The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 02, 1902, Image 3

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Sago of Arbor Lodge Dies After
Brief Illness
A l'niiiilnriil IlKinr In tin- llUtcir? of
Hm Mule N.H of II Im IIphIIi,
'IlioiiKlill , I'xpuKil, Mjiiiti
UN Sliiny I'l-li'tidi.
J. Sterling Morton of Nolnaska City,
Neb, dii il Sunday. Am II 27, at tho iesl
ibme of his son, MiuK Moiton. at Lake
Konst, 111. Ills tlneo sons, M.nh. I'.ml
anil Joy Moiton. with their lanillles.
weie nt tin- bedside of tlirjli lather
when tho end uiio. Ills phvslduns.
Dm. Haven of lake Forest and Homy
H. Tin ill of h('i(ai;o, weio in almost
constant ntteiidatie e 0:1 theli patient
tlm Ihk the List low days, altlio igh they
nnd the family weio Hilly aw.ii. that
thoie v.ns no hope of his lomvniy
Stoiduiy Mm ton's Illness'.i fioni
l.ict November, when lie lontiuded a
ecvoie (old while spiaklng at Chit ago.
The cold tan into an all.u K of gilppe,
and Mr. Morton was in a hospital for
Eevorul weeks.
When he wne aide to havd ho 10
liitned to his homo In Ndu.iska City,
whore ho sufttHd a kI.v.i-ic. Attn-"a
paitial i(oei. ho wont to tho City
of Mexho. (spt.iltiK that h's lu.ilth
would ho u'stoml Dining his stity
In tho boutli ho was nttad.ed with u
tlbciso of tho hioiiihlal nrtrrlcs and
ho i (tut nod to his homo at onto. Up
Miffond severely on tho loturn journoy
mill aniod homo his health oiy miuii
Tin re weeks ago Mr Moiton uinm
to Chicago lor the purpo'o of t (insult
ing a specialist A week ago. while
nt tho homo of hiu ton at 1 aKo For
est, ho was stiii l.on with upoplox.
IU lallied little attor tills uttud: and
gradually sank until the end
Ai-angoinonts toi the turn ial have
liooii lompletod TIkic will ho a ser
vice at Lake Finest Tuesday altoiuoon
at 2 o'clock, i ho Noithwo-torn load
i mining a spuial tiain lor the uni
vonieine of thorn who wis,!) to attend
Iroin tho dt in the i veiling, tho
icmaiiiH v.ill lie taken to Ndnaskn City
and at 2 odod. Widnesiday tho Unal
seniles and tho Initimint will take
Julius Stetllng Moiion had hoon one
of the loiomost deniod.Us ot tho na
iion tor nenilv hall a conturv. Ills
Hist ofllclnl poyitlou was given him by
I'lOhldent Hiu Italian, in IS.'S. that ot
Meretaiy of the tetillorv ot N( biaska.
His last ollho was that ol suidaiy of
tiKrfi ultiiro in tho last nilir.inistinlion
of I'iPsldent CIp eland, fiom lS'.i,'! to
1507. All his life hi had boon a tarinrr
and had hern a loader In the upbuild
ing of ooiy line of ngrh ultuio. It
was ho who oilginutod "Arhoi day."
whldi lias brionio an annual lcstivnl
throughout tho western piaiio statca.
If Mr. Moiton had the dioho he would
rather lie imi nibeicd in iiiiiiioi tfun
with that nnnlieisaiy than tor any
thing olo ho orr an ompllshod Kven
on his booKiuaih was tho motto "Plant
During his college da.s Mr. Moiton
huamc a (ontiihutoi to tho Detroit
Free Press and lain ho wioto for the
Chhngo Times In the dnvn when that
paper ociuplid its most piominont
josltlon iindor Mr. Stor. Tho news
paper oxpeikmo he aupilrcd at that
time boiod him well in after yeai.s.
Although little Known in tho cast
up to tho time that Mr. Cleveland ap
pointed him to the dopnitment ol agii
t.nlttito, ho at oiko tool; ft out rank
among tlio agrh nihilists in tho loun
try and beiamo tho exponent of many
loioims in lutmlng that base seivid
to lovolutlonlro tho Imlii'-hy.
Mr. Men ton's wile, to whom he win
man led in Michigan in 1S5I, died at
nis homo, "Aibor Lodge," In 1SS1. She
was Miss Caiollno Joy Ficneh of De
troit. I lis three sons Mark. Paul and
Joy all of wUom llo in Clikni;o, oc
cupy high social and business positions
In the (ommtiufty. CII.v'h Sorrow.
