud popu lists attended tho stato covention at Grand Island Tuesday. Frank Cowden of tho Cowdon-Kaloy Clothing company is slightly under the weather t.is week. Del Turnuro moved into tho J. C. Warner pioperty, south of tbo M. E. church tho first of the week. Sam Dyer is "batching it" at present, Mrs. Djer having gono to Denver for a visit with her son Everet, who has a position with tho B. & M. thero. Tho great and only Honry Richmond, who was at ono time a reporter and all-around hustler fur Tub Chief, and who now has charge of the South Omaha agency for the World-Herald, was in the city the first of the week re newing old acquaintances. The check for the life insurance which John Runchey carried in the M. W. A., waa received Weduesday morn iug, Just twenty-Uve days after hia death. This time is vory quick, when you remember that tho executivo coun cl did not men to allow the claims until tho 15th of tho month. Wonder how our populist fronds fool when they think that a few democrats could go up to Grand Island and swal low thorn, boots and all? Just think of itt A thousand populists tho party of tho people controlled by a handful democrats. To a man up a tree this is wbat it looks like. Last Wedneadav mornin whiln thn awitch engine was polling a string of ireignt cars tbe rails spread and four of tbe cars went into the aand. As soon as the firemen and engineer aaw wbat nad happened they jumped from the engine and ran. Mo oae was injured and but little harm was dene to the cars. Wo understand tbat Ben McFarland met with a serious accident while in Granl Island thia week. It waa r. ported tbat he fell two etoriee, through an oievator abaft, bnt as he returned homo in good health and sDlrlta w doubt the authenticity of the report ana nope it will be a long time before it will be necessary to erect a shaft to ais memory. Wedneaday evening, at the home of the bride's mother, on Seward street, occurren the wedding of Miaa Bertha lalbot to Hoyd Freelove of Manning, la., the Rev. T. A. 'Meredith of the Chriatian church officiating. The wed ding waa private, only a few of the In timate trienda and relativea of the bride boing present. The brido is a young lady of unusual accomplish-' menu and ia well known and highly, respected hore. Tbe groom la engaged' in the milling bualneae at Manning, la., where the young couple will make their future home. Why experiment with a. .paint that is "just as good"!, ;when you can get the oldl reliable Heath & Milligan 'that has stood the test fori half a century? I have ai i complete stock. H.E.GRICE. woodman Memorial Strvict s. The Modern Woodmen of Amorlca of thia city hold thoir memorial exer cises last Sunday afternoon. Thoy mot at thou hall at 1:!!0 and marched quiet ly to tho Congronational church, tho forrostor of tho order boing in uniform, wnero after listening io aomo vorv geod singing by Mosdames H. J. Clark and W. A. Mitchell and tho Misses Mabol Howard and Craco Stonobreak- er and by Messrs F. J. Grico, H.J. Clark, A. B. Sollars and W. A. Mitchell which was honsidored oxceptiodally good. Judgo Edson delivered an ad dress being a dissertation on presont day topic. This address was listened o with marked interest and waa nun- gent, novol and extremely practical. Alter more singing tbo woodmen and Royal Noighbora marched to tho cem etery nnd decorated tho graves of tho Woodmen buried thero. At each gravo thero was singing by tho malo quartet, Messrs. Clark, Grico, Sollars, Mitchell, an address by one of tho brothers of the order and the uniformed forrestora gavo tho Woodmen honors. At tho first gravo that of Ralph Hartwoll, T O John W. Kinael read tho reason for Bolding the service, at tho second grave Chaa. F. Cather delivered an ad dress on "Care of the Living." At the third gravo L. H. Blackledge gave an address on "Duty to the Dead." At the fourth grave E. J. Ovtring