The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 02, 1902, Image 1

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rrmi '
Volume xxx.
1878. 1 MINER BROS, 1 1902.
FIELD, 5 drawer, high head $20.
PIBLD, 5 drawer, drop head $23.
Guaranteed o years.
A 5 drawer, drop head Sewing
Machine, guaranteed 25 years,
Golden Oak Finish, Patent Ball Bearing Stand, Full Set
of Attachments With Each Machine.
I Cabinet Photograph
on Subscription.
Miner Brothers. j
1 Kiti erer Dolar Paid
Brilliant Celebration of the Event Last
Friday Evening.
Tho Odd Fellows of this city cele
united tho eighty thitd nunivorsiiry of
tho order Friday night In 11 most ex
cellent nmnncr, despite tho unfiivoui'
bio climatic conditions.
Tbo mo nbers met in their hnll at
About 7 p. m. From thoro they marched
to tho opera house, where h public
meeting wns held. An interesting pro
gram was rendered, consisting of ad
dresses by prominent members of the J
older, interspersed with music fur
nished by tho John Vcnuto Italian
string band. E. U. Overman delivered
tho opening address and acted as chair
man of tho meeting, giving a hhott his
tory of tho lodgo of this city, and
Introducing Judge (i. W. Norris, l G.
M., of McCook, who delivered tho ad
dress of tho evening to an appreciative
After tho exetclses at tho opera
house tho members of tho order, with
their families or swcctheaits, repaired
to L'ottei's new hall, which had been
beautifully decorated for this occasion,
where a banquet wns given and the
balance of tho evening was spent in
amusements of various kinds, and judg
ing from tho expressions of those pies
cut a most enjoyable time wns had
There were piesent many prominent
visitors from neighboring lodges of the
state and fiom lodges in Kansas.
Tho Odd Fellows of this city took
mom than mdinary pleasum in this
celebintion, as at tho opeia house they
burned tho mortgage on their homo
I'hey a r now entirely free fiom debt
and have a gooll wot king membeiship.
They also expect to tnako an illoitat
thi' coining session of the giand loilgo
to have an Odd Fellows orphans' home
established bete, which is a movement
the eiti.ons of this city should help to
further in every possililu manner, us it
will not only bo an ornament to the
city, but financially a thing to bo do-
Odd Fellowship has had a Mi tidy
growth here and this lodge is one f
tho most prosperous as well as pio
gtesslvo in tho stato.
Hon Adhem lodge No. 180 is to bo
congratulated upon its most successful
Inasmuch as thoro are perhaps many
who ate unacquainted with tho history
of this organization, wo have doomed
it proper to give a fow facts concern
ing it. Tbo Order of Odd Follows is
a society of men for fraternal pur
poses; an association of individuals of
various creeds and ideas, whoso busi
ness it is not only to alleviate each
other's troubles in cases of necessity,
but to cement themselves in tho unity
of "Friendship, Lovo and Truth."
There has been much speculation as
to tho origin of tho institution ot Odd
Fellowship. Somo have dated it as far
back as Adam, who is said to havo laid
tho foundation stono of tho order.
Others hold that it oxisted among tho
ancient Jowish priesthood, undor tho
leadership of Moses nnd Airon. Somo
havo said it was organized in A. J). 05
nmong tho Roman soldiers, and thnt
its present nanio was suggested by
Titus Ocsnr, who called tho brethren
Odd l'ellows becnuso thoy knew each
other by night as well as by day. Hut
tho truth is that tho origin of tho ordor
is unknown. It has no record or au
thentic history tli-t extends back
much, if any, beyond 1800. Since Its
Introduction into this country it has
boon so transformed and remodeled
that, as it now is, It is really an insti
tutionof American growth, and exists
nowhero olso on earth except whore it
has boon planted and nurtured by tho
Grand Lodgo of tho United States.
J'ho actual commencement of Odd
Fellowship in America was in 1800.
