The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 09, 1902, Image 4

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runi.tinitn nr
lco. I'. M.Nriwiloimr., Kiltlot
One year Itoo
U mouth W)
Batered tt tut poit olOco at Red Cloud, Neb, at
second cImi null matter.
FiiruUhed on application.
Republican Congressional Convention.
' Tbo Ropblicans of tho Fifth congros
sioaat district of tho stato of Nobraska
aro hereby called to moot in conven
tion at tho oporn house in tho city of
Huntings, Nobraska, on Tuesday, tho
lOUi day of Juno, 1002, at 3 o'clock in
tho afternoon, for tho purpose of
placing in nomination ono candidate
tor congress for tho Fifth congressional
district, and for tho transaction of
such oUior business as may regularly
coiuo boforo said convention. Tho
basbi of representation of tho sovoral
counties of said district in said con
vontion shall bo on tho voto cast for
Hon. Samuel H. Sedgwick forjudge of
tho supreme court, at tho regular elec
tion hold on'Novembor 5, 1901, ono
dolegato for each 100 votes or major
fraction tuoroof, so cast for said Snm
uol H. ScdgwicK, and ono dolegato at
largo for each county. Said apportion
moot ontitlos tho sovoral counties to
the following roprosontation in said
con vontion:
Adams 17 Hall IT
Clay ts Hayes 4
C'haae . i IlllctiCOCk .. 6
Diiodf . . 4 Kearney ...... II
Franklin ......... In Mackolls 1
FronUsr I'trklr.i t
Funiss .. u Phet-M .............. It
;oper 6 Red Wlllew It
Hartan ....... t Webitar ......... 13
It is recommended that no proxies
lt allowed ia said convention, but that
tho delegates present cat the full vote
of-tuo county represented by them.
J. W. Jonfjj, Chairman.
Adam Bberdr, Secretary.
I.. V Albright of Ued Cloud has some
friends bohiud him who think ho has
tho qualifications to mako him a good
Htato troasuror. Whilo not assuming
an aggrcssivo attitude in stato politics
Mr. Albright nas boon closely asso
ciated with the party loaders of the
stato. Two years ago ho was the
choice of bis homo pooplo for this
name oflieo. Ho is well known in tho
houIu Platte country as a substantial
business man of irroproachable char
noror. Stato Journal, May 4th.
Tho person who wrote tho above is
evidently acquainted with Mr. Albright
and his quantitations for tho office.
Wo will say that Mr. Albright will un
doubtedly have the hearty support of
Webster county's delegation, and in
fact the wbolo fifth dissrict. ' His large
nccjtirintanc in tho north and east
part of tho stato is also a large item in
his favor. Ho is eminently fitted for
tho position and if nominated would
oortainly bo olectod.
The many old time frionda of Noble
Sanford will be pleasod to learn of his
appointment as postmaster at Aztell,
.Nebraska. Mr. Sanford was one of the
pioneers, of this. county and resided
hora a number of yoars. We clip the
l$wuJg in rogard to his .appointment
from' th"o Mindon Gazette: "From
Home of tho comment niado in connec
tion with tho appointment of Nublo
Sanford as postmastor at Axtoll, tho
conclusion is reached that thoro must
liavo beon a failuro to use it for the
purposes of a political pull. The ap
pointment is a good ono and nearly
ovory patron of tho ollico is satisfied
with it."
Wo aro pleased to know that Prof. G.
1 Kelley Ims bnon appointed by the
jjovornmont as book-keeper in the
Philippines, and ho will go there in the
near future to assume his duties in Hint
ta away land. Ho writes us that ho
will go within ton days. Whether he
will be accompanied by bis wife ho
doei not say, but wo presumo aha will
go too. Wo wish thorn n pleasant voy
ago aud a long life of happiness undur
tho tropical sun. Ord Quiz
A dispatch to tho St. Joo Nows, from
Rivorton says: "There is considerable
oxcitemont in this neighborhood over
meant oil discoveries that promiso to
lii out woll. A Donver syndicate has
representatives hero now trying to so-
oure a lease on 10,000 acres of land fo
tud purpose of prospecting for oil.
