! 4 4 - For anything s -a 9 4 4 4 t 9 4 4 9 9 You May Need (Photographic I apparatus or 4 supplies call on f i I i l fletohoase Bros., 4 life sell honest I goods at honest 9 9 9 prices and 9 4 9 save you the 9 4 9 - f l freight. WEEK'S HAPPENINGS C. T. Dickinson spent Sunday in this city with his family. County Atorney Overman was in Lincoln the first of tho week. Robert Knee of Bladan came to this city Monday on legal business. Ben McFarland was in Lincoln sight seeing for a few days this week. L. N. Ssbin of Guide Rock was trans, acting business in the city Monday. F. V. Taylor, undertaker and em balmer, opposite Cotting's drug store. Ludlow Bros, have a quantity of fine brick for sale at their yards north of town. A new line of laces and ombroiderles just received. Prices right. F. NiiW HOUSE. Mr. llurgard of Womer has been taking in tho sights o.' this city for the 4 past few days. W. S. Borne, accompanied by Mrs. Mense, went over to Lubnnou on Fourth of July business Thursday morning. Jacob Rothrock and wife of Monti cello, Ind., are visiting with Mr. Roth rock's son anil other relatives in this vicinity. Low rate to Grand Island, ono fare for the round trip, via Burlington Route, Juno 23 and 21, democratic and populist state convention. J. A. Burden, clerk of tho district court, went to Lincoln to bo in attend- ance at tho statu convention when tho next state officers were nominated. The street commissioner has a pum ber of men at work hauling limestone onto the streets of the south part of the city, preparatory to putting gravel on them. Tell ns why a druggist offers yon a substitute for trio Madison Medicino Co.'a Rocky Mountain Tea. Does he love you or is he after the biggor profit! C. L. Cotting. w After Juno 20 mv dnys at Cowles will bo Monday. Tuesdays and Wed nesdays, in the Tumor building, nnd Red Cloud Thursiavs, Friday's nnd Saturdays, over Dr. Reed's former of fice. E A. Thomas, Dentist. Service" nt thn Methodist Kpieop 1 chinch: French! ni at 11 o'clock urn. anil 8 p.m bv the pastor, iter, m r. Dixon; Sunday school, 10 o'clock, L. P Albright, superintendent; Junior Ep worth League, 3 o'clock, Mrs. Bruner. superintendent; Epworth League, 7 o'clock, Mrs. Mitchell, president A council of Congregational phurches and ministers was hold at Franklin on Tuesday to consid t the dismissal of the Rov. G. 11 Mitchell who has been for over ton years pastor of tho Con gregational church at that town. After duo deliberation tho cnuucil declared tho pastoral relation torminntod. Mr. Mitchell has boon called to tho finan cial agency of the academies of tho state in which work ho lias long beon intoroUed. Scenk One A prlvMo coiivcrMillon. You old fool. (') You will, will you. (') I'll learn you to go and buy n lot of cheap Harness and Hardware before you get J.O. Buti.kii'3 prices on first class goods of tho fl-iinc kind. (!!) Take that, (!!!) nnd that, (!!!!) and that, him you old chump will you learn some-thing!" ju " 'nil Swgf 'if GENERA! CITY NEWS. No. 2 homo grown corn for food at Roby's. Floyd Pitney of Inavale was in tho city Saturday. If you want job work of ony kind call and see us. Mrs. Maude Fulton is visiting rela tives in Lincoln, Nob. Summer dress goods, laces and em broideries. F. Newhonse. Road tho offer of a free cabinet pho tograph in another column. W. L. McMillan loft Tuesday morn ing for Omaha on business. K. U. Overman attondod tho state conrention in Lincoln this wook. ' Mrs. Charles Book has moved into tho Bohrer property on Third avenue. L. P. Albright was in Bluo Hill Tues day attending to somo business mat ters. O.J. Wilson of Smith Center was transacting business in tho city Satur day. J. D. Chrisman, George Payno nnd Harry Topham of Guide Rock wore in town Monday. Miss Emma Hale, local editor and business maonirnr nf thn Natlnn ! in Chicago this week. Chris FasBlor and W. H. Ash by at tended a caucus of democrats at tho Hotel Royal last Saturday. Mrs. C. C. Rants of Juniata camo to this city Monday for a visit with hor son, N. S. Rants, and wife. uotu, to mr. ana ars. uavia iripp, Thursday morning of last weok, a girl of the usual Nebraska weight. Mrs. W. T. Bohrer left the first of the week for the western part of the stale, where her husband is at work. 0. B. Chitty, representing the Hixson Man GflfflDinv nf Rnelrfnril 111 rvaa in the city the first of the week. The Rev. Dixon left Monday morn ing for csntral Kansas, having been called there by tho sickness of a sister. HrtranA Itrnarn in thn nnrth nart of the county Wednosday posting bills for Red Cloud's Fourth of July colo oration. Mrs. Mand Adamson