mdM HWfc i , . , J rtU . ,j(T .-11W WJT'tySli yl. ...w.ffl yWif -n " I w 0 fe 1 THE "WINDSOR Mult (ad Outran UH by D Kuppen. htlmcr A Co, Amirka'i UiiMag Clothe Mikttt. tt tt tt THE CHIEF rniuiiiD it "CHIEF l'UBUBHlKO COMPANY. On f r It 00 IibooUm SO fUBLIStlKD IVEKT Fill DAT Inured al Uie poit offlM at Bad Cloud, Neb.M osond olaie uall raatur. AUVKHTIHINO HATK8: furnished on application. REPUBLICAN TICKET. State Ticket. For tiovoruor, J. II, MICIKT, Of Polk County. For Lieutenant Qorortior, K. O M'OII.TON, Of Dauflaa County, for Secretary of Mate, OBOKUK w. MAitan, Of Klcbardion County, For Htata Treasurer, I'KTKH MOKTKN1KN, Of Valley County, for Statu Auditor' CIIAKI.RS WK8TON, Of Sheridan County. For Attarncy (Icnoral, KHANK N. IMtOUT, Of ()R(C Cautity. For CouimtHhliiiirr Public I.iuulnniid llulldliidH, IlKOltdK I). KOl.I.MEIt, Of Nurkotla County. Far SiietltitPtileut Public luatructlou, WILLIAM K FOWI.KIt, Of WanliliiRtou County. Congressional Ticket For ConKri'Kimni, Atli Dlitrlct, U W. NOUltlH, Of lied Wl.low County. County Ticket. For Keprcotitatlvc 4lth Dlitrlct, CIIAUI.KS HUNTKIt. Of InaTaloTowiixtilp. For County AtOrncy, K. U OVKUMAN, or lied Cloud, ad Ward. For Commlnloucr, lit Dltt , F. C JOHNSON, Of Stillwater 1'recltu't. For Commlhkloucr, llli DUt., K II SMITH, of ltivl Cloud IVrlurt The populist county convi ntion will meet in tins city tumoiK v. The pits tut imUeiitionsiue t.,:ii .Jnlui (J. I'ottor of llii city will lie the iiniuiimout eholet' ol the convention n their can didate for county attorney, tJ. M I.Hiiiberthon, it pioiiiinetit tit (otney and well known politician ol Nelinnk., died suddenly in the Palmer HciiHO in Chicago Sunday morning Mr. Ltmbortson was for nnny years Unled States attorney for tho district of Nebraska, and Inter was assistant secretary of the treasury. His death will bo regretted by all lovers of truth and justice. John H, Mickey of Osceola, fanner, banker, old soldier, and a pioneer, was nominated for governor on tho thir teenth ballot. Tho convention could havo made no hotter choice. John II. Mieuoy is a clean, honest and upright man. Ho hits had no connection with tho Hartley se.ardal, and is In no way connected with the taiiroad ring. He was bcrn on a farm near Burlington, la , where ho attended school until the civil war broke out. While yet a mere hoy he enlisted in Comany 1), Eighth Iowa civnlry, and served until August, 1805 Special Train to Denver. Tho Htttlington will run a special train to Denver for the International Sunday School convention, leaving Omaha 015 p. m , Wedno.-dnj, Juno 25 to connect t Lincoln with the evangel special fioin St. Louis. Special train will leave Lincoln about 7 .110 p in. Standard steepeis and tourist sleepers will bo carried. Ueseivntions should bo made early with W. Honnell, city passenger and ticket agent, Burlington Koulo, Lincoln. tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt 0 SPRING i 1902 1 PHI llli'fi It'll" Uiillli Bib m . --,,.. 1 ..11 .-,...., . M in 11 .fc GALUSHA, WESCOTT A STOREY MEN. You can most always distinguish the man that buys his clothing of us by the swagger, stylish ensemble of his garments. It' one thing to wear cloth and another thing to war clothe that int. You sec both kinds on the street every day. Between the kind of clothing that's thrown together and the kind that's tailor ready made, the kind we tell, there's a wide difference. The money saved on the first kind is like what the old Arab said about buying cheap meat, that "When it boils you'll smell what you have saved." Our Kuppenhelmer Clothing Guaranteed ! is the clothing you are looking for. During June we propose to sell clothing if price will induce you to buy. We arc offering a great suit in BOYS9 COAT, PANTS AND VEST AT S2.50. Red Cloud is going to celebrate the 4th of July. You can't celebrate properly without one of our Suits, Fancy Shirts, Nobby Hat, and Stylish Enamel Shoes. Remember the Dutchess Trousers. 