Thousands Have Kidney Trouble nnd Don't Know it. How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tllng Indicates nn Unhealthy condl- tion ot the kid- ncys; If It stains your linen It is cvldenco of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass It or pain In the back Ii also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der arc out of order. Wlint to no. There Is comfort In the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kllmer'3 Swamp Root, the kidney remedy fulfills every wish In curing rheumatism, pain In the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain In passing It, or bad effects following use of liquor, wlno or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have tho best. Sold by druggists In50c. and$l. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery ftrpi and a book that tclfsdinWjj'fCil-ffti more about It, both sent HWHCHH-!!Ja absolutely free by mall. SJgaijiagaBgg address Dr. Kilmer & noma of Bwamp.noot Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. When writing men tion reading this generous offer In this paper. BEST FOR THE BOWELS If jou hiTcn't a regular, hrtlthr inorarernt of th bowtli itftrjr day, you're III or "III lie. Krfp your bowels optn. and tie well. Force. In the shape of Ylo lenthyloorpllloUon,l danarroui. Ton (mooto Mt.culrtt, mot perfect way of keeping the bowels clear and clean lito take CANDY OATHARTIO EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY rieatant, 1'alatahle, I'olent. Tante flood. Do Good. neTer Hlcken, Weaken, ur (Irlpe, 10, tV anil M rente Eer tioi. Write for free (ample, and liuoklet on ealtb. Artdreis U ITIRUID IMIDT COiriNT. CHIiAUO er HIT 1011, KEEP YOUR 6L000 CLEAN You pay 10 oonta ftor Cigars not aosJoodM LEWIS' SINGLE CIGAR STRAIGHT r. P. IEH I S, M ktif PKORIA.IU. Don't Be Fooledi Take the ccn original ROCKV MOUNTAIN TEA Made only tiy Mndlaon Medi cine Co., JVUttlion, Wli, It keep im well. Our trade mark cut nn racli package. Price, .is cents. Neiersold In hulk. Accept no substr tule. Ask join druggist. Soft Harness You can moke your liar lifwi iu soft Ha a Klova mill ns tnuitti atwlm by iiXiiKUHKUKAIIsr. a o as (III. You (an lenitthen lit life-make It lt twleo as long as II ordinarily would. EUREKA Harniss Oil rnakea a poor looking bar. lima like new. Made of purs. liraTv tullti nil. .-. in-iii.v )repnrtHi o wllu Itaud ths weather. Bold everywhere In cant-all sites. Mide bj STANDARD OIL CO. BEE-KEEPERS' SUPPLIES. bond tin your order for ill-a, .Srotlima, Kitnictom, Slunk- I. ' Mwnriii Cutfliers Kiiuiiiliitlim It..,, ii, ...u.. ... We hamllt Krrlthiiirr'N d'ooli tin.i un uile ion llm. ami rr..lil nccc uj.v ' WANTED. CATALOGUE FREE. TREBTEII SUPPLY on 103 South Uth Strttt, J..VCO..V, Mil. John g i-oitku, KTTORNSY-HT- L.KAn. Over Mi.or's Grocery Store. Genuine lUmped C. C. C. Never .old In bulk. Rcware nf IK it.t .ukA ..f.. i -. . . .... w..v, I.IIV Ulll t "something mt ai good." Rheumatism Cured in a Day MvstlcCure for rliviinmiUiii mid neuralgia rendlly cures In from ono In three dais, t M " lion upon tlio hjHuih Ik remitiaiiblu nmlmiv terloin, II remove, at onro 'lit' rnuo and ilie dlKeasu linmiMlatoly iKHArii Tho llrsi ilce r! tfj bUHw WNlKk All IIM IAIIS. tSd Host CuuKh tirrup. 'i'a.'icj liood. Ufo CrJ 111 llnio. 