' r VOLUME XXX. DRESS G O0DS i TO REDUCE OUR STOCK OF MEDIUM - PRICED SUITINGS ! quickly. We arc going to make a sacrifice sale on suitings by giving linings free on this line and price only. We have selected about 20 pieces of Wool Suit ings from our stock at 60 and 75c yd. VENETIANS, SERGES, ETC., in reds, grays, tans, blues, blacks and greens. ' "lKl--2 3 set FREE with every dress pattern sold at 60c to 75c per yard from this stock. All pieces goods marked in plain figures, and tagged with green tags. Sale lasts as long as the goods last. MINER SHERWOOD Red Cloud, GROC6RS Highest Prices Paid for Produce. PLATT & FREES CO., Qhicago - Lumber - Yard. REU CLOUD, NEBRASKA. r . Lumber, Lime, Goal and Cement. yards-'stiffeirtag: 6 yards Cambric. Stays. 1 card Hooks and Eyes. 1 1-2 yards' Selisia. 4 yards Velveteen Binding. & ALBRIGRT. Nebraska. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. APRIL 18, 102, c s i ,, i ' t,'. ''' if BROS. Tliero is moio catarrh in this section of tho country than all other diseases put together, and until tho last few years was supposeed to bo incurable For a great many years doctors pro' nounced it a local disease, and pro scribed local remedies, and by constant, ly failing to euro with local treatment pronounced it incurablo. Bcicnco has proven catarrh to bo a constitutional disoaso, and theretora requires consti tutional treatment, hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Chonov & Co., Toledo, O., is tho only constitu tional euro on tho market. It ia taken internally in defies from ton drops to a tenspoonful. It acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho sys tem. Thoy otter ono hundred dollars for nny caso it fails to to euro. Send for circulars and testimonials. Ad dress F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75o. Hall's family Fills aro tho best. Six Million 'Boxes a Year. In 1805, none; in 1900, 6,000,000 boxes; that's Cascarets Candy Ca thartic's jump into popularity. The people have cast their verdict. Best medicine for the bowels in the world. nit uruygisis, IC. Attempted Jail Delivery. It lias just leaked out thnt ShorllT McArthur lnul quito an expetienco with his prisoners sumo tlinn ago and hnd hu not been cool and thoughtful ho might have been thu victim of n jail delivery. The night chosen was n stormy one, nnd it was very dark. SherifT McArthur hnd heen away (lur ing the cluy nnd on coming into the jail in tho evening he was unable to Unci Prisoner Williams. He inquired of Prisoner Keating what had become of Williams. Keating replied that hu hml laid down and gone to sleep, and when he awoke Williams was not in tho jail. Sheriff McArtlmr and his wife proceeded to make a searcli of the promises, including the outside of the jail, quite thoroughly, and not finding him they came back into the jail and the sheriff accused Keating of having IjVillhuns hidden s onewhere in tho jail qngo, but Keating protested that such Was not tho case. It then occurred to tho sheriff that Williams might bo hid den under his cot in his cell. It nlso occurred to Sheriff' McArthur that if ho wont into tho cell to search for Wil liams it might be a part of tho plan to lock him in tho cell and then tho pris oners would mako their escape. Ho asked Koating if Williams was not un der his cot, and Keating said ho was dot. Tho sheriff, still thinking Wil liams must bo there, ordered Keating to go to tho cot and look under it for Williams. Keating went and looked tinder tho cot anil said Williams was not there, but the sheriff observed there was a largo roll ot paper under tho cot and Williams being a small man, the sheriff thought he must be rolled up in the paper, but he failed to go in and look himself, for ho (irmly belii veil it .was a plan to lock him in the cell, so he sat down and waited for developments, After waiting quite awhile, young Wil liams? crawled out and they tried to Convince the sheriff' that it was simply o joke, lint Sheriff Me rthur feels sine it, was a well laid plan lor tliem to trv (To escape. He immediately locked them in the jail cage and has kept them there ever biiicu. A Pleasant Affair. On last Monday evening tho Ladies' Afternoon Whist Club of this city gave one of the most enjoyable social fuuc tions of the year, tho occasion being the last meeting ol thu clttu tor the season. Tho party was civen at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. 