The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 06, 1902, Image 1

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    7 'rt
fy V
, w wj
1000 square
feet of
floor space.
12,000 square
feet of
floor space.
We are moving into the
This tfives the BIG STOKE improved facilities for the handl
ing of high class merchandise. We are increasing the floor
space of all departments to meet the demand of our increasing
Our aim in the past has been the selling of high class merchan
dise at the lowest price possible. This policy will be adhered to
in the future. We sell standard merchandise as low as you can
buy from department stores in the larger cities.
Money Refunded If You are Not Satisfied.
Special offerings for annual June sale.
50 pairs Ladies American Girl S2.50 shoes for this sale $1.98.
50 pairs Wolfe Brothers $1.75 shoes for this sale $1.40.
50 pairs Ladies $1 50 shoes, for this sale Si. 19.
50 pairs of Misses 1.75, 1.50 and 1.25 shoes at$i.oo.
20 pairs Boys' 1.50 and 2.00 shoes at Si. 25 per pair.
Special offerings for annual June sale.
i2c Dimities, Lawns and Batistes 9c.
1 8c " " " " 14c
25c " " " ' and Ginghams iSc.
20 pieces Fancy 3-4 Percales at 4 Ac
10 pieces Standard Prints at 4c per yard.
Special offerings for Annual June Sale.
Oak Dining Chairs, cane seat, at $5.75 per set.
Other values at 75c, 1.00 1.25, 1.50 and $1.75 each.
Side Boards at, 10.00 and $12.50.
Kitchen Cupboards at 5.50, 7.50, 9.50 and $12.50 each.
Another carload of sugar, 19 lbs granulated sugar $1.00.
Choice Japan Rice 5c
Gallon pie peaches and apricots at 37c per can.
Libby, McNeil & Libby, concentrated soups 7c
Libljy, McNeil & Libby chipped dried beef 7c
Another carload of rock salt. Special prices to cattlemen using
large quantities of salt.
Miner Brothers.
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
We have iust received a new lot of
Fruit Jars,
And to move them in a hurry we will sell them
very cheap. Get out prices before buying.
Butter and Eggs taken in exchange.
Cash paid for Poultry and Hides.
A Cabinet
With Every
Dollar Paid on
Items oi Interest as
Reported by Chief
Reporters at Several
Nearby Localities.
Up at Minion 11 is said that
Mrs. Bartlctt, Sr., is under tho doc
tor's cure.
C. E. Hicks snjs Ultuion Is to have
801110 now sidewalus.
Charles Moray spent Sunday with
bis mother nt Pauline.
A new sidewalk has beon laid in
tront of the postolllee.
Hoy Grandstnll will hang out his
shinglo hero as a dentist.
Eli Cox hns beon sotting up tho
cigars. A new boy, Ell?
Joo Krall and wife were doing trad
ing in Bluo Hill Monday.
P. Palmquist of Lincoln is placing n
few pianos with our eitizons.
Charles Mooro of (initio Rock is the
guest of Albert and Dave Host.
Mr. Reynolds, riccntlyof Kcd Cloud,
opened his meat market Tuesday.
Thos. Snyder and M. U. Wholan aro
giving their houses a coat of paint.
U. C. Host's brother and wife of Kan
sas are spending a tow days with him.
A combination is being formed that
will give Bladen another lumber yard.
Mr Phelps went to Hosolard Deco
ration day and returned home Mon
day. Tho boys made live or six dollars at
their ice cream social Satui day even
ing. Harry Eck brought Dr. Nnultes of
Hastings to our town in his iiiiiomo
Mrs. Nelson B.ullott and daughter
will blurt for Eureka Springs next
Tho Chevalicis havo sold fifty bind
ers o take care of the grain crop of
this .section.
Tho United Ilrethtuii people baptized
eleven converts at the losidoueo of 1).
llitts Sunday.
Jac Moore lias improved the looks
of his building on Main street with a
coat of paint.
Unly two men in town t of used to
contribute towards buying uniforms
for tho socond nine.
Mr. Fritz and a gang of men from
Rod Cloud are pushing the carpenter
work on James Lockharl's house.
E. W. Christey of Edgar was bore
getting acquainted with the people and
booming his candidacy for tho con
gressional nomination.
Tho Bladen second r.ino beat tho
Bluo Hill second nino in a hotly con
tested gamo triday which it took ton
innings to decide. Tho score was 5 to
G in favor of liladon.
Von S. Hall must havo bought oil the
editor of Tiik Ciiikk, as his name did
not appear in last week's article as
ono of tho ringleaders the head push
in the pioiccutiou of 1). S. Phelps.
C. E. Hicks, Thos. Uiuden, John
McCallum, W. R. Anderson, Jus. Mc
(Joy, Frank Room, A. Rurkelmire and
C. A. Easterly attended tho lepubliean
convention at Red Cloud Wednesday.
Decoration day was duly observed by
Uurnsule post, which visited the sev
eral cemeteries and in the afternoon
gathered at their hall and listened to
an address by J. N. Clark of Hastings,
Our town is becoming famous for
tights. On Tuesday two young men
walked to the outskirts of town to find
out which was tho host man, and wu
guess thoy found out nt loast neither
one was reported dead.
where ho has gone to work at tho enr
penter trade.
Matt Hennes left last Tuesday for'
Elgin, Neb., to work forNyo, Schneider
iV Co , in an elevator.
F. N. Richardson and Mrs. Sapp of
Red Cloud woro decorating graves at
Cowles lust Thursday.
