The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 09, 1902, Image 2

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Nebraska Cattlomon Have Talk
With the President.
Ui I'roinUi' (then, Hill Snriliir.v Illicit-
rnck Stiitr Hint Wlmlinor Acllnn It
Tnki'ii Will Mn Slnir, mill Nn
Trollhln Millie In Clilllcnii'll.
A May 2 dispatch suyn HaMletl Rich
ards .and other Nebraska cattlemen
had n lengthy Interview with the pres
Idrnt yesterday and departed during
the nfternoon homeward hound, Mr.
Richards going via New York. While
I lio Interview did not lend to any con
clusion, the Nobrnskans were Riven
a good opportunity to Male their case
lo the president.
Secretin y Hitchcock nnd Itltirr
Hermann. commissioner of the gen
eral land olllcc. were In conference
with President Roosevelt nearly two
hotis regarding th use of public land
by cut Moment In the went. The prcsl
iluiit wan no ocetiplcd by thin confer
ence Hint he did not gel lo see a laws
number of cullers, many of them mem
bers iff congress. Secretary Hitchcock,
when iiHkml about the conference, Haiti
that the mihjcct of occupation of pub
lie lands hnd absolutely nothing to do
with tlm heef trusts In any shape or
form. Whatever action Is taken about
these lands will bo alow, and with no
Intention of causing trouble to cattle
llaliy Ahnndmii'il In It 1'nlc y Older
The two-year-old daughter of (Irani
Yates was seriously, nnd It Is thought
fatally, burned In u lire started by
some little companions In tin1 barn In
Mio rear of the family resident c on
South Seventh street, Nebraska City.
Thursday afternoon. The children had
brought a pile of hay into the barn
and Ignited it. The Humes frightened
litem and they ran away, leaving the
baby to its fate. .Mrs. Yates ran to
the barn and lushed into the flames,
drawn by the screams of the little one.
She emerged with (he child In her
arm. The baby was frightfully
burned about the head, arms and limbs
nnd though two doctors have ttecn
working on It for several hours It Is
feared that the burns will prove fatal.
The mother received u number of
burns, though none arc serious.
V Urn Cli:irc of the Niity I'nrlfolln
timid Will on Until Mile.
A Washington, May 1, dispatch says;
Secretary Long closed his ollb lal ca
reer as tho head or the naval estab
lishment yesterday. Affairs progressed
ns usual, and tho event, was iiunmrketl
save by the calling of many friends to
take ofllclal leave of the retiring sec
retary Noticeable among the day's
callers were Secretary May and Mr.
Moody, Sccrctury Long's successor.
Secretary Moody at once assumed the
duties of secretary. Very few changes
will follow tho change in the head of
Mie department.
llnlu for World' Fiilr lit SI. I, mil Likely
lo ho Chnni;cl,
Tho World's Fair, to be held at St.
Louis, will likely be postponed until
I flit I, as It Is stated that the directorate
Is practically united upon the propo
sition. Ilowiitl on llcef t'oiint.
Thut tho consumption of beef has
fallen off 'A'Vi per cent since the rise
In price began was admitted by lend
ing; packers of Chicago Friday. The
percentage gjven averages the calcula
tions of the packers seen. The market
held Dtcady during the forenoon, chief
ly, It is said, I nusc demand export
orders were being tilled.
Hum mill llore lliirucil,
A barn owned by W. I). Mould
burned, together with a span of horses
belonging to Rev. Mr. Moore, saya a
Darlington. Neb., dispatch. It Is sup
posed that u small boy sturtetl the tire,
i.oss. Sf.iHi. The timely arrival of the
Are company saved the city a disas
trous lire.' as n higu wind was blowing
at the tini''.
.ltlnuil In lime One Siilnnn.
The ntw town nfllcors of Ashland,
Neb., took their seats Thursday, Jeff
Smith succeeding .1. C. Rnilsbaek as
mayor, and M. L. Scott succeeding Jeff
Smith as councilman In the Second
ward. Licenses were grunted for one
saloon, one billiard hall and one bowl
ing alley. The town is tint of debt, and
.lias about $1,000 on hand.
Vnunc Wlfoil Slllclilc,
Having Quarreled with her husband,
Jind receiving little sympathy from her
father, Mrs. Ida Randolph, a young
woman eighteen years of age, and a
brldn of but a few mouths, drowned
hen-elf In the Kaw river at Marysvilte.
