-"rvrr-wzoSPSBai ,M, f i 1 ' PERISH IN fLAMES Terrible Fate of the Inmates or a Chicago Asylum. WAS INSTITUTION TOR INEBRIATES TjJ"' "' Tin-in Strapped to lied mill !'. .'pe Impontlhle Firemen Prompt, Hut Unulde to lleneiie All Tlirlll IliC Semen Are W Itnemied. A Chicago, III., June P, ellspnteh navs: Nino men and one woman were killed and about thirty poisons were Injuied In a lire which thin uftemoon destioyed the nnnltnrluii) conducted by St Luke's society, nt the corner of Wabash ave nue and Tvventy-nist meet. The society occupied the building which was loan known as the Hotel Woodruff, and for a Inlef period as the Hotel Lain aster Hy far the great er portion of the patients received In the institution were those seeking cute from the drink habit and those who were addk-trd to the use of dings. When the file broke out there was on the fifth lloor a numlrer of patients suffering from delirium ti emeus and Home who were dcianged by drugs. Sovetnl of these were strapped to their beds, and it was found impossible to save them, to rapidly did the lire npread tluough the building The fire originated In the basement of the building a-id spiead tapldly to the upper stories tluough the eleator shaft. The llieinen weie piomptl on the seem-, but direited their effoits toward saving the inmates, letting the tire burn. ROOSEVELT SENDS ENVOY C'nminlHxImm t'lirrull It, Wright to l.nok Into t'linl strike. Labor Commissioner Can oil D. Wright, who was hent to New Yoik to hee the anthracite iohI oiieiators in an endeavor to end the ioal strike, was at the Manhattan hotel Mondav morn ing. He refused to discuss the pio gram mapped out for him by President Hoosevelt at their eonforenio, but It Is understood that his first step will be to arrange a meeting with Messrs. 011 phant, Truesdale and Thomas, piesl dents of the big coal roads. After ob taining their views he will consult with the strike leadeis and finally report the result to the president. It Is known that the president Is hopeful that some good may eome from his Intercession and that a way may be found to end the trouble. Later the commissioner wild: "I am simply carrying out an or ganic law. The president suggested that I collect such information as 1 an lelatlve to the present controveisy and report the fats to him." Wright said he might be nble to bring out some phate of the biibject that the newspaperc I'nd not gone Into. The president, he said, was anxious to do all he could In the matter. WILL ENTER POLITICS Orfrmilred Labor of (.'lilrnco to llutoCiin dhUte for Muyor. Labor Is to bae a tandldate for naor of Chicago next spring, accord ing to present plans, and either George W. Perkins, president of the clgnr milkers' International union, or .lames 11. Howman, president of the local fed eration of labor, may be the man who will lead. The various bodies have been grently elated of late over their success In recent disputes and believe the time is about ripe for a further demonstration in a political way. Union organization Is unusually strong in Chicago now nnd Is continually wl.llnir tn its showine. Sunday was the banner for organ lrcel labor In Chicago. According to reports made to headquarters, an un usual number of applicants for ad- mission In the various labor bodies was "put through," while new lines of enterprise were started, among them a brotherhood of commercial telegra phers, under the protecting wing of the federation of labdr. It is stated that several hundred telegraphers Joined that organisation. The commercial operators practically have been unor ganised since 1883. In all. fourteen new labor lodges with 10,000 men, came into existence during the day. ORDERS HIS SONSTO ENLIST JndRe G'nihtree. of Sterling, III., M liken A I-Htrlotlo I-roxltloim In Will. A Sterling, 111., dispatch says: The will of Judge Crabtree of the appellate court of this district, which was filed recently, Is remarkable In that It or ders the sons of the decedent to be ready to enlist to save the fortunes of their country should occasion ever arise demanding such proceduie. This patriotic provision in the will Is ns follows: Unjoin upon my son .John and all of my sons that should the occasion arise (which God