, Barton, By FrmnU (C'pyrllit iwtt liy lint Tlie groat xcsipl was moving foi ixard nt quattor speed, tho bows only breaking the water Into ntnall tip ples xvhlch giuglod along her aldca nnit quickly smoothed out astern. All around was darknosi, Illicit. Iinpnnc hablp, oppressive, not even lliu faint twinkle of n atar rullevlng It oiiVel oping uaineness. On tlm upper deck stood tlic cap tain with Hex oral of lilt oillccis Near them a sailor was winding the frayed end of a ualyaitl. The captain held n night glass, and from time to time raised It to his eyen, hut only to lower It quickly ami Im patiently. In tint darkness Iho glass xvas of little use. Kor an hour they had been running at alow speed, catitloiudy, and xvlth eyes and earn Hit allied, as though waiting for Komdhlng to slip out of the duikncss or for Home signal or Blgn. Hut .still theio xxrre only sea and the black wall of silence; as far an nppoaiaticcs xxoiil they might huxu been a thousand mllei from laud Another ten Minnies, and the strain grow mote tense. All oxer the chip xvcro eyes watching and ears listen ing, on the lower decks, through the poit., the pllol'a window, fiom the nhrotiils ex en The secret was an open one, and all the ship knew that close on the Htai board here, almost touch inn them perhaps, xxbh a loxv, hostile hIidio, xxheie xxeto eyes as vigilant and keen as their own, and that, weie their presence known or suspected, tho mission of the ithlp would bu fins Iratcd. "If onl they would show a light or do something to Indicate their where abouts," tlm captain miitlcied for the twentieth time. "Hut they don't know xve'ro here, nil," obeixed one of the younger of ficers. "Oh, I know they don't, of course." testily. "If they did, tliej would. Hut what aio xve to do? Wove got to get away from heie before daylight " "Muybo a boat " bewail another olllcer, but the captain cut him short. ' Would n t do at all uudei the cir cumstances," ho declared, "the shoic may be ten tods aw"i, ami It max be two miles, and wr don't know the ene my's position. A boit xxouhl make more or lefs unite, and In a haphaz ard seaich for a lauding would be sure to be ho.it d. Captain ltiby in of course at ills old camp on the other side of tho llxer, a tulle In the Intel lor. If he could shoxv a light for an Instant, wo could make dliectly for it, home one slip fiom the boat near tho shoic and steal thiough the under growth to tho camp. A few seconds wo.ild acquaint Hlxhy with Hie fact tint On C'Uy Is fifty miles up the coast nun oiling toward him, and lie fore nun iilug ho could hax'c his men And tho ix omen and children well on the way towaid safety So far tho enemy liaxe counted on staixatlon as an easy and effectual mean i of sub jugation. Neither they nor Hlxb.v r.iif.poct the (leneial is even In tho count i y Hut by to-monow night tho enemy s scouts will discover his pres ence, and then well, It will bo a quick rush and another day of honor for tho people xvho read tho news papers. This sort of foe doesn't knoxv the meaning of clxillzcd win fate" The sailor looked up from tho hal yaul ho xvas xvlnding "I'm a good swimmer, sir," he said, slgnillcantl.x Tho cintftin legarded lilm keenly for a moment, then shook his head. "You don't undeistaiiil these South ern watets," ho answered. "They arc full pf bhatks. You wouldti I lixe to got a boat's length fiom the ship." "Hill theio me many llxes In dan ger over yonder," Iho sailor uiged "and some of them ate xvomen and chi'dien. I'm only one 1'eihaps I might get thiough If I did, I'd show a light for one Instant to let you know that ever thing wn.s all light and that you could put on steam to Join (Jen. Clay and huity to meet us ' Hut the captain again shook his head decisively "Thete's isn t a "I in a good s.vlmuior, sir, Hlr;iill!eiutly ho raid chanc" ot suiceedliK." ho said; "if there weie, you should go. Hut 1 clout feel