ya3 LlH 'ahLaLaV aaaV- Jf iaW 7JindQW . , . .AND How toMake Them Hero nro roiiic wonderful soap-bub-)los wlilcli uvi'ry boy and girl ran mako easily. 'I'hoy are nono of tho Utile, old-fashioned clay-pipe bubbles which our groat-grandparents and Kroat-great-grandpnronts usoil to blow, Unit Immense great HpbcrcB, Homo of wlilcb measure nine feet arounil! In-ilec-il, what would our quaint nnroHtorH bavo thought of such giant bubbles? What would they bavo thought of a :onp lllm ho tail that a llttlo boy placed Inalilo of It reaches to only half way up Its shining sides? Then, too, JiiHt think of tho fun thoy missed in not knowing how to blow a pin wheel around Inside of a bubble, or of blowing u great bubblo through tho liauilH, an (lie girl In tho picture Ih do ing; or of performing that pretty trlek where a rose In hIiowii Itmldo of a bub ble a trick oo easy of accomplish mont that any boy or girl can do It at the first attempt. Why, hero aro lots of fun for you boys and girls an al most endless amount of fun, for tho itrlcks hero pictured nro only a few tint very few of tho marvelous things which may be dono with soap and water. Of course, tho first question you will all ask is bow to make tho solu tion, niul 1 will tell you Just hero how to go about It In such a way that nono of you can possibly go astray If you will but carefully follow tho directions given: Hub some soap caHtlle soap pre ferred Into a bowl of water until a lioavy froth has formed on tho sur face. Then remove all froth, even ev ery little bubble, anil proceed to test tho solution as follows Dip an or dinary clay pipe Into the mixture and llilow a bubblo four to live inches In diameter. While this bubblo Is still .-suspended from tho pipe, quickly dip your forefinger well Into the solutlo.i .and then try to thrust it through Into tho hanging bubble If you can push your linger right Into the middle of itho bubble, the solution is In good condition. If, however, the bubble Ibrenks when you attempt to thrust your linger into It, the solution Is not tin proper condition, and moro soap must be added to the mixture until bubbles can be made which will stand ithls test. Ho not lorget, It Is of tho ut most Importance thnt every llttlo (bubblo bo removed from tho surface of Hid solution before attompting any of tho tricks hero Illustrated. Neglect to follow this advice Is always visited with disastrous results. Granting that your solution Is now dn perfect condition, 1 will now pro ceeil to toll you Just how to do tho i-asy rose trick. First, pour some of tho solution Into a plate until tho bottom of It is covered to the depth of one-sixteenth of an Inch. With your lingers, well wet tue rlm of the jolato with tho same mlxturo. Then place in tho center of It a rose, and over tho rose a tin funnel. Now start to blow through the funnel very gently, and at the same time slowly begin to lift the funnel, continue Mowing while always gradually rais ing the funnel higher anil higher, un til tho latter is about three inches abovo the lose. Then carefully turn tho funnel nt right angles, and give dt a sudden upward lift which will free It from tho HI m, nnd your rose trick will have been accomplished. To do the pin-wheel trick, first miak a pin wheel of stiff writing pa llor, pin It to a short stick and fasten tills in turn to the bottom of a plate -with sealing wax. Then place a bub' lilo over It In the saino manner ns In rose trick. Now tnko a straw, thor oughly wet three or four Inches of oiw and of It with tho solution, then push t,lio wot end right into tho bubble and blow through it, when the pin-wheel will rapidly involve. This is a vory pretty and easy trick to do. Tho kitten was placed Inside the iglant bubblo as follows; A largo pan nlno feet In cireuniforence was filled with tho solution to the dopth of two .Inches; then a block of wood was i"r""" aH OMre) WONDERFUi Bubbles placed In tho centor anil upon this tho kitten was set. Afterwards a child's wooden hoop was lowered Into tho bo lutlon, nnd when this wim well wet with tho mixture It was lifted up, with fair quickness, high over the kitten, when tho film droppod from the hoop with tho result ns shown In tho accompanying photograph. Tho boy standing lnsldo of tho soap film house was stood upon the block of wood in the center of pan, and tho hoop was lifted with a quick, swish- Ing movement high abovo his head, as also shown in tho photograph. To blow a great bubble through the hands, first place the points of both forefingers and thumbs together, and then, with the hands llattoned out, dip them Into a pan of the mlxturo. On withdrawing your hands carefully, you will notice that tho space botwoen tho forefingers and thumbs Is crossed over with a soap film. Now slowly raise your hands, so as to bring them