The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 06, 1902, Image 4

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runu'iir.n nr
(Ir.o K M Nr.witner. Killtor
One year . .
ix mouth ....
II ou
Intered nt tno poit offlco t Ilcii Cloud. Nob.M
second clut null mtttor.
KurnUbcil on Application
Republican Congressional Convention.
The Kopblicnim o( thu Fifth congi-ei-sionnl
district of tho statu of Nobrnskn
nro hurt by cnllivl to meet in conven
tion nt thu opera homo in tho city of
Hatini?s Nebraskn, on Tuesday, tho
10th day of Juno, 11102, at o'clock in
tho afternoon, for tho purpose of
placing in nomination one camlidntu
for congM'si for tho Fifth coriRtcHsional
district, and for tho transaction of
such other business as may regularly
come before said convention. The
basis of representation of tho several
counties of said district in said con
vention shall bo on tho vote cast for
Hon Samuol II. Sedgwick for jikIro of
tho supremo court, at tho regular elec
tion hold on . Novombor 5, 1001, ono
dolegato for each 100 votes or major
fraction thereof, so cast for Bald Sam
uol H. Scdgwlcir, and ono delegate at
largo for each county. Said apportion
ment entitles tho sovoral counties to
the following representation in said
AiHmn IT Hull 17
Clay . ...... IS Hayes I
Chime ...................... 4 Hitchcock n
nunily 4 Kearney II
Franklin 1" Nuckolls II
Frontier... H I'crkln . 3
Furnas . ...... IS Phelps - 12
(lontwr . ft lied Willow It
llarlst) 0 Webster II
It is recommended that no proxies
lie allowed in said convention, but that
tho delegates present cast tho full vote
of the county represented by them.
.1. W. ,I()SF.s, Chairman.
Adam Hiikkdi:, Secretary
Harmonious and 'Enthusiastic Gather
ing and Good Men Named for
the Olfices
Plu.isaut Hlll-G, (i Holt, Cha. C
Uunnett. .1 K (, Chits. Fris
hie, H. Keeiiiiy, Thomas Paul, Win.
(ionil.T It Hall
I'otsdnni-W .1. Whitton, A M. Wnl
icrs, V H.Skeltc.n, F. A Swotzy, W
A Shottonkirk, It. A. Simpson. Fred
llopku, Art Htirgc, Henry Bootchoo,
Kta Conrad
Ited Cloud-Chas. Potter, Wlnllold
Palmer, Frank SttulobaUor, .las. Peter
son, Win Kngel, Clias. McConkoy, Kil
Shcicr, James Drain, H. T. Heed, Hen
ry Harris.
Ited Cloud, 1st ward Thou. Wilburn,
C. F. Cathor, W. N. Richardson, W. T.
Auld.R T. Pottor, ( II. Hollisler, I).
M Able, Thos. Hatfield, C. Reed, Win.
Red Cloud, Sd ward-C. K lteigle,
W. A Mitchell, I. II. hnillow, J. K.
Kesler, C H Crone, I 1( Hampton, F
Hradbrook, II. J Clark, W. 0. Mluck,
Samuel West, J. R. Meieer, (. W. Dow,
Joseph Carr, Ira Wolf.
Committee on permanent otgania
iccommended that the temporary or
ganization be made permanent which
was done.
Tho convention then proceeded to
business in tho order of tho call, tho
first ballot to bo informal.
Tho informal ballot on county attor
ney resulted as follows:
K. 1) Jones r.l
K. U. Overman 70
F. A Swoezy 12
A. M. Walters . 1
J It. Morcor .. . 3
First formal ballot:
Jones fill
Overman 75
Swoezy 8
Walteia . 1
E. U Ovonnan having received n
majority of all the votes cast wns de
clared tho choico of tho convention.
Tho informal ballot for representa
tive resulted as follows:
Charles Hunter 72
F. C Jolir.son
Tor UpprcentM!p lltli llldrld.
Of liiATAleTui
J-'or Count Attorney,
Of Ited Cloud, SJ Ward.
For Comtnltnloner, lt Dint ,
Of Stillwater Predict.
ForComtnloloner. 4tli IMst.,
K 11. SMITH,
Of Ited Cloud Precinct
Tho republican county convention
met at tho court bouse in this city pur
suant to the call as published, and wns
the most harmonious and enthusiastic
gathering tho republicans of this coun
ty have enjoyed for years
When tho convention was called to
order by Chairman (J.. I. Warren most
of the 1(0 delegates were found to bo
in their seats.