Kan. Married life hail proven a hitler
While returning from an entertain
ment at a late hour O. H. Stevens, a
Kansns City pawnbroker, his wife ami
llttlo daughter were held up by two
men and robbed of $3,000 worth of
jowclry. Tho robbery occurred In front
of the Stevens home. Mr. Stevens was
knocked down, but not seriously hurt.
Mrs. John L. Kingsbury, wife of the
foreman of a Denver laundry, poisoned
herself and her two children, iikciI
eight nutl twelve years, respectively.
All urr dead. Despondency Is given as
the cause.
Itni'ky Kurd (Nnnpmiy to Itiprrlmcut
Till Seiniin.
Tin; beet sugar Industry continues to
spread Into Knnsas. The fnrmers of
Sedgwick county will probably experi
ment with It this summer with n view
to securing a beet sugar factory next
The company which owns the fac
tory at Itucky Ford, Col., la anxious
to come Into Kaunas If It can secure a
large enough nereage of good beets in
any one locality to Btipply a factory.
It recently had a committee go from
Wichita to Itocky I'ord to Investigate
the Industry there and that committee
Is now working up the experiment
among Hit! farmers of Sedgwick county.
They ask that not less than thirty
farmers shall plant at least a half acre
of beotH each this summer to ascer
tain If the crop can be profitably grown
In that locality. The beds must bo
grown under the direction of mi ex
pert. After August 15 trsts will be
made of the per cent tif itugar In the
beets, nnd If they run l.'l per cent the
company will be ready to contract to
build a factory. It will pay $1 a ton
for beets which run 1.'! per cent sugar,
nnd a conservative estimate of a beet
crop Is fifteen toiiB per acre, If the per
cent of sugar Is high enough the com
pany will contract to build n factory
costing at least a half million dollars,
All It asks In return is that the farm
era shall contract to raise at least
5,000 acres of beets a year.
If the project Is successful In Sedg
wick county, It ts not al nil unlikely
Hint the whole Arkansas valley will
In lime bo given largely to the pro
duction or sugar. From 5,000 to 10,000
acres will supply u big factory, but
one man rannot raise many acres, so
Hint it requires a comparatively denso
farming population In a sugar beet
country. Plenty of sunshine nnd u
sandy soil ure two of the principal re
quirements or the sugar beet, and
these are abundant In southwestern
I'liitil Action on lVnrn I'rnpomtl to lie
'I'm km i Alny lfl.
The general meeting of Hie Iloer
leaders, at which a final decision on
Hit! subject tif Hit) peace negotiations
Is expected, will lake placo at Veroe
nlglng, Transvaal, May 15, not May 125,
ns announced.
Iloer meetings continue to be held,
chiefly In the Transvaal, to receive the
leaders explanation of tho British
terms. It is understood that the
heated discussions which have oc
curred have usually shown the ma
jority to be In favor ot pence. It is re
Kirtetl that (leneral Me Wet has frank
ly declared the Hritlsli terms to bo
reasonable, and Mint It is advisable to
accept them, while General Delarey Is
said to be ready to abide by the deci
sion of the majority. The outlook for
peace therefore ts promising.
It Is olllclally assorted that subse
tpicnt to the deliberations of the lloer
lenders at Vereenlglng iney will pro
ceed to Pretoria nnd deliver to Lord
i. tclienor their decision in regard to
the peace terms they nre prepared to
HniiMx of l.urd Iti'Tnsn to tiln) It ('mi
The divorce bill, introduced by Karl
Russell was thrown out in Hie house
of lords. The bill provided for divorce
on live grounds In addition to the
causes already valid in England. Lord
Kusscll remarked that he had, In the
past, personal reasons to consider the
divorce laws, lie snld the bill would
not Increase immorality, but would
make happier homes, establish a great
er ctpiullty of the sexes and lessen
The lord chancellor, Karl Malsbury,
speaking with conshlerrble warmth,
characterized the bill ns practically
abolishing the Institution of marriage
nutl said It was nn outrage that it
should have been introduced. Me then
moved its rejection, which was carried.
CriiHheil In n Stampede.
