-it. - JSt fl 6 I I Red Cloud Chief. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. RED CLOVD. r: NEBRASKA A vobscI loaded with Cuban- sugar was beached a fow days ago on Mo lasses Inland. This 1h n caso ot swecta to the swccL .Tnhn L. Sullivan la having an arena built nround hltn and will endeavor to rovlvo tho waning Interest In Olym pian 6porta. Tho Hnvomeycrs havo Invested heavily In tho copper business and aro supposed to bo utter tho rod scalp of Senator Clark. Tho New York miner who foil 500 feet down n nlutft without Kcrlotis In jury would mnkc good balhtHt for ono of tho airships. Tho Now York publisher who Is to establish u miburban line of balloons will not bu the II rat editor who has gono up In the air. Tho mountain lion sent to t'io Whl.o House from Colorado ns a gift to President Roosevelt will bo kept thoro becauso It Ih stuffed. A Chicago city official hns resigned because ho couldn't live on tho salary bn got. Ho must havo regarded public ufllco as a public trust. T. IMorpont Morgan says he will at tend tho coronation of King Edward. If ho likes It real well ho may biro tho king to do It over two or three tlmcu. Ily tho time Spain shall havo emerged from tho many perils now confronting tho dynasty tho CarllatH will begin to emerge again from tho mountains. Tho successful method of bringing tho Insurgent Cherokees to order by threatening them with tho barber's shears might bo tried with Padorowukl und Kubollk. A Chicago hunter was arrested with his gamo ling full of songbirds that ho had shot. Doubtless ho Is too mean to live, but ho will have to bo per mitted to do so. Tho nows that a college football player was employed to watch tho polls In the lira: ward ot Chicago shows that higher education can bo put to practical uses. A Detroit woman had a man arrest cd on n chargo ot robbing her. Then she married him. Perhaps who flgurea on getting even by going through his M)cketa whllo ho slumbors. l'arls is about to linposo a munici pal tax of four cents a volutno on nov els. Such a move on tho part of tho United States might curtail tho pro duction if colonial romances. . Tho fact that tho young king ot Spain, who Is to bo crowned May 17, will be known to history as Alfonso Xlir.. may explain tho dark predic tions concerning his accession. Scientists believe that thero la n city at tho north polo, and that tho Inhabitants aro just like othor people. If so, wo may bo suro that thoy aro kicking on tho smoko nuisance. Foxhnll Keeno has beon nearly kill ed riding to hounds again. It Fox hall didn't get nearly killed In this way every few months hta 11 to, would bo wholly devoid ot excitement. A Ulnghamton, N. Y., rouplo woro arrested for getting married by mis take Suppose nil tho couples that havo raado a mistake In getting mar ried should bo arrested. But lot's don't. Thoro Is a chance for a rich Am erican woman to sea tho coronation of England's king by marrying a peer of tho realm. And thero uro women who aro perfectly willing to tuko tho chance. Franco oxpects a number ot cabi net changes In tho near future No doubt dozens of obscure statesmen are taking ndvantngo of tho opportunity to havo themselves mentioned for cabinet positions. That Paris woman who retained hor china Intact until a servant who had been discharged returned and broko It Is In luck. In this country tho smashing of tho ware would havo been attended to dm lug tho period of amtcablo relntlous. Ofllclals of tho Morchnnts' Natlonnl bank ot Chicago, which Is to bo con uolldated with tho Corn Exchange bank, distributed $80,000 In gifts to faithful employes. This particular . featuro of tho merger business wins popular approval. ' King Edward has revived tho habit of snufl'taklng. It Is to bo hopod that tho London correspondents will not fall to cable over tho exact mlnuto tho king Indulges, so thoso on this side who caro to can sneeze. Tho spectnelo of Potor Sells chang ing tho route of his circus parado more than half a dozen blocks to glvo u poor llttlo bed-ridden girl n stent sho had never seen makes us