THEATRICAL TOPICS. SOME SAYINGS AND DOINGS IN STACBLAND. Iliv llnh.t Inmtl nt lot it I'nrtl "rill Mil) Itnlmiiii mill Hint She llnhl, (he Mir rur I p In -Suture In I lit- ( miiii rnr, Slugi IiIiii. my i.r.sui: iciih iih alioiit Viola loi -ten in-, who used to In tlic must nun. lit 1 fill I lillil of till' . t iK' UtlliiiHplU re. Hli W.IS illWU.VS with her father :nil i.iotlit i. who be- Inlll'l'tl til "Hlll-S Suipilsc raity," mill the b:tbv lived in tut tiieitr r .1 en at in in. i in1 ii . llflM since glllWIl In ln a hi'tiiiliful j-:lt I who plats It, gi titif tnli'x must thiiiin- Inglj Slu lit 'ti'it an a in .uli l"il I') the carlv da.vs Mlii' was tin. ill everv thlng fiiuii "lilosbiuii Canaiy Mini" to ' Angt I " ami was a hutiilln of tin- most incalculable tiiU'hli'f. Ill lit on "Pliiafnie' with Llvlc Webster as Itnlph Kail stiav., V tile I'kitiev as .lo sephlno. Hairv Hunter an Dirk Hcad ec (loorge Poiteseuo an l.lttli' llutter cup anil Dli I. (Soldi n as the boatswain It tttlH II Itlllllklllg Vt'IlllltO. fllllOtWll hj Iri'ttii iiiIoiih suit-ess Little baby I'm test Hi' totiii' to all thi lohcarb.ils mill knew I'wij tiotc of the music ami would sing It with thf most frantic gestures ami h'r own plctuicsqui1 111 ii'lto Pnitlctilarlv did kIii like Hit' ilolli Ions aii.i in which Josephine In vokes alternate aihlie In 'Oh, god of love ami god of loason, hiij !" to decide iiioti her two chances to wed In a hurrj The hnh.v used to perch up on a tnhle ami (limp her little Hotter hands over her licit ami blng- "Oh, got a hue, got a freein', say!" Suiilou hah Ik in complaining to friends that in late .wars his prow rhlal luck In piodiielng mw plays when the attention of the public was not t n grosscd In other mole vital ami Im portant iiuestlotis hail dpseited him. The piodiutloii of "Sans (!em" hail to he po.stpom.ll on acioiint of the litis slan olltceir' visit to Paris, during wlili h the Parisians absolutely tefiisiil to no to places of amusement, the streets iilTtiiilliiK nil the diversion they uei'ileil "Pamela" was given while tin' Zola dial was In pi ogress, ami, of tourso, the new (.papers did not ilewite to this Itiiptit tiittt dramatic event the span- they would have devoted to It had not the Clench novelist claimed all the attention of the Pailsiun piess. "I objict." b.ivs May Itobbon. "to be ing tilth 1st d lii'iuiibi when I appear as l,a I'oulette. the atitliiuutid danc ing girl In 'The Conqueiois.' I make up nit laic pet rrctli white. The wilt is that have attacked nie on thlsstoie havi never vlhltcd as I liavc. the Uitin ipuitti r of Paris, win re women slnillat In La I'oulette fie que nt th,. lafcs I was, in Luiopc ist stimniei. and visit ed places with the avowul putpo'-e of '.tmblm; t tu in tin Latin quartet It was mi btiaiigo sight lo hi e the lloheuilau Kit Is 1 1 tun h a rag into a bo of white ihaik ami then ruli the rag all over their faces. That mav not Mi Ike vou oi me as pio timing a beautiful elicit, hut it Is the lad Iti that cm utile iiclghboihooil. and whin I appear as l.a I'oulette looking like a shut ficsh float the laundry I "" b holding tile mil tor up' to iiatute ' Mr Man l).ilt. savs the Cilteiion. has il'hiow'ied that I'lfth avenue is picfciahlt to Htoadwa as ,i piomcn ade foi acioiH of distinction, .mil also that Mr John Dievv affects the liist named thoioughfuie. There Is noth ing new in the anmuiiHement that Ilroailwaj Is passe as a ptomenade, foi nearly three veins only houhiettes and hnlr-cutteis have paiaded icgtilurly theieon Hut it has never been Htip jiosed bv