The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 20, 1902, Image 3

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eggracft'ag'gsgagygBBr-' 4,w
There nrc fritnuh who tome 11 when hi id.
arrow's ynot uet.
To .Cl') with Oil OVIT 'l" do id,
Friends who viPiii. m the miiNt of o.u
liurt.tlic'N tm re-t
To know just vvlinl ought in be M.
lint the prime of them all. tvlin ,gtiiu
trouble Malic by,
Ami kr licit: t,iu do nothing lint bleed,
1 t'i vv who imiioi when tht'to's tin
i (sflf'c nigh
AiitonTiinpft t. "Ilov much ihi you
1'iilhrr. teiiilerlv bit- all the Ji otiiU I
have Known
U ho tame in tin- (lcitln of ni woe.
r ,fttt, to -tand lij tin mile w heii I lolt eo
That I inipht then ivimi ith know.
0 I love cVor mil' fot hitmhi.isp and
Anil iivo shall I vvnli iheiji nmhiw't'il,
Hul .1 4 town for t lit? oni.' who, when none
i'li was in ir, (fll "How much tin win need?"
S. V OiUi.ui,ttn 104 Angc'os lleralilf'
f.... m .....
fB 'urnen fBr picture
Toward the Wall."!
? Dy Horace Eaton Walker,
WHAT (' ti tn nlioiir to relate
oceiirtcd n number of
yeni.s ago, a shun tliiii
nrjiii- iiopiihir Mine;,
'IIi' Tiirni'il irV'r lli line Tim mil tln
Willi." mine mil. I was then living nt
Hi anion, our tiimlly eoiisisting ot my
self. ni wife mill two children, Mat
lie. uui'il ilflcen, mid Ucnrgo, aged sov
I'litft it We )of"t'il ,iii organ upon
which 111 llllllglltel pl.l.VOll. lii'Ol'gC
"Ingine. ti in 1 Mrs. Wllii'is mill uiy-olt'
(inning In on tin' t bonis in tegular
iiiiuiiiy fashion.
I w.i- tlu musical enthusiast nf tliu
lniiiil.. anil while I iliil not like all tlu
-ongs Mien extant, when oiu tlhl stilko
tile J, Immediately m.iMciod It I wont
into i vtaelm over t hi-' song,
ii'ijtl whistled It in tin woodshed,
hummed it in the pallor,, sang It to
Minis, neighbors .i ml 1 1 lends. Miltiy
ol these took tin1 fi'vi'r; lint mine was
especially malignant, anil tlu song
li.iunt'itl me tor weeks allot everybody
i'Ivi hail caught onto soiuethlug new.
M.v wife casually nientloiii'il an
asvlum lor lunatics several times a
day. P.ut I still topoaletl the song, the
ilisi tinny on rising in uu. morning,
anil the In t tiling on loMiitig at night.
Then sii,, expostulated ami veiituied
to hope that no more popular soups
would eonii' out lor at least a year. I
lealli'cd that my state was becoming
aim mine Something must be done,
a lid immediately.
".Mis. Wllters," I .said, "the thine
.shall lu stopped."
"I'm how, dearV" she queried wear
ll.v. "! sinill hul: up tlu organ."
Which 1 dlil; hut the song still ran
in iii.i iie.itl. At last I collapsi'il. I was
111 ft oni an ovi'tilose nf music. The
doetni said I would ii'otiperati' alti'r
a few days of rest, hut upon my be
cmiiing convalescent I must refrain
1 1 oni .ill music; I must not oven .sine
"Yankee Doodle." "Hen Holt," or
".M ii.v Had a Little Lamb."
Kight in the midst of this mental
tiihul.ition something happeneil. Mis,
Wlltors stnggoied Into my bediooin one
morning, hor oye.s as latge as s.iiiceis,
and exclaimed:
"Sam Wllters, every picture ii the
pallor is turned In the wall:"
"Yes," chimed It: Heoige, Mini the or
gan ih unlocked !"
"And pa," added Multle. tin
.slojis arc oiien where you play, 'lie
Tinned Her Picture.'"
Instead of throwing uie iiHo a mental
fever, this information did the mveii-e.
It Inoke up the musical trend ot my
"Hevet se every phi inc." I com
manded. "Lock the ni'Kiiii and fetch
the key to me."
I was obeyed. Then I nil:
"tii'oise. go titid letch my tttin fioin
the attic."