opposite to your mouth, and gently blow. The result will bo that as shown In tho picture It may requlro two or three trials beforo success Is attained In blowing soap bubbles even, practice makes perfect. funny PUhermi-n. In England the boys- and some times grown men have a very funii) way of catching fish. You would never guess what It is, so I might Just as well tell you right off It was an English boy who told me about It. "You must catch a goose, ' ho said, "and that Is the hardest part. Then you tie a line which lias u baited book on one end to tho goose's leg. "Then let her go. Shu'll mnko for tho water every shot, and as she swims about she, of course, draws hook and line after her. "Pretty soon a fish bites and maybe gets hooked. "Thon tho goose feels something tugging nt her leg. and she swims along about as hard as she can, but this only ninkes tho tugging worse. Tho only way to get away from that awful something, sho thinks, is to get out of tho water. "So, with wildly beating wings, sho makes lor tho shore at a rattling pace." A Versatile I.ftil. A New York paper tells o. a boy U years of ago who has traveled C3,00u miles. The boy was bom In Shan ghai, and has crossed tho Pacific ocean and the American continent seven times, lie spent last summer with his uncle In Syracuse, and en tered a school at Arden City, L. I., a few weeks ago. He speaks and writes Chinese, French and English, and his knowledge of googrnphy and' history Is remarkable. Onu day last summer he visited a man 00 years of ago who had lived In one town for 88 years, and whoso travels had been limited to the neighboring villages. Tho old man and tho boy had their photographs taken together Puck. Inttlnrt of llornei In War. Arabian horses manifest remark able courage In battle. It is said that when a horse of this breed llnds lilin self wounded, and perceives that he will not be able to bear his rider much longer, ho quickly retires from tho conflict, bearing his master to a place of safety whlio he has still suf ficient strength. Hut If, on the othor hand, tho rider Is wounded and falls to the ground, the faithful animal re mains beside him, unmindful of dan ger, neighing until assistance Is brought. You may not ho able to learn any thing now, but there aro people In tho world who can teach you something old. Woman never allows her opinions t; suoll for want of being airod. Mil HOME AND FASHIONS. THING8 OF INTEREST TO THE WOMEN OF THE HOUSEHOLD. I'armoli of the Sr.iton .frn i:tuturntn Affair Tnn llniidiome CokIuimp -Sir. Homevoll Wcarlnc "Tim I.utut Thine in Cimli''-!iMiiii I.ltt e Tip. Clilo HtrappJnj. Instead of golm; out of fuahlon, strapping Is mote In vogue than ever. On the winter materials, It was at tractive n-.l u9fii!--:ind on summer f ii litlcs It is pleading and Is a means of holding t-cuiia In feliapo, ns well ns being an ornament. A new ratln foulard gown, tailor- made, In strapped with broadcloth-. and the effect Is stunning! The silk bus a blue background strewn with white po-des, and the strappings nre of blue cloth. Shirt-waists show strappings applied in various waya. They nre put in seams and applied In designs. The Btltchlng Is exqulslto when It Isn't, tho waist Is dowdy as dowdy can be. The I.ntet Thing In C01U, The newest modification of the Eton or bolero Jacket Is n Jaunty little af fair termed tho "coffee coat" or "Mon te Carlo coat," tho attractive features of which have already won the favor of the "First Lady of tho Land," Mrs. Roosevelt, who has appeared on aov cral occasions wearing n wrap of this type. Taffeta silk Is best adapted ti the garment, though It Is also undo up In moire, soft woolens, etc. I.atrit In l'araao'a. If there Is a thing dear to a wom an's heart and enhancing to her beau ty It is a lovely parasol. ThlB season tho designers seem to have tried themselves In bringing this artistic creation up to tho requirements of feminine taste. There Is a parasol for every etylo of woman from tho one who buys a Duchesae laco affair behandlcd with Ivory and snugly cased In a long palo green straw box adorned with lilies of tho valley and "choux" of white rib bon, to tho one who buys a simple linen sunshade. For the conservative womnn it is a Joy to find tho color and form she likes tho best the quiet fawn-colored parasol. For tho pretty, fresh girl, or her more wilted sister In a soft linen gown, this modish parasol Is the thing par excellence. It has a silk spun lining In pink or blue, or any preferred color, nnd a laco Inser tion on the outside, showing tho col ored lining. Then there arc tho exquisitely fine embrolderod grass linens, with ruffles sheer and shimmering. "Persian" fawn silks come next; theso are nothing moro than "eheno" silks on which blurred roses nnd popples of various colors aro