v? tf y Jp Ik V'. I OH m.. a v . . p i k' n '. m i. fit K HEilJIIijiJliiit - 'wsS.SBiKSsipllBlsi VOLUME XXX. Tfce Big Store. We present values you cannot afford to miss ? Our annual June clearing sale is proving attractive to the buying public. Several of the lines of goods offered last week have been sold out. This week we add Groceries! National Biscuit Company, fresh Ringer snaps, per pound Choico Japan Kice.. . .... Gallon can pie fruit, peeled poaches or apricots Lima beans .. . . Special offer on rnisius Gleanod currants in packages, per package Libby soup, per can 1 pound can oj linked lieans with tomato sauce CALIFORNIA CANNED GOODS ! Apricots, 20c grad reduced to I'eacces, 20j grade reduced to Plums, 20i5 grade reduced to Peaches, '2m guide, reduced to Another - Wash - Goods 500 yards 12J and 10c Wash Goods reduced to 9c 500 yards 8c, 0c, and 10c wash goods and ginghams reduced to ?c 1000 yds Gioghams. Lawns, Swisses, Dimities, Batistes reduced to f4c 200 yards yard wide percale remnants , ffc A Splendid Value. AnotheS lot of Ladies shoes, complete line of sizes, new shapos f O $1 00 shoes I educed to . Miner SPECIAL ! We have just received a new lot of Fruit - Jars, And to move them in a hurry we will sell them very cheap. Get out prices before buying. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. Cash paid for Poultry and Hides. ' 0f ' GROCERIES AND MEAT m ARKEG. The Chief, $1.00 a Tie Cc 87c So Oc 8c 7o 7c l(!c 10c l(lu 20c Bros. Year in Advance. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, JUNE 20 1902. Correspondence. BLADEN. Mrs. J. F. Brewer returned home Friday after a wesk's visit with friends at Stoddard, this stato. Miss McKonzie of Bluo Hill, who was tho guest of licssio Strieker, re turned homo with her father Wednes day. James Dority and wife returned to their home last Tuesday after spend ing several weeks with friends and looking up a homo in tho Oklahoma country, but they havo decided Neb taska is good enough for them and they will remain on their farm north east of Bladen. Art Bailey, A. P. Johnson's popular clerk, will work in the harvest field for Hubert Miller. Henry Ludlow and H. H. Fuller of Campbell drove over to Bladeu Wed nesday to see the ball game. Miss Barrs of Campbell was tho guest of Miss Lottio Doyle. Mrs. Priestly and son, who havo been in the eastern part of tho state, re turned homo Weduesday evening. Mrs. S. J. Wheeler was a passenger to Bluo Hill Wednesday morning. A. Kline and son, from Ohio, an undo of H. L. Richondifer, spent a few days with him last week. ' H. L, Uichendifer and son were at Lawrence last Friday. C. E. Hicks left last Friday for Lin coln, whore ho attended tho state con vention as a delegate. Charles Morey commenced clerking for Fiank Waullg tho latter part of hi9t week. Clyde Keith returned homo last Wednesday from Lincoln, where ho has bu n attending dental collego Alias Rosu Thome has leturned from Wood Hiver, where she has closed a veiy successful tenn of school, and wo understand that she has been engaged for another year. Mts.G. P. Cather, wi;h her daughter and sons, came homo from Grand Is land last week, wliero sho has been keeping house for the children, who are attending school at that placo. Mr. Reynolds, trie now butcher, has moved bis family from Rod Cloud to our city. Ho is occupying tho Roy GrandstafT houso. John Lutz, Jr., gave a party at bis homo last Saturday evening. Tho Methodist church has had its steeplo remodeled, which adds much to tho appearanco of tho church, and it will make a suitable placo for the now 1000 pound bell, which is expected in every day. Rev. Ptiostiy deserves credit for all of this, as ho has drawn the plans and has done tho greater part of tho work. Miss Abbie Munson has gono to Lin coln on a visit. - STIWLLATER. Fine weather for corn. Harvest time is drawing nigh, John Thompson, Sr,, of Donver is here on a visit. E. C. Christy has remodeled h s barn on his furm occupied by Samuel Rich ardson. A number of peoplo from Mt. Clare and vicinity attended tho children's exercises at Prairio Center Sunday. Alice and NellioDoWolf aro expected to arrive this week from Weeping Wat- er to spond