?wm ( '" ' ' . ' ' i in ... iji. ti n " IV f UNDER THE WHEELS D. M. Strong of North Bend Bad !y Injured. LEfT ARM MRED FROM (IIS BODY Well Known In Dodge County nml Onro ,M I'rnliltdtloii N'oinlm-o for Outer v nor Clinnre for lU-rovery oro bllm Otbrr Nchr Notes. A Fremont, Neb., Juno 10, dispatch Bays: D. M. Strong, nn attorney of North Ilcnil and one of tin1 best known men in Hodge county, lost his left arm In u lallroad accident which occurred at Valley this afternoon, anil sus talned Herlnus Internal Injuiles. Ho has been brought to this city and In now at the Fremont hospital, whetc surgeons bad been engaged at !1 o'clock In making an examination of his con dition. Mr. Stiong was at Lincoln this morning nnd staited home over the Union Pacific by way of Valley, lie intended omlng to Fremont and go ing to North llend on the afternoon train which passes through here at 1:U0. lie had climbed aboaul the front platform of the caboose when the Rhode of the cars being coupled to gether come distance ahead on the train thtew him off his balance. Ho fell between the caboose and the car In front of It, the wheels passing over his arm before he could extricate him self. The train crew went to Mr. Strong's nsFlstamc and he was placed In a way-car, the train being run to Fre mont on fast time. On arriving here ne was taiteii at once to the hospital. At 4 o'clock the examination or his case was (ompleted, and the attending biiigeons pronounced his condition as giving reason for doubt of his recov ery. Mr. Strong was once a candidate for governor on the prohibition ticket. CANNOT GIVE EXACT COST ricurc Submit trd or." I lie lUppime of l'hlllpplno Inland. A Washington. June 19. dispatch says: Secretary Root today mude an swer to the senate resolution of April li cnlling for information as to the cost of the war in the Philippines. It Is shown that $50,000 was advanced for the expenses of the Philippine com mission originally from the United States treasury, but this amount after wards was reimbursed out of the Phil Ipp ne treasury. For railroad transpor tation of troops and supplies to and from the Philippines since the pence (cLU8 ratlfl-'l H'e cost lias been 4 MM.44S. Reports from the arlous bureau of ficers are submitted to show the cost or the Philippine, war. Including out standing obligations, showing thnt the total up to date is $170..12(;.r1Sfi. Large quantities of valuable prop erty, such as ships, lighters, etc.. horses and mules, wagons and harness, clothing, enulppago and ordnance, medical, signal and engineer supplies the cost of which is Included In the foregoing statement, still remain on hand In the Philippine Islands for use. Parts of these supplies are already be ing resblpped to this country. A large part of the expense during the nst year, the secretary says, should not properly be t rented as oc fasloned by military operations In tho Philippine Islands, for the reason that it consists of pay and maintenance of troops which we would have had to pay and mnlntnln. whether they were in tho Philippines or not. HOPE TO DEFEAT TREATY Opponent to Sale of I)anl-li Went Indie Artlm In Denmark. The opponents of the sale of the Danish West Indies to the United States are again active, but privately they admit that they are meeting with HttlH success, say a Copenhagen dis patch. The response to the appeal for runds to aid in the movement in oppo sition to the sale was decidedly weak The meetings are held secretly, but beyond n few politicians, they have mostly been attended by business men interested in tho proposed stenrrishlp line to the island of St. Thomas. The government discountenances the nntl snle aultntlon. The Danish West Indies treaty will bo a prominent issue of thci.nmpalgn preceding tho elections to the Inndsthlng. The premier, Dr Deuntzer. staits on a speechmuklng tour next week. A eiiIn nil n ItampHce. The Illinois rier nt Peoria has r Relied the highest point ever-known in (he month of June, overflowing tho bottom lands on either side nnd com pelling many farmers, to leave their hollies, it Is estimated thnt there are. smenty thousand ncrcs of corn under w uter between Peklli nnd Hath. In nmiij fields the water Is from two to six feet deep, Hogs and cnlves in huge iiunibeis have been drowned. Mint Out I.iiii Miami Cattle. Gowrnor lleaid of Louisinna has been notified by the