Charles F Cathcr was elected tem
porary chairman, and J. V. Kesier tem
porary secretary.
On wot ion tho eha.nnan appointed a
committee of three on permanent or
ganiz'Uion consisting of N. L. D.Smith
F. A Swec.y and Jerome Hailoy.
Chaltman appointed K. Peters, K.
Keillor and Robt. Harris as committee
oh credentials.
Tho convention then adjourned un
til 1:30 pm.
At 1. SO convention reconvened pur
suant to adjournment.
Committeo on c.edentials reported
no contests anil recommended that
delegates as repot ted from tho various
precincts be accepted as follow:
Oienwood Tlios. Htirden, Charles K.
Hi ks.Jolm McCallum, A Herkonmier,
Frank liooin, C. K'isterly, J. McCoy,
W It Anderson
Stillwater J It. Crozier, It M. Al
um, Wm. Finney, Louis Uangort, F. O.
Johnsou, Paul Jahnke, J. II Uaugeit.
Guide Rock Jas. F. Watt, A. J.
'Hayes, Win. Hill, I. W. Crary, K.
Woodward, Samuel Sumnierhalder, I.
H Colvin, K. K Hurr, (Jims. Hodges,
Jirome Vance, W. A. Sheoloy, W. 11,
Rircus, (J. W. Hagan, John Sheeley,
Ralph McC.illuni, K. Peters, J. II.
Harmony James Vance, Will Me
Coy, A. C. Smith, Claronco McCoy.
iValuut Creek K K Ladd, K. II.
Palmer, H. K. Chaplin, V 1). McCall,
A R Davis
0.k Creek T. II. Qulgglo, J. C.
Rose, Geo. linker, A. L. Callahan, It.
H. CJtiiggle, Simon VonHoening.
Heaver Creek J. A. Hiiloy, A. J.
Rrag, K. J Cox, R. S. Denny, W. It.
Ryker, Aloxandor Monh.
L'tie J. W Mclntyre, Jas. Jackson,
It. Turner, H. McNitt, Win. VanDyU-
Inavalo W. F. Ronkel A. F. Halt
well, Walter Garnet, George Hummel,
Charles Olmstead, K 11 Jones, A. K.
Catherton G. P. Cathor, O W.Lind
Cien, Otto Skjtdver, G. J. B kor, K. J.
Gat Held Frank Aniiok, (5. Shidlor,
Ch:n. Atnack, J. II. Robinson, O. Say
1 r, N. h, D Smith.
r.iui Creek K Beitlor, C. K. I'utcitm
Adolph Uartman, II. Brandhorst, T.J.
Ctmpim, F. Kliug, A. S Nickorson.
John McCnlltim 17
F A Sweezy II
H. K Ladd :i
J F. Watt . 2
S. 1
T W. Hall 1
.1 It Gieeulialgli 1
1). G.trber 1
A. M.Wtilteii 1
It was moved that tho iufoimal bal
lot lie declared foimal and that Mr.
Hunter bo deemed the choice of the
convention, but tho chairinan of Mr.
Iluntvi'i delegation olj"te(l and ie
(tie!)t(d that a foimal vote bo taken.
The formal vote resulted:
Hunter 110
Johnson "7
McCallum U
Sweezy 1
Upon mntioii of thu chairinan of Mr.
Johnson's delegation tho nomination
was made unanimous.
Tho next thing in order was tho se
lection of delegates to attend the vari
ous conventions, anil tho following
weio chosen.
State A J. Hajos, W. F Ronkel, (5.
M. Albin, Clms. II Potter, G. P. dull
er, G. G. Hoit, Jos. Sainton, Chits. 11.
Kaley, A. Gnlu,ha, A. 1). MeNeor.C. h
Hicks-, I. B, Hampton, Clias Roigle.
Congressional W. N Rieluirdson, J.
It. Meieer, J II. Cr uy, O. L. Lindgren,
J (.'. Rose, T. A Wilburn, Chn. Ben
nett, F. A. Sweezy, W. Garner, Chin.
Spouce, K K. Ladd, John May, J. K.