"Oh!" kii sped my wife
"Yes. 1 will sit here in lied, aiined.
and at the lirst ap)to.ieli of ikiueer.
Ieai fiom it and slniot the pei'so:i who
Is poipoti.UInu this joke."
"Kut .von me too sick to think of
tiu.vt lituir of the kind," expostulated
my wife.
"I shall need only to step liom the
lied and lire. City It I cannot slue a
popular sane! We'll s,-e about It,"
"It will be niuidcr." said .lattle,
vvltli tearful eyes.
"In the Hot deeree. too." cried
(icoree, scxerely.
"It won't he minder! It'll simply bi
ileteii'"!' aealust a burelai' See';"
They all saw: mid as I was master of
the Iioiim' and lliirouehly aroused to
the situation, it was decided that I
should eo on picket duty that uleht
"Mis. Wllleis, joji will iot If to the
chamber aboic," I onleied at Icdlime.
"And, Mattle. you tan :n company .vour
mother. As for ,vou. (leofKe, yet a
i luh I mm the wnoilhul and become
a soil ot body euaid l me "
As ulelii -el In the darkness of iln
looms became inieiise. Not a Hickcr
of Unlit inywheie. Jiisi total dm kness
(I'eoiee Mit in tlie pallor behind a c.n-c
id books lont.iiuliu oeti,v, pioso and
cnoiieh tllitlonarles to Mate an null
iiat.v liiirelar out ol his wits. I sat bolt
up ieht In bed, my back lesiine aealiiM
1 hiudhoaiil, my tuist.v emi in my
' le cloek.slrutk mie, Iwn Ihice The
id of the bell had scaicely i eased
u a loud noise tame to my ear.s.
Stiikltm a uiatili, I ieeped into the
loom wliere (icoiee was slttlne. lie
was last asleep and his l.illlim tin!
hud awakened tile. 1 Ilehted the lamp
and stared at the plctiuc.s,
"(j'eoieo!" 1 shouted.
", fatherV" lie cried, slatting
f"om his chair.
See!" -"'rTTrf
He staneeted hack. All the plelutes
were aealn turned toward the wall,
the oiean was unlocked and my favor
Ite stops were otitl
(JeorKe-sturiiil nt.tiie. . 1 stared at
"What does It mean, dud?"
"You slept!"
"Hut you were on ettard?"
"And did jou sleep?"
"I think not."
"How came jou Iiete. then?"
"The falllne of your ' ofiHi nrr'sed
"I'liiui sleep?"
"I'ei Imps."
Mattle and her notlier -non m rived
on the scene, hut none of us could
offer a solution to the uiyqtui'y.
nayllclit came. The urfcnri"" stops
were rcpl.iced, the orpin t clocked, and
evety picture righted. The next nlelU
.Mrs. Wllters and niyjclf weie to eo on
euaid, she to lemalti in the pailor, as
lieoreo had done the nlehl picvtottsly,
and 1 In lied, as 1 was not quite stuuie
oiioiteli yet to lemaln up.
At mlilnleht the house was apiiu
ipilet, .Mrs. Wllleis on pianl. I hoaid
the clock Mi tick twelve, then one.
My hair stood on end. A seto.itn
came ftom the pallor. Hastily Hehtluu
a lamp. I beheld Mrs Wllleis stamllue
In a corner, swlneine the club fianti
cally, and scrcntuine-
"I'leanor, what l:i Heaven's name are
you doing?"
"You neatly frightened me il death!"
she gasped.
"I ?"
"What did j on Hie at?"
I had dischaigctl the gun and it lay
smoking against the tootboard. the bu
reau looking ela.s having a round hole
through it.
"Hid I lire''"
"Did you? Mr. Wllleis. to-nioirovv
night Mattle shall bo on gumil. mid
neither , .hi not .voiii gun can filghtcu
"(ireat Heaven, see!" '
Uveiy picture was again tinned to
ward the wall mid the organ was
"Kleannr. what my-teiy Is this?"
My wife vva's sj eldess .lust at that
moment ficorgc and Mattle appeared.
"Fat her. we will tij it to-moiiow
night, and falling, we'll tall in Hie po
lice to watch foi us," Ceoieo said,
when the situation had been ex
plained And so once mole the ploluios weie
turned back.
"I prefer a icvol.'er to a club," Mat
lie said stoutly.