Hritlsh consul that Loiilhinna cattle will be shut out of South Afrit a. This aitlon is believed to be in letallatlon for Heard's protest to the state depnitment against mule shlpmmts and the operations of the Hi lllhh military camp at Port Chal mette. hlliliener (Irant Allowed. Aflr tonsldeiahlo opposlt'on from the nut loria Jit-t and radical members of the lioiu-e of commons and the. applica tion of the e!oMirc.,itho grant of 50,000 pounds to l.oitl Kit'Miencr ,Iisc.ojisld, t ration .'of his eminent services in South Africa was adopted in tho houso Thuisduy by H27 votes to 48. jf ltrnlHlllnf KiiDKlnn I'ollce. The St PeteVfrburg correspondent of Obi iter .cluing wires that RuFslan police at l.lebau, Poland, havo out- ragid Ii'iO Jewish women arrested re- ctntlv for partii ipatlon in riots. v LlHHHafeiaiiMiiA.V - -fff rft7r.. 'ff Hailailailailal 'laimA, V .-.-' .--i... . JH.,K..-m.7- i. - ..M,-3..J.-.wyr, ww-- w -w. w . -, a- FALLS TO BOTTOM OF WELL "Weeping Water Mini Suffer l'rnliatiljr l'n till liijnrk-. A serious accident happened at Weeping Water. Neb., recently to Hud Lane. He and William Shepherd with sinking a well for Kd Jewell and had to use dynamite In the rock Just be fore going to dinner, they set off a blast, thinking thnt tho gas would liavn escaped by the time they returned. When they enmo back after dinner, Shepherd went Into the well to clean up but found the gas so heavy that he usked to he taken out. Lane drew him up nnd "Joshed" him nbout tho gns, saying ho (Lnne) would go down, but before he lind been at the liottom long, he usked to be tnken out. Ho got Into the bucket nnd Shepherd drew him up, but Just when he reached tho top, where ho could touch the windlass, he became unconscious and fell to the bottom twentyibven feet. His scull was fractured nnd ho has been unconscious ever since, and but slight hopes are entertained for tils recovery. FORCED TO JUMP lire nt Harwell ItnriiK Hoarding Ilotit it MrIiI. Forbes & McLaln's livery and feed barn, Mrs Smith's bonidlng house and a vacant building owned by George Haitholomew of Aurora, were des troyed by fire last night nt nbout 0:30 says n Hurwell. Neb,, Juno 18 des patch. The tlie originated In the barn from an unknown cnuse. Twenty head of Miluable noises, carriages, harness, etc., were burned with the barn. Mrs. Smith lost nearly nil tho furniture, bedding, etc., and boarders also lost heavily. Tho estimated total loss above insurance is $-.500. Only by heroic work on the part of citizens, nnd tho fact that W. M. Hecher's two story brick building stood between the burning buildings and other frame structures, was the entlro business part of the town saved fiom destruc tion. Several boarders at Mrs. Smith's were compelled to Jump from the sec ond story to escape tho flames. SIXTY YEARS A WANDERER Aceil Man Finally Upturn to HI Indi ana Home, Abraham Hums, nged seventy seven yenrs,, who dlsnppeurcd from his home fifty seven years ngo and was thought to have been murdered In n trappers' fued, bus returned to Hnm mond, Intl.. "to visit the folks." as ho said. The old man found that his only surviving relntlve Was n brother, Joseph Hums, two years his Junior. It was not until the nged man had recalled confidences of their boyhood thnt either wns satisfied of their re lationship. When they wont into the houso together and announced to nil who called that they "guessed they'd live together hereafter." DEATH OF REV. GREEN I'or TtTcnty-fteven Yinnt it I'lintor nt Ne lirnnka City. The sad news was iccelved in Ne braska City Thursday of tho death of Rev. J. H. Green, formerly pastor of tho Cumberland Presbyterian church or this city, at Fort Scott. Kan. The deceased has been suffering for some time fiom Hrlght's disease. He ac cepted a call to the pastorate of the Cumberland Presbyterian church In this city nnd entered upon this work the second Sunday In November. ISM. nnd remained pastor of the church for twenty-seven years. When here he wns president of tho ministerial nsso clntlon continuously for over twenty two years. Clamor for Trimmer' 1,1 f p. Lack of leadership is all that saved William F.dson from a lynching early Thursdny morning at Vlncennes, Ind. It was almost 5 o'clock when tho mob Hint surrounded the jail nt night dis persed. They hnd two street enr rails with which to batter down tho doors of the jail. Tho local company of militia, on orders from tho governor, today took up the duty of guarding tho mnn accused of assaulting little Irma Pfohl. Kdson's trial begins to morrow and tho sheriff Is apprehen sive of the outcome of tho trip from the Jail to the court houso with his prisoner. Rntlilmnn t'omlnc Home. E. G. Rnthbone, former .director of posts, who wns sentenced to ten years' imprisonment nnd t,o pay n Ann of over $3.