b . r -'. iTs rrr I id I iTJLl UWUIUO & Ulillt3; OR.. A SOLDIER. OF $ By ST. GEORGE ., i-j IXiiijrlcbt, by Stiibet & VllAPir.K Will. Conclusion. When tin. little martinet tlnu an nounced Ms decision It created some thing of an excitement. Wldogardo's face lout Its pallor, and Paul smiled grimly, at the Hanio time ho kept an eye on Almee. .lust as ho expected, the battled countess aimed to carry out a desper te plan. "It Jh a lie, a baeo forgery, a trick to deceive fools; but It cannot hood wink inc. What Is this you way that thu man shall go free, he, caiiRlit red handed In tho act, a spy, 11 hated Ocr man spy, lit only for the hulter? And you daro to Hay that, you who Hvoro un bended knees that my word should 'm law?" Tho poor major, victim of cross purposes, could only shrug bis shoul Jom. "There Is a previous oath, nia'niKclle, my vow to my country to obey my Biiperlors. Tbnt Is above life to mc, "dneo my honored namo is Involved. Kvon for you 1 dare not order my men to arrest one who Is under thu protection of such a sacred document, 'written by Marshal ll.i7.alnu hlin kelf.' " The countess, apparently cheated uut of her prey, and deserted by an ally whom she had belle.vcd could lie depended upon throiiRh thick and Uiln, looked about her sullenly. Des peration had made her temporarily mad, and she would risk even her own destruction In order to Rain revenge. From flguro to flRiire tills Rlanco went- -ami then he saw a llerco joy Hash over her face. It was as thouRh she had discov ered that all was not yet quite lost. Ah! It was Karl! Remembering as he did that tho other had candidly confessed he was In Metz ns a secret agent of tho Ger man forces, no wonder Paul felt a sudden fall of bis spirits when he recollected that the maRle document of hl3 British friend would not cover two companions, and that the' dread ful fata of death at tho bands of the mob, from which he had just escaped by a mero scratch, would probably bo tho doom of bin friend and brother, poor Karl. Still keeping her eyes glued upon Karl, tho countess once more ad dressed the major, resolved to test tho last remainder of her power over that worthy. "Ono has escaped us, you say, but do not forget, my friend, there are two. Yonder man, his comrade, Is tho spy wo seek. You prate of your sacred duty as a soldier let us see some of It now arrest that man and search him for positive evidence of his RUilt." Tho innjor woke up. He was onco more the warrior bold, eager to faith fully nerve tho woman ho adored. Heaven holp tho poor devil upon whom his concentrated wrnth now fell, for, lmvIiiR boon held In the leash no long tho flRhting major was apt to be exceedingly ferocious. Howovcr, If tho bellicose soldier an ticipated uny quailliiR on tho part of Karl Von Stettin, be made tho most griovouB mistake of his life. Tho young Heidelberg philosophor even smiled as brightly as one could wish. In fact, ho oven appeared pleased to bavo nil oyes concentrated in bis di rection. This was not braggadocio. What could It mean? Beatrix crept up beside Karl, and caught hold of his arm. Her action could not lie mistaken It meant as plainly as thoso words of old which Ruth spoke to Naomi: "Whither thou goest 1 shall ro, thy country shall bo my country, thy God God my God." Karl put nn arm around the gltl and strained her to his heart. And Into Hildegardo's cheeks, hith erto as white as marble, the color surged, as tho light of a great revela tion began to forco Us way. Paul, thou, was not lost he had not been unfaithful ho was all her most fervid fancy bad over painted him and deep down In her heart she knew Jic loved her. No wonder, then, sbo glowed with sudden hopo and tho wifrld took on a now brightness after nil, It Is our condition of mind that makes or mars tho scene. To tho happy soul even a dreary day of rain affords seasons of rejoicing. Thus ono good thing had come about through this concentration of atten tion upon Karl. Utterly helpless himself, In so far as assisting his comrade was con corned, Paul could only turn to watch tho progress of events, praying that Sir Noel could seo tho way to lend a hand, or that Karl himself might liavo a card concealed up his sleovo that would Bweep tho board. "Your name?" demanded the major, RBly, as ho frowned upon the smil ing younR student-soldier, who stood with ono arm thrown reassuringly around tho elrl. "Karl Von Stettin," came tho prompt reply. "Natlvo ot Germany?" "It Is true." X THE RHINE. : RATHDORNF. J .Smith, New VorL. "You belong to tin Crown Prince?' army of the "Yes." "Have you been a prisoner on pa role, the same an thU Gentleman''" Karl shook his bead In the negative, whllo the others bunR upon his words eagerly, waiting for tho light that was so slow In coming Karl seemed so positive, en utterly reckless of conse quences that ono could almost believe ho expected a corps of the Foldwnohe with their spiked helmets to apear upon the scene whenever he chose to turn wizard and utter the magical words Unit insured their coming. "1 have not. Monsieur le Major." be said, tirmly. "Ah! Then you freely admit tltal you, a Gorman soldier of the line, have entered Metz for some purpose other than slght-seeiiiRV" eagerly. Karl did not hesitate an instant In replying. "Kvon that Is true," be i-ald, calmly. Whereat Paul mentally groaned, and tho Hritlsher elevated bis eyebrows In surprise, for both of them believed the frank soldier of the llbiue was giving himself bodily into the hands of tho enemy. "Since you have confessed that your mission is that of a spy, tberr is no other course open for me but to con vey you to a dungeon and put your case before a drumhead couit. Resist ance, you realize, Is utterly us-eless. I shall proceed to have you searched on tho spot, so that you may not get rid of any Incriminating evidence." "Ah, do," said Karl, romposedly. "sinco It will save me very much trouble In explaining certain facts which had better been whispered in your private ear facts that your com mander most particularly desired should be kept secret." His words, of course, aroused the major's curiosity. Since bcelng the magic paper carried by the Engllsh man, ho was fearfully afraid of ex ploding some other hidden mine. "Come, monsieur." said the accom modating major, "you are concealing something from me- something I should know." "Something you shall know." de clared the other, placidly, nodding and smiling, "it is for your ear alone, Monsieur le Major." Tho soldier waddled forward, while tho countess hissed and showed her utter disgust by crying: "Fool! coward! you would lo.se all!" Karl spoke a fow sentences in 11 low tone. Whatever their import, they startled tho French major, who looked at hlni in amazement. "Can you show mi demanded, hoarsely. Apparently it was produco papers, for the proof?" he the fashion to Karl took fine from some concealed jKicket. Paul had a glimpse of It, and felt r.uro the peculiar chlrograpby was ex actly the samo as tbnt which char acterized the Hazaine letter or pass port Sir Noel carried. At any rate, tho effect upon the ma jor was iiulto as startling bis band trembled as It bold the magical docu ment, and his little eyes glowed like sparks of lite. "Enough," he cried, bunding It back to Karl hastily. "I have come upon a fool's errand. There are no spies In Metz there will bo no need of nny nfter to-morrow, the J7th. for Metz will no longer bo ours. Sergeant, take your men 01T. (Jo ami tie erepo upon your loft arms, soldiers ot Trance; for wo are undone." Evidently tho gallant lighter hud road that which chilled his heart. Tho order was given. Tramp, tramp, tramp, the tall guards marched out of the mom tramp, tramp, tramp, they went down tho stairs until all had disappeared. Thoso who were left stood and f tared. "Gentlemen Indies I congratulate you on the very happy outcome of this adventure for you. Pardon my un warranted Intrusion, and, bon solr." With this tho stout, discomfited ma jor betook himself off, accompanied by tho countess, whose angry voice could bo heard far down tho stairs as she be rated him for not taking drastic meas ures to accomplish their desired end In spite of tho commandant and his passports. Already Healrlx was clasped In her lover's arms, and the sight must have Inspired Paul, for bo Immediately strode over to where the blushing nurse, stood. "Hlldegardc, onco I told you that a Rblnelnuder never loved twice. I failed then to explain my meaning kopt back by a dreadful fear of a fam ily secret. 1 hnvo found a mother nud a sister, and you must hear tho sad story connected with tho past of thin parent It Is now my duty to lovo and cherish. Aftor that, it you do not look tlown on mo becauso fit' tho shame upon my name, I want to tell you of my lovo for you, which will live to tho end of my life, whether I win your consent to bo my wife or not. And Hlldcgardo put her hand In ?ils, Hko tho noble, truo-beurted girl she was, saying: "My heart has been yours this long I time. Herr Paul take my hand and all I have with It. I do not tflsh to I hoar the story now at some other time, pet haps. Stop, do not Insist. I may have an Idra as to the truth, but It If enough for me to know you are Innocent 1 am only too happy to trust my whole future In your bunds." What could he s.ty'.' lie scaled the compart as any bold lover would have done, ami the liar pain made while Gorman shells still exploded In the streets of Met, was founded upon such mutual respect anil perfect faith that neither could ever regret It. The sturdy Hrlton appealed to bo especially tickled over tho fact that Karl had seen his lead and gouo him ono better In the way of legerdemain. "You tamo very near ending our friend for good 1 declare, tho major was to staggered his life hung by a thread." ho laughed. Perhaps there was a tinge of curios ity In his tone. "You heard enough to rIvo you an Inkling of the truth, gentlemen, and now I feel In fluty bound to toll all. 1 am not in Metz us 11 spy, though I thought It my fluty to allow even Paul here tt) believe It foi u time, ns my mission was supposed to be a dead secret. On the contrary, 1 have come here at the written solicitation of Mar shal Razalne, who desires to discover tho best terms be could secure for his brave army of tho Rhine. "At llrst he demanded that there bo Htiine allowance nuul.j for their emi gration to Algiers, which tho Crown Prince devllned, and matters have be come so bad that the French com mander hns ngrced to un unconditional surrender. At midnight I shall ro out of Met, bearing bis acceptance, and after tltal time, when this document Is in the hands of the Crown Prince, not another bomb will fall within theso walls, for Mot, will have fallen." Paul looked delighted, and oven the non-partisan Uritou seemed plensed to know the era of bloodshed in this par ticular region was lit an end. "Thank God!" lie said, reverently, "then peace will follow when Paris also falls." "Yes, we have much to bo thankful for." said Paul, glancing toward 1111 I'.eganto. As for tho doctor, spying a bottle ot wine with three glasses upon u side board, be porred some Into the crystnl receptaele.q. "Gentlemen. Join with me in this loast- here's to tho gallant major!" "And mny be escape tho almost uni versal fate of thoso who worship at Almce's shrine," added the Rhine lander, earnestly. And so they drank it down. Little did they guess that at tho very moment Countess Almee was be ing carried into the hospital, a victim oT an exploding Prussian shell, and tint if she lived through tho drendful shock It would bo ns a helpless wreck of her past beautiful self. The Judgment had come at last, find In tills hour her niyrlnd victims wero avenged. What more need be said? Paul and Karl served until Paris fell and peace came upon the stricken fields of France. There is no necessity to toll how they married, and what, joys or sor rows came their way, for this world holds Its share of both for all who lovo and who aie chosen. Paul tenderly cared for his mother tho reft of her years, and at her re quest dually laid her nway in tho American cemetery, whore rested tho husband who had been so fearfully wronged, yet who, with bis last dying breath, hail pardoned all In tho great ness of his love, believing that to thoso who have sinned much, if they truly repent, everything shall be forRlven. THK END. Illfforont blent. The following story was onco told by Dr. John Marshall, dean of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania, during u lec ture: "There lived in n small English vil lage a curate whoso custom It was to drive bis horses tandem. His parish loners evidently thought such a Htyla was unbecoming for a minister and spoke to him on tho subject. Their words had no effect, ami they com plulned to the bishop. Tho bishop sent for tlu curate und advised him to drlvo his horses sldo by side. "'Hut,' said tho curate, 'what dif ference does It make whether I drlvo my horses side by side or tandem? Tho horses are the same, and there is only a difference fit position.' " 'That's just it, my good man,' said the bishop-'the position. Now, when 1 extend my hands this way,' nnd ho stretched them over tho curate's head, 'It's a sign of a blessing, but when I put them this way,' und tho bishop pluced one hand in front of the other before his nose, 'It Is a sign of deri sion.' " Humid Hnvo Katl(ltt Hint. President Tucker of Dartmouth Col lego, with his family, has spent r number ot summers on a farm In Now Hampshire. During tho past year, however, tho pedagogue was greatly annoyed by two things tho proxim ity of tho pig-pon and tho manners ot the "hired girl." Therefore when the owner of tho fnnn wrote to him recent ly, asking whether ho would aaaln hnvo the president of Dartmouth us his bourder, the latter sent back u do cided noRatlvo, stating his reasons for not wishing to return. In a fow days ho received tho following reply: "Dear Sir: Thoro ain't linen no hoes since you left, nnd Hannah has went" New York Times. 0YESF HPHR0DITE, Y. F. II. LANCASTER. (Copyright, n- b Dully Stoty I'uli Co.) "And hecatomb .if doves were slain upon the altars of Aphrodite, for tho Greeks admired this goddess of lovo greatly and made dally sacrifices to her." The student leaned back nnd closed her book unwillingly, her lingers ca ressing Its covers while her eyes wan dered to tho sunset beginning to glow nninuR tho pines. As she gazed an odd smllo twisted her lips. "In these later days we sacrifice not only doves, but curios,"' she mur mured dreamily. Then with sudden pnsslon: "Oh. lovo, what monstrous murders nro committed dally In your name murder of mind and moral! Life nfter llfo broken and bruised at your breast." Her brows knitted r.lowly and again that odd smile crept to her lips. Two years ago Helen Nord had found herself alone in tho world. That she was penniless hud not troubled her. She know of 11 lilaco where she could live tin ten dnllnrn a tuauth and save money. Moreover she fancied that sbo could go to that place nnd mnko the ten dollars. It was In tho Pino Darrens of south Mississippi. There wero 11 couple tif small public schools there, lying a lew miles apart, ono of which was taught In summer nnd ono In winter, each having n term of four months and paying about a hundred dollars per term. When sbo applied to the county superintendent for Information, be gave her besides a bit of advice three bits "Teach tho schools honestly: keep your mouth shut; don't flirt with tho girls' sweet hearts." Sho thanked him. feeling tho ndvlco to bo sound, and went away to follow It. As teachers go. she had been suc cessful Sho held hor schools against all rivals und bad a hundred dollars in bank; nud her pupils, without the aid of chart, diagram, fir blackboard, wero steadily acquiring n sound Kug- 1 llsh education. For two years she had boarded at six dollars per month, dressed plain, worked hard, and studied. She had gratlllcd her hoatl's desire and was n happy woman. Rooks banked up steadi ly in her little room, books that she had yearned all her life to possess, and she read them over and over In tho long, delicious hours after her day's work was done. Two years of Eden and. In, the ser pent. Sho had paid sni;ll attention when ho first entered her garden. Only by degrees had it dawned upon her that ho was, llko young David, strong of body nnd with a ruddy counteuanco good to look upon. Later on shs not ed that ho neither drank nor aworc; that he kept his nnlls In order and was nlwnys neat. Ho lived at tho house where she boarded, and brought hor mnll from tho fnr-away post of fice. Ho was always polite, was this Cajan-born Donlclnn, yet his presence troubled the fair young teacher. Vague ly ho Interfered with her studies, and sho resented tho Interference. But tho sunset glow was fading while she dreamed of Aphrodite nnd her doves. What was Aphrodite to her? Or the doves? Dreadful, melan choly birds that made even tho glnd pine woods mournful with their plaint ivo cooing. Helen laughed u little us site put away her much-loved books and went out Into the bold fresh nir lor that delightful half hour between the lights. Sho threw back her tired shouldors nnd drank In deep breaths of vigor. Glorying in the reckless prldo of youth. Standing between tno fading sunset glow nnd tho brightening glcnni of tho rising moon. Appropriat ing tho grandeur and understanding nothing. Seeing In tho light-tipped pines only glorified pride. Ullnd to tho serenity that Is born or suffering; deaf to the nolo or sadness that thrilled through their melodious chanting to her only a burst of deep-throated tri umph. Oddly enough, In the midst of thoso shaken vibrations of her soul came the practical reflection: "I can live on ten dollars a month ami save money; ami I can make the "Tho student leaned buck and closed her book unwillingly." ten dollars." She dropped her eyes from tho plno crests and saw Doniclnu beforo hor. "1 fin' somo mail for you at tho of llco, Miss Helen." He spoko with n Blight accent in a voice deep toned ind musical. Helen stnrted and hor nerves qulv sred. "Ohi thnnk you so much," sbo took the mnll nnd their bands touched. Tho young follow colored slowly, but sho trlod not to see. "Thank you so much," she ropented, with tenso civility. "Not 'tall," ho returned, lifting his tint and moving away. II "vwy Inch 11 man was M. Donlclnn, In splto of his predilection for blushing. Helen stared down at tho little pack et of mnll and saw liiRteud 11 mnnll cottago furnished cosily with Hint hundred dollars In bank. It wan un lortunnte, that hundred dollars, in that It formed n solid foundation for n temptation that must have othcrwlso bavo remained chimerical. For nn hour nlie struggled with It, sluing in tho dark In her little ton by ten room. Then she laughed, an echo of that slighting laugh with which sho had put away her books, and struck n light. Sho had forgotten her mall! Presently u crisp bit of paper. "I lovo you, Miss Helen. 'TIs right you should know " cracked between her llnRers. Her first check. Ambition leaped up wildly. Poor Dtinlclun! Alas, for the doves ot Aphrodite. Poor DoniciauV He sat on a saw log in the moonlight wrapped In 11 dream as wai 111 us heaven. Ills breath t-nmo unsteadily, deep chested, nud quivering. Ills lingers still felt tho touch of hers. Ills ears still throbbed to that' unconsciously finessing "thank you.'' Ho had forgotten Its civil repe tition. Poor Donlclnn' Ho knew noth ing of that strong-seated ambition that had ridden unceremoniously over tho pleasant things or her life. Noth ing of that bit of crisp paper with n lew figures In one corner. Had bo seen It. he would not hnvo under stood; yet It was tho death wnrrunt, signed nud sealed, for bis happiness. Why should ho suspect the existence of such things? To him tho fair-raced young teacher was as n dainty wild flower, half upon in tho early dow. Ho sat tin lu bis warm d renin of henv- en-born happiness, joying In tho re sistless might or his strong-hearted love. Helen Nord was tight. In theso la ter days eagles 1110 frequently sacri ficed upon the ulturs of Aphrodite. Tho next evening when sho carried her ambition out In the forest that It might sour bold und unrestrained ns I lie breath or the. plneu, Helen saw him coming toward her over this soundless needles. Strong nnd huppy-bearted bo swung, along, bearing tho beauty of 11 Greek god upon bis brow. A strange, tooling fear selzetl upon tho woman's heart. She sat flown wenk, Inert, upon n fallen trunk und stared miserably at tho dead straws. Donlclnn eamo on swiftly. He bared his head us ho sat flown bcsldo her. "Any mall for mo today?" sho ques tioned, falling dismally in her effort tt appear unconcerned. "No," ho said softly. Had ho kissed her tho caress could scarcely hnvo boon mora endearing. Helen Hung up her bend desperate ly. Her choice had come to hor In narrow lines, love or ambition. Aphro dite demanded n snerlliio. Should it bo dove or eugle? Alas, for tho dove. Tho ambition that had ridden rough shod over nil the pleasant things of llfo was not to be unseated by Its poor, plaintive pleading. Donlclnn spoke with manly sim plicity. "I lovo you, Mies Helen. 'TIs right you should know." "Thank you," sho muttered In coherently. Sho was plunging wildly against tho strain of stern asceticism in her blood. It seemed such a sense less sacrifice two spotless doves for ono wild eagle. Then the old glamor camo ugnln upon hor eyes. Sho saw herself as she would bo a proud, freo woman, working her way up Into tho high white light. Sho tried to make It easy for him. ; "Wo should not talk of such things, 1 you and I, M. Doulclan," sho said, I looking beyond him lest sho should I sco that In his wonderful eyes that I would haunt nil her after days. It was an unnecessary caution. He was not tho man to hum his wounds. "I love you," ho said, with quiet in sistence. "I enn makti you happy." "Yes," sho returned, suddouly con scious of extreme weariness. "Yes, 1 know. Hut it must not be. I I liavo other worlc to do." Donlclnn hesitated 11 moment ns though unwilling to believe that bis glad dream was shattered. "When two people lovo ono nnothor they belong to each other for all time." Is It not so?" ho asked tenderly, nnd his oyes compelled hers to meet them In ono brief, truth-tolling glance. "No, it is not so, not always," she Htummorcd, hurriedly. "It must not bo!" sho Marted to her feet, but his hand checked her flight. "Walt," bo said, "1 will ro," Sho watched him inovo away. Far ther nud further his upright, swift moving flguro glancing at rare nnd rarer Intenals between tho tree- trunks. Suddenly sho turned and flotl, goaded by Intolerable pain. Anil tho pities wero left nlono in their elcrnnl serenity, chanting tho lequlem ocr tho fair whlto doves ot Aphrodite. WONDERFULGROWTH OF OKLAHOMA In Tlint irrtlliiry Urn Itlrli Hull It At (rurtliiK 'llioumuult of Settler. That portion of the west, comprised In Oklahoma und Indian Territory Is tho center of Interest for tho ovcr prcHcnt emigration movement that marks American civilization. The stntes to the north and south liavo been drained of their surplus popu Intiou for 11 do.'nde to build up theso virgin