They havo already secured options on
a portion of tho tract and tho chances
:ito that they will securo nil that is de
Hired. Other deals of largo proportion
aro in prospect."
it is tho intention of a certain rail
toad to put a train on its Hacks be
tween Now York City and Chicago
which will run tho distance 912 miles
isotween those two cities in 17 i or pos
ibly 17 hours. In order to do this it
will bo necessary to run at a speod of
about ono milo per minute. Tbo short
mt time in which this run is mad at
present is 24 hours. If this traiu is put
u it will be tho fastest train in the
Wo would bo much pleased if sub
northers who aro in arrears would call
at tho oflieo, or write, and settlo their
awwunta. Wo would liko to get our
booica iin first-class order, and your
avora will bo highly appreciated,
Kimtou Ciiikk1 will try to write n
(ow linos to tho old warrior. Kvory
thing is on tho boom in Dewey county,
(trass is splondid and tho farmers aro
about dono platting corn, and soma of
tho corn is up. Wo havo bad plenty of
rain and gardons and fruit look well.
Thero novor was a better prospoct for
plenty of fruit. Tho poaches aro as
largo ns hazolnuls, and tho blackber
rios aro in bloom. Stock is looking
bottor and hnvo somo of tho old vim in
tho n. A good many lost hursos and
cattlo last winter. Everything brings
a good price, butter is worth IGo, eggs
10c, potatoes 11.50, corn 75c, oats GOc,
moat, dry salt, 15c, cows from $25 to
135 per head, and a good horso will
bring from 100 to 1100. Mr. Benjamin
VanDyko has takon possession of tho
Fountain postofilco and is now at work
for Undo Sam with Frank Reese as
assistant. Our merchants report busi
ness very good. There is as present
threo dry goods and grncory stores,
a blacksmith shop, postoflico nnd mil
linery store Wo also have a storo nnd
a blacksmith show and postoflico at n
placo called Munich. It is only two
miles from whore we livo.
Although it is hard times a great
many arc buildinj and a log houso will
soon bo a thing of tho past. Land is
changing hands and farms are selling
for from 11300 to 11500.
Wo will soon have a railroad ' within
half a days drive and some think with
in six miles, but that is uncertain.
They aro working an the Orient
only half a days day's drivo from us.
Wa have our now school house done
and it is a good one. The superintend
ent says the best one in tho county
out of Taloga. Mort Fearn is doing
splendid. Ho is busy clearing his claim.
Ho has also bought eighty acres for
which ho paid $000, which is very well
improved. All who ccmo down from
up thoro aro doing well and Bcem to bo
contontod. Our family is well oxcopt
Mr. (Juthrio. Ho was takon sick in
February and has not boon ablo to do
anything since The doctor says he
will not bo able to do anything for a
yoar and maybe novor. Roy Boyco
listed our corn for ns. Roy has a very
nice claim, and wo expect some girl in
Nebraska will mako a trip to Oklahoma
in tho future. Now, Mr. Editor, if this
don't go to tho wasto baskot, I will try
and write onco a month. I hopo Neb
raska will havo a good crop and that
we may never havo anothor drouth.
Yours Respectfully,
Mrs. J. M. Gutukir.
Grandpa Payne is reported to be very
sick again.
Grandma Frazier is again reported
on tho eick list.
Mr. and Mrs. Nyberg went to Red
Cloud Tuesday.
Jack Haresuapc raadoa buslnoss trip
to Lebanon Tuesday.
Mr. Smith gave anothor ordor to the
traveling man the other day.
Cbas. Boardsloe passed through here
Wednesday on his way to Lobanoa.
Elmer Beardsleo and Oto Frazior
spent Monday with Wm. Forgey.
John Goorgo und family wero visit
ing with John Frazier and family last
Grant Christy is quito a twirler now.
Ho throw somo Saturday that wore too
dark (or tho boys.
Wm. Barrolt and his brother-in-law
took hogs through hero Wednesday on
their way to Red Cloud.
Wo aro to havo a now organ in the
church as our other ono was takon
away ono day last week.
Our blacksmith is tioing a rushing
business those days. He says he hardly
has timo to wash his faco.