50c a rip, 10c a button. Galusha, Wescdtt & Storey. Bard of Equalltatlau. Hoard of equalization mot in regular lussion, all present. Comci now C. W. Huschow and asked to havo said valuation reduced on fololwlnjj property, ileduotion made as follows: Lot 'J, block 1, Buschow's add to Blue Hill reduced from 1500 to 1300. Lotal and clof blk 2 Buschow add to Blue Hill, reducod from 110 to 16. East 3 4 of block 3, Buschow's add to Bluo Hill, reduced from In to 13. Lot 2, block 4, Buschow's add to Bluo Hill, reduced from 15 to 13. Out lots 6 and 0 reducod from 120 to 13. Part sfj soc, 4 410 reduced from 44.60 to 14.80. Northwest quarter section 10 4 10, re duced from 1585 to 1570 South wost quarter 104 104680 to 1040. On motion valuation of tho following real property was ordered reduced, nw, soc. 4 4 10, reduced from 1015 to MX), no i 10 4 io, 1X300 to 1040. nw 15 4 10, 1040 to 1620. Comes now F. Houchin and clnims valuation oj tho improvements and in vostmonis on educational lands in Ciar liuld township tr too low, and asks that tho following change bo made: C. V. Knley, 11 1 10 raised from 1100 to (450 J. IS. Stansur, 21 1 10 raised from 843 to 114.'.. (leu. Amuck, 5 1 10, miaul from tSO to 91U0. (rant Suidlor, 15 3 10, raised from 10 to 930. Hoard adjourned to meet June 11. Board mot pursuant to adjournme it. Comes C. F. Cathor and complains his assessment too high on 'tW follow ing desoribed property, and asks re ductions, which on motion were made. nwi stctlon 11 3 10 from S 425 to 400 " 29 3 10 from 1700 to 1600 r.wi ' 18 4 9 from 490 to 400 net " 18 4 0 from 440 to 420 Lot 14 block 14 Blue Hill 900 to 825 Motion mndo and carried that assess ment of F. V. Taylor on tie l 10 raised fioin $7 to $30 J. B. Staiiscr raised fiom $12 to $100. (Slant Shidlcr, lease, " It) to 20. (ten. Amack, raised from 50 to US Hoard voted to make amount of (J. W. King for imj roveinents on section 21 1 10 $51) II mid Mljiiurned to meet June 12 Hoard inut pursuant to adjournment. Motion made and carried that asses mem of L. A. Hiiskins on lots !!4 and 35 in block 1, original town of Bed Uoud, rtduced fioin $410 to $350. Motiou tundu anil carried that assess mom of C. V. Kaloy on iuvestmtn s and improvements on secliou 11 1 10 raised from $100 to $300 Motion made and carried that assess, ment on ne 21 4 9 reduced ftom $110 to 9350 Comes F Houchin and asks that as sessment of Minnie Drake on of sw 22 1 10 rodutk'd from $100 to $120. On motion foregoing reduced to $140. Comes C. F. Cather and asks that as sessment on 0000 aores of improved laud assessed to him in 35 2 10 bo re duced from $75 to 50, and 00.00 acres assessed to J. B. Moon in saiuo section bo reduced f ioiu $75 to $50. On motion request granted, Nehiaska Telephone Company as segment in Webster county as listed by the board by precincts: Walnut creek 2 miles, $70 luavale -1 miles and 1 phone, $115 Pleasant Hill 11 miles, l phones, $125 Em Creek 0 miles, J210 Oak Creek 0 miles, $215 Hat moil 0 niiles and 1 phone, $210, Guide Kock 7 miles and 1 phone, $250. Haid adj mined to meet June 13 Hiard met pursuant to adjournment, Motion made and carried that as- sessed valuation of real estate in the various precincts bo changed as fol lows: (In these tables indicates increase and - reduction.) At. par Kate .--Valuation, Acre. Base. F.C. Harare. Aflnf F.C, llefore. oak Creek KM PoUdara 341 Qlenwood .. .. 3 00 Harmony ......... 3.0J Cathcrton.. 9 97 Batln a u Kim Creek...... 8 89 Stillwater g.M Bearer Creek.. 3.M .13 1.00 1.00 . .80 -S -4 9 S 15 07,715 7S.68B 64,798 6S.477 48,663 J,6S0 59,625 0i,97 61,115 46,518 87,811 51,958 99,055 3t. 30,697 54,131 70.7M T0.BS4 6I,U M.3B '&9.M0 39.CM fl.8U w,m 4I.OT 84.8M 6tM 48 810 33,833 36,199 i 111 .? .... .63 .... .00 ... .01 -3 .80 -10 I'leaaant Illll , 9.91 .3.86 .9.41 183 . 