The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 16, 1902, Image 4

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9 H
9 i
ruBumttD or
Geo. V. M. Nr.wiiot'RE. IMItotN
One year line
lx month. 50
Bute-rod at tno postofflco at Hod Cloud,
Rcooudclamtaall matter.
furnished on npillcatlon,
Republican Congressional Convention.
Tbo Kopbllcans of tho Fifth congres
sional district of tho atnto of Nebraska
nro hereby callod to meet in conven
tion at tho opera houao in tho city of
Hastings, Nebraska, on Tuosday, tho
10th day of Juno, 1002, nt 3 o'clock in
tho afternoon, for tho purposo of
placing in nomination ono candidato
for congress for tho Fifth congressional
district, and for tho transaction of
such othor business as may regularly
come boforo snld convention. Tho
basis of representation of tho several
couutios of said district in said con
vention shall bo on tho voto cast for
Hon. Samuel 11. Sedgwick for judgo of
tho supremo court, at tho regular elec
tion held on November 0, 1001, ono
delogato for each 100 votes or major
fraction thereof, so cast for said Sam
uol 11. Scdgwicic, and ono dolegato at
largo for each county. Said apportion
ment ontitloi tho sovoral counties to
tho following representation in said
It is recommended that no proxies
bo allowed in said convention, but that
tho delegates prosont cast tho full voto
of tho county roprosontcd by them.
J. W Jones, Chairman.
Adam, Secretary.
Republican County Convention.
Tho Republican central committee
mot yesterday nnd issued tho call for
tho Republican county convontiou, to
moot at tho court house in Red Cloud
on Wednesday, Juno 4, for
of nominating one candidato each for
tho oflices of county nttornoy nnd rep
resentative from the Forty-fourth rep
resentative district, and also to select
dologatca to tho stato convention,
tho Fifth congressional district con
vention, tho Twonty-sixth senatorial
and tho Forty-sixth (lloal) representa
tive district conventions. Tho ouicial
call will bo published in full next week.
Tho candidates for tbo governor's
chair spring up ns mushrooms, nnd,
Indeed, somo of thorn fade awny ns
quickly. Tno contest has already gen
erated considerable beat, enough to
causo a few personal tlings of mud,
but wo notice that tho following of J.
P. A. Black seems to bo steadily multi
plying, taking on tbo aspect of a tri
umphal procossion. Kvidontly he is
not of tho mushroom variety. River
ton Review.
Among tbo many candidates for
favor before tho coming conventions
this tall, who wero in Lincoln yestor
day, J. P. A. Black ot Bloomington w is
qulto prominent. Mr. Black is a suc
cessful banker, a successful lawyer and
n successful farmer. If he can but add
to his list success as a politician he will
bo a happy man. He wnnts to bo gov
ornor. Reports from the Fifth district
indicate that Mr. Black will have n big
following from that section when the
jtato convention meets in this city
Juuc 19. As tho raco is a freofor-nll
his chances for ultimate nomination
uro far from hopeless. Lincoln News.
W. 11. Thompson of Grand Island is
said to havo refused to be a candidato
for the nomination for governor on tho
fusion lickot, giving as his reason for
tho refusal that, when tho party was in
power and to be nominated almost
moant election, then the party had no
uso for him, but now, when thoro ii no
tiopo, thoy would bo glad to nominato
him. What do you suppose is wrong
with such reformers! Is it that their
belief in reform only extends as far as
oflicc, or did thoy bolievo iu what they
Bryan, Moses and the Promised Land.
From tbo St. Louis Globe Democrat.
Iuaspocoh at Birminghau, Ala., a
few days ago Mr. Bryan likened him
solf to Aaron, who "assisted Mosos in
leading tho children out of the wilder
ness." Mr. Bryan said ho was "per
fectly willing to lot somo other person
take tho part of Moses." As tho orator
quotes Soripturo often in his speeches
and lectures, wo called his attention to
tho need of accuracy. It was Joshu.i
who led tho children into tho promised
land after tho era ot Mosos and Aaron,
neither of whom over sot foot upon it
or led their brethren thither. We said
Moses "nover saw tho promised land."
A cortespondout refers to tho last
chapter of Deuteronomy in proof that
Mosts visually beheld tho blissful re
gion, but it was under circumstances
tint emphasizo the point made against
Mr. Bryan that ho ought to bo looking
lev a Joshua instead of a Moses.
By turning to Deuteronomy, chapter
Adams 17 Hall
Clay . IS Hayes
Clune ................ Hitchcock .
Dundy .... I Kearney
Franklin ..... Ju Nuckolls ..
Frontier 8 Perkins
Furnas 12 I'lielns ....
