jswatrsi UobtlMkllitl,i, 1 For anything 4 4 -i 4 4 4 4 M 4 4 4 a -9 -9 You May Need in Photographic apparatus or I supplies call on 9 9 9 1 Jlewhouse - Bros., f 4 f- fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr We sell honest 1 goods at honest 9 4 9 prices and 9 -9 -9 save you the -9 a 9 fr 4 3 rreignt. WEEK'S HAPPENINGS No. 2 homo grown corn (or (oed at Jtoby'd. Donald McCallumof Guido Hock was on our atrcets Thursday. W. R. Knap of llladen was transact ing business in this city Thursday. Mel Tingluy ot Wichita, Kau., was in the city (or a short time Thursday. Miss Jessie Kellogg was visiting with friends in and near Kiverton the first of the week. F. W. Dutton of Lebanon, Kan., vis ited at the homo of K. H. binith the first of tlie week. V. U. Uoby purchased some line home grown standard No. 'J corn the first of this week. Mrs. W. T. Mohi'LV leaves Saturday moruing for the western pan of ihu state for a visit with relatives. S.J. and W. L. Potter of Nelson l were looking at land in this vicinity the Urst of the week with tho view of purchasing. Miss I'earl Albaugh of Shawnee. Okla., is visiting with D. J. Myers and family. Miss Albaugh is a cousin of Airs. Myers. Miss Edith Anderson, who has been visiting with her cousins, the liadels iu this city, returned to her homo in Princeton, 111., Tuesday. W. H. Burkett of Lincoln, president of the Nebraska UuilUiug and lioau Association, was looking after business matters in this city Wednesday. Fred Lutz. one of Hed Cloud's pio neer boys, who is at present located at Kansas City, was visiting with his .sister, Mrs. Geo. tlouister tuts week- You've got to hustle all the time to keep in tho swim. If you are slipping -down the ladder of prosperity, take Kocky Mountain Tea. Makes people strenuous. u. i. lotting. Isaac N. Fountain, of Upland, Nob., has purchased tho property formerly occupied ny Air, urausnaw ano snu ated just west of the city. Mr. Fonn- tain will move his family lure as soon as possible. Geo. and Fred Kummer, sons of 11. H. Kummer, left Tuesday for Silver Creek whore they will visit for a short time and then go to Columbus to spend tlie balance of their summer vacation with relatives and friends. Wo understand that (J. V. Arga bright expects to move his studio into the Potter building. He will have the part of tho second floor which is at present unoccupied. Tho work of tit ting up the rooms was begun tho first of the week. v W. 11. Kcssel of Quincy, III., was in this vicinity the first of tho week look iiiK for land with tho view of locating here. Wo did not learn whether lie found such laud as ho was after, but believe that ho must bo satisfied with tho showing which this county makes tit this time, as ho spoko very favor ably of tho country. Smknk One A I'tlvnte coiivermtlon. You old fool. (!) You will, will you. ("i I'd, learn you to go and buy a lot of elieaCx'innes and llardwaro before vnug. J-O. HfTLKit's prices on first i-liis goods of the same kind. (!!) Tako that, (!!!) and that, (III!) and that. Now viu !d chump will you louusomo. ihingV GENERAI CITY NEWS. Iaae SliopmWun of Riverton was in the city Tuesday. Harry Shank of Nelson was a R A Cloud visitor Tuesday. Head the offer of a free cabinet pho tograph in another column. Summer dress goods, laces and em broideries. F. Newhonso. M. K. Fairfield of Guido Hock trans acted business iu this city Wednesday. Ludlow Hros have a quantity of fine brick for sale at their yards north of town. Mrs. J. W. Kiusol left Monday for a visit with her son, Homer, iu Okla aoma. A.iss Mabel Jordan cumo down from McCook Tuesday to bo present at tho Conover-Zint wedding. It V Shcohordson nnil.lnlm U'iukntrnm of Kiverton wore in tho city on business ML'uuusuay oi mis weeK. Low rato to Lincoln, one faro for tho round trip via Uiirlington route, Juno 17 and 18, republican state convention