that I haxo the light to Lacilllce a life- uselessly. No, wo will cruhe back and foitli until txvo houi3 bofoio iluvlUht, thou, If no means hive been found to cotnmunlcato Willi Hlxhy, xvo will put on full steam to Join (5en. Cluy. If xvo can get a le cnfoi cement eif a few handled men, wo will hasten back and effect a lauding. Wo may bo In tlmo to help lilxby that way, olther by driving tho Plfe HlMRAUBkgfeCBid tVkVVV S .t Sailor II. Svvoot. y Story I'uli Co) enemy back or holding them In check until the (leiipral ai rives" The sailor did not answer And ap parently he thought tho halyaid suf ficiently wound, for as tho captain (eased speaking ho walla d nft. Hut ho did not H'ck other xvoik, instead, ho slipped down to the lower deck and continued aft until he found u place near lliu mil where he xvas alone It took but a moment to fasten tho end of n ropo Into otio of tho tall rliif,s. test It, and drop the other end ox ei board It xvas not long enough to reach the water, ho knew, but ho had no tlmo to seek another. However, It xvna oxen shorter than he Htipposed, !S SST3 When ho lose he xvnj fat I torn the vessel, for when ho t cached tho end of It, op posite n circle of light which came fiom one of tho ship's pott holes, ho found the xvater many feet beloxx. Hut ho xvas too oxpett tv diver nnd swimmer not to know how to enter the water fiom that distance xvlthout making a splash. Letting himself hang ligidly at full length, xvlth his toes bent ilowuw.udar.d loso together, to foim a point, he released the ropo and shot Into the water like a wedge, leaxlng scaicoly a ilpple upon the surface. When he rose ho xxas txventy yauls fiom the vessel Piesontly he glanced oxer his shoul der at the few lights about the ship's decks, and tho two or thioo that shoxved thiough her ports, xvondei lug If they would be significant to tt.o enemy Hut he decided that they would not. Most of tho ship's lights had been extinguished, and the fow ie malnliig xvouhl doubtless bo though) lights of their own boats or of somo xvandeilng Usher or sponger. An hour later the- taptaln and his olllcets were at the same place on deck, still anxious and undecided Suddenly one of them uttered a low exclama tion and pointed into the daikness "Look yonder at that llsht," ho ciled. "waxing as though It might bo a sig nal. I xxonder x hat It can be not Captain HKby." "No," said the captain xvlth piu 7led speculation In his xolco. "It'a not fai enough axvay. Theio, It has dlsappeaied " Then a sudden, com ptchondliig. exultant ilng camo into ills xolco as he demanded: "Where's that sailor. Hat ton? Somo of you go and find bun. quick"' Two of the olllceis hurried axvay. Ten minutes later they letuincd. "Wo haxo had the until c easel searched, sir," one of them icported, "hut Har tou Is not to be found nnyxvhoio. Ho must haxo fallen oxeihoaid." "Dropped oxerboaid, ou mean," said tho captain diyly. "He's slip ping thiough tho uudoibmsli toxvard Hlxby's camp by this time. Go tell the engineer to put on all steam. We'll get to den. Clay as quick as xvo can now." "THE WHITE MAN'S BURDEN." Coliiril 1 roupor In tlm I'lilllpplinw 'rtdllnl ultli XV lit Kemiirk. Petei Mac (jueon, the Huston lectur er, whose fund of anecdotes appears to be as lltnltlc.M as his travels and oxpcilcnocs, tells the following stoiv of a bit of humoi which Hashed out on the tiling line In the Philippines "A i (dmed hooper whose lioise had been shot uudei him in one of tho Hkiimlshes near Manila, passed mo on his way to tho tear He was car rying his saddle and the entlio outtlt. Including his iltle. on his buk, and was pcisplilug luaxlly In the hot sun. ""I hat's quite a load you've got theio,' said I as he i cached mo. "'hat's wot It ntc, boss,' said he, grinning. 