and Miss Ueor ia Adamson passed through this city aturday on their way to thoir home at Cowles. L. A. Haskins has sold his livery business to Lawrence and Archie Boren. They will take possession in about thirty days. Person, tho sowing machine expert, repairs organs and sowing machine?, at the second store. All work guaran teed. Prices reasonable. Miss Etta Reihor returned to her home north of this city Saturday after an extended visit with her sister and brother in Campbell. Wise is the girl whoso senso of self interest prompts her to take Rocky Mountain Tea. It fills hor full of vigor and there is always honey in her heart for you. C. L. Cotting. You've got to hustlo all tho time to keep in tho swim. If you are slipping down the ladder of prosperity, take Rocky Mountain Tea. Makes people strenuous. C. L. Cotting. Mrs. A. Lindley, who has been visit ing her son Bert in Riverton for some weeks, arrived Tuesday morning for a visit with her 'daughters, Mrs. C. J. Piatt and Mrs. M. A. Albright. Misses Lockhard and Smith wish to inform the public that thev aro ore- pared to do dressmaking and e wing of all kinds at Mrs. F. E Goblo's resident e Phone '08. Prices reasonable and sat isfaction guaranteed. Charles H. Knley has very proud bearing and important look these days seems almost to bo walking on air. When ho gots back to earth again, just congratulate him, for ho has a lino, big boy nt his house, who arrived there last Monday morning. During tho storm Inst Tuesdav even ing lightning struck tho house in which Mrs Jackson nnd Mrs Walker mo living. The chimnuv was nearly de molished, n large hole was torn in the roof mid tho plaster was torn oil' in nearly every room. Happily, no one was injured. II. it. Kummeri proprietor of the Red Cloud roller mills, Ini9 made prepara tions to erect a 10,000 bushel elevator, ns nn nddition to his plant. Mr. Rum mer has been very successful in his milling businoss here, nnd this addi tional equipment will greatly facilitate tho handling of tho immense now crop of wheat. Episcopal services: Every first Sun day in tho month: Morning, nt 10:30, litany, holy communion; ovoning, at 7:30, evening prayer and sermon. Every third Sunday in tho month: Morning, 10:30, .nornirig prayor and sermon; evening, 7:30. evening prayot and sermon. Everybody welcomed, E. U.Brun, rector. Tuero has probally never boon a time in this county wbon crops and crop conditions woro as good as they aro today. Finer whnat and corn, or, for that mattor, any kind of vegeta tion, can soldom bo seen. Fanners aro fooling good nnd are also very busy fust nt present. Thoro aro a number of Holds of wheat in this county which it is thought will yiold 50 bushels to tho acre, which is not so bad for any coun try. A donkey stepped into n store, says tho Belleville treeman, and tho owner npproaciH'ii mo ueasi anil nskei "What are you doing here? You knoi I: " '' 'h " i . m i til iiiiiw this is no place for a donkey." ' I am linn' ' finiil tint iliiiib.it iitll(l.,D(l t ... your iiilvestiseinont on n fence that surrounds my pasture I know you, too, must bn it donkey, or you would place the nilvertisemuiit in n nuwspa por, where it would bo road by the peoplo, not donkeys. I thought I would bo neighborly and make you a frater nal c ill" FROM ALBERTA, CANADA. Rsd Dkrr, Alukkta, N. W. T. "God drew tho toller' eye Across a land that promised fair, And, upturned to tho smiling sky, Its bosom Ho laid bare." A three months' rosldonce in At borta, N. W. T.,makos mo think I have found the country that suits mo, and the country where a poor man can make a living, especially if ho has plenty of money. Nowhoro in the wido world is tho grass more luxriant, tho trees greener, or tho promise of crops bettor, than in central and northern Alborta, 300 miles north of tho Montana line. The air is redolent with tho perfumo of the balm of Giload trees, spruce trees, the fra grant posBy willows and soskatoon bushes, besides thousands of wild flow era of a scoro of different varieties tho most boautiful and fragrant of which is tno wild rose, which blooms and thrives hero in all its pristino glory, doubled and many huod, as James Whitconib Riloy says: "Lliko 'om causo thoy kind o' Sort o' make a follorlikojem, An I tell you whore I find a1' Bunch out where tho sun kin strike 'em It alius sets mo thinkin' O' the ones that used to grow, An' peepin' thro' tho chinkio' O' tho cabin, don't you know." The woathor hero is mostly of the the delightful kind. Tho wind listetb rot, consequently it blowoth not; a man from Nobraska feels liko ho might be in a new world. A man can actually