The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 25, 1902, Image 1

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quickly. We arc going to make a sacrifice sale on suitings by giving linings free
on this line and price only.
We have selected about 20 pieces of Wool Suit
ings from
1 1 -
FREE with every dress pattern
75c per yard from this stock.
All pieces goods marked in plain figures, and tagged with
green tags. Sale lasts as long as the goods last.
Real Estate Transfers.
Tho following transfers, furnished
by tho Webster County Abstract Co.,
wore nmclo during tho past week:
Ohas. H.L'ottor and wife to Ber
nard McNony, lots 21, 22, 23,
blk a, Richardson's add, wd $ 1000
Lincoln Land Co., to Jaraos M.
Lockhart, lot 2 block 0, Bladen
wd a
W. K. Thorno aud wife to Jamos
fit. Lockhart, sei nw swi 8 4
11 wd 45
SomollnaW. Whiting to William
P. Peck, n sei 8 4 11, wd 1(500
Harriot M. Smith to A. J), and
Martha Bukor, wd, part lot 5,
block 24, Blua Hill UO
Gao..Laa and wife to Frank
Mpjntosu, wd, nwl 29 2 11 2500
i's J. Koigwin to Josoph B.
rtatson,wd,nwiswi27 3I0... 1000
William L. Unko to Raymond
W. Koontz, wd, nwi 30 2 11 1400
Mortgagos iiled
Mtrtggei ralaaaed
our stock at 60 and 75c yd.
SERGES, ETC, in reds, grays,
blues, blacks and greens.
1 1-2 yards stiffening.
6 yards Cambric.
set Stays.
1 card Hooks and Eyes.
2 yards Selisia.
4 yards Velveteen Binding.
County Court Notes,
April 17 Estnto of Samuel W. Hoff-
man, deceased. Hearing on Mnal ac
count of administrator. Decreo of as
signment of real estate and discharge
of administrator.
April 21 Josoph Garbor vs. O. F.
McKeigban, deputy sheriff. Petition
for habeas corpus. Writ issued. Ex
amination and judgment of wrongful
detention and discharge of prisoner.
In ro guardianship of Henry and
Albert Magarin, minor heirs of Wit
helm Magarin. August Magarin ap.
pointed guardian under bond of $000.
Bond file! and approved aud lottors
April 23 Kstato of Hosella E. Mey
ers, decoascd. Inventory and nppraiso
mont tiled.
FORNIA. March 18tb, April 1st and 15th, May
Oth and 20th; only ouo faro plus 13 for
the round trip to all points in Califor
nia. Stopovers allowed on tho going
trip. Final return limit is 21 days
from dato of salo. Please call or writo
for further information.
A, Conovek, Agent.
sold at 60c to
Mr. Burdick has sold his leased land
to Oscar Emiok.
Mr. Sholdon and wifo spout Monday
at Homy Gilliam's.
John Emick and wifo visited at thoir
on uscars Sunday.
Mr. Cunningham visited at Al
Docker's last Sunday.
Tho Amboy company did not giro its
entertainmont at Inavalo on account
of the windy woathor.
Lilly Pegg of Bed Cloud is staying
with Mrs. Burdick this summer.
Ranney Zachary's father-in-law, from
south of town, visited him last Sunday.
Miss Graco Martin has beon staying
at Will Holsworth's for tho last two
Somo miscreants ontored AI Docker's
collar and took sevon quarts of canned
fruit. They ate what they could nnd
throw the rest in tho crcok.
Somo of tho farmers in this part of
tho county havo begun disking their
corn ground nnd harrowing it and
their wbait to hold the moiatnrt. For
our part, we see little to hold.
County Sunday School Convention.
Tho thirteenth annual conventibn of
tho Webster County Sunday School
Association mot at Cowlos Thursday
and Friday of last week.
Tho convention was marked through
out by a good attondanco and great
enthusiasm, which mndo it one of tho
best over held in tho county.
President Fulwider had tho happy
faculty of kooplng everybody on tho
bost of terms and presided in a pleas
ant, easy and dignihed manner.
Tho sineing under tho direction of
Chorister L. P. Albright was all that it
should bo aud kopt tho convention
Tho progrum was well carried out,
tho papers wero ably discussed and all
felt benefited.
Mr. C. 11. Kimborly of Lincoln, su
perintendent of tho American Sunday
School Union in Nobraskn, was present
tho greater part of tho timo, and in a
bright, forceful manner Interested and
instructed tho convention by round
tablo talks and discussions.
Tho business sessions wero interest
ing, too. Reports from ollicers nnd
superintendents showed tho work to bo
in a healthy condition in nearly every
part of tho comity, and whoro poor
conditions woro reported measures
wero set in motion to help maka them
The linancla'l statement by the treas
urer showed tlio 5ir pledgo to state
work all paid, besides n pledge
of $5, and a balance of $35 70 in treas
ury. Delegates to the stato convention
wero instructed to make tho pledge for
next year not less than 9M),
Tho Sunday school children of
Cowles helped to brighten tho last aft
ernoon with their sunny faces, sweet
songs and recitations, which showed
much careful training by parents uud
Tho last evening was given over to a
stcreopticon lecturo by Rev. Priestly
of Bladen.
