The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 27, 1902, Image 1

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The - Big - Store,
isiHI -- ' ii
' i ' i
w I Gowespondenee.
Jl specially attractive list of items
on which there is a nice little saving
for the shopper who takes advantage
of them.
Items I Iatercat u
Reported by Chief
Reporters at Several
Nearby Localities.
Furniture., 2.75, 3.00, 4.00, 5 00,
6.DO and $8.00.
Smith Davis coil springs at 2.50,
3.00 and $1.25.
Six odd Commodes, from 4.00 to
6.00, your choice for $3.50.
Odd wood beds, full size your
choice for $4.
Folding book case si feet high,
3 feet wide, solid oak, $3.75.
Oak dining chairs, cane seat at
$575 per set.
Hardwood, cane seat high back
dining chairs, $4.50 per set.
Cane seat sewing rocker $1.25.
Large cane seat comfort rocker
for $2.00.
A cobler seat rocker for $1.35.
A special in couches, best steel
construction at $7 and $9.
Kitchen cabinets from $6.00 to
$12.50 each, all full size cabinets.
Wash Goods.
Our purchases of wash goods
this season have been very
large, and our sale very heavy.
About the middle of June we
placed our line of iSc and 20c
dimities, lawns, batistes, cord
ed dimities and Swisses on sale
at 14c to clean up the short
lengths and remnants. We
still have a number of 5 to
15 yard pieces left and we offer
them at 14c while they last.
14c for 18 and 20c dimities, lawns,
Swisses, etc.
6c for 10c ginghams, lawns,
Swisses, etc.
25c for Egyptian tissues, were
National Biscuuit Co., fresh gin
ger snaps, 7ic.
Choice Japan rice at 5c.
Gallon pie fruit, peeled pie pea
ches and apricots per.can 37c.
Lima beans 5c lb.
Package cleaned currants at 8c
per package.
1 lb can Baked Beans with tomato
sauce 7c.
7 cans Sardines for 25c.
1 lb can of Baking Powder for 8c.
1 lb can of Baking Soda for 5c.
$14.00, $16.00, $18.00,
$20.00,and $23. OO.
Complete set of attachments
with all machines.
Written guarantee with each
See our new patterns in swell
front cases.
Ladies' Wrappers.
To quickly reduce our stock, we
piace on sale our entire stock
of ladies' wrappers at reduced
$1.25 wrappers reduced to 98c.
$1.75 wrappers reduced to $1.38.
$ 1. 00 wrappers reduced to 78c.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
or Money Refunded.
All Goods Marked in Plain Figures.
We have just received a new lot of
Fruit - Jars,
And to move them in a hurry we will sell them
very cheap. Get out prices before buying.
B?''$v' and Eggs taken in exchange.
" Cash paid for Poultry and Hides.
New - Barber
Basement Potter-Wright Building.
j Scissors GrotindJ
Razors Honed,
J All kinds of barber work executed
(promptly and satisfaction
fOlVfc - US - A - CALL. 3
Charley Darwin was over from Kan.
sas. Ho says things look old fash
ioned. Wm. Sawyer, our house mover, who
is woll known over Webstor and Jew
oil counties, is this week plowing corn.
Monday he plowed 70 rows 80 rods
long and Tuesday did fully as woll.
One llrm hero has sold fourteen bind
ers and is settling up more.
Wm. Sheely has built quito an addi
tion to his blacksmith shop. We un
deretand he intends to put in quito n
machine shop. Mr. Sheely nnd llort
Crow are up-todato workmen.
The musical entertninment given at
the Baptist church Monday night wns
well attended. Quite a uumbor wero
in from tho countty, and all enioved
the program.
Undo Jacob Potter has sold out to
Lon Tompkins. Mr. Potter and wifo
started Tuesday for Washington and
locate near Spokane Falls, where they
have a son living.
Osborne Ayerp, who has been in Lin
coln for several weeks taking medical
treatment, returned homo last week.
He is still very ill and is contincd to
the house.
Wm. Guy has had two teams hauling
wheat for the last few days, trying to
mako room for tho new crop.
Mrs. Margaret Guy went to Blue
Hill Tuesday to visit her daughter,
Mrs. Dow Thompson, nnd family.
Misses Loila nnd Aldean Koss drove
over to Blue Hill to visit their uncle,
Arthur Harcus, and family.
James Watt and wifo and Charles
Ely and wifo took n trip to Superior
on business.
D. McCallum left Wednesday for
Hot Springs, whoro ho expects to stav
several weeks.
This weather is ripening tho wheat.
Miko Sheely and son John havo
moved their furnituro stock to tho
north pi.rt of town, into tho old rink
Mrs. Carlin has sold to Lem Ely a
house in the west part of town. Mr.
Ely will improvo tho place and use it
as a residence.
W. L. Bennett has put in a line of
stationery at the postoflice.
Mrs. J. Kerr was visiting friends in
Hastings last week.
Mrs. Ed Kath roturned Wednesdnv
of last week from Ong, whoro sho had
Deon visiting.
G. P. Gather returned Thursday
ovoning from Lincoln, whero ho at
tended tho state convention. Ho seems
woll pleased with tho nomination of
Mickoy for governor.
Souio of tho funnels will commence
cutting tlitir grain this week.
Prof. Dresuach leturnod to Guide
Kock after 11 coupiu of weeks' toil on
his farm.
Dr. Keith of Fairfield was circulating
among relatives and friends a coup.o
of days last week.
Mrs. D. P. Kummel and daughter
Emma of Hothvillo, Mo., nre visiting
friends in this vicinity.
Plonty of rain nil through Juno. Now
the farmers want it a little dry to tret
grain in shook and stack.
Bert and Vorey Wholan came down
from Roseland to visit with their
father, M. U. Wbelan.