forbid) when our country m requites their service, that they be r.s readv to devote their lives to her de fense as their father was In the dark days of 1801 and 1805. It seems to me now that 1 could hardly rest quietly In my grave ir a son of mine was so unpatriotic or so cowardly as to fall to respond to the c all of his country In her hour of clan ger or peril. The total value of the estate Is esti mated at $200.000- Fruit Crop O. K. The small fruit crop of the statu does not appear to be injured by the small amount of hall that has fallen. Fruit men In the vicinity of Lincoln say that the btrong wind early In the season when the trees were In blossom caused more damage than the hall nt this season. About half a crop of cherries wiliV picked. In some places, hovv ev'vihero Is only a quarter of a ciop. Mnry Coop, a white woman, living at Lnwtence, Kan., was killed by Charles Anderson, colored. No reason luiovvn. WOULD EDUCATE FILIPINOS Senor lliiriirniiilno Mnkea Snggrnllnin to Sei retnr.t Hoot. Secietnry Hoot has lecelved a unlqua and Intel est Ing letter fioni Felipe lluencninlno. the Filipino who has Just completed his testimony before the house committee on Insular affnlrp. In his letter the Filipino statesman sum marizes the most urgent needs in the Philippines us developed by him before the committee and then pioeeeds to outline plan for the future. These In clude nu appiopilatlon to send Philip pine undents to the Fulled States for the purpose of special studies which he 1; ''eves will be of value to his people-nnd an Individual piopagamlit to eorrect Atneiban misconceptions of the Philippine situation. He utges the following as the most ui gent re quit e nients of the Philippine A civil government with full powers for the i ee (instruction of the ruined governmental oigunlsins of the Philip pine people A legislature composed of a high and low chamber In accordance with the provisions embodied in the bill le poited b.v the committee to the house. The appiopriutlon of $50,000 per nu llum ft oin the Philippine teveiiues for the put pose of sending Philippine stu dents to the Fnlted States, giving pief erence to those v. ho wish to study In dustr.v, c online! cc and agiicultuie Full ninni'stv after declination of pence I net ease of the number of teachcis to liUUii. with an Increase of their sahules to double what they ait now ice civ lug A PRISON MUTINY 'onliliit miIi-iii, Ore . right 'I heir W'ny to freedom. A S.ilem. On . .lime P. dispatch snvs: Two dcspeiate pilsoneis. Ilair.v Tuu-.v, sentenced to tv.ent.v ears. and David Merrill, a tbliteen-vcar mnn serving sentences lor assault and robbeiy, committed in Multnomah count., es caped fiotn the penltentlnrv this morn ing niter killing Ihiee guaids: Ft.uiK Faiiell. shop guuid. S. It .loues. teiicemau. Hen Tlfiany. fenc eman The pilsonets emplo.ved In the foun diy were man lied to work at 7 o'clock and had entered the molding loom with Shop dual d Fur red I Inside and Guai d Staplctoii In an adjoining room. Without warning Ttne-y and Met rill appealed with rifles. Tracy alniul at Farrell, when Ingram, a life prisoner, attempted to reach and disarm Tiaey. Instantly Meirlll shot Ingram and Tracy shot Fairell. the latter eljlng almost Instantly Tracy and .Men 111 scaled the wall near the not I beast orner of tho stockade b.v menus of a ladder. When outside the wall Giiaul Jones was bhot twice and killed. AMNESTY TO AMERICANS I'renlilent I'hIiiih Mrhi tlie Mill UruntlnK It. President Palma. on June 0. signed the bill grnntlng amnesty to all Amei lcnns under sentence or awaiting tilal In Cuba, and proceedings have been be gun by the courts to quash the com plaints against such Americans and liberate those who are In jail. Senor Acopta. the cashier In the c us tom house, who is under suspension pending nn investigation of his ac counts. Is now reported to be Insane. President Palma has offered Genernl Maximo Gome, the position of general-In-chief of the Cuban mini guaul. and It is said that Genet al Gome Is in clined to accept this post. CHURCH HIT BY LIGHTNING IlUtnrhi t'oiiinieiieeiiient Kienlne" nt (lilell. Null. During the graduating exercises of the Odell, Neb , high school, held nt the First