Jack -.on. '
S'liatonal A. M. Walters, J. A
Bailey, J. W. Mclntyre. J. It Crozier,
J. It. Greonhalgli, Robt. Harris, K. K.
Buir, John McCallum, J. T. Mills, J.
B. Stanser, X. L. 1). Smith, P.d Garbor,
Clias. Hodges.
Float Representative It, A. Simpson,
W. A. Maynard, I. W. Crary, W. R.
Anderson, C. F. dither, It T. Potter,
T. II. Quiggle, Chns. Heal, Win Ryker,
Clias Putnam, C. K. Hicks, John Street
A. R. D.ith.
The following is the e -untv t-c-iitral
committee f ir tin' on-uim: c:n W. A blmtifiiKiiU, Blue
KlmCiee-K II loi , ('! -.
G-ulield Fiuiik Ainu. , K.a Cloud
Ex-Sherllf John W. Runchey Kills Him
self While Temporarily Insane.
Last Sunday inoiiiing the eitlftis of
Rod Clotitl weie fhockoil by the an
nouncement that ex Sheriff John W.
Runchey had committed suicide, some
time during Stturday night by bang
ing himself to n bedpost. Those who
had seen and talked to Mr Runchey
dining the day noticed nothing un
usual in his actions, and ho was ap
parently in tho best of spirit. During
the past few days he had boon engaged
in tepaiuting the Holland House, nnd
when his tlnj's work on Saturday had
been completed he wont to bis homo
for supper as usual. After supper Mr.
Runchey and son Richard began prop
itiations to attend n social gat lifting In
the south pal t of tho city, but when
Mr Runeliey oiMially inado a rotnaik
totheelleet that ho intended to kill
himself, Mis. Runchey became alarmed
and decided to remai i ut homo Mr.
Rtmehey laughingly turned asitlo the
sigiiillcanco of hit letn.trk and finally
succeeded in persuading li is wife and
son to attend tho patty. During the
entile evening Mrs. Runchey had a
premonition that nil was not right nnd
upon leturning from the party, nt
about 11 o'clock, sho went immediately
to her bedroom in search of her bus
baud. Upon striking n light sho was
horror-stricken to find him banging to
tho bedpost. Her cries brought assist
ance and the body wns cut down. Med
ical aid was summoned, but to no
avail, as lifo had apparently boon ex
tinct for several hours
Tito position in which tho body was
found indicated that Mr. Runchay had
deliberately strangled himsolf to death.
Taking a small cord ho fastened ono
end to tho hondboard of the bod, mak
ing a slipnooso in tho other. Placing
tho noose around his throat, ho sank
fonvaul, his feet resting on the lloor,
and death icsulted from strangulation.
No definite cause bus been unsigned
for Mr. Runchoy's rash act, though ho
has been Mitloring Mom lit of
enej for snme month-', show ing signs
of micida! ui'tnta, and upon two pre
vious neensmni dining the past year
In- had attempted to take his own life,
but each time was fitntinttd in his
deign by tho timely at rival of assist
ance. Funeral services were held at the
family le'idenee at 10 o'clock Tuesday
morning, tho Rev. T. A. Meredith,
pastor of the Christian church, preach
ing tho sermon. The burial was under
tho auspices of tho A O. U W., of
which order, as well ns tho Modern
Woodmen, tho deceased wtts a mem
ber. John W. Runchey was woll known
in Wi lister county and was very pop
ular among bts acquaintances Ho was
born at Compton. Lno county, Illinois,
September I, IS.")", and eatno to Web
ster eotintv in 1SS7, locating on a farm
in Giilield township. In lbU.'i Mr.
Ituneliey wns elected ohcrifl of Wob
iter county, and in 18'.).") was le-eleeted
to the ollice, seivuiL' the two terms
with ability ami eieilit to himself, ie-
tiring from ntlK'u Juntiuy 1, l'.iS. For
the net two jeari he again tiugaged
in farming, and in 1SU0 he purchased
the Holland IIu-e in tins city, which
he nnnnged until n shott time aco,
when he .sold out tho business to Mr.
Ed Frye, tl e pteeut manager
Mr. Runeliey was married Decern
lier :il, 1ST!) His wife and live chil
dren, three boys and two girls, survive
him. Mr ltunchov'.s parents, who ie
side nt Compton, III., and live siters
nnd ono brother also mourn bis loss.