pay lwa heed to tho pessimists who aro forovor harping on tho growlug selfishness of mnnhlwl. A RUMOR OF PEACE Boors Said to Havo Accoptod British Proffer. SIKH REPORT HAS REACHED LONDON I'ba lender Agreed and Tcrm Heine Arranged Iloer Fighter nnil Ad- Tlirm Admitted to Ilino Ileen In Conference: 0er Proposal. Tho London Financier and Bulllonlst publishes a dispatch from Pretoria de claring that the Hoer leaders havo ac cepted tho Hrltlsh terms; that peace has been urranged, und Hint tho terms of peacn have been rubied to tho Doer agents In Europe. Other unconfirmed statements of a similar character uro In circulation In london. It Is said that Frederic Ruth erford HarrlB, former secretary of the British chartered South African com pany, has received a telegram to tho btuno effect, hut nothing of nny official or really rcllnblo nature concerning tho matter Is known. A tolcgrntn was received In London Thursday morning, from Pretoria, say ing that Prcsldeut Stoyn and Generals Do Wet and Doth had agreed upon torms of peace. The telegram Indicates Hint tho Ilrltlsh terms havo been ac cepted and tbut peuco has been ar ranged. NEBRASKA AT THE TOP Condition or II Winter Wheat All end or That of Her Neighbor. Tho April report of tho statistician of tho department of ngrlculture will show tho avorngo condition ot winter wheat on April 1 to hae been 78.7, agtilust 01.7 on April 1, 11)01, and S2.4 tho mean of tho April averages of tho last ten years. Tho uverngen of tho principal states aro as follows: Pennsylvania 82, Ohio 77, Michigan 82, ndlnna 81, Illinois iw, Tennessee CO, Texas 72, Kansas 73, Missouri 91, Ne braska and California each 1)1!, and Ok lahoma 07. Tho avcrago condition of winter ryo on April 1, was 85.4, against 93.1 on April 1, 1901, nnd 88.1, the mean of tho April nvcrngeB of tho last ten years. Tho averages In tho principal states aro as follows: Now York 92, Penn sylvania 85. Ohio 82, Michigan 91, In diana 80, Illinois 91, nnd Kansas 87. ALL ARE IN LINE Nebraska Cnngrmmiieii "Will Vote an a Unit fur Irrigation llltl. Slnco tho conference at the White houso on tho Irrigation bill nnd the action of tho houso committee In con Honanco therewith, thero Is llttlo doubt that tho cntlro Ncbrnska delegation will support tho bill as It now titnnds. Tho senate confirmed theso nomina tions: W. II. Alkeru, receiver of tho Alllanco land office; T. J. Sedgwick to bo postmaster at York, and W. H. Wells, postmaster at Crete. Tho houso commltteo on Indian ai falrB favorably reported Senator Mil lard's bill extending tho time for tho construction of the Omaha Northern railway across the Omaha and Winne bago reservations. Tho bill passed the Benate March 10, 1902. PRESIDENT OFF FOR HOME Leave Hnninierrllle, N. C, Amid Cheer ot the Crowd. Tho vlBlt of President Roosevelt and party to the eouth terminated at Sum mervllle, S. C, Thursday. No special program had been arranged. The tea farm of Dr. Shepherd, not far from tho Inn, was visited, after which the party was driven direct to tho Southorn station, where the special train was in waiting. The train pulled out for Washington amid tho cheers and hurrahs of an lmmonso crowd which had gathered at the Btatlon. Through tho towns that tho presidential train passed on tho Journey crowds of cheering peoplo lined tho tracks to catch a gllmpso of Mr. Roosevelt. Firmer Hiiml lu Irelnnd. The Evening Telegraph of Ilclfast, Ireland, says It believes that Lord Lon donderry, tho postmaster general and a member ot tho Ilrltlsh cabinet, at a meeting of tho Conservative associa tion of Belfast, will nnnounco that tho government decided ut Monday's cabi net meeting on a firmer policy In Ire land, Including tho suppression of tho United Irish league. Newipuper Man Nnnied. Robert J. Wynne, tho Washington correspondent of tho New York Press, has been offered nnd hns accepted tho olllco of first assistant postmaster gen eral. Tho change will take place May 1, or soon afterwards, as Charles John Bton of Now Jersey, whom ho Bticcccds, is anxious to rctlro as soon as