The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 18, 1902, Image 4

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ruBt.iKiir.n nr
P.O. I'lUHR. 1 M,"l("
One jrMr...
Bntored t tne pol office t tlod Olond, Neb.M
BcoondclMiutll milter.
rvrnliheil oa tppllnkUon.
Mrs. 1. S. Fair has been sortously
sick Cor aovcraldayj.
0. Uarrctt and family Tlsltcd rela
tives on our creak last week.
Frod Wlttwer's son, who has boon
sick lor somo time, dlod last Monday.
Mrs. Wm. Mackey lina boon seriously
111, but is much boiler at this writing.
Kd Mountford and Oicnr Scrirnor
were looking aflat' business ou our
creok last wcok.
Charley Andorson is on tho sick list,
having something in tho naturo of
bronchial troublo.
Kd Anderson has an oxtensivo milk
routo to look afler UiIh spring and sum.
mor, from SUto Crock to Womor.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Field, who
woro rocoutly married hore, have gone
to their now homo in Jowoll county,
which had already beon prepared for
All 0. K. ovor horo. Small grain bids
fair to make a good crop. Uyo. wheat
and grass havo grown wonderfully
siacoour big rain.
Alox Uontloy has a now buggy and
a now addition to his house, and has
commenced farming in dead earnost.
lie has improved tho farm in many
ways since tho first of March, when ho
camo horo from Lincoln, Nob.
In our last communication wo wroto
that wo wero glad to report the recov
ery from a sariouu illness of "Old
Undo Bill" Barrett. The printer mado
it road "Old Bill," for which discour
tosy Tiik CuiKr wishes to apologize
Oats sowing is now a thing of tho
past. As thoy havo not beon sown as
early as usual on account of tho cool
nud backward spring, ono would nat
urally suppose thoro would bo but littlo
sown, though tho farmers hnvn taken
great pains and many of them plowed
thoir land and thou drilled, whilo some
others cultivated clean corn land each
way and thon harrowed and have sown
many nuros.
At tho cemetery board meeting on
tho 10th it was decidod to hold Decora
tion day oxcrcisos at Mount llopo. If
tho pcoplo of that neighborhood will
got together and appoint tho propur
committees ou speakers and grounds
tho observation of tho day can bo made
a 'grand success. Jiuigo buson anu
Hon. John Chaflln of Hod Cloud havo
boon suggested as suitablo orators for
tho occasion.
Times aro vory prosperous in our
part. Horses and mules soil high. Cat
tle also bring a good prlco, Via wo can
go to Ked Cloud and got from 16.50
to 17 a hundred for our host-, and corn
can be bought for Gt cents; oats, DO
cents; wheat, 01 cents, Potatoes aro
suiting at from $1.60 to It. GO. Then
wo set for butter 20 conts per pound
and for eggs 11 cents por dozun. So
tho farmer are all doing well, and
many of our political kickors who dur
ing several campaigns continually
fought protection and tho Republican
party, are now getting rich. Thoro aro
somo tnon who worked for 2 conts a
day. and one who says he workod for
$33 a year, who ought to think well of
thU government, when thoy now have
320 acres of land and a lot of stock.
Our marshal Is busy at tho present
Mini) Hill Is doing a rushing businefs
this spring.
Tho blacksmiths nro as busy ns bees
in summer.
Mrs. Thomas visited in tho country
Whcro Is tho curfew bollf Wo don't
hoar it any nioro.
Kov. Ira M. Conaghy returned from
Fairmont Monday.
Miss Calla Wholms mado a Hying
trip to Hastings recently.
Baseball and football aro tho attrac
tions for tho boys just now.
Davo Andorson of Campboll passed
through our town Tuesday.
Mr. K Holand attended to business
In Ked Cloud ono day last wook.
Mrs. T. Delahoyd departed Saturday
for South Dakota to visit her son.
Thoro aro morn dogs in Blue Hill
thnn any town of its sl.o in tho stato.
Mrs. Moso Wilson dopartcd Saturday
for a visit with hor aged mother in Illi
nois. Mr. A. Hampton, who has beon in
disposed for sevoral dayp, Is bettor at
Mrs. D, Byrno and bnby departed
Tuesday morning for Iowa to visit her
old homo.