Postponement of District Court Term.
Minden, Neb., April 10, 11)02.
Mr. James Burden, Cleric District
Court, Rod Cloud, Neb.:
Doar Sir anil Friond: Replying to
your 'phono uicssago of this morning,
also letters aud petition from tho mem
bers of tho Webster county bar, will
say that I will adjourn tho jury term
for your county to a Inter date. I can
not fix tho dato exactly now, and I do
not want it as lato as tho equity term;
that would run us into wheat harvest.
I will bo thoro May 5 nnd will know
then what timo to fix upon and will ad
journ that term to such dato, abandon
ing tho Juno 23d term. I would like it
not later than Juno 9 or 10. Please
notify tho members of tho bar and also
tho jury that they will ba called upon
to respond to later dato, without other
servico than notico from you to bo
given later. Sorry it is so, but wo
must accommodate ourselves to condi
tions as wo find them. Very truly
yours, Ed. L. Adams.
Woodmen Meeting.
Tho Reform Association of tho Mod
crn Woodmen of America, of Webstoi
county, met in tho court house in this
city yesterday. Tho meeting was o tiled
to order by Judgo I. W. Edson and
permanent organization effected, W.
It. Parker being chosen permanent
chairman and Judgo I. W. Edson per
manent secretary. A statement of tho
purposes for which tho mooting wns
called was mude by Judgo Edson, nnd
nfter considerable discussion both pro
and con it was decided to opposo tho
readjustment plan. Each camp of tho
county was requested, through its dele
gate, to cbooso a corresponding secre
tary to correspond with tho central
secretary, I. W. Edson. Thoro woro
present at this meeting delegates from
neighboring lodges as follows: Rose
mont, B. F. Hudson, II, C. Wright, G.
r- Sholton W. F. Nelson; Cowlos, G. A.
Wells; Geo. H. Hutchinson, J. E. But
lor andE. Dooghman; Blue Hill, F. C.
Buschow, A. F. Kyckolhabn; Innvalo,
Win. Renkel, T. J. Itutlodgo and Geo.
W. Hummel; Guldo Rock, C, E.
Vaughan, I. W. Crary, Chas. Hodges
and J. E. JJoncs; Rod Cloud, I. W. Ed
ion, W. H. Parker and L. A. Haakins.
tho coffee roaster uses
to elate his coffee with
wouiu vou eai tnatkincl ol
eggs? Then why drink them?
Lion Coffee
has no coatintr of storacre csas.
glue, etc. its conee pure,
fc. . ..
unadulterated, irein, strong
and of delightful flavor
ana aroma.
Uniform amlltr nd
trnhnm ira tnaurad
or ut ihim paclac.
A Double Wedding.
On last Tuesday morning at 10
o'clock, at tho resldonco of tho Rov.
C. B. Smith, pastor or tho Gormau Bap
tist church, west of this city, occurred
one of tho happiost doitblo weddings
ever hold in Webster county. Thoro
wero united in marriago at thnt timo
Mr. Alex Hunkol, agod 22, son of W. F.
Renkel of Inavalo, and Miss Jennlo
Wallin, aged 20, daughter of J. W.
Wallin; also, Mr. Isaao V. Nogly, aged
21, and Miss May Renkel, nged 20,
Rev. Smith performing tho ceremony.
After the ceremony tho young couples
drove to tho rosidenco of W. F. Renkel,
whoro a wedding dinner was served,
presided over by tho mother of Alex
aud May Renkel, only a few guests
being present at this place. In tho
afternoon tho bridal parly drove to thu
homo of J. W. Wallin, about six miles
northwest of this city, whoro a bounti
ful supper was served, there being
present about 100 of tho neigh
bors nnd friends of tho two young
couples and their parents. After tho
supper tho rooms wero cleared and tho
young puoplo enjoyed themselves at
dancing until daylight Wednesday
morning, Allen McCoy and Frank
Kuilrnii furnishing tho music, which it
is needless to say was of tho best, the
young folks enjoying thomsolvos as
only young pcoplocaii.
On Wednesday Mrs. Benjamin Kali
allium, sister of Isaac V. Negly, gavo
a dinner in bis honor at her homo
southwest of tho city. Tho young
couples wero tho recipients of a great
many useful and beautiful protonts
from their parents and friends.
The contracting parties to this ilou
bio wedding nre too well known in this
county to neod a vory extonded intro
duction. Alex Roukol was practically
roared in this county, having been born
just across tho lino in Jewell county,
Kansas. Isaao Nogly has lived in this
county but u short timo, having come
hero from Fulton county, Illinois. Both
young men aro engaged in farming,
Mr. Rinklo southwest of tho city nnd
Mr. Negly southeast. Both brides aro
handsomo nnd talented young ladies
and aro very popular among thoir ac
quaintances. Tiik Ciiibv joins with their many
friends in oxtonding congratulations to
the happy couples and wishing thorn n
pleasant nnd proaporous journey
through lifo.