Methodist church on the evening of June 7. lightning struck the; edifice, demolishing a tower In the foro part of the structure and rendering several spectators and graduates un conscious. The building was soon on fire and the lives of many people weie In peril. A large tank of water af forded prompt and effective means of extinguishing the flames. It Is be lieved no deaths will result, although several women were removed from the church to their homes Buffering fiom the shock. SUCCEEDS ST. PIERRE Trlullo Will lie Made, the Commercial Center of Murlliil(iie. According to Governor L'Heurre, Trlnlte 13 to lie the new commercial center of Martinique, Inking the placo of St. Plerie. which probably will re main In inliis. The harbor Is to bo lmpioved and a railroad built to Fort do France. Trlnlte has a population of C.743 and Is In a rich territory. It is located on tUe northeastern side, of the Island, almost directly enst of St. Pierre. A large number of refugees have been put to work on tho streets of Trlnlte. Huvnge Will (to. Governor Savage ban received sev eral notices from Seattle labor unions urging him to remain away from the keel laying reretuonies of the battle ship Nebraska on the Fouth of July owing to a dispute of Iron workers with the bulldors. Believing It t olit a pa triotic duty to assist In the ceremonies Governor Snvaro has declined to give, any promise to lioyc-ott tho battleship or ceremonies attendant u.mn tho lay ing of the keel. On the contrary he and tho membeis of his military staff are making preparations to go and to paitlcipate in the ceremonies. HERE AND THERE nrunlng. Neb., reports the whent crop ns promising a heavy leld. India has passed n sugar bill Impos ing a countervailing duty on bountlcel sugar. Flro in the Prudential building nt Pueblo, Col., damaged the stnatuio to the extent of $100,000. The sawmills and pinning mills of J. S. llniley & Co., McDonald. On., were destroyed by Are. Loss, $1110,000. HJornstjerne, the Norwegian poet, dramatist and writer, has completed a new modern drama for Sarah Ik-ru-hnrelt. NEEDN'T TAKE OATH British Show Consideration to Paul Kruger. BOERS WILL RUURN HOME IN PEACE Itrmll of War Al cepteil, mill All HmiiiIi Seeiulnglr llnipj (leniriil tlninet, Culutii 1'ntrlot, Iti-foteii the OITrr of h Pennine Other Nr, A 1 ondon June ti, dispatch sa.vs Tun war olllee has cabled congintulatlons to Lend Kitchener on the encrg.v skill and patience with which he conducted the long campaign In South Allien, and has nslceel him to cotnmutile ate to the I roups the government s piofouud setisti of theli splilt of indiiiance. biavcry and discipline anil also of their hu iniinlt.N, shown thioughout the living period Lend Kite hener leplle el lube half of the hi my nf Soutn Afilcn. tcn cleiiiiK hls sine ere thanks fot the eon giatulntlons or the government, which, he was sine the Hoops would lecilvn with gnat satlsfai tlou An Hamilton. Hrunud.i. June ;. ells patch ni)s. The lloer oilleeis who havii been living in the prison inmps on tho Nlnnils near heie h.-ivi been allowed their llbeitv on pinole. Seve-tnl o( them iiime ashoie hue todav and weie Inlet view eel. Gene nils Croiije. Wcs- hi Is. Hothu and otlieis weie veiy letlcent. but they said thev weie glad the war was over and would be de lighted to get back to Iheli- homes. H is unilcistood that the lank and file of the HoelS will be allowed ashore In bate lies of ten. The olllcers have been Invited to an "nt home" al gov ernment house tomoiiow. GOMEZ REFUSES PENSION Wan Ik Viiiiii- I renlinent n Oilier Coliiiu Soldier. Gen. Maximo Gome, has published an open lettei in Havana in which he icfiiKcH to uiecpt the annual pension of li'i.dnn piovleled for him In a reso lution which Is now lietotc the Cuban house of repiesentatlves. Geneial Gome- asks his tile nils to defeat this resolution, sn.vlng It would be unfair to him to accept money so long us the other Cuban soldieis have not been piovlde-d for. General Gome asserts be has a bill against the government for war ser vices wlile h some clay will have to be paid, but that he Is willing to wnlt un til hui h time as Cuba can pay all her foldlets. An Aotomohlle lent. A remaiknble test of the "staying" qualities