8olit by druirulaU. I - 7V KMJ4c iv i ii trt."r-iv. r 1 la efefygfLM" "W GaWA'Ker BINDER 10asassnftT r' " sasuSsYvlVtMiB-vBaHflassssBss.M V. GORRESPOflDEflGF. CONTINUKP FIIOM I'AUK 1 room, wlioro u splendid Mippor was served. Tho bridii it the only daughter of Hit Cox, ft ml is it huiidioniu nnd ac complished young lady, while the gioom is one of Hull county's prosper ous young farmers and is noted for his sterling worth nnd industrious habits The young couple were the recipients of many beautiful and useful presents. A party of .sereiinders treated the bridal couple to sonic cvccllciil music - a - INAVALE. Miner Simons and wife visited at Walt (inrner'H Sumlv- Floronco Sawyer was visiting in Hed Cloud a couple of days. Mrs. A. 11, Kaley and daughter (icrtio wero visiting nt Simons' Sun day. Inavale was visited by a nice rain Wednesday evening-, also some hail, but no damage. Geo. Hummel nnd Will Tabor loft Tuesday morning f jr Indian Territory on n short visit. Quito n number of Innvalo young folks went up north to witness tho ball gamo Sunday. Wosloy Wilson is moving his houso back on his lots in order to mako room for his now store. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Miller, Monday, a girl of tho usual Nebraska weight. Dr. Myers left Tuesday for his future homo iu St. Joo. Ho will bo greatly tnissod in this commuity. Mrs. Sadio Holdredgo and daughter Uollio left last Saturday for Talmago to visit her husband, tliman. Tho Inavnlo baseball club is fully organized now and would bo pleased to hoar from any neighboring team. Wo supposed Hugh Heed's corn rows wero so crooked tho water could not wash it out, but such is not tho case. He has replanted three times. STATE CREEK. Miss Myrtle Fitzgerald is better. Harrowing corn is the order of tho day. Many farmers are mowing their nl falfa. AI Scrivner killed six wolves in ono day Inst week. Small grain will soon do to harvest and will be high enough to bind. Kd Mounlford and Win, Aubushon shelled corn last Monday and Tuo." day. V. II. Scrivner made a business trip to Superior tho lirst of tho week, by way of Bed Cloud. Mr. Young, tho (initio Book cattle man, owns a section of land near hero on which lie has nearly 200 head of cattle. Al Scrivnur's team went home with his buggy from thu head of this creek without a driver, and tlid but little damage. The birthday party at Mr. Graham's last week was a and was at tended by many of tin mtlo school mates of Miss Sada. DRY CREEK. Wo had lots of wind, but no rain. Tuesday night. Dr. Damorell is bavins tho weeds mowed oil' his alfalfa this week. Somo of tho young folks talk of go ing lishing and boat ridiuir at Ambov Saturday. Mils Notllo Jnckson was in this uart canvassing for a book of that great voicano insaster. Vomio Emick is working for Sam Heaton this wook in his corn and will help put up his alfalfa. Mrs. Hurdick was very suddonly taken with cramps of tho stomach last Tuesday, but is better now. Tho Blue Hill creamery has quit run ning a routu down iu these parts, but two from Hud Cloud come in hero and tho farmers get good prices for their cream. CROOKED CREEK. Potato bugs ant iiumoiou-.. 1'iiie tain Wednesday night. Oats are commencing to heal. Pat Kcllut is nauliiig wheat to Am boy. Bert Touiiant went to Cowles Tues day to buy corn to feed Lyman Fsig's best horse got badly cut on the wire tho other day. Kd Iteihor is listing corn in a consid erable portion of his wheat Held J oh ii Brush says his wheat will bo ready to cui in a couple of weeks. Geo. Winton has a line new hay stacker. He says it saves lots of haul work. Mrs. Frank Campbell1,, father anil mother, from Ktiirbury, are visitiim with her. Mrs Hedge arrived home lust Fri day from a four week' visit iu Union villo, Mo having boon called thoro by tho illness of Inr mother. The Beatrice Chautauqua Tint Meatrlco Chautauqua for HKU opi'tis on Fiiday, iJohn 20, anil closes July I, and bids fnlr to surpass nil previous assemblies, both iu the beauty if its grounds and the ex 'elli'iice of its piOttl-MIII It is ci-tily reachod from all poin's in S'MiMn'i'ii Nebraska and noitht'iii K urns. Speeial excursions will bo tun hi nil mads at very low rates on June ."J and 2!), and one fare rate will pin vail 'luring tho entire time Among the speakers