2.09 ,318 lied Cloud. Inarale Walnut Creek Line . .. Qarfleld . .75 .. .70 .61 .75 .85 35 3 -4 Guide Hock... ,9.84 No chango In assessment of Bed Cloud city, Guido Bock village and Bluo Hill village. Motion mado and carried that the assessed valuation of personal property bo changed as follows: Valuation Valuation an rniiiiil Itar n --..- w.,.w. by Aaseiior. Cent, by Hoard. Oak Crock... -116,788 116,985 Potsdam. ...... (llcnwood.... 14,798 H.7J7 31.476 15,815 13.0(9 13,083 12,910 13,758 18,034 30.572 .10,408 15,864 17,272 8.506 11,557 "15,318 38,283 31,099 18.544 . 8I,W1 8 8 10 -3 -11 13 10 Harmony 14.088 CatlicrtOD ... ll.SVO tlatln Kim Creek Sllllti'r Heaver Creek .. I'learant Hill.. Ued Cloud ..... Inavale Walnut Creek.. I.lno (lartield ..... 13,903 l-9ll! 15.458 18.217 ..... 18,70-J . 30.I0S 13,983 18,775 7,6(13 -8 II 8 85 10.6W Guide Hock 30,430 Hed Cloud city 38,a Hluo Hill tIIUko 21 099 Oulde Hock village. . 18.541 Total valuation 1348,471 1358,781 On motion the board made tho fol lowing levies for tho payment of school district bonds: School district No, 7, 5 mills; No. 9, 15 mills; No. 70, 10 mills, No. 77, 20 mills; No. 78, 3 mills; No. 83, 5 mills; No 87, f mills. On motion tho following levies were mndo for county purposes: IJoneral fund, 8 mills; soldiers' relief fund, .3 mill; county insane fund, .5 mill; biiilge fund, 1 2 mill.; poor fund, 1 mill; road fund, I mills; railroad bond fund, 1 5 mills total, mills. On motion foregoing levies wore ap proved and cltik instructed to extend on tax list for year VMi Minutes were read and approved. Boaid adjourned without date. K S. (LvuiiKit, Clerk. Commissionm' Procttdine? Tho board of county commissioners met in regular session Juno 10, with members pre.s nt. On motion K. J! Peterson was ap pointed justice of tho peace for Cathor ton precint. I ' ro petition of (i. Hasohrook to open road between sections 10 and It, town 4, range 11, roferred tocommittee Mai eh 10, Committee reported in tavor f granting potition. Ueport adopted anil road ordered platted. Petition of T. Stratum and others to open road on section line on west yido of section 18, township 4, range 10, re ferred to coinmitteo March 18. Com mittee reported favorably. Ueport adopted and road ordered plattod. Petition of Amos (Just 1 ml others tiled March 18 nnd referred to O. H. WiN.ui and W. Hiohard, coinmitteo. Committee report favorable to grant ing potition as prnyed for and recom mend building bridge 12 10 feet, 0 feet high, to hu located between .-ections 10 and 17, township t, iniigo 11. Report adopted and bit lm ordered built, en On motion K J. Kmerion was ap pointed I'VciMcr highwayi, road ills tivit N'o 21, and bond appioved Oi million Kliner l'aioni win ap pointed overseer highway;-, road dis trict N i. I, and bond approved. The following olllcial bonds were approved: J. B. Wisocarver, overseer highways, road district No. 41. Joseph Horaerick, overseer high ways, road district No. 4G Motion made and carried that the treasurer bo instructed to sell lot 7, in block 9, Vance' addition to Guide Hock, for 9370. Adjourned to meet Juno 17. Board mot pursuant to adjournment. On motion the petition to divide road district No. 37 was laid over. On notion the road petition of E. M. Anderson and others was referred to the following committee: Overman, Richard and Wilson. On motion the board orderod a car load of lumber from John Towle, Omaha, Neb , to be delivered at Cowles. On motion the following claims of assessors, etc , wero allowed and war rants ordorcd drawn on the several funds: Grant Shldlor.Garficld precinct.. 07 70 A. W. Cox, Glenwood 91 60 05 GO 102 40 75 00 78 40 142 00 C. Duval, Catherton John Bostock. Potsdam E. J. Cox, Beaver Creek. . W. A. Shoemakor.WalnutCreek H. C. Seott, Hed Cloud Geo. W. Hagan, Guide Hock J. T. Lacy, Pleasant Hill. J. E.Jackson, Line E. H. foe, Elm Creek. . . Howard Deisley, Inavale . J. G. Ltitz, Harmony. . . H.H.Qtiiggle.Oak Creek J. W. Warren, Ued Cloud city U Stenner, Batin Louis Bangort, Stillwater E S. Garber, part on tax list. .. 