A Nebraska City, Neb., April 27, dis
patch fa-ajs Tho people ot this dty
win shocked this evening by tho an
noiiiuement of tho death of J. Smiling
Moiton, nt Lake Koiost. HI. Mr. Moi
ton was seventy rni.i old last Tuesday,
no was taken Hid: last tall with a se
vere cold and not fedlng better, was
taken to MonIio by his nous, but tho
trip did him no good, and thiee weeks
ago was taken to J.nke Toiest. to tho
homo of his son, Mark Moiton, for
tieatmont by a spedallfit A year ago
Jast Januaiy his ouiiKest son, Cail,
who wns his favorite and almost (on
Haut (ompanlon, dhd of pneumonia at
Waiikecan, 111, and sinio then ho
seemed to have lost Hindi of his Inter
est In life and was very depiosHnl
His death (amo so suddonlv that tho
people weie awe-stiickf n and stood
talking on tho stieet coiueis with
bowed heads, and words wtnnot ex
press the soi row felt. As mioii as the
news was nnnouiiifd nothing else was
talkid of. Men in all stations of life
express (kep bonow, lor ho was a
friend of nil nnil held In high esteem
by rkh and poor alike.
lllKgCHl l)r Di' U
Plans whldi mo bdng pieparcd by
the .vls iiiid doiks dcpaitment of the
navy.widhnte that one of the largest
diy ducks In the Pnlted States will bo
built at the Now York navy ard. It
will (ost about ?l.(HM.O()0 and will bo
built entliely of (oiuiete. When lln
lahed It will bo of fiiiltldent size to
fucommodato t lie largest battkshliM
of tho navy oi nny the dep.iitmont
may build in tho near future. It will
bo COO feet long by PO feet wide at the
bottom, with u dearamo jf HI leet of
water over the foil' of the dock. J
.1. Mtrllni: Morten it I'miuinml llgnrr
In Nrlirn.k i HNIory.
J Sterling Moiton wns bom in
Adams. Jofftrson loiintv. New York,
Auril 2J. IK, Tho (list one of tho
famll.v of whom theie Is authontle.Ued
triord is ltidiaid Moiton, n blad:
sniith. a Sioli litnan and a Put linn In
leliglon, who uiovid fiom Hartford,
Conn . to Hadle.v, Ma.s , and thenso to
Hatlleld, about liitlh or 'tilt (Jovernor
Motion's giandfather, Abner Moiton,
gradunted fiom Daitinoiith (ollego In
17!i'J, and his lather. Julius Dowen
Morton, a native of St Albans, Vt , wns
a man of tnaiked ability, having tlno
businrPh (ii.ulty and sound Judgment.
Ill's mothei was Kmelliio Steiling, a
leniiteiit of Adams nt the time of her
in in lingo, Siptembir ,10, 1 S.JO. Remov
ing with his paients to Michigan, at
an earl.v age. oting Moiton attended
Feliool nt Albion, subreiiuentb at the
state unl'veislty nt Ann Aibor and
finally nt I'ulon college, New Yoik,
whoto he r( elvcd his diploma In ls."i4
October ::o, I.S54. aciompanled by his
v.lfo, Ik st.utdl for Nobiaskn, arriv
ing at llellivuo (ally In November
Hero tho.v leinalncd for some weeks,
and then k moved to Nobiaskn City.
In ls". ho wns (luted to the tenitoiial
k'flslatuio and was again u oandidato
In sit, but difiatid by eighteen votes
In (Oiitruucmo ni his opposition to
diaiteiing 'wild-ial" banks Ho was
ioiii"tnt((l as a member in ISi"", ami
took an ii( live pait In the adjournment
of the leglslatiuo to rioiemo, a Htiug-gl-
ns bitter'.s. as any In whldi
Nebiaskti ha beta IntoieTted,
Kiotn 17 to I MiD ho was veiy doso
ly ideutllidl with the polltiis of tho
stole, and m was ilciinl to tou
i;mk4, but was unedited in a (outtit,
bei.iuse of his patty being in the inl
not Ity. Hi tinning to Nidirnska, ho
tool: no nillve p.ut In politiui until
lSiiti, u Ik n he wa. nominated for gov
ernor, but was defeated by David Unt
ie r. He has been a ptomlneiit and ac
tive member ol tho dnte boaid of tigii
eulturo. and its president.
Coming to Nobiaskn when It was a
wilderness", ho and his wife sot to work
to build a homo, and "Aibor Lode"
was the lesult.
Of this homo, Mis Moiton wns the)
light, displaying In her family lela
tlons ti uo womanhood, that of tho sus
taining, helpful wife, nnil tho devoted
mother To her l.ue. aitistie taste and
peisonal efforts wiio laigelv due the
hcntitv and haimoiiy of Ailior Lodge.
Her duties to In r nrlghbor she counted
as seiouilmv onl) to the obligation site
oW(d to (!od
Dr. I'rink strum:. I'rislilint of the t'l.l.
of Oiikiim Chcliit li l(i;inl
The boaid of legents of the Kansas
unlveislty iinaiilmoiisly (looted Di.
