V . I THE CHIEF raBUKtisD nr CHIEF PUBLISHING COMPANY. (Ir.o. F. M. Nkwiiockk, Kdltorn, Ons joit... Ix months lIMMI1lllll .1100 PUULiallKD BVBKT FIUDAV Bntartxl t tne pott office t Red Cloud, Neb. a ncond elm mall matter. AUVKHTI3INQ UATK8: l'tunUliecl on application. Republican Congressional Convention. ' The Kopbllcans of the Fifth congres sional district of tho stato of Nebraska nro horoby called to moot in conven tion at tho opora houso in the city of Hastings, Nebraska, on Tuesday, tho lOlh day of Juno, 1002, at 3 o'clock in tho afternoon, for tho purpose of placing In nomination one candidato for congress for tho Fifth congressional district, and for tho transaction of such otbor business as may regularly coiuo boforo said convention. Tho bash) of roprosontation of tho several countios of said district in said con vention shall bo on tho vote cast for Hon. Samuel 11. Sedgwick for judge of the supremo court, at the regular oloc tion held on November 5, 1001, ono delegate for each 100 votes or major fraction thereof, so cast for said Sam uol 11. Sodgwicic, and ono delegate at largo for each county. Said apportion ment ontitlos tho several countios to tho following roprosontation in said convention: .... 17 Hull tt . IS Hayes (buy must pay their license tax by Juno 1st or their dogs will bo tnxen up and shot. Preparations are under way to grade Fourth Avenue from Webster stieetenst. It is the intention to ex tend tho city water mains nnd require the putting in of meters which will give each consumer a chan:u to uay for only what water ho uses and will also stop tho shortage of water. Kansas Drt nkt Do Some Shooting. Last Saturday evoning a party of hilarious Kansans who had been In Hod Cloud and tanked up during the day concluded to have somo fun on tho road home. When they had crossed tho river bridge and reached Jeff Beau champ's place, ono of tho crowd pulled a gun and opened up on Jeff's flock of chickens, killing ono of them. Jeff started out to remonstrato with the slayer of his poultry, but was immedi ately fired upon and forced to seek Mhelter behind a friondly trco. Several more shots wero fired at him, but Ho escaped without injury. A litto farther along on their road homo the Jay hawkers esplod a man ahead of them in a -wagon and proceeded to tako a few shots at him. No ono was injured, but the chances nro those loughs, if their names can bo nscortained, will be warmly welcomed upon thoir nest ap pearance in Red Cloud. HllCllL'UCk.... Kcaniev ey ilia II 4 I In Nuckolls 11 8 Perkins ;i 12 Phelps - IS ft Hcl Willow 11 0 Webster . IB A dama ..... Clay Than Dumly ...... ....... Franklin Frontier Kuril --. Ousnor ............ Harlan ...... It id recommondod that no proxies be allowed In said convention, but that tho delegates present enst tho full vote of tho county represented by them. J. V. Jonks, Chairman. Adam Bkkkdi:, Secretary. Republican County Convention. The republican elector of Webster comity. Nelirmks. nrehettl-y called to meet In county rmiTfiitloii hi the court linuie In thorlty of lied Cloud, ntll a m on Wedticsdny. June Ith. 19 '2. for the transaction of tho fnllowliiR liiulntiiiH, Mwlt- Tbo nomination or one candidate tor ctimly attorney - Heptf unitatlvo for the I Itb representative dls trlct. Thirteen detonates to attend the republican talo coiiTentlon to us held at Lincoln, Juno 18, 1WM. tjl'lilrtseii Jdelogatca to tho Fifth district con RreJVtoual cotiYOJitlon to bo held Htlattli(, Juno 10, 19'. a, ' Thirteen delojates lo tbo senatorial oootoii tloa of IhtMth Senatorial dlatrlct atf '-J Thlrleceu delegates to attend the convention for UieSOth float ItepreaentatUe district. And for tho transaction of snch other basl neKM as may soma beforo tho mealing. Tho baala of representation of the several precincts In aald convention shall be the rate cut for Hon. 9 It. Hedgnlck far Judge af Hi.) au prime court at the regular election hold on November 5, ittOl.glvlig one doltgate for oach ten votes or major fraction thereof aa cast for aald S. II. Sedgwick sad ono delegate at large for eaah praelnct. Bald apportionment entitles tbo aoveral preclncli to tho following representation; 1 fluid.) Uock . 