Col. HooVor, our worthy postmaster
is recovering from a sovoro attack of
Mrs. Koolor departed for her homo
in Geneva Wednesday after spending a
wook visiting here.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Boomer spent tho
day Tuesday shopping in town and
visiting Mr. Conrad's family.
Tho teachers' meeting Saturday aft
ernoon was woll attenlcd. Tho strcots
woro thronged with protty school
ma'ams. Tho county Sunday school conven
tion will meet in Cowles this weok, on
tho 10th and 17th. Sevoral delegates
from Bluo Hill will attend.
Tho young mon of tho O. U. T. ron
dorcd a good program last weok. Tho
young ladies rendor ono this week,
which closes tho contest for this quar
ter. Tho sido which is beaten is ex
pected to troat the victors.
Tho youne people of tho Kpworth
Loaguo to tho number of about thirty
gave Mrs. Lowis Conrad an ngrooablo
surpriso last Saturday evening at his
homo. A splendid timo was had by
nil. Lunch was sorved nt 11 o'clock,
aftor which they repaired to their
Or. Pierce's
" t wi a loUl wreck could not Meep or (at."
writes Mr. I.e. Uccm, of Ilerrymau, Crawford
Co , Mo. For two yenrs I tried mollclae from
doctors but received very little benefit. I last
fleih arid strength, wis not able to do a good
day's work. I commenced taking Dr. Pierce's
Coldtu Medical Discovery, and when I had
taken one bottle I could sleep and my appetite
was wonderfully improved. I have taken five
bottles and am still Improving."
The sole motive for substitution i to
permit the dealer to make the little more
profit paid by the sale of less meritori
ous medicines. He gains ; you lose.
Therefore, accept no substitute for
"Golden Medical Discovery."
..-' REACH.
Bon Uoardsloo win visiting with J. J.
Frazier's boys Saturday.
r Miss Dosia Durrott was visiting with
Mrs, John Frazior Sunday.
C. C. Frazlor bought 10 bushols of
seed corn of his father Friday.
.1. W. Starr is driving a lino toam of
mules. Ho has been trading again.
W. A. Myers moved tho ramaindoraf
his household goods down to Lebanon
John Doyln, Jr., is to sturt for Wash
ington in a fow days, where ho goos to
to work in a lumber mill
Tho common school graduates of tho
neighboring schools took Iho last half
of thoir examination at Lebanon last
The protracted meeting at the U. B.
clniicli at this placo, which Inn been in
progies for two week, closed Satur
day iiipht
(June a number in ami around here
ate keeping close to home on account
of the measles, which aio raging in our
Harniau Hartmau was up from
Lebanon Friday to see his brother in
law, James Frazler, take his departure
for the west.
It seems that the rain is coming l.o
prepare tho ground for spring work, os
wo onjoyed ono last Thursday and
again Sunday
Mrs. Samuel Castell finished hor
business in reference to hor husband's
farm last week and left for her heme
in Chicago Friday.
Tho boys all met hero nml had a good
gamo of ball Saturday between the first
and second nines Tho first nine is to
play a nine from Salem next Saturday
Thcru was a young people' league
organized last Sunday at tho Pleasant
(irovo school house, with Mrs Gibson
aa prosldont and W. W. Hicks as sec
retary. A. Hartman takes tho initiatory do
greo in the 1.0. 0. F. of Salom next
Saturday night. Mr. Hartman is the
kind of a man that any order might bv
proud to have In its ranks.
Tho postmaster at this placo wm
subpoeuaod ono day last week to ap
pear ns a witness in tho federal court
hold in Topeka. Tho case is supposed
to bo in referenco to some illegal mail
which passod through his oflicc.
James Frar.ier and family pulled mil
last Saturday for tho west. He will
join J L. Steiiihour near Smith Cen
ter and they will go from thtro to
gotber. Thoy aro driving something
over 100 head of cattle with them, Mr
Frazter was one of tho pioneer MtltliM's
in this county and all his neighbor;,
i egret to sou him leave. Mr. Fnr.ior
thitiks that by going west ho will be
able to get more laud on which ho ex
pects to ruti cattle.
Undo Dan took a throe days' visit
last wook.
S. C. Johnson and wife wero tho
guests of J. Koscncrans Sunday.
