The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 11, 1902, Image 6

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Red Cloud Chief.
Now that Prlnco Henry la nt homo
lio may safely uncork that bottle of
Kentucky peach brandy.
HotiBt) hunting, bonnet hunting and
octopiifl hunting nro a few of the oc
cupatlouB of tho prcHcnt season.
Another (uniiel 1 to bo built In
Now York. Tho iHltiml Is destined to
becomo n veritable gopher camp.
Crneglo 1m making money bo fnnt
that ho haa now taken to giving away
libraries In flocks Instead of singly.
Insurance- rnloH aru climbing ho
high that any midden descent will
havo to bo made by way of tho lit e
Agulnaldo, Lnkbnn and nil of the
raptured Filipino chieftains ngrco that
tho fat of'tho land Is far prefcrablo to
tho lean.
Every time Italy looks over at Tri
poli it thinks It ought to do a Ut
ile expending just to keep It up with
the procession.
J. Plcrpont Morgan does not burden
his mind with such u trllle as $10,000.
000. In this respect thorn Is a number
of us Just llko him.
Nineteen ltnllan nowspnpers have
been suppressed In Austria for foment
ing disorder on tho occasion of tho ro
ccnt riots at Trlcst.
From tho way they nro lighting tho
Chlncsu rebels must havo stood around
and watched tho armies of the allies
do things two years ago.
London la a poor location for tho
coronation. Thoro nro not enough
mansions in tho city to nccommodato
tho American millionaires.
A Husslnn has Invented a monorail
electric road that ho believes will
transport passengers nt tho rate of
200 miles an hour. ,I)on't!
Now that revolvers aro being used
In tho nobln art ot self-dofcuso ngalnst
hazing, tho collego pastiniu will loso
pome of Us zest for exuberant claim
men. Tho automobile appears to havo tho
peculiar faculty of running rich men
Into tho police courts. The poor man's
chanco won't come till tho machines
aro cheaper.
Some of tho Now York restaurants
now havo "smoking rooms for ladies."
They should bo raoro explicit and
label them "smoking rooms for per
fect ladles."
When Max O'ltoll tells peoplo to "ro
tnaln childish as long as you can." ho
probnbly means chlldllko which
doesn't Bound very different to u
Tho socini climber who has wasted
his substanco in golllng outfits Is now
suffering from ping pongltis, n disease
that Is said to bo prevalent among
American plutocrats.
A long term m prison seems to
destroy n man's appreciation of lib
erty. Hardly had Jim Younger got
out of tho penitentiary when he be
gan to yearn for mntrlmony.
Tho now $5 national bank notes
bear tho vlgnetto of Ilenjamln Harri
son anil tho new $!0's that of William
McKlnloy. To tho acquisitive tasto
the $10'a aro tho moro attractive
Sultan Abdul Hamld has stopped the
pensions that had bcon allowed to sev
eral Turkish students In Paris. Nat
urally tho sultan looks with suspicion
on any ono who cau rend and wrlto.
Yet another Btop In tho disappear
ance of gold lace from Ilrltlsh oillccrs'
uniforms. Drigado orders of tho Foot
Gunrds announce that gold-striped
trousers and overalls must bo worn no
You aro led to bollevo from tho vn
rlotis pronunclamontoar of tho great
powers that houcoforth It Is going to
bo so quiet In tho far cast that you
can hear a pin drop anywhero there
abouts. Miss Susan M. Hallowoll, professor
of botany for tho last twenty-seven
years at Wollesloy collego, has ten
dered her resignation. Her retirement
withdraws from tho faculty ranks tho
Inst member who served In the open
ing year in 1875.
Tho viceroy ot India has announced
a detailed schemo for utilizing n quar
ter of a million sterling subscribed In
India for tho Queen Victoria memorial
in building a great hall of classical
architecture of whlto Pontollcon inar
blo to bo brought from O recce.
Tho news that Andrew Cnmeglo hns
refused to becomo Achilles II. of
Araucana shows how really great Is
tho American mlllionnlrn who prefers
to Invest In libraries Instead of spend
ing his fortune in coronation ceremo
nies. A man who served a long term In the
Iowa penitentiary writes to his home
paper that ho is convinced crlmo does
not pay, slnco ho has lost $10,800 he
might havo made by working at hit
trade, while tho proporty he stole
brought him only $07.
Somo of Carrio Nation's Dovoteoo
Cot Busy at Eddyvillo.
Htulibcd to llettlli lly Nf;rn' - Dcincnl-
ed ffoumn Trie to Kill Her Hun
Nmtperted of t'olminlnc Her Pur-
ninoiir Accident to I'linncr.
Tho followers of Curtlo Nation,
twelve in number, closely veiled except
tho leader, raided tho alleged "Joint"
run by Jim Hammond nt Kddy
vlllo and broke his largo looklng
glasB and destroyed sovcrnl cases of
liquor. Ho was given one day to get'
out of town on n threat of receiving n
coat of tar and feathers. Ono of Lex
Ington'n citizens, who has been trying
to oradlcato the haloon evil was pres
ent to sco that all went well.
Connor town Mun Diet Vorjr Suddenly ut.
llonjamln Jones, n machinist of
Portland, Ore., died at Seattle from
what tho coroner believes to havo been,
violent poison given by a woman with
whom ho wim registered at the Hotel
York as his wife.
Tho woman came Into the hotel of
fice, announced that the man was III
and left, presumably for u physician.
She did not return, and when the hotel
management secured u doctor tho man
wan found unconscious. Ho was re
moved to a hospital, whero ho expired
a row hours later.
His clothing was stripped of valua
bles, lifittcrs found in his grip reveal
that tho man had parents, in Oskalooaa,
In. Ho registered ut tho hotel under
Uio name of J. H. Bayre.
Ilenjamln Franklin Jones, who Is
reported to have been poisoned at Seat
tle Is known at Oskaloosa, la., as
Frank Jones. Tho Associated press
dispatch wns tho first intimation hlu
aged parents had of the circumstances
attending his death. He bore an ex
cellent reputation up to tho time he
left Oskaloosa, eight years ngo. John
Jones, a brother, Is a stationary en
gineer. Frank Jones was ranked as
au unusually