gmmmm i -3 a - a iii a, a. a a a a i a ii a it. a u. n a a a a ii t i t i i Do Yoa tot A $15,00 Watch for $ goo, or an 9 a -j -s a a a -9 a a a a a a a a a -a a a a a a -a a a a a $18.00 Watch for $10.50, or a $19.00 watch for $1 or a $22.00 watch for $1: i.oo, !.50." If you do come in while we still have these bar gains left. All twenty cases with a movement. year filled guaranteed 1 liemhoose Bros., a 9 4 Jowelers and Opticians. Red Cloud, Nebraska. fnmmmmr A iThis Warm a a a 1 Weather -a a -a a -a 9 -a a a -a -a -a -a -a -a a a a a a a a a -a a a -a -a a -a a a -a -a a -a -a a -a -a -a a causes you to think of Refrigerators and Gasoline Stoves ! Wo also want to cause you to think of our lino of theso goods. Wo have in stock the ii -est lino of refrigerators that over eanio to tbo city. All white onamol and positive ly tbo easiest cleaned. Our Monarch Line Gasoline Stoves of a -a a -a a a a -a -a a -a -a -a a -a -a a a a a a a a a a -a a a a -a a a a 4 a .j a a .a a a a -a -a a -a a a -a r 3 a a in complete in every detail and are absolutely safe and economical. Base Ball Goods and Bicycles, Repairs and Sundries. Everything you need for comfort and pleasure. Our prices are the lowest and our quality is the bsst. MORHART Bros. Hardware Co. ,-j(ifififiriiHH1fMMl,P1 a John g. potter, KTTORNSY-RT- L.Kini, Over MUiir's Grocery Storo. 1 havo buyers for both farm and pas turn land. If you have laud for sale i,t, .,1 list it with mo at once No vhargo if 1 do not get you a btiyor. Also farm loans at lowest rata with op. tion. 0. F. Catiikb, Red Cloud, Nob. "I toll you what tho Now Cuba is tbo host llvo cent cigar in town. If you ean't got it tako a Bluo Front. Both mo of tho sumo stock." William W. Wind and Kd C. Euiigh camo down from Onmlia last Thursday evening. Mr. Ward will return to Omaha the ltrat of next week and will outer tho omploy of tbo Douglas 1 lut ing Co. Mr. Kinigh will lunula iu Ked Cloud for the pieiuut. Yfli(Sl((rlCii(Sli(i(i!(ti(ArlCl(((yfiiii I LOCAL BREVITIES XWWmiVXWWW.KWWT&lW'WffliX Window curtains at Cutting's. For salo bills call at this olllce. (Jo to Hifo & Koon's for sued pota toes. Jell Chaplin of Cowles was iu tho city Tuesday. ( G Holt of Cowles was iu tbo city Saturday on business. C. C. and A. A. Boron of Cowles wore in tbo city Monday. Head tho offer of a frco cabinet pho tograph in another column. Attorney ). H. Mercer nttendod court in Aurora tho first of tho weok. A carload of seed oats at tbo Seldom -rldgo olovator, Cowles, Nebraska. J. W. Kico of Superior was transact ing business in this city Saturday. J. W. Runchoy wont to Hastings on business Saturday, returning Monday. Cuas. Arnold of Rosomont was trans acting legal businoss in tbo city Satur day. Cabinot photograph of yourself froo. Head our offer olsowboro in today's papor. A now line of laces and embroideries just recoived. Prices right. F. New- huusk. Wm. Good and wife of Cowles visited with their daughter, Mrs. Paul Storey, Tuesday. Los Chancy, who is now working in Cowles, visited with friends in this city last Sunday. Go to Butler's for all kinds of harness and hardware All goods in both lines sold at a small margin. D. A. Dickey has rented tho Ayers propoity in tbo north part of town and moved thoro Wednesday. Miss Myra Griflltb, daughter of John Griffith, alderman from tho Second ward, is riding a now bicycle. F. Hradbrook was in Campboll the first of tho week making photographs of the bandsomo pcoplo of that vicin ity. Cbas. Hronson of McCook was in tbo city tbo foro part of tbo week assisting tbo Masonic fraternity of this city to confer tho work on sovoral now mem bers of that order. A novol feeling of leaping, bounding impulses goes through your body.You feel young, act young and aro young after taking Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents. C.L. Cotting. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Bentloy returned to tho city tho first of tho week after a rather lengthy sojourn at Hot Springs, Ark. Tkey expect to return; to that placo again in a short time. Fou Salh A few bushels of millet seed, and also one short born bull a suro breeder and quiet in every way. Inquire of F. E. Wildey, six miles south wojt of Rod Cloud, Neb. A social dance was given by a num ber of our young people at tho Potter ball on Monday evening. A very pleasant tlmo was roported. Tho mu sic was furnished by tbo Italian or chestra. County Clerk Garbor and County Attornoy B. U. Overman attended tbo Odd Follows anniversary celebration and bnuquot at Superior Monday. Tbo latter responded to tho toast "Odd Fellowship" at tho banquet given in