light a pipo here at any tlmo without a bit of Irish blood in him; neither does he have to have a cover on the pipe or lay a stone on top of the tobacco to keep it in tho bowl. Raint Yes, it rains; not only when you want it to, but oftimes when you don't want it to; in fact it rains here like some of the doctors in Nebraska take life easy. However, we have no cyclones, no blizzards, no hot winds and no volcanic eruptions, but I ean't say no mud; but mud means crops, and, as the little boy said about the preacher, "that's what we are after." The roads are bad just now they are "badder" but the time will come soon when this feats re of Alberta will be dono away with considerably, as on the thousands of miles of roads run ning in every direction scarcely a dol lar has been expended to make them better. However the government is thinking strongly of appropriating a very large sum sum, probably a million dollars, to be expended on roads and bridgos in central and northern Alber ta, which, together with tho road tax on land, ought to put us in pretty fair shape. The mosquitos Yes, they aro hero, as Bret Harto said, "of which I am freo to admit," but so far thoy don't seem to bo of the cross kind, and I have bnd only ono or two bites this spring. Thoy aro not nearly as largo, nor as vicious, nor as numerous as I havo seen them in tho lake country of nortwestern Nebraska or on tho Cimarron river in Oklahoma. In fact weused to know what they were lifto in Nebraska in the early days. I haven't seon any- here that were over eight inches long,.and the stories Alec Phillips and D. B. Spanogle told mo before I came up about their carrying of! children or taking pieces out of people and sitting on the fenco to eat them seem to be purely mythical. Speaking of crops here, I will tell you of a neighbor of mine, a worthy Briton named Trilfail, who raised last year 71 good loads of green oats off of 10 acres of laud, tho outs sowed in Juno. Not so bad, is it? Tho British government recently bought of uu elevator firm on this road, to bo loaded hero and at two other points north of hero, 500 cars of oats to bo shipped to Englnud nud South Africa for cavalry horses, and every bushel must test 42 pounds or better. Thoy wanted more, but tho country was unable to furnish thorn, having exhausted tho supply. Alberta oats bring tho highest prico of uny on tho eastern markets. We have an abundanco of sunshino this month and noxt (when it doos shine), as in this latitude the sun rises ou the 21st of Juno at twenty minutes past 4 and sets at 0 o'clock, giving us nearly sevonteen hours of sunshine At present we can see to read any kind of print easy enough by daylight after 10 o'clock at night, nnd just how early in the morning I am unablo to state l unuerstand at half past 2 in the morning. It will bo different in tho winter. Prices on everything vary in com parison with Nobraska. Clothing is not high, however, and tho necessarioa of life, such as Hour, sugar, ton, canned goods and whisky, aro nearly tho samo us thoro. Coffuo is much higher, cspoc iully tho roasted coffee. Gamo and full aro quite plentiful Thousands of prairie chickons nnd partridges nud wild ducks in nhund nnco. Tho ducks nest hero and the ponds mid lakes aro coverod with tho little follows now. In tho fish line- not on the lino aro nice salmon, pike, pickerel and purch, ns well as tunny other kinds. This is the closed season now for botli hunting and fishing, but n little later ono can go to somo of the many lakes and buy uico dresbed fish weighing about two pounds for five or Why experiment with a, ; paint that is "just as good"! ;whcn you can get the olcT Reliable Heath & Milligan i that has stood the test for; .half a century? I have ai complete stock. H. E. GRICE. six cents apioce, which is cheaper than catchiug thorn, but not so funny unloss there are too many mosquitos. West of horo fifty to nighty miles is plenty of big gamo boar, door and oc casionally moose. Names nnd terms of things differ somowhat from those in uso in Neb raska. A spring wagon is invariably called a democrat. I attondod n sate a short timo ago during which tho auc tioneer sold a '.'democrat." As ho was about to knock it off ho said: "Only seven dollars for this democrat going or seven dollars! Why, gontloman, a democrat like that for soven dollars it's a shame! Sold for soven dollars! Just than two mon camo around from behind the barn wiping their mouths, and one of them remarkod to tho other: "Seven dollars for a democrat! Well, well! What would a populist bo worth up bore?" Politics, though, aro a little on tho