cf the aulomob:le was made in Lincoln a few dns ago by Mr. Otto Wittmati of the nutomobil firm of The Wiltmnn company While Mr. Vittninn was out trjlng th new gasj llne cnrtlage Just received he per formed the wonderful feat of climbing Uelmont hill at a r.peed of fourteen miles per hour with four pnsseuj,ctH. This peiformanee is conslilercel very remaikable on auount of the hill be ing long and very steep nnd the auto mobile Is made for two passengeis only. W'Hnl" II Kilt Tee. The i use of Dr. Wnlter Drowning p. the estate of Christopher L. Mngee came up In the orphans' court at Flus hing. Pa. Hi owning sued the estate of the state si'nator nnd former polit ical boss of western Piiinsylvniiln for $15)0.0011 as a medical fee for treating him in Philadelphia and elsewheie. The execute)! i el used to pay so lingo a bill. Now Drowning amends the i barge, making It $:tf0,(i00. Sensational testimony Is expected. Arreiit of MlllloiiHlre. A sensation was created at Port Huron. Mich.. Friday by the arrest of Mlllinnnlie James U Hoard at the in stigation of. the tax eommlHsioneis, charged with misdemeanor in refusing to obey a subpoenu Issued by the com missioners to disclose his pioperty holdings. Home lefused to plead and u jilea of not guilty was entered. He was released on his own leeognlntlon. Hrukeman Killed. Seven stock ears nnd a coach con taining rate horses nnd attendants, en route from St. Louis to Buffalo, on the "Hlg Four," were wrecked at Mix Siding Friday morning by deinllment. Drake man John Dordera was killed nnd seventeen horses badly Injured. "Andy" White of Atchison county tells a curious story of how his first ancestor in this country became an American patriot. This ancestor was Andy's great-grandfather. He came to America with Genernl Hurleton as a Drltlsh boldier, to help whip the Ynn kecs. One day. In it (It of anger Tarle ton horsewhipped Andy's nncestor, who tinned upon his commander, knocked him down, and then lied to the American nrmy. He was with Washington at Valley Forge. H. II. Martin, nn old soldier and nn early settler of Geneva, was examined yesteiday by the board of Insanity nnd found to be a subject for caret and treatment at the asylum. Mr. Murtln was tiented In the asylum nt Lincoln about twelve jenrs ago, slnco which time he had shown no unusual Indica tions of a return of the trouble, until about blx months ago. A Foit De Frnnce, June C. dispatch Bays This men nlng Mount Pelce.wlth out wnrning nnd alter ten dajs of quiet, sent up enormous elouelH of smoke. It was thick and black and arose for miles. Tho cloud stretched below Fort Do Fiance anil obscured the sun. Tho sen rose four feet and fear clutched at thu hearts of the people. In the streets they shrieked and fell on their knees In prayer. The natives believe tho Island Is to be destroyed June 12th. They have, been fear btriekeu for clays nnd are preparing for death, despite Pelee's previous unlet. 5 Old Lefaire HK By ADA MAY ykk (CopTrltflil, IWi: he Hull Kcry one in the inception room Mulled as Hurnev p.ismmI tluough She c nn lid one of the letter on which the conversation had been turning He hind trotted the mountainous figure of chat old Lefalie whose I oh v. blown, expansive visage, was conspicuously wilt I en with a consciousness of his lowl.v position as hei satellite. Miss l.07cuh of thiid Moor, hark, had been lei-ouutlug the stoi.v of her little se.nice the evening before vvken happening upon him alone by the Hie light. She took the ottoman by his side cxplnlnul she wanted to go over, couildcutl.illv. with It tin. some euilous facts which hud been noted In con nection with Huruev s leieilt colics poiiilemc. pointing out the number of envelopes nildics-cd to her In i cer tain line, veitlcal handwiitlng which had been ohsetved on the hall stand, and lec ailing the sti.ingcr of the after noon Maude Hughes went awa. Fiom behind the palm tiee between the two ftont windows Miss Lo7enby spied a tall, graceful, blonde walking at Hilinev side as she l ettll lied fiom her fuicwcll to Maude And he had pi.ittled on like a si hoolbov until the' cuih autumn nightfall With the next nun nlng the ilailv letters began to up peal one b.v the i-aily eight o'clock