Tho tirst lodgo was oponed In old
Shakespearo house, or tavern, In tair
street, Now York, on tho 23d of De
comber, 1800. This lodgo continued
till 1823, when it becamo extinct.
WoBhington lodgo No. 1 was founded at
Baltimore in 1810, from which date tho
order may bo said to havo boon fairly
and successfully commenced in this
! U ounooa of wur eti4 to tha poon
Who kuowa how math coITm and bow
ruucb itAl f ud tlua called gratia
that It In coaled coffxT
Lloa Cattail all cofaa ntrarglaaad.
Tha Mt.l1 ptckaaa (Mpt It frwh and pnta.
I ...It.... ... .1... ....few..
uwiiiuurs, iiuuurtiiug i" "'u iuai iuun,
1, 102,1110 members. It is tho most nu
merous fraternity in the world nnd its
marvelous growth is nccouted for fiom
its intrinsic excellencies nnd its peculiar
titness as a minister to tho tiials and
ndversities which are inseparable from
human life.
"To relievo tho distressed, to visit
tho sick, bury the dead and educate
the orphan" am tho aims of tho order
and its entiro oigani.atlon is leaving
nothing undone to carry out those
benign principles.
Republican Congressional Convention.
Tho Kopblieans of tho Fifth congres
sioual distiictof tho state of Nebraska
aro heieby called to meet in conven
tion at the opera house in the city of
Has.tiniis. Nebraska, on Tuesday, tho
10th day of Juno, 1002, at U o'clock in
tho afternoon, for tho purpose of
placing in nomination one candidate
lor congress for tho Fifth eoiigiossional
disliict, and fur tho transaction of
such other business as may regulatly
como before said convention. The
iw-is of repiesentation of tho .several
counties of said district in said con
vention shall bo on tho vote cast fo.
Hon. Sii tii I 11. Sedgwick for judge of
lltusiipu . court, at tho regular elec
tion held on November 0, 1001, one
delegate for each 100 votes or major
fiaction thereof, so cast for said bam
uel II. Sedgwicc, and ono deletinto at
tin go for each county. Said appoi tion
inont entitles tho several counties to
the following representation in said
Hull . I'
HnycR ... ....... '
Hitchcock ... ?
Kearney 1
Nuckolls 1
Perkins "
I'hclim -. I1
Hed Wlllaw ... It
Webster 13
From (lie Kaunas MhII ntul llrcerc.
A Nebraska steer that had had short
picking nil winter broke into an alfalfa
pnsturo and for severnl hours had tho
time of his life, hut after that tho green
clover began to get action and tho
steer soon bad a bloat on that pulled
him up like a balloon. An inexperi
enced calf passing by tho Held saw tho
bloated animal and, taking it for tho
real thing, stopped to admire. "Look
nt thnt tine, big, fat steer," ho said.
"Would that I could strike a lay-out
such as ho has." Then an old cow who
had had muny years of experience,
hearing tho talk of tho young steer,
said: "Don't fool yourself, young f el
tow; if tho wind was taken out of yon
dor animal, what waB left would look
like a wrinkled hide hung over a rail."
Moral: With a great many individ
uals wind counts for substance.
A Wilsonvillo hen that was tho
mother of six chickens was chatting
with a neighbor, who, to pass awny tho
time, asked tho hen tho number In her
family. "Twelvo," promply answered
tho hen. The following day tho neigh
bor saw tho hen's Hock and after care
fully counting thtni said. "How is
this? You told mo yesterday that thoro
were twelvo In your family, but I cim
only count hi." "Mnj bo you can only
"ouutsix,"toplled the lion, as she com
menced on another llower bed, "but if
you hnd been raised up in tbo neigh
bm hood of Hlllio Morgan and learned
his system of llgiuing, you would ha.-o
no trouble about seeing twelvo chick
ens in that Hock."
Adams 17
Clay 1H
Chatte 4
Dundy 4
Krnnklln 1
Frontier 8
Purnai .. 13
flosner - 6
It is recommended that no proxies
bs allowed in said convention, but that
tho delegates present cast tbo full vote
of tho county represented by them.