the evening. Woid was received from Sid Longtin who duparted for California last week. Ho and Roy Winfrey arrived thoro safe and sound, and aro now enjoying tho cool sea breezes of ,'Los Angeles, Cal. The boys like that placo and will re main there iu tbo future. Charles Bices, who ha) been work ing in J. Nustein's cigar factory iu this city for soma time, loaded his house bold goodf in wagons nnd departed for Falrbury Tuesday morning, his futber having eomu from that placo for that purpose, arriving horo Monday. A. R. Reynolds and family expect to luavo this city in a very short tiino. Mr. Reynolds will probably opon a moat market in Iiladon. l.o has al ready purchased tho ico which his predecessor put up last wiutor and is only waiting for a slaughter bouso to bo built. This weok anotkor chango was mado In tho managomontof th Nation, A. C. Hojmor having sold his interost in that paper to Miss Emma Halo, daughter of A. C. Halo of Inavale, and a niece of tho other proprietor, J, r. Halo. Tho uow lirru uanio will bo Halo & Halo. Mr. Hosmor will remain in the employ of tho now iirru in tho fntura. C. H. Kaley lias bad a gang of men at work for some tlmo past excavating for his lake and at prosont has tbo work udvauced far enough that ono o.iu see that he means business. The lake will bo all the way from two to ten foot deep and about ono hun dred j arils wide and four hundred yards long Uy next hummer ho ox pects to have a first class resort for pionio and plousuro patties with bath ing, boating, ushiug and othor apiuso-aoiti. FREE PHOTOGRAPHS. W en" give more p'easuro to your absent relatives or friends than a band somo cabinot sie photograph i.f your self? We have made arrangements with Hradbrook A: Shtiltz, the popular photogrnplieis of this city, whcioby every subscriber for Tub Ciiikk can socuro n handsome, well thus hud nnd thiol mounted photograph free of post. Hero Is what wo propose to do Kvery uow subscriber to Tim Cult:' paying one dollar for a year's subscription will reccivo a coupon good for ono cabinot size photogrnph. Kvery old subscriber who pays ono year in advance will lie entitled to a similar coupon. Every old subscriber who is in arrears tor 0110 or more yenrs will receive n coupon for each dollar of back subscription paid. Tbo name Hradbrook & Shultz is sulVi ciont guarantee of the quality of work to bo expected. What more do you want? This offer will remain open (for a short timo only, and thoso who desire to tako advantage of it should loso no tlmo. GENERA! CITY NEWS. Butlor koops tho Bloomer hog fence. Host on earth. Boy Zint camo down from McCook Monday morning. Josoph Garbor, Sr., is quite sick at his home north of this city. M. . Fairiiold of Guide Rock was in tho city Monday on business. Picture mouldings and curtains at Taylor's, opposite Cottlng's. Millet and cane aeed and a full line of fresh garden seeds at Roby's. Frank Waffel of Bladon waa trans acting businoss in this city Monday. Ryan and Carl Birknor loft Monday evening for Montana, where they go to work. Sewing machines at reduced prices, at Taylor's, opposite Cotting's drug store. J. O. Burgess and wife of Hluo Hill woro in tho city attonding tho I. O. O. F. anniversary. F. C. Huscbow attended tho I. O. O. F. anniversary in this city the foro part of tho week. Geo. Popo and family havo moved into tho J. A. McArthur property in tho uoithoast part of town. Goo. 11. McCall. tho Guldo Rock im plement man, was in tho city on busi ness tho fore part of tho week. J. W. Runchoy and family moved into tho Mrs. Carl Person brick prop erty at tho foot of Seventh avenue this week. T. E. Ponman this woek removed bis jewelry store from his former location in tho Cook drug store to tho C. H. Potter building. Captain C. E. Adams of Superior, ono of the aspirants for congressional honors, was up from Superior Satur day Renewing old acquaintances. Will Hilton, who has been living near Blue Hill, has moved onto the Riley Lowis farm, southeast of this city, he having purchased that place somo timo ago. Ludlow Bros, commenced work at their brick yards north of town last weok. They aro preparing to furnish all the brick that is wanted in this city this year and wo havo no doubt but what thoy can do it. Tho new residence of John Polnicky, on Cedar street, is boing completed n 1 fast as possible and bo expects to re move thereto by tho 10th of May. When it is completed John will have a very neat and commodious residence. John Griffith is so confident that it will rain again in this county that ho has had his bouso reshiiiglcd and otherwise repaired, so that when it does rain tho water will not spoil tho now paper ho has bad put on tho walls. Throe dagoes and a grind organ, or rather two dagoes and a grind organ and "tho monk," started in to seronaJo our businoss streets last Friday, but after thoy had gone ono block got tired of tho job and started on their weary western way. Throo Italian musicians furnished music for our peoplo du'ing tho fore part of tho weok. They played for tho Odd Follows' anniversary ontortaln ment, tho danco Saturday ovoning and also at the danco given at the Potter hall on Monday ovoning. W. G. Blaok has removed his Pair storo from tho Damcrell block to the C II. Potter building whoro ho is now nicoly located. Tho storo presents a neat and handsome appearanco and is largo enough to givo Mr. Black an op portunity to display his stock to advan tage. Minor Bros, aro rushing tho work on their additional storo room and expect to gut moved therein about tbo 10th of May. Their grocery and qiieonswaro stock will bo arranged iu the now room ami tho ono which is now used for gro ceries will bo used for carpets, mat tings, eloaks, capes, tailor mado suits, otc. When comploted they will havo tho largost store between St. Joe and Denver on this Unit of ths B. M. 1 havo tho' stock of Wall Papor in tho city. My goods and prices will suit you. II. K. UKICK. WEEK'S HAPPENINGS Two or three good second hand bug gies for sale, C. W. Riukerof Riverton was a Rod Cloud visitor Saturday. E. Hanson of McCook was in tho city tho fore part of tho week. The Kingman combined riding lister only 830 at Wolfo Bros.' A good ton room bouso for ront. In qnrio at Tax Chirp office. Miss Maggie Leonard of Riverton was in this city tho first of tho week. Poultry meat 4c, and bono fertilizer, for flowers and lawns, 3c, at Caldwell's. Aaron Conovor has had a windmill erected on his placo just west of the city. O. E. Stein of Superior was visiting friends in tho city tho fore part of tho week. W. II. Patterson of Campbell was a businoss visitor to Rod Cloud last Sat urday. S. B. Carpenter and wifo of Inavale woro transacting business in tho city Saturday. Have you bought ono of thoso' oak tanned bailors for 00c, 00c 91.04? But ler kcos tbom. Do not forgot that Taylor has moved bis undertaking to tho room opposito Cottlng's drug store. Mrs. W. 11. McMastor and daughter of Franklin wcro Red Clcud visitors the first of tho week. Mrs. J. Armstrong, of Laramie, Wyo ming, nieco of Wm. Parks and wife, is visiting in tbo city. W. E. Francis of North Branch, Kan., was in town Saturday and wbilo hero gave us a dollar for Tint diner. Mrs. Freddio Garbor has returned to tho city and has movod into tho resi dence formerly owned by J. A. Baum. Judgo G. W. Norris of McCook was in tho city last Friday assisting tho I. O. O. F. lodgo of this city to commem orate thoir anniversary day. Mrs. Doiderich, mother of our shoo man, Henry Doiderich, who has boon visiting horo for some months past, left for her old homo in Indiana on Monday. The population of Webster county is still on tho increase. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. White are tho parents of a baby girl, which arrived at thoir place Mon day, April 28. Miss Mollio Ferris loft for Mt. Ver non, Wash., Monday, whero she expects to mako her homo in tbo futuro. Her brother, Ei Ferris, has beon living tbero for somo time. Captain C. E. Adams of Superior, candidate for tho Republican nomina tion for congressman from the Fifth district, was circulating among Red Cloud politicians Thursday. Mother Yes, ono packago makes two quarts of baby medicine. See di rections. There is nothing just as good for babies and children as Rooky Mountain Tea. 35 cts. O. L. Cotting. Mr. and Mrs. II. R Felker of Toledo, 0 aro visiting in this city nvith Mrs. Felkcr's sister, Mrs. A. U. Kaley. Mr. and Mrs. Felker are on their road homo fiom California, whero thoy spout tbo winter. Cha9. Busheo of Guido Rock was in tho city Saturday making arrange ments for his permanent removal hero. Ho has rented tho W. W. Wright resi dence property in tho north part of town and movod there Wednesday. Insects Vermin Wo will sell you an IflSEGT POWDEfl GUfl lillod with fresh insect powdoj for 10 CENTS. What more do yon want? Wo also put up a Liquid Bag Destroyer, at 25c per bottle. If it fulls to do tho work it COSTS YOU NOTHING ! Try it and be convinced. Chas. L. Cotting, THE DRUGGIST, ;VV ft Ten Dollar Suit T Wc mean that the man who wants to pay $10.00 for a suit shall have the biggest Ten Dollars worth he ever had. Wc know that it may result in lots of men buying these suits who intended to pay more, but