designed, Pretty Cloth down. Dark red cloth gown. Waist small, pointed capo of red silk edged with red and white strlpod silk. Laco Jab ot down front. Pointed bands of red and white striped silk down front; al- so dart seams bottom of tabs edged with samo silk. Holt of red silk. Skirt, bias ruffle trimmed with band of red and whlto silk. ChlUtli-i Mother. The wife who has passed bor many years of married life In childless moth erhood, has lost from out that llfo a greatness and pleasure that she nuy not have realized at first, but that Id brought home to her with redoubled force nnd meaning when she has passed the zenith and Is coming to tin- mssmmmssssismi dcrstand that life Is not perpotimi youth. Keen anxiety and sorrow sho ma have missed also. Yet It Is also true that "It were better to have love-' and lost thnn ncvoil to have loved at all." The clilldbMs mother has not known the depths of degradation to which a child can bring Its parents, nor yet has she known the fulfilment of greit est love and bliss. Ne'thor has she known the anguish of the sting of death, when bur fonilei.t hopes have been laid low She has escaped great care and responsibility, but she luu lost from her life In unalloyed Joy more than sho has escaped of sorrow The Atiiutlciiii Mother. Ilnntl'nmo Neckwear. Sheer white linen stocks, curved oul under the chin and brought down In front In a rounded or pointed effect, frequently have scroll patterns Invert nil In this space. The.se are held to gether with line lace stitches or per haps braids. Many others are orna mented with fine lace or embroidery designs put on In applique, while thoie which are handsomely ombroldered with white or colored cotton repre sent one of the smartest conceits. Ulntian of Crops de China. Protty blouse of dull green cropo do chine, trimmed with fagoting done with silk of tho same shade. The plastron and close-fitting underaleevcs aro of whlto luxeull lace, and over tho former Is a pretty draped fichu of moussollno de solo, which passes through eyelet holes In tho fronts of the blouse, and is knotted on tho bust. Tho girdle Is of tho crope de chino fastened In front with an old gold buckle. Wiener Chic. The Faihlonabln lllomc Nearly all tho nowost corsages hav a tiny basquo in the back; sometime It Is formed by the ribbons of the eclnture. but It Is always a basque, nondescript as It may be. For the street during shopping hour? a great many blouses will be worn, much trimmed with the fashionable English embroideries, laco and tuck ing. Tho marked change in their cut is noticeable in the sleeve, which U moro ample than last season, and tn the shoulders, which show les3 Inclin ation to sloping. Kar to Get. Have you a real smart all-over lace jacket? If you haven't, and want one, and cannot pay the price In the shops mako one for yourself. Get an eton pattern and cut nnd fit It. Finish with a lace or berlbboned edge. Use your skill with the noodle and your good ta3te and presto! you become the possessor of about the samo thing on exhibit In the shops. You see, time and art and nuodle craft and design must bo counted In tho price of tho garment you admire In the shop. Mtlle Tip. The Juice of a lemon taken In hot water on awakening In tho morning to an excellent llvor corrective and Is better than any autl-fat medicine in vented. Tho finest of manicure nclds is mado by putting a teaspoonful of lem on Julco In a cupful of warm water. This removes most stains from tho ,llngers and nails. To prevent a mustard plaster Injur ing tho skin mix the mustard with the white of an egg. Nnwril In Stork. Ribbons for neckwear, unless made up Into fancy knotted stocks, are evi dently passe. One might say that at present nothing is cousldored quite so chic as the separate htock, which la merely a shaped collnr. By no means, however, Is this n simple affair quite the contrary. If a stock happens ta be made with a drooping point in front then the space so secured usually ex hibits an elaborate trimming of drawn work of pretty applique. VThen a man orders spring lamb lr r. cheap restaurant ho begins to reallz how tough It Is to die young. SOMH ILLS OF LIFE OUR MODERN CIVILIZATION HAS ITS BAD FEATURES. Yet the Men unit Kotiini of tho Pro rut Ilnv Aro Vhtalriitly Minorlnr to Their Ancestor Krlli lu Ihe Kurd for SupertluouK Wealth, Some features of civilized life are not wholesome. It does not Insure a perfect digestion, which Is the basis of good health. It is not healthful to breathe sewer gas In houses the plumbing of which bus been passed by an Inspector who receives Christ mas gifts from the plumber. There aro many other conditions which are not favorable to tho best physical health. However, In spite of other drawbacks and disadvantages, there Is every wanant to nlllrm that never has the