Piank Sliong. iuesident of the unhei
wlty of Oicgon, to fill tho viuaut chan
(ellorshlp ot the Univdslty of Kansas.
The plain pnya 51,500 a .vcar.
Mr Strong was giailuated fiom Ynlo
in 1SS1. lie has spent most of his life
In the west, being piindpal of the St.
Jo'ii ph high sdiool fiom 1SSS until
IWilf. wheio he put great life and stabil
ity into that school. Prom 1S92 till
181)5 ho was siipeilntetidcnt of sdiools
at Mnioln. Nidi., nnd was for n time
111 st vice-president of tho Nebraska as
sociation of superintendents and princi
(inii ith mill llorictlilrxi n lluii n l'utnl
Charles Wilson, horsethlef. Is dead,
and evSheiiff HoucU of Old Is wound
ed, as a insult of two battles With two
hoisc thieves near North Loup, Neb.
(Jeorgo Haskell, Wilson's partner In
crime, Is in jail at Oreeley Center.
Wilson wns shot In the bend by his
pursuers in the second battle. Haskell
was captured soon aft"r without 10
Kl.stnnce. Hoik!; was shot In the foot
nml in the hand. His injuries nie not
serious. The battles lesulted tiom n
chase aflcr hoisethlevcs in (Jieeley,
Sherman and Valley counties. Tho
thieves weie tracked by bloodhounds.
KiiIhciI (ho Duty.
Collector of Customs Patrick Gnr
Ktt, at HI Paso, Tex-., has created n
rensation among cattlemen In VA Paso
by tilling that all lnipoited Mexican
(attic under one ear of ago should
pay Import duty or ?:!."5 per head In
stead of ?'-', as heictofoio. Tho deci
sion has raised a storm of disnppiovnl
and the eoialites company hns made
n protest to the authorities at Wash
ington. Tho appraisement of the" cor
lalltes cattle was made by Inspector
Dwyer, under the supet vision of Col
lector Oariett. Tho impoitlng season
has Just opened and the l tiling will
effect thousands of joiing catllo that
ate to bo shipped to noithein ranges
Worth $.-.11,(1(10.
A manuscript Mlblo of the Eighth
centuiy, of whldi tho (over Is protuse
ly decorated with emeralds, diamonds
and Papplilics, was held nt New York
for appraisal by the Cnlted States ( us
toms authorities. The pi colons vol
ume was the pioaeily of J. S. Moigan,
a nephew ol J P. Mot gnu, who pur
t It In Italy and who nriived on
the mi amor Cioinianie Tho pi ice paid
1 1. .n d to have been 550,000. Mr. Moi duly "deelarrd" the book, but
v.hc'i tho Inspedois examined it they
de Ided it would be tipeessnry for tho
appiaieis to iiul.e an ostlinato ot tho
valiio of the gems which decorate tho
i over.
Krugcr Mnv ('iiimi,
Tho report publlbheil In Pails that
I'lesldent Kteyn of tho Orange Kieo
State Is i onilng to I'uiopo to consult
with Mr Kiuger Is entliely without
foundation, snjs a dispatch from The
Hague. On the other hand. It Is tiuo
that tho Hon ngentn in Amothn are
lenevvlnj; their entientles that Mr.
Kt tiger visit the Pnlteil tSates next
Juno Ho will probably ( amply witli
thcFO lequests if Hiillielont piessnrn is
exerdsrd. nlthough he has often per
Kounlly epiessed his dislike, of this
Kansas Doctor Mysteriously
Killed by Unknown Man.
IIhI Itrrn l. f I .Vlniic fur it HIimihmI utiil
DpikI At lit'ii I'ropilt tor linlurniil
rtirtimlit In Irkii ttlll. nml lie
Jiiri-v Mini) l'i iiplp,
Dr. J Walter Itowlnnd of llerndon.
Kan., was shot nml kllkd by an un
known person Mondav In a small room
Ddjoiuliig (1 W. hull's giueial mei
diaudlsn stoic at Mi Conk, Neb He
was shot thiotigh the head and
stomach lie had bci n talking with
Mr Dull, who had st'p.'ul out ol the
room, nnd. ict in ni in; alt r turning (!;.
tiring, lound Kov. land (lead. John
How land and H.irvej How laud, father
and brothet of the tin cased, live in
Ciiant precliut, Hed Willow county,
Just anoss the stnte lino fiom Hetn
don The din lot is wlddv known in
that (ounty, where ho had livid tor
ninny .vwirs He was a Ma?on and
IV III lie flint) to I. cue 'llnlr I.iiiiiN fill
('utile (.rnrlnic l'uriii .