A Bad Accident.
Littlo Neal Lindsay mot with a seri
ous accident last Sunday evening. Tho
accident occurred at tho' homo of his
foster father, Geo. W. Lindsoy, south
east of this city. It seems that ho had
led tho family driving horso from tho
barn to a grazing spot just south of
tho house. A short timo afterward
Miss Mabel Lindsoy saw tho horso
running townrd tho barn, and upon in
vestigation littlo Neal was found lying
beside tho road in an unconscious con
dition. Ho was taken into tho houso
nnd ti physician was called. Restora
tives wero administered, but tho littlo
follow did not recover consciousness
until tho next mornlag. Just how tho
accidont occurred is not definitely
known. Ho was struck or kicked on
tha right sido of tho hoad, but it U not
thought tho skull was fractured. At
tho present writing ha is getting along
as well as could bo expected.
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take Laxativo Bromo Qulnino Tablets.
All druggists refund tho money if it
fails to cure. E. W. Grovo's signnturo
is on each box, 25c.
Incidents o! Every Day Life Which Very
Few People Stop to ThlnktAbout on
Account of Their Littleness.
Tho weather tho foro part of tho
weok was onough to drivo anything out
of tho country. However wo have ono
satisfaction. Tho wind blow ;about
as much in tho country ns it took out.
People who n few days ago owned no
real estate at present aro possessors of
ii liberal amount. But the parties who
clcim hotisa early iu tho spring in or
der to got tho measly job off thoir
hands, my, but thoy aro mad. And wo
don't blamo thorn a dorn bit. For tho
past thrco yenrs wo have baon threat
ening to establish n sort of summer
garden in our back yard whoro tho
woary-willies, yollow-hammors aad tho
jack knife politicians could whilo away
their idle moments. But tho unex
pected always happens. Tho first year
wa planted It to bluo grass. Somobow
tho socd was no good, when itenmo up
it grow about six or eight faot tall
and had big "jailor posies" on it. Tho
next spring, after making all prep
arations to lix It up, along comes a fol
low and tills It full of brick, mortal
boxes, limo barrels, hoisting machinery
and lumber. Done up again. Then
again this'spring wo decided to tackle
tha job on a moro extensive scale with
fish pond in tho collar to savo shoo
leather, when hi and behold, along
comes a fellow and tills our would havo
been summer resort full of scrap iron
gas pipe, old plows and cultivators ami
various other farming tools, which
mnkes it look like tho south sido of u
blacksmith shop. But wo aro in hopos
that in tho course of n fow years wo
will bo enabled to put our plan into ef
fect. Spring may not bo hero yet, but
all tho samo wo havo noticed several
cases of spring fever. Vou can toll it
on a person whon you moot him. Tho
disease is a contagious ono nnd wo
would recommend that tho authorities
take tho proper steps to quarantine all
cases that show up. Tho picnic party
season is about hero. So is tho 11 y and
bug season. It will ulso bo tho season
for moonlight promenades instead of
sitting around a stove in tho parlor.
Instead of papa buying coal it will bo
sonny bujing ico cream aud ico cream
soda. Already somo of our peoplo
havo begun to kick about tho dry
weather and say no crop this year.
What's tho difference. Tho Indians,
buffuloos and prairie dogs lived around
hero when thero wasn't n thing raised.
Thay never kicked. Just think how
much bettor off everything Is now than
it was then, and then quit your kick
ing and howling.
Archibald Campbell of Guldo Rock
precinct died last Saturday a'ftornoon
at 4 o'clock. The funeral services wero
held at Guldo Rock Sunday afternoon,
under tho auspices of tho Odd Follows
and tho A. O. U. V of which orders
ho was a moir.bor. Rov. J. E. Covert,
pastor of tho Baptist church at Guldo
Rock, preached tho sermon at tho
church and tho Odd Fellows conducted
tho services at tho comotery. Mr.
Campbell .vas 10 years of ago, and
eamo to Wobster county from Harlan
county, Nebraska, in 1899. Mr. Camp
bell had bean sick for nearly a your,
and doath resulted from a gradual
wasting away,.offorts of tho physicians
to proporly diuguosticato his ailment
having proven fruitless, Tho deceased
loaves a wifo and ono son to mourn
his loss. A delegation of Workmen
from Red Cloud nttondod tho funeral
aud assisted iu tho burial rites.
Bonnie Eruigh was absent 'ono day
this week.
Miss Beal of tho south ward was ab
sent Wednesday. Claro Martindalo.
taught in bor placo.
Charles Gurnoy wns absent ono day
last woek.
Tho ninth grado will givo a nrotrram
this afternoon.
Willio Edson was absent ono day this
Tho juniors havo sont for thoir herb
ariums. For sale bills call at this oftlca.
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