the summer with relatives here. Children exercises at Prairio Contor passed off very pleasantly. Tho pieces wero nearly all of a high character and were in most cases well rendered. The exerclso entitled "Sowing" by a class of little ones, and one by a larger sized class, wbero four youn girls represent ing tho four countries, China, India. Africa and Japan, calling for help, were responded to bj four other who prtMiUdeaea .with hihU wlt.' Items of Interest m Reported by Chief Reporter at Several Nearby Localities. proprlato remarks, and tho songs ac companying it wero worthy of special montioc. Elder Headloy of Guide Rock gavo a short talk. A liberal collection was taken at tho close. REACH Henry Smith is putting up his alfalfa this week. Tho crop is not quite so heavy as usual. John Fra.ier bought a tine young hull of W. J. Miller Monday. Plowing corn seems to bo tho push ing business of tho day. With very fow exceptions corn is in good condition. Our second nino played a very nico game of ball on 'he homo diamond Saturday with a nino from White Rock while the tirst nino was at Cora. Our game with Cora Saturday re sulted in a scoro of 12 to u in favor of Cora. The republican caucus of Logan township was hold at tho usual voting placo, at which tho delegates wero chosen for tho convention at Smith Center and a general township ticket was nominated. Will Dollius was ono of the jurymen on the Coopor-Leadabrand trial Wed nesday. Another lino rain Saturday night but let it come as long as wo can keep the weeds down. Children's day exorcises wero held at tho church Sunday ovoning and tho largest crowd that has over been in our big church was in attendance. Tho program was a snecoss from beginning to end and ovorybody enjyed ii gen eral good time. O. C. Ft ussier bought a load of coin of his father Saturday. Grandma Stones is reported very sick this weok, but under the elTrcicu euro of Dr. Morrison of Womcr h get ting along nicely. Arthur llartmau bought u team, wagou und harness thu other day. Arthur knows n good thing when he sees it and always takes advantage of it. Ben Beardsleo reports his mother not so woll and says ho looks for her and bit father homo soon. Tho Children's day exorcisos at Ori- olo school bouse Sunday wore well at tended and a Una program was ren dered. J. W. Starr drove ovor to Red Cloud Monday on business. Willlo Hartman and his mother wero up from Lebanon Sunday to attend tho exercises at tho church. Somo of tho young peoplo who went over to Cora Saturday didn't get back until Sunday. Grundma Fruzier came up fiom Lob anon to visit with icr daughter, Mrs. Geoige. Thcio will boil gtanil picnic in tho grove at Al Kiolick's Sunday, Junu ',".) BLUE HILL Rob llamil visited at homo this week Mrs. Stowatt and daughter camo in from Koydtouo, South Dakota, Satur day morning Mrs. Ashby and children will visit her father, tho judge, at Bloomiiigton tho hoxt two weeks. Mrs. W. W. Scott camo in from Don apbin where sho spent Sunday. Lawn Tennis is ill tho go hero now. Thoro aro ilvo tennis courts in town at present. Oliver Wright camo up from Red Cloud Friday and remained until Mon day. The bato ball limp and bicpele hump are the latest fads in Blue Hill. The Good Templar lodge gavo a lino program Thursday evening. Tho pa por writton and read by Mrs. Hummel was especially good and elicited no end of applause from tho audience. Hh. wier (v icii kerj daughter and family from Kearney this week. Mrs. Wilcox and daughter Miss Lin nle arrived from Lincoln on a visit to Mrs. Bruce. Thoy wore Joined by Mr. Wilcox Saturday and all dopartod for their homo in Bloomingtou Monday. Mrs Win. May is slowly recovering from a severe attack of peritonitis. Tho ladies of Bluo Hill aro true grit, Saturday afternoon ono laid down her puiso on tho counter in a store. A man picked it up and wont out. Sho walked out after hi in and took it away from him. Wo havo no nood of a po lice when our women havo that much nerve. Tho air is full of rumors of weddings. Thu M. K Peoplo aro very much elated over their children's day collec tion which amounted to S20. Pretty good. Miss Alta Shottonkirk is entertaining two young lady