Thus armed we as.iin awaited events.
Singular Dial I should hear lie clock
stilkfng every night low mil morning!
Hut so it was. It struck twelve, then
one. then two. mid
I leaped tiom bed. Mattle was tiling
her revolver rapidly, the light levoal
iug her in an attitude of despair.
"Well. Mattle. what have ou hit?"
"Nothing!" -he said doggedly, tliiovv
lue her smoking lovolvei Into a cor
ner. "Oh, yes you have! You've shot
four holes thioiigh m.v now oil paint
ing, costing live bundled tlnlhlis One
hole in tlie pel. sped lie, one In the
hackerouuil, two iluoiigh the moun
tain. Cooii: .lust out hundred mid
twenty-live dollars a shot. Mm He.
you'll do."
As wo came back to a normal con
dition of mind we found thai the ple
nties hud been i oversell as befoic.
"II Is leirllile!" said Mattle.
"Hut why did you shoot?"
"I lieaiil footsteps."
"I do not know." ,
"Leave me to watch to-morrow
night, said m.v wile, ileteimiuedly.
"Well and good; we will!" I an
svveicd. When Ihi' fatal hour lame Mis. Wll
ters coinmmidetl:
"Mr. Wllters, you will now letlte as
usual "
I teilicd gun In hand.
"(ii'tirge Maliie-.vour father has
gone to bed. Collie"
The throe left the loom, going to the
spare ehamheis above What II meant
I hul no moans . r know iug at the time,
but II all came mil attorward. When
I It'll asleep the.V lelllllioil lo the sitting
loom, each holding a levolver and a
dark lantern .Mis Wlltcts was at Hie
head of the undertaking, bei Idea be
ing to Hash Hie bull's eyes lull upon the
parlor- adjoining at the siiiiiesi noise,
ami should a per.-ou ho illsioveied
tuniporlne with the organ oi plotutcs,
to shoot him.
As usual I lieaid the i lock strike
twelve, one, two, and - The next I
knew the pailor was suddenly Illum
inated, and craik! ciaek! uack! went
the l hi oo revolvers. The.v had sm
pi Ned tlu man In the vei.v act ol dis
placing the pictures, ami after tiring
exeltedlj, lushed Into the loom.
"(Ileal Hen veils!" cilcd m.v wife,
lalutiug mid falling.
"Ale you hint?" gasped Heoige.
"Wo have shot I'm her!" seioanied
MatHe. springing lorvvaid and clasping
me In her amis.
Matters wore soon lighted, but If
m.v bold waiiior.s bad not been loo
badly f tightened to shoot straleht I
should not be lolling this stor.v. It
is all explained by the lact thai I was
a somnambulist, ami did these things
In my sloop. -Win oi ley.
'lliu i:itiiitiit' Trelli.
AiK'lephmil has only eight teeth alto
gether. At fourteen jcais the elephant
loses Its iii'M set of tooth ami a now set
When ti baby stops crying tlie old
baeheloi thinks something must be
the mailer with It,
HlratiRi' t'ao VVttlrh l i:rltlnc t'oiimipiit
In Now York,
For some lime there has Ihvu spent
hit loti us to whether the body of Klmcr
S. Huniliiy. who was a Hnlted Slates
Circuit Coin t .luilge, was petiltled.
Though til Hie time of his death, live
years ago. says the Now YotirTrihuno,
the .luilge weighed, only a little nunc
than toil pounds, it took six or seven
men to handle the eollln teecntl.v at
the Moiiivlan Cemeler.v. whole the
body Is now lit the iccelvlng vault,
awaiting rcburlal. The pieseui weight
Is said to lie mole than "(K pounds.
The theory of petrifaction was toject
cd by cspi'its who visited the vault
and examined the body not long ago,
hill there is no ilouhl that the body
has undergone inaiked and cut Ions
changes, ..mid the examination which
wnBVtitulljlii)V:ed'til8o that the ?61or
had Oh"nnA;cd to alnrxt thiIinu of
"The body cottll hat illy l.ttvo become
licit Hied In so slum a time as live
years" said Frank H Chase, an an
thorlly on embalming, "as petillleatlou
Is alwiiya noeoinpaiiled by gloat age
Hut an litcicase In weight might easily
occur If the body were In u grave,
where waters charged with mineral
substances percolated. I can see no
way In which the Inoicnso of weight
could take place If the oo.llij wore air
tight. "Hut the ptohahlllty Is that it was
not. It Is extiemely dllllcult to make
a metal eollln ah tight, and unless water
could percolate to the body there Is no
means by which It could gain weight.
