vi 9 9 9 -9 9 -j 9 9 9 9 -9 4 9 9 -9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 t 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 it 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 iartkAaaAaaAAAifcaAvLUfiiAavwau. ! Just In! "A new line of the latest styles in Ladies9 Belts. Also an assortment of the popular Roll 1 Combs. 9 9 9 9 9 Come in and see them. 9 1 Heuihouse Bros., 4 Jowolers and Opticians - nouuioua, nourosica. . 9 fr fci(lrlfcfctliifcifciivfcUiir it CHICKENS 1 9 causo u great many 9 lights. neiglibjhood 9 f The best way to keep peace with your neighbors is to fenco your chickers with poultry netting. Wo aro making prices that makes this possible. Poultry I Netting ! 9 24 in. high, 15c psr rod. 36 in. high, 25c per rod. 48 in. high, 28c per rod. 60 in. high 35c per rod. Use tho celebrated W. p. s. 1 Poultry Netting. No boards required to keep it from sagging. Barb Wire 53.60 per 100. 26 inch hog fence 35c per rod; barb wire top and bottom. MORHART Bros. Hardware Co. ufllJlln1111,",M, John g. potter, KTTORN6Y-KT- L.HSfl, Ovor Mixer's Grocory Store. 'I toll you what tho Now Cuba is tho best Hvo cont cigar in town, u can't got It take a Blue Front. Both are of tho snmo stock." LOCAL BREVITIES t1ff1Pg"IIXlrTTlfTl,ll'U,iniyil" iiiimmnnnMn JTfc Fur sale bills call it this ofllcc. Try that poultry tucat at Caldwoll's. (io to Rifo Sc toes. Koon's for seed pota Paul Popo cacao homo from Lincoln aunaay. J. W. Runchey wont morning. west Thursday Seed Potatoes!! Minor tiros. Soed Potatoes ! K.T. licnton of Cowles was in the city Wednesday. Girl wanted at City Bakery. Job Horbergor, proprietor. A carload of seed oats at the Seldom rldgo elevator, Cowles, Nebraska. Boyd Munsoll is now firing an en gino on tho ti. & M. out of McCook. Mrs. Dennis Lindsay went to Cald woll, Kan., Mocday for a visit with her son. A new lino of laces and embroideries just received. Prices right. F. Nkw ho usb. C. E. Stino, editor Journal, was in tho evening. of -tho Superior city Wednesday Frank Richardson has quit his job of fireman on tho B.&M. switch ongino at this place. Born, Wednesday, April 16, to Mr. and Mrs. (J. W. Whito of Garfield town ship, a 101b boy. Mrs. J.T. Robiason, who has been quite sick, is reported to bo improving slightly at this writing. Go to Uutlor'sforall kinds of harness and hardware All goods in both lines se'U at a small margin. Flavius Longtin of Riverton camo down Monday to visit with his brother Nels and family. J. H. Smith drovo to Riverton Mon day morning, remaining in that vicin ity tho ninjor part of tho week. Carl tiirkner expects to leavo soon for tho stato of Washington, whoro ho expects to soma day becomo wealthy. A Hadol went to McCook Monday evening to attend to business matters connected with his brunch store in that city. J. F. Wintora, a former Red Cloud citizen, but now of Lincoln, was in tho city attending to business matters this week. Mrs. Rabin, who has been attending the Adventist meeting in this citv. re turned to her home in Superior Mon day morning. H J. Clark wont to Riverton Wod nosdav rooming to place a monument in tho cemetery at that place for Mrs. Ellen Spaulding, Miss Rena Hampton of Chicago, daughter of Mayor-elect Hampton, is visiting at the homo of her father and with friends in this city. Mrs. Spaulding of Riverton came to this city Saturday for a visit with friends and also to attend to somo business matters horo. Mm. J. B. Sellars and sou Lynn re turned homo Tuesday morning after an nxtonded visit with her daughter, Mrs. Blanch Yarger, at Scott's Bluff, S. D. The G. A. R. poit of this city has se cured tho promiso of Governor Savacro to be prosont and deliver an address'at tho Decoration day exorcises in tnis city. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hafhill are re joicing over tho arrival of a son at their place just across tho lino in Kan sas, which ovent took plaso last Tuos day morning. Lew Clapp and A. A Burdlck drovo to Blromington Sunday, Mr. Clapp to visit with relativos and Mr. Burdick to attend to somo business matters in that city and vicinity. Mrs. 11. J. Clark has been quite sick with neuralgia nf tho stomach at the homo of her parents in York county, this state, but is reported to be conva lescing. I live and lut my brothron live, With all that's good with me, Unto tho poor some rash I'd givo Tho balance 1 give Kocky Mountain Tea. C. L. Cotting. A delegation of Red Cloud Knights of Pythias attended tho mooting of tho tiluo Hill lodgo Wednesday evening and assisted in tho work of conferring degrees. They report a splendid timo. Mrs. Charles tiall expects to leave Saturday for California, stopping on tho way to visit at McCook, Akron, Donvor and Colorado Springs, going from thoro to San Francisco, whoro Mr. tiall will join her later. Mrs. 11. C. Brown goes to St. Joseph Friday evening to bo prosont at a meot ing of tho Cronkhite heirs which is to bo hold in that city Saturday. Mrs. Iirown has great hopes of receiving a share, of tho estate, which is now esti mated to bo worth upward of 80 mil lion dollars. W. B. Roby wont to Hastings Tues day to bo prosont at a meeting of tho Republican congressional committee, which met in that city Wednesday. The meeting was called for tho purpose of fixing a timo and placo for holding tho congressional convention of the tifth district. Tho date of the con vention was set for Juno 10, to meet at Hastings. Services at Church of Christ Sunday, April SO: Preaching, 10:30 a. m , sub ject, "Hreacii ni rromiRo" p. m., subject, "Gold for Brass." Bible school, 12 m. Junior Christian Endeavor, 3 p m. Sonior Christian Endeavor, 7 p, m. Prayer meeting Wednesday, b p m. Proanhing at Cowles Sunday, 3.30 p. m. All the iiintubers of the church aro earnestly requested, to at tond tho morning service. A hearty invitation is extended to all to enjoy all these services. Evangulist T. A,. Meredith, minister. GENERAL CITY NEWS. (Junker lieu killer and nxlo arenso at Caldwell's. Miner tiros, for salo. havo early seed potatoes Butler keeps tho tiloomcr hog fence. Host on earth. F. Bradbrook was In Campbell the first of tho week. Tho Kingman combined riding lister only $30 at Wolfo tiros.' Millet and cane soed and a full line of fresh garden seeds at Roby's. Mrs. Elraor Harvoy, from near River ton, was shopping in this city Saturday. A party of Masons went to Guido Rock last night to assist in conferring degrees. Mrs. James, mother of Mrs. Dol 'fur nuro. left Thursday morning for Con cordia, Kac. Next Tuosday, April 22, being a legal holiday, tho couty judgo's oMco will bo closod for tho day. Do not forgot that Taylor has moved his undertaking to the room opposite Cotting's drug store. Bring your nows items to Thk CniKK. We will be glad to print items of local and general interest. For salo or will trade for cows or boifors. a good work horse, woight 1200. Inquiroof Jas. Burden. Thoro are rumors afloat of a wedding in high society circles, samo to take plaso in or near Inavale noxt Sunday. Harry Lotson went to Franklin Tues day to bo present at tho Biorolv-Millor wedding, which occurred Wednesday morning. My property, consisting of a 3-room houso and six lots in north west part of town, for salo or rent. Mtts. Louisa Hanky. Mrs. Joseph Kublo returned to her homo in McCook Saturday evening after a short visit with her relatives and friends. C. B. Pfrunnicr, night oporator at tho B. & M. depot for tho past fow months, has gono to Culborson. A. E. Biotel takes his place. Spring timo is tho timo to uso Rocky Mountain Tea. Keeps you well all summer. Great spring life renower. 35c. O. L. Cotting. Chas. Uesso has had a new doorstep placed in front of tho building used by Sheror & Bradshaw as a moat market. Tho roof is also being rcshinglsd. Fob Sale ou Rknt. Houso and two lots ono block south of Minor Bros, storo. Writo G. W. Hutchison, Cowles Nebraska, or- inquire of Jos. Fogol, at harness shop. , The most difficult part of the work on Miner Bros.' now building has boon reached, that of putting in tho arch bo tweon tho two buildings. Wednesday night the workmen worked all night. Attention Farmers: Have you seen those hard wear band-made har ness at Butler's. Ho will sell yon one for $30. no not 130, but $20; nor will he take 120, but 122; no bring your team and he will fit them on your horses for $10.85. I have buyers for both farm and pas turo land. If you have land for sale pleaso list it with mo at once. Mo charge if I do not get