-1,000 as a resjilt of tho trial of tho postofflee frauds In Havana, and who was released Jn consequence of the signing, June ft, of the bill granting general amnesty to all Americans in Jail or awaiting trial In Cuba, sailed for New York on board tho steamer Niagara. A number of prominent Cubans nnd Spaniards accompanied blni to the steamer. Ilottnui I.aniln Flooded. An Omaha, dispatch says;' Tho strike of the boiler makers employed, by tho Union Pacific promises t ,bo a serious prpppsjtlon for' tho road in a few days, as tlio engines ,w'IU be,.in bad shape from lack of tentlon.' The strike extends over, tiiq""'cjitlre system. The company refuses to con cede to tho demands of tho'pjcn. 210.000 for Cornell, President" Schurmnn 'of N;ew .York has received, according to n World special from Ithaca, a check for $250, 000 from John D. Rockefeller, who offered the money ten months ngo on condition that the university raise a llko amount. This was accomplished. Carnage, La Patrle, Paris, publishes a dis patch giving the details of.fjerco hat tie between .French tjoops" nnd . na tives in the J'cheji district. of Africa 'Jrtiiuary. 20th. Fourteen 'hfindred per son w'ejjklled. Tho battle, tho dls pi'tVh says, resulted In a victory for the Fiench and assures complete mastery of Kancm and Onndl. Tho president has promised tho St. Louis business men's loaguo that ho would visit tho pity during his Sep tember trip, arriving on the 13th of the month. 3 Home 8Lnd Fashion Chic Gown. A chnrmlng afternoon gown Is of chestnut tone of voile, embroidered In pale tan. Tho bodice is slightly swathed ncross the front, caught at the side with n big gold buiklo, be neath which nre two long loops of pale tan Libcrt. sntln ribbon, nnd with ends depending nenrly to the bordor of the sklit. The neck Is filled In with pale tnn chiffon. On the left side ot the bust Is a spray of loaf bows' In soft shades of crenm nnd brown.-. Tho skirt is cut with n froufrou fluio, each seam being strapped with Ltnilllho'sVlk the tamo hue as the fabric At tho border of the skirt aie three rows of the strapping. New Chi. a Barctte. Still another improvement has been Introduced Into the little gold pin which is tnlended to collect and hold fat at the back of the head tho soft, shoit, uneven strands of hair. A burette Is supposed to bo more useful made after the now pattern now being Introduced. Tho gold bnr of the burette Is somcwlint longer than last yiar's model From the twd ondn swing a loop of gold cbnln, very fine, anil It is supposed to support tho tin even strands of hair and so keep thorny in stricter confinement. An a matter of fact, the line" gold chain Is added as ti mntter of ornament. Jacket of Black Taffeta. This charming little JnckU- Is of black tr.rfetu tucked In -clusters anil perforated , in a Hinnll, .noat design showing the whlta satin .lining, lfla lasbloued with a novel basque or, skirt which appears only at the sldo and bnck, and the largo collar s of em broidered batiste over n still larger col lai o! embroidered taffcln. Tho sleeves nre very wide nnd flaring at the wrist and have douhlo 'turned back cuffs of taffetn nnd bntlste. A belt of folded taffeta completes tho Jacket, whli h Is a model for spring wear. All the tucks are stitched with Cortlccili sewing silk. A novel fenturo for blouse Jackets as well as for Fton skirt jackets and dressy garments in general 1h tho ja bot vest ofloct. It has been stated that some of the foremost Paris houses will accentuate tho drooping TWO GOWNS Tho first gow-n is of white, nun's veiling mnde up over pnlo greo'n silk nnd trimmed with a beautiful em broidery spangled with gold paillettes. This embroidery trims tho. bottom of the skirt nnd outlines a sort of hip yoke below, while at tho sides and back the skirt is 'slightly pluited or 'gathered, " '''",1,'" The "fiom nnd bnck of thoytwdlco nre mnde with groups of flffe plnlts alternating with box-plaits. Tho yoke is trimmed