"When u body is enilialined, too,
Iheie Is a gradual toughening of the
tissues, accompanied by a disappear
ance of Hie watery substances, so that
in time weight Is lost instead of gained.
A body weighing 1".. to l.'O pounds lit
death would In a year or so weigh no
tunic than twent.v live pounds. You
can lift a mummy easily with one
hand, but to account for an tin reuse In
weight It Is neoess.iiy to suppose that substances have been added.
In a peifectly dry grave no InciciiHe In
weight could take place. This Is sim
ply tine to an accretion or mineral mut
ter, ami such cases are "by no menus
uiipieceilentetl." -
Tim UMglil of I lit. tiiinptirc.
One thing may bo salil iibouC'iho now
alinosphoie. That of oltl'was 'slipjiosed
to be mil over sixty miles' high, lis rli
tbj of decrease of density seemed to1
pioviMhls. Th iitiuosphere Is now be
lieved to be fully ."()) miles high. This
belief is based upon a study of the fall
ol meteorites. These free wanderers
ot plunge Into the upper air at so
gieat a speed Hint their filctioii, even
with the cxtteniely laic gas at that
high altitude, soon heats them tojucan
iles( cute, anil they liainc into light.
They have been observed to Hash out
in tills way at a height of over 1(K)
miles. At this elevation the air must
be so "xcecillngly rate as lo render it
certain that ftlntitm with scrotal bun
dled miles ot It would be needed to
heat meteor to the Incandescent point.
Ftom this II is estimated that the up
per limit of the atmnsphoio cannot be
less than ."00 miles above the surface.
It may be much mine The air may
i Mend upwind as far as the foioo of
giavlty Is capable of o vet coining Its
tilfugal I'm ce. which steadily In
tieaso'i wllh height. How high that Is
no one can toll. Clu.ilcs Monls, In Lip
Culirurnla 1'Ikx.
At an lllustialloti or the curbusly
illversilleil character ol the woik of the
agricultural stations. It h of Inletest
to note that the Callloinia station has
been for over ton years c.xpeilmcntlng
In lig ciiliuio. sixty different varieties
having iiceu tested in that period. It
has been connected ludliectly with the
National ilovernuient in the study of
the Smyrna lig. I: lias been demon
strated thai this tie. to naeh Its high
est foi in must bo lei tinned by a tiuv
iii-oct whii h, in tne Old Woiltl li- re
gions ei-i's on Its tuiicli'iig Journeys
I loin the wild capiilig llovver to the do.
inestic 11.- nee. henrhu the pollen
which gives to n.,. ripened n ts j,,..
ciillar ilchiiess and '..nor. The promise
now is that, ihtough the Introduction
or fit liiseit. Hie ohoIecH Hiiropeaii
llgs mo to be raised with piotit in Call
foini.i. W. s. Hai wood, In Kerlhuei-'b.
Xiilim or Suniliiy Ite.
An Important tontilbullon to bclcn
llllc hem lug mi the neicsslty cf
Sunday icsi Horn labor has been made
by a Penns.vhaiila lailioml otllcial. He
seleoteil two groups ot laborers from
the woiking tony of a coitnln freight
house i mm oiled by his road. He
ineasiiioil the working iiipiciiy of each
group in let ins of tons handled dally
lor a week On Stinilaj one group
icslctl; the oilier worked as usual. Ou
the lollowlng Monday Die men who
had been i oullniioiislj at service
showed a decrease nt ten per cm. in
ellleieiicy as coiup.iicd with the pre
vloiis Moiul.n, anil each tlav afler
their coinparative delluipieiiey beeauio
greater. The men who hail their Sun
tla.v lespiie. on tin- other hand, were as
valuable to the company the second
week as th Hist. -Duliiih Herald.
Hull mill Snow.