deliv ered the addresa on "Leisona for the Benefit of nhe Fatuje," and at the last grave Daniel Gar ber gave a biograpb. ical sketch of each of the membors of the order burled in the cemetery, after which the people gathered tbore dis persed. The addresses wore all very of good, and that L. H.BIaekledgo was concise and showed literary morit, and that of E. J. Overing haa elicited many vory favorablo remarks, aa bas also that of Chas. Cathor. Tbo wholo aorvlco waa conducted without ostenta tion or unnecessary display. Thoro were a largo number of peoplo presont to witness tho ceremony. Thero aro fivo Woodmen buried in tho Red Cloud cemetery Ralph Hartwcll, Stcphon Harris, Andrew Berg, W. A. Mo Kcighan and John W lttinrhey. OF THE FOURTH Of JULY! AT RED CLOUD. NEBR. PROGRAM. 1st Prize, Pony raco, 500 yards . 10 00 2d Prize. 13 00 300 yard horso race, freo for all S mile footrace, go-as-you-please 1 mile footrace. 1 milo bicyclo raco 7 00 3 00 00 00 00 4 00 2 00 1 00 Water light, ono farmer one fireman on oach sido 0 00 Sack raco .. 2 00 Sack raco, for boys 2 00 00 00 00 00 00 blow raulo race, to change riders ... . Fat man's race, no yards Horsosboo pitching con test, ontry feo 23c, to bo 00 00 added to purso Running jump Standing jump. Hop, skiu and jump. 4 00 2 00 50 no 1 00 2 00 1 00 00 00 100 yard footrace, freo for all .. Hose raco. 10 farmers and 3 00 10 firemen 10 00 500 GOOD SPEAKERS I GOOD MUSIC t Dancing, Attmrnamn nf aTvem Ing. Oran Dlftlmy mi rflffaT WOHKSmt Might. 20 per cent Reduction. on any of our better grades of WALL. i PAPER i I and many patterns icss man niai. iww I is the time to buy J ! your wall paper. J borders same price as wall paper. Chas. L. Cotting,! THE DRUGGIST j mmm - Trr' ' fti T vBBBE'SBBBBbT-'. "j j BBBBBBBBBKraBGT-' MTdr VDS' mmmmmmmmwSlagZA& I yi V? f g4BeBBBBBB6sBSBBBBJD 7fL - p ,J i '"-V'V1 - j''tgmg BBBbW. J mSLmL 3W BSBBBBBaVBreZ It's Only 7 Days Away. Are you ready? Perhaps you'll want some thing in Clothing, Furnishing Goods or Head wear. The best to be had for the money is here, always, no matter how many $20.00 suits for $4.98 arc unfairly advertised by many dealers. Just Suppose we dressed you in one of our swell Flannel Suits, a new soft shirt, a late straw hat, a pretty tie, a pair of fancy hose for your low shoes wouldn't you enjoy a GLORIOUS FOURTH! The whols outfit would cost you little as are selling clothing at the greatest reduc- . tion ever known in Red Cloud. "' Couiden-Kaley THE STORE THAT kitbtfeUivh CELE- BR ATE 9 e 4 9 4 9 The 4th 9 9 9 9 In 4 4 And Buy Your i Fireworks of us. 4 4 4 Good clean goods and every one I sure fire. I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 Bunches of 4 Fire Crackers, I 4 In a but JbMMAib- i w ff wwm.it. m 4 4 I 1 I 2 Boxes of I Big Torpedoes, I S 1 Come in. We will have something that will interest you on that I big day. I MORHART 1 Bros. 4 I Hardware j Co. 4P49 W W WW(WWlWWflBrff ff BOOM! AH I The Day we Celebrate, The day of ex cursions, outings, and dicnics is just around the corner Clothing Go. NEVER DISAPPOINTS. 9 1 A Twenty Year Life Policy 'In an Old Line Company is; tne best kind of life insurance. 'Tuo ensh value of tho policy at tho; unu 01 mo porioa Is more than you havo paid. (Firo, Lightning, Tornado andl Life Insurance, .In tho boBt Old Lino or Mutual! Companies. IO. C. Teel, Agt.,1 Rkd Cloud, Nkuraska. 'A Rare Opportunity jfop Wall Paper 'Buyers I We offer ourZentire stock of wall paper, atl greatly reduced prices.: Every pattern new,i fresh from the mill andl ths prices the lowestl ever offered in Red Cloud. We will sell every! pattern regardless of( price. I Albright - Bros.,i DamaraM Block, RsjcJ CtaMid, Neb. COMi9 AND SBB US., Stoaa tha Gouga anal Varka off the Cold Laxatlva Broma.Quialne Tablets cures a cold U oaa iaj, N curt, no pay mawf, h. 1 1 M . !, L'l ---.1, m U vl El1 I ;'m mmmmi