Mr. Mather is shipping moro fat
stock to market this week, thrco cars
of hogs.
The weather it tine. Small grain is
looking good and tho farmers aro talk
ing corn and grass.
Somo mcasley pup is poisoning all
tho dogs in this part. A doso would be
tho rlht thing for tho pup.
Rot, Armlstoad and wife wero tho
guests of Uoorgn Heaton, Saturday
and Sunday on Buffalo creek.
K. W. Andotson was in tho vicinity
of Womer this weok, looking after bis
milk route and also somo cane seed.
Ben Burgard, Mather's head clork
and manager, was looking after a ship
ment of fat stock at Bellairo Monday.
Somo of tho young mon around Wo
mor aro talking of going to Missouri to
lind work. Better stay at homo, boys,
ai all is not gold that glitters. '
Walter Williams and Roy Curtis took
a trip to Kansas City Monday. Kansas
City is not quito as largo as Womer,
but the boys wanted to sea it anyhow.
Tho croamery meeting went off with
undstiafgood fooling, as a good price
was allowed for butter fat and tho
prospects for the futuro aro most en
Ans Pounds has lost all his new vari
ety of winter wheat, as tho weather
hero is too sovoro for it. It is quito a
loss, as Ans paid a big prico for tho
seed for over fifty acres sowing.
A marriage license wns issued last
Tuesday to John Devlin and Miss
Musie Yenno. Both aro well and favor
ably known here and all join in wish
ing them ti happy voyago over life's
mystic journey.
Womer is ono of tho livolicst towns
in Smith county. Tho highest market
price is paid for hogs and cattle, and
produce is abovo the city price eggs,
1.") cents, butter, io conts. i'omu to a
live town. Kvoryono is welcome
Miss Hello Null has just closed a very
successful term of school in tho Womer
district On the last day of school tho
pupils gave an entertainmout uul a
lino program was renderod. t'ho school
has done itself proud and at tho doso
of the exercises tho scholars presented
their teacher with a beautiful and
cosily parlor lamp.
James McBrido drovo over to Pauline
K. McCann is having his olevator repainted.
L. E. Spencer went over to Ong tho
first or tho week.
Mrs. Phelps and daughter drove
down from Uoseland Sunday.
John Maxwell and family of Hoi-
stein were visiting friends iti this vi
cinity. Will donor of Otcgon is visiting
with his parents and friends in this
M. U. Whcelan and wife, Frank
Whoolan and family, drovo up to Uose
land butuiay.
C. D Jennings and wifo left Tuesday
by tho ovorlnud route to soo tho Okla
homa country.
C. E. Hicks was called to Illinois on
important business and lft Tuesday
morning for Dixon.
Miss Cora Franco returned from Ed
gar the iirsl of tho week, where she
had boon visiting.
M. F. Dunn roturnod from Okluhoma
woll pleased with tho country nud may
return tuore tuts fall.
Jamos McBrido contemplates start
ing a barbor shop at Paulino and left
for that placo Thursday.
A. T Biggins, who was quito seri
ously ill at Uiverton, was on our streets
the latter part of tho weok looking
quite well.
Tho new county bridge at W. E,
Thomas' is being put in and when com
pleted will bo a great improvement
over the old ono.
Mrs. Miller Adams and children, who
havo beon visiting with her parents,
returned to her homo la Hastings
Tuesday morning.
Jack Mooro and son, James Saun
ders and John Clauson drovo down to
the Republican river Wednesday and
bagged a fow goose
Tbs new town board met Tuesday
evening and organizod by electing
Unas, uponce, chairman; w. u. lion
nett, treasurer; L. E. Spenco, clerk.
W. W. Keith, who has taken a four
years medical courso at Lincoln, grad
uated and is now a full-fledged M. D.
Hu is now visiting with his paronts
north of town.
Wash Rood loft Monday for Omaha
and Kansas City to purchasn a stock
of dry good". Mrs George Nowhouso
of Red Cloud has charge of his store
during Ills absence.
A. P, Johnson, wifo and daughters
left Tuesday morning for Kuroka
Spiings, Ark, whore Mrs. Johnson,
who has been in vory poor health, goes
expecting to bo lienetiled by the
f,o seo so many teams loading lumbei
at our Guide Rock yards, to be tin.
loaded at Cowles. 'Rah for Guide Rock
lumber yards I
Mr. Frank Gorman, ono of tho Gor
man brothers from Burr Oak, wasovei
yesterday on a deal with Colvln & Bar
cus. They nro the owners of some
very lino, largo jacks.