Why water should sometimes fall as
soli snow crystals mid at others in
haul lumps ol Icy hall is a iiuesllon
of Inleicsl. The illllereiuo Is entirely
one ol time. Snow crystals mo turmoil
veiy slowly, the fioeii atoms or walci
grouping Ihetnsolves with iiialheinat
leal pieclslon around dlffeieut centres,
Hall, which generally rails in wnrm
vve.iiher. Is min tiozen sinhlenly by a
sliaip ill op ol toniperatiire In the upper
air. Wind nemly always aoeompanles
hall, while the linger ami more pel foot
sitowtlakos me alwa.vs funned In calm
nlc Chicago Juurutil,
The st lentlsts ate doing good wotk In
showing how volcanic illsturb.uit es
happtti Hut Iheie is a sad lack of fa
clllllcs t'oi determining when
The Swiss Industry of vvaichmakiiie,
on uliU Ii the little tepiibllc had at on
time mt.aluiost complete iiinuopnl.v has
lecoveicil n mil the deptesslug ell'oits
of Atiieilenu competition The Swiss
tinned the tables by Impelling Ameil
inn w.iiihmakliig mat hlnei.v into tbeli
eountty ami me said to be now iinilci
selllng the Aineilean iiianufai Hitois in
the Fulled Siatos.
Nlneot Iheelehl.v eight Fulled Slates
Seiiiilors weie boin between IS'.'O mitt
J&IO.jrtiid Pottus, of Aubaina, born In
18'-M, Is J lie oldest, ' lllscolleiigi', Mor
gan wa" boin in IS'JI llavvle.v. Hoar
anil Hate tlr-i saw the light in IS'.'ti
Of the old men ot the Senate four me
.Southern hot ii. Pottus in Alabama,
Moigan ami Hate In Teuiiessio. and
Haw ley In Ninth Ciiiolluu.
Hev. Dr. N. D mills, of Phiuoiith
Church, Hiooklyii. says that a .voung
college gr.itluale who wanted to go on
the leetuie platfoini asked him what
he would i lunge to piopaio a good lei
tine to be ileliveiotl by Hie beginner as
his own The clergyman Jnklngl.i tv
piled that he appraised the Intcll.-et he
would put Into the lectin e al S10I10. Hie
humor at S.'dti. ami the pathos at .v.-.uu
To his surprise, the .voung man agiccd
to the tonus and otilered the lot Hue.
but It gios without s.iyiue that Hie oi
dor was novel tilled.
The exactness of science has novel
been more sttiklngly shown than Ii the
piopaiatliuis now making to adjust th,
illscicpancy In longitude ami time at
present existing between the obseiva
tory at (iieonwleh and thai at Pails
The illscicpancy is only s.teen one
hiiiitltcdlhs of a setond. but a largo
staff. of astionomeis ami mathemati
cians will undertake tlie wink of cor
recting It. and it Is thought that It may
take l hem a year to complete it. Spe
clal buildings have boon elected at
(iicciiu ifh to accoininoilate them, ami
every facility that scletue can afford
.will be given to aid them In their onion,
lallons The print leal value of the ox
actness thus soug'it lor uiiisists In the
precise iletotniliintlii! of nmional hiiitu
dary linos.
II Is i barged by a wilier in Aineilean
Medicine that cffoits to doeieiise the
cost of inanufacluro of Illuminating
gtis have losultod in making a danger
nitslv polMinous piotlttet. Much moil
it:i gi:s islsts largely of so called
water-gas, whit h tontaiiis ililil.v per
cent, of i m lion inono.xlilo, a lalally
poisonous .substatite. On the lopo'il, In
Massachttsetth. of laws llnilllng the
pioiiiuHoii or monoxide In llliiiiilnmlug
gas to ten per cent., H.e death late
rioin gas pulsotilng at once lose. In
Ihlrteen .veins pilar to this the lotal
number of deaths was mil.v eight,
wlillc, In the thli teen .veils lollowitig
the number was l.v.i. Many puzzling
eases of physical decline, the vviitet
believes, aic to gas leaks In
lll-vcntlhilcd houses.
One of the pi iuclial assets of the Fnl
ted Klngdoni K lis niei chant mailnc,
which is an Indispensable aid In mak
ing good the ilillcietieo between the e.v
poits ami linpoits of the louuti.v Vhe
need of such an ngi-iej may he shown
by the latest tiaile teporls, width give
the excess ot impoiis over ex pints for
the nine months ending Maich or this
year as i$'.iO,l(M!,oii!, an Incicis,. 0
about the millions above ihe coin
hpoiidiiig llgtiio ot a j ems aj.ii. siatos
the Chicago Itofoiil-Hcinlil. Sin h an
"unfa voi able" lialame would, of
course, be Impossible If Hiltlsh capital
woie not fin incoming to settle the ac
count, and as a very touslilorable poi
tiuu of It is furnished by the sea ear
llcts the coiic'in of the peo lo ovoi
their shipping h easy to untleislaail.