132 40 77 90 71 20 CO 80 83 40 71 20 03 00 175 20 78 00 74 40 400 00 On motion the county clerk was in structed to draw vfarrants oq the gen oral fund to county superintendent and county attorney quarterly, in pay ment of their salaries. On motion report of E. W. Copelen, overseer of poor farm was accepted. Tho petition of G. H- Hasubrook et al to open road between soctions 10 and 11 3 11 roferred to the following committee: Wilson, Gerlach, May. On motion tho olllcial bond of I. H. Thomai for overseer road diftrict No. US, approved . Tho following claims wero allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the general fond: H. E. Girce, 804 40; J. F Pegu S3 80; David Linlz?! 03. Motion mado and carri it that board ndj iiirn until 1-30 p. in June 13:1), in order to usu forenoon of said d.iy lor investigating county poor farm nnd roads and investigation made. Board met pursuant to adjournment June 18 Ueport of board on inspection of poor house and farm and viewing of roads commencing at southeast corner sec tion U3 'J u and along 33 etc.; and also commencing at tho northwest corner of section 28 and along soctions 29, 32, and 33 2 11. Motion mado and carried that K II. Gerlach act as temporary chairman, Motion made and carried that t eas urer fell lots 9 and 10 in block 3, Hoh let's add to Bluo Hill for 50j on the dollar exclusive of treasurers fee and taxes of 1001. Motion made and carried Over man is authorized to'bring pile driver in and have it repaired. Board adj turned to meet June 19. Board met pursuant to ndjnimment Motion mado and carried treasurer refund $8.24, amount overp-ihl on school tax which waiaisesed to school district No. 45 and should have been ane.ned to district N i.04 on si section 5-4-10. In the road petition of W II Patter son et nl, referred to couimiit'u of Overman, Wilson and May, with powei to act. Iu ro petition to v-teate road acion part of section 14-1-12, pitition granted and Jensen allowed $5. - ! I NORTH BRANCH, KAS. Tho country was visited with heavy rains Saturday and Tuesday nights, making many of the roads impassable. A number of the North Branch teach ers who were Rttnnriino- nm-m.i in Mankato spont Sunday at home and attended children's day exercises in tho afternoon. Miss Lucy Toland who has been in Red Cloud foi some time, is snendinn- a few days at homo. Mr. Loren Stanley now fills the place in Beeman'a store that was formerl tilled by Oral Lamb. We are sorry to lose Oral'a geniality, but wish Mr. Stanley prolonged success. Rev. John William will fill his nanl appointment at the Methodist church next Sunday. Luke Dillon, owner of the nursery, and his son Asa, started west on a can vassing trip Monday morning. Wo are sorry to chronicle tho death of Mr. Alex. Pollock on the morning of the 17th. Ho leaves a large family and many friends to mourn his departure. His daughter, Mis Eva Kropf, of of Arapahoe, Nebraska, and his son Wesley, who lives in Iowa, were home before tho death occurred. The family havo tho sympathy of the entire neigh borhood. Low Rates Northwest via Burlington Route. $40 for tho round trip to Helenn, Butte, Spokano and many other point from Omaha, Lincoln, Hastings, Grand Island and nearly all points on tho B. & M R railroad. 145 for the round trip to Tacomn, Portland, Seattle, Vanoouvqr and Vic toria from the same points. Tickets on sale daily, July 11 to 21, 1902, good returning until Septerabir 10. Chohe of routes. Stopovers al lowed on both going and returning trips. Ask the nearest Burlington Route agent for a folder or write J- Francis. General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Hronio Quinine Tablets All druggists refund tbo money if it fails to cure. E. W. Gi-nn.V m,.. ,,,,., is nii noh box 2."