An unfortunate accident to a deaf
and dumb boy, Isntlor Haccus, was di
rectly responsible for the ilenth or
eight girls and young women, tho fatal
Injury of three others and the serious
Injury of more than two score of girls
employed In the cigar factory of Mar
burger, Houmn & Co., a branch of the
American Tobacco company, located tit
Tenth street and Washington avenue,
Philadelphia. When the employes saw
the accident they stampeded, and a
crush followed.
Shut by AtuMimt I'lro Cliluf.
Jasper Murray, better known as Jas
per Cupp, was shot twlco by K1 Keelon,
assistant tire chief of tho Galena, Kan.,
tire department. Murray has been a
member of the department for a num
ber of years, but recently was expelled
from the company. It seema that ho
held Keelen responsible for It, and
this letl lo the shooting. Cupp wns
not fatally hurt.
I. mini; Cup for Ail mini I Schley.
Admiral Schley wns tendered a ban
quet at the Guyoso hotel at Momphis,
Tenn., Wednesday night. Tho dinner
was given by the Masons of Memphis.
The toast, "Our Guest," wns responded
to by the admiral. A loving cup was
presented to Admiral Schley today by
Commodore Perry chapter, Daughters
ot the American Revolution.
Willi t Henry In ltt'lcliiluff.
At n general meeting of tho I.ubeck
branch of the frelslnnlge-peoplo's
party held at Lubyck, Germany, a pro
posal was made and widely approved
that Prince Henry ot Prussia should
bo adopted, as a Joint candidate, al the
next election of members of tho releh
stug by all tho various parties repre
senting the mldtllo classes.
Killed ly ttio llumlr.'.l.
A tornntlo has devastated the city ot
Dacca and adjoining towns. Four hun
dred and sixteen persons were killed,
Good Rainfall Moistens Pitched
Fiold and Pasture.
ton Hi Central I'url Heaviest Itiiln
Three Inchr at W'llcut, unit Vnr
Ion Depth lU'imrtcil 1'rolu Oili
er 1'liiec Oilier Nmt.
Ilnlu In roplous nhowcrs wet down
a largo pnrt ol tho best agricultural
country In Nebraska. Sunday. After a
rather dry nprlng there was naturally
great rejoicing wherever news of the
rain was circulated. It was considered
tho snlvatlon ol the wheat crop. The
whole southern part of the state was
favored with heavy rain with u some
what lighter fall In the extreme enst
than In the west. At Wilcox in the
south western corner oi Kearney coun
ty, adjoining the counties of Phelps.
Harlan nutl Franklin, the llurllngton
railroad reports nbout three Inches.
From the northern part of the state,
much of which bus not been suffering
from dry weather, no reports were re
ceived. Some of the dryest loialltUs In the
enst got a good wetting. The country
biirrountllng Lincoln has ben In need
of rain about as much ns any other
part of the state. Tlilu need was sup
plied ut Lincoln with n fall of one
fold th of an Inch. The llurllngton re
ports good rains along nearly all its
.1oro riitrt'iirli Thetncl.-..i mill Show
A Manila. May -1, dispatch snys:
General Davis. In command of the
American forces In the island of Min
danao, cables that his ultimatum has
not been answered, that hiu messenger
has not returned, and ..iat the Amer
ican outposts were fired upon this
The troops advanced and shelled
Moro fort, but did not capture It until
the infantry reached the ditch. This
fort wus strong and well defended by
100 men.
Fort Pantln l'adto was then sur
rounded and henvlly shelled.
Heavy firing continued as Hie tils
patch was sent.
General Davis also reports that Lloti
tenant Henry S. Wagner of the Four
teenth Infantry has been seriously
wounded, that two other otlleers were
slightly wounded and that twenty en
listed men were wounded.
This Is the substance of a brief cable
message from the field.
Sl.liiylitiT In Chlnco Iti'lii'lllcni Dchcrlht-d
iih ,u fill.
News ban been brought by the
steamer Olytnpla, from the orient, of
further successes by tho Kwang Si
rebels, whoso ever growing unities
were besieging Nan King on West
river nt last reports.
Fugitives who were flying to Canton
from the scenes of bloodshed nutl pil
lage reported that the slaughter at
Chlng Shang Fill, when that city fell,
was awful.
Terrible slaughter is also reported
from other captured towns. Several
thousand of the imperial army are said
to have deserted.