and entertain-t-v secured may bo mentioned (i n eral Fn.liugh Lee, 1'iof M V It. French, We.sleyan Male Quartet, Itov. Thomas Dixon, Francis C. Kelley, Fred Kmerson Hrooks, (J. I'.itil Smith, WII laid (Jorton, Kdisou Kntertnlner.s, Swiss Hull Itingers, Colonel II. W J. Ham, Itov. MattS. Hughes and Dr. S. A Steel. Dr. M. M. Parkhurstof Chicago will havo charge of tho department of Bib lical instruction and Ituv. C. S. Dudley of Minneapolis will be platform super intendent. Competent teachers and leaders havo been secured in nil de partments. For illustrated program, prices of tents, tickets or information, address F. H. Sheldon, secretary, Beatrice, Neb. How'i Thi? Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Ho ward for any caso of Catarrh thot can not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, tho undersigned, havo known F. J. Chonoy for tho past 15 years, and boliovo him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially ablo to carry out any obligations mado by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Waldino, Kinnan & Makvin, Whole- snlo Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken inter nally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottlo. Sold by all druggists. Hall's Family Pills are tho best. - s Ladies Can Wear Shoes ono sizo smaller after using Allen's F'oot Ease, n powder to bo shaken into tho shoes. It maues tight or now shoes feel nisy; gives instant relief to corns anil bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of tho age. Cures and prevents swoolen feet, blisters, cal lous and soro spots. Allen's Foot Easo is a certain curo for sweating, hot, ncliinc feet. At nil drtifrL'ists f.nd shoe stores, 25c. Don't accept any substi tute. I rial miek litre free hr innil Ail. dress Allen S. Olmstead, Leltoy, N. Y. a Prizes for Pictures. To advertise Noliraska the llnrlinrr. ton Houto wants photographs of Neb raska farm and stock scenes, and lots of them. Piizes ranging from $5 to $25 in cash, and including trips to Chi cago, St. Louis, Denver and through the Black Hills, have boon announced by J. Francis, general passenger agent, Omaha, who will send additional in formation to anyono interested. s $45 to California and Return. Tickets on sale April 21 to 27, May 27 to .Juno 8, August 2 to 8. Liberal stopover arrangements anil leturn limits. For additional information ask tho nearest agent, Burlington Houte, or write for u California folder to .J. Francis, General Passenger Agent, Burlington Hi ute, Omaha, Neb. Inflammatory Rheumatism cured in 3 days. Morion I,. Hill of I.uliitnnii. Iiul miv: "My wlfu hail liitliiiiiinaltiry rlieiimiuln'i 'In ucry musrlu and Joint; her Miilurliu; wax terrible and her body ami fact- wero Mioolen almost beyond recognition; had been hi bed for six uitU and hail elKht phjMclatiH, but received nn turnout until Khc tried the Mjstlr Cure for Itheumallhin. It nave Immediate relief and ulio was Hblo to walkabout In three ln, lam Mire It saved her life." Sold by II. B. Orlcu. DrucuM, Wed Cloud, Neh, "C" With a Tail. The "C" with a tail is the trade mark of Cascarcts Candy Cathartic. Look for it on the light blue enameled metal box! Each tablet stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. AH druggists, ioc. mmwmmmm Only 50 Cents to make your baby strong and well. A fifty cent bottle of Scott's Emulsion will change a sickly baby to a plump, romping child. Only one cent a day, think of It. Its as nice as cream. Send for n free sample, nnd try it. SCOTT fi IIOWNIJ, Chctnlts, 409-415 1'cnrl Street, New York. 50c, nnd J1.00; all ilruKKlsts. DON'T TOBACCO SPIT and SMOKE Vnilff-I lAflwrv,l You can be cured of any form of tobacco mlna easily, pa made well, strong, magnetic, full oi new life and vigor by taklnn MO-TO-BAQ, that