friends from Lincoln. Thoy departed for Imperial Monday evening to visit their parents. There havo boon 100 binders sold so far this season at this placo. This looks like tho wheat crop is a failure. A groat many of tho farmers are buying cream separators now. Tho district convention of Christian Endcavoreis will bo held at Dewecso this week. E.ra Conrad is breaking a lino span of colts this week. Rosomout is preparing to colobrate tho Fourth of July. Tho eaglo is Hy ing high up that way. hurrah for Rosemont! The Emerick brothers havo four thresher engines and two separators at their blacksmith shop undoi going re pairs, besides soveral binders. Lowis Goblo of Bloomingtou spent Sunday in Bluo Hill. Tommy McCluru is reported somo better at present. Our small boys aro earning a fow dollars weeding onions for Fillio, near Ayr. They woik a fow days, thon como homo and visit tho folks. CROOKED CREEK. Corn is doing lino, and so aro the weeds. Everybody is busy working their corn, so as to bo ready for harvest, as tho wheat is ripening rapidly. Fine rain Saturday night, with somo bail, but not enough to damage an y thing to spoak of. Pat Relict is sowing Kaflir corn this week. Ed Rciher, one of our most ptospor ous neighbors, shipped ono car of lino fat steors and ono of hogs Tuesday. Dick Ruachoy is working for Mr. Martin this summer. Frank Smith was hauling hogs for Mr. Reiher Monday. Mr. Pierce is listing corn in tho ground from which ho rut his. ryo last week. BATIN. Erasmus Stenuer has built a now frame residence. S. LiudquUt has returned from an extended visit in Wisconsin. John Pavhcek went to Kansas City lust week, Rudy Stteit was transacting business in Blade n Monday. Miss Eunico Kelly from Topoka, Kan., is hero visiting her grandmother, Mrs, Mary Bean, Frank Sadilok has routed a half sec tion of land from A, N. Wilson for livo years. Henry Williams wont to Red Cloud Monday after a now bindor. G. M. Wilson, from Otto, was seen in this vicinity last Friday. ' Mr. Crowell hauled several head of fat bogs to Red Cloud last Saturday. O. H. Wilson was down to Red Cloud last week transacting businoss with tho county board. WOMER, KANSAS. Plenty of raiu. Corn and weeds do ing lint. There la a new implement firm in NUMBER 25 Books Given Free. Commencing, Saturday, June 21st. Below we give a partial list of the books we have on hand at present. Arabian NIrIiis (8) New and ReTleed Edition The Fortunes of Nigel bcolt lvanlioo ....... -...Scott Hejondtho City (3) . ...A. Couan Dojle Hlraugc ticcrets . ... A. Conan Dojlo All Sorts und Condition of Men .... Denant and ltlco let ... Edwards KnlKlit Krrant J.jrall llopio the Conscript .... Anthony Trollopo Chicot the Jester Dumas CountcKH do Cliurny ... .. Dumas Loe and Lthcrl) Dumna Tho Conscript Dumas Vlromto do llraKeloniio .Dumas CoriKiielo Sand Tho Counters of Hmlolhtailt. gaud Indiana - band Hanchon tho Cricket. .Sand Deldee Warden Confessions of an English Opium Eater - Do Qulucj Gold Klslo Marine A Daughter ol Beth Mack Tho Frontiersmen (8) Alroard Tha Ullthcdale Romance .Hawthorne Ardath Marie Corelll Uarda Ebers Pilgrim's Progress Uunyan Tho Deemsters Hall Cain Humphrey Clinker bmollet Corlnne ............................ ... De Stael Paris Sketch Book Thackeray The Man Who Was Uood Merrick Jack Hornr Mary 8. Tlernan llouioiicllc....... ........ ... Mary S. Tlernau Waodlandcrs ..... Thos. Hardy iiu vi'suo ui tiiu njes ..vjiniii mien Not 111 the Prospectus Dnnforth Itnmnntch .... .... I.oll A New Note Mc.Mahou Dmkou's Teeth Serrano The Cedar hlar Mann Tlie C'rjutiil Iluttun .Thomas A Living Me - Hourget One of these books will be given with every dollar you pay on subscription. If you pay one years subscrip tion in advance or one dol lar of back subscription you get one of these handsome books free. If you pay two dollars on subscription you get two books, if you pay $3 on subscription you get three books, etc. For every dollar you pay on subscrip tion you get one of these handsome books. Com In and get one before they ere ell gone. I I ; i ii u "' ; i 'i r: ;l I'AtSr. i ' M. Tl BssssssssBsfMhsHHi' Tsffl5Bffi??i8s5iES3BiMssaMBsHliHH eeeWjSmffitemewmEftBeleW SSSH