possible. Dr. Dm per Lose I.rg. President Draper of tho University of Illinois suffered amputation of his right leg above tho kneo as tho result of his runaway accident recently. Tho left leg, which was brokon, Is doing well. Fearfully Hurned. At Boone, la., Mrs. Mntllda Erlcson, former wlfo of Senator Erlcson, at tempted to quonch n bonfire which had been started In tho yard, whon hor clothing caught flro and was burned completely off. Sho was burned bo badly that It Is not thought sho can recover. City Cleric A r rented. City Clerk W. II. Mooro was arrested at Durango, Col., on complnlnt of Mayor Wall, charging him with em bezzllug $12,000 of the city's funds. MISS STONE ARRIVES Vflll l)n Her I.erttiro Money to Itepny tho ItniiKom fund, Tho steamer Deutschland, with Miss Ellen Stone, tho returning American missionary, and Aeronaut Santos-Du mont among tho pauscngerH, has ar rived In Now York. Miss Mono said she hud a rough trip and suffered from seasickness. Tho effect of her captivity, Bhc said, had worn off. Sho snld sho felt It was tho prayer, of tho world that had saved her and sho felt more than pleased over her reception. Sho will go Immediately to Chelsea, Mass., to see her mother. Major Pond said all tho monu ob tained on her lecture tour would bo used to repay those who coiitr'buted towards her ransom. THE COFFELT TRIAL Wlndlleld Murder Cunn Now on In DU Met Court. The trial of O. W. CofTclt on tho chargo of murdering (1. C. Montgomery, the Santa Fo detective, Is on in tho district court of Wlnllcld, Kan. The defendant, It Ih said, will try t- prove that Coffelt wan not present when tho deed was committed. Also that Immediately beforo tho killing the notorious outlaw Don Cravens, In com pany with ' n fellow rufTaln, made thn-nts against tho life of tho deceased to several persons la Oklahoma, Tho enmity of Cravens against Montgomery arose through the fact that Montgom orv, In the summer of 1900, shot nnd w.r. i.dcd Hurt Wolty whon tho latter attempted to escapo tho federal Jail nt Guthrie, whllo awaiting trial there for the murder of Alt. Hateman at Red Rock. KANSAS CROP CONDITIONS Olmerrer Jennlng, nt Topeka, II If nod HI First Crop Hullutln. Observer Jennings, nt Topcka, has Ibsucd his first crop bulletin for th season. The conditions the past week have been faoiable, though tho week has btcn slightly cooler than normal, with a deficiency In precipitation. Tho pre cipitation during March was generally nbovo normnl excepting In tho north ern and northeastern counties, bill much of tho subsoil Is still dry. MISSING WITH FUNDS Wellington, Khn., Young Mun T.eavel Town Owing Muny Hill. Bert Taylor, a young man who had attracted much attention In Welling ton, Kan., on account of his reputation as a hustler, and who had all kinds of Jobs open to him, has skipped for parta unknown. His relatives have , 1 1.1 ,t ... l I. In l.lll.. n ucuil lUiutiiiK ntiiiumeiii, ui inn uuia iu prevent prosecution. Ho has had charge of a lot of gaso line lamps nil winter for a Wichita company, and after collecting his bills the first of the mouth did not remit to tho company nnd failed to settlo bills. Troop urn Mutliion. A Brussels, Belgium dispatch says the soldier reserves were called out by tho government Thursday morning aa a precautionary measure In view of the growing disorders Instigated by the socialists. When mustered It was found that dissension lint! spread to their ranks. Tho men defied tholr officers, hooted tho government and sang revolutionary songs. Tho situa tion Is most serious. Four different encounters betweon tho police and riot ers occurred, tho latter using revolvers freely. Tho police returned tho fire. Fifty persons were injured, Including two policemen. Serious unrest la spreading among the miners through out Belgium. Talmngo Serlnuily III. Rev. T. DoWItt Talmago Is critically 111 at Washington. 