thohe who knew him best that Mr Drew ever walked in ptfth uventv or an.v where else. Iteretofote, When hut s.vhtem has ciaved the boon vioi.a roirrnscri:. of physical c.xettlon he has walked down the bteps of tho Plaveis" club and back aaln or taken a ride around (Jramercj park 1m one of tho tleuric cnrrlapeb. "I believe that the stano." Paid Minn Modjchka recentlj, in illheiisHliif; the treatment of morals on the Btam "in order to be a factor in civlllatlon and In modern life cannot bo tteated on tho piano of a klnduiKiuten, but must touch an uio vital interests of life It , cannot keep even entirely aloof fiom tho ik'llcato htibjects, which. thouKh not plcahant to talk over In polite bo- I clety, have n great Hochtl bcatliiK Hat there Is a measure for ewr.vthlnt; All ' depends on the treatment, and there 8 Cn) Q IS' Is n higher ItiRlltitt of good Insto and a tioliler likal that ought to be de clslve In this regard." Of IMwanl K Wllhinl. who K III In ChliiiKo. the Intet On-au speiiks as fol lows ".Mr. Wllhinl hits In en hli k for some time, the tiimulatlw effei t of n haul se.'ihon on the mad ami a tone h of malaria that he hail In the mil t Ii A m. in of Iron will ami tremendous nervous i'tieiv, he has biavily persist ed In (iiii.wiik out his fiiKiiKfiiH I,H ;14 oilfIiiull aiiam;(il He lias alwa.vs iiei'ti a paitictilai ly aitive man, ami looks afler a km at amount of detail oiiIhIiIc of pt.'ifce woik, as he person ally iliieetH his business ullitliH, ami the ilfwt if overwoik has told upon ( hib naliirallj ihikkciI lonstltutlon " I .John IHK'I. I'iikImiiiI'h oldest living '.kKii, has Just (ilebratcd another 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . i . ills '.H'li lie plaved I, tiilti -I lot Oobbo to the Sh.vlii'1. of IMiuuml i Kean. ami saw the litsi Niipolinn I when he vvah j'tlomr on hoinil the ' lliltlhh man-of-war llelb lophon. Tor I many vc.hs lie imitiagMl a theatei, jwhhh piilsheil lorn? iiKii. at Devon- poii. and he had some l.tiniius names ! on his pay-roll, amotiK them those of the Kcu.tilfs, l.lstou C. V Miooks ami tin elder and vouiikm Mathews. A rdoit loutlious with a piett.v pli ce of wit is said to have passed ilurliiK a teieiit call of Ilichaid M.ius Held upon the wife of a lalilnet olllcer In WashltiKtoii lie scatid himself in a Kieat leathei easy (hair. As he sank Into it he temaiked "lullatcd, Isn't it ' Piifled up It Is tiiltc tiatitrally llatti red to have a place in .vour home " "On the iiintrary. tn dear Mr. Mans- llelil, leplleil the i oiilplltueliteii lliiht ehh, ' an i hair is puffed up wl'h the honor of having .vou sit in it," Kale Terty has n turned to the staKo In Lomlon, In "I'he Master." Wheti N vv I mA' .$mmTi - v: r VM , j v7 ' h A',TVT . -Ss. ' M r kaci: ti:hhy slie wmr (list bet ii as Arthui In Kent's pei foi mam e of KIiik .lohn, Maiaula.v. who haw tile 1(111 of the play hefoie tlic iiieen at Wllldsoi. wtote to her- "I he little lil vvbo luted Aitliur did woudeis It Is al most wot til while to be past middle life to sec Miss Kate Tiny plav thlh." Annie Itihh will not he tin leaditiK woman of William II Trane's lompanv next season. Miss Irish has made an extremely stiouu impression in the mle of the Kteiich widow in Mi Ciaue's luodui'.lon of 'A Virginia I'ouitshlp." and .I'iseph llrooks his uitiiiaK) r, lias made enticlnn offi rs for hci to (Oiitlinie witli them net war Sue Intends tnk m cni4aKemeuis that will not i iimpej her to leave New Yolk. 