The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 23, 1902, Image 1

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NUM15E11 21
Every Dollar That We Spend
With the Printer Tells You
Something to Yoor Profit.
Items of Interest as
Reported by Chief
Reporters at Several
Nearby Localities.
Every price we print is printed because it is
worth printing.
Reconstruction period bargains now abound through various departments.
The addition to our building is nearly 'completed.
The first floor will be occupied with groceries and queensware de
partment. The second floor with furniture.
The room now used for groceries will be filled with Carpets. Rugs
and house furnishings.
We expect to move the carpet department in about two weeks. We
find the following short length patterns in our stock.
The reconstruction period prices on these few patterns selected from
the stock means:
2 pieces Sultana reversible printed carpets at 25c per yard.
2 pieces extra heavy Union carpetings at 30c.
3 pieces Extra Super C. "W. Ingrains at 42 1-2C.
piece all wool Ingrain, light weight, 42 1-2C.
2 pieces Extra Super all wool 55c.
3 yatterns Axminsters and Moquettes S7 1-2C
Grass matting rugs, 30x50 inches, $1.10.
Grass matting rugs 36x72 inches, $1.40.
Special prices on Smyrna rugs, Art Squares, Lace Curtains, Portieres, Etc.
Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded.
Miner - Brothers.
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
? . is?
Cabinet Photora
PRE 13
nsi m
With every Dollar Paid
on Subscription.
Gooruo Hutchison uml wife wcto in
Rud Cloud tho lirst of the week.
Geo. Iloit and Ed Burton weio in
Hud Cloud on inipoitaiit business Inst
WI10 will ho tliu lirst young lady to
ride in Rail l'oyei's now buggy? It is
nice, indued.
l.oviit, thu Iioinu buyer ot Guide
Kuck, was in Cowles thu lirst of the
week trying to buy lior-y .
It tho heavy wind hut Saturday
night caused that nice rain Sunday
night, tut tho wind blow attain.
Chiudu Morgan did not return to his
woik at Rivorton, but wont on to Ale
Cook to taKo a position in tho IS. A: M.
T. 11. Quigglo (,f Rosomont was visit
ing with K1 Scott last week and was
detained one day longer than expected
with a sick horse.
Mrs. Adauison and daughter Edith
returned from Illinois last Friday. Miss
Edith has been under tho doctor's euro
for some weeks, but at this writing is
much better.
The Oreenhalgb & Bun ton linn has
changed hands, Mr. Benton having
sold out to Mr. Gieonluilgh's brother.
Tho firm will be Greenhalgh Brothers
Nate Piatt anil Warren EtUon trnded
horses "sight unseen," but Edson failed
to show up with his horse, and when
asked his reasons he .said he feared his
wife could not drivo Piatt's horse. A
very poor excuse.
There is a new doctor in town, and
ho says he came to stay. His name is
Owens and ho conies from Lincoln,
whoro he has been in tho drug business
nnd has been practicing medicine for
six years. He comes with a good recommendation.
A very pleasant birthday party wns
given at the beautiful homo of Mr. und
Mrs. George Latta, near Cowles, last
Monday. It being Mrs. Latin's forty
ninth biithday, a number of their rela
tives aud friends decided to give her n
surprise. It was indeed a grand sur
prise, as she was wholly unaware of it
until nbout half past 10, when tho
guests began to arrive in largo num
bers, each bringing well tilled baskots
and many handsome and useful pres
ents. Tho elder ladies spent Urn fore
noon in conversation in tho parlors,
tho men and boys enjoyed themselves
ut horseshoe pitching, while tho girls
took cuargo of tho kitchen and cook
ing. At half past 12 o'clock tho doors
between tho parlor and dining room
were thrown opon and tho guests bo
held a beautiful sight. Tho table was
laid for twenty peoplo and was beauti
fully decorated with rose, and foins,
which funned a splendid contrast to
tho spotless white linen with which the
table was laid. The room was also
handsomely decorated. Tho tables
were taken care of by tho Missus Mabel
Latta, Fay Hunt aud Delia Aimer.
The dinner for tho older guests was
over by half past 1 o'clock, and the
table was quickly cleared and relaid
for twoiity-onn of tho young peoplo
l'hoy remained at tho table, until '-'
o'clock, when they weio called to the
parlor to listen to some oxcoilout mime
furnished by Mi.Je.iao Buiinoltof Wy
oming tud Miss Mabel Latta. T-u
(f 'ittleiiioou was puur in social iutcr-
cotiite, hoisclioo pitciitng mm cjutk
oii. At I o'clock tho guests wcto ugaiu
.summoned to tho dining room to par
t . iin (if ic-it cream and cake and at 0
(?V o'clock they depaited for their homes,
($) deeluiing Ml. and Mrs. Latta a vuiy
fi chinning hoM and lioto.N.
Fine rains, and everything looKs won
deitulli reuvid.
TlioniU ileal planting of com is up
and icady to work.
Win. J. Scrivener now tuns ti daily
milk toutelto Womcr.
F. L Smith was transacting business
on our cii'ok last wook.
Mr. Stanley of Old Solomon was oil
on our creek last week on business.
Mus Myitle Fitetald, who has been
on the sick list for some time, is some
A lot of alfalfa ii being sown this
spiing. Tho earliest sown is up nicely
and molt) is being sown since tho last
(Jinnies Arbucklo sold uinu of his
steels to Tom Hitchcock of Womer
last week, icceiviug about $10 per liea 1
for them.
The ceinolery board of Mount Hopo
has not been sent to tho penitentiary
yet for holding its meeting in the
school house. Wonder if they will lie?
Huv. Campbell of tho Wesleyan
Methodist church at North lirauch,
held a meeting ut Penny Cieek Sunday
and the repulur pastor ut Reach held
services at l'leasaut Grove.
Corn planting is tho order of tho
day. Somo few of the "early birds"
are through planting, though wo intend
to bo witti them at gathering timo, and
well know that our later planting will
come up more evenly tiud stand more
Tho high wind did some damiigo in
our vicinity. Jake Williams' barn wus
blown down and well scattered. Win.
Barrett's barn was blown down and
his buggy badly smashed. Tho roof
was blown from Charles Hartott'a resi
dence, aud several others report minor
Miss Molva Vuu Dyko was married
last weok to a gentleman living near
Mount Roio, Ivan., whoso naiiio wo
were unable to learn. Mrs. Van Dyke,
mother of tho bride, accompanied tho
happy pair to thoir new home, return
ing to Lebanon Saturday, whero sho
was mot by her husband.
Wo wish to nmko a correction in jus
tice to our school board. Thoy fool a
trillo hurt about our report in tho last
issue to tho i fleet that thoy had closed
tho school houso against everything hut
believes in giving the cows plenty '.o
eat. Hu says that is tho icasoti ho guts
so much cream.
A b.ul wind storm swept through
this part of tho country last Sunday
morning at nn early hour, doing con
siderable damage by uprooting Hue?,
moving buildings, upsetting wtigous
and buggies, etc. 11. J. Sheldon says
that lie has been hero twenty-two years
aud Unit it was thu worst wind ho has
known of.
Small grain is doing lincly.
Samuel Shuck lost a lino cow this
Weather lino. I'louty of rain this
Listing corn will soon bo over for
this year.
Tho wolf hunt at F. U. Hutchison's
hist week was a failure.
I'aul Kochor is tho owner of a now
bieycto of the latest imptoved pattern.
Mr. Jackson reports having plonty
of sweet potato plants for his own use.
Mrs. V. H. Scrivener attocded tho
U. I), quarterly mooting at Dutch Flat
Mr. Uocher, our locnl gardener, has
planted four acres to sweet potatoes
this spring.
Elmer Noblo and Mr. Uoynolds of
Walnut Crook woro visiting friends in
Lino Sunday.
Grandma Sodorlln is laid up with
rhomatism this week and is under tho
doctor's caro.
Tho wind storm Saturday night de
stroyed L. Aubushon's windmill and
unroofed his barn.
Mrs. William Van Dyo spont a weok
visiting at Montrose, Kau., and reports
plonty of rain there.
L. Aubushan sold twolvo hoad of
yearling steers to a buyer from liost
wick for 1125 per hundred.
Allen Carpenter spout a few Mays
with friends at Frauktin this wook and
reports tho crops looking lino.
W. J. Haskins and S. Shuck havo
taken tho contract to haul milk to tho
Hod Cloud creamery for tho farmers.
day school, and now say wo uro wol
somo to uso it for Memorial day or any
other mooting or Sunday school.
There will bo momorial sorvicos at
Mount Hopo on Sunday, May 23, at .'1
o'clock. Judge Edson of llod Cloud
has promised to bo present and deliver
an address. Everybody should turn
out, as it is expected wo will have a
good meeting, and will probably havo
public decoration afterward. All are
invited to bring Ibwers and tako an
active pait.
Fine Uain Sunday night.
Corn is coming up nicely.
Yanco Sorgonson is pluming corn for
Mrs. Walliu.
Clias. Gurnoy shipped a bunch of lino
cattle Tuesday.
Mr. Schloiser's son who has boon
sick for uoiiio time is able to bo out
The wind Satin day night badly dam
aged tho wind mills of (Jus Routs and
Ed Sialou.
l Abbey has a line prospect for a
good crop of wheat and oats on the old
1'opo place
J. W. Wallm is la Lincoln
a house uu his property there,
peels to bo gono nil summer.
J. R. Moiso says tho rain
iniflitwas tho best thoy huvo
bis putt of Hie neighborhood.
John llaviil has a new milk tank mid
mill; home. John is selling lots of
cream this summer to the Rod Cloud
The wheat is heading out awful
close to tlie gnmud this year It will
have t ) do a gieat deal of stretching to
get hill enough to bind.
Mr. Hrush is enlarging his pasture
by fenciug iu moro grass land. John
Most of tho wheat around hero has
beon listed iu corn.
Mrs. A. Hartman was visiting at Mrsi
John Fraior's Monday.
Henry Smith and son passed through
hero on thoir way to Lobanou Satur
day. Tho boys enjoyed u lino game of ball
horo Sutuiduy, the- score standing 5
to 8. '
Luo Shook of the Cora ball toam was
over and played with the boys Saturday.
Wo understand that the Red Cloud
baseball boys tiro to play hero next
A lino ruin Wednesday and again
Sunday night, but it camo too late for
most of the wheat.
Wm. Smith went to Salina Sunday
as a witness iu tho mail case that origi
nated at this place.
Quito a nuuibor of tho young pooplo
gathoied at Mr. Uurgard's to celebrate- '
Miss Blanche's birthday.
Theio was a social gutharing at
Elmer Heurdsleo's last Tuesday night
til which dancing was indulged in. J
Wo aro to havo Children's day exor
cises at tho church the third Sunday in j
June, iu tho ovoiuug. Everybody in
He ex-Sunday
had iu
Crops uro doing lino, especially o Ji'ii
Auothor lino rain of uu inch foil lust
Sunday night. '
Elmor Minus .spent Sunday with his
patents on Elm Crock.
Mrs. Nellie ltiisur called on Mrs
Emick one day lust weok.
Oicur Emick bought a horso from
John Gulhtnith this weok.
A now boy arrived at tho house of
Mr. Huidiok lust Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs A. Deckor spoilt Suu-
' e