standard of health, strength and agility been as high as It Is to-day. Though an Indoor llfo Is vicious In Its Influence, tho men unil women of to dayand especially the women are cafiablo of a greater physical endur ance diau has ever been known be fore. The first and best proof of this is that nt the age when our grand aires and their dames took their places In tho chimney corner as capa ble only of vegetable existence, the men and women of today aro at their best, and, as Dr. Stevenson complains, the grandmothers arc demanding the right to run for public office, Instead of being content to knit stockings. A believer in tho physical superiority of the savage brought out the great grandson of a famous Indlnu sprinter to pit him against tho white runners of the colleges. Even after a syste matic training he was beaten by tuna tours. His celebrated ancestor had defeated every white runner here and in England, but his record lias been surpassed long since. Life in the open air Is necessary to the best health, but there is no reason why the modern conveniences should bo abandoned. On every hand are proofs of the physical superiority of the men nnd women of to-day over the people of any other known period. The rules of wnolesome living are better understood and nro more generally ob served. It needs only for men to re fraln from business excesses, from ills slpating their energies in the pursuit of weaith. In order that they may find life well worth living. Tho too fre quent suicide of successful business men may be traced to their long and absolute absorption In tho work of money-getting and the discovery that It Is profitless and unsatisfactory. The realization of the fact that wealth alone does not bring happiness come-, only after it is too late to effect a change. The delusion that there Is no more satisfying purpose than the accumulation of money Is the chief ob stacle In the way of man's happiness. THE ORIGINAL HABITAT OF MAN I'rof, Urche Advance Thvorj That the Flnt Men I.tteit In the Arctic- Hic-lnni, Prof. Dyche of tho University of Kansas, recently gave an Informal lee ture ut the University club at Kansas City. His subject was "The Original Habitat of Man," and he advanced the theory that the first men Inhabited the northern pnrt of (reemnnd and the territory surrounding the poles. lu his trip to the northern part of Greenland Prof. Dyche found fossils of the soquola, or Callfornin redwood tree. As an Illustration of the fight of animals against advancing incle ment nature Prof. Dyche cited the case of the mammoth, which was at first a hoat-lovlng animal. Those which refused to leavo their northern home gradually grew hair as a pro tection. When tho environment be came too severe tho species perished. Prof, wyche drew conclusions from tho flight of birds. Wo believes that birds migrate north to breed, because of an instinct ncqulreil by centuries of returning to the original breeding grounds lu the north. Wall Unlit UnwiMTMnl. The monster building now being erected on the flatlron block below Madison Square is the most striking example of modern olllce construction which people whose business nnd pleasure keep them above Canal street have had the opportunity to watch In dally growth. One thing about it Hint Impresses thoao unfamllinr with present archi tectural methods Is tho fact that parts of tho outer walls aro being built downward from tho twelfth or thir teenth story to tho fourth. Ilelnw the latter there Is not yet nnv exterior wall. It makes a strange sight for those unaccustomed to tho curiosities to be seen In far down town Manhnttan, and the fact that It Is novel to many Is apparent from the comments whinii ono who passes among tho Madison Square throngs cannot help overhenrlng. New York Sun. Knee-Deep In KanH. Mr. Eugeno I-. Wnre, the now com missioner of pensions, who over the name of "lronqulll ' long ago estab lished his reputation ns a wit and writer of verso, has been much Inter ested for years In tho condition of roads lu bis adopted stnto of Kansas. Recently Mr. R. W. Richardson, secretary of tho National Good Roads Association, who Is prepnrlng to take a Good Roads Construction train across tho continent, said to Mr, Ware: "HHow do tho farmers lu Kansas stand on tho road question?" "Up to their knees," was tho reply, Philadelphia Saturday Evening Post. GOOD SAMPLE OF MEXICAN HUMOR Unliino MM"C -"" for "lone" by a 1'ollrp Onirl.tt. "When you take up a residence In the City of Mexico," said nn American who had lived there for several years, "you are waited upon by the police, who ask you how many beggars may call at jour residence every morning nnd receive a dole. Your answer Is recorded, and only the number of bog gars mentioned dare show up. I lJJL my brother with mo nt the house, i our answers