17 Htlllwater. 7 Garfield Rim Creek . 7 lUrmnny...... ... 4 Ked CiOUd twp... 10 OlniwooJ. .... S Walaut Crook... . S Inavale............... 7 Catbortan ... o lleaTer Creek . . Hi Crcok rieaiaat Hill .. Potsdam.............. i.luo ................. Ilatla Ited Cloud 1st W.. Red Cloud d w .. Total Decaration Day Program. Members of James A. Gartield Post No. 80, G A. II., and all old soldiers of tho war of tho '00s, aWo tho Woman's Relief Corns and tho soldiorH and sailors of tho Spanish-American war, aro requested to meet at G. A. It. hall nt 1 o'clock p. m. sharp, on May 30, 1902, to organize and prepare to march to tbo cemotory at 1:30. The following will bo tho order in tho lino of march: Formed in procession by Marshal White, preceded by drum corps. Old soldiers and Woman's Relief Coips. School children and teachers. Buggies, wagons and horsemen, all to be under orders of marshal and bis deputies. On arriving at the cemetery the school children will scatter llower.s on tlio graves of all comrades, after which Hues will bo formed und the Belief Corps will carry out its usual program. The nost will perform its customary services, followed by a ten-minuto talk in honor of tbo unknown dead, then march to tho speaker's stand, where tho following program will be ren dered: Called to order by Chairman It B. Fulton. Singing, "My Country, Tis of Thoo," by tho audience. Prayer by ltev. Dixon of the M. E. church. Heading, speech of Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg, November 10, 1803, by F. N. ltichaidsnn. Address by Governor Savage. Song by choir. Benediction by Rev. Meredith of the Christian church. By order decoration committee. J. W. Wakren, Chairman. Keating Taken to the Penitentiary. Frank Keating, convicted of assault ing nud robbing John Rose, of Rose mont, was sontonccd last Friday even ing by Judge Adams to servo a term of seven years at hard labor in tho stato ponitontlary. Sheriff McArthur took Keating to Lincoln last Tuesday morn ing. Tho Keating caso has attractod con siderable attention in Webster county owing to tho mass of conflicting evi dence and tho largo number of wit nesses summoned by both sides. Tho crimo for which Keating is now doing time was committed on tho night of December 4, 1901, and nt first no duo to the guilty party was obtainable. County Attorney Ovorman took up the caso and after a thorough investiga tion succeeded in securing tho arrest of Keating at his home in Dakota county, this state, a fow days after the crimo bad been committed. Tho task of fastening tbo folory upon Keating was a difficult one, and Prosecuting Attorney Ovorman dosorvos much credit for tho able manner in which tho caso was conducted, ho having succeeded in socuring over fifty wit nesses for the stato when the case finally camo to trial. Attorney John G. Potter, who con. ducted the defense, mado a hard fight for his client and bandied his side of tho caso in an nble manner, but tho groat mass of testimony introduced by the prosecution could not bo overcotao and Keating will have to pay tho pen alty for his crime. tho only positive cure now known to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh, being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly on tho blood an mucous sur faces of tho system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giv ing tho patient strength by building up tho constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. Tho proprietors havo so much faith in its curativo powers, that they offer ono hundred dollars for any caso that it fails to euro. Sond for list, of testimonials. Address F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are tho best. To Minnesota Lakes. From the standpoint of economy and pleasure no excursion this season can compare with that to tho Minnesota lakes, which will leave Hastings at 10:35 a.m., June 12th, via the Burling ton Rotito. Round trip rates as follows. Hastings to Mankato, Kasota and Wafcoca, Minn.'; and roturn, $11.05. Hastings to St. Paul and return 113 05 Hastings to Bayfield and Ashland, Wisconsin, 117 05. Iickots good to return until October 31st. Special low rates at most resorts for board, boats and incidentals. In order to mako the best arrange ments at hotels it will be necessary for me to have all the names on or before June 3. Address, Dr. Wm. H. Steele, Hast ing, Nebraska. . a 9 . is . s & .. 