Alfrilll llnfn ntwl tvtf.i nf fifittln 1f.ir.ls were transacting business iu this city yuuuusuh. iur. norn mauo iuis omco a pleasant call. Mlda I'.tlirl Vinf nrn.ui .t..a.n fi. f.i. Cook to bo proiont at tho Conovor- ..mi. weuuiDg ana was mo guesi or Mrs. George lladoll. Miss Ethel Cummiugs loft for Beat rice Wednesday mnrninir whnrit hn will visit with her sister the greater part ot tno summer. Mrs. Louise Moyers (formerly Miss Louise Moore), of Denver is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Cowden and other friends this weok. Low rate to Grand Island, ono faro for tho round trip, via Burlington Houte, Juno 2.'! and '24, democratic and populist stato convention. Misses Nannie and Lilly Truman, who have been visiting with their sis ter, Mrs. Ed Dickson, returned to their homo iu Fairlield, Neb., Wednesday. Win. McCallum returned tho first of the week from a trip to Trinidad and other Colorado points. Ho likes tho country and may return there to live. N. J. Ludi, ex-editor of tho Harlan County Democrat passed tluougii this city I ueaday on Ins way to ahoo, Neb., where he has purchased a print ing plant. Mis. Robert Damcrell and Mary Damerell left for Illinois Wednesday morning for a visit with relatives and frieuds. They expect to bo gone nearly all summer. Toll us why a druggist offers you a substitute tor tno Mudisou Medicine Co.'a Rocky Mountain Tea. Does ho love you or is he after tho bigger profit? C. L. Cottiug. John Polnicky returned from a trip to Omaha lust Friday evening, where he bad been in attendance at a meeting of the State Liquor Dealers' Associa tion which mettnere lust woek. There will bo special services at tho Baptist church next Sunday morning, and in tho oveniug Rev. C. W. Urinated of Omaha will preach. All invited to attend these services. T. F. Sciilossek, pastor. After June 20 my days at Cowles will bo Mondays, Tuesdays and Wed nesdays, in tho Turner building, and Hed Cloud Thursdays, Friday's and Saturdays, ovor Dr. Reed's former of fice. E. A. Thomas, Dentist. H. L. Ross of Noaly, Neb., a brother of our own Elmer Ross, visited with Elmer and family this week. Ho goes from here to Chicago and from thero to tho stato of Washington, whero he will make his homo in the future. Floyd Fuller, formorly of this city has purchased a meat market in Lex ington, Dawson ouuty, Nebraska, and will move to that place with his family na arum nj lumdHili Klnnl aminka In glowing terms ot tlie crop prospects ot that county. W. N. Richardson was taken quite sick while in attendance at tho conven tion iu Hastings. The doctor stated that he narrowly missed a stroke of paralysis. Wo are glad to see that ho is able to bo up and around though ho says his head still feels sure. Services at tho Methodist Epieop I chin oh: Preaching at 11 o'clock a.m. and 8 p.m. by the pastor, Rev. M. P. Dixon; Sunday school, 10 o'clock, L. P. Albright, superintendent; Junior Ep worth League, '.I o'clock, Mrs. Brunei', superintendent; Ep worth League, 7 o'clock, Mrs. Mitchell, president Married, at tlie homo of the bride's mother. Miss Blanche Conover to Mr. uoy aim oi tticoooK, luursuuy even ing, by tho Rev. Dixon of the M. E. church of this city. Only tho iminedi ate relatives of the young people wore present. They left on tho evening train for their future homo in McCook. A number of their friends were at the depot to shower them with rico and bid them Godspeed on their journey Mr. Zint hits n position with iho B. & M. Railroad company at McCook and is well liked by his superiors and fel low employes. Mrs. Zint is a talented and refined vomur Indv mul n fm-oiii.. among her many acquaintances in this chj. mui muir joys oo mauy and their sorrows few. Postmaster Hacker has rccoived tho following from tho postofllco depart ment rolativo to the establishment of rural free dolivory in Had Cloud: "Washington, D. C, June 2. Post master, Red Cloud, Nob. : Sir: 1 ac knowledge recipt of your letter of May 23, urging investigation of proposed rural free delivery service from your otlico. Iu reply joti are advised that tho department is using every endeavor to expedite the investigation of npplj. cations for rural free delivery, but owing to the great number on liie there must necessarily bo some doltty iu t aking th m up. Tho proposed service from Red Cloud will, however, receive consideration at tho earliest practicable moment. Very respectfully, A. W. Machen, General Superintendent." C3 Robert Harris was iu the city Satur day on business. County Attorney Overman was in Lincoln last Satuiday. Miss Buelah Hall returned to the city Weduesday morning. Mrs, 11. A. Howard returned from Guide Hock Saturday evening. 1). B. Spanoglu was in McCook on business tho latter part of last week. F. V. Taylor, undertaker and em balmor, opposite Cotting's drug store. C. W. Kaloy attended tho congres sional convention in Hastings Tues day. M, M. Stern and wife and Mrs, A Conovor returned from Omaha last Saturday. Mrs. James Morauvilio of McCook visited with relatives and frieuds iu tho city this week. Ed Bohnnati of Lincoln visited at tho homeot E. B. Smith, north of this city, the first of tho weok. John Gigcr of Guide Hock .was iu tho city last Saturday. Ho reports crops lu that vicinity in a very excellent con dition. Mrs. Marvin S. Marsh arrived Mon day from Grand Islaud for a visit with Mrs. Frank Smolser uud other relatives aud frieuds. E. E. Ladd of Inavalo took tho train nt this pluce Monday, bound for the congressional convention, which met ut Hastings Tuesday. Miss Helen Johnson, who was visit ing with friends in this city tho lattoj part of lust week, returned to her notuo in Superior Monday morning. Dr. Weirich or Dr. Riddllo of Hast ings will moot eye and ear patients, aud those needing glasses fitted, iu Red Cloud, Friday, Juno 20, ut Dr. Croigh tou's office. Wise is tho girl whoso souse of self interest prompts her to tako Rocky Mountain Tea. It tills her full of vigor uud there is always honey iu her heart for you. C. L. Cottiug. A. R. Reynolds, who is now located in Butdeti, came dowii Saturday and left Monday morning tor Bladen with ins Household goods. Mrs. Reynold aud tlie cnildreii lett heru on the noon train. Those of our citizens who tiro given to early rising witnessed a sight .seldom seen in this dry ciimalo last Sunday morning- A dense fog enveloped tliu city aud every biadu oi grass was cov ered wtih dew. Charley Graves who has boon work ing at McCook for some timo was visit ing with relatives uud friends in this city this week. Charley stales that he is no longer with tho B. & M., but will in the future devote his energies to tho carpenter trade. Lust Sunday was ono of tho most pleasant days one could imagine. Ev ery one who could procure a convey ance of any description took advauiako of the balmy weatner and drove to the country; those less tortuuato took long walks tuto the country. Wm. Winters of Bancroft, la., visited with the Miner brothers and other frieuds in litis city tho first of tho week. Mr. Wintois is a veteran of the civil war and, though over 80 yea&rs ot age, is still bule aud hearty. He was well ucquintod with the Minors when they wore boys. The old south well at th'o city water works was drained Saturday, prepara tory to a thorough cleaning and over hauling. There scorns to be a moro plentiful supply of good water this summer than in recent years, and it is to be hoped it will not become neces sary to turn in the water from the crook this season. In order that there may bo no misun derstanding with regard to the amount appropriated by tho council for otllcers salaries, wo will say that the amount includes salaries lor city engineer, marshal, water and street commission