'I he teput.ition of M Kostatid has lately suiTcred in Pails fnun the huiiKcs that his suuessful "Cj ratio de IS' Wine" Is a hold plalailsm trom an old Prench pla.v wiltten mau .vears ai;o. This dlscovei.v Is said to have been made i the punhasers of the niiKllsh tights, who found that a ver blon of the old play has icu'tuly been iuepared for use In laimlou M llos tatul has not )it .inswoinl the (liaise. Pranklin Moore has finished a play ba'-ed on the life of Nell Cw.vnue, taken trom a novel called "I'he Impudent Comedian." which he wrote some time .iKo The actress Is shown llrsl as an otaiiKo seller In the pits of theateis and her career Is traced to the time In which she became a point favorite. Thee hat actcr Is Mild to he IiIrIiIv sjm pathetic dellnn Paul, f'lara Huti. IMwanl Unjd and Charles Kantley will slut; with a festival chorus or some fl.ouo and an ouhiftia of faio. led b.v AiiKust Manns at a concert In the Cr.vstal pal nce. .luiie ::. Pattl has not" miuK n the Cisal p-ilace sime the Handel fci-ilval of lisn I 'anpwell m.ij Ute a plav for Hli haul Manslleld "He has been at me for veatn." sa.vs ZanRwell. "He wants to play 'The King of the Schnor nrs.' and once offered me a catte blanche commission to write no lest than four plays for him." Kleauora PtiFe has achieved n Kieat vuccess In Kloiuue in an Italian vei bion of "The Second Mrs. Tanqueray." Ciitles who have seen both say that hhe did not look the part of Pa'ul.i so well as Mrs. Patrick Campbell, but bin passed her in foi re of act Inc. I II. Stoddatl expects to retire fiom the stiiKe after he has plaved In "p,.. ride the Pontile Ilrler Ilusli" for a km bon oi two. He says: "A hon and a daughter are tcadj to make tnv life's cwnlim i.ts.v, and I shall enj y .i test." lohn 11. ItoKcu, has ,, new star and seems to be doliiK will with her In tho PrltlFh ptov inces Her name Is Julv. kiuk nnu sue is plavlni; the nart f..r.,.. erlv portraved bv Minnie Palmer In "M Hi other's Sister ' t iv jmm , W7''T ' Ti T NOTKSOKTIIKWIIKKL iMATTCnSOl' inti:iu;stto OLV OTLCS OP THL LSICYCLi;. I (wlliiK "Hli fur tlie I'rc'M'iil Si' linn V Clilil nil liiiirni' l Nutli eiilite luu ltii) mi line VShiil .V Itimil. hide .le. ( i Mil); stvti . N I) I CATIONS of what the ccimtiiK ' jf -, B '.vclini; styles win. ' ' i ' N lie ine leullioiiii' In i iippear Knlekeis will no! be wont full villi ov. rlu in;- , iut; baKnliiess at ; the knees, but tne.v I will 111 fnltl.v su-fc . ami have iiilfs of v. '(' 'l ' -" '" the same material Diiiilile-liteaslid mats aie ;;atutu; mealer populaillv. Daik blue ci black itolf hose aie selllni; well, sav ' tin oiillltters, and the prospect Is that sioikliiKs of solid (oloih. with f.iucv ' (oloicd tops, will larKelv leplaee the I'mii' pi lids Sweateis im- loltn; itiouml lupidlv Man.v of those wlml rid all ulnti i have come to lepui'lile tin sweater, and Its use Is now tele- J paled almost intliclv n the rut ln men and sioiiheis It will be eotisnl- I lied the collect llllll'. to weal kllhii ets of a decided pallet n, with a oat ut elifleient material, darker and of so'id ledoi. Illc.vcle shoes aie lielliK made heavlei. .mil with slight eMetisioi belles. 