1). C, and hie cuances for recovery seem slight. Th prevailing symptoms In Dr. Talmage'e case havo been aggravated by conges tion of tho brain which a consultation of physlclana has determined now exists. Tho patient has beon most of tho day unconscious and his present condition is very grave. Farmer' Compnnjr Prosper. The manager of tho Solomon County, Knn Co-Operatlvo Grain association has mndo hlB first annual report, which shows that tho farmers of Kansas by co-opcrntlon can bo as successful as any other clnss of peoplo, whoso In terests aro the same. Tho Solomon company wns organized ono year ago with a capital stock of $2,200. Feed Cut tie Cottonseed Meill. Theo. Anthony, of Cummlngs, Kan., will shortly Bhlp three hundrod fat cat tle. Ho has been experimenting tho past winter with cottousecd meal, shipped from tho south, nnd finds re Biilts wonderful. Ho fattened his cnt tlo on cottonseed mcnl. Ho has fed thrco carloads of tho cottonseed meal, and hns twoiothcr carloads on tho way. Stole I'lto Dozen Chicken. Chicken thloves raided tho hen house ot William Shook, nt Atchison, Kan., tho enrponter who lives south of the brewery, and stole flvo dozen chickens, taking every fowl on tho place except a couplo ot setting hens and a rooster. Shook had sovcral dogs, but tho mil mala wcro silenced lu some way, and did not glvo nn alarm. Swindler Work I'reniout Women. Another swindling gamo has Jusl been worked at Fremont, Nob., with considerable success, by a couplo of unknown men. They cnlled on a num ber of Fremont housewives and ex hibited largo bars of flno whlto soap as samples of what thoy woro selling at tho rato of 25 conts a dozen. Thoy took a multltudo of orders, collecting tho money in advance Whon tho soap consignments arrived tho bars were found to bo ot such Bmnll dimensions that tho price paid for them was threa Unics tholr value. TALMAGE IS DEAD Noted Divine Succumbs to In flammation of Brain. HAS BEEN LONG IN POOP. HEALTH It ! hipeclcd That tho Funeral Will ha Held lu Wimhliigtoti mid Interment Miwle In llrulclyn Other Newn of Importance to the Mender. A Washington dispatch says: Rev. T. DoWItt Talmago, tho noted Presby terian divine, died at 9 o'clock Satur day night at hlB residence In this city. It hns been evident for some days that there was no hope of recovery, anil tho nttendlng pjiyslclans so In formed tho family. The patient grad ually grew weaker until life passed awny so quietly that even tho mem bers of the family, till cf whom were watching at the bedside, hardly knew Hint ho had gone. The lmmctllnto cause of death was Inllnmmntlon of the brain. Dr. Talmago was In poor health when ho started away from Washing ton for Mexico for a vacation nnd rest six weeks ago. He was then suf fering from Influenza and Borlous ca tarrhal condition. Since htu return to Washington some time ago he has been qulto 111. Until Thursday, however, fears for his death were not enter tained. The last rational words uttered by Dr. Talmago were on tho day pro ceding tho marriage of bin daughter, when ho said: "Of course, 1 know yni. Maud." Since then ho hud been uncon scious. At Dr. Talmngc's bedside, besides his wife, were these members of his fam ily: Row Frank DoWItt Talmago. Chi cago; Mrs. Warren O. Smith, Brook lyn; Mrs. Daniel Mangnm, Brooklyn; Mrs. Allen E. Donnnu, Richmond; Mrs. CJarenco Wycoff and uilss Talmngo, Washington. Whllo arrangements for the funeral havo not been finally completed, tho family have about decided to have tho remains taken to tho Church of tho Covenant here on Tuesday, where ser vices will ho held. The body will then bo conveyed to Brooklyn, whero In terment will be made in the family plot In Greenwood cemetery. Silent tribute to tho memory of Dr. Talmago was paid Sunday by thou sands of peoplo who walked past tho residence on Massachusetts avenue, where the visit of death was marked by a cluster of violets tied with a streamer of black hanging at the right entrance. Many Intimate friends, Including the pastorB of most of tho Presbyterlnn churches of the city, were among thoso who cnllcd at tho house. Messages of sympathy from nearly every state in tho union, and from Englnnd, Russia and other European countries, camo to the family during tho day. MAJOR