The brother anil sisters are Gcnigo A
Rtinchoy of Algona. la.; Mrs GatTney
of Guthrie, Okla ; Mrs. MatiliU Davi
son nnd Miss Ella Riincl ey of Comp
ton, III ; Mrs Rose Eva s of Ahton,
III ; Mr-. Ptiseilla Chick of Pawpaw,
Tho political atmosphere is clearing,
now that the storm is over
Volume 1, No. 1, of tho Nebraska
City Weekly, a neat little live-column
quarto, has made its appearance. This
bright little newspaper is designed to
succeed Tho Consei vative, J. Sterling
Moi ton's paper, which suspended pub
licntion last week.
F. C. Johnson of Stillwater town
ship, who was nominated by tho re
publican conventfoti for the oflico of
county commissioner from tho First
district, is undoubtedly tho right man
for tho place. This is ono of tho most
important olllces in tho county, and to
properly (ill tho oflico requires a man
of more thnn avenge ability. Such a
man is Mr. Johnson, and wo beleve
that tho voters of tho Fitst district can
servo their district in no better way
than by electing hint
E B. Smith, who was nominated for
tin1 olllco of county commissioner for
this district, hardly needs nn introduc
tion to the people of this community,
cither as nn oflicer of the county or as
a man, nor is it necessary to say what
kind of a commissioner be will make,
nr bis work in that oflico is still fresh
in tho memory of tho pooplo of this
disttict. Ono of the strongest argu
ments in bis favor is the fact that,
knowing his record so well, ho was
nominated for tho position again.
Hero is hoping that Mr. Smith will not
only be olectod, but by a majority so
largo that bis previous ono will bo as
nothing compared to it.
To Minnesota Lakes.
From tho standpoint of economy and
pleasuro no oxenrsion this season can
compare witb that to tho Minnesota
lakos, which will leavo Hastings at
10:35 a.m., June 12th, via tho Burling
ton Route.
Round trip rates as follows.
Hastings to Mnnkato, K-tsntn and
Wnseea, Minn., nnd return, $11 05.
Hastings to St. P.ttil and return 313 05
Hastings to Biylield and Ashland,
Wisconsin, 317 05
Tickets good to return until October
31st. Special low rates at most resorts
for board, boats mid incidentals
In older to make the best arrange
ments at hotels it will bo necessary for
mo to have all the names on or before
Juno 3
Address, Dr. Win. H. Steele, Hast
ing, Nebraskn.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature
is on each box. 25c.
t ' 1nrL'MI
' . t.1;
vV - '-VV
C Johnson, Guide
Stillwater F
Glen wood W R Andorioii, Bladen.
Beaver Creek J A Bailey, Guide
Catherton G P Catner, Bladen.
Pleasant Hill-G (J Unit, Cowles.
Line It Tumor, Rod Cloud.
Red Cloud Twp-E RSheier.
Walnut Crook A It Davis, Iuavale.
Guide Rock, Ralph McCallum.
Inavalo W F Ronkel,
Harmony A C Smith, Bladen.
Oak Cieek T II Ojuiggle, It nem rt.
II ttin Robt Harris, Red Cloud i
Red Cloud, lit wind C E Reigle. I
Reil Cloud, 2d wd T A Wilburn '
Motion prevailed that the candidates1
choose their own chait man and ecu-r
tar .
The delegates fron tho First commi.--
sioner disttict nominated F C Joluiion
and thu delegates from the Fourth dis
trict nominated E II Smith. (
Tho convention adjourneil sine die. .
Notice to Consumers of Ice
On and after next Monday, Juno U,
lee tickets, good for 500 pounds, will
be sold for $l.'Ji each, cash in advance
Pu itively no tickets ued without
the cash Any and all unused tickets
will bu icdueim-c for cash at the end
of the season. iV BUADSIMW,
'g -Jtts J
I lpl I
I - ff 1
niindfold a
woman and she
loses all confi
dence in herself.
Her step is slow,
hesitating and
uncertain. Her
hands are raised
to ward the im
ngiuary blows
which threaten
her. When a
irl; w n 111 a 11
seeks the means of health she is often
like a woman blindfold. She has no
confidence. She cannot tell what her
effort will lead to. She turns now to
this side and then to the other in uncer
tainty and doubt.
The sick woman who uses Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription may do so with
absolute confidence. It invites open
eyed investigation. There need lie no
hesitation in following the hundreds of
thousands of women who have found a
perfect cure for womanly ills in the use
of this medicine.
" Favorite Prescription " cures irregu
larity and dries weakening drains. It
heals inflammation and ulceration and
cures female weakness.
"With a heart full ifKratitmle toyou lor enu
,i. mi, mrr tin-1 iTi.l vour wniulerful medicine 1
Read the otter of a free cabinot pho
toiapu in auuluer column.
Miss Ida. M. Snyder,
Treasurer of (lie
Ilrooklyu Knat Knit Art Club.
" If women would pay more attention to
their health we would have more happy
wlvci, mothers and daughters, and If they
would observe results they would find
that the doctors' prescriptions do not
perform the many cures they arc given
credit for.
" In consulting with my druggist he ad
vised McElrce's Wine of Carduland Thed.
ford's Black-Draught, and so I took it and
have every reason to thank him for a new
life opened up to me with restored health,
and It only took three months to cure me."
Wine of Cardui isaregulntorof tho
menstrual functions nnd is a most as
tonishing tonic for women. It cures
scanty, suppressed, too frequent, irreg
ular and painful menstruation, falling
of the womb, whites mid Hooding. It
is helpful when anuroachinc woman
hood, during pregnancy, after child
birth and in cliaiiKO of life. It fro-
oucntly brines a dear baby to homes
that have been barren for years. All
druggists have $1.00 bottles of Wine
ui uniuui.
inc out oer tilt I in J your wonderful meilicine I
send these few lines, liotilnt! that sonic xor Mif
fcritm women will trv t)r I'urce's meiliciniS,"
writch Mr Cora I. Koot, of GreensjiriuR, I'ur-
nacc WasMiiKton Co Marjl.imi "i nan mii
fereit everly from female m-atucM ami hail to
I In txsl a great ileal of the time Hail head
ache. lacWuche nnd pain in left side when lying
down I commenced taking Or I'lerce's I avor
Itc Prescription, and had not taken twolioltlcs
when I was able to be around again and do my
work with but tittle- ;win Can now eat any
thing and it never hurts me any more Have
taken seven bottles of Ur l-icrce'n I'avorite Pre
scription and one or his Compound I'.xtract or
Sin-irt Weed and several UaW of his Pleasant
Pellets I'erliiiB better every day My hus
band savs I look belter every day "
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure bil
iousness uud bid; headache.
What Do
I You Eat
for break last.
Hard to find any
thing this time of
the year ?
Try some of
that (me bacon
which we have and
which we are sell
ing so cheap.
Slier er $ Bradshaw
Butchers for Tho I'eople.
not the
"man with
the boo" so much
just now ns the man
with the bat and ball. It's
the man with tho "want" a
long felt want for good clothes
that we are after. Wo can "deliver tho
goods." Wo have everything that a male
man wants, in all shapes, styles and sizes. Some
things we have are a little nicer thnn other things,
in fact they're nicer than anything being shown here
abouts. Wo refer to our Manhattan Shiits, Dutchess Trous
ers and Cnrhartt Overalls. 1' makes nie exclusive
witb us and they ate snow-capped peaks of perfec
tion. Wo have received fresh consignments in
each ono of tbeso lines, nnd should bo glad
to show you how perfect thoy are. Vo
are still showing tho most complete
assortment of tho now Pana
ma nnd Shellbrim hats to
bo found in the city,
nnd at all prices
from $1.50
up to
Gralusha. Westcott & Storey.
General Merchants.
Our new Fall Shoes will be in June 21. Until that
time we are going to cut the price of
every pair of shoes.
Our line of Men's Shoes $1.50 value, will close out
at $1.15.
Our Tan Shoes and Oxfords for men and women
at just half price.
Money saving prices on Men's Canvas Shoes. Get
our prices and save money.
is complete. If you want something nice we have
it at money saving prices.
We are headquarters for Ribbons and
Last week we purchased 390 yards of Heavy Taf
feta Silk. A good value for $1.00, our
price is 75c.
A beautiful line of Summer Silks at 50c.
Highest Prices for Produce.
Chicago - Lumber - Yard.
Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement.
u.ilclin.&; material, Etc.
4444444444444? RED CLOUD. - - NEBRASKA