er, night watch, and iu fact all salaries for all city oiliccrs of whatever kind. Episcopal services: Every first Sun day in the month: Morning, at 10M0, litany, holy communion; evening, at 7.30, evening prayer aud sermon. Every third Sunday in tho month: Morning, 10:110, morning prayer aud sermon; evening, 7:!i0. evening prayci and sermon. Everybody welcomed. E. U.Bruii, rector. A very quiet wedding occurred in Nelson lasi Monday when thero was urjited in marriage by tho Rov. Clyde P. Metcalf, in the parsonage of the M. E. church, Elmer A. Tnoiuns, ngo 27, and Miss Jessie Radloy, ago 20. Tho groom is a young man of sterling qual ities, was boru in this county aud is at present following tho profession of dentistry iu this city and Cowles. Tho bride has made her home fur it number of years iu Angus, Nuckolls county, and is au accomplished and refined young lady. Tub Cihkk unites with their many frieuds iu wishiug them a long and happy life. Tho congressional convention which met in Hastings Tuesday was ono of tho most enthusiastic political gather ings it bus ever boon our good fortune to soo. Tho convention was harmoni ous iu every act and tho predictions of tho delegates wore such as to make tho nominee feel that his election was suro. Judgo (J. W. Norris of McCook was nominated on the fifth formal ballot. The vote on the informal ballot was: Norris, CO; McCreary, 22; Prince, 10, Adams, 22; Lowe, 20; Christy, 22 Nor ris gained steadily on each ballot, the lifth formal ballot resulting; Norris, 85; McCreary, 24; Prince, 17; Christy, 20; Adams, HO. Before the result of tlie vote wits announced a motion was madu by Hall county and seconded by Nuckolls county to maku tho iiomina lion unanimous, Judge Norris was born in Saiidusky, O., Juno 11, 1801, aud camu to Nebraska iu 1885. Ho is servlui; his second term as district judge iu a district which iu the last cam paign gave the fusion stato ticket a majority of moro than GOO, while lie was given a majority of moro than 400. PURELY LOCAL Why (.wporiinent with a) rpaint that is "just as uood'T when you can get the oldx reliable Heath & Miu.k;an rthat has stood the test fotv (half a century? 1 have a? coinplete stock. H.l'.GRlCl'. 5 Modern Woodimn Memorial Service. Tho Modern Woodmen of this city will hold memorial service on next Sunday June Kith. Following is the order of exorcises: 1 !10 p.m. Meet at Camp hall, For esters In uniform. 2 20 p.m. March to Congregational church. 2..10 p.m. Music. Reading proclamation of Head Con sul oy w. it. rurker, W. A. Music Scripture selections. Music Prayer. Music. Address by Judge I W. Edson. Music, a Dismission. 3.J10 p.m. Proceed to cemetery, For esters and neighbors marching. Royal Neighbors ami others iu carriages. Form nt HrH grave. Music. Prayer. Address by Venerable Consul ,1. W. Kinsol. Decoration of grave by Royal Neighbors. Second grave. Music by male qtiar totto. Address by Chas F. Cuthor, Esq. Decoration of grave by Royal Neighbors. Third gravo. Music by male quar tette Address by L. 11. Blackledge, Esq. Decoration of grave by Royal Neighbors. Fourth grave. Music by initio quar tette. Address by E. J. Overing Jr. Decoration of gravo by Royal Neigh bors. Fifth gravo. Music by male quar tette. Biographical address by Prof. 1). M. Garhcr. Decoration of gravo by Royal Neighbors. Woodmen's honors. Closing ode. Benediction. County Court Notes. June (! Estate of Eli.aheth E. Bun nell, deceased. Hi tiring on claims ad journed to July ,r. Estate of A. A Pope, deceased Hear ing on claims. No claims tiled in this matter and judgment accordingly. June 11 Etiuto of Herman Stcll'cns, deceased Hearing on petition and up pointuient of Henry Slcllcns as admin istrator under bond of $'.1,000. Bond approved and haters issued. Estate of Auuust Dreshler. deceased. Petition of Frank C. Dreshler of Cook county, Illinois, foradiiiiuistration and appointment of Charles Speiice admin istrator. Order of hearing for July 2, 1 p. m. June 12 Estate of Vinson I). Vaughan, deceased. Inventory and ap praisement tiled. Parties who drove in from tho west part of the couutv last Saturday state that in crossing Indian creek the water was so nlgn It run into ino wagon nod. A now lino of laces aud embroideries just received. Prices right. F. Nkw iiousk. Svawd - CeUVrcaYvow OF THE FOUHTH Of JULY I AT RED CLOUD. NEBR. PROGRAM. 1st 2d Prize. Prizo. Pony raco, 500 yards W 00 3 00 300 yard horse race, freo for all V 00 3 00 5 mile footrace, go-as-you-please 0 00 1 00 1 mile footraco 00 2 00 1 mile bicyclo race . 2 00 1 00 Water fijiit, ono farmer one fireman on each sido 0 00 4 00 Sack raco 2 00 1 00 Sack race, for boys 2 00 1 00 Slow mule race, to change ridei s . 2 00 1 00 Fat man's race, GO yards 2 00 1 00 Horsedioo pitching con test, entry fee 23r, to bu added to purse 1 00 2 00 Running jump 1 00 r0 Standing jump ... 1 00 50 Hop, skip and jump 2 00 100 100 vard. footrace, free for all 3 00 2 00 Hosu race. 10 farmers and 10 llreinon 10 00 D 00 GOOD SPEAKERS I GOOD MUSIC ! Dancing, Afternoon and Even ing. Grand Display ot FIRE WORKS at Night. VVIPWVWWW iJast Doable I! Whriii n house Is painted it is safe to estimate that a value has benn added to It which is nerer loss and sometimes double the cost of painting. I How - About - Your j House? Multiply the distance around it by the average height; divide by !i.'0. This gives the required amount of gallons ot Lincoln Mixed Paint The paint costs 81.00 per gallon; come in and get sample cards and study col or effects. jChas. L. Cotting,! THE DRUGGIST j Li m.mmMmmmm.MmJ 5S-N 10 ". STRAW If You We Brainy people Straw Hats. for that old The Straw Hat you wolud enjoy wearing is here if it's anywhere. 25c to $2.50. Some Special Bargains in Men's Suits. Marked down this week. We Sell "Selz Shoes." Cowden Haley Clothing Go. THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 4 9 9 4 9 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 -i fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr PAINT Is an item of interest to all who want to beautify and pre serve their prop erty. "We have an article in this line that is worth your while to investigate. The celebrated IRIS paint is the line of goods. 4 Wo will maku a tost of this 4 paint for your benefit if you will give us an opportunity, that will 4 convince you beyond a doubt that this is tho paint you want. Guaranteed not to 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Blister or Chalk under any circumstances. fr fr Tk!e Ji? 'i riit-r fill- f- A Ilia la 11 llltlbkl I.IIUL you cannot ufford to pass in buying paint. Let us talk to you I abovt it. 4 4 1 MORHART 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Bros. Hardware Oo. 4 4 9) nTf .Jsr Don't Like These Have Others. are now getting under Shoot the hat is in order Derby or Fedora. Straw Fedoras, Straw Sailors, Mackinaw Straws, Panama Straws, All clean straw, well made and up-to-date styles. kA Twenty Year Life Policy 'In an Old Line Company is; the best kind of life insurance. 'Tho cash value of tho policy at tho. ona 01 tno perioa is moro than you havo paid. Tire, Lightning, Tornado andl Life Insurance, iln the best Old Lino or Mutual' Companies. iO. C. Teel, AgtJ Rf.d Ci.oud, Nkuuaska. to Rare Opportunity tfor Wall Paper Bayers I We offer ourZentirel stock of wall paper atf greatly reduced prices. Every pattern new,i fresh from the mill and the prices the lowest ever offered in Red Cloud. We will sell everyj pattern regardless o price. Albright - Bros.,i Damerell Block, Red Cloud, Neb. COMB AND SEE US., Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold Laxative RiomoQuinino Tablets cures a uold in one day, NoJ cure, no pay 25 cents. h i ; SsNIS iMccara3gUM3