WALLER ACQUITTED Only Two Stand Out for Conlellon of Acetnieil Army Olllecr. A Maniln dispatch states: Maj. Lyt tloton W. T. Waller of tho marine corps has been acquitted. Ho wns tried by a court-martial on tho chargo of killing nntlvcs of the Island of Samar without trial. Tho court-martial stood leven to two for Wnller's acquittal. Heading Circle llnnrd. The Btate reading circle board met In Lincoln and concluded Its labors with the selection of several books for tho teachers' course. A list of seven books was selected of which the ono entitled "Nature Study and Life," by Hodge, must be read, while ono of Uic re mainder may bo read at the choice ot the teacher. The remaining books are: "Jean Mitchell's School," by Angelina W. Wray; "The Art ot Teaching," by White; "School Hygiene," by Shaw; "Turning Points In Teaching," by D. C. Murphy; "What Ib Shakespeare?" by L. A. Sherman; "Waymnrks of Teach ers," oy tarah L. Arnold. Safely Mnrn ling Hrldge. Ono of the most remarkable and cleverly-executed pIcccb of engineering work ever performed in engineering took place Saturday last when the two thousand ton bridge of the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne & Chicago railroad, span ning tho Allegheny river between Tenth and Eleventh streets, Pittsburg, Pa., was moved a dlstnnco ot about thirty feet to temporary piers, to mako way for tho new doublo deck structure that Is to take Its place. The hugn mass of steel and wood was moved without mishap. AniirchlMt llerlonl Arrented. Tho anarchist, Bertonl, whoso pub lished article led to the rupturo last week of diplomatic relations between Italy and Switzerland, hns beon nr ri'Btctl at Lausanno, Switzerland, for holding a general strike meeting in defiance- of the prohibition of the police. I'remied Hrlek l'liint Hurned. Flro destroyed tho storehouso of tho Kansas City Hydraulic Pressed Brick company, and an official of tho com pany estimated tho loss at $100,000. Two million high-grndo nnd ornamen tal brick wcro damaged. Tho loss 1b partly covered by Insurance. Young Man fatally Shot. Coroner Wnlden, of Beatrice, re ceived a telephono messngo from Vir ginia, telling him that a young man named Anton Hubka. twenty-two years old, living seven miles south of there, wns accidentally shot nnd killed. No particulars of tho affair could bo se cured. At Durand's riding academy, New York city, Hcnthcrbloom, tho cham pion high Juniper, broko tho world's record for a high Jump by clearing seven feet and six luches. AN EXECUTIVE HOUSE New Hnlldlng lu Wlileli thn 'resident Will Hiitii State Quartern. Senator Fairbanks, chairman of tho Bennto commltteo on public buildings and grounds; has ropoited favorably a bill providing for a building for tho uso of the executive department of state nnd tho department of Justice. Senator Fall banks consulted President RooseveiL beforo tho report was mado nut! found him ngrceablo to having tho executive offices In the now build ing. Tho proposed building Is to bo erected north of this present state, war and navy building. It Is estimated that tho building and site will cost ?7.ooo,noo. The census bureau ban Issued a pre liminary report on tho cotton crop of 1901 In commertiul bales, gross weight, as returned by the cotton glnncrs, showing nn aggregate crop of 9.952.9S2 bales. This Is r33,lCC bales less than tho PJOi) crop. NEW TUNE FOR AMERICA Oold Mednl In HI on. for One Who Can Compnio II. President Asa Bird Gardiner, of tho Rhode Island statu society of tho Cin cinnati, has announced that the so ciety will present a gold medal to tho composer of a now tuno for tho na tional anthem "America." Colonel Gardiner says that by general consent "America" has como to bo tho natlonnl anthem of this country, and that If a national tuno can Do found as Inspiring ns that of "Cod Save tho King." It can be taught to tho school children, nnd beforo long will bo willingly accepted. The conditions upon which tho medal will be awarded arc that the tuno must havo unusual intrinsic value, meet tho severest expert musical crit icism, and obtain popular approval. ANTONIO MAGGIO FREE Aimrehlst Wnn Threatened l'reMldent MoKluley Let Co. Antonio Magglo, who has been con fined in Jail at Laa Cruccs, N. M.. slnco shortly after tho assassination of Presi dent McKlnley, on suspicion of having knowledge of an anarchist plot against tho president's life, has beon released. It was Bald that Magglo, who was a member of tho McAndrows Opera com pany, had predicted tho death of Presi dent MuKlnlcy several months before ho was shot at Buffalo. Ills release was ordered by Judge F. P. Parker at tho request of United States District Attorney W. C Relr, und the case dismissed. FINDS FORTUNE IN A CHEST Mun Who I'urihuxed It for it TrMlo Illi eoverw II' 'den Wealth. W. E. Koch. York. Pa., jeweler, has, according to a special, found cash and securities valued at !lf.0U0 in an old chest. Several years ago Koch purchased, for a trifling sum, a small and nntlquo chest. Having no Immediate usu for It, he placed it in tho garret over his place of business. Flnnlly, ho decided to uso thn box, and upon tnklng it apart for repairs, a false bottom was found, underneath which was found tho hid den wealth. The former ovner of tho chest 13 unknown. Caught After 10 Years. Constable .1. J. Brcene. of Arkansas City, Kan., arrested a man recently for whom ho has been looking for sixteen years. Tho crime for which this man was urrested was committed In Octo ber, 1SRG, nnd .since that time ho has never been In Arkansas .City. Tho man is Eli Christy, and he Is wanted for stealing a horso from Lute. Jones. One night in the month ot October, lu 188G, a horso and a harness wore stolen from Jones' stable. Improving l'lnnt. Tho Edison Electrical company of Topcka, Kan., tnakoB Improvements at their plant on Van Duron street, be tween Seventh and Eghth streets, this year that will require tin expenditure of about $110,000. Tho extensive Im provements aro being mado with a view to furnishing power by electricity to tho largest concerns in the city that u-ij machinery, as well as tho smallest. It nlso means tho construction of a largo new balding on tho present site. I lay Makes First ICeport. The report of Oil Inspector J. E. Hays for tho month of March, tho first month of his term, shows tho In spection of S.SOfi barrels of oil which notted tho offico ?S8!).i;0. Tho expenses of tho olllco for tho month wcro ?870X)2, leaving tho sum of $19.08 to turn Into tho state trensury. Tho num ber of barrels Inspected wns rather low, because tho oil companies took this i.mo to clean their tanks In many lo calities. Untitled to l'ree Delivery. The Columbus, Neb., postoffice re ceipts, for tho year ending April 1, wero $10,208, entitling tho city, upon petition, to a freo letter carrier service, provided tho houses nro numbered .and tho sidewalks pass tho required In spection. The recolpts aro 22 per cent nbovo those of tno preceding year. Nlgim tho Hill. President Roosevelt has signed tho wnr revenue rcpcnl bill, which cuts off some seventy mills from tho annual Income oj the government. 1'aj-n I'Inn for .Smuggling. Lewis Busch, convicted In tho United Stntes court, at Detroit, of smuggling CCl diamonds, worth nbout $20,000, Into tho United States from Canada In 1809, was sentenced to pay a flno of $1,100. no paid tho linn nnd was released. I.ady Will Treat Smallpox. Dr. Mary Tlnley wns awarded tho contract to treat Binallpox patients in Council bluffs for tho current year. Her bid was tho lowest of all sub mitted. Sho will do tho work for $1,000. M RESPITE CAME But Hanging Occurred Half Hour Previously. ME GOVERNOR PONDERED TOOONG St. I.oiiIh Negro Hanged at Sunrlo for Murder of I.011U Koth Heprlnte Had lleen (Irauted by Coventor Iloeker.v, Hut Wan too I.nto. Ilonry Flutchor, colored, was hanged at St. Louis, Mo., at sunrise Friday morning for the muroer of LouIb Roth. Boventy-slx years of nge, August 27, 1900. At G:4! n. m., Just thlrty-llvo min utes after the fatal drop fell, tho fol lowing telegram was received from Governor Dockery: "Jefferson City. Mo., April 11. Jo