witli rows of tagotlug, giving tho effect of n stpinre yoke bor dered with tho embroidery. The full sleeves nre ulso trimmed with the embroidery and gathered Into deep cuffs ornamented witli fagoting. The crushed collar and girdle arq of rose shoulder effect both In wnlsls and In outdoor garments (Julto a feature In Jaikets Is the long coat collar of tnf feta which nre c.iionsdy enhanced with largo collars and levels of laco or of rlbbonruu einbroldeicd linen. A Decidedly Novel Sleeve. This gown combines all the features of the current mode. Fton has loose fronts thnt open over u vest embroidered with beige nnd link) blue. Coitlcelll Kilo silk, similar embioldery adorning the deep peler ine collar. The sleee Is decidedly novel and deseives special mention. It Is cut with a point edged with a bund of stitched ollo and Is com pleted with a kind of under sleee of cream llbeity silk foimed Into pulT.i with straps of beige velvet Helge velvet ribbon In a darker bhiulo adorns both the Jacket and skirl The latter shows the fashionable sheath effect and in addition to the ehet n trimming of straps In Inverted scol lops studied with Cortlcelll silk Tho now skirts nre titled closely nt the hips but Hare ery much Indeed below the knees. A great many skills with hip yokes are shown, either nt shirring, tucking or tlu bands. Joined with a fancy open stitch. Sunn eiy nttravtive skirt modeN In sheet mate ilnls are laid In minu lo plain from the waist to the Knees and below that there is a piettlly Hhapeil lloiinci witli insertions of ream line nml ,i garniture of narrow gatheied ribbon Little Hints. Pnrlsienues will not deseit the be coming Ktou Jacket. Trails shortened at the bail aie shown on many new skliis. Hlouses ate prettier and dalntl 1 than ever anil Inuirlubly Hit iif mude so by menus ol the tine Inral work put upon them. The wide-hummed bat diipn..ng r front and at the back, with limns ami ends for a finish, will be woiu ,u im.l summer with the muslin gowns Dark, rich blown and eilmson eh tl gowns, with a eiy deep boidei. liM that ol a eashnieie shawl, set on Oil skirt or oversl.it t. are in high fuwii with exclusive Frenchwomen. FROM PARIS l pink silk, the former oniJiii"ntci li j front with a gold Inn Mo. The oilier gown Is of vm pale hint silk. The skirt h finished a' the hot torn with a narrow floume beaded l a rich embroidery in wi.hh dark ted veltt ilbbnn Is iiiu I'reni this em broidery; bauds of the ramo extend upward to the girdle, terming panels. Tho bodice is dimmed at the top yoke-fashion nnd on eneh side of tin front with the embroider) In that on Hie fionts Is run with iclvel ribbon, ! the ends finished with gold tips. The collar and plasinm aie of eeru gulp uro mid the draped girdle is of the silk. The sleeves, made with a large puff at the bottom, aie trimmed at tiin top and I'oitom nilh the embroidery. new Tlur 'iv ;JL-2Si&ViKt&ul mmsmmmimrmmm,,, a..uc- .-. -'r-. -- -,-.,.. B t4R bMmmmm . v T M-JgM Jfr 'l HV"B H04 The King. Ho drew for n moment out of the strife, Tlmt hum with the earnrt fare, Aii ilrt-iitueil anew a dream of power, As he punned In the market pl ice; And In' all Hinxc eaiH before Mini Ittew- lumlnmiK, and unrollril, Tilt he Imllt a inlchly iiialiMlnii Ami lil.s miii 1 1. m o'liian with Kohl. lie put tture alone In IiIm chamber. And Iiiiipi il tine' the evenhii; dint, A clinxitl in. in fiom tile people, And ii hdoit i-amc to him, Ami to! a million xohlhri rlhnnk with their tre.ul the wotld, A nation roe In the wlldi'i'iirnn, A bright, '" Hag unrurlcd. . Me lend In Ills dlm-llt study, This scholar In bin until. ' Anil, forlh fiom the storied paget, Time llashid a iJi'iitii of titlth; And In' It tniiclud I lie iiiauv. A1! II ttifpiiiKC flesh ft mil (led. And the In arts of men i;rew lighter, As tho tetitlllh'H wclr trod Ho foi Hi freni the dream ami vision, Out fimil the dim Ideal. Are hum all the ships anil the eltles, (Mir iliu Urni il souls cull leal, l-'oi lineli of (aeli deed We Win ship, ll.iek of each plan we'e wioiight, Hllenl, )et IIIImI with power. Stands the jn.ij.