to the police differed r,omovhat. Two weeks lifter their call a messenger came on an errnnd nnd In quired for Jones. "'What .lones'." I asked. " 'Senor,' he replied, 'I know that there are two of you the ,Jones-you-cau-send-nlong-nbout-clght-of-'eni and the Jones-l-woii't-feeil-a-ciisscd-oiie-of-'em, nnd the Jones I want is not the first.' " 'Then, ns I'm the one who said eight beggars might come uround, you don't want me.' "'It cannot be. It is- the I-won't- k fetfd-a-cusseil-onc-ot-'em-Jones I want.' " 'Hut he Is not in Just now. Can you leave your message with me?' " 'SI, senor. Tell him when he comes that If he don't wnnt-to-feed-a-cussed-one-of-'em hc-can-go-to-blazes-aud-be-hanged-to-hlm.' " BOYS ATTACKED THEIR TEACHER Itut Sho Thrathed Several or Them and Iloriowlpped the Leader. Miss Lulu Nelson of Osage. N. Y a pretty and athletic school teacher of -p tho Hooper's Valley school, has dem onstrated her ability to care for her self by thrashing several pupils who attempted to assault her, and has been acquitted by a jury of Hogging one of her assailants with a horse whip. Several pupils of the school, led by Ira Hlllegas, had organized a plot to oust the teacher. Miss Nelson order ed young Hlllegas to replenish the lire. He refused and she threatened him with a whip. He uttempted tu strike her with a coal scuttle, and tho other boys lu the plot came to his aid. but she was equal to tho occasion and placed her would-be assailants hors de combat. Then with n largo hor.iowhlp she administered a thrash ing to Hlllegas, raising fourteen ridges on his arms and back and drawing blood in three places. Ho swore out a warrant fpr her arrest and she was tried before Judge Smith. When, nt the close of the evi dence, tho Jury rendered a verdict of not guilty, there was a dramatic dem onstration In the court room. ('nre of Coiiiuinptlon. Nearly every state and large city In the country Is making some movement to aid in stamping out consumption Massachusetts has a woll-estahllshed sanitarium at Rutland. In that state. Vermont is considering a project of the same kind. The New York legislature has made two appropriations aggregat ing $1.",000 for the construction of a consumptives' sanitarium In the Adi rondack region. The New Jersey leg islature at Us recent session voted ?."0, COO for a similar purpose. The ap propriation of $100,000 by the Pennsyl- vauia legislature in 1001 in a.,1 of the White Haven sanitarium places thla state by the bide of other common wealths In the fight against consump tion. Dr. Rothrock's scheme to use the state forest ret,ervatlons for the same purpose will doubtless realize good re sults In time. Ills knowledge ou the subject Is valuable, as he is the state commissioner of foiestry. Thnt great good work can be accom plished by country .sanitariums for the open and pure air treatment, especially In pine forests, has been demonstrated At Rutland, In Massachusetts, tho per centage of cured patients has steadily risen. In the first year 37 per cent of all cases of the disease In all Its stages were cured; In the second year 15 per cent, mid In the third year 50 per cent. Tho record of other sanitariums will probably show as good results. Pitts burg Post. Private I.lhrarle In Mi-ilri. There are not a few line and exten sive private libraries in Mexico, for there nre many book lovers among the . educated people of this country. In the city libraries, ranging from 1.000 to 10,000 volumes exist, nnd one of Hie most valuable collections of "Ameri cana," books relating to the discovery and early settlement of Latin America, Is that of Don Jose Maria do Agrcda, an erudite gentleman descended from an ancient and noble Spanish family, who Is the librarian of the national miiBciini. Senor Agreda's collection is noted for Its many priceless volumes, for he has been collecting books In this city since he was a lad. He Is nn en- thuslastlc antiquarian, and no man la titter for the great task of writing a history of the City of Mexico than this learned and cultivated gentleman, one of the ornaments of Mexican culture Mexican Herald, Hoi Hmlth ItiiMeU' I.at I)j. Sol Smith Russell spent a good deal of his tlmo In Washington after leav ing tho stage, and was a familiar fig nro at tho theaters thoro, especially at tho matinees. Ho was usually wheeled to and from tho thoator In an Invalid's chair, and often as ho was pushed through tho lobbies somo ono would remark: "Thoro's Sol Smith Russell; ho will never act again." Ono day ho ovorhcardjimo thing of tho kind, and, in hhYi'nlld, cheerful, kindly wuy, replied; "You'ro mistaken; I am getting better every day; I am going to return to tho otngo next year in a new play." Ho took especial pleasuro lu witnessing tho work of Joseph Jefferson. Corre spondence New Yonc Pos