that doesn't deter us when we can increase the values we offer. Our $10.00 suits have always equaled the $12.00 grade anywhere else. $13.50 or $15.00 would be nearer their compara tive worth. There's no more style in any garments than you'll find in these suits. The styles are new patterned Cassimeres and worsteds the right spring cut, but it's the value in them that makes them re markable at the price. Take a look. Couiden Kaley Clothing Go. THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS. Harman Hartman of Lobanon, Kan., was in tho city Wednesday. A powder gun failed with fresh insect powder for 10 cents, at Cotting's. Elmer A. Thomas will open dental parlors in the Roed building noxt weok. Mm.Riliii Garber left Monday for Clarinda, la., called thore by tho sori- oua illness of Mrs. George Holland. Married, Wednosday, April 80, at the residence of the bride's paronts, in Rod Cloud, Mr. R. L. Skaggs to Miss Susan E. McCord, Probato Judgo Ed son officiating. Sovoral of the young pcoplo of this city drove to Inavalo Tuesday ovoning to uttond tho enterlainniont givon by tho Amboy Theatrical company. Judg ing from tho expressions of somo tht ontortalnmont was well worth attend ing. Word has been received in this city of the marriage of Miss Gertrude Fill lur and Mr. Frod 1). West, in Lowiston, Mnnt.. Am-il 23. Tho bndu is quite well known in this city and vicinity, having beon a resident hero lor several years. Tho Red Cloud Amateur Dramatic Association went down to Suporior Tuesday and presented "Undo Joshua Whltcomb" in tho ovoning, ueing greet ...1 liv 11 Hiniill but ntmreclativo audi once. After tho ontortaiumeiit dancing was indulged in uutil a late hour, inusio for which was furnished by tbo John Vonuto Italiau string band. All roport a splendid lime. Rov. W. H. Xander3, tor tho past fow years rector of Grace hplscopnt cnurcn in mis cit,nii iubik; ' loaves this woek for Brokon How, Nob., i.nrn ho has a call to till the pulpit iu i.n K.riUeninl church of that eity. Mrs. Xanders and daughter will remain in Rod Cloud for tho prosont and wil reside in tho Miss Mollio Ferris homo, u... Tnd,r will return to Blooming- ton in tlmo to doliver tho baccaliturtato sermon beforo tho graduates ol tuo high school at that placo. A very happy wedding occurred last Wednesday m Bad Cloud when Mr. Walter E Francis, aged 34, and Miss Cora M. Uushton, aged 10, were uuitcd In marriage by Probato Judge Edson. Tim ('mom is ono of tho most piosper- ous young farmers living in tbo neigh bm hood of North Blanch, Kan Tho bible, who was burn and 1 eared in Jewell county, is tho daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. Joshti Rushton, and is one of the most popular young ladles In that nolKhborhod. May thoir pathway taroagb life strtnn with rouos. On last Saturday evening the lodge room hall in the Potior building oc curred a vary pleasant event, whon the Misses iloroiico and Bornice Potter and Eva Mitcholl ontertainod a number " of their friends with games of various kinds, music and dancing. A large number of thoir young friends partici pated in tho evont and all pronounce tbo young ladies first class entertain ers. The Italian orchestra, which had beon retained for tho occasion, fur nished tho musio for tho occasion and it is noodloss to say it was excellent. Dainty refreshments woro served, con sisting of ico cream, cako, fruit and othor delicacies. Tho merrymaking was kept up until tho woe sma' hours and all report a very pleasant and en joyable timo. Postmaster Hacker Married. Tho following brief, aunoencomont of tho marriage of Postmaster T. C Hacker of this city is taken from the Ogden items in the Salt Lake Herald of April 'J.-j: "Rev. W E. Maison yesterday morn ing ollluiated at the wedding of T. Cf Hacker of Red Cloud, Neb., and Flora 11. Buchanan of Moiitpolior, Ida." Tbero is evidently an error in tin lady's name, as it was understood hen that Mr. Hacker was to marry Mrs Sophia Buchanan of Nemaha City1 Neb. Tub CniKt' joins with tbo man friends of Mr. Hacker in exlondinj congratulations to tbo happy pah Upon their return to Red Cloud, Ml and Mrs. Hacker will livo iu the Sai Temple property, which is boing title up for their reception. Tint Ciiikk $tporyear. 1 A Twenty Yeai Life Policy 9 'In an Old Line Company if the best kind of life insurance. 0 Tbo cash value of tho policy at tlB ond 01 tint penoa is more than " you havo paid. Firo, Lightning, Tornado ar' Lite Insurance, . .in tbo best Old Line or Mutu Companies. .11 i ;0. C. Teel, Agt( tf Riu Ci.ouu, NKnitASKA. of. I 'WW WA WWWW W, A f " m tii 1 Uri n E i EPtlH jWwiiMflr- .