makes weak men strong, Many Bain ten pounds In ten days, over BOO,OOQ cured. All druggists, cure guaranteed. Book. E.5?,i.5ll&0 ii?,KB- Address STKRUNO. U1MHDY CO., Chicago or New York. 437 An Ordinance. An tirilltinnco providing for the levying of a Micrtal lux on certain roi.erty Iu thn ellv of lted Cloud, Nebraska, fur ihe iiiroe of cover liitt.llie com of building a sidewalk bounding said iruirrty. Me it orilrtlned. by tlio mayor and council nf Die CU) of U'd rioiid Nehraskir Mei'tliiii I. That a terlul tax be. am) tho samo hen by It. levied ami assessed against the. lot hcit'luafler ilu-otiru'd. for the imrbose of covering the expeiisp nf coiistructiiia a side vials: alongside the said lot section 2 That 11 tmciiul tax of fortv two ilullHiminii fi,rl cents be. and the tame 'here by Is. levied and usiu-sed iiKHlust lot U, block 31. of Ihe utlgliml tow not lted Cloud. Nebraska, f-i'Ctloii :i This ordlmuieu shall lake eilect and be In force from and after Us adoption, an proval and publication iu reiiulred by law. Approved May l, liny. ' '' .;.'.'.K",'.VE-, ' IIaxiton. iflty Clerk. MttTori SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Pir . . TT. 7JIU aaaaaaaaaaaaH SP BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJBBBJ ;j . bSbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbj u , Annual Appropriation Bill .iB?.i!or,la!PeJn,J ,he Mayor and Council of tho City of Hed Cloud: Section 1. That there be. and ther hereby Is. appropriated from the amount nf tax author ized to bo levied and levied for the current jesr !, v'ni'A- ,0 i,cf.y " necessary eapenses and llnblllilcH of said city, the following sums for the following named purposes, viz: For general and Incidental expenses .... !:ino 00 Including; Kor streets, alleys and sidewalks 300 For otllcers salaries i;,io For maintenance and care of city water works noo For costs and expense of 11 ligation 20 ) For supplies and printing -joo For contingent and Incidental ex reuses "(o I-or health protection against con- (anions disrate ijo For Interest on 'interbouds lWK) (hi For Interest on electric light bonds .. . 300 00 To reimburse cliy for expense of build ing sidewalks 4- n Section-.'. This ordinance shall be In force from and after Its passage, approval and publl cation according to law. Passed .limp I. 1!H'.'. Approved .lime -I. lWOJ. Published Junes, una. I II. Hampton, Mayor. Attcf C K Kkiou:. Illy Clerk. An Ordinance An ordinance providing for the lew lug of luxes upon all ine assfsable properly In Hu ll y of lted Cliiud ebraska, both real mil per mil. fur all ueneral Mini special purposes us per tin regular iiss(.kk(l Mliiiillou of the nine for the fiscal jear commencing on the llrst Tuesday In .Mnj. lirij He It ordained bj the major and councilor Hie fit) of lied CI I Nchnska: Tlnii the following luxes be, and the same arc hcrnfiv levied upon nil die iiss(,kk,,. i,r,,,. cri wlililn die city of lted Cloud. Nebraska both teal ami pers'imil. ii per die asvts.,.11 vul Mini .11 nl the same foi the jcir imr.', iu w!l . Furgi'iienil revenue purpose, ten (Im mills 00 Mie dnlbir nf the ass(...,.(,,i vHluallnn thercuf For linens! on wnler bonds, tlftu-u 1 l.'n nulls mi die ipillur uf (lie iisessi.( nluallon theu-nl I'orlntere-l 1111 1 lei-lrlc lluht biinis. fmir Ii mills mi the dollar of tne assessed vaiuai.iiu tlierinf. This nnllnanc,' shall take eilect from aid after Its approval ami publication as u 1 n , Apnruveil Mnv Iii. in C i:. Itl.ll.l.K. ( ll Clerk. 1. 