10 14 .140 It la recommended that no proxies be allowed In aald convention but that tho delcgatea pres. cut thereat oo authorized to cast the full vote of precinct represented by them. It Is also recommended that the delegatca present from the First Commissioner District, namely Stillwater, Oak Creek, Pleasant Hill and Kim Creek precincts, ami from the Fourth Com ulsslouer district namely Ited Cloud town ship and the FlrM and eoond wards of Ucd Cloud City, place In nomination one candidate for county commissioner from rncli of i-nlddli- I riots. Gr.o J Waiihin Chairman. .1 K Kkilkii, Secretary. The Superior P.iilv -I'-iirnul of M.tJ' 19 brings out the name of Captain C K Ailiims as its choice foi the Republican nomination for congicismnn fioni the Fifth district The captain is without doubt a man of considerable ability, has a pleasing personality and, so fnr us we Know, has always boaua staunch Republican. In the campaign of 1S93, nllhongh lie made a losing tight, Cap lain Adams succeeded in cutting down Hid fusion majority in this district over n.000 votes. Memorial Sunday. All members of James A. Garfield Post No. 80, G. A. It., and members of Relief Corps No. 14, and all soldiers of the Spanish-American war, will meet atG.A. R. ball on Sunday, May 25, 11)02, at 10 a. m., and march in a body to tho Baptist church, where services will bo held at 10.30. By order of committee. Are You Using Allen's Foot-Ease? Shako into your shoes A -n'a Foot Kase, a powder. Unites t.nup, Bun on?, Painful, Smutting. II- Swollen eet. At ill drugglMH ami e store., 2-ic. ltsetmsthat instinct is far superior to reason or science in many crises, as wit" shown in the i-daud of .Martinique Bird a nl Miako and wild animals of nil kinds fl-d from the vicinity of Mount lVlee several days before the eruption took place. Nor is thi. tho only placo in the history of such cata clysms in which instinct bus been shown to lie superior to either reason or sclonce. Maenulay states that at the time of tho destruction of Pompeii, when "Vesuvius groaned with wrath supprost," the onglos, foxes ami goats Hod to places of safety, while man nlono stayed to meet destruction Uy the manuer in which the present occupants of tbo city otllces hive tak on hold of their work it looks as if f -l-t la !, iiksWi thoy wero tlio rigni- i' m m places in eacli instance. Thoy maj make mistakes as all men aru liable to. hut we believe that so far at least the i nets entitle the.ii only to piaist-. No tieo has boon given that till alleys ititisi be cleared of refuse by June 1 and til dog owners havo been notified thai MRS. L. S. ADAMS. Of JiIilon, Txrt. "Wine of Cardul is Indeed a blessing to tired women. Having sulfered for seven years with weakness and bearing-down pains, and having tried sev eral doctors and different remedies with no success, your Wine of Cardul was the only thing which helped me, and eventually cured me It seemed to build up the weak parts, strengthen the system and correct Irregularities." By "tired women" Mrs. Adams means nervous women who have disordered menses, falling of tho womb, ovarian troubles or any of these ailments that women have. You can cure vourself at homo with this great women's remedy, Wino of Card ni. Wine of Cardui has cured thousands of cases which doctors have failed to benefit. Wh; School Baard Meeting. Tho school board mot at the office of the secretary, L. H. Fort, on Tuesday evening. Tho following committees woro elect ed for tbo ensuing year: Finance Cathor, Ross and Fort. Claims Ross, Hacker nnd Cather. Teachers Beck, Cather and Hacker. Buildings nnd Grounds Buck, Rosa and Fort. Text Books Hacker, Cither and Beck Supplies Ross, Cather -ind Fort. The following teachers were elected for tlie ensuing school year: Mrs. Kva J. Case, superintendent, salary $1,000. Miss Clara Scbncller, principal high school, 300 per month. Miss Stella Docker, assistant princi pal high school, $55 per month. Miss Gertio Coon, 4th room, 940 Miss Alice Remsberg, Hit room $35. Miss Mary Farquhar, 2d room, 135. Miss Mabel Howard, 1st room, $35. Miss Ella Stonobraker, kindergarten, 135.00. Miss Ada Skjolvor, principal 1st ward, 140. Miss Jossio Cathor 3d room, $35. Miss Maud Miller, 2d room, $35. Miss Mamie Weideman, 1st room, $35 Board adjourned sino dio. Fred Williams Gets a Light Sentence. Fred WillHms the 19-year-old lad who broko into L. H. Rust's house one day last winter and stole $5, entered a plea of guilty in tbo district conrt, as was stated in tho last issuo of Tub Chikf. Last Friday ovening Williams was taken boforo Judge Adams to re ceive his sentence, and after adminis tering some fathorly advice and ex tracting a promise from Williams that he would lead an honest lifo in the future, and also that ho would corre spond with tho judgo and koep him informed of his movements, Judge Adams sentenced him to fivo days in tho county jail. Williams was almost destitute of clothing, and tho judgo nnd other sympathizers with tho un fortunate lad made .up a small purse and presented it to him heforo lie was taken back to his cell to serve out bis brief sentence. Eastern Star Installation. Tho Eastern Star met last Monday evening and installed the following o Ulcers for the ensuing term W. M Mrs. Lester. W. P.-Wm. Mitchell. Asn. M Mrs. Alice .Myers. Con J. Mm T A Wilbuin. Asso. Cond. Mrs. W. A. Mitchell. Sec Mrs L K Tail. Treas. Mrs. S. F Spokesticld. Adah Miss Jesiin Cather. Ruth-Mrs. J A.Tulleys. Ksther Mrs. Geo. Morhart Martha Mrs. L. 11. Blackledgo. Kleeta Mrs. ) no. Tomlinson. Chaplain Mrs. F.d Girber. Marshal Mis. J (. Putter. Organist Mrs. A Coimvor. Warder Mrs II. K Grico Sentinel R. Turner. Shriners Will Travel Tho Burlington Route and its con nections west of Denver havo been chosen as tho official routo of Tangier Temple, Mystic Shriners, to tho Im perial uouncu aooiesoi aiysuconnne, at San Francisco, Juno 10 to 1 1. Two special cars havo already been reserved by Tangier Temple, nnd ad ditional cars will bo provided as reser vations aro made. It is important that all Shriners who will nttend this con vention mako their reservations at an early date. The Slmners win leave me mining ton station, Omaha, at 1 25 p in. June 4. Denver will ho reached the next morning, and an entire day spent in Colorado Soring?, one of the most delightful of Ricky mountain 'resorts. Salt Liko City will bo reached on tlio nioriiincr of June 0. and that day given over to seeing tho wonderful city of ion. The party will arrive in ban Francisco at 8:15 a. in., June 0. Notice to Property Owners- Notice is hereby aivon to property owners to clean all alleys on their property by Juno 1st, 'anil if not dono samo will be cleared by street commis sioner and cost of same taxed to the property. By order of the mayor and c luniil. 17 IL glfla r0 ( tKS r ),,- i1 Uncle Sam has created quite a reputation as the leading iron worker. Our reputation is already established as to keeping the best suits in Red Cloud. Some elegant things received this week in Men's Suits; extra nice at $12.00,515.00 $17.00 and $18.00. Buy your Straw Hats of us. Best line in the city. Galusha, GJeseott & Storey. Laces, Embroideries, Summer Dress Goods, Ladies', Misses and Children's Summer Underwear and Hosiery. A large and varied line of Ladies' Newport Roll Combs and Belts. Prices right. F. NEWHOUSE. SHERWOOD & ALBRIGRT. GROCeRS Red Cloud, Nebraska. Highest Prices Paid for Produce. 