A spivial fiom Wkhlta. Kan , sas'
The Poiua and Ovigo Indlanii havo
(lidded that In tho fttluie t will
lease none of their Immense giaing
pnstures for tattle grn.lng.
This action Is taken boenuso the
piico of steeis has soared so high that
the t oilskins have la en unable to pur
chase any. all the available stoi k be
ing nnnpped up by agents of tlm nl
legcd trust. The Osages (ontrol more
than 800,000 aires ot pastiue and the
Pom as havo about HO.poo acres.
It Is b( Moved that the ('tool: Indians
will likewise Join in tho tight n;;ainat
tho alleged beef trust.
IIoum- nml s mile Ciinfi rci t ILuiiifc I In
nllj ( (it I I ik. Milt r.
The house and senate conforeiii
on the Chinese exduslon bill have
lcnditd a (ompkto agieenieut. It
ttilhcs out that poitlou of the senate
bill limiting the extension of all ( xlst
lng law.s to the life of the present
tieaty nnil le-onnds them so far as is
not ImonslFtent with tlio tieaty obliga
tions until otlserwlse piovlded by law
and extends the laws to our island ter
i itoiles so fnr as applicable. It allows
Chinese to enter lor exposition pur
poses and letalns the piovislon regaid
Ihb (crtlfldUlon in the Philippine
Hie Wcll-lmou n Attiir i:plr h Sndilciily
In H'liNlilnctuii, 1). ('.
Sol Smith Hussrll, the actor, died at
tlio Itk hmond hotel In Washington,
D. C of perpdual hietoiigh. Mr. Hiik
sell had been III for some time fiom
this malady, but dining tho past few
daH the disease tool: n serious turn
and sliue early motnlng the end had
been hourly rxpeitul. Thoso piescnt
at the bedside of the veteran actor
were Mrs. Husscll, Miss L. Alice Hus
bcll, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Merger
and Kdward I. Hosenfehl. Mr. Husscll
was fifty-four years old.
Tliu llorrlliln Act cf n YtlniOUe, N li
Mnllifr Mcntiillv UiiliiiliiiKcil.
Mrs. Kate Dimmell, the divorced
wife of John Dimmdl.vvas found hang
ing from a bedpost in her homo at
Winsldo, Neb. Her small child was
dead on the floor. Mrs. Dimmell had
been (onsklered of unsound mind, but
no one thought her malady would tnke
a dangerous tuin. Tho coroner's jury
brought In a verdict or suicide In the
mother's (nso and that the child had
died by its mother's hand.
ht-rlntiK Aiililrut.
At Ncbrnska City Sam Alschuler
met with a serious accident which
ciino near costing him his life. His
team beiamo frightened nt a tiain, nnd
whllo holding onto the lines he was
pulled over the dashboard nnd fell
beneath the horses' hoofs, and a mo
ment later bin wagon turned over on
top of him. He was unionscloiis for
somo tlmo after tho accident, but no
bonec were broken.
le.flOO Mu-f-ii Klllnl.
Hr-ports received at Cheyenne, Wyo.,
from various scdlons of tho state in
dicate that the unexpected storm of
last week killed 12.000 or Hl.OOO head
of faheep, the losses miming fiom 2 to
10 per cent.
Tho heaIest loss occurred In Nn
trota county, where sheailng had com
menced early. The loss theio is esti
mated at 3,000 head.
James Smith, a Mills ( ounty, Iowa,
faimer, wns In Plattsmotith lecently
hunting for his wife whom ho believes
eloped with ti young man named Jen
nings, who hnd been working for him.
I'liittHiniiiitli Men Injured.
Hon It !!. Windham and M M Ikal
weio finite seriously inJiiKd In a run
away at Plattsmoiith Their homo ran
off a steep embankment and they weio
piedpltntcd in a hotp nt the bottom
Both weio unconsdnus when ph ked up
nnd It will bo some tlmo bd'mo they
reiovor tiom their Injuiks. The ve
hicle was a total wiu k.
A bulletin loioi ring to Queen Wll
helmlua'K (oudltion, postid at Castle
Loo, Apill 2!), sayB her majesty patisid
a quiet night and thnt all her symp
toms indicate Improvement.
Mnn; IVrKuin Klllnl nml Injuriil in f lo
ll ul VV Inilaliirtii.
A Dallas, Ti x . April 28 dispatch
sas A tdephono inosi'iigo fiom Cilen
to'io, Soiaoivcll. Tex states that a
tornado has jest p.msul over thnt place
killing mumi and Injuilug fotty pet
hoiis and d inollshiiig unit li piopitty
Tho town Is Isolated ami details are
dlllbiilt to obtain.