Jonn Doylo reports his wheat looking
as tini) as it did last year at this time,
and his wheat made about 25 bushels
last year.
U S. Deputy McG.irth was hero last
Tuesday looking nftor that affair in ref
cron ce to tho misusing of the mails at
this placo.
W.A. Myers formorly of our locality
who has been in Norton Centor decter
ing is reported bolter nnd scorning
back Saturday.
Tho (irst quarterly inoeting of tho
United Brothron church will bo held at
tho Pleasant Grove school house noxt
Saturday nnd Sunday. Everybody is
Somo of the (armors aro listing up
their eats and somo ( thoir wheat. It
seoms that tho high
winds nnd dust
with the small
have played havoo
grain crop.
As corn planting is over tho ball boys
-ay thoy ure ready to match a gamo
vith any of tbo loeul teams around
ioio. Correspondence will roach them
y addressing O B. Frazior at this
' -
Claudo llippotoe sponi Sunday with
friends in the country.
Billio Mottor returned home last
Items of Interest as
Repotted by Chief
Reporters at Several
Nearby Localities.
Tuesday from Iowa.
J D. Story inado n business trip to
Red Cloud last Tuesday.
Ed. Shercr of Red Cloud was in
Cowles one day this week,
Chas. Sine sold out and is going west.
Warren Edson is tho buyer.
Warren Harrington and family re
turned Tuesday from n trip to Kansas.
Miss Georgia Adamson is homo from
Lincoln whoro she has been attending
Ed. Bocton, of tho tireonhnlgh &
Benton firm, Sundayed in Red Cloud
last Sunday.
Ernest Jones, ono of Red Cloud's
young attorneys, was in Cowles on
buslnoss Thursday.
Will Bennett lost ono of his work
horses one night last week; he had
sorved his timo though.
C. M. Smith, former proprietot of
tho City Livery barn at Red Cloud was
in Cowles collecting last week.
Rov. Piorson, tho presiding older nt
Hastings, called on our M. E. pastor,
Kev. Ripyotoo, here last Sunday.
About an inch and n half of rain toll
Sunday and Monday in Cowles. No
placo on oarth neodod rain any moro
than wo did.
Dr. E. A. Thomai, tho dentist, went
to Nelson to apond Sunday, but got
rained in and returned Tuesday. Bnt
still ho is glad it rained.
C. F. McKelghan and Al. Reynolds
passed througr- Cowles Wednesday
morniag an routo for tho northeast
part of the county after a Mr. Moody
who is reported to be inaane.
Dr. D. Griffith, tho young doctor that
camo here to locate, changed his mind,
and left for Steinhwer. Nebraska.
which ia only thirty miles from his
homo, where ho will bo better satisffod.
E. A. Thomas, son of L. D. Thomas,
has decided to lecate in Cowles a part
of each weok to do dentistry work.
Klmor comes nmong his many friends
very highly recommonded and we wish
him unlimited success.
C. E. Conrad camo down from Bluo
Hill Tuesday evoning to givo nn enter
tainment at the Congregational church
with a moving pioturo raachiuo nnd a
large concert phonograph. His phono
graph was first-class, but his gas lamp
blow up and tho pictures could not be
A funny incident occurred on our
streets last Thursday. John Burr was
breaking a colt by the side of a rod
bull hitched to a wagon. Chas. Ben
nett got a picture of tho team with his
camera and Prof. Thomson got a pic
turn of the team with Bennett, and
Geo- Hagar got ono of the team with
Bonnott and Thomson both in.
Planting corn is the order of the day
in our part.
Whilo we-are a little diyonr small
grain looks fine.
Wm. Scrivener bought 2 nice milch
cows of D. McCartnoy.
Somo of the alfalfa in the bottoms
will soon be roady to cut.
Riley Lewis and family started for
Colorado last Tuesday.
A. T. Walker of Red Cloud vas doing
business in our part last weok.
W. H. Rosencrans is treating his now
barn to another coat of paint.
Mrs. J. F. Fruit visited on our creek
last triiay with Mrs. Scrivnor.
Tho grass is starting, though con
siderably later than ono year ago.
Mr. Perry Beardsleo has gone to Ok
lahoma on a prospecting tour and will
bo gone all summer.