MarahMLewis, like the old Indian,
of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wholan, is
minus a big too on account of an acci
dent which necessitated amputating it.
The boy is doing nicely under tho caro
of Dr. Kehler.
A very pleasant party was given at
the homo of Mr. and Mrs A. J. Wil
liams Juno 18, it being tho 18th birth
day of their son Floyd. Thoso presont
spent nn evening of enjoyment and
wish many returns of tho day to their
friend and schoolmate.
Mrs. Goorgo Nowbouso has charge
of her father's (Wash Heed's) storo dur
ing his absence in Illinois.
W. L. Bonnett transacted business in
Campbell Saturday.
Cozy Fulton of Campbell is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Clarenco May.
Mrs. Goo. Itybin roturned Fridav
evening from a visit with friends at
Wayno lloed and family spent Sun
day with Fred Heed and family.
Henry Boyd and wifo wore in Red
Cloud Saturday.
Walter McCoy has a mild attack of
typhoid fever.
Elmer McCoy returned homo Thurs
day from Nowcaste, Wyo., whoro ho
has been working for some time.
Last Saturday afternoon Fred Kes
ler, who lives about flvo miles north
west of here, sont bis two children, a
boy aged 13 and a girl aged , out into
the tield to rake up somo hay. They
havo not boon heard from sinco that
time, other than thnt somo neighbors
saw them going in u southerly direc
tion Saturday. It is thought hero that
the children left homo on nccount of
tho troatmont received at tho hands of
their father.
Miss Nellio Williams loft Tuesday
morning for a visit with friondH in
Mrs. Minnie Foster of South Dakota
is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Stow-art.
Since the big rains tho small grain is
ripening rapidly, and tho genoral sup
position is that it will all bo out by
July 4. Some rye was cut last Monday.
Many of the farmers havo bought
new;bindersand our creek is linod with
them already. One lied Cloud dealor
informed us ho had already sold fifty,
six and conditional orders for four
Wheat and ryo havo good heads and
tine, largo grain, while tho straw is
rather short, though most of it can bo
Tho alfalfa is cut and in tho stnek.
nnd somo of it went two tons per aero,
a bettor crop than tho hrst ono last
Oats aro coming out well and tho
general opinion is that wo will havo
tho bust oat crop sinco 1802.
Corn is looking real well considering
tho wot May ami Juno ,ind. with u few
exceptions, it is rather clonu.
says: "She-Hj-again." Born Juno 13.
Miss Walker, tho dressmaker, loft
Tuosday morning for her homo near
uiue Hill.
Wash lloed left last week for Illinois.
where bo will visit relatives and old
friends. While east he will purchase
his fall stock of goodt in Chicago.
paster Carl Wbelan, the cldeit son Manila.
F. L. Smith lost a cow bv lichtiunir
Inst week, and Irvin Collins lost n nico
2-year-old colt and a cow through tho
saino tMuso during our last storm.
Somo of tho wild crass has been
mowed for present use, as tho old hay
was not very good.
Hogs aro now worth 7 cents a pound,
and somo of our farmors havo been
fortunate enough to havo 300-pound
gruntera to sell at that urice. which
is much better than a few years ago,
when we could only get 17 or 18 for the
sano kind of hogs.
James T. Fruit has tho wall of bis
now houso nearly done and will soon
bo ready for tho carpenter work.
Frank Ryan and Charles Fruit wero
heard from recently. Charles is with
tho Eighth regimont. stationed nr
Manila and Frank is a general's order
ly and belongs to the Sixteenth root.
I ment, stationed about 100 miles from
Jane 21st.
Below we give a partial list
of the books we have
on hand at present.
Arabian Nlghis (9) Now and Itevlscd Edition
Tho fortune of Nigel -Scott
Ivanlioo . scolt
llcond tho City (3). A. t'onaii Doylo
Strange SocrctB A. Conau Doylo
All Sorts ami Conditions of Men
Helmut and Itlcc
Jc' - -.....-.Edwards
Knight Krrnnt .I.jall
Iloppo tho Conscript Anthony Trollope
Chicot tho .letter . . Dumas
Countess lo Chiirny .. Dmnns
I.oo and Muorly , l)umn
Tho Conscript Dumas
Vlcomto do llraKclonuo Dumas
Consuelo- Smu
Tho Countess of Itudolstadt Sand
Indiana gaud
Kanchon tho Cricket . Sand
lleldee Warden
Confessions of an Kngllth Opium Eater...
- I)e Qnlncy
Gold Elate Marlltt
A Daughter ol Heth Black
Tho frontiersmen (8) Almard
The llllthcdale Romance Hawthorne
Ardath Mario Corelll
uarda ghcra
Pilgrim' Progress Iiunyan
Tho Decmiters Hall Calna
Humphrey Clinker -..Smollet
Corlnno Uo Stacl
Paris Sketch llook Thackeray
The Man Who Was Good ...Merrick
Jack Horner Mary 8. TIcrnan
Homoselle ........- . MaryS.TIernan
WoodJanders Thos. Hardy
Tho Desire of tho Byes Oram Allen
Not In tho Prospectus . ... Dauforth
Itainiintch Lotl
A New Note . McMahon
Dragon's Teeth Serrano
Tho Cedar Star Mann
The Crjfctiil Mutton -Thotnns
A I.UIiik Mo Ilourgct
One of these books will
be given with every dollar
you pay on subscription. If
you pay one years subscrip
tion in advance or one dol
lar of back subscription you
get one of these handsome
books free. If vnn nnu ..,
dollars on subscription you
get two books, if you, pay
$3 on subscription you get
three books, etc. For every
H nil".- .... . J
viuui you pay on suoscrip
tion you get one of these
nanasome books.
Coma In and gat
one before thay
ara all gone.
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