-t of thought (ieiirgt' 11- I'arilsli. Crockett and the Panther. When Davy Ctockelt was on his way to San Antonio to light for the Independence of Texas this In the Near ISIlt'i one night found him on the batiks ol the Navasola ilver and his Iioim) biokcti with fatigue. What Happened at tills point we'll let Davy tell .Near the margin of the river a ii'g tree bad been blown down, nnd I might of milking my lulr In its top. Vile beating nbout the brunches I he.il u low giowl, as much ns to sny, 'SltJWer, these apartments nre til lendyvi.ti.un.' Looking to see what sort o n heiirellow I waB Ukelly to have li eoeri'd un enormous Mexl- an cou.i Mime live nucos nwnv. Hays of V,t tinned from his large (- es "One glany Hillsflcd me thero wns no time to bHt I llred. The bull struck him oiixj,,. forehenil and glanc ed off. doing Viio except Infuriate him. lie npiannt me again, and 1 diew my huiiMiigViir,., fm- UIU.W wo must come to cry. qnniters. Ho seled m leH arm V,i began to tear the llesh, when I tbrt ,y knife Into his slile Me lei go. '.Smarting with his wounds, he ciime ut me gain, nnd close Hint in stepping loot '-aught in a lnc. tuessed so bi,wanl my I IV I. and bo wan on me ni.e a uigiitiink on n tbluh Jura-bug. Un seied my rlgf ami. since the himlei pail of lV body w.is toward my lace. 1 giabbe hH t.-ill with my left hand With niyiniit 1 snick my hnlte Into ids sldend Munitioned all my strength to hVl liim down the bank or the river. 1 r-sisted. At lust I worked him to tlu ciy euge nml lie lost bis balance. Ho tul. but lie drugged me with him. "l'ortuuutel. at tin- bottom of the Link I found iiiN.scir uppermost. I mined a despeutie blow at his nick. Jf struggled a lew moments, and hen his loosened stiength told me I fas saved. , "I returned to the treitop and made n.'iclf as lomloriable a bed us a e.uy man need ask lor. Next morn- ig fifty Coinanches Jolnul me, and loine of the warriors dl'cinered tho aiily of the cougar nml began skin ning It. The chief noibed bow ninny stabs were In It, and wlnn I told him ol my sttuggle, said' Hinvo hunter, brave man,' nml wished to adopt mo into his tribe, which honor I decllu il." A Party Trick. Here Is a patty gcuie or trick, which, while It dins not uink as one "specially lntellectu.il, neeitheless It offers a nice dherslon for the time. i'iist begin the i ouveisiitlon with some special pen-on present in n cas ual manner, and then )i.ie t lead on to their stiength of lnluit or power of leslHtiuiee, When on hne lliem most deeply Interested make the remark that you can t (impel them to movo from their seat without touching them. Naturally they will contindict this beast. Then slip olf about two loot and look them xuaillh in the eye, ntM'i' allowing oui je to leave theirs for a seioml. In a ft w moments they will become so Hud of silting still and so uneasy under jour steady ga.o as to n.t "I" '' ''"''i" ,,wn '','i'l nil"" ( hange seats or move Hliilui down the settee. When thry do this, of coiiise. you have become successful In oiii pait) tikli. How to Make a 'Lasso. No lowboy or ningt irt of'lhe west ern plalm is of any account without a lasso, ol "i ope." ns It is generally ( ailed. It Is a much I useful article than a levoher. and Hip, cat tie king picfers expel t ropers to i tack shots any day. Lassoes tin be bought in any town west of Kansas City, and a lair artlclo Is nianufaili 1 for sale, but the ex pert topei makes bis own tope It mav come In handy some day to save, his lle. and he wants to be sine thnt it is mnde properly. Thjs Is the way he makes It. I-list, the lawhlde Is cut In thin strips as long as possible anil half tanned with the hair mi 'Then'-'these Strips aie soaked and sti etched over a block. Tiny nre then bialded Into a lope, taie being tnken. of couiso, to pull the strands as tight as possible. Whin Hie i lata t lasso) Is inado It should be burled for a week, ten days, or ein a fortnight. In the sand. It takes up inolstuio from tho ground without getting hard. Soaking In the watev won't do, nor will anything else, so Hie old ropeis pay. except burying It. When the i lata Is dug up It should again bo left for a time stretched over a block, with a weight to hold It taut. Then the hair should be snndpnpcrctl on the outside, nnd when the rlntn in grensed with mutton tnllow nnd prop erly noosed Is icaily for use. ICvery roper who pretends to Inko enre of his nppaiatus will bury bin rlntn nnd st retch II every srx or eight months. With these precautions n a lasso in practically eei lasting. It can't wear out, and a herd of cnttlo could hnrdly .break l(. Wide-awake Boy. When Oen. (Irnnt wns a boy his mother one nioinlng