'I tell you, wot. boss, this .xur oari lug of the "white luan'n bin den" ain't no easy job"' Nexv Yoik Tiibune. Mrtiiorlil Window Olulirltlot. (leorgo It. Sims, the Hiigllsh play wright and novelist, published a pio- test against depicting the features of Dr. Johnson in a tnemoilal xvludovv Mi. Sims wants to know xxlieio the Hue Is to bo diawn In regaul to su.li use oi model ii colebtltles in ohm oh xxlndows. "We might eio long," ho sajb, "haxo n pro-Hoer phllanthioplst presenting his paitlculnr church with a tit ai tied glass window In which .Itulas Iscarlot will be piesented with the fea tures (and tho eyeglass) of Joseph Chambeilaln." It Is vain giving men their lights unless you glxc them ilghtpousness. Tho SOllIlllCnt fiult will bo era ths tempest-torn tieo, -"OZTi SAYS FRENCHMEN ARE NOT LATINS It, Origin Tlicy Arn .limit l.lkit Ainarl ruin, IH'rtaro ill, l.o Itoux. M. Hughes I' Roux, tho celebrated 1 'touch author, Journalist, dramatist and orator, lec lured on n recent after noon In tho Atidltotiiirn of Houston Hall before the Ceicle Kinucals of the i'nlvptslty of Pennsylvania Ills sub ject was "J.i-B Ills do Pi ante, quo f fr ont lis'" "Tho people of Pranco, Raid M. 1." Roux, "ate not a Latlnled people in somo have declared. In traveling thiough Normandy, Hilttany and va iloiis other piovlnccs of Prance I lliu! no strict distinguishing characteris tics or customs which would Indicate latln origin, with tho possible excep tion of Axerglne, wheie the women wear the same kind of Jewels as the Komuns did. France Is similar to Ameiha or any other nation In Its or igin, .lust as In chemistry varloui elements arc mixed and heated to gether In n crucible until a residue of a shining golden amalgamation Its pre cipitated, so Pianc e and other nations aio amalgamated from xailous for eign elements nnd peoples. "Along with its similarities to Am erica in origin theio can be noticed a sti Iking dlffeienie In tho cluiiactci of the two peoples Ameilctins Uaxe moro strength of will. Frenchmen more sensibility and loflnonient. To Illustrate this ho gave ii3 an example a raie at the last Olympian games In Alliens, where he said. "A Pienchniaii outran by his heait a neinian and an American both run ning by their legs." NOT A BADGE OF A POLICEMAN. Onicer Lone llulr Mjntllleil nti Intciil mini Wmniin. (ioorge Iiines, dr.. the son of tho great landscape painter, tells a story on himself with gieat delight. Like Peter Newell, he lias been connected xxltli town government In Nexv Jeiscy. Ho set veil on the town council In Montclalr In fact, he xxas the head of the nolle o commission the chief of police. "In this capacity." he nays, "I hud about hi.x policemen under mo, whom I sent forth to do their duty. I used also to go about myself In search of xviongs to he lighted and nuisances to be aboil shed. One day I saw coming up tho main sheet a woman very much the xxoiso for dilnk. I said to her 'My good woman, have you no piare to hide yourself In, no home xxhere ou can conceal your shunio''' "'Shine nnd who the dlvll may you he?' xxas ner letort. "'Nexer mind who I am,' I answer ed. 'You will obey mo and go home, or I will turest xoi..' "'You airlst me'' she cried In as tonishment, 'lloxv kin you an est me whin you ain't no peillcemon?' "'Hut I am a policeman,' said I, with dignity. "She looked at mo a moment in as tonished silence. Then she said 'Thin, If j ou aio a peillxemon, fur hlx In's sake go home and git yor hair cut!" New York Tiibune. Not So Anilou In CI o. 