lands, but the process Id not complete. The land oftlces ot Okla homa, outside of tho newly opened reservations, hnvo done during the lust summer, tho largest business In years. Western Oklahoma lands that wore considered lit only for tho herder are being taken for small ranches, and tho cattlemen arc nervously watching tho destruction of their bnrbed-wlro fences by the advent of the man with tho plow. Indeed, thin Is tho only por tion of western land outside tho Irri gated areas that can be secured for new settlement. While vast tracts nro yet open to honiestendlng lu othor pints of tho west, they nro the rofUBC, tho arid, rough or worthless claims uiulcslrod ny the settlers of tho last three decades. Little wonder, then, that thu virgin lauds or tho Indlnn Territory, cnpnblo of producing a halo nud a half ot cot ton, seventy bushels of corn or forty flvo bushels of wheat per acre, should be In demand; or that Oklahoma farms, with almost equal fertility, and which nro to bo subdivided nnd rear ranged to suit the development of tho country nnd the Increasing population, should attract both settlers- and Invest ors. Peopled to n larger extent tbnn nl itinst nny other part of tho union by nntlvo American stock, says a writer In tho Review of Reviews, with tho advantages of examplo In tho organi zation nud development of othor com munities, Riililed by the knowledgo of to-day and following modern business mrthtids, there should he 11 niarvoloiw future for this legion. NATURE PROVIDES ICE HOUSE. I'ooil for ItlnU Tlint Ik rroinrvert In dm Arctic KrRlonn. The number or birds that go to tho arctic teglons to breed Is vnst beyond concept Ion. They ro not by thou snmbi, but by tens nnd hundreds of thousands, und becauso nnwhero clsu lu tho world does nature provldo at the samo time nnd in tho samo place such 11 lavish prodigality ot food. Tho vegetation consists ot cran berry, cloudberry nnd crowberry bushes, und these, forced by tho por petu.U sunshine of the arctic summer, hear enormous crops of fruit. But tho tho crop Ik not ripe until tho middle and end of tho arctic summer, nnd if tho fruit-eating birds had to wait until It was rlpo they would starvo in tho meantime, as they arrive on tho very day of tho molting or the snow. Hut ench year tho snow descends on an Immense crop fir rlpo fruit be fore the birds have time 10 gather It. It Is tluiB preserved perreclly fresh and pure, iintl tho melting or tho snow discloses the bushes, with thu uncon numed last year's crop hanging on thorn or lying, ready to ..c eaten, on tho ground. The rrozen meal stretches across the breadth or northern Asia. It novor decays and Is accessible tho moment tho snow melts. Tho samo heat which thaws tho fruit brings Into being the most prolific Insect life in tho world tho mosquito swain 3 on the tundra. No European can live there without a veil after tho snow melts. Tho gun barrels nro black with them and clodu or them often obscure tho sight Thus tho insect eating birds liavo only to open their mouths to fill them with mosquitoes, and thus tho pro enco of swarms of cliff chaffs, plpW and the wagtails In this arctic region Is accounted for. No .Siilvullon Army Dltorcci. In theso latter days, when tho di vorce courts are crowded with mis mated pairs, the claim of the Salvation Army that In its ranks dlvorco Is un known where the weddings were per formed by tho hallelujah eoromony pro scribed In their ritual, comes 03 a bright spot In tho view of tho domes tic life fir America, which hns been painted In most pessimistic colors by social students Tho Salvation Army is tho first ro UgloiiH society to lay claim to tho honor of being unstained In its record by an examplo of broken vows which wero taken with Its sanction. Forthlr-ty-flvo years the army has been marry ing Us people with its characteristic ceremony which binds tho persons not only to each other, but to work In tho army long us both shall live. Knmarkable Cork OntpuL Tho production of cork In tho world, estimated at 1,000 metric tons (a me tric ton equals 2,204 pounds avoirdu pois), is confined to Portugal, Spain, France, Italy nnd North Atrlca (Tunis, Algeria and Morocco). Tho urea ot trench forests, Including thoso lu North Africa, really producing cork Is, moro than one-half of tho total extent of cork forests. These forests aro com posed mainly of cork trees, Intermixed with pines and nvorgreon oaks. Tho demand for cork Increases from day to day, anil It is added that Franco, tho. United Kingdom, Germany, Russia and tho United States absorb 85 per cont or tho total production of cork. U I .ft! fgygasjmiw tt93vuaa-f ftivt,jswr' '