quiet order hero. Wo had an election on the 24th of May to select a member of the territorial legislature. There wero only two candidates, and, of course one of them was defeated. I am not a voter here, but I couldn't help taking side, though my man was de feated. A Nebrasca republican knows how to take defeat, however, and I didn't mind it much. One of the greatest drawbacks to this country is a fatal horso disease called "swamp fever." It has boon very disastrous in the last tbreo years, but seems to bo on tho wane somo now. Ono man living east of us lost 13,000 wortn oi norses last year irom tno dis ease. I am not afraid of its affecting me that bad, but I dread it, "just the same." The people here from Wobster coun ty are all in good spirits nnd doing well. Mr. Broomfield has bought a nice farm adjoining the villago of Pen hold and is improving it very nicely Mr. Webber yet lives on a rented placo threo miles east of Red Doer, but will go to his claim some distance east In the fall probably. Lloyd Reiglo is with Mr. Broomfield at Penhold, and Clay Orchard is 2,000 feet under the ground in at Michael, British Columbia, whore be gots good wages and soems to bo satisfied. I should liko to seo all tho old friends and tho alfalfa Holds of Web ster county onco more, but my desire to live thero has vanished. Alberta is good onough for mo. U G. Knight. SrawA. - CeXehvaWow, OF THE FOflftTlj Of JULY I AT RED CLOUD, NEBR. PROGRAM. 1st 2d Prize. Prize. Pony race, 500 yards $0 00 13 00 300 yard horse raco, free for all 7 00 3 00 G milo footrace, go-as-you-please fl 00 4 00 1 mile footrace. .. 3 00 2 00 1 milo bicycle raco . 2 00 1 00 Water fijht, ono farmer one fireman on each side 0 00 4 1 Sack rnce . . 2 00 1 00 Sack raco, for hoys 2 00 1 00 Slow nnilo rnce. to change riders . 2 00 1 00 Fat man's race, 50 yards 2 00 1 00 Ilorsoshoo pitching con test, entry fee 25c, to bo added to purse 4 00 2 00 Running jump 1 00 f0 Standing jump ... 1 00 50 Hop, skip and jump 2 00 1 00 100 yard footrace, freo for all , 3 00 2 00 Hose raco, 10 farmers and 10 firemen ... 10 00 5 00 GOOD SPEAKER'S? GOOD MUSIC ! Dancing, Afternoon and even ing. Qrand Display of FIRE WORKS at Night. ! Just Doable When a house is painted it is safe to estimato that a vaiuo has boon added to it which is noror loss and somotlmos double tho cost of painting. J How - About - Your ! House? 1 Multiply tho distance ' ornnml tt lt tltn nunpnnn a, UlUtJtlil lb tj tllU IIIVIUKU m height; divide by 850. This 1 irivu.s tho rentifrod amount ". .. . of gallons of Lincoln Mixed Paint Tho paint costs 81.C0 per J gallon; come in and get J sample cards and study col- or etl'outs. iChas. L. Cotting, j THE DRUGGIST sss: 'Jt&J, M" Brainy people Straw Hats. for that old The Straw Hat you wolud enjoy wearing is here if it's anywhere. 25c to Some Special Bargains in Men's Suits. ' Marked down this week. , ! We Sell "Selz Shoes." Comden-Kaley THE STORE THAT PAINT Is an item of interest to all who want to beautify and pre serve their prop erty We have an article in this line that is worth your while to investigate. The celebrated IRIS 4 patnt is the line goods. 9 Wo will make a test 9 paint for your benefit if of this you will 5 give us an opportunity, that will convince you beyond a doubt 4 that this is the paint you want. Guaranteed not to Fade, Peel, Blister or 1 ! Chalk 4 under any X circumstances. 4 This is a matter that J you cannot ufford to pass in buying paint. 4 J Let us talk to you abovt it. 4 4 1 MORHART 4 I Bros. 4 I Hardware )ipfM) -' STIPES If You Don't Like These We Have.Others. , are now getting under Shoot the hat is in order Derby or Fedora. Straw Fedoras, Straw Sailors, Mackinaw Straws, Panama Straws, All clean straw, well made and up-to-date styles. Clothing Go. NEVER DISAPPOINTS. fW'WWWWA'WWl A Twenty Yearj Life Policy 4n an Old Line Company is; the best kind of life insurance. 'The cash vatuo of the policy at tho, ena 01 tno period, is moro than you havo paid. kFire, Lightning, Tornado andi Life Insurance, iln the best Old Line or Mutual' Companies. ?jrfi O. C. Teel, Agt.,i Rk CI.OUD, NEBHA8KA. .A Hare Opportunity rfop Wall Paper .Buyers I We offer ourZentire stock of wall paper atl greatly reduced prices.1 Every pattern new,j fresh from the mill andl the prices the lowest ever offered in Red! Cloud. We will sell every pattern regardless oi price. Albright - Bros.,i Damerell Block, Red Cloud, Neb. COME AND SEE US. Stops the Cough and Works oil the Cold Laxative Uromo-Quluino Tablets cures a cold in ono day. NoJ cure, noJpoy Merits. n 1 J.W. i - '$ I 'f (amW 1 lilaV m iJmW J 1! k-r; !-'