IIoimu Adopt lli-itnliitloii of lt')i'i't
nnd Adjourn,
The death of Representative Amos
I. Cuinnilngs of Now York. In Haiti
more, caused gcnenvl regret and sorrow
In the house.
Above the hall the flag fluttered at
half-niast. and on tho floor the old
familiar desk In the center of the aisle
In the front row, which he occupied for
so long, was draped in black and cov
ered with a profusion of purple orchids
and spring flowers.
Mr. Cummins wns one of the uni
versally popular members of the house,
nnd his death seemed to come ns a
personal loss to all the members.
Smith Court Martini Kudu.
The trial by court-martial of General
J. II. Smith has ended, saya a Manila
The findings ot the court will bo for
warded to Washington.
The general impression Is that he
will bo acquitted, as It Is not believed
that anything hns been proved against
him contrary to general ortle-s.
Tho closing add -ess of Colonel Chas.
A. Woodruff for tho defense- drew tears
from his hearers. Ho dramatically
sketched General Smith's career and
declared ho conducted a rcmarkahlo
and successful campaign In a manner
which reflected credit on his valor, hu
manity and kindness.
I'loml In Okliiliiiiini.
Drenching rains have been falling
over eastern Oklahoma since early
morning, swelling rivers nnd creeks
higher thnn nt nny other tlmo this sea
son. The rnlns will immensely benefit
growlug crops.
I'll vo r l'o"tiorit'iii'iit.
Tho senate appropriations commit
tee has decided to report favorably tho
amendment postponing the St. Louis
exposition Introduced Friday by Sena
tor Cockrell.
Trcniiiry Sltimriit.
Tho statement of the treasury bal
ances In tho general fund exclusive nt
the 1150.000,000 gold reserve in Mm di
vision of redemption shows: Avnllablo
cash balances, 1181,81:', 035; gold, ?03,-125,183.
Mllvor Herttrr) Made I'roin Colin of llio
Chrltoh:il Colon.
Tho mngnllleent sllser service tnatlo
from silver coins laken from the Span
ish cruiser Crlr.lobal Colon, to be pre
sented to Admiral Winlleltl Scott
Schley by bin fronds In the flute of
Maryland nnd in Wellington has hi en
complcKtl nnd is on exhibition in tho
show windows or the manufacturers in
llaltlmore, Mil.
The service eo.islsts tif one center
piece, one soup tureen nnd ladle, four
vegetable dishes with covers, one
gravy bowl and ladle, one roust platter,
one game platter, one llrh pluttcr nnd
nineteen desert plates. Upon eucli
piece Is engi aved Admiral Schley's
Initial In monogram and each beara
this inscription:
"Made of silver taken from
the Spnnlsh cruiser, Cristo
bal Colon, destroyed In the
navul battle off Santiago Me
Culm, July 'J, 18!)S."
The fineness of the silver used wan
not Interferrotl with and the metal ban
almost the hardness or steel. The
weight or the coins used wns' about
1,500 ounces nnd ut the present price, of
silver represents a value of $G00, but
nearly six times that amount was ro
tpilred to purchase ttio coin from the
Dnclurn Hold Out Mill Slight llopr for
Wllticlnilun' Itecmery.
It wa3 nnnounerd from Castle Loo
at midnight Sunday that. Queen Wllhel
inlnn hnd been prematurely confined at
(i o'clock. Professor Rosenstein, Dr.
Rocsslngli and the other doctors were
in attendance. The queen suffered In
tense agony.
At 11 o'clock Sunday evening tho
condition of her majesty was described
as critical and small hope for her re
covery ns entertained.
Apart from the dlfliciiltirs surround
ing thi! question of the succession to
the throne of Holland the death of
Queen Wilhelminn. if thin should un
happlfy occur, would tend to convulse
the continent politically, rays n Lon
don dispatch. In Germany especially
It Is a matter of the deepest import.
The German press claims that Prince
Albreeht of llohenzollern, the acting
regent of Ilriiuswick, is umoiig the
nearest in the Dutch succession, nnd
In all the Kuropeiui capitals nervous
apprehension exists that the ubsencu
of a direct heir to the Dutch throne
might precipitate n struggle for the
possession of Holland, which. In Iter-
lln, Is regarded as Germany s untura
l.iilmr I'litniilsl ul Aiiitrrdnui. N V ,
tn Alittiiln fori! .Iloiilli,
The Amsterdam. N. Y., central labor
union, composed of twenty-live subor
dlnnle unions, with a total membership
or 5,000. ban adopted a resolution to
abstain for the next thirty days from
the use of meat handled by the meat
Hundreds of retail meat dealers
throughout the country have begun tho
organization of an independent pack
ing company, with a capital stock ot
.'i,0i)0,()00. it Is proposed by the or
ganizers to erect a modern packing
plant In Chicago, large enough to sup
ply nil the beef products handled In
their Untie. The promoters exneet to
Interest between I.m.000 and t!0.00t) re
tailers in the project.