11. IUmi-ton. Major Annual Estimate of Expenses and Report of Revenues Received. The following Is the annual estimate of ex penses of the probable amount of money ncces sary for all purposes to be raised In said ellv of lted Cloud during the ensuing fiscal vcar ' For streets alleys and sidewalks. i ,tj no For otllcers salaries .... KM 00 For maintenance nnd care of clly water works aoooo V or Interest on water bonds jmj po For Interest on elect'le light bonds :tono For costs and expenses of litigation... au (w J-or supplies and prlnll g yoy 00 For coulliiKeiit and Incidental expenses, ai , uo For health protection against contagious diseases jfio no Total ..IrSOOo 00 The following l the statement ofdiecntlre rovciiiiesof said 1: ly of lted Cloud for die imst Ureal year. Total taxes received from countv Ireus urer ji'piT ,is Occupation tax Ititlu no Other sources yjoy (jn Total f5tT IS C. i:. ItEi'iu:. l lt Clerk. Publication of Summons .Joseph o. Warner. Sylvia C. Warner, Simuel diirber. Mrs. ftnlllel (lather and (ieorge W. (Jeer, defendanls, will take notice that Klmer I Overman, nlalntllf. has tiled a tietlilon nmi commenced an ncdnn against them In tho district court of Webster county. Nebraska, to foreclose n certain lax Ueu held by the plain till upon Ihe following dcicrlbed real estate In Webster county, Nebraska, to wit: Lots mini hers IT. IS. 1W. io, 21, 21. il and 21, In block 10 In the original town of lted Cloud, Nebraska arising by virtue of Ihe purchase by I,. I). Wells ot said lealcstuto at tax sale from the then county treasurer of said county 011 May 14. 19C0, for (he (axes thereon for the vears isflo to 1MH, Inclusive, and for tho iiajmcutof Ihe MibwMiucnt taxes by said Wells for the vears IW and 1000. which subsequent taxes and the certlllcatcs of purchase at said tax sale have been duly assigned by Ihe said I,. I). Wei s lo Hits plaintiff and this plaintiff Is now tho lawful owner and holder of tho same, nnd for Ihe further sum of the subsequent taxes for tne jear 1001. which were paid by this plaintiff, there Is duo altogether 011 account of said lax lien to this plaintiff, tho sum of 100.:il nnd at torney's fees of lio.ttl, making Iu nil JI20.27. I'lalnlltr prajs (ha! defendanls be required lo pay said sum with Interest and costs or mat said rent estate be sold and thu proceeds ap plied Iu pa men! thereof, that plaintiff be decreed 10 have iho llrst and best lieu on said real estate for slad amount due, and cost and attorney's fees, and that the defendants i,u foreclosed nnd forever barred of all Interest, lienor dllo In or to said laud and for general and equitable relief You are required to answer said petition on or before the ItUlli day of June, Wi, Dated this 'J 1st day nf .May, iw Kdiku I'. Otkhma.n. lly I.. II, Ki.emiG, Ills Attorney. How Are Your Kldneyi T Dr. nobbs' Bp&rairui IMIls cure nil kidney Ills, pie free. Add. merUiig itemed jr Co , Chicago or In Java Natives do a cheap and nave tuo nign a. regard tor Health as V well as for the naturally delicious "Smih flavor Of their nnnithr hnrru Tl, 54 very American their packaee their high priced Lion Coffee H System Purifier 1'r,v,Ai1Uc?'y.0U.r J:h5r!,lcl!lIls' FrcyS!,,iii"eof jr nT..T:?.Tr.T..,,,,.r."r,l,Br Mcilloliic, Ur Kuj-m Homo Treatment, u 1Iu!.:il... 3: iiin.r.,Sn 1 1. 1. V ,., - - .Mi-uiHini-, ur ivuy-H jiomo'ircatmcni viih?ni In rn in (lcsc.rlulns'InlllnmH' !"ls,,' of ulscn-tcH, best treatment .jjj.u .twu-oa muipreacripuons in puiin ntnguagc, saves doctor's bills. for H Dr. Kay's Renovator vui.i iiiu very worst caseM or i iirsni'tisiifi. ifpiTrt f 1 w.r itV.i i-i.i. ..; 11 ' "Jriiii i-onsiipaiioM. iieadoche, l'alpltat on e iienri, i.ivcr ami Klunev (IInpilsph nm hm rpbiiliu nt 1 . t ...i ... ... , V, rlto us about nil your symntomn. Sold A as-ri-ni rn i V,;i7.: . .VI' ."-" to benellt any of thoso symptoms or money rofunded by us. WliairsllltCed AUUrcBS, Dk. B. J. Kay Medical Co.. Ssrnimm K,mi.,u m -v.- m .................... Table Linens ! Being fortunate last week in getting hold of an odd lot of Table Linens I will sell the same cheap . 