'I be footless stoi kltiR. to be wen it with half-hose, seems to h put ty much the mil thltm at pie--cnl. In headgear time Is little that Is new but the i iiKtiim of weaihiL' a fedora or some other Ft.vle of felt hat in pref eieme to (lie little cloth cap seetlH to bo KrovviiiK I'atiiy nepllKe .shirts, with white collars and cuffs, and pay coloieil neckties will be vvoin. but the hla.liif; Scotch plaids of last eai An to be put avva.v. Something new and le'islblc that has Just apiieaml aie eve linn drawers that teach only to tin knee and have elastic seams In tin sides so as to permit of freedom of action. Wiih the women IiiIkIu eol ois . " le in voyue. even the icils and s. hi !c. h Lavish dei orations ot black Jualil aie palultiK f.ivor. and tin ccllim lostiime of one line will make way for skills and coals and vests of ' out tasting coloir Willie blooineisale prettv nnu h out of It, Ii'kkIiis ami the high topped siloes are both lohSliv. ground. In hats the boat and sailor Hhnpus will have the prefeienee ovei turbans and Tain O'Shanteis. and for hot weather chip hats and wide Pana mas will he iisnl, mj the clothing p e pll'.'ls. "Mill I In Klilr. .llmmj .Michael, the niidille-distanee piotessional lider, has coutiaeted to compete in si blew le match tines during the imiiiths ol .Inly and August this teas-on. lie will ilde unibM the contiol of the nieilinu C.vele Hai ing association, and will icielve a guar anteed coiupeus itlon of $l.i,iilio. Miih ael's elete ruillial ion to engage in lib wlc laces again this vein settles eil'eetuallv the talk of his riding rate Iuiim- In consenting to tide in -l inces the Wel.di llder iilaces himself etltllil.v In the hands of the tneiican C.vele llae Ing iissoclatloii I he hitter is at Uti lity to ni range mat i Ins tin Mlibuel with auytideis thev ma selei t. the onl.v stipulation being that the distant c hhall not be lees than Mfteen mil more than thlrt.v-tlnee tulle's Putll the t.-r-mination of his tontiact Michael is do baiieil ft urn inlet lug an.v mateh or rompelltlnn races but will lie allowed to lido exhibition ut rate meets. The six matt h lines will be i tin alteinate Ir this c It v, Phihiilelphia ami Itoston. 'I mii Itnj mi One Wheel. 'I'he avet.ige messenger boy hns a knack of getting his toll mone s woitb out of his ble.vcle. One of these i.hiewu joungsters iccetitl.v hit u on ;, st he me wheieb.v an oidinatv wheel ttii" 'iiatle to do dui as a taudeni. One bo.v '.Hi on the iippet bai, braee, hi s '.N0 TIMi: AND CAUFAI.i;. feet in the toasteis and gi.isH the handlebaiH. He, of eouise, attends to the steeling tlcpaitnient The othet me hill occupies the saddle and wmks the pedals, suppoitlng hlinself with his bauds upon the steersman's sIioiiIiIpis. Thus two bo.vs who have messages In tne same locallt.v may save time anil carefure by doiilillng up on one wheel. VV.nK 'in Chit. In niKapliig the leading illstamu nun for match mces tho pioiuoteis have Ftlpul.itcd that the ilderc, under eoutraet must not engage In any open or special tints oilier than the mauti coiilists eontractcd for Tho large number of tide it who will take par I ,i "J7! ii !n midille-iliptatiee ioiiNrIk will en able the big ttaikb to arrange rncea of siee lal Inleiest laeh week The trnrkH at Miiiihattan Heaeh. Ambrose Pari: nml lleikdey Oval pi upturn to schc-Juit blK luting features at frequent Inter vals liming the Mimtuci nionths, so Ihat some events of tin Intet national i haunter will 1IK he run (,ff (.w.y Siituiiiav during .lime. Inly ami Au miM. 'I he uriiiiiKi'iiii nts under way lor i ni lug atiiattlons Invohe-the expeiull luie of loiisideiiible money fot putses nil the maliiteiiatiee of racing teams, so that iitibbs the public shows a dhs poslllon to give stioug support to lib id mi ing ihb year e oiisbleiabli' money will he lent. Well-known man agers admit that the n.n-on will be l.ngeh an expet Imcntal one In teganl lo rating. Uxpeits view the extensive plans In a sou of dt;hlou fashion. They piolis-t to know that the hciixoh will either sei r'icliig made one of t Ik picinlt i sporls or . 1m witness Its death. ICniiil ItciiinU. Ollltlal mad retoieb In Hnghtiul wli; he made undi r strict mles this yeui. A new legiilatlou is a-c follows-' "A llder attempting an iinpiced leconl must be entllely alolle throughout, lie tuny lie followed bv a witness, who must not. while the competitor n nioiiniid. either appioaeh him within l()t j.itcN or couch lilm bv audi! le "ignuls" l records must lie timed by an ollli 'al tlinel.i epei. using a spe tial walili. but in tases of the leconl" bet w i en London and York. Liverpool ami Kiliuhuigh London ami Liverpool. It will sulllte if times are taken fiom the gentral postotllcc e locks al e.u'l end provided those times are vouched foi b.v at least two etiilitnble witinMbii In cm h ease anv fiactlon of a minute being id l.uued as a whole minute.' V ItniiiMilc .ln.. The idea of n roadside air pump thai the disabled tiavelei loulel avail hlm telf of through the peiiii.v-ln-the-slot device was suggested in the earlv fall. The time s now appioacblng when de llatcd tins and thorns and tacks will I 2. ' ni wm (0 V. THL PHNNY-IN-TIIIC-SLOT PCM P. he met with at cvoiv tii'n of the ni.'tl ami wht n some sin Ii eoutiivaiiee a tlie above would be a boon to many ln ni Kill lot; 1 1' im. One of the M lunges', lacing t otnbln i tioils ever got ten togetliei in this eollll ti.v has in en formed la making up the quad team cmuprisiug Cbailet Chiiieb. Clem Tin vllle. Cliui lev Tuitille and Hob MtCindv. Thes-e mill aie the best that tliW iitv i vet tin mil out Church and McCinilv have splendid lerortls as spiliittrs and shoit distance ildeis. Chinch being the fastest mini in the slate up to live miles, anil Hob, the old war boise. was alwa.vs a ilaiigeious man to have at .vour icai wheel (tim ing down the lionu -sit etch. The Tut vllle In others were out lor the stuff all the time and thej made a lot of the leaeleis sit k in the Mulshes of the han dicap events Church and Mc Cindy ar the fastest team ill tlie state anil one of the .lstebt In tin inimtiy The Tui vllles aie also tast as a tandem team, it would indeed he hard to get a bet ter mate bed four up fot a taclng quad team. A machine is- being built fot the team and in n shoit time the.v will have one eif the lightest ami best win els In the countrv. As a email team thev ate open to race any team In the woild or luce against running or trotting hoises In relavs. As a tandem team Chin eh and McCurily are open to imet any American or foielgn tandem rating team In the business. foreign VV IihiIiik. The earnings of the piofessional taclng men in Hurope dining the sea son of '!" have been estimated at vari ous figures. A member of the N. C. P.. In older to ascertain the actual win nings of the noted ildeis dm ing last .war. (ommiiiilcnted pi'i-nnnlly with the men. with the icsult that the fol lowing stntlstlts have been completed llourlllou and Mm In, ?PJ.()0(i each, Constant Htiret. J'.i.fitlti. Champion fll.MO. Nleuport. JL'.OO; .lai quelln. Riilnnrt. Ta.vlore and Itoinaln, about JL',000 eaih. Stein. $l,S0O. I'ellx-Henry. Solbutl. (iiilgnard, fl.liOO each; Hon lotte. ?l i!ii(i. (Iras and Lo Veller. $1,000 each, (iiiston, I'revot ami Orrniain, $40 tath VV i) the I'lre spiiticrM, Kroiu the St. Louis Hepiiblie: i:v nryoue who enjn.vs sitting b a wood fire must have obsei veil how the wood sputtets and hisses and frequently gives ofl little Jets of flames anil again the piece crackle and lly off al a con slibrable tllstaiue. This is (inised by the water In the wood, which, ton fined In the cells, becomes heated and generates steam It is a curious fact that Interna.' heat and Intense cold produce fractures in various substan ces. In the most e.xtieine cold weather It is not uncommon, especially If the e old has come on suddenly, to 11 nd trees that are split from the ground to the top by the action of the frost lreiv Ing expands the water In the cells of the wood, and so sitdilenlv Is this dono that the tiees burst ns would a pitcher oi mug in which water was confined ln.-n2w:n v i I xx-y --- - - -- ' I IN TIIK 01)1) COKXKK. QUCEIl AND CURIOUS THINGS AND EVCNTS. .Ml I'nlirniiiii's Urate liillle I nni;lil In Vain ( IiiiiiIn nt Set lln-l I lie stmill et Willi Ii I In I'ljliig llr.ij,'nn -An t iiilinllii Mir. I. I be I mii It llttulM-N. !i'n brum In Kicrii brlitirluH, I rr vou tin I. mi, I tnllnw ! Swiet Is tin pluti vou gunril, tlirrc III tin InWiili trie linllow Tin in he Kin m tin ilarbnix lititb r tlir null wblte llnwfts llmtleKH nt taut In the slleiei, of II.ih.. hwn t iiililMiiiiiliie I huurx. Hill ottnifi It mat In, the tiiiis uluir mi In Ik llei g now. Am) Httniir tin ftintniiii tlnwrrs Pint mitt .row n Ids monii-v. Iilte I row , And swuiir the shady phuc tlti In IM'ii Imllnw In rein in iinaniH ) v. lib Mm aim ilriiuntiig, wliliiri "Pollotv' i in i o ttiiul from the uicto-gnlil tiranebeii wliui i Hi,, koiii; ynii l.nriK'' What mi nil uiirf fnr mi . now. who no Minn in. In slug" l'"l III lln Iii an nt Siiimnr:. Mini Is life lo llle ntlH, ui lii'iitt Is u Inn. l himtir tlifil biinls on it loin l bill. nrnii Im Hint Mil am! lomlj eel fur III a shadow. t plain, lilti w ( In- hiinterV iimirr. .1 lotnl biiiniili line. O liiintliii; In ni t. shun sou Una It. wl'h in mw or railing luralb I.. ii n er a km,,, tli ,.ij t,y (hi hIiiiiIiiwv IioiiiiiI of lleath-' i Im n liniiii'hi i ki,., i, l rnin hr i. ti ii tine of ii tnriotv oldm, Hill now II It uililsiiiuinrr winllio mill. Wiling, HUH ilpe, Kiildell. Jl.'ie I siami nml t wall, hi ro In tin rownn-itii hollow, Put in vi i a green leaf w hUpi r-. 'Pol low, oh, lollow, follow: ' ti iicvi r n gii i ii leaf wMpn whin tin gin ii-nohl hraiuhrt vwin, O iiftu a -ong I heat now, win re e nt wat wont to sing llin In the hunt of SUmitmi, n i llfi to me sun. Put in heart Is a Intuit, hutilir (hat bunts nu a Inmlv hill - Plonti .Mn. IcckI in 'Thf Hills (l luiam I'lmiiN of Sim IMist, We have bean! of waterspouts, of Khoweis of llsh, of bait lain and man.v other curiosities whhh pioent tlietn belves in the attnostiheio. but nsseit that theie is such a thing as .sea dust is to transcend all icasonnble bounds 'I he evidence, howewt. In lav or ol its existence Is exetetllngl grrnt-indisputable. In fact ami this is the sloiv told bv eve witnesses. They say that in eertaln parts of the woild, notnblt alioiit the Cape de Verde islands, time arc constant l.v met at sea, seveial hun dietls of miles away fiom land, thick, .vdlovtish letl fogs, not unlike London fogs in November. These fogs oh st lire the atmospheie and are very in Juilous to navigation, but they have not tbebaleful odor of their London pro totypes, nor do thev effei t the breath ing In the same way. While .stand ing tbiough them It is found that the ship, sails and rigging nie cov 'ted v. it a line, Impalpable powder, whhh fall as ill lain and covets the s.nfure oi which It falls, sometimes to tin dep b of fully two luetic, in eoleu it Is of a bright, brick dust hue, oniotiniiH of a light .wllow. and It feels between the teeth like flue gilt, silt b as might be blown Into the mouth on a windy d .v in .March. No place is free fiom its piesenee. its fineness giving it power to penetiate eveiywlieie. Tlie sea, while the dust Is falling, looks as though it hud been peppeied. and lb dlscolm cd for some distance down Sometimes tlie dust comes in ;l showe.1 and passes oil again. The fogs an nothing but vast quantities of the dus suspended In the air. It Is not onlj in the ve!i,it ef Capi de Veule that this woudeifn! dust i--sen. In the Metliteiranian. on the northern paits of Afrit a, ami in th middle of the Atlantic It luih been ic ported. It is Invariably the same m kind and appeal am. c, anil examination under microscopes has proved the iden tity of. say Cape de Veule sea dust with .Mediterranean sea dust All this is very icmarkable dust falling It clouds, no land within s'ime hundred'' of miles, nothing visible which could possibly account for the curious phe nomenon Sand spouts there are in snndv di s erts.and showers of sand taken oilgin ally from spots wheieon the (airle wind has left Its mark, hero there I no deseit from which the sand cm lie drawn, and the wind, so far ftom br ing boisterous or disposed to plav whirlwind pranks. Is light ami s'eatU blowing ships along at a calm ilvi knots an hour. It Is believed by scientific men the the dust clouds of Central Ameiita ate in all probability, closolv tonneceu with the phenomenon of sea iliit. 'I he I'l) Ing lrB No living teptlle pobbessfs true poiv ers of flight, and only one, the "Hying diagon." has any powoi ol sustaining Itself In the air. This leptlle. whica is of small size, Is found in the Indian Archipelago and Last Indies, and lives in trees, feeding on small Insectb. The upper ribs are stialghteneil out and support a wing-like fold of skin on each side of the body, whhh, when the animal is running about, is folded down to the side, but Is expanded when It wishes to Jump from tree to tiee These so-t ailed wings tan not lift tnf dragon from the giotintl, nor havo thej any piopelllng power, they slmplv sus. tain it In the air and enable it to'niak leaps of tonipaiatlvely enoimoiis length. 'I hough no reptiles 0f (0(.n possess the power of Ulght. geolopv teaches us that an extinct species call eel Pterodjctvles could iv. They had a leiiinei I'MMiuieti membrane attach ed to hind limbs, body and fore limbs - im i mii hiiiiiiuri iieing tne oiiterinns' , firmer of the forellmb, which was enoi m';iisly elonguted. Thrtt thev p,!S e i Ihelr time in the Mr and did not. likn the ' Hying dragon ' lmpl.v Jump from life to ttee, Is proved b.v their bones being filled with air like those of birds am! b.v their Invlng a prominent ridge to support the general muscles that worked the'r limb. Many of ilum were snii.ll, ba: s. tne must have b en gigantic: the expanse of wing of one specie) viib pioeably L'7 feet fiom L" to tip. 'I he "siuulti'st Ui.n ll. ' The smallest watth in the woi'gf l ut pterin on rxhiliitioti In a show window In Meilln It Is the lutes' tr. iitnpli In tin ait of v.a.tclimaklnt. b' art that ba uiadr such wondei'M' 1'iogicss within tin l.itt drmde 'I n lillputlati tltucpl (t was made in 0 t. evil, rollowlng an given some of tla tiny dimensions of Its woikn. The d nnuter of the little waMi is bs- t'i.. half an Inch '1 he t nieisuinnei Is Wi- mtlllinrteis. or .11117 lirh It tlnckness is HS2 it eh. The lengih ef the minim liainl i.t '.' I-in mtllimett i" or .('Ma, Indi. 