Joiiier n lied Willow
Harlan ..... o Webster
xxxlv, it will bo observed that .Moses
went to the lop of 1'isgah, whoro tho
Lord showed him nil the land of (ill.
cad, unto Dun, with other land", in.
chiding Jitdnh, unto tho utmost sea,
nnd tho plain of tho valley of Jeiicho
unto '.onr. And the Lord said unto
Moses, as teeoidod in tho fourth verso
"This is the land, which I swaro unto
Abiaham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob,
saying, I will give it unto tny seed; I
h&vti caused theo to see it with thine
oyos, but thou shalt not go over
thither." In viewing this broad pop
spoctlvo of many lands Moses was ad
monished that ho should nover go to
tho promised region, though his soed
should enjoy it. Moses died at tho ago
of 120, remaining in tho land of Moab
to the last. Unloss Mr. Hryan is talk
ing for posterity ho wants a party
Joshua instead of n Moses; and if ho
puts it on this ground there will bo a
promised land but no Democratic
Experiment in Sugar Beet RaUine.
Tho sugar beet oxporimonts reported
In bulletin No. 73 wore conducted dur
ing tho soason of 1001, upon tho farm
of tho Standard Cattlo Company, at
Ames, Dodgo county, Nebraska. Those
oxporimonts included tests of variotles,
tests of fortllizors, distanco of plant
ing, time of planting, mothods of cul
tivation, and tho treatment of sugar
beet diseases.
A test of thirty-sovon variotics under
similar conditions showed a wido vari
ation in tho total amount of sugar pro
duced por ac-o, tho Original Kloin
Wanzlobonor occupying first placo.
A comparison of light and heavy
soils for sugar boet production showod
a oonsidorably higher sugar content
in tho beets grown upon tho heavy
Slight increases in tho yield, sugar
content, and purity of boots wero pro
duced by tho uso of commercial for
tllizors, but their uso did not seem to
bo prolitablo upon tho land whoro tho
tests wero mado. Of tho different
classes of fertilizers used tho phos
phates gavo tho best results.
A comparison of tho different depths
of cultivating suear beets wns in favor
of about four to hvo inches as com
pared with six-inch or two to three
inch cultivation.
Tho most satisfactory distanco of
plantirg was found to bo 18 inches bo
tweon rows and 8 inches between
plants in tho tows.
A comparison of tho sugar content
of boots grown among weeds and on
clean ground showed that tho presence
of weods may vory materially affect
tho quality of tho beets.
Tho fresh growth of tho beets in
duced by the wet weather during Sop
tomber was found to result in a rapid
reduction of tho percentage of sugar
content of tho beets, but tho results of
extonsivo determinations indicate that
unloss tho fresh growth is accompa
nied by buds upon tho crowns thoro
seems to bo no real loss of sugar tho
boots aoom to increase in size and
weight while tho sugar remains at a
GSurfaco applications of limo wero ef
fectively usod in checking tho Rhizoc
tonia rot of beots. Ropeaied spraying
with "Bordeaux niixturo"soemed to bo
of somo value as a preventive of "leaf
spot," but did not show any curative
value upon diseased leaves.
Tho season's experience showed to a
remarkable oxtent the drouth-resistant
qualities of sugar boots, in which re
spect thoy wero found to bo superior
to nny crop upon tho farm except al
falfa. Frank Keating Found Guilty.
Frank Keating, charged with ns
faulting nnd robbing John ltoso of
Hosomont, on tho evening of Decem
ber 4,1001, wos found guilty ascharged.
At tho hour of going to press sontonco
had not been passed.
Disposition of othor important casos
was mado as follows:
State of Nebraska vs. Fred Williams;
buglaryjploa of guilty entered; sent
ence withheld.
Stato of Nobraska vs. Samuol Ilea
ton, Jr.; assault and batteiy; case con
tinued. Stato of Nebraska vs. Samuol Hunzi
kor; assault; verdict of not guilty and
defendant discharged.
Stnto of Nobraska vs. Rudolph
Schlechtman; assault; nolle prosequi
entered by county attorney.
First National Bank of Omaha vs.
Stato Bank of Blue Hill; suit on note;
verdict for plaintiff in tho sum of
$910 31; special findings.
Tho Muscatine Mortgagu Co. vs. C.
W. McDonald; suit on contract; judg
ment and default sot aside; vacated us
per stipulation on tilo.
J. 3. Whito vs. Webster County; ap
poal; action dismissed at plaintiff's
cost; plaintiff excepts.
John S. Hoover vs. Villngo of Bluo
Hill; petition to vacato judgment; ac
tion dismissed; plaintiff excepts.