J. W. Jonks, Chairman.
Adam Biikedk, Secietary.
Arretted for Illegal Voting.
Sheriff McArthur drovo to Bladen
Monday to servo a warrant onD.S.
Phelps, oharged with illegal voting.
Mr. I'hclps came to this city and on his
apponranco before Judgo Edson took a
continuance of thirty days and was re
leased on bond to appear for prelimi
nary examination on Mny 28. Wo be
lieve tho pooplo who mado this com
plaint nro making a serious mistake.
Wliilo wo know littlo of tho merits of
this patticiilnr case wo have heard
many rumors concerning it and tho
case which has ulroady been trim! and
sottled somo time ago. When any man
or set of men attempt to drive another
ns good or bettor than tli3iinolvos from
any community thoy will find that
whilo they may seemingly bo mooting
with success nt lirst, thoro will bo a re
action after whilo which will bo any
thing but plonsant for themsolves. It
is harmony and a united cffoit that
eventually makes a city out of a small
villng" and not a desire to run dow n
and drive out an onorgotio and ontor
prising citi.en.
The Portland Special.
Burlington Itouto trnins to tho North
west change tlmo on May 4. On and
after that ditto tho leaving timo of tho
Portland Special, train No. 41, from
principal points will bo as follows:
Leave St. Joseph 8:30 p. m.; Omaha,
11:10 p. in; Lincoln, 1.05 a. m.; Grand
Island, 3:13 a. m.; Broken Bow, 0.04
a. ro.i Alllanco, 10:3." a m., arriving at
Helena, Spokane, Tacoma, Seattlo and
The ordor steadily grow until it 0orUand about as at present.
Tho Nobiackti sun and a cyclone got
into a dispute about their respective
poweis, for both of them bad boon
lending tht.t old fnblo of Aesop's about
how tho huh had done up the wind in
a entcli-ns-catcli-cau travel on a trav
eler. Tho sun blowed about how ho
had dono up tho wind on tho occasion
i efei red to by Aesop, until finally the
cyclone giow weary and said: "I havo
listened to that iiiirient chestnut about
how tho wind could not make tho trav-
I eler tako oil' his coat, and how tbo sun
mado him peel oil everything down to
his uudorshlrt, about as long as I am
going to. If you think you aio so mauy
I will just try you a whirl. I don't
know much nbout the wind in Aesop's
time, but I think tho modern cjclouo
can show you a few curves that will
take ;the conceit out of you."
And tbo sun, which was still stuok on
hself as a garment remover, accepted'
tho challenge and suggested that they
just try aNobraska man who was go
ing to buy another half ton of coal.
Then tho cyclone spit on its hands and
went after that man, picked him up,
tossed him in tbo air, ripped his coat
up tho back, tore it off and hung it on
a cloud; yanked off bis pants and toro
them into carpet strips; pulled most of
the hair out of his head; bioke both
legs and tied them in a doublo bow
knot When it finally droppod the man
over in tho township next to that in
which ho was in when it started in on
him, the only thing which he had in
tho wny of raiment wns tho neckband,
of his sdirt and ono hoso supporter,
which still hung to his lower left limb.
"There is your man," said tho cy
clono as it sauntored away. "If you
think you can take moro off him than
I did I will own up that it is ono on
Moral: It may bo that in nneaily
day tho sun could do up tho wind, but
the orb of light wasnt't up against tho
real thing, as ho would bo in a contest
with a modern cyclono.
March 18th, April 1st and 15th, Kay
0th and 20tb; only ono faro plus $2 for
tho round trip to nil points in Califor
nia. Stopovers allowed on tho going
trip. Final return limit is 21 days
from date of sulo. Pltiaso cull or write
for further information.
A. Conovkk, Agent.
-a .
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Tako Laxativo Bromo Quinino Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature
is on each box, 25c.