'Tilde Sambo," when alone In his cabin, often prayeu to lie delivered from nil his earthly sonoxxs, asking (Jotl "to send the ungel (iiib'cl down to take poo' ole Sambo out'n nil Ills tioubles, tight up to hob'n." Somo bo.xs "on mischief bent" heard tho old man's praxcr one night, and, after waiting until he xxas ready for bed. knocked at the door. "Who elar?" asked I'm lo Sambo, In n stattlcil voice. "It's the Angel Cabiiel," was tho answer. "Who ilar, I say?" lepoated Sambo, hustling around Inside the cabin. "Tho Angel Gabriel, xvhoin tho Lord has sent doxvn in his chat lot to take poor L'ncle Sambo up to heaven, where ho Ml fee no more trouble." "W-e-11, boss, joii Jos' tell Massa Cod dat Sambo ain't been heah In tieo weeks!" and ctaxxllng under ills Hide bed, he lay lliero feaiing and trembling, while tho boys kept knock ing and urging him to got ready for his asienslun at once. Hut ho kept silent. Me xvas not ho anxious to go, after all. I.nrso llrlllsh Fumlllui. Mrs. Mary Lancaster, xxho was bur led locently at Uincastor, In England, left 110 giandchlldten and fifty gicat giatidehlldren. Aiottnd her grave wcio 100 descendants, i elates tho Loudon Chionlcle. Hut a still moio romaihablo case is locoieled by Ijrd Oeoigo Ljttleton In his "Miscella neous Woiks," In an account of n tour lu Wales. He mentions tho death of a Welsh fanner near l'c.stlnlog nt tho ilpo ago of 105. Tho Welshman had man led tlnee times. Hy his lliat wife ho had thlity chlldien. Not deteired by this family, ho married again, and had ten by his second, Hy his thiiil wife he hi ought the children to foitx-four, tho last child being olghty-ono enrs younger than tho eldest. At tho faimei's funeral thero was nn attendance' of 800 devcendants. A few families like that and Canada would ptobably no longer call for settleis. The Ceremony of Knlclitlicmil. At the beginning of tho eleventh century when a man, for somo noblo deed, was dubbed a knight, tho ceie mony of knighting him began by giv ing him a pair of spins. The overlord In confeulng tho tltlo attached tho spins lilmaelf to tho heels of tho new ly creited noblo and then gavo him his helmet, his homo, IiIh sword and his lance. Ono way n woman has of confessing her ago without meaning It Is bolng extremely clofeientlal to old women. JACK WILSON'S ONCE GREAT GRAFT. XX'ny of tlm I'iatn Itnlliii XV ho Sturltnl tho ClbiKt lluntr. "Jack Wilson, the famous Piute In dian xvho Htarted the ghost dance naze among the Indians all over the I'nltcd States a few ycais ago. llveg In Mason Valley, Nevada," said an official of the Indian bureau tho other day. , "He does not have the Inllttpnce among the Indiana now that he had ton j cars ago, although he Is more than the ordinary Indian Intellectu ally. Ills success as an apostle xvas duo to his Bitpeilor Intelligence, com bined with low cunning and an utter lack of conscience To secure the In fluence and power lie wielded over his folloxvcrs In the early days of his notoriety lie icsortod to numerous hicks nnd deceptions. "On one occasion xvhon he had bren lectuilng on the new lellglon ho told his audience that on the next clay he would make Ice from the river nnd invited all to see him peifortu a mlr ado. It being August ho knew that to make them bollexe he had mad. Ico xxouhl give liltn greater prestige He selected a point below a herd In the ilvcr, and after scenting a trusty accomplice, who took from a nelgh hoilng Icehouse a genet cms lump, nnd deposited It In the current ahoxe the bend, Wilson, with wild gestures and xvolrd Incantations, placed him self at u convenient point where he lifted the Moating Ice from tho water when It reached him from above, and thus made the I'lutes believe ho had supernatural power. Hy such hickory ho made his associates be lieve that the ghost dancn would dilxo the white man away fiom this country nnd bring back the buffalo." EXPERIENCE lllalinp llittil MEETING ANECDOTE. I.imI Chilli ti I'lilnt n ( tirNtUn miir.tl. it had been an oxpciionce meeting Ton thousand people woio assembled In tho gieat nudltoiliitu hy the r.Pi Thcie had' been the handshake, the waving of hniiilkoi chiefs, the hymn, tho praxer, the xvotd which told the splilttial hlstoiy of many a soul. The bishop stood upon tho plat foim In the act of pionotincing the benediction. I'motlon xxas at Us height, It beeined as if a spiritual xvavo had crept oxer the multitude, wrapping