you a bnyer. Also farm loans at lowest rate with od- fction. C. F. Cather, Red Cloud', Neb. Carpenters commenced work attain last Tuesday shelving and preparing the rotter building lor oocupanoy oy tho Fair Store and T. E. Penman's jew elry storo. They expect to move to their now quarters in the near future. When located they will have one of the finest stores in tho city. Thoro aro somo young people, both boys and girls, in this city, who need a littio fixing. It may be all right for them to run around until ton or olovon o'clock at night and howl and yell, but thero nro somo pooplo who object to being disturbed during a church ser vice. Thero is plonty of room for young peoplo to have their fun without disturbing tho churches, and wo would adviso them to hereafter kcop away. Win. H. Spelker, ago 23, and Elonoro S. Gorluch, ago 21, wero married by Rnv. Graf of tho German Lutheran church of Nelson, Neb., at the church south of Roscniont, at 10 a. in. Thursday. The groom is a young man of sterling qualities and is highly re spected by all thoso who know him. Tho bride is ono of Webster county's fairest young women, tho daughter of County Commissioner Gerlach. Both liavo boon residents of this county for a number of years. A large eathorine of friends witnessed tho coromony.aftor which tho wedding dinner was served at tho homo of tho bride's parents. The Chief extends its congratulations to the happy couplo and wishes them a ploasant and prosperous voyago through life. Do you know that 25 Cents Will buy enough Wall Paper to mako your small bodroom look now and clean? Don't take anybody's word for it, but come and seo our stock and loarn our prices. Wo aro soil ing Border at the same prico as I'apor, and sometimes Give It Away ! Chas. L. Cotting, THE DRUGGISTJ I have thelargost stock of Wall Papor in tho city. My goods and prices will suit you. II. K. GRICE. WEEK'S HAPPENINGS. Tote for the school bonds. J. B. Potter of Nelson was in our city Sunday. Choico Early Minor Bros. Ohio soed potatoes at Druggist Wilson of Inavalo was in our city Tuesday. R. D.Thompson and family wero in the city Tuesday. Minor Bros have ono car choico oarly Ohio seed potatoes. Picturo mouldings and curtains at Taylor's, opposite Cotting's. County Attorney Overman was in Juniata the first of the week. Jay Popo left for Trinidad, Col., Monday, whoro his son Win Ib at work. Sowing machines at at Taylor's, opposite reduced prices, Cotting's drug storo. Lloyd Hampton is father, Mayor-elect visiting with his Hampton, this week. Mrs. Isaac Shopardson and daughter of Riverton wore shopping in this city Tuesday. Harvoy Horn and wife of Guido Rock wero in tho city tho latter part of last week. Have you bought ono of thoso oak tanned halters for 09c, 89c $1.01? But ler keeos them. Horvy Conovor camo down from Mc Cook Wednesday for a visit with rela tives in this city. Attornoy L. 11. Blacklodgo wont to Lincoln Monday to attend to somo business matters thero. Lost A gentleman's silvorine, opon faco watch. Findor roturn to this of fice and recelvo reward. A.J. Zint is working in D. M. Abel's place at tho B. & M. depot. Tho lattor is taking a short vacation. Mrs. J. H. Woollen of Mankato, Kan., is visiting at tho homo of her brother, J. O. Lindloy, in this city. Milton Osborn and son Alfred, from North Branch, wore in tho city Tues day. Alfred expects to leavo soon tor Seattle, Wash. Zadie Shrador and Rebecca Shipman left this olace for Manville. Wvo.. where they go for an extended visit with relatives and friends. Members of tho D. of H. are re quested to bo in attendanco April 22 to welcome candidates ana visiting mem bers. Dora Groatt, Recorder. Makes. children. oat, sleep and grow; makos mothers strong and vigorous. Makes a healthy family. That's what Rocky Mountain Tea does. 35 cents. C. L. Cotting. The alumni of the Red Cloud high school will havo their annual business meeting at the high school Tuesday evening, April 22, at 8 o'clock. Ada Skjolver, President. Wo expect to move our stock to tho Potter building in about a week or ten dajs. Until that timo wo offer you somo good bargains in china, glass and goods most troublesomo to move. The Fair. Tho Epworth loaguo held its regular monthly business meeting and social at tho homo of Miss Anna Tulleys on last Tuesday evening. Refreshments wero served and a good timo was had by all present. Grace Episcopal service Sunday, April 20. "Third Sunday after Easter." Morning prayer and sermon, 10:30 a. m. Evening prayer and sermon, 8 p. in. Sunday school, 12 in. Tho public is cordially invited. Miss Jessie Cather wont to Franklin Monday evoning to bo prcBont at the wedding of Miss Lucilo Bieroly of Franklin to 11. 