11. K Griec, cor cer of Fifth avenue and Walnut street, and was in honor of the husbands of tho club members, Prcgressivo whist was tho game of thu evening, and tho ladies were pitted against the gentle men during tho entire evening. Hearts were trumps, und tho score cards, were heart-shaped and decorated with red carnations in water colors, hand-painted. Tho decorations of tho house wero in rod nnd white. Each lady woto a beautiful bouquet of red nnd white car nations and each gentleman a bout tonniero of tho sair.o. Refreshments were served and those, too, carried out the color scheme, each article being either rod or whtto; ovon the gentle men's cigars had boon decorated with rod ribbons, Prizes woro awarded to those who had made tho highest num bor of points. Mrs. M. A. Albright won tho first prize among tho ladies, receiving a beautiful bunch or Amori can Boauty roses, and Mr. II. E. Grico won tho tirst prize anions tho gentlo men, recoiving a cigar about fourteen menus tu lungm, wnicu uuu uecu uec orated with red ribbons Painful Accident. Last Monday ovoning Mrs. Gcorgo warren mot with quito n painful ncci dent. Mr. and Mrs. Warren had boon driving and turned to go in where Mr A. ;. Green lives. The horso struck a barbed wire, which had boon stretched ncross tho road, and began to plungo Mrs. Warren was thrown from the buggy and foil under tho whcols. Tho buggy nassed over her. ono whool strik ing her faco and nnother going over nor arm. as soon as nn. wnrrou could got control of tho horso ho brought Mrs. warren to town and called in a physician. No bones woro broken nnd at tho present writing Mrs. Wnrron is fluttering but littlo from tho cITocts of nor tall. Declared Insane. J. F. Smith, a farmer and tin old rosi dont, living southeast of this city, was brought hero last Saturday and taken before too insanit7 board und adjudged insano. Ho was tnkon to Lincoln Sun day aiorning. Mr. Smith's troublo seemed to bo only temporary, as on Sunday morning ho appeared to bo as sound in mind as could bo and talked as rationally ns anyono, stating that everything that was dono from Friday morning was a blank to him. We hopo to hear of his return to his homo in tho near future m m $45 to California and Return. Tickets on sale April 21 to 27, May 27 to June 8, August 2 to 8. Liberal stopover arrangements and return limits. For additional Information ask tho nearest agent, Burlington Routo, or write for a California folder to J. Francis, Goneral Pnssengor Agent, Burlington Rente, Omaha, Neb. THEY CRUSH THE POWERS This is written in mld-Octobar. Th long, opproitsivo summer is quit gone. Fading loaf, withering trco and -the rustling corn In the fields are signs of tho season. Fog, frost, rain, snow, they ore coming. You remember last winter of 100O and 1901. The weather was cruel. Ah I thethona ands it killed, and tho hundred of thou ends it maimed and crippled. Oh, the rough grasp it laid on men at work, womta at homo, and children in cribs and cradle. Cought that began before ThanksgWini Day are racking and tearing them atlll j vee, and growing worse as they dig deeper lnt the poor, tired throat and lungt. Many wero cured by using llenson'a 1'oroua Plan ter. For the soothing and healing powei of these Plasters Is wonderful. They con quer tho complaints THAT ARE KILLING THE PEOPLE. No other plaster, no other medicine or ap. nllontlon. can conumro with them. Couch. colds, backache, rheumatism, lumbago, kidney and liver trouble, asthma, influ enza, they all go down before Bcnaon'f Plasters like a enow Image in the sua. You can't throw money away on a Benson's Plaster. Everybody is going to use them this season, but make certain you get the genuine. All druggists, or we will prepay postage on any number ordored in the United etatcs on receipt of 25o. each. Beabury tc Johnson, Mfg. Chemists, N.T. Real Estate Transfers. Tho following transfers, furnished by thu Webster County Abstract Co., wore made during thu past week: A Miner Welltna to F E Hilling ton, w d, lots 1, '2 and !l, block 15, CowIoh SO F E liilliugton to Ceo W Hutch iiisoii. w (I. same 20 James N Clarke, receiver, to J R Urcouhalgh, w d, nwir(S2 10 J L (ireeuhalgh to E L Ronton, wd.hf tiwqrU2 10 C E Perkins to F E Wilson, w d. U000 1000 lot 1. block ill, Cowlcs 10 Jesso It Eulou to Sanford Crox ton, w 1, 11 hf nw qr and w bf no qr 1 2 !) 2700 Louis W Hay el til to C A Roi her, wd, neqr'28:J 11 100 K F Carper and wife to .John .J Delehoy, w d, lots 1 to 8, Har roll's addition to Rluu Hill 075 Suroptn Osbnrn to William Os born, w d, part 11 hf s hf nw qr 18 1 12 ... 400 C H & Q R R Co to W F 11 Schneider, w d, no qr 33 1 V2 12112 flnttio C Altmnn to John Woiirol. w d, part lots It and 4 in 11 1 0 20 Sallio F Sayles to N Painter, w d, lots 10, 11 and 12, block 0, La Duo's addition to Red Cloud 250 Kate Kinney to G 1) Harding, w d, lots 0 and 10, block 0, Hoover's addition to Illuo Hill 200 Chas E Hicks and wife to Jos F Orosbach. w d. n hf nw ir and nwqrsw qr 8 4 11 . ... !tt5 Hans Tolisson to W 11 llobart, w d, sw qr 18 2 12 2000 Stato of Nebraska to Maggio Robinson, dood, nw qr 80 2 9 1120 Androw Bock to Rosy Potter, w d,nwqr302 12 2500 Fran. Uuschow and wifo to L C , Peisigor. w d. cart bo or so or 4 4 10 ' 160 Henry Ludlow and wife to Ella M Uurt. w d. oart sw or nw or 19 4 12 . 1300 William (t Kinsoy and wifo to Emma J Duckor, qo d, lots 4, 5 and 0, block .1, Talbot's addi tion to Guide Rock Total . . Mortgages tiled Mortgages released 1G075 $7450 84500 Holland House Changes Hands. Last Monday the Holland House in this city changed hands, J. W. Run choy, tho former proprietor, having leased thu house and furnishings to Kit. Fry. Mr. Runohdy and his cstunnblo wifo have mado many friends during tho few yenrs thoy liavo been in busi ness here who will regret to see thotii quit our business circles. In speaking of tho now manager. Mr. Fry, wo can say ho is an old hotel man and beliovo he will mako a success of his new ven ture. While we, with the rest of our citizens do not liko to see Mr. nnd Mrs. Runchoy unit our business circles, still if such must bo wo nro pleased to noto that thoy havo secured kucIi 11 good successor as Mr. Fry, and I'hb Ciiikk, wishes Mr. Fry success in his venture Woodmen's Day. Thursday, April 24, will bo Wood- Hum's day in Red Cloud. 'I'hn cnnunlu of most of tho camps in the county havo joined in calling a dolegato meet ing to organize a county association in opposition to tho readjustment plan nronosod bv tho head nflienm. It. la proposod to have an enthusiastic moot inir of Woodmen in thn nvnnlncr in (. cuss tho now rates and the reserve plan, All woodmoa in tho county and adjacent territory aro cordially invited. I. W. Edbon. L. II. FonT, W. II. Parker, L. A. Haskins, E.J. OVKRINU, Jit,, Local Committee, SKX i '?, NUMBER 10 School Botid Election, On Wednesday of next week tho eli gible school voters are expected to vote for or against tho ifsuing of more bonds by school district No. 2. As will bo soon by reading tho election no tice published in another column of this paper, tho proceeds are to bo used for the purposo of placing boating plants in tho school houses of this city. Tho mouthers of tho board found them selves confronted with tho question of either doing this or buying nnother lot of stoves. Wo boliove either n steam or hot water plant should bo installed in each of tho buildings, nnd theroforo aro very much in favor of tho bonds, much as wo dislike tho issuing of bonds for any purpose. With stoves ono cor ner of tho room is hot and tho balance cold; those pupils sitting near tho stoves nro too warm, whiio tho others are too cold. Resides this considera tion may bo monlionid the annoyance to both pupils nnd teachers of having tho janitor coming in to build tho fires, nlso tho dirt nnd gonernl unsanltari ncss of stoves. Tho 11, too, tho greater economy of either ono of these heating systams in tho matter of fuel. It has cost this city during tho Inst school year $450 for coal for tho thirteen or fourteen stoves, und with either of tho nbovo systems it should not cost half as much to heat tho' buildings. With either of tho systems nn oven temper- turn could bo maintained, tho pupils would sillier less from colds and from cold, and while it seems a largo outlny just at tho present lime, wo boliove in the end it will lit found to be nn econ omy. Therefore wo are in favor of tho issuing of bonds. Obituary. Albert l. Whitwor, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Whitwor. was born in Smith county, Kansas, in June. 1888, and died Tuesday, April 15, at ', a. 111. Albert had boon a sulTcrcr tor thirteen wcckh witli that fearful disease, spinal menin gitis, and during the last two days of his iifo was unconscious most of tho time. Funeral services wero held at tiio home, conducted by the Rev. Cout tier of the U. H. church of Lebanon and tho rcui'iiiis wero laid to rest in tho Webb Hill cemetery April 10. The family of the deceased youth have thu sympathy of a largo circle of friends and acquaintances. . Are You Using Allen's Foot-Ease? Shako into your shoes Allen's Foot- Ease, a powder. It cures Corns, Hun- ons, Painful, Smarting, Hot, Swollon eet. At all druggists and shoo stores, 15c. Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold Laxative UromoQulnitio Tablets cures a cold in ono day. No cure, no pay 25 cents, . To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinino Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. Pleasure, Comfort, Rest STORK. Furniture, ilusic, Undertaking., Albright - Bros., Damcrell Block, Red Cloud, Neb. J THE- C0MB AND SEE US. R i, 14 t mi r'f 1 fit 1 III W99auts9n&jsssi -wqwtwr-' "-