'I Im of the limn hand Is 1 .Mo nillllmel. is. or .O'lll'lJ im Ii 'I'he entile w cults compiiM! ) Ititll vlilunl pleieii, and Its exact weigh' 1? IIIMH!) grains Afn r having 1 en woiintl up with its diminutive ke.v the watth will t tin tor t.wntv. eight hours. The wrick: of tin loin null) wheels with the Ir springs. Is filfiS ginln There are- thiriteii cogs on tin llt'b (.vllutlcr wheel, whhh has a circutn feiente of two millimeters, or .07SS Inch, and weighs ,7."i milligramme, or 011.1." gr..ln. 'I be nio-t delicate toils anil measuiing liiftruiiients were ma'io .speciallv for the eotistiiiction of this llllputlan watch. 'I he prellmlnat v woik in the making of the tlineplei" was veiy expeiisr, and the sellnu' price of the watch is conip..iativelj low being ? l,:-.0. 'he I inhrilli Klr.l. 'I he I'tnliKlLi blnl. wlnth has some resumblniici to a crow both In sle nnd plumage. Is so called fiom a wide cirst which spread" out above Its head like a parasol. This eiest is composed of long slendei featlnrs. ribing from a contract lie Mvin on tlir top of the head The shafts aie white, and the plume glossv blue. Ii.. i r like, am) euived out ward at the tip When the crest Is laid back the shafts fen in a compact white mass sloping up fiom the top of the head, ami surmounted by the deii'-e halr.v plumes, but when f nil v spread the top foi ms a perfect sllghtlv elong ated dome, of a beautiful shining blue eolor. Tlie length of tills dome from front to back is about live Inches, th" lup.idth, four to four anil a h t If Inches. This blnl is a native of the Islands of the South niirican ilveis, being sel dom If ever sppn cm tin mainland. T.illtrs. I)n;s. 'I he ' fdiippeiki," a small dog which comes fiom the Low Countries, is tail-le-s. lie is in his native countiy tho favorite companion of the I-'lemlsh bar gee, and heme ht- name, vvhleu. In nngllsh. means "little skipper.' At the Pakeiihaiii dog show of 1S70 tho Prince of Wahs exhibited a ptir of Indian tailless tings. 'I ben there Is tin- bob-tail sheep dog. Pntll within the last half tcntiir.v sheep dogs with out tails wpic exempt liom taxation, It being supposed that no one vvtnil I keep a tailless dog who could afford to p,.y tho tax. As a consequent e almost ev ery sheep dog had his tall cut olf, and owing to ibis cause tlir tailless sheep dog, still met with In some loeallt'cs, has ntisen. iMivvin tells us that a mutilation of this kind will oftei. bo some heiedlt.ny. VIUs I'nlirui iii's Itr.iir I Itjhi. The Mucvrus (Ohio) corresponelent ol the Dallv News savs that Miss i:m ma Piilnnian of that elt fought a local telephone company lo a standstill Wednesday night, but was flnal'y wo, stecl. Miss r'uhiman was stnrtlng to make some call, being MMIshly gown- s" 'ttiiiW laaM ffflfi f lP mm i i s.i IlWirfrt ?'7L;a U ed for the stieet. When she stepped from her door she found a telephone tompanj about to tiect a seventy-foot polo In fiom of her property. Shu lernonstiated without avail, and starl ing a memliei of her finally to seeuro n Injunction, she n?mnlned to stand guai d The hole was completed and the pole leudy to lower when Miss Piihnnan got Into the hole and elfec ninlly stopped work. After unsuccess ful clients to oo.u her to come out tho men started a new hole a few IneheB away, ami nibheil n to completion. Tho pole was put up while thejndy held the fort ami watched pioteefrlngs from beneath the gieiiiutl. As the af fair became noised about people, swarmtil about to see the sight not less than .liiim people witnessing tho iH'eullar nir.ur After being tl(,Pr. ground five hours the ladj , ft Pr n ,st lie lard) injiinpih,, mlllB lcpJ Rcr'r; el after I was too late Jtm&ru I 'kVJlKifVJjIls B mmEmti. AlVr? , fair m .r t-zs --y UBTf. X III v.v K7 WV V" Mr s-Xa