Alh-'ii Carpenter and V. H. Scrivner
You Can
Load a Horse
to water but you can't
make him drink.
You can't make him eat
either. You can stuff food in
to a thin man's stomach but
that doesn't make him use it.
Scott's Emulsion can make
him use it. How? By mak
ing him hungry, of course.
Scott's Emulsion makes a thin
body hungry all over. Thought
a thin body was naturally hun
gry didn't you ? Well it isn't.
A thin body is asleep not
working gone on a strike.
It doesn't try to use it's food.
Scott's Emulsion wakes it
up puts it to work again
making new flesh, That's the
way to get fat.
Send for free sample.
SCOTT & DOWN E. 40) Paul St, N. Y
JC MS f l.oi a ttHS-
aro making nice improvements in tho
w,ij of front yard fences.
Our friend Win. A. Myers who sold
out to go to California or Oregon has
bought the Jas, Flatter (arm.
Some sickness yet prevails. Mrs.
Ed Cooper is yet on the sick list and
Miss Myrtle Fitzgerald Is but little
Undo llursh Payno, living south of
us, has beon on the sick list (or some
timo and was no better whtn last heard
Ed Andorson, Will Scrivner and
Frank Soibort all haul milk from this
neck o' the woods to tho Womor
Tho Mt. Hopo people aro kicking like
big biy steers bocauso tho school board
has locked up the school houso to
everything but day school.
Some have been talking of plowig up
their wheat and ryo or really listing it
to corn. Don't do that. It is nil right.
Somo of tho tops aro whipped with tho
wind and dust which makes it look bad
at present, but if you dig around tho
roots you will And plonty of mois
turo before you.
We had a lino rain last Sunday.
Whoat looks fifty por cont better
since the tain.
Frank Dougherty was staying in
town tho first of tho week.
Frank Abbey and family wero out in
Garfield tho first of tho week.
Tho rain last Sunday caused somo of
the worshipers to remain at home.
Ira Wagoner is home from McPhor
son college, having finished the course.
Myrtle Smith was visiting with her
lister, Mrs. Reed, the fore port of the
A. B. Wiggins left last week for Ore
gon, where be has gone in search of a
new hsrne.
A. Harris and family started over
land on a summer tour to Wisconsin,
tho foro part of the woek.
Mr. Murphy, tho father of Mrs. A. B.
Wiggins, arrived hero Tuosday for a
short visit with his daughter.
Tuo farmers are smiling all over
since tho rain and they are now im
proving every minuto getting their corn
Josso Ailos closed his school in Dist.
78 last Friday, and Sunday morning
started for Omaha to seek a more at
tractive field of labor
Fine rain Sunday and Monday.
Wondor what makes Gordie North
rop go by the livery stablo so much?
Our town is very quiet since the rain
as everybody is too busy to even talk.
Mr. and Mrs. Mathea wero the guests
of Mr. Will Allen's folks over tho line
Ans. Pounds has a brand new buggy
and harness and tho gayest littlo driv
ing pony in town.
Wheat and pastures are looking tine,
corn is coming up, early planted pota
toes are up enough to cultivate.
Mr. Holdredge of' Riverton has be
come a fixture of Womer three days
each week. Al is a jolly good fellow.
Archie Payne's little five-year-old
girl who has been having a tussle with
typhoid fever has boon quite serious,
but is better.
Byron Gregg will start for tho now
gold fields in Idaho some timo in June.
Byron is a hustler and we wish him nil
kinds of luck.
Three now clerks in Matties Bros,
store. Mrs. Bun Bergard, Miss Sadie
Armitstoad nnd Geo. Lohr mako a good
looking trio behind tho counters.
S. Wonicr has just purchased twenty
four two-year-old mules. He has been
handling mulss for somo timo having
just disposed of a buuch of twenty-six
as lino mules as are found anywhere
lliero will be no moro want nds put
in theso items unless a guarantee
of three cents or its equivalent
is put up, as the last insertion has
caused some trouble and the writor has
had to answer 103 disappointed
making inquiring about tho last ndver
Miss Grace Hansen has the mumps,
Freeman Erickson has gone to South
J. B. Wiiecurvor has put up a largo
now windmill.
C. Hansen was transacting business
at Red Cloud Monday.
Nearly all of the farmors have com
mnncad to plant their corn.
C. M. Wilson wns transacting busi
ness at Franklin last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Stieel are the
proud parents of a baby girl.
A, I. Batten and wife were visiting
with Gso. Butten last Saturday.
Hamp Wisecarvor worked several
days last week for A. N. Wilson.
Waldo Crowoll spent Sunday visiting
among friends near Guide Rock.
A nico rain visited this section Sun
day, which will benefit tho wheat
Wm. Bretthauer is homo from Kan
sas, whero he has beon on a short visit
I with rolativos.
country indicates that conditions are good
for investors. Wc can prove this asser
tion; for instance our line of $10.00
SUITS for men. Wc have them in every
known style and pattern. They are good
style and neat in make, and have wearing
qualities sticking out in every line. You
better try one.
Galusha, Iflescott & Storey.
Laces, Embroideries,
Summer Dress Goods,
Ladies', Misses and Children's
Summer Underwear
and Hosiery.
A large and varied line of
Ladies' Newport Roll Combs
and Belts. Prices right.
Mr. Schlosser's sick child is better.
The wheat is looking bettor already
in theso parts.
Wo had a good rain in this part, of
the woods Monday.
The farmers havo begun listing their
corn in this week.
Miss Bertha Emick spent Tuesday
night with Dora Decker.
Mrs. Oscar Kmick who has been very
sick is much better at this writing.
The pastures aro getting good now
and lota of folks have taken cattle
west to put in pasture.
Mrs. Charley Relglo spent Wednes
day with her parents Mr. and Mrs.
8. B. Roberteoa.
Mr. Cunningham had a borso badly
out on the wire last week and had to
get another team to do his listing.
Mrs. Chas. Hunter has been on
sick list.
Herb Luce's little girl is quite sick
with pneumonia.
Sheriff McArthur was in this com
munity Saturday last.
A R. Davis is confined to his homo
this weok on account of sickness.
Mrs. Stevens, mother of Agont
Stevens, is expected on a visit this
,1 I), llartniau and wifo of Lebanon,
Kansas, wero tho guests of Elmer
Simons Saturday and Sunday.
Wasn't that a tino ruin that foil on
Sunday? A tall of half an inch is
Have you noticed Hunter swell up
since ho won his money and now hat
on tbo rain; but tho hat is too small.
Remember the basket dinner at tho
Christian churoh. Brin baskets ami
have a good time. All are welcome.
Inavalo has made quite a little chango
iu a business way the last week. J
Hunter has bought the Wesley Wilson
building, formerly tho drug s'or nnd
will remodel It for his grooery and
hardware. Ho will also put in a stock
of dry goods about Jnno 1st. Win,
Irons has bought the store room and
lots now occupied by the hardware
store and will mere the building away
to maku moro room lor lumber. Ina
vale is on the boom.
In the DUtrict Court of the Unlttd States
(or the District of Nebraska
til 111. mimer of Andrew I)., Unk
Notice U Intel)- Ktven thai on the 1.1 ,ny of
Mny, A. IH, tlioabovo niit ix-rdon wi
duly adjudgtil a liinkrupl and tlmt tliv first
int'ellni- ot ertdlturH of aald bankrupt will be
lield befora tlio undrnlgiied referee m M-.
otlice. nt M 4 Second ntreel, Ha-tltii,., Ncbrakliu.
on the lilli day of May. A. 0 lH, at 10 o'cloiv
a iu at which timo creditors may attend. Drove
their claim., appoint a tru.teo, examine tim
bankrupt oil oath and Iranian sucli other bun.
hum a may properly ctme before aald meetlni-
throughout the
For a nice
Juicy Roast
for that
call at
Sherer &
Albright - Bros.,1
DamtM-ell Block, ,
Red Cloud, Neb.
La. lAat
Ctnujju tpl I C.C. New seld Wfc
Beware of the dealt wtw. j.. 1- .T.
i THEj
J Pleasure,
I Comfort,
J Rest
t STORE. 1
tfJQb CANv ATMARn f-