11. Miller of Lincoln. which event occurred at that placo at 7 o'clock Wednesday motning, Rev. Xandors of Graco Episcopal church, Rod Cloud, performing tho ceremony. A Twenty Year Life Policy 'In an Old Line Company is the best kind of life insurance. Tbo cash value of tho policy at tho; end of tho period is raoro than you havo paid. Tiro. Lichtnine, Tornado and Lifo Insurance, In tho best Old Line or Mutual1 Coiupaiiios. O. C. Teel, Agt., Rkd Ci.ouw, Nkhiiaska. .sJlj& LlCS&s- ZZJ twh -.srtY.x. . Best Pants on Earth ! The Best Guarantee! Listen: We pay 12c for every sus pender button that pulls off. 60c for every waist band that rips. A new pair if they rip below the waist band. What - More - Can - You - Ask. Price, $2.00, $2.50, $2.75, $3.00, and $3.50. Couiden Haley Clothing Go. THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS. 44444f - FARMBRStt Find we have the Nicest and Neatest Gro cery and Meat Market in the city. They also find us the best place to trade, as they can get any kind of Meat or Groceries IN EX CHANGE FOR THEIR PRODUCE.andwe also pay cash' for Poultry and Hides, etc., and the highest market price at that. m RIFB KOON, rt - ttttf - tttf HED GkOUD GUEEfl HOUSE ! MRS. HENRY DIEDERICH, Manaokh. P. O. Box No. lfi(i, Rod Cloud, Nebraska. Call at Shoe store east of Miner Bros., and look at plants. Everybody welcome. Apios Tuberosa, n vine. Atiutilion, or Flowering Maple. Almonds, whito and pink. Arauearia, or Norfolk Island Pine. Asparagus Phimoses. Asparagus Sprengeri. Asters. Balsams, Apple and Pear. Hiilsnms. Begonias, 17 kinds. Bleeding Heart. Cnltns. Candytuft. uannas, started in pois. Carnations. Clivrsanthoinums. Centaureas. Cinnamon Vino. Cosmos. Dahlias. Mflll3t' Dinnthus Pinks anb Hardy May Pinkc Lilanilius I'lumarias or owoui wmium, li'nrnn llnalnn nnil Will holdin. (ieraniums, 18 kinds, including 5 scent ed kinds. Gladiolus. Heliotropes. Iliillvhnnkfl. Hyacinth, bean or vine Ice riant. India Rubbor Trees. Ipomoa, or Moon Vines. rimmvmHVimimmvMmmmmtmHiMmmwmiwmwwm m c jl n. .: Free II ajSClIn rwnnvr Mcdlolne, Dr. Kay's Homo Treatment, a US pao j Illustrated book describing Rymploms, 3j valuabla reclpeu and proscriptions in Dr. Kay's Renovator cures tho very worst cases of Oyspopsla, Constipation, llcadacho, l'alpltutlon ot Heart, Liver and Kidney diseases and bad results of La Urtppo. Send for proof of It. Wrlto us ubout all your symptoms. Sold by DruirgUta. bon'ttuko any substltuto but soud us 'ii cw., M eta. or 11,00 and wo will send Dr. Kay's Honovator by roturn mall. A '.'5-crot or Wcout pucWaKo of Dr. Kay'H Honovator Is Ciiiaiifail to bcneilt any of those symptoms or money rot unded by uiWUiitllHHI AUUrcss, UK. is. J. kay MEDICAL Co.. Saratoga springs, N. Y. nHmmimmmmmmiMMhmmmMMmmmmM Wear Berkshire Pants I 44 - M4444lU The Reliable Butchers. J - itttf - ttfrttf - tc: LatliyriiR, Hardy Pea Vines. Lemon Tree. Maderia Vine, oxtra lino climber. Mennettia Vino. Mignonette. Nieotiana, Sweet Scented Tobacco. Orango Tree. Peonies or Pines, doublo whito, pink and dark. Palms. Pandanus UtilR Pansies, whito and choico mixed kinds. Sweet Pua, everlasting. Petunias. Phloxes, hardy. Pinks, hardy or May. Portulaca, or Moss. Rosos, Magna Charta, Vori Verdis, American Beauty, Crlmsop, Whito and Yellow Ramblers, Golden Gate,' Chlothildo, Souport, Moteor, Bur bunk. Smilax. Umbrella Plant. Vorbonas Plant. Vinca Plant. Violets Plant. Volvot Plant. Early Tomato and Early Cabbage Plants and Lato Cabbago Plants. Pepper and Colory Plants. Southern Queen, Yellow Nansomonds, Early Jorsoy Sweot Potato Plants. Advice by our pnymcians, rreo sample causes of dlaoancs, boat trcatrnont, also many plain language, saves doctor's bills. Ask Xor H. i a i u i i ft I toti a X t ,.l i -? s i .i & i i "l'! mm pvssw frwsvfi