00 Inch Turkey llod table Hn, Worth 80c for 25c 50-inch half bleached table linon, worth 40c for 30c 70 inch half bleached tnblo linen, worth 00c for. 500 00-inch bleached tablo linen, worth 05e for . ..." 50c 70-Inch bleached table linen worth 81.15 for.. 7cc 70-inch bleached tablo linen worth $1.05 for ..... ..... $1 20 Also a full line of Lacns, Embroideries, Ribbons and White Goods. F. NEWflOUSB. SHERWOOD Red Cloud, Highest Prices City Dray and GROC6RS E. ln. ROSS. PROP. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowestl CITY AGENTS FOR ADATS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONE NO. 62. BOAT TON IBAKEHY and GflfE When in town eat at tho Bon Ton where it is clean, cool and no ilics. l15 cent Meals at All Hours. Soda Fountain is Open M Fifty-siv dill'eront kinds of summer' UTIDKS. W. S. BENSE, Prop. TIMETABLE. B. St M. B.T 11 ED CLOUD NEB II, LINCOLN OMAHA CHICAGO S'l. JOE KANSAS CITY S'l. LOUIS and all points cast and south. DENVlilt HELENA HUT'lE SAL'l LAKE C'Y I'OltTLANl) S.M FKAXCISC0 and all point west. TIUl.NH LEAVE AS rOLLOWHi No, 13. I'aetviiRer ilall)- for Obcrllii nmi &t. 1'rHiiclh brunchci. Ox fonl, McCoofc, Dcuveraml all jiolnts west.. . tj'to a.m. No, 11. I'akfccnKcr dally for St. Joe, Kaiikan City, Atchison. St, LoiiId. Lincoln via Wyinore and all polntB cast and aoutli 2'3i a.m No 21. FMneiiRcr. dally. Denver, all points In Colorado, Utah and California s:3A p.m. No. ii. Passenger, dally for St. Joe. Kansas City. Atchison, St. Louis and all points cast and south . jo ;oo a.m No. 174. Accommodation, dally except Sunday, HastlnRB. Grand Is. laud, lllack mils and all points In the northwest 1 :00 d m No. M. Freight, dally, Wymoro ana Si, Joo and Intermediate Junction points 13:45 nm No, 63. Freight, dally for Republican Orleau, Oxford and all points west i -no ii m No. 6C. FrelKht. Wed. Frl A huuday ' for Wymoruand all point east a a) a.m bleeping. Ululnn, and reclining chair cars (seats frcei on through trains. Tickets sold and Uggngo checked to any point In tho Uulied States or Canada. "" For InforDiatlon, time tableB, maps or tlckcti call on or address a. Conovcr, Agent. Kcd Cloud, Ncbr. or J. Francis, Gnetal Fasiengcr Agent Omaha. Nebraska. ' N. A not elaze enflfen with impure coating. They, roasters who o WsS coffees do not dare n tnnrti r in.. Mochas and javas. Why? Is never glazed or adulterated. It is JUST PURE Coffee. TM mm ?zz I Ths aoalsd psciaga Iniuret uniform quality and frctbosu. nlo lniTfiy .si for It. ('nnoiit,.,ii,, Ho.,.1.,.,1... n.i.. . LllUt i ..Ifllk.tblUU IU Send for proof of It, take, any AUbstltutn by Drugglsto. ijon't talie ", ."." .'.; ""." t.-noTuior uy return man. f l""b'l a., j . niiiiiauiiiMiiiinmulWl'mMlfnWIflFiU'flFMrMFiFmrTTBIWMW & ALBRIGRT. Nebraska. Paid for Produce.1 Express Line. PARKER'S UAIS HAI CAM Clriniti in J tn'itilici tbe hilr. . rumuir. B lUIuriAlll pruwui. Never Falls to ltcstoro Ory Curi. .ralp ih..n. a. hur ItUuiz. j.)c,uJtl'ist l)riifcl.:i COLVIN & BARCUS, REAL ESTATE FARM LOANS. Lock IJox 23. Guide Itock, Neb. ill kinds of property bought, sold and exchanged. COLLECTIONS MADE. TKRM IlEASONAHLB HES1SI ImMtfSM Mr JOHN 1IAKKLEV, House Moving and Raising t A SI'EfilAI.TV. ' A SI'ECIALTV. All work Rtinrantccd satisfactory. Your work solicited. WA Thla algnaturo la on every hot of tbo genuine Laxative BromoQuinine Tabiota tho remedy that curtu 11 coin In ono day PICTURE ". KAMINGx J to e.ien t 1. n ...... uikii mo auiuiiier season. Tho latest patturus in inouIdiufM from An nn IIUUI 'U U(J J Artisti Materials, . U.. Fancy Mats. j on, huh ioi i yn, i-astel nnd Water ww.wi niiiiiu, r.lO., ftlso . Photogranhs 4 -v g J cmargea. IIP ri i w a. ... t ... ...., j'aiiifnijvnioi'K. G. V. ARGAB$IGHT,l J UKI) Cl.UUD, NKH. I k t..... i t