It in divine eaters. At thai moment a little child was passed up to the platform and the bishop took It in his arms "Lost child," were the whispered vvordJ. Tho baby put Its dimpled aims mound the bishop's nock and laid Its head upon his shoulder. Its yellow cuils mingling with his gray hair. "host child." said the bishop, In his deep, sympathetic voice, "does anyone In the audience know tnis babv oi to whom It belongs? Will the father and mother come and e'nliii It?" Thoie xxas alleme and the baby nestled closer, and the xvomen who sat near said "Oh!" Then a man xxas seen making his way to the altar; It was the habx'.s father. Instantly the child stretched out Its aims to go to him. Then, as ho gaxo It up, tho bishop said. "There aio 10,000 lost souls in Ocean (hove. The Pntlie-'s arms aio waiting to ictelvo them. So, go to your I'athei'H outstretched aim? as dos this little child." Detroit Pice Pi ess. HE COMPLIMENTED THE CZARINA. Lord lennyinit Itneorilt a IUtlier llniniirniit Kxporlcni e. Lord Tennyson once told Captain McCabe the following stoiy ns one re sult of liis defective eyesight' "Hallain nnd I went xvlth Mr. Gladstone as Sir Donald Clinic's guests ou n ciulso In the Penibioke Castle among tho He brides and thence on to Denmark. While lying In the harbor of Copen hagen xvo were iuxltcc! to dine at Piedeiisbotg with the king and (jueen of Denmark, and tho next clay the whole royal party camo ou boaiel to luncheon. There xxeie the king and cnieen, the princess, the czar and czarina and their attendant ladles and gentlemen After luncheon the print ess naked me to lead ono of my poems and some one fetched the book. 1 sat cm a sofa in the smoking loom next tho princess unci another la'iy came and bat beside me on the other side. The czar stood up Just in ft out of mo. When I had finished leading, this lady said something veiy civil, and I thought she xvas Andiew Claik's daughter, so I patted her on the shoul der voiy nffectlonntely and said, 'My dear glil, that's very kind of you, very kind.' I heaid tho czar chuckling mightily to himself, so I looked more neatly at her, and (Jod bless mo! it was the carlna heiself. I fancy that xvas tho first time that august lady had been patted on tho baik and called a 'dear glil' since she had left tho nurs ery." Tin I.utk of u (ireenlinrn. Down on tho Wenhuin golf course, a few weeks ago a noxv member xxas playing nroiiud the links for the first time. It was leally his llist serigus efjoit to piny golf. He inado a pietty good Kit Ike-off from nn clex'atcel teo across a x alley to the top of n hill about seventy-live yards beyond Thinking to haxe n little practice acioss the valley, ho shuck his ball back towaid tho giecn besldo the tee whenco ho had previously shuck off Tho ball sailed gracefully ovet tho hill, nnd to his Inexpicsslblo surprise, tho player heard It go "kerchunk" Into tho hole on tho green. Ho had shuck a ball seventy-five yards and landed It in tho hole, Piolmbly few players over did such a thing, and thU player says ho does not expect over to do it again If he plays golf for a quarter of a century. It wa "the luck ot a greenhowi." Boston Horald, I Catfish i in a Jug. 9 0 Hex. Kzrn Smith, who rides a Meth odist clicult in Southwestern Tcxus, has a fish ftory which he tell9 only when ship of his company. He U not only n man or (lod, but is natutally truthful, and those who knoxv him best May that he never told a Ho In his life. He Is gaunt, hard-muscled and se rious. He has a temper which he con hols by gripping It xvlth both hands and holilins It doxvn. When his story Is doubted ho gets dark-red of face and walks away litniledly. Therefore lie lella It only when sure of his listeners. This Is the story: "Txvo xearb ago I was In a cabin on the bunk of the lower (iiiadaliipo; kept there lietatio tho ilxer xvas full and I could not cioss. I ihousht to