The (bad Mrs. Carl Milan, twoymt
old (laughter of J H Milan. Hev. Mr
l'oid. pastot of the Mothodist (hutch,
Miss Mao Council, bov nannd Mudg
kivo. Mm. Cage, one other, name un
known. The iiiot loilotisly Injuied nre:
Mis. i'ldwdl, Mis how, Mr and
Mis Thomas Tiho and b.iliy, Miss
Pogg. Mi anil Mm. Shields, Mrs. Lewis
ol V( at hot foul
Many houses nnd icsldences weie
blown down, but evcr.v thing Is In gtcat
lonftision mid the cxnit extent ot the
nt (it in (iintiot d bo asi ei tallied
Oiie-thliil of the busluisH lious(S of
tho town weie iIciuoiihIk d.
A (ii in nil mill Sim, hut Siiiinniir)' nf Itc-
.'lit llniii nlnu
A good lain fell In the toutheiii part
of Kunsi'.s Sundn.v
The town ot He rklnu r. Kan., was
marly detio.vcd b Hie.
Champ ( 'Lit k was lenomiuated for
ongm in tlio Ninth distilil convdi
Hon, Without oiiposition.
M.ullii I. Midi, in 1 1 Hl( d at ("lowland
loi wile nun ih i lumped himself In his
cell t nilii r than Inco tihil.
Tho I'nltnl Copper (onipany has ab
Hoihttl the IIelii7e piopottles In Mon
ttiua. l'lvo hundred thousand dollars worth
of piopeity was dedio(d by file it
(Men I 'alls, N. Y.
Henjainln l.lniltiny, of PIoko, Neb., In
asking the city lot ti liatuhiso to light
the (H with gas.
Tlio new Christian church at Har
vard, Neb, (looted at a tost ot $8,000,
was ihdhaUd Sunday last.
It Is Intimated In lleilin thnt the
del man government will soon ariangc
for the laving of a new (able to Amei
ka. It Is .stated in ofiliial clidcu in Lon
don that William Waldoif Astor will
bo ( rented n.uon Cllvdlon ol Taplow
In May
Kim ikstroved n low of fiunio holism
on the south side of Km nun stieel, He
pul li an City, Nd , entailing a Iomi ol
?1 ii.OIIO.
iln anniveiMiry of ( (limit's
biithtlav was littlngiy observe tl Satur
day In N(v Yoik by tho ineinbeis of
the (irant Mcmoiuil ai.soi intlon.
Tim ball ti nm of the Knivorslty ot
Nebinskii ilifnitid that of tlio Unl
veislty of Mlninrou last Satuul.ty, tho
si ore being 1 to :i.
At Atwood. Kail, dlspaldi sas
lanchuien and settlers are aiming
themselves, mid trouble Is feaud over
land in Haw litis and adjoining counties.
K V Cay. (nshler of the state bank
of Willie r. had his loft lollar bono
bioken by a fall while running to get
in out ot a stoun.
Senator Dletihh has nominated M. Hathbono for rt appointment
ns uglster of the McCoolt, Neb., land
Hlshop James County, redor of tho
Catholic unlveislty of America, denies
the published repoit thnt ho contem
plates resigning the rtdon.hlp.
Prospects of prate In South Africa
Improve. It Is learned that tho Hocr
lenders are among the burgheis, ioii
sultlng their wishes.
The homo of Jean llaptlste Monehnm,
near Winnipeg, Manitoba, was de
strord by fire and his four gills and
one boy perished In tho flames.
William A. Day, assistant to Attor
ney (icneial Knox, and spc( ial counsel
to the Intel state commerce (ommls
Flon, will assist District Attorney
Drthca nt Clthago in tho prosecution
against the beef tiust.
Congressman Hoblnson has secuicd
the pnesnge of tho bill granting to the
Omaha Northern Hallway ( onipany ex
tension of tlmo In which to (untriict
that road aeioss tho Oinnha and Win
nebago reseivations In Nebiuska.
Tho sixteenth annual convention of
the thcosophkal society of America is
In session nt Indianapolis. Tho so
ciety tool: favornblo action townrd
uniting tho American, English, Ger
man and Scandinavian blanches of the
osophhal believers.
Miss Naomi Schaerr, n Germnri girl
aged twenty, who works In Fremont as
a domestic, was assaulted by two
young men while on her way to visit
her mother. She wns knocked down,
but her screams frightened tho assail
ants and they fled.
Tho bnnk nt Hallam burned Kridny
of last week, being set on fire by the
blaze fiom an adjoining building which
was burning. The iiisurmiu) Is suf
ficient to (over the loss, (ierhnrt Hlp
peu is piciddent of tho bank ami John
I Meyer Is (ashler. All books and
iccords weie saved, being In the atilt.