j mail another eveiv evening, although once she had seen a note when coining up fiom luncheon, which muil have been an extiti thiid. sIiki Hiuue, nl vms took tin- inoiiiiug arilv.il with bet. as she left the home aftei bleak fusting. "I told him to be a in. in." tried Miss Loin nby with in in tint spuit, "ami eiuoted that fiom Othello about rattier loving as a to, id In a dungeon than keeping a i oinei- ot the thing one loves for others' use. He ought not let a gid dy young woman thai s icady to work upon an.v cieatute In liouseis pluv w It li his mans nflei lions-nil for nnotbei thkb llirtatiou " As the lady went on a pair of lively eves lepreseutlng thud lloor hall, front, agitated her audience by Hash ing the dispatch that the- ehar.icteis of hei uarrntlve weie picscnt i entitles In unobservant Iguoi.ince Uuriu'V, with Lef.tlie, inn the- gnssipcrs' gaunt let. but the little hall-boy, always pry lug into affair on the other side of the! poitiires. found his eouiitenaiii e all too tun row for his smiles, as the pair stepped out of the vestibule for their twilight stioll. "Why. Peter, Peter." exclaimed the girl, softly lavltiK hold of the lingo nrm by her side, "how amusing that nil of a sudden ou should caic to know all about my correspondents' Aren't jou getting too Inquisitive?" Harney was gently nnil veiy seduc tively sportive. "You don't want to become effeminate, elo you? Do you think It'B our style, elear, n burly thing like you? On, well, nn Amazon, perhaps you could do that. Only per sonally, I would find you quite charm ing, I believe, If In your native role of wiseacre bachelor ou would go on with that veiy enlivening dissertation of a few moments ago on the Nat lira mid Destiny of Flirting; u Plea for liternal Alilnltles. That Is what you were talking about. Isn't It?" "Do you know. Peter, It convinced mo thnt jon'io a bom orator on that topic, I mean, of couise, a most worthy cause to champion' fall ly thillled at your exoi ilium on the high calling of adorable woman. One's whole body feedB different (us. of course, you un derstand) when one Is thrilled by an orator's Impassioned uso of tho queen's Kngllsh. The blood runs rac ily nnd travels such unbeaten tiacks of one's anatomy. Well, thnt's the way 1 felt, Peter, when you were descanting upon 'Natuie's angedi of loveliness 'glorious eyes' 'cheeks like pe.-nls nnd rubies' 'heatts and sympathies di vine, etcetera, etcetera.' "And you said the attraction be tween people wns like the chemlcnl afllnltles of atom to atom, didn't you? Which was an exceedingly apt figure. Some of us, for Instance, nte bo llko nitrogen, aren't we? Wo can combine with so many different ntoms nnd can bicak away fiom them again so light ly. Now, do go on, Peter, and tell mo Burncy was gently nnd very ecduc- tlvely sportive, nil about It. You would not hnve con sidered that an exhaustive treatment of the subject." Hut unhappy Lofntro wns silent. In tho light of Miss Loenby's words Uuinoy'B Jocularity looked ominous. Ho sighed ut the scatteied leaves along the nvenuo ns ut his own radiant hopes fading at his feet. This llttlei pet of his had beer child, girl and woman, bud and blostoin, all In one i uii i fe i as Othello jj KRHCKI-R. (ft Slorj- Pub. Co) fair mliaele of winning femininity In his holy of holies- he had ensconced her. regaling his dry old heimlts" men- 'tul palate with the nitfnl expressions , of her busy voung mind, nnd feeding sny loathsome, oronturo to handle,, n riithomless .vearnlng upon the warm Pint few amateur naturallstH e-aro-gill affections which hail seemed too J lo bother with It, but by neglecting. blithe and simple to bo experienced with lovers Such snrtsflcel trust had been bin thnt no past or present of the pie'clons sweetheart had ever been airalgned for a trial. Hurney's face anil ways seemed to tell him all he needed to know of her family or outside Inter ests, while the only Incident out of IiIh own tioubloiis ctnonlclcH which had beeen given her wns the chapter on the fim-lnntlng lady who h.ul turned lilm uwny, but was ulwas still leniein lured. Hver.v tiling else bad been sub llmelv peisonnl nnd liuiueelliitn. They had disdained practical things. et. i ash the wooing eeitulnly