seph F. Dlckmnn, Sheriff, St, I-ouls: I hnvo granted a respite of fifteen days In case of Henry Flutcher, to be hanged todny. Stay execution. An swer." Tho following reply was sent by Sheriff Dlckman: "St. Louis. Mo.. April 11. A. M. Dockery. Governor, Jefferson City. Mo.: Henry Flutcher executed G:10. Telegram of respite received 0:45." WHOLE FORCE MUST CO I'roftldeiiH Tired of OUenrd In Immigra tion Hureaii. Secretary to the President orlelyou Friday sent the following letter to Sec retary of the Treasury Shaw: "I nm directed by the president to Bay that after listening carefully to all tho charges nnd coiintcr-cbargcp affecting Messrs. Powderly, Fltchlo nnd McSweency, nut! without expressing any Judgment upon theso charges or assuming their truth as to any or all of the gentlemen concerned, ho has de cided that a situation exists In which It Is for tho good of tho service that a complete change should bo mado and new men appointed In all three ofhees. In response to a request for his resig nation, Mr. Powderly has sent It In; Mr. Fitchlo's term has expired and Mr. Williams has been nominated to suc ceed him; Mr. Sargent will replace Mr. Powderly, although ho will not be able to tako office fof pome weeks to come. "The president nlso requests mo to ask you to forward a copy of this let tor to Mr. McSweency, with a request tor his resignation and to appoint Mr. Joseph Murray In Mc. McSwconey's place." WARE TO SUCCEED EVANS " Kaima Ijnryer-I'oot Named for reunion CommUtloner. Eugene F. Ware, of Kansas, has been selected by the president to suc ceed H. Clay Evans ns commissioner of pensions. Mr. Ware Is from To pcka, Kan., and Is a member' of tho law firm of Ware & Glecd. Eugenu F. Ware. "Ironqulll," has lived for many years In Kansas, und has always been prominent In repub lican politics, although ho has never been an olllco seeker, nnd has seldom held office. He formerly resided at 4 Fort Scott, and represented Bourbon county In the stato senate. Slnco his removal to Topeka, ho has devoted his entire time to the practice of law. ANY KIND OF BOXES Greater Latitude Allowed Iturat Fret Delivery 1'ittroim. The commission of postal experts, which has been Investigating the question of letter boxes on rural free delivery routes, haB submitted Its re port to the poBtmaster-gencral. The commission recommends that after July 1 tho public, in all rural freo de livery districts throughout tho United States, bo allowed to uso any box whatever, subject only to slmplo re quirements regarding n standard of size, Bhapo and materials. Tho only boxes now permitted by tho govern ment nro those Issued by fourteen manufacturing establishments ap. proved by the department. Mlllltnry Oolng to Ireland. A dispatch to the London Pall Mall Gazette from Dublin says that ten bat talions of English and Scotch militia aro to bo embodied and sent to Ireland within a month In pursuance of tho British government's determination to npply tho coercion act. Tho cor respondent understands that Lord Lon donderry, tho new postmnster-gcncral. threatened to resign from tho cabinet unless active measures were taken to circumvent the United Irish league. Wnde Hampton Dend. Gen. Wndo Hampton died Friday morning from vnlvular dlscaso or tho heart, after having been unconscious for several hours. Tho general hud Just passed his eighty-fourth birthday. Twice this winter he hnd sustained at tacks that had greatly weakened hlin. but ho rallied wonderfully. IHU HoiHii't Want It. Jacob A. litis, of New York, in an In tervlew in Springfield, Mass., said he would decline the position of governor of the Danish West Indies. Ktututo for MeKlnley'. 'Governor Od'ell, or Now York, Frldav signed a bill appropriating $100,000 for a sUituo of tho lato President McKlnley in uuffalo. 4 NEWS CONDENSED Tho strike nt tho Pcnwell mine, Pann, III., involving J100 men. is ended. A satisfactory adjustment of tho scale was mado by President Austin of the United States Scalo company nnd the men will return to work tomorrow. 4f W -ti ' r.- "I.,, .3.JSIM Jt -jr "