Drs. Kveictt nro making a wonderful
success with the Siilpho-Saliun Hath
Co.'h lutei csts of Lincoln. It Is now
one of the foiemost sanitariums In the
west. Notwithstanding the nst Im
pinvcments In additions made last
year, Inndeqwiey ts experienced many
times on aeeount of room. Patients
fiom all sections are heie lecelving
treatment and the elites nveiago 99 7-8
per cent. A most lemarkablo p-corrl.
P'.ins hnvo been laid to (onned tho
(arms of Keno (oun( by tdephono
One man who lhdi In the west part
of Topeka lost a tin hath tub mid a
io.ll hod ns a khiiII ol a wind Ho
galnid a biislid liasket mid u topper
bottomed wash boiler. And now To
peknus mo tlginlug whethei ho gained
oi lost, and how much.
Will stiip i:.itltiR Mint.
Four hundred emploes In tho Dig
Four shops, at llollefontaltio, (), havo
signed an agKoinent to light tho beef
1 1 list liv refusing to eat any meat lor
thirty cTuys, btKlnnliiK with May 2.
Teachers at Peru Normal Aro Put
on New Footing.
Hie (II. I I'm nil) It Iti-TIt il il, Ami I'n-
ilirSin Unto of II. Mini Will s, re im
l.uiiK mh llnlr Wnrli In Sutls-
fin torj (Hiu r . .
The Nolui'skn stale boaid or odinn-
ou tint Tuesday foi the (onsldetatlon
of Impoitaut mult cni lonuuUd v.lth
the state uoininl tehool at Pom. At
this UKctlni; the lepoit or Piindpal
W. A. Clink v.ns Mibmillnl and m lion
wus taken IIkkoii Tho board took
the stand Unit lor the luttnimtnt ol
the lutlitiitlou nil iiiHiiiKtois will In
the tutuio bi omp1o((l foi an in
(Idlnlle 1 cm nt. lustd'.d of Itom .vcar
lo .vim us fotmeilv i no old l.iiully
was n -dii led, nnd noi. It will ntptlio
poiiitlvo m I Ion of tin bo.iul to u move
them. Tiny ninv (oullnito as long a.i
Ibe.v ate Hiitlsfadoi v t.i (ho bond with
out annual m-iki (Ions No in w in
ilMidois vvim di did al this uieelliig.
ibis utultn hi lo i .uiio iii hiiImc
(pienlly. Tin' ontlm bom (I v.-ns put out, i in
sisting of J I'll. Holuits of Omaha.
W K. Kowler. smdaiv. Will am
Stiiefd, tittimimr: H A. 'Inv.imv,
lii ho; W. I.. Stopheiis. Ile.ittlic;
(ieoigo Hoger.i. Pent, I.. P Litild"ti,
I Imolii.
Piiuclpnl Claik pinontdl n long io
pott about the s( hool, giving iiimii
nuiidatlonn and showiii'; tlio niiid't'o.i
of tho vnilotis liinds. The lenoit m
dl( litis (hat tho pi ( soul senior d-iss It
the hugest in the hlMoiv of tlm n honl.
This Mr k attrlbulii! to tlm lad
that tlm now (cniso ol study puts ad
ditional emphasis on piofesslonal auli
J(ds nnd tllstiibutin llni-n moio gm
n.illv tlnoiighoiit the (Oinse.
Ho stall k tile VV. ii I her Mini In 1 1 In VV ..i I.
I) ('mil llnlli tin.
Tlio is the ti'ilM'idty
wcathii biiiiau iiiip tepiiit lor
e'ldlng Apt II 2') i Ik p:.l wnK hat
In en dt.v. with math tin n.i'l timpei.i
tur The dallv mean ioi:i eii.tuin av
tiamd 1 (kgioo above noii'ial In i.i'M
(iii (ouutiis nnil 2 dcgic'ii hi low In
I v.( nt mi. Kioiiti W'oio geneinl (lie llitt
.(UivK ol tlm wci-li
Tlm pin Ipllnlliin ot the pist vvi ek
wna Ixiow noi inal in soiitlieiti eouullis
and above in noithein. lleavy
hiiovv o(ini,(l ipilie gcneially the llr-it
put ot tho we( k la , (.ih in (ouutles
Tho hlfji wind of the p:ii wed:
veiy unfavorable tor the growth ot
M'gd.itlon. Tho soil was dry inn! "eed
wan blown out of the gioiiud In some
lldds, whllo In oilu r lldds tho giaiu
win (ovcred with (Hit. Winter whiat
has (outintieil to ddeilornto In i oudl
tion in most pails of (ho state. In
i'oum southern (Oiintlc'i ( ouslderablo
damage has lin n dune and the ciop
will bo veiy light under the most fa
voia do (ouditloiiii for tuo rist ol the
bciHoii. In most (oiiutks, hovv(,vor,
gdieious inln soon would place tho
eiop In goo(! ( oudltion Oats mt1 a
poor stand generally. Tho past weed:
was especially iinfavoiable lor this
i rop; Inside tin damage frimi wind
ami dust, the host In (mitral and
northern touiitiiH did some damage to
oats, (iiass and small giain have
grown slowly, but the (onditlons weie
mudi Improved in tlio (oiintUs north
of the Plutto ilvor hv the generous
ruin on the 2,"th. A little orn has
born planted Very little damage to
fruit by tho frost has Ik en lepoited.