The Koiimu alphabet glows i imv. ami
moie In fin or mIHi the nations of the
en i Hi. The latest country to lake steps
toward Its adoption Is Japan The
Hov eminent has lecently appointed a
commission to thaw up a plan wheioby
.Inpnncs? writing may bo made to con
foi in to modern Hiigllsli and Fieiieh
foi ins. in china piogrcs, ,iu Mime
dliettloii ! icpDiiod, ami nilsslonailcs
Iheie say ihal ihe old ami Indexible
slgn-wiltlng N sine to go. t.'cimany is
inpldly falling Into line, mid the num
lier of luioks anil pamphlets printed In
Itommi charactcis luci oases joar by
jear, lemaiks Ilmpor's Weekly. In
ltussla, however, the Individual alpha
bet peculiar to that couutiy Mill shows
no signs of chaiige-tlie i lie cniiuliy
whose Ilteiatuie Is almost inaccessible
to Hid rotcigii-hotii stinleuls. Hut Horn
a bioatl survey it seems Inevitable dial
eventually Ihe one alphabet-Hie lto-
uiuu-win iiue i uu vvuini, t
(c( fnffiYMift dJi
U'liHt IIik Niilliiinil llovcrtiiilMit I DiiIiik.
IN Ills latest icpoil to the Depatl
incut or Agtleutttite Martin Dislge,
tllicctor or the ellii I' Public
Itoad Infinities, makes the lollow
lug lemaiks logatillug tic woik or the
olllce and its needs and plans tor the
"It Is proper Just here to tall alien
Hon to a misconception which appeals
to exist In the minds of some to the el
feel that lni!teiisodrfjipproprlntloiis; ur
this work may lend 'In nntlniial nfd. If
should bo distinctly understood that the
woik of this olllce, like that of many
other divisions of the dcpaitmciit, is
puiel.v educational
"Sclculllic load bulhliiie necessitates
not only the cnnsldeiatlon of lotal con
tlltleus. stub as climate ami soil, lalu
i'all ami tlralnage. but also a study of
avaUnble matctlals aillaceiil to the
load To tiniispnii matotlals a gieat
distance adds so much to the oosl us lo
lender loads seienlillcally cotistt tided
of t'tiielgu materials Impracticable.
Competent toad bulldeis should ills
envoi mid lest the available mateilals
ami show by practical object lessons
how the most good can be made or
lliom with the least possible exponill
lute ol money ami labor The best ma
lei I, tls are not always dlscoveied, ami
I lions. mils of dollars me wasted in I his
intiutiy auuttally by the use of poor
materials whole a little expert study
and advice would have developed good
materials close at hand The best
methods of uslne llieso materials me
nt'tcnt lines unknown, and money Is
wasted in Hieii improper application
All those things retiulio scloiitlllc study
ami Investigation The people of the
country aie now liitcicstctl in this mai
ler as never heroic, ami they are de
manding ami me sorely In need of au
thentic lufoi miitinii along these Hues.
I'm thei foie, this Is woik which the
(Jovoi iiuionl oaii do for them much bet
tor ami more economically than they
can tin for themselves.
"Allot having coiishlctcd all loiters,
requests and icsolutloiis which havu
tonic to the ilepiu tiuent, ami after con
sulting ami cm responding with many
or Hie most piomiueiil tanners mid
road advocates throughout (he country
I have the honor to rci minuend that
Congiess be asked to increase the up
pioprhitloii lor I his olllce for the next
llscal year In S7,-(,0t)0. if this Increase
is granted, 1 would lcconnneiitl that
Iheie bo devoted, provisionally, to In
vestigations and educational woik,
$1000 In each or Ihe Slates and Teni
tin ics, ami that Hie balance be used in
deriaylng Ihe miming expenses of this
olllce and toad material labmatoiy.
"The necessity of fuitlicriug the woik
or this laboratory Is felt all over the
country, and ul least $10,000 Is needed
for cariylng on this branch of the wink
for the next llsetil year. The small
sum of SloOO heielofoic allotted to
each or the four divisions ol' the coun
try Is not sulllclenl to pay ihe salary
ami expenses or competent persons.