kill a day with hook and line, nnd catfish bite will on a ilse, any how. "I hollowed a hand line "0 fed lour It had a half pound lead sinker at Its end and thtco hooks set at Intervals of two fi-ct above the lead. Tho3c hooks hung from pleies of line each a loot long. "I walked down the bank a half in lie, halted xvlth chicken Ilvcr, swung her aiounil my head a fexv times, mid let go. The cuiiont took tho lino down at a shaii) anglo before tho lead stittel: bottom. eOO(D3Ote9eeOOtSD030090099 No Need to Fus s 9tooee3oeoo9990 "I have 8h callously objected to th" easy going ways of the m.ijoilly of far western druggists." said tho ill tint -mer, "but thin far I don't aeem to have made much of an liupiession ou them. "I was in u Wyoming town last mouth, nnd feeling aguish I went to the ding .stoic and got Mime cii!iilno capsules. An hour aflei taking them 1 went to bed, and It was about mid night when I xxas moused by the land lord, who naked: 'St. anger, are joii feellu' all right'." "'Yes. pietty well." I replied. "'No hoi tilde pains uoi nothln'?' "'No. Hut why do xou ask?' "'1 guess jou'el better come clown f talis. The clruggl'.t saj.s there's somo mistake about tli?m pills. I want to tell xou. though, that he'.s a powerful good feller and never plzeu anybody, on put pose ' "My hair Logan to curl before I was out of bed." continued the driiintnei "I lemembeied that the diugglst seemed to he caifles In hcixlng me, and, while tlie eapaiilrs had thus fit hud no bad effect It did not take me long to Imagine that 1 had swallowed ten grains of morphine and was good for an excursion comewhete. "I made lightning xvoik of getting Into my clothes and getting down - - -- -w WWV7VVWVW iWfl American Revolver Experts Win Victory Undoubtedly the imiFtcrahlp of the xx oild to-day He0 at the feet of the maiksnidii. Ho mid ho alone has en abled the Hoer to make a leslstance against hie hoax lest odds over hi ought ou a modet n battlefield; as long as mmkuidiiship xxas clemly xxlth the south she won xlctory aftei xlctory over an opponent as In axe us herself, ho and he alone won the battle of Nexv Oilcans against tho xeterans xvho had tlilven Napoleon's legions and It was the mat ksnian that gave us thl.i continent Theoiy iiifoinis us that the tlmo Is coming when the marks man will be nnnlhllntetl bv thaigns of damlte chopped fiom diilglhle bal loons, bill till that possibility ha been shown to bo of practical vuhw the illlo Is king of the long distance and the levolver of tho shoit with all due allowance for the pcifeited iiipld-llie guns that have failed to inako the kopjes of South Afrka un tenable, Therefoio it is with a tin 111 of m. tlonal pildo that we lead of the xlc tory won by Americans xxlth i evolvent over tho Kienthincn, who were tho best shots In Cm ope. Tho man train- UNLICENSED KISSING PUNISHED. Stem lustlco Meted Out to tho OtTi'tiil liiir I'nrllra. A xvi iter In tho (iieen Hag sets foith Ameikns eaillcst knoxvn last of Judicial cognizance of kissing. Thero is not, as generally believed, any icf eronco to osculation In Roger Lud low's code of Kino, bettor known as tho "Connecticut Hluo UiWo ' Hul the case of tho People vs. Mm line, heaid by tho governor of New Haven colony in council on May day, ICCO, in dicates tho attitude towaid unlicens ed kissing lu those times, it appeared that .Jacob Murllno nnd Sarah Tuttlo had been caught kissing each other. Jacob tried to throw tho blame on Sarah, saying ho thought sho hud "with intent let fall her gloves," Sarah denied tho Intont. Jacob then ad mitted that ho "tooke her by the hand M M 9 Texas Circuit Rider Vouches for the Truth of a Most Extraordinary Hi e fish Story : , "In less than ten seconds 1' got a bite. I sunk the sun Into him hard audi began to haul In, hand oxer hand. Ho camo heavy and slow, like other cat fish, and I felt nood "When I cot the last hook from tho xvater I saxv that a two-gallon Jug hung to It. Then I didn't fee! good. I dialed Hie Jug upon the hank and stooped to get the hook out of Its mouth, but It was entiBlit and hold something Inside. "I supposed that it was caught on weeds, took a lock and bioke the Jug. On the hook, fastened through tho tip pot lip, xxas a blue cattish that weighed mole than two pounds. "Now, you knox.