Pcndi trees are hloisomlng, but
LlituMli reiki llilii); Ulllini; t Sill If In
lialiltrtiiln Are Willing-.
A Copenhagen. April 2H, dispatch
sajs: Tho bill piovhllng tor tho sale
of tho Danish West Inula islands to the
I'nited States, as amended by tho
landsthlng, (nine up for disi ussion in
the folkethlng, with the result that tlio
pmty In the majority submitted a pio
poFal as follows'
"The ilgsdag (diet, (omposul of both
houses) appiovrs the t osslon on con
dition that tho Inhabitants ol tho
Islands dedmo In favor thereof a ple
blsdte, similar to the one tnkui in
The folki thing, by a vote ot nlnetv
elght to seven, ndopted the pioposal.
Nmrly stnrii il.
A stai vlng iiimi was lound in a Santa
Ke box car at Hull IiIiikoii, Kiih. lie
gave his nmim an Joe Carr, of St
Louts, ami sas ho in tlio cat tlneo
days without food oi dt Ink. Can eniuo
heio fiom Hot Spiings ami got In Iho
(in to take a nap When ho awoke ho
found that ho lould not move mid for
tin eo da.vs ho lay siiffoiing fiom In
flnniatory ihoiiitiailsui. When lound
he was marly dead.
i:iuih Mil) nil Hie Viiiiim i.
Thrie Is a piobabllity that Coinmls
r.lnnei of Pensions Hvans will bo or
feied the position ot (onsul geneinl
to ltidoii to Riuiud William Mi Kin
ley Osborne, whose death has I an-
Will Nut He Hi tiirin il.
In .lew" or the mpeaUil ohuiges
flKalnst Minister to (luattinala Hunter,
who ai lived nt Now Oi leans Wednes
day, tlm stuto dcpaitment ban ((in
cluded not to ret in ii him to that jio-f
on tlio (xpliation ol his pieuent leave
of nbseme
I'nrCHl Tiro In liiillmiii,
A forest fire diiven ny a heavy wind,
Jr. sweeping over the lountiy uem St,
1'eteis, Intl. On mi mint ol thommclty
of water the I'mmois me iinablo to topo
with It. The flro has denhojed a num
ber of farm houses.
ITimmI 'OhIk Itiinllie Hnlnris II
Wilt Not suit n Nil in I n ul Inn .
Com i not Kta P Savage lias intido
I ublle the followmi;
'Kxetullvo (iatnbrr, Lincoln. No
biaskn. It now m i ins to bo (Ik1 piopcr
time to anuoiiiKi as lliuil my ili-t Islon
In ii raid to In lug a candidal for ro
uomiuiitliiii for lin ollli o of governor.
"Aftir Ihoiiditfiil ccumldi intlon ot
the miK'er, I havi1 concluded It Inst
not to futtlmr eiiilun lus in loyal
friends, nnd inom crpr dally my parly,
hv k nialnlii',' lougi t in the fldd. thus
Ktaudlng in tho way of nomo one who
would bring mote ptmn ami h.itmoiiy
Into llm (otivnutlon.
"In my ollli Ial nipadty I have nice',1
to give Iho slate nil honest, strong
and economical ailmlulittratioii. Look
ing bin k tnir tlm veur iilteady spuit
as Nidiiaskn'n i lilt f excditlvo, I vvciild
not, hud I t In power, change one Im
portant olllc fal tut
"My adloti In (otinntitliig tho sen
toiio or J. S. Itaillcy mil stioii ills
apprnvtil of tunny, most ol whom mo
Ichh (oiiviisaul with the fm U than
I and to most or w.iom I glv cmdlt
foi honest) In their opinion" I now
miv ln:ikl.v Hint with nil Hi' icwiltti
of (hat act belore mo, I wo lin com
iniiio his sentence today weio it still
' Ftilv r.p iKclntlng the honor of bo
lur (he goviiiiiu ol n gieat state, nnil
ot having dm oppoituntty lo scivo tho
piople i ii tough ninny uveuius, under
ktlng i in linist'iniiH I hdidiy an
uoutuc'lf not u candidate for the
olllc e
"Hoping to roe tome diong, honoin
bio re public mi nominated and elected
as "inv nm i ersor, nnil with inallco
(Award none nml dimity tor all. I am,
loi'pedfullv, i: p SAVAGI1"
n p iprr I'nlilNlieri nnil I.Mnii.riiilili ill
I nlnii In ('iiniiiirt
The Anidkan in wnpapi r publlshcrH'
ii" in Ial Ion. e mbi .it lug u largo majority
ol tin leading in wspuper.s of tlm coun
hy, has (xiiuhd agtteinonlH for In
tltiphlal nihltiatloii witli the Internn
tioual l.vpngr.iphkiil union and tho In
teiuutloual piiiitiiu; ptcssmons' mill
ussiHtaiits. lo ((11)1111110 lu tone for u
pitlocl of five vuini Itom May 1, 11102.