Mrs. A. P. llogan, who has boon
pretty sick with moaslcs, is better. Her
daughter Posrl has taken down with
the measles. It is hopod she will soon
be up again and ready to tako charge
of hor school.
I. B. Colvln attended tho Frank
Kuehn sale, southeast of Rod Cloud, as
clerk. Mr. Colvln states that most of
tho purchasers took advantage of the
discount and paid cash. That shows
how tho farmers of Webster county
aro fixed inanclally.
Archie Campbell, who has beon sick
sinco early last fall, moved to town last
wcok. Ho stood tho rido apparently
protty woll, but sinco that time does
not seem so well. He is vory low and
tho chances seem to bo against him
Mr. Campbell has had n long, hard
siege of sickness.
AI Decker spent Sunday in Cowles
with Geo. linger' family.
Mr. Stern is having a woll bored. Mr.
Rice of Red Cloud is doing tho work.
Jav Crafford helped move Daily, tho
junk buyor, to Red Cloud last Monday.
Miss Marker, our county superin
tendent, visited our school last Tues
day. C. F. McKeighan wai looking after
his interests in Cowles last Wednes
day. Mr. Good, of tho Good-Bennott lirm,
is having a new well bored at hit
L. E. Tait, editor of tho Webster
County Argus, and wife wero on our
streets last Tuesday.
M. W, Dickerson was doing business
in our town last Wednesday for tho
Bcatrico Creamery Co.
Two carriages loaded with Red
Clouditos stopped horo a fow minutes
last Wednesday evening on thoir way
to Bluo Hill.
R. M. Richey is building an addition
to his house. H. Dfadrick and Len
Aultz of Red Cloud are putting in a
stono foundation.
Grant Turner camo up from Red
Cloud Wednesday morning with a load
of limn nnd lumber for the Piatt Si
Frees Lumber Co.
Frank Wolf and Harvey Graham
moved Mr. Harrington, from south of
Red Cloud, into our thriving littlo
burg last Tuesday. Mr. Harrington is
going Into tho lightning rod business.
Tho Cowles city park, with Nate
Piatt ns manager, furnishes the amuse
mont now-a-days for tho lovers of
hnrscshoo pitching. Nnte attends to
business while his company entertain
Tho Argus stated last week that
Night Watch Smelser furnished a bed
(in the jail) for tho old Virginian ono
night in Red Cloud, and wo are sorry
to say he was on our BtreetH asking for
nld, saying be was crippled and could
not work and his invalid who was in
Franklin, Neb., awaiting his return
with money enough to take them to
their heme in tho oast.
Willie Bailey has been absent part of
this week.
Eva Foster visited the school Friday
The ninth grade will give a program
Friday afternoon, April 25.
Cora Tulleys and Ethel Gacbor visit
ed the high school room Monday after
noon. Nellio Warren was absont part of tbo
timo this week on account of her
mother's illness.
Tho presence of diphtheria in the
south part of town has caused a per
ceptible decrease in tho attendance at
the lower ward school.
Prof. Sams arrived last Sunday from
Omaha, where ho went as a delegate to
the Grand Commandory of Knight
Templars. While there be took tho do
grco of Malta.
Tho tenth grade last Friday gavo tho
following program, which was well
rendered: Song by school; recitation,
Bessie Ducker; duet, Loitt, Coplcn and
Helen Overman; recitation, John Wees
nor; current events, llolton Letson;
solo, Mary Temple; recitation, Frank
Hal lock; reading, Myrn Cook; criti
eism, Bernio Marker; reading, Jennie
Cutting, recitation, Winnie .')rnin; reci
tation, Robert Mohler; recitation, Lu
cius Frishir; story, Grace Cooinb; song
by school, newspaper, Dwight Wilson;
recitation, Blanche Foster.
A ulco rain.
School closed in district N . 188 Fri
day. Ono now student at tho iicadomy last
The Misses Stanley wont to Burr Oak
Ask Clyde Btindy how ho likes keep
ing nouse.