Siilildul .M null IiiIIoh Itrleuir I'roin
the Alyniii.
George Forney, a fanner living near
the town of Chase, in Cluiso county,
committed suicide by bunging himself.
He arose as usual ami went tn the
stable, ostensibly to do his morning
chores. Later bis wife went out to the
barn to find him and discover Ids body
hanging in the stable. Forney ban
been an iuuiate ol' the asylum, but
was supposed to be sane upon release.
He leaves a large family or small chil
dren, besides u widow.
I'lirnitT Ituilly MiuiKli'd.
William Kershaw, a well-to-do farm
or residing northwest of Sterling, Neb.,
met with quite n serious accident.
While going down hill one of the
young horses be was driving becnino
unmanageable and jumped over a
barbed wire fence along the road. Tho
carriage struck a post with such force
as to throw the driver over the dash
board at the heels of the team, which
by this time had become tiingled In the
wire. Their Jumping and plunging
drew Mr. Kershaw In the wire In such
n way that the muscles were nearly
torn from his right leg nutl the left
one was terribly cut up. Me was taken
to his home anil Mrs. Trultt nnd Hcrl
man summoned.
Klimill OlMllI III ItlviT.
A dead body, believed to be that ot
Honry TIenken of West Point, Neb.,
wns taken from the Missouri river at
Omaha Sunday. It wns found by boys
who were rowing. Them wus found tin
the body a deposit slip for $210 m tho
First National bank of West Point and
n fine gold watch bearing the marl; ot
a West Point dealer. The hotly is sup
posed to bo that of the stranger who
Jumped Into the river Tuesday night
at midnight.
Trie to Drown lleritlf.
A dispatch from Rome snys Princess
lleutrieo Horroue, daughter of Don
Carlos, the Spunlsh pretender, attempt
ed suleldo by throwing hercelf Into tho
Tiber, but wus rescued. Private trou
bles ure supposed to have prompted the
To Study Our Ship Yard.
Kmperor William has ordered Direc
tor Fritz, of tho government shipyard
nt Kiel, to proceed to the United States
to Btutly Hie method, of tho American
shipyards, inirtlcularly as regards labor-saving
Fatal Termination of Arch
bishop's Illness.
l'litlon Diiy iifSitlUriirtnry Improvement
Atoms Sinn Trained Numi', Wlicu
Culli.pii" Ciiino (Jiit'in Wlllirl-
tn I in. In Duiigrr.
A Now York, May ". dispatch says:
Archbishop Corrlgan tiled ut 11:03
o'clock tonight.
Tho death of the archbishop came
as a great surprise and shock to those
In the nreli-eplscopul residence. it
was more so to the general public, for
the last bulletin of the day was that
so certain were the phynlclniiB of an
Improvement in the condition of the
patient that there would be no more
bulletins tonight. L'p to 10:30 there
was no evidence of collupse In fact,
the archbishop at 10:-i0 talked with
his secretary.
About 11 o'clock, however, the
trained nurses who had charge at the
nedsldc noticed n change. Acting on
Instructions, the physicians were tele
phoned for.
At the same time the e.rchblshop's
two brottiers were summoned to the
room, as well as a number or priests.
It. was quickly neon by the physicians
that the entl wns nt hand, anil In less
thnn a quarter or an hour his grace
was dead. Ills last moments were
peaceful and without evidence of suf
fering. Resides ine two broihera of the arch
bishop, there were present in Hie room
a dozen priests, among them Futher
La voile, rector of the cnthcdrnl: the
Mexican bishop, the Rev. Dr. Starrnnte,
Italian secretary to the archbishop, and
Father Curley, his Knglisli secretary.
IIiiIit of tlm Netlii'rliuiil Suffer l'roni
l'riiimtiirt Ari-niirluiMiiit.
A dispatch Horn The Mugue, May 3,
suys: A bulletin Issued at Castle Leo
this morning Is us follows:
"As hns been reared, the Illness from
which Queen Wilhelmlna Is suffering
put an end, yesterday evening, to the
hopes for a happy event, the realiza
tion whereof was expected in Septem
b"r next. All tilings considered, the
queen's condition Is satisfactory at
Hie present moment."
The confinement of the queen was
long nnd tllflieiilt and artificial means
were resorted to.
The most critical time was reached
between 10:''.0 and 11 p. in., nnd there
wus no relaxation to the extreme sus
pense of all present in the sick room
until the doctors, about midnight, were
able to announce that the accouche
ment was over.
11. (1. Squire .A1liill-r nnd tii' llr:ii;c
('llllHlll til'IMTIll.
II. G. Squlers. secretary of fie lega
tion at Pekln. has been selected by the
president as minister to Cuba, aiwl
Gen. K. S. Ilragg of Wisconsin, has
been elected as consul general at Ha
vana. Mr. Squler's selection fulfills the very
first requirement Inld down by the
president, namely, that the minister to
Havana should be u man of diplomatic
Moro IMonur lit .llniillii Si-rk tn K.icnpe
I'roin Soldier.
Klghty-four Moro prisoners, under
guard, made an attempt to escape, says
a Manila dispatch. At a precompiled
signal they got between the soldiers
forming the guard and a company at
dinner. The latter, realising what had
hnppened, fired on nnd pursued the
Moros, killing thhty-nlne of them and
capturing nine. The other fugitives
Inmilcnitliin Iteeord Krold'n.
The rush of Immigrants to the port
.it New York City, which has slgnullzcil
the first rour months of the year rcai li
ed a climax the week ending tonight,
during which time iTi.lL'O Immigrants
have been brought to this city from
the various Kuropeun porta.
The total number of immigrants ar
riving nere for the four months ending
April 30 was $l 78,(1111. nn excess of
more than 30.000 over any previous
year for the same period.
.Moron Surrender.
Th") war department Sunday received
a cablegram from General Chaffeo indi
cating that the campaign ugnlnst Sul
tan Hayuu, ono of the principal Moro
chiefs, had been completely successful.
The result wan uccomplishetl by a gal
lant assault on the principal Moro tort
and lis capture after a number of tho
leading Moros had been killed.
Fill I'mler nn llnulne.
The "relief" train, used in carrying
railroad men from the Conwny yards
to their homes In Rochester, Pa., was
wrecked halt way between Freedom
and Rochester, and one mnn was killed
md another fatally Injured.
Ilnuk Itiirclur nt W ii"i.
Ilurglars Sunday night shattered the
vault of tlm bank of Waco, Neb., with
dynamite. The safe wns completely
wrecked, and blown open by tho force
of the explosion. The robbers mntlo
good their escape, but how much plun
der they obtained Is unknown.
OMi'lnUy l'nlpniifil.
The sennto has pnssetl tho Cockrell
amendment to the sundry civil appro
priation bill providing for 'tho post
ponement of the Louisiana purchase
exposition to 1!)0?.
Itrpreriitnllv." of WcblcMrjcr Kjfiiill
elite t'utiglit In Mitrl(iom,
Offenbach & Moore, brokers for tho
Webb-Meyer syndicate, New York City,
Mondny announced their suspension.
A few minutes later Henry Uros. & Co.,
who were Involved In the syndicate,
also announced their suspension on Hit)
utock exchange. This In turn wnfl fol- pf
lowetl by tho suspension of tho Lock- '
wood, Hurd & Co.
Dr. Seward Webb arrived In town
and conferred with A. L. Meyer, II. I -Spraguc
and others. Tho stock market
opened weak.
All thrco firms were closely Identified
with the so-called Webb-Meyer group
of stocks, and their failure has been
expected since the "air bubblo" blew
up on the 2nd Inst. Tho effect on the
stock exchange wan transitory, having
been discounted, and In some quarters
Itnlluiijr Clerk lteioino Drinciilnil nnd
Spend Moiuy Ui'i'klt'Kily.
W. F. Helnman, u railway mail clerk
on the Oniaha-llrunswlck division of
tho Wabash road, became demented
while on duty and rilled n registered
pouch, securing $1,000 In cash. When
he completed his run, which terminates
at Ilriiuswick, Mo., he began spending
ins money freely. The postmaster tele
graphed tho postolllee authorities at
St. Louis who came lo take charge of
llelninau. They found about $900 ot
the money on his person. Uefore be
ing arrested Mclniniin sent a telegram
to division Inspector at St. IxmiIb ay
lug he had rilled the pouch. "In de
fiance of law of mankind, nutl am now
ut Hrunswlck distributing $1,031 In de
fiance of law."
ltiiii-vrlt Send MrnK l Victor Kinnn
uul, Ittil' .Sovereign.
Culled States Ambassador Meyer
Monday last was received in a special
audience, by King Victor Kmnnuol, of
Italy, who received the ambassador
most cordially. Meyer expnsssetl to
the king President Roosevelt's ac
knowledgement or the ruler's courtesy
of pardoning the olilecrs of tho cruiser
Chicago, stating that this was renewed
proof of Italy's friendship for the Uni
ted States.
144,000,000 EGGS
Itio, Dill) ('air IIiito Il.'fii I'liici'd In C'nlil
Storn(i ul KiuiHii !lly.
A Kansns City, Mo. dispatch says:
The big packing houses havo made
such Inroads into tho business or packing-
nutl shipping eggs and poultry for
consumption In eastern markets Hint
the business of the small shippers in
this part of the west Is threatened with
destruction, according to members of
the produce dealers' association of Ok
lahoma and Kansas which met hero to
consider the situation.
Wnnl Sliuro nt llntrt.
Deputy sheriffs have served papers
at White Plains, N. Y in a Biilt
brought, by Mrs. Fannie Rayne Me
Comb Hertzog against all the heirs of
the millionaire, James Jennings Me
Comb of Dobbs Ferry, to recover her
full share of the estate.
Mrs. Hertzog Intends to test the va
lidity of the codicil tif her father's will,
which stipulated that If she married
Artist Hertzog she must be content
with nn annual Income of about $10,000.
Mr. idcComb left an estate valued ut
.-Mil lir Sucri'Hfiil Trip.
Senor Augusto Severo, the Brazilian
aeronaut, made a successful trial with
his airship, La Palx. at the Vauglrard
Aerostatic park, Paris. Sunday.
The balloon, held by a rope, ascended
forty meters. The motors were then
started. The balloon obeyed the Im
pulse of .is propelleis, steering easily
and maintaining perfect equilibrium.
After maneuvering for a short tlmo
Senor Severo returned the airship to
Its shed.
Child St-uldrd In Driilh.
A little child, daughter of Mr. nnd
Mrs. C. H. Johnson, ot Ashland. Neb.,
was scalded In a dreadful manner. Tho
llttlo toddler reached n pot of boiling
ten and pulled It over onto herself,
covering her head, shoulders and arm
with the tea. it was so serious a burn
as to be almost hopeless and tho llttlo
one died after lingering for several
days. The father is employed In ono
of the bridge gangs on the Uurllngton.
Wri'i'lu'il lij- Nil to nil tin.
A building occupied by Funsler's
drug store. Rowan's grocery, John
Dlldny'H saloon, John Darnell's saloon,
and Hudson & Otis' restnurant, at Ma
rlon, Intl., was demolished by natural
gas, Injuring at least a score of people.
A number are badly injured.
The building was entirely demolished
and tlm loss will be heavy. Escaping
natural gas Is supposed to have caused
the explosion.
Sir. SulTil Haul (iullty.
Mrs. Knto SolTel, tho wiro or Warden
Soffel or the Allegheny county Jail,
who figured In the sensational escape
and recapture of the Middle brothers
last January, was called Into court at
Pittsburg, Pa., and entered a plea ot
guilty to tho chargo or aiding and
abetting In the escape or prisoners.
She will bo sentenced next Satuiilny.
Clyiiriimkcrli Strike.
Two hundred clgarmakcrs employed
by the Havana-Anierlcaii company at
Chicago & truck rather than accept a re
duction In pay. Tho reduction ordiftfil
was from $3 to $3 per thousand, ac
cording to tho grade of cigar manu
factured. Coiiniit'llriit Town lliirnt'd.
A disastrous lire of unknown origin
wiped out tho entlro business portion
of tho town of New Mllford, Conn., nnd
did tlnmngo to tho amount of ut least