'try All not begin to got well today? All druggists have il.00 bottles. For nny stomach, liver or bowel disor der Th ed ford's Ulack-Draiight should bo used. rorailTloKRnitllti-mtnrivaililrrM.KtTinK apniitoins. The Uiilies' A JrtMuy livmrt. until, Tli L'tttttnnooi( Meillilne Uo Clatunooira, Term. WINE'CARPW Time seems most untimely when he brings a woman to the turn of life. Life is or should be at Ha ripest and best for her, and she en croaches this chanirc with a dread of its effect born of her knowledge of the sufferings of other women at this season. There is not the slightest cause for fear or anxiety at this period if Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is used. It gives health of body and cheerfulness of mind, and by its aid the pains and pangs of this critical period are pre vented, or cured. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is woman's medicine with a wonderful record of cures of womanly diseases. Diseases that all other medicines bad failed to cure, have been perfectly and permanently cured by the use of "Fa vorite Prescription." "I feci it my tlutv to write you ni I have Tcceiveil 'o much benefit from the use of your timlicitie " kivs Mr. l.lzile A. llowman. of New Matamora Washington Co., Ohio. "I have taken four liottlesof ' 1'avorite Inscription ' for female weakness nml chnnuc of life. Ilefore 1 bewail taking it I couUl not ilo anything I luil such pains in my hem! nml in the back of my neck that I thought I wotihl lose my mind Now I can work every ilay, I recommend ' Favorite Pre scription' to nil female Buffering in the period of change of life. It U the best medicine I have found ' Favorite Prescription " has the testi mony of thousands of women to its complete cure of womanly diseases. Do not accept an unknown and un proved substitute ill its place. Keep the bowels healthy by the timely use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasaut Pellets. . ccfctfttc- ctc.fr ttt e-t-t- ttfi-ttf JF V PLATT & FREES CO.. Chicago - Lumber - Yard. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement. TRADERS LUMBBR Oo, DEALERS IS LUMBER and CO AIL t3u.i.tcliri.e,' material, Bto. Red cloud. - - Nebraska A Fine Herd of Hogs. Last Monday Morliart & Cutter pur chased of W. A. Maynard perhaps as l line a lot of hogs as woro ever brought ' to this city. There were 10(5 head, with a total weigrt of :i0,770 pounds, an avorngo weight of about '2'Ji poundf. I Mr. May naid received 7u per pound, or a total of $2, 1KI, for them. Tho hog- were about leu months ohl and j were as biuonth a lot of hogs us it has ever been our privilege In see. $t00-Reward Too readers of this paper pleased t leuru Unit mere is one dreaded disease that been able to cure in all $100 will bo at least I science has What Do i You Eat ior breaktast. Hard to find any thing this time of 'the year ? Try some of that line bacon which we have and which we are sell ing s cheap. City Dray and Express Line. E. Irtf. ROSS, PROP, Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest 2! Sherer Braasnaw iis stages, and. Hutcheis for The People. CITY AGENTS FOR ADATS'EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONE NO. 52. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clcuurt mil txitiiinta th tulr. l'rumoiri Imuntnl growth. Never FIL to Ilcttnro QrJ liatr to its Youthful Color. Curt tcalp iliwitei St hair Uu. k!,ndtl")t lni.yl'ti lUalis Catarrh. Hall Catanh Cute is j i44444444441' COLVIN & BARCUS, HEAL ESTATE f FARM LOANS. Lock Hox 23. Qulde Hock, Neb. JOHN 1IAKKLEY, House Moving and Raising A Sl'KCIALTV. All work guaranteed satisfactory. Your work solicited. Vll kinds of property bought, sold sad exchanged. COLLECTIONS MADE. TEUU KE.VsONAULE This signature la on every box o( tbo genuine") Laxative Bromo'Quinine Tablets tho remedy that curt-it 11 colli In ono Ury How Are Your Kldueyt I Dr. nobbs'Sp-iriBiu rills cure Ml kidney Ills.EUo pie free AdJ.bterlluu KemearCo.CMcworN.v! ,v "f fiWBMKiNKtoirt r "Minimi' mLmmmBNl 'TfiRT- (.. rr m