All the mechanical iloiaitmoulM of tho
ollli i ii nm lovdtd. The ngi cements
me (O.tti k d to ll o iiiemhrrH or the ns
soc lat'iin. and tin chief ndvautnge Is
O..U ludu tti;M peace Is aeelired, not
oul loi the K rm of any bxnl (Oiihiu t,
but rk'o lor the jrilod between tho
tci'iiilnnilon oi mi old loulnut and
the foi mat ion or u now one.
(Htli 1 1 i( ( rnlnci Clili.i;ci (n I'ny I'ur
I itille.
dipt Hobeit P. Wavno, eommanding
tlio inaiine jm.nd of tlm Unltid Statea
i miser Chic ago, HohutH l.idlx Iter,
assistant snrgto'i or tlm Chlengo;
Lieut. John S DntMiiilge ol the Chi
cago, ami a mmiiio uiiinod Wilfieil
Lungliy, who weio utresKil Filtlay
night on the i barge of dkonleily con
duit, wne biought up at the San Mar
to pollen iiitirt in Vrnh o, Italy. Cap
tain Wynne was sentenced to lour
months and ten dn.vii Imprisonment.
Tlm other pi it oners wite seuteucdl to
tlneo montliu' imprisonment. All tho
prison ih vein fciitduiti to pay eostu
nnil uamngcx.
It In probable the king of I Inly will
paidon tlm olfeudds
Will ArrmiKii llrlulli.
Oninhu Is to have tvvdvo additional
postollhn Hiili-hliillnnii after July 1.
Postnuistor Ciovv toi elvcd the Infoinm
t ton Tutsduy and will at once proceed
lo aiiangn tlm nuessaiy ddalls. At
pnsont them hi but one sub-station In
the city, and that was recently opened
at the new Ileunett stole. A siib-Hta-tlou
is practically a branch wheie all
postotllcn supplks mo kept for sale,
Im lulling stamps, money ordeis ami
retdsiry ol kttois and packages. Tho
IK w locutions; have been designed for
tt n of llm twelve new sub-stations, and
the postmaster will solut inn other
I'llllKITtlltlM. Mil SlIHIU'llll,
It has been announced that tho Con
seivatho, the weekly Join mil estab
lished by the late J. Sterling Morton
four eaiK ago. on which a great deal
of money has been expended to pio
inoto mid gt before the people be
cause It iiilvociKd the p.iitkulnr views
of its found( r will bo siiHpeuded. From
the stmt It has been nothing more than
a tad with Mi. Aim (on, tor -it is said
by those who piofess to know that it
has never been it pacing Investment.
1 1 1 1 nolo Din. Nlll.'d.
Hear Atlinlial Ciowinshiidd, the new
loiuiuaudei-ln-chlcl of tlm nuropemi
s(tiiiiliou, has holstid his flag on tho
hnttkHhip IIIIiioIh nt the New York
navy anl. Tlm HlluolH, wiiich sailed
WedueHila, has been iltted up with
palatial (punters for tho ofllceni who
will m pit-sent tho United States at tho
coronation (oionionles of King Kd
vvmt). 'n it il r Ti ii Intuit; Co) nl 4,
T, K. Moigan and Clnteneo Katon of
Maplehlll. Neb, (iiptured ten youtiB
coyotes a few dujs ago alter killing
tltcli motlier. They saw the old coyoto
tlinnpprai Into a hole, which led them
to search until they found tho deu.
The cutis nm quite filskv IMIInr DrnjiH Until,
i;. W. Hurlhut of Amora, Ncl).
diopped dead on the sheets Tuesday.
Mr. Hui Unit had edited tho Auroia,
bun for nearly seventeen yems, most
of whidi tlmo lm seivrd his dish Ict as
(mount Id stuto eontrnl (ommlttee
man. Ho was pionilnent In demo
ciatlc elides, was well known through
out the slnto mid was highly lcspcctitl
In his home county.
Ashalar lodge, A. K. and A. M., ol
Grand Island, will lay tho cornerstona
of tho now court house, on iuvltatloit
ot tho county boaid. j
3kt i
jlvjmfffi akjw m u