Codimon school examination at
North Branch Saturday.
Ninla Smith is homo from her visit
at her cousin's in Nebraska.
C. E. cabinet meeting was held at
Mattio Rinard's Saturday evening.
Joe Burgoss and wifo at' ended serv
ices nt North Branch Friends church
The tirst meeting of thouowly organ
ized Bible study class was held Thurs
day night.
Parker Mooro of Burr Oak, candi
date for sheriff, was scon in this vicin
ity Monday.
Will Thompson is horo from (J mud
Island, Neb , visiting his brother Joe
and other friends. Wo think he is
rather inclined to like to .stay down
Last Sntiu day evening and Sunday
was the regular appointment of Rev.
White at Maplo Grove, Somo North
Branch young ladies and gentlemen
attended services there.
Weather changeable.
Mrs. Mackey is some hotter at this
Wm. P. Haskins is breaking prairio
this week.
Tho farmers nro through sowing oats
and alfalfa.
Ernest Beauchamp is busy dehorning
cattlo this week.
Grandma Soderlin celebrated her
77th birthday this week,
Mr. Stoner will haul milk to Red
Cloud in tho near future.
John Cummings was in Lino this
week tho guest of Mis. Lutz.
Grandpa Hicks is following tho plow
this week. Ho is 71 years old.
Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Bostwink wero
the guests of Mr. Wildey this weok.
Mr. Smith of Red Cloud was in Line
looking after tho rural free delivery
route this weok.
Mr. Jackson was around this week
trying to find out how much tbo farm
ers wero worth,
E W. Andorson has commenced de
livering iniiK to the croamery at
Womei Kan., this week.
Mr Andy Gules' wil, who h s boon
vory sick, is better at this writing.
Tree planting is all the go in Guide
Rock, an I as the town voted dry it will
require loti of rain.
M. E. Jones, who purchased the
Campbell farm west of town, tool;
possession Monday. Mr. Jones sings
like a lark since he got home,
W' ails Cowles? It, teems strange
Z- """ -'-''";r:::riS.
Boys Knee Pant Wool Suit,
with vest, mind you, for
There's Going to
"Something Doing"
In South America be
fore, long. There is sorrM
thing doing right now in
our Boy's Clothing depart
ment. Our opening gun is a
It's an iton gray, and it's built like a battle
ship all points forfeited. Sizes 8 to 14
years. You never saw the like for $250.
In long pant! suits, from 14 to
20, we can furnish a first class
outfit for
Galasha, Uleseott & Storey.
Good Horse Sense
will tell you that old eggs and flue are aot thligi
you want to eat; yet some coffee roasters glaze
their coffee with such things. Not so with
Lion Coffee
It's just pure, unadulterated, undisguised coffee;
never covered up with any glazing of any kind.
Ualfora qeelltjr aid freshBMe ere lesurH by the mM peefceg,
l3ULilclixi.e material, Bto,
Red cloud. - - Nebraska
For Tiger.
No use to hunt tigers with
bird-shot. It doesn't hurt the
tiger any and it's awfully risky
for you.
Consumption is a tiger
among diseases. It is stealthy
but once started it rapidly
eats up the flesh and destroys-
the life. No use to go hunting
it with ordinary food and med
icine. That's only bird-shot.
It still advances. Good heavy
charges of Scott's Emulsion
will stop the advance. The
disease feels that.
Scott's Emulsion makes the
body strong to resist. It
soothes and toughens the lungs
and sustains the strength until
the disease wears itself out.
Send for free sample.
SCOTT & DOWNE. Cl.eroliu, ,) ral SI , N. Y
' yoc tod tao all urugjUu.
April 19 to April 26, inclusive.
Blaek Dress Goods I
Man ufacturer's
Wholesale Price.
We have just received a lare shipment of new
Black Dress Goods and to introduce them
we are going to to sell all our
Blaek Dress Goods.
at just 5 per cent above
Wholesale Cost!
It takes about 5 per cent to pay the freight.
Every piece will be marked with a large tag in
plain figures.
Come in and examine the goods; examine the
price and buy a good black dress.
Vealso call attention to our line of
Summer Dress Goods.
which is not surpasssd for beauty and art and
Saturday April 19 up to and including
Saturday April 26.
Turnure - Bros: