The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 27, 1902, Image 4

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Tie Government
is getting ready for some important
Correspondence with Europe.
Just now hero is some news that o on corns your interests.
ruauano BT
ureu S
atared at tn port offloe at Red Cloud, Msb. w
wooad class mail aaattar.
FurnUhed on appllceUon.
Stat Tided.
For Goternor,
Of Polk County.
For l.leuttnsnt aoreraor,
Of Douglas County.
For Secretary of State,
Of Ilicnardion County,
For Stato Treaiurer.
Of Valley County.
For htto Auditor'
Of Sticrldan County.
For Attorney (lencrol,
t)f (!R0 COUIlti.
For 1'ouimli.slouer I'lilillo LiiihIh nnd llulldiuiw '
tiKOlKlK I). rot.I.MEIt,
Of Nuckolls (Jfuuty
For ?ii-crltit'.'" "'"ic ltnii'ii
Of WiiahliiKtou Co'mly
Congressional Ticket
For Cor.Rtcwnmi Dili Illrtrloi.
i Of Hcil Wl.luv County.
Ounty Ticket.
For )eprcicntvo4tth DUtrlct,
Of Itiavalo Township.
bt County Attrncy.
. Of Ited Cloud, 3d Ward
FMiommtulqicr, Int Dlat ,
Of Still water I'rcclnct.
.j Commissioner, ttlt Dlat.,
Of Itcd Cloud Precinct
iovonor Savaee hns offered n reward
F220 for tho amstof tho murderer
.'WnUcrinor Ilnrlmlt nf Campbell.
A gigantic mastodon tooth tins boon
K-arthed near Huuibo'.t. Tho cuii
alt y was found nt a depth of twenty'
no foot, whoro a well was being sunk
fbo tooth weighs eleven pounds, and
Is in a perfect stato of preservation.
Tho Stato Journal, ono of tho few pa
Va in the sugar boot district that has
filvocatod aroUueilon of thu tariff on
-Cuban sugar, calls attention to tho fact
that a thousand tioketa wore sold in
throo weeks to laborers in Linooln who
went forth for a soasoas work in the
beot tields, and advocates tho building
of a beet sugar factory in Lincoln in or
dor that thoso laborers may bo employ
en at uome ana spena their money
thoro Attontion is called to tho fact
that soven now factories aro projected
in Michigan, four in Wisconsin and
throo In Illinois, but it is not mentioned
that tho completion ot these factories
aro contingent to a gicat extent on the
augar legislation now before congress,
Tho cost ot the erection of the average
beet sugar plant is about 1500,000, or an
amount ot nearly four rallltoa dollars
for tho factorios contemplated. It is
not to be wondored at that tho repre
seatativos of this vast amount of capi
tal should hesitate to invest it in the
ace of possible unfriendly legislation,
but it is to be wondered at that promi-
oont papers that advocato tho building
01 hoot sugar factories should favor leg
islation that will surely tend to rotard
tho work. Guldo Book Signal.
The Populist Platform.
The platform adopted by the popu
list convention last Saturday contains
ittle, if aaytblng, stew. Amoag other
the Next Thirty Days
We are going to sell clothing if price will do it. We have too much stock. Going to reduce it by liberal reductions in price. We
have twenty suits that sold from $i to $18 when sizes were complete. Onlv one or two sizes left of each lot. Going to sell them
for 50 and 33 per cent off. Other lines for $3.00 off per suit. Boy's and Children' suits go in this sale at cost. 100 pairs mens pants
of the well known DUTCHESS LINE placed on sale at one third off. All our nobby suits go in this special sale. Come in and see
us and don't overlook the fact that we sell Shoes.
things, tho portion devoted to natioflnl
issues roitorates all declarations of pop
ulist national conventions of farmer
years; demands a rigid enforcement of
all antitrust laws, and favors such
legislation as may bo necwary to ac
complish this end; opposes (bo British
system of colonisation; condemns the
American policy In the Philippines, in
p.ludlncr tha "watnr curt" as a means
of procuring information concerning
rebel plots; favors llisrai pensions for
all loldlam and aal'ort and their da-
pendent widows ad orphans; extends
congratulations so the newly estab
lished Cuban republic; favors the in.
aaguratloa of too prosldent on tho first
Tuesday Id December, congress to
meet at the ime time.
The majority of tho abovo issues
have beet advocated by the republican
party f-K" years; the chargos of i 11
treatmat of Filipino prisoners have
long ago been exploded; the independ
ence of Cuba was accomplished through
th Kopnblicau administration, tho nc
tfons of the president, his cabinot and
tho majority in congress havinz boon
unanimously indorsed at tho polls.
'Iho treatment of stute issues in tho
plutfurm is short, compared with that
givon national issues. Ktiual fixation
full property is ndvocitcd; thu par
lolling nf llolln and limtlcy con
li'iuned; thu lepttbliean state nfitcifiN
are held responsible fur tho burning of
ho fitnlo institutions; a law isdimiiutl
od compelling tho tibsessment of ical
estato onco in four years, and tbu pty-
inent of assessors on a percontafeo svs-
tern based on tho assessments da nor.
sonal proporty; a straight tux W ono
dollar per head on dogs is fnvorod:
tho laws of Kansas. Minnesota, nnd
otbor states rotating to tho eiiploy.
mont of convict labor in tho niatiifac-
turo of binding twino wore inditsed.
Tho last paragragh of tho resolutions
favors the summonine of lurorsWnd
tho notitication of judges and clerk of
oloction by mail
In Humming up the platform it Will
bo soon that the populists have into
uiieuu nuiuing now, unless it uo tio
straight tax on dogs (oats aro outir
ignored), and tho demand in tho In
paragraph rolutlng to tho summon!
of jurors and oillcers of election b
mail. Iho hrst is a sample of tin!
vagaries of tho
populist mind. TholBrooks, Claronco
tho remiblienn stntnWimirv Wrii.. t
chargos against
olllcials nro silly and are on a par with
, ..,.
tho dog tax resolution. Tho summon,
ing of jurors and election oillcers by
mail would bo a brilliant stroke of
oconomy, if practicable, and tbe-woll,
further commonton tho platform is en
tirely unnecessary, and tho voters will
undoubtedly express their opinlor. of
it at tho polls.
Populist Convention.
The populist county convention mot
at tho court bouse in this city last Sat
urday as per call.
The meeting was called to order by
Chairman Damerell. R. B. Thompson
was chosen temporary chairman and
O. O. Teol temporary secretary.
a commtuee of three on permanent
organizauon, one of live on rosolu
lions and one of three on credentials
were appointed, after which the con
vention adjourned to meet at 1:30 p. m.
At 1.30 convention reconvened.
Committeo on credentials reported
and recommended that anyone present
from missing precinct be allowed to
cast the vote of that precinct. Report
Report of committee on Dermnnn
organization and order of business ao-
ceptou and temporary organization
mauo pormanent.
Dr. Damerell addressed tho convon
tion on the financial standing of tho
party and stated the amount dua fmm
this county to be 30. On motion each
delegation was Instructed to contrib
ute Its proportion initanter.
am report of the commit tea on rto -
ma ' ' T
lutiona was presented aud read by
Captain F. llouohin, and upon motion
Motions prevailed to nominate by
ballot, each chairman to report the
vote of his delegation, first ballot to be
informal, and that delegate present
cast full vote of delegation.
Informal ballot on county attorney
resulted: J. G. Potter 01. Fred htanrar
64, A. D. Ranney 82.
Candidates were then called and
each made a five minute talk.
Formal ballot: Potter 83, If aurer 68.
not voting 1, absent 0. Potter declared
nominated and on motion nomination
was made unanimous.
Informal ballot on representative:
Pelsiger 111. Hudson 34, Thompson 1,
not voting 1, absent 0.
Formal ballot; Pelsiger 111, Hudson
35, Thompson 1, absent 0. Peislgor de
clared nominated.
On motion Ed Gilford was allowed
to spoak boforo the convention.
Moved to appoint a committeo of
throe to select fifteen delegates each to
tho state, congressional, senatorial and
Uoat conventions.
Moved to tablo nbovo motion; car
ried. Delegates selnetfiil n fniinwa.
Stato convent on delornitna n. R.
Vallum, f. M. Birlow, IV. B. House-I
holder, A. 1) Baker. C. F. McKulshun.
J. D Chiisniiui, F. lloiichin, F. H.
(ierliiuh, E V. Copolun, O. It Pitney,
I'M Gilfotd, A. 1). Uatinoy, Wm. A.
May, J. C Brooks, A. Hadoll.
Congressional delegates C. E.
Vuughun, A. li. Carpenter, G. It. Mc
Creary, E. J. Pulsipher, John G. Potter,
H.J. Brown, Captain Houchin, Fred
Maurer, H. B. Simons, O. It. Pitnoy, F.
C. Pelsiger, L-jo Campbell, B. F. Mizor
and J. A. McArthur.
On motion O. It Pitnoy was instruct
od to soloct his own delegates to the
senatorial convontion.
Sonatorial delegates Wm. Crabill, J.