Kiniun Ilolvorson vs. Kdward Mc
Million; dismissed by ngreomont.
Nebraska Loan & Trust Co. vs.
Margaret R. McCail; on mandate; writ
of assistance awardoi),
Annual A. O. U. W. Meeting.
Tho annual A. O. V W. meeting Hint
had been postponed on account of the
rain on the Itli inMatit, took place at
tho Christian church Inst Sunday
Tho Workmen and Degree of Honor
turned out splendidly and filled the
wliole middlv suction of tho main audi
torium, while tho side feats and lec
ture loom weto occupied by tho friends
and visitors. Tho service began with
tho Doxology. sung by tho nudienco
whllo standirg, followed by a briof in
vocation by tho minister of the church
and speaker of tho day, T. A. Mero
dith. Tho next number was an appropri
ate solection by tho choir, followed by
tho rending of tho Scripturo lesson,
Luke, 10: '25, 37. Tho choir sang an.
othor very pretty number and n spe
cial prayer for Divino favor was then
offered by the spenkcr. A special song,
"Uo Xo Into All tho World," with a
bass obligato solo, was then suns bv
tho Workmnn Male Quartet, followed
by a vory pretty selection.
Tho "Good Samaritau" was tho main
thought of tho address. Tho text was
Luko 10- 30, 37. Tho speaker doalt
with the work of tho fraternal orders
and stated that the work that is being
dono by thorn today was dono by tho
Church of Christ when it began, and
tho only excuse for tho oxistenco of tho
ordors today was tho negligence of the
church, "Lot tho church come back
to tho position the Lord intended her
to occupy and tho orders would bo ah-
aorbed by tho church, and the church
would bo doing again her 'first
works.' "
Tho A. O. U. W. makes tho boat
showing of any bonovolont insurance
order, as it should, being tho mothor
rnuortuem. The Bervice was very
much appreciated and tho sneaker has
received vory many compliments of
tho highost order and of tho warmest
nature Tho A. O. U. W. congratulate
themsolves on tho occasion of this, an
other annual meeting.
Death of John McCord.
On Wcdnesyny, May 14, at 2:30 p.m.,
John McCord departed this life nt his
homo in tho south part of this city.
Funeral sorvicao will bo held at tho
residenco this (Friday) afternoon at '1
o'clock. Rov. Dixon, pastor of tho
Methodist church, will conduct tho
services nt tho house, after which Gar
tiold Post, G. A. R., of which order tho
deceased was a member, will take
charge of tho remains and conduct
services nt tho cemetery. John Mc
Cord has been a resident of this county
for a number of years, and was por
haps as well known ns anyono in tho
city. Ho was ubout 05 years of ago,
and had been n sufferer for some time,
tho immedinto cnuse of his death being
a stroke of paralysis. During the civil
wnr ho served as a member of a Mis
soiii I cavalry regiment. Ho leaves a
wifo nnd several children to mourn
his death. The boroaved family havo
sympathy of tho ontiro community.
Real Estate Transfers.
Tho following transfers, furnished
by tho Webster County Abstract Co.,
wero mado during tho past week:
A. J. Nickalls and wifo to Daniel
Livingston, w d,eise80 4 $1500
Wm. N. Richardson to Adam
Morhart, w d, pt w nwj 1 1 11
and other lands 1500
W. W. Wright ot a!, to Otto W.
Pope, w d, pt lot 22, block 31,
Red Cloud
Bon Ludlow and wifo to F. G.
Grice, w d, nj n nwj 36 2 11 1000
F. (J. Grice to S.idio Ludlow, w
d, 11 nj nw 30 2 11 1000
Gordon D. Harding to Mary A.
Sorl, w d, lots 1) and 10, block
C, Hoover's addition to Blue
Hill o15
Kd La Bounty and wifo to C.
Kuihler, w d, lot 11, 'block 1,
Gruscl's aldition to Bluo Hill 330
Joseph Sidlo, guardian, to Maty
Vooorecka, d, u J sw 2 13 11 1050
Austin Hiloy nnd wifo to Henry
Arends, w d, lots 9 and 10,
block 8, Kosninnnt 20
Flora Martin Fulkeiwoii to Kudid
Martin, d, sej II 1 11 igsq
Boll Furor and hinbaiid to Wil.
Ham Kerr, w d, e set 10 4 11 200
J. A. MoArtlnir, sheriff, to
Helen K Denison, s d, so 3
3 11 1950
Mortgages Hied
Mortgages roloascd
Last Saturday evening tho delivoiy
horso owned by Sheier & Bradshaw,
which was hitched to the delivery
wagon, strayed to (to him) pastures
now and green. Diligent search was
made, which failed to roveal his where
abouts. Sunday morning the firm was
informed that a horso answering tho
description migl t bo found about three
miles north of town. The horso had
managed to upsot the wagon nnd somo
one had kindly unhitched him, taken
tho harness nnd lap-robe, and gono on
his way. So far, no truoo of tho har
ness or lap-iobo has been found. Sheror
& Bradshaw no longer leave their do
livery horso "tied loose."
A novel feeling ol leaping, bounding
impulses goes thiough your body. .You
feel young, act young and aro young
attei taking Kocky Mountain Tea
conts. C. L. Cotting
L'jin Delph has quit school.
Mary Sheldon was absent Wednes
day. Miss Marker visited tho high school
All the lower rooms are reviowing
this week.
Klmcr Stevens of the sixth grade has
ouit school.
Uoorgo Fraso of tho sixth grade has
quit school,
Flossie Campbell was absent Tues
day forenoon.
Clara Martindalo was absent Thurs
day aftornoon.
Earl and Charles Crabill wero absent
Monday morning.
Gorald Cozad entered school Tuos
day in tho third grade.
Anna Evans was nbsent Thursday
and Friday of Inst week.
Agnes Loonnrd visited tho hich
school Friday aftornoon.
Ciaronco Tnto of tho fifth grado has
left for Mount Vernon, O.
Villa Ross of tho eighth grndo is ab
sent this week on account of sickness.
Tho senior and junior classes intend
going to Guido Rock today to attend
tho commoncoment exorcises.
Tho seniors havo decided to rocoivo
no flowers either commencement night
at tho opora house. Flowers will bo
recoived at their homes.
Mabol Popo and Josephine Mizer of
tho seventh grade and Juliet Galusha
and Ethel Kenadyof tho eighth ranked
first in daily rocitations for tho school
Thoso in tho fourth room ranking
highost for the month of April wero
Estoy Smelsorof the seventh grado and
Frankio Ward and Cora Clauson of
the oighth.
Tho reoeption given to tho senior
class by tho faculty at the homo of
Miss Duclfcr was enjoyed by all. Tho
class arrived about 9 o'clock, from
which time until a lato hour thoro was
ono continual round of enjoyment.
Thoy played progressional games until
nbout 12 o'clock, when bounteous re.
freshments wore served, to which all
did justice. During tho wholo evening
pleasant remarks and conversation
wero not lacking, nnd when the even
ing had passed it seemed as if it had
just begun. The seniors will long re
membar tho pleasant time they had.
Mad Dog Scare.
Yesterday City Marshal Ludlow shot
what was thought to bo a mad dog.
Tho dog had been acting strnngely and
attempted to bite several people. Thoso
owning dogs should take out license nt
once, ns many strays aro rnnning at
largo in tho city nnd have become such
a nuisance tho city marshal has 'been
Instructed to commenco killing them
We live by our blood, and on
it. We thrive or starve, as
our blood is rich or poor.
There is nothing else to live
on or by.
When strength is full and
spirits high, we are being re
freshed, bone muscle and brain,
in body and mind, with con
tinual How of rich blood.
This is health.
When weak, in low spirits,
no cheer, no spring, when rest
is not rest and sleep is not
sleep, we are starved ; our blood
is poor; there is little nutri
ment in it.
Back of the blood, is food,
to keep the blood rich. When
it fails, take Scott's Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil. It sets the
whole body going again man
woman and child.
If you hare not tried it, send for free sample,
JU agreeable taste will surprise you.
SCOTT & BOWNH, Chemists
49S Tearl Street, New York.
joe. and fi.oo; alt dnmijisu.
Fcttfttefrc tc-t-ftc-tttttt e
For a nice
Juicy Roast
for that
call at
Sherer &
In 11 . j W'
Ft3 Jfc
country indicates that conditions are good
for investors. We can prove this asser
tion; for instance our line of $10.00
SUITS for men. We have them in every
known style and pattern. They are good
style and neat in make, and have wearing
qualities sticking out in every line. You
better try one.
Galasba, (fleseott & Storey.
Laces, Embroideries,
Summer Dress Goods,
Ladies', Misses and Children's
Summer Underwear
and Hosiery.
A large and varied line of
Ladies' Newport Roll Combs
and Belts. Prices right.
Alfred Hadell & Co's
Gash Bargain floase.
Grand Special
Opening Sale,
Saturday, May ly.
Special bargains in our
Dry Goods Room.
Special bargains in our
New Grocery Room.
Special bargains in our
New Clothing Room.
Special bargains in the
Bargain Basement.
Alfred Hadell & Gompacy.
throughout the