.v. ? y VOLUME XXX. rie B Store. 14e present values you canndt afford to miss. Our annual June clearing sale is proving attractive to the buying public. Several of the lines of goods offered last week have been sold out. This week we add Groceries! National Hiscti't Company. freMi ginger snaps, per pound Choice- Japan Kico (iallon cnn pio fruit, peeled poaches or apricots Lima bonus Special otter on raisius Cleannd currants in packages, per puekago Libby -oiipx, per can 1 pound can oj Baked Ht-itti-J with tomaio .sauce CALIFORNIA CANNED GOODS ! Apricots, 2(V grid.) rodui .'d to IV-icois, -Oi- ij. i'ti- reduced to I'nilii", -Of gride Ji-duced to lVaclie-, 'J.")c grade, induced to Another - Wash - Goods fiOO yards 12 and 15c Wash (!oods reduced to gc r00 yards 8c, 9c, and 10c wash goods and ginghams reduced to c 1000 yds Uioghauis. Lawns, Swisses, Dimities, Batistes reduced to 14c !200 yards yard wide porcalo remnants gc A Splendid Value. Anothe2 lot of Ladies shoes, complete lino of sizes, now shapes 0 f Q $1.50 shoes induced to Miner SPECIAL ! We have just received a new lot of Fruit Jars, And to move them in a hurry we will sell them very cheap. Get out prices before buying. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. Cash paid for Poultry and Hides. RII3E Ste KOON. & GROCERIES AND MEAT AARKEG. Yhe Chief, $1.00 a 71c Co 1173 r.c Oc 8c 7c 7c Hie KJc 10c 20i Bros, Year in Advance. RED CLOUD, NEKKASKA. Jl'XK Ut, 1902, Gomspondenee. BLADEN. L C. Keith drove over to Campbell t,ho first of tho week. Mr. Dreschor of Chicago is tho guest of his brother William. L K. Spence sold a piano to Clarenco May the tirst of tho week. K. Kit, of lied Cloud was in this vicinity tho first of tho woek. Mr. Uoodoll's mother and nieco of Western arc visiting in this city. V S Hall and family tlrovo tip to Hastings the latter part of last wook C. E. Hicks was mowing weeds and hanging onto tho plow handles ono day last week. Damn Kumor siys that Mr. Palm qtiist of Lincoln sold a now piano to Albert. Wilson. John Crum was initiated into tho mysturii'S of thu Workman lodge Mon day evening. A Mr. Coaster of Johnson, this sta'e, was in this city. He was looking at somu real estate north of town. Mr. N. Hartlett anil daughter left the fust of tho week for Ktireka Spiings, Ark., in search of health. Chailes Spenco and C. K Hicks went to HasMiigs Tuesday to attend tho re publican congressional convention. Prof. l)rcbai-h is now known ns "Fainu'i" Diexbaeh and is plowing com on his faun, which adjoins tho town. Floral dav was obsorvod by tho A. O U. W.and D. of 11. lodges of M-is place Sunday. Hev Priestly delivered a very interesting address, after which they drove to Plainviow cemetery and strow Mowers on tho graves of tho de ceased members of tho order. COWLES. Mrs. Putnam is on tho sick list this week. The Cowles hall toani plays ball in Illation tiio l'.Hh. T. Foe made a business trip to Hluo I Iill last Thur-day. (ieo. Han is is shaking hands with fiieiids in Cowles this week. Flank Cowden and Davo Kilev weic in Cowles on business Wednesday. Li's Chancy went to Superior last Sunday to .spend a few hours with his brother and family. Miss Georgia Scott, who has been at tending .school in Lincoln, icttirncd homo last Monday. Prof. Albert Thompson's new house is almost ready to plaster. Ho thinks ho can move in about July 1. Jay CraiTord camo down from Hast ings last Friday to spond Sunday wiili homo folks, rdturning Monday. Homer Thomas camo homo to attend tho wedding of his brother EJmor. Ho goes fro 5 hero to Iowa to work at his trade. Tho Cowlos ball team is now organ ized and played their first game last Fr.day with Hluo Hill at Cowles. The score stood 13 to 3 in favor of Cowles with an umpiro from Hastings who said afterwards that ho helped itco Blue Hill boys inaKo two ol tuoir runs. Tho Cowlos boysnro nil good si.o and good Players. Chas. Honnott pitched an ex tra gook gamo for tho first of tho sea son. CROOKED CREEK. Fine corn weather this wook. . J. Myers wa in these parts Mon day. Mr. Tomum t, Sr , has a line patch of rape on his farm. Mr. Pierce, has cut his rye -ind is stacking it for haj. Dr. Cook was out Sunday looking af or crops on land ho is agent for. John Abbey is over south in Kansas working the corn on his father's farm. The heavy rain last week caught a great deal of alfalfa cut anil not stacked. Mr. Hrush, Mr. F.ssig and Mr. Mar tin went to Hladen Monday to buy corn to feed J. K. Jar boo is having his alfalfa cut and stacked. Mr. Abbey is doing tho cutting. Tho Truman girls, who have boon visiting with Mrs. Kit Dickson, left for Fairfield Tuesday. J. It. Morse's daughter returned homo Friday from Axtoll, Kan , whoro she has been teaching. W, 11. Thomas, Win Kneels and Oliver Hedge made a trip to Hluo Hill Monday to appraise some laud where a now road is being laid out. To Cure a Cold In One Day I'iiW Laxative llronio Quiuino Tablets. All druggists refund mo money if It fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c, Items ol Interest as Reported bv Chief Reporters at Several Nearby Localities. GUIDE ROCK. Mrs. Thomas Tarman is real sick. Mrs. Harcus is quito poorly with rheumatism. Tuesday was a very hot day and hutd on tho wheat fields. Colvin &. Harcus can now furnish plenty of short time money Mr. Dillon's barn is completed and bo is tilling it with alfalfa hay. We have ono happy man in our town. His came is Uncle John Kindscher. Ora (iny went over near tho Kansas lino visiting her sister Mrs. C. Ogilvio. Henry liayles is making quite a nice porch in front and on tho south side of his residence. Mycr Kecd wns in from Knnsas yes terday doing business with Colvin & Harcus the real estate men. It. S. Proudtit is back in Guide Kock shaking hands with his old friends and looking after his many business inter ests. Yesterday while the thermometer was registering 101 Harvey Horn had tho misfortune to lose the last hog ho had by tho heat. farmers are seen daily hauling in their old crop of wheal to make loom for their now crop. M. A. Horn has a carload held over. Last lcports hay that Mr. Osborn Ayors who is at Lincoln for treatment is now improving. Wo hope Mr. Ayors will soon bo able to come homo. Guy & Garrison just icciived a car load o! biudcts .mil today they have four men selling up machines, l'hey aro wideawake and full of business. Quito a lot of lumber is being hauled out to build new granaries in tho coun try. Fnnner.s are aiming to store their wheat until they get leaiiy to sell. We iiko to see tilings in this shape. It lasts longer and does not all go in at once. The supper given last night by the ladies of the I O O. I'.for the benelli of tho visiting members from Ked Cloud was a giantl success and we noticed quiio a ciowd was at the sup per front Ked Cloud Among olhet-. was K. M. Gather, county clork. The Indian lady. Miss Thieeliimt I-. wholeetuied hen- Mundny nighl made quite an impi ession on the young folks. also on some ot the older ones or oui town. She is quite a uicosponkoi and said lots of funny things. She is said to bo a full blood Indian. Mrs. David Hatight living northeast of Guide Kock died yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Hatight formerly lived in Missouri near larkio. Mrs. llaughl was buried in Guide Kock Wednesday She leaves many friends in Heaver Creek township and surroudding couu try. She is Chris and Jos Haught's mother. REACH. Plenty of rain and everything looks tine around here. Somo ot tho farmers aro getting un easy about the weeds. John Carpenter of Wisconsin is vis iting for a few days with relatives in our neighborhood. Our Children's day exorcisos will bo hold at the church next Sunday even ing. Everybody invited. W. A. Myers is back from Norton, where lie has been under the doctor's care for sciatic iheumatism. Kev. Cotulner deli vet ed another able sermon at the church Sunday, but will not bo heio again for two weeks. Verno Smith and wife of Nebraska City camo over last Sunday tor a few days' with their father and mother. Tlio young people ot our neighbor hood met at htl Carper's Wednesday night to practice for Children's day ix erases1. John and Oto Fra.icr and John lieardsleo made a tiip lo Smith Center last Saturday. Thoy report wheat Iook ing good up that way. There was a gathering at Mr. Wil son's Saturday evening ai wnicn dancing was tho principal attraction. A general good time wis had by all present. Gust and Henry Nyborg and Arthur Hartman were down lo Salem Satur day night, Arthur to tako the second degree in Odd Fellowship, and Gust ami Henry to look on. Tho ball gamo hero last Saturday be tweon Cora and our bos terminated in a score of 0 to a in favor of Cora. This makes even games and next Sat urday will tell who wins. James trailer, who left hero this spring, has puroiiasotf a quarter i-eo-lion of laud near Palco, Kan., and from the lono of his lotters seems to bo well pleased with his new homo. x , AUCTION Of the entire jewelry stock of THOS. E. PENMAN, AT THE BON TON BUlliDlNG. liflaio St. in order to reise $5,000 within a very limited time I will offer my entire stock of Diamonds, Watches, Sterling Silver Novelties, Silverware, Leather Goods, Ebony Goods, Carving Sets, 1847 Eogers Bros. Knives, Forks, Spoons, A t Public COMMENCING- Saturday, AT 2:30 P. M. Two sales each day at 2:0 and 7:30 p.m. until the desired amount is raised. Everything to go at Your Own Price. Chairs will be provided for the convenience of ladies. Owing to the lack of space stock has been moved to ROOM FOR ALL. EVERYBODY COME. ThoSm Penman, Jeweler, Red Cloud, Neb. Sinclair & Gabriel, Auctioneers. STATE CREEK. Wheat and ryo is maturing fast and will soon do tohaivcht. Tho big law suit last Saturday was something new for this pait of the country. Pnwncu Jack Hi own of Hurr Oak was up on a visit this week to his old homo near JtuUon Of tho very old men at tho funeral Sunday wo noticed .Mr. Crabb of near Cora and Air. Ingrow. V. H. Kosoncrans has 100 head of hogs, several acres of alfalfa, and is putting up a now wind mill. Mr. W'heatloy, from near Womor, was buried in the Alt. Hope cemetery last Sundav. Ho died very suddenly on Thursday of heart troublo. Ho was an old soldier and a Woodman and was buried undor tho solemn ritos of tho last named older. The funeral ser vices wero conducted from tho Union church, Ktder Slater of Smith Center, an Advontist, conducting tho servico Tho procossion from tho church to tho cemetery consisted of about ono hun dred buggies and carriages, and there were several more at tho cemotery. Ho belonged lo the Smith Conter Post and wo noticed several Smith Contor ltcs present. Kev Slater and a num. ot his comrades wero there, Several of the Ked Cloud Post had a Hag to plant on his grave, also a Smith Center man, and they planted the two togetn-i s: NUMBER 2 i VVV' OLD Clocks, Etc., Etc. A uction, Jane 14th, in my new store the entire the ole bon Ion building. or. Old .soldiers who are living out of a Post can infer from that when tho last tribute of resnecl it paid that ho is remembered by ail, and you all should bo a member. WOMER. KANSAS. John Crabb was at the funoral. Miss Hollo Hall is cashier and book keeper at the Alathes store. Plenty of rain, everything all O. K. and woods trying to outgrow tho corn. Mrs. Kobb of Shawnee, Oklahoma, attended tho funornl of J. J, Whoatley. Walt Williams was thrown from his pony and his collar bono brokon, but takes more than onn hmlmn !.. in lay Walt up. Children's day oxercises woro a oran.l success. Tho hall was filled with peo ple and everything wont off Ono. Tho music was splendid. Mrs. Ed Mathes and Elfa Clark aro in Washington enjoying a vacation and visiting rolatives and frionds they have not soon for yars. Quite a delegation of Womorltcs wero at tho Children's day picnio on Walnut creek at No. 3 Sunday. Thoy ropnrt a good time. Another of tho old settlors has passed away. J. J. Whoatloy, who was well known in both Smith and Webster CONTINUED ON I'AQK 8. 'H H titA I'O m a v I'll 4 i tt W; iH M m H I ii i i hi iMii'riiir'"""i"iWl