C.J. Piatt of Red Cloud was here
tho (list of tho woek looking after tho
Interests of tho Plait & Frees Lumber
Clmrlcs and Joo Iirubakor, with
their father, are building a new house
for Prof. Albert Thompson. It will bo
a frame house twenty-four feet bquaro,
located south of tho Congregational
Quito a number wont to Rod Cloud
to attend tho convention last Wednes
day, among whom wero our postmaster
and his assistant, Todd Paul. Miss
Putnam attended to the postollice dur
ing the postmaster's absence.
The outlook for tho now wheat crop
is causing tho farmers to sell most of
their old wheat to make room for tho
new. Tho wheat and corn aro looking
lino in part of the country and are
sure to make a fair crop if tho rain
keeps on and tho hail keeps otf.
Tho M. V. A. lodge of Rod Cloud
sent a dozen of Its boys up to Cowles
last Saturday night to nolo the Cowles
boys hold tho "goat" while a couple
of boys joined tho lodge unmolested.
Ono of tho now inoinbers said that was
tho lirst secret order ho ever joined,
and ho don't want to j iu any more
Crops aro needing rain. Wheat is
looking very well.
Mrs. .J. D. Anderson has been quite
sick tho last few days.
Children's day will ho observed at
Eekley next Sunday, June 8.
Charley Rich of Lincoln county has
been spending 11 fow days at J. J).
Children's day will bo observed nt
Prairie Contor on Sunday aftornoon,
Juno 15. Tho program will bo mis
sionary in character.
J. W. Smith brought his thrasher en
gine homo Monday from Bluo Hill,
where ho has boon having it repaired.
Ho was nssistcd by Davo Fishol and
Will Crozier.
Rev. Blackwcll of Mount Hopo ns
sistcd Rov. Hippoton in holding com
munion scrvicp at Eckloy last Sunday.
John Hngan, Low Reitsalt and family,
and Rov. Hlackwoll's daughter, all of
Mount Hope, also attended church.
Tho Republican caucus of Stillwater
was held nt the usual voting place on
Monday night. Delegates to the coun
ty convention wero chosen and town
ship ollicors wero nominated as fol
lows. Lewis It.ingliart, assessor, J. V.
Smith, O. J Lum, justices of the
peace; Paul Janka and Chris Ko He
imlich, constables.
Mrs. Charles Emerick is visiting in
D. Limbort is visiting his sisters, tho
Mesdames Delahoy.
Ed Hilton is having a neat kitchen
built onto his residonco.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Sam Boomer visited
Mr. Conrad's family Sunday.
S. Lewis is visiting his daughter,
Mrs Charles Emerick, this week.
Mrs. Anderson nnd daughter, Mrs
Chlllison, visited with Mrs. Uansll Sun
day. Miss Boulnu Asuby and Mis Editb
Acreo aro expected homo Monday
from Hastings.
Charles Conrnd nnd dnughtcr Beit
lab havo gono to Fairlield to visit
Grandpa McRoynolds.
Harvey Horn nnd wifo o! Guido
Rock spout n fow days visiting tho
Barcua family Inst woek.
Miss Muggio Elkins, who hub been
visiting Grandpa Delahoy, departed
for Columbus Saturday.
Children's day exorcises at the Chris
tian church Sunday evening wero very
good and well attended.
Mrs. Hummel treated her Sunday
school class to ice cream, strawberries
and cake Friday evening.
Mrs, J agger has gone to Tobias for a
visit with her parents and to attend
commencement exercises.
Thero will bo Children's day exer
cises at tli (i M. E. and Presbyterian
churches next Sunday, Juno 8.
Colonel Hoover is able to sit up and
enjoy himself a littlo now. His sou
Will is in attendance and proves a
good nurse.
Next Sun Jay is memorial day for tho
I. 0.0. F. They aro pieparing a lino
program. Tho dilleicut orders will
unite and hold memorial set vices at
tho cemetery at it o'clock. In the even
ing there will bo special services at tho
M. E. church, with .loiinon by thu
pastor. Tho I. O O. F. will attend in
a body.
COX DOlllll
On Thursday evening, May J!, oc
curred the marriage of Miss Lillio Cox
uuil Mr. W. W. Dobbs. Attended by
Miss Get tie Dougherty and Mr. Gilbert
Cox, thoy took their places in the par
lor, whoro tho Rov. G. W. Hummel
pronounced tho words which niado
thoiu man nnd wifo. Miss Laura
G001UII presided nt tho organ. After
tho ceremony nil ropairod to tho dining
Ad Fringer of Guide Rock was hciu
oj business the lirst of l lie week.
J.D.Storey made a trip to Rose
mom and Blue Hill last Saturday.
Rov, Rippetoe went to Franklin as
one of the speakers for Decoialiou
Ira Paul left last Ttu&day for Iowa,
Farmers aro busy cultivating com.
Alfalfa has been stacked without
much loss by rain.
Mrs. Nathan Ayers was visiting with
Mrs. Arnoson last week.
H. S. Holcomb was doing business
in Red Cloud Wednesday,
Frank Coulson and Mr. Sutton each
havo n very lino piece of wheat.
Children's day will be observed hero
Jinn 8. Everyone ordially invited to
Mrs. Frank Hendricks, who has been
visiting with iclatives on this creek,
left for her homo in Ravenna Tuesday
Several of the young folKs from hero
went to Womer Sunday to attend tho
Children's day exorcises. They had a
good program,
I Tuesday, Jane 10th. I
i f
i Indian - Lecture:
i and Exhibit.
Goie Mini Tlitdiiws
Tk Kiowa Phinokss.
SUBJECT-" Domestic Life of
of the Kiowas." I
Everybody Gome.
Thu proceeds go to tho school at
Anadarka, which was established t
by tho Indians thomsolvos.
(Joie Mim Threolingors a Princess
of her tribe and a graduate of the
Indiau school at Carlisle, Pa. I
Lecture commences at S
o'clock p.m. J
I a