The ilepaitiiieiit should be able to com
maud the entire time and attention or
thole iepi"sentntlvos, but In older to
tlo this at least .!!,' 0(1 should be set
apart for each division
"Our small rone has been so com
plctel.v occupied with outside woik Hint
the in cp.irat lou of didactic litcraltiie
had to lie uoRl"ctotl. This bianch of
the woik should also lecclve moie al
lentlon. especially the collection. Illus
tration, pi luting and dlstilhutloii of
piactical ami scieiitlllc lufoi million. 1
Hiisl, llieiefoic. that you will llml It
wllhlti .vour power lo scenic a I least
.fT.'.OOO ror the use or this olllce for the
next llsoiil year.
"When the last report was submitted
Iheie was some ilouhl as lo whether
we t onhl secure a sitlliclent number or
1 1 allied men to carry on extensive In
vestigations in the vat Ions States, but
dining the last year the olllce has de
voted a groat deal of attention and
sillily lo (lie selection of poisons who
aie sulliclently skilled to Inaugiiiate
this woik. It Is giatifylng lo announce
thai wo arc now prepaid! gicatly to
e tend the work of this olllce, and the
.ippiopilntiou above meiitloiietl, If
granted by Congiess, will bo expended
Judiciously it id wisely "
Aii liiiiortiint (Jut-Minn.
There Is plenty or labor In the until
My to build ami maintain good loads,
If pioperly utilized. A few days' woik
a year under compet-iit illioollon, sup
plemented by a loiisonlnhlc tax on the
pioperly. would, in a lew years, make
:i maivelous tllfrcioiice It Is not to ho
c.K'ctctl that all the counties can at
oiiio tinileilako macadam or stone
toads, most or them cannot, except in
tlie wmst placet, bin a vast improve
ment may bo math' In the t otumoii tliit
loads, ami It Is these width must bo
our llrst t out oi a.
This load fiiosinu K Ihe most impoi
lain question now couriontliig the peo
ple of the State The toiiuti.v people
mo vitally Inleie-ied in it. not only
finm mi ctoiiomlt-, but ri mil a social
Hmidpolui. The plcasiii" mid
tagos ol coiintt.v Hie would be so gieal
l, multiplied ir iieL'hlinis had easy at
tess over good loads to one auothei's
houses, If 1 u thlhlieii iiiilhl go til
school, ir all ! p'nple could go to
chilli ll. We li, v lint too pool to build
good loads. Ve aie too poor to tin
without them and piosper
A tiger has boin nica-uucd eighteen
feet fi mn end of nose to lip ol tall.
No lion ol such a sl.e has been killed.
Five men can hold down a lion; It
takes nine lu huld a tiger.
Humor nml Siihllclv In Nurinlltn n !!
i'IiiI lllmim lrrlllcii.
Wltl.v auei dotes mo occiislotinlty
credited lo the Jews, but, according
to a wilier In Chauibiiss .lout mil, "the
.lows possess in a touim liable degree
the iiiallt.v ol' humor mid subtlety In
nairatlve geiiorall.v of a biting or iltoll
naltiio." A number or specimens are
given" Some com em Disi.iell, the host,
perhaps, being Ihal leluiliig to the late
Lord Hosslyn. "What can we tin with
llosslyn?" Disraeli once askei ol a col
league. "Make him Master or the
Hiickhtiiiinls as his talhei Was," sug
gested the hitler. "No," icplied the
pieinler; "he swears fur loo much lor
that. We will make him High Com.
mlssinnor to the Chun Ii of Scotland"
Many stoilos ate told of ihe Hollio
chlhls, A young top who paid oin; of,
the u'lcbrilioil .levvlsh bankers lilwlfg' '
was so pioiiil of his sot of tliahrehlte
sleeve bullous that lie liiolishl.t liiHlsted
on exhibiting them to his host. The
latter looked al lliom ami then ie
maikcil "Yes, il Is a ptetty stone. 1
have always liked It In the next
room I liavo il imiullepiece niatle of It."
The wife or one of the Hnllisohlhls
lived lo he uiuel.v eight, on her ilcnlh
bed she said to hoi medical nlteiiilmil:
"Oil, doctor, can you tlo anything lor
mo?" 'Nothing, niailani." he leplhtl;
"I cannot make you young again."