C. Brooks, F. A. Kuohn, Geo. Van
Woert, Geo. Payno, Ed Gilford, Frank
Stroblo, W. B. Cramer, O. W. Tabor,
Goo. Grieg, Geo. Kautz, J. L. Grand
Htatf, F. II. Gorlach, Wm. Patternon, J.
It. Laird.
On Motion W. B. Householdor was
instructed to soloct his own delegates
to the float convention.
Delegates to float convention Jesse
Stout, Austin Itiloy,
D. Chrisman, John
sv,,,i m V( askkisii U
.argont, F. Houchin, Geo. Hutchison
red Gorlach, Geo. Grieg, W. B. Cram-
, h. W. Coplen, O. C. Teol and Orln
On motion tho delegates to the state
nvontion were instructed to so u i
illid delegation for Robt. Damerell for
The following are the members of the
ipulist county central committee for
ti) ensuing year.
lluide Rock Frank Cooper.
Oak Creek Austin Riley.
Walnut Creek T. F. Jones.
Line F. M. Barlow.
Ulenwood A. W. Cox.
Sed Cloud, 1st Ward F. N. Richard
oi,. Siaver Creek J. D. Chrisman.
arfield F.Hooohin.
Mm Creek-F. H. Gerlach.
KVl Cloud Twp E. W. Coplen.
I on vale O. W. Tabor.
Stillwater B. F. Hudson.
I'ieaiant Hill Ed Gilford.
Potsdam A. D. Baker. '
Uatin It. Stenner.
Cathertou F. E. Payee.
Rsd Cloud 3d Ward B. F. Mizer.
Harmony Claronco Stout.
Movml and carried that candidate!
and committeo select tboir own chair
Motion prevailed that committee fill
all vacancies that may ocour on ticket.
F. H. Gerlach was nominated for
commissioner in the first commissioner
district ard Jos. Focrei was nonalaatjut
I for commissioner ia the fourth comoais
ioef district
Commissioners' Proceedings.
Last woek wo gave a report of the
proceedings of the board of county
commissioners ud to Juno 10. Tho
afternoon of the 10th and the whole of
the 20th were spent in allowins and
examining claims. On account of lack
of apace we a 1 not gi ve e ch icdi rid-
ual elaiaa. Sufficient to sav that all
claims except such as are mentioned
below were allowed and warrants or
dered drawn forsamo. Claims amount
ing to a total of 16.076.14 were allowed.
This amount includes the expenses of
the last term of court, which amounted
to quit a Urge sum.
The following claims camo bsfore the
board and were reduced from the bills
presented as follows: Claim of Judge
Edsonoflll to 18.15; J)r. Damerell $5
to 12; Dr. Keating 15 to 12: Dr. J. E.
Barrett 138.75 to 123.75; Dr. I. W. Tul
leys 116 to 113; C. F. McKeighan 121 40
to 118 10; A. D. Bake 9150 to $100; V. S.
Hall 129.30 to 125.10; Tho American
Bridge Co. reduced 126; L. E. Tait 152
to 127.00.
Board adjourned to uieot Friday
Juno 30, 1902.
Boaidmot pursuant to adj nirnment
Members all present except V. A.
On motion tho board otdered the
county attorney and county treasurer
to got tho opinion of the attorney non
oral on section 7G of tho compiled stat
utes of Nebraska, in regard to the
distribution of tho road fund.
On motion tho request of tho pastor of
congregational society to place seats in
tho court house space to bo used for re-
ligious purposes was granted.
Iho road petition of A. M. Simorson
and otbors granted and road ordered
platted, oponed and recorded.
On motion tho borad adjourned to
meet at 1:30 p. m., Juno 20.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
On motion beinirmado. seconded and
carried, tho claim of Judge Edjon for
IU, court costs in the Samuel Hoaton,
Jr., case was rejected.
On motion tho treasurer is instructed
to sell tho following lots for taxes;
Lots 5, C, 11 and 12 in block 1. Rail.
road addition to Red Cloud, for $7.
Lots 1 lo 10 in bl jek 14. Kalov & Jack-
son's addition to Ited Cloud, for 813 75.
Lots 13 to 24 in block 14, in Kaloy &
Jackson's addion to Ited Cloud, for
0 45.
Lou 1, 3 and 3, In block 7, La Dnc's
addition to Rod Cloud, for 101.55.
Lots 4 and 5 in block 6. Rud Cloud.
for 181.78.
Lou 4, 5 and 6 in block 18. Kalev A
Jackson's addition to Red Cloud, for
On motion the bill of L.E. Taltfor
180 wac laid over until next meeting.
Un motion the claim of W. L. Mc
Millan for 153,50 was laid over until
next meeting.
Oa motion the claim of Pettibone &
hlxon was laid over until the next
Ko farther bnsiaoss appearing, the
board adjourned to meet July 14.
E. S. Gabskb, County Clerk.
Low Rata to the Black Hills.
Tho Burlington Route has announoed
I low rates to the Black Hills of South
Dakota for the following dates: July 1
to It. August 1 to 14, 3d, 34, 30, 31. Sep
t eta ber 1 to 10. On other days u ntil Sep
tttnber 15 low rates somewhit hlahnr
than those In effect on the above dates
will be offered. Sylvan Like, Hot
Springs, Deadwood, Lead City, Spear
fish aud a number of other points in the
Black Hills are well worth visiting. Any
Burlington Route agent will be glad to
etll-you more about (beso excursions.'
t '
Chicago - Lumber - Yard.
Lumber. Lime, Goal and Cement.
building material. Etc.
Low Rates Northwest via Burlington Route.
910 for the round trip to Helena,
liuttc, Spokane nnd many other points
from Omaha, Lincoln, Hastings, Grand
Island and nearly ttll points on the 11.
vV M 11 railroad.
$45 for thu round trip to Taconn,
Portland, Seattle, Vancouver and Vic
toria from tho same points.
Tickets on sale daily, July 11 to 21,
1002, good returning until September
16. Cbohe of routes. Stopovers al
lowed on both going and teturning
trips. Ask tho nearest llurlington
itouto agent for a folder or writo
J. Francis.
General Passongor Agent, Omaha, Nob.
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Tako Laxative llromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund me money if it
fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature
is on each box. 23c.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That U what It was saaaa lor.
The most
chance of
timid man will take any
escape. Tne slender rope
dropped down the precipice, the slm
peiy log over the abyss, anything that
offers a chance of life, ia eagerly snatch
ed at The end the nun seeks is safety.
nc cures nouiiag
for the means to
that end.
There are thoo
aoda of men and
women wfaose
llvta are at stake,'
who are hindered
from accepting
the one means of
safety by foolish
Doctor Prerce'a
Golden Medical
Discovery has
been the means of
restoring health
to nmay men and
women whose hol
low cough, bleed
ing lumga, etna
nation and weak
ness ar lid to
warrant the atatt
aaeat at local par
afciaas "There U
no enre poaatUe."
Why should prehsdke against pnt-w
owdidae hinder ya from trying what
baa cured thousands of suffering men
and wocatnr
Oalr for Dr. Platea's Ootdea Medical Dto
corny I talaktl wosld ba In tnjr (rave today.
wrttn Mr. Moaes linn, of HIMatd, Uinta &,
Wyoming. "I haa aatkma ao bad I coutl not
aln at nfeht and was compelled to lire up
work. II affected my lanoi ao that I cooa-hed
all the time, both day and njsht. My frfrnda
all taoughl I had conromptton. My wife had
takes Dr. Picroe'a Favorite Pteacrlptton and it
naa beiped her so much ahc Inaisted on ray tar.
tag hU 'Qoldca Medical Dlacovtry whkhI
did. I tuTt. taken Shut botUca and am now a
rtt&San.j3 8ary!?n,-
The sole motive for mbstfeution ia to
permit Um denier tosnahc tbe Iktle more
pra&t'naid byjAe sale of leas tacrttorasna
medl&aa. Be galaa; yon lose.
cmc and am pleased to say that I never
used anything; for stock that gave half u
good Hthfacttofk I heartily rccom.
mend It to all owners of stock.
J. B. BELSHER. St Louis, M.
Sick stock or poultry should not
eat cheap stock food any more than
sick persons should expect to bo
cored by food. When your stock
and poultry aro sick givo them med
icine. Don t stuff them with worth
less stock foods. Unload tho bowels
and stir up the torpid liver and tho
animal will bo cured, if itbopossi-
nnd Poultry Medicine unloads the
bowels and stirs up the torpid liver.
It cures every malady of stock if
Tt?P u Jlme- .Secure 25-cont can
SJS'i "DraJuPht Stock ""d Poultry
Mcdicino and it will pay for iUelf ten
timesover. Horses work better. Cows
a!,3S mi,k' Ho gain flesh.
And hens lay more eggs. II solves the
O, TtTa - mwD8 " much Wood-
nean ana erunnr An,i. .. zi
the smalJost amoontof food cm-
umtn. ny can bom your dealer.
i What Do I
: You Eat '
for breakfast. J
Hard to find any 2
thinjj this time of 2
the year ?
Try some
that hne bacon
which we have and 5
which we are sell- $
ina en -Ko.'k a m
I SheF?rBradshaw I
5 Butchers for The People.
I have had otwloa to use yourV
aVBIacx-Drautht Stock and Pmlsil