found herself without butter for breakfast, and sent htm to borrow some ftom a neighbor, doing, without knocking, into the house of a neighbor, whose son was then nt West Point, young (irnnl over henrd n letter rend fiom the son slat lug that he hnil fulled In examination, and was coining home. Ho got the butter, look It home, and. without waiting for breakfast, ran down to the olllce of the congressman fiom that district. ".Mr. Hninnr," he paid, "will you appoint me to West Point?" "No. Sonnd-So Is there, and has three years to serve " ' "Hut suppose lie should fall, will you send me?" .Mr. Hninar Inughed. "If he doesn't go tin (nigh, no use for you to try." "Piomlso you'll give mo a chance, Mr. llamar, anyhow." Air. Hamar promised. Tho next tlay the dofented lad came home, nnd tho congressmnn laughed nt lily's nhnrir ness nnd gave him the appointment "Now," said Grant, "Il was my mother's being out or butter thnt mnde me general nnd president.' Hut It was Ills own shrewdness to see the ehnnce, nnd promptness to seize It, that urged him upwards. Christian Advocate. A Joker Among Birds. The bluejuy 1h the most poislstent practical Joker In Uio feathered king dom. Ho will conceal himself In n clump of leaves near the spot where small birds are accustomed to gather, and when they arc enjoying them selves in their own fashion will sud denly frighten them almost to death by screaming out like a hawk. Of course they scatter in every direction, nnd when they do so tho mischievous rascal gives vent to a cackle that sounds very much like a laugh. If ho confined his pianks to such Jokes a this, however, he would not lie such n had neighbor to birds smaller than hlmseir, but when he uniuses himself by breaking the eggs In their nestn and teaiing the young to pieces with his bill he become;) a pestilent nuis- aneo, and they often combine, their i"recs to drive him out of the neigh borhood. They no i,t ulw-nys suc ceed for he Is ns full of fight ns of mhchlef, but a sow.ro conflict tenches him that the), too. hare their rbhts and thin Induces bun tcunoiid hiu man.-, "era. '-. .r, v. ) Shadow PortLt Scfap-book. wnm i tin it irtto luin a shadow portrait scrap-bolk of UT Rl'hnnl. mates! You will biever kiW ,lni,,HB you get to work iid inakene yCU can make two l.inil, by (iittliV .i,,, f)l inside of the slimliw and pijnp to black lining, or Ion can m rtl,. on "ut (ho outline and paste tu to n iftnr, black cloth. I iirefrr tho foi,.,. mro 0r Arrango your llilit so ait() K,vo the very best shadpw, and n 0 the wall n square pleco of Hg'brown paper. Trace very carefullvgj0wj and accurately, and use the hi, t,aro when cutting It out. It Is gt r1Jn when you have a number of !rnftn pasted In your scrap-book I'dnvn some friend look through th00j nud try to guess "who Is who. See If You Can. You can't stnnd for five n)a without muting, if you nro bll ed. You can't crush an egg when i lengthwise between your hands, Is, If the egg is sound nnd bus ordlnnry shell of n hen's egg.,'t You can't get out of n ohnw wit bonding your body foi ward, or put, your feet under It; that Ib, If you sitting squarely on tho chair, and 1 on the edge of II. You can't break a match If tl match is laid auoss the nail of th middle fi;igei ol elttierhand and presb ed upon by the Hist and third fingers of thnt hand, 'despite its 'seeming ho easy at first sight.-llealtli. Animals and Music. An eminent violinist, Horr Haher, has recently tested the sensitivcnena to music o) each of the nnlmals In the zoological gardens of Germany. Tho Influence of the Iolln wns g'rentest on the puma, whose moods changed rapidly ns the ntttute of tho music changed, becoming very much excited and nor mis when quicksteps were played. Wolves, showed an apprecia tive Interest; lions and hyena3 were, terrified, leop.nds wete unconcerned and monkeys cuilous. flood Times. This' Should Be Read Quickly. "II. H. V." writes to remind us.of tho creature called the woodchuck and proceeds to supply us with tho follow ing riddle: "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck If a woodchuok could chuck -wood?" The answer of course. Is: "As much wood as a woodchuck would chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood." One must read It quick lv to npiu relate the humor. '-."iJ.frr1' n ;' r aa M a ti m M M s m m KMJ2 .Viiiiftik -s-i wmm -,,-i. ...Mai WW