"No," she added, "I tlo not want that.
I should like to live to gtow old."
The grandfather of Ihe present Lord
Holhschlhl made a practice or employ
ing a eoitalii cabby to dilve him round
on his business calls, psylng the man
lllieially. but. not lavishly. Thai gen
Ih'inmi's son also occasionally em
ployed the saine driver, ami he luv.-irla-bly
.gave a substantial gratuity In ad
dition to the rare This tlirfeience
puzzled the ealimiin for a time, till
eventually he plucked up siilllclcut
courage to ask the elder Rothschild
to explain why his son always paid
more than ho did "Mj good man."
Itothsehlhl replied, "my sou has the
gootl foi lime to have a rich father; I
Sot rows roineiuli, led sweeten pres
ent Joy -Pollock.
Haihncss Is Hie fivlllifnl hut un
happy parent of misfortune. Fuller.
To icfoim a man you must begin
with Ids grandmother. Victor Hugo.
Iteciiui,iuui' Injury with Justice, and
iinklmluess with kindness.-Confucius.
A straight Hue Is the slimiest in mor
als as In mathematics. .Marie Filge
worth. IT nettled by severe raillery, conceal
the sUng II you would escape a icpctl
tion of the evil. Coltoti.
There are few things reason can ills,
cover with as much certainly ami ou-e
as Its own ltisiilllclcncy. Jeremy Col
lier. Hcllecllon Is the llovver of the 'iilnd.
giving oni wholesome Iragrance; but
rev cry Is the sinie llovver, when rank
and running to seed Tupper.
One of the aiost uufortiiiiale beings
is a man gifted with a sense ol humor
who lacks tact, ror nearly every Joke
he poipotraleH oust him a friend. He
tannin resist Hie temptation to enjoy
a gootl Joke, even at the expense of
liionilshlp. The humorist who would
retain his fi lends must lefialu liom
Jokes that may be Inicrpicted as Im
pertinence. Success.
G'tinnem In llrlilul Costumm.
Continental In Ides, says the London
Hrnplilc, are so conservative In their
bridal attire mid customs that It Is
stmuwhat sliange that two new depai
lures at weddings should have been no
Heed within the past few days, ami In
different countries. In Spain of all
lands most slow to take in new Ideas
the daughter of a grandee was attended
by eight bihlcsmalds, quite afler the
P.uglish fashion. As a rule, Initios
maids me iiuiio.xlsleni In Fiance ami
Spain, the hi hie being only attended
by one or two maids or honor, each
tliosscd dlffeicntlj. In this last of
Spanish weddings, however, the bevy
ol maidens weie all In white, and
walked up the chinch atlci the Initio.
The hctoiid Innovation was observed at
a small P.nis wedding. The Initio
wore, of the oithoilo.x while
silk or satin, a white velvet gown, and
Instead of mango blossoms or inyithi
bouquets of white camellias, both ou
her i oi sage ami catihliig up her luce
veil, so mtauged as to 1'oiiu a peaked
up ami vcr.v becoming tollluio.
'I lie Placid riotiniler.
At length we sec theiii, the serene
lloiindeis, ic posing in the small end
or the potkets. It is hard to Imagine
moie Impassive ilsli in all the seas thau
those tloiimleis-hardly a squirm or u
Hash out or them as they are balled
over the tall and dumped iuto the well.
They did swim around like happy
cieatuies once they round themselves
In the well, in what must have seemed
lice water to them again hut that
onl.v showed again what foolish ilsh
ilii-i wete, as even August noted. A
tat cod or u haddock, n whiting or
i von a hoavy-wlltcil halibut -will kick
mid snuggle when caught, with seem
Ingl.v a preseuilineiu of the fate that
aw alls him, but I hose Hat lloundets
not a i cally vigorous kick or wiggle
t mn the entire bunch -From "On a
Haltle Sea Sloop." by .lames H. Connol
ly, lu Sci Hitter's,
Long Avenue of 'It rci,
Japan has an avenue of trees fifty
tulles lu length. The trees are the
eryptoniora, and every one Is n perfect
specimen, quite stinlght, from lot) feet
lo l.'O feet in height and twelve feet to
llftcen feet lu clicutufeicnee. The ave
nue extends ftuiu the tuw'ti of Natuuu
da to Nikko.
2 I '
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