( Bargain Babies. If babies were for sale the most invet erate bargain-hunting woman in the world would not look for a bargain baby. She would want the lest baby that could be bought, regardless of price. Every woman naturally craves n healthy, handsome child, and her crav ing can be gratified if she will but re member that the child's health is her own gift, and to give health she must have It to give. ril nMtiiMi whose babies have have nursed in strength their first strong child nfter using Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It maternity, encouraging the appetite, quieting the nerves and inducmK re' freshing sleep. It gives the mother strength to give her child, and makes the baby's advent practically painless. "Mv wife had tcfn ick nearly nit her lift? f?'?.,.r " ,rlcte' f I'dcMburc Mc ant Co Illinois Ho! : 167 "and nrter IrjfiiR t-urv! hill? I couM think of I made lip my m b ,1 ?, trv l-avortte 1'rcacnptlon ' I K'it Vfx t" ,V uhuh my wife took a tablpooofi 1 1 iVe ,, , day until ihc batiy came " S after takmu the f,r,l f-ottic. and when I al.y " U born he we.Khi.-d niue and a half Jounds To day he 1 six months old and neiRlil tw" iitv-two pound. He Is an BoM a child as ai.y "l Q1 m Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the best and safest laxative for the use of delicate women. jSritj) mm fj-rn r aa&a4aV at. a a WZW SPRING 4 TtMB ESSEXM Madeaad Cuanrt ttedby J. Kuppta fclrnr & Co. Aacrka-a aTcadlag v. Cloth . Maker. Real Eiutc Tramfaa. Tho following; transfers, furni shed oy me weoste r County Abstract were mado during the past week Albert Whitmorn and wife to Al bert Horn, w d, ni ni82 3 9 t Hnry E. Cobbs and wife to Al bert Horn, w d, s) ne 38 2 0 A. E. Smith to Frank 8. Nelson, q c d. lots 6 and 7, block 8, tt tt addition to Hed Cloud Arthur B. Smith and wife to J. A.T Bates, wd, npj 3 4 11 TheoJ Moelle and wife to John A.Starkov, w d, lots 1 to C, hlock 8, Hoover's addition to Blue Hill Robert M. Cochrane and "wife" to Cora A Garbor, w d, w ne4 81 9 13 ' ... . Otto T. Bannar'd. receiver,' to Benj. F. Mizir, deed, eT 7 2 10.. Co., 1000 1000 2000 4000 i 1200 3800 Total , Mortgages filed. W.OOO.' ..13000 Mortgages released, o,200. Advertised Letters. , List of letters remaining uncalled for at the postotlicoat Hed Cloud, Neb. rnska. for the week ending June 19. 1902 , Millie Calvin. J. F. Magee, '1 hese fU r will be sent to the dead lettfi- offlcH July 3d, if not called for before When calling for above plensf say "advertised." T. C. Hack er, Postmaster. Mrs. Fred, PreaMcot I'miitt Clab, Beatea Harbor, HIcb. "After my fintbaby was born I did not seem to rtjiln my strength although the doctor gave me a tonic which he coasld ered very superior, but instead of getting better I grew weaker every day. My hus. band insisted that I take Wine of Cardui for a week and see what It would do for me. I did take the medicine and was very grateful to find my strength and health slowly returning. In two weeks I was out of bed and in a month 1 was able to take up my usual duties. I am very enthuil aitlc In its praise." Wine of Cardui reinforces the organs of generation for tho ordeal of preg nancy and childbirth. It prevents mis carriage. No woman who takes Wine of Cardui need fear the coming of her child. If Mrs. Unrath had taken Wine of Cardui before her baby camo she would not have beeu weakened as she was. Her rapid recovery should commend this great remedy to every expectant mother. Wine of Cardui regulates tho menstrual flow. WlNEorCARDUl It ,4T'i7'U .. TV. X VV Jl.H,li .1 Jf 1 a. J You Eat for breakfast. Hard to find any $ thing this time of J m m the year ? Try some of 2 that line -kneon 5 r which we have and m which we arc sell- "IB so cheap. $ Sherer I Bradshaw 5 Butchers (or The Pninii,,. Vk !- nr II mm to to Ml to 111 to lit $ m 1 m Jm W to . I to 11 1 1 im"uji 1 1 1 f aamEl hr J m.