- me and my calling. There ain't hut one explanation of this thing. Some follow threw the jug Into the ilvrr a lonij time before. It sank to the bottom nnd lay with Ha mouth upstic.iui "A babj catfish went Into It one day and sta.xcd in It. living on such food as dilttcl in. until It got too big to get out. It lived In the Jug and grow. Maybe some day It would have burst the Jug. I don't know. My last hook landed agilnst the jug's mouth, dilfted In and the bite followed. "No hii. I didn't think to keep the jug as a lemindcr. end I ate that cat tish He was as good fish as I ever tasted " OOOC09O9ll9t Druggist Admitted He J Had Made a Slight Mistake, But Was J Not Perturbed If oeeoo39aeo stalls, and tlieie 1 iotind the druggist iu ciltn as an old shoo. ' 'I think I put up moiphlno for quinine for one of tlnee persons," ho explained, 'and so I called around to see if you were dead Let me look ut the box. "'Hy John, man,' I .veiled at him, 'hut do .xou make a regular thing of killing somebody onto a wiek xvlth your old iliugs?' If you have poison ed me' "'Those aie quinine, stue enough.' ho Intel rupted, as he oponed a cnpsuJo and tasted. 'You can go hack to bed, stranger.' " 'Hut r want to l'now about tills thing Why do you keep your mor phine anil quinine side by .side? Why don't you have your mind' "'You arc all light and have no kick coming.' he said as he lighted a cigar and seemed lomowliat lelleved in his- mind "'Hut who got the morphine?' I asked. "'Lung Sing, the Chinaman, ptob ably. It was cither Lung Sing or old Hill Hlrd.all, and odds Is the differ ence xxhlch, ns the boys ato going to hang the both of 'em to-mo low!'" There is too much hoi rowing of thb ctuse xxhiih goes for bearing tho Co is Over French cd In shooting g.illciy 'Pldom bags tho game In the Held, and tha Prenehmati has little practice under the conditions of actual xx.irfaie, yet our men met thelis at taiget practice, mid xvon out by a good nun gin. It is ilnlmed tho xlctory xxas duo to the fad that ' Am ei leans hid ben trained to tho rexol xer and the Pienchnieii xvoio moro familiar with tho dueling pistol." Wo aiMxxei that tlie levolver Is the sol dlei'j weapon at close quarter.-., In a stnprlso mid in a caxalty charge it Is the weapon that should be han dled In peace hv the people that would be icady for xvar The president is anxious that con gress make nn npptopilatlon to pro seixo our fainlllai Ity xxlth the illlo. We suggoit that the levolver Is of equal Important e. Tho .swoid should bo discontinued, except at paiade.i. Tho revolxei Is still a soldiei's wea pon and should not he neglected until It is posjlble to tain death fiom tho cloud and so make xvar Itself Impos sible -rioi Ida Times-Union. Religion in not enjoyed until It 13 employ ed, and they hot set dowa upn cj1P3t, but whether he kyssed hoi or sho k.x-sed him. he knoxvn not. ror he nexer thought of It slnco until Mr. Raymond told him he had not laydn It to his beau as he ought." The atom goxeinor, nftei duly lectuilng tho sulliy Pintles ou tho enorinltv of their offense, deuced Hint "the sentenco theiefoio concerning them that they shall pay eltliu of theniT flno of twenty shillings to tho colony." 1 .lerTeiriinii'd llurliil I'luir. CltlPiis of Aibeninilu county, Vir ginia, have oiganled tho Jeftorson Meiuoiial Asscchulon for the purposo of building a public boulovaid be tween Charlottesxlllo and Montlcello, wheto Presldeut Jefteison lies buried. Tho road will be two miles long and Is expected to cost J20.000.