np pun ui Seveial nipping vvecha with a tlnv stinnger girl nnd his ninrilugo "Ills ilval ami n veritable Apollo, ha!" day was nliendy sot What If she weie, after all, a gny little deceiver and he everv body's laughing stock, heir Simple Simon and both'' Those let lets for these ninny weeks without n word to her true love not any whisper of the elegant blonde beau Maybo her ihnrnis weie tho llnlsheil How em of much piae-tti't' on otheis his prede eessois or, conteinpoi dries' Piobnbly he was the Innocent and not she. It was folly, anyway.to expect n queer old original like hinibelf to engage tho hcait of such a darling slien as Hur ne. Ah. but she must not make a toy of him. He must show hlmbolf n pci son of mettle a man, ns Mlbs Loz eiiby hail advised. Huiney's ehntter put led on, now nnd then arresting Its fiollcsomc flow Just long enough to invite u lenuirk from her compnnlon ns her eyes glanced up ward In quest of a reason for his taci turnity. Finally sho exclaimed: "Peter, you arc so unsociable!" He was too sad and ellstiesped to be able to expluln himself, so evaded her with badinage very unusual for IiIb op en simplicity, and, bom of tho mo ments' exigencies. "I seo nn elf In ench of your eyes. Cherie," ho remarked. "PerhapH he Is nn Imp. Anil on tho corner of your mouth Is perched u microscopic clown." Hiirnoy looked nmused. They were rounding a corner nnd homeward hound and discerned some ono at tho house ringing tho hell. "Oh. Peter!" cried tho gltl. only In stuntly to dart uwny. "Thnt's a man, I know." Drawing nearer. Lefalro recognized in the refined, stntely figure which sho wns effusively hailing, the hero of Miss Lozenby'a doorstep episode; his rival, and u verltnble Apollo. Ha! Hvery suspicion beeamo Incarnato before him. The denouement, bubbles bursted, trenehery laid bare. Tho dal lying dlspkusiiro which hnd been un settling his plncid calm of mind now rose In tempests. Wilder and wilder within, he slowly stepped along, reach ing the battlefield at tho door In a beetling passion, detei mined to meas uie swords. Cheeilly graceful, Hurney turned to ncknowleclgo hlR piesence. "Mr. Mer rill, this Is my friend, Mr. Lefnlre," he began. "Maude Hughes' flanco, Peter. And think of It, ho says she's coming back to-night. Maude left town, you know, the very dny Mr Mer rill came, hut neither can stand it, eo she's to bo heie again. And a good Joke It Is, too. You see, it has been kept a secret from me. Two letters a elay from her, Imagine, and not a hint of It. Hut now it will he tit for tat, as Mr. Merrill wishes us to go down to thu station with him to meet her. So come, Peter, only ten minutes until train time." The result of Lefnlre's first appear ance as Othello did not wnirnut a sec ond engagement. Tito Allllcllom. A woithy man, who was very sen sitive nnd letlring, having lost his wife, pilvately requested that ho might be leniembered In the minister's morn ing prayer from the pulpit, but asked that hlh name might not be men tioned. On Sunday men nlng the good minis ter prayed most eloquently for "our aged brother upon whom the heavy hniid of wro alllietloii has so lately fallen." At this point an elderly man, whom tho minister hail married to a very oung wife during the week, rose with a bounce, and stamped down the aisle, muttering loud enough to be heard all over the chapel: "It may be an allllctlon, but I'm lib st If I want to be ptnytd for In that fathion." HAS A TONGUE LIKE A HANDSAW the enn Ha ns Many 30,000 Teelh nn III". It Is n foituuatu thing for man nneH tho rest of tho animal kingdom thnt no huge animal has n mouth con structed with tho devouring nppa iiitus built on the plan of tho Insig nificant looking unnll'n mouth, for that animal could out-devour any thing that lives The snail Itself 1b such nn entltely unpleasant, not to- (he snail, they miss studying ono ot tin most Interesting objects that, ionic under tludr observation. An.v one who linn noticed a miulP feeding on n leaf must have wondered! how such u soft, flnbby and clenn-eiit Incision in tho leaf, leaving nn e'clgo ns smooth and straight as If It had been cut with u knife, Thnt in duo to the peculiar and formidable moutln he has. Tho snail eats with IiIk touguo and tho roof of his mouth. Tho tongue Is a ribbon, which tho snnlll keeps In a coll In his mouth. This' tongue Is In renllty a handsaw, with' the tenth on tho suifuee, lnstend or on the edge. The teeth nro so Hninll! Hint us many an '10,000 of them hnvo been found In one snail's tongue. They iue exe-eeillngly shnrp, nnd only u few of them nre used nt a tlino not exactly only n fow of them, but a lew of them comparatively, for tho hiiiiII will probably linvo -1,000 or o.OOO of I belli In use ut once. THE PRONUNCIATION OF COLOGNE SliiKiilur Contention Itegnrillne ttio mne. of it eierinun ( lly. The (lei-man city which we know by Its Fiench name, Cologne. Is In a statu of gieat excitement over the orthogru ph.v of Its Gei man name. Should It bet spelled with a K or n C "Kouln" or Cxieln"? .The inttnlrlp.il nuthorltlcH recently concluded that It was- high time to set tle the- m-itter. In their opinion Koelm Is the- picper form, hlstoilcnlly correct nnd In accordance with the "genius of the language" They determined, how ever, to lefer the matter to the general government, nnd this ugreed with them. So far all was harmony nnd peace. Hut when it came to conllrmlng tho umiulmouH decision hy an Imperial edict the Imperial will hnd to bo reck oned with, nnd the Imperial VHllnm., piefeis the spelling "Coeln." The Col ogne se defended tholr favorite "K." and' fm nice! n coin t of Inquiry composed of historians and philologists, who report ed in favor of it. They admitted that the name originated in that "of thev Coloaln Clnudla AgrlpplnenslK Ublo rum, iOiinded by Claudius A. D. 50, but they contendeel that the Introduction or the e, or umlaut, would modify the pro nunciation so thnt If the name wenn spelled Coeln It ought to bo pronounceell Zoeln Instead of Koeln, as everybody does pronouneo It. (In Gcrmnn, c De fine e, 1 nnd oe Is pronounced like s.) I.tglitnloK Stroke! Not AIJ ltl Tho stntlstlcs of 1900 show that during thnt year 713 persons wore killed or fatally Injured by lightning. Of theso 21!) wero killed in the open. 1M1 In buildings nnd fifty-seven under tiecs. Tho circumstances of tho deaths of tho remaining flfty-ono nro not known. Tho most InterestlnK. part of tho report of tho United States weather biireau soon to bo Is sued treats or tho relatlvo danger ot cei tain situations during a thunder storm. Hy studying theso ono mny learn to avoid tho more dangerous ex posures. Ono Important declaration mado by tho report Is that the majority of fa tal cascB aro not necessarily so. Prompt and Intelligent treatment by a physlclnn will generally result lru recovery. This treatment should ex tend over nt least an hour. The Im portant point Is to preserve tho wnnnth of the body by all methods, such as by applications of tho hot wnter bottles or cloths, hot flannclaj or warm salt bags. C'anvftMlug for Vote. A good joko Is told on two candi dates who wero seeking after tho same ofneo a few weeks ago. Candi date Smith called on a family, and tho husband, the voter, being gone, he di rected his attention to tho baby wlthi candy. Candidate) Jones arrived In a few hours and went through tho namo pei foi manco with candy and klfisen. and then said: "Don't you llko mo bet ter than Smith, because I gave you more candy and kissed you besides?" Tho lltlo girl says: "No; hecauso ho kissed niamnin, too, nnd you didn't. Jones didn't either, because tho olel man had come home. Astoria (111.),. Scuichlight. Wht li He? A number of school children have been giving their ideaH of what u. member of parliament is. Ono says: "Ho Is a man who lias to meet every yenr." Another writes: "A man who signs the notes, adds up tho bills, and keeps somo laws." A third bright child answers tho question thus: "A member of pnrlla ment Is a man who tries to maka laws." Washington Post. How I.lht AffacU tha I!ye. When candlo light Is used the eyca aro closed 0.8 times a minute. With gas light winking occuis 2.8 times n mlnuto. With sunlight tho eyes close 'Z.'l times and with olectrlo light 1.8 times. Scientists say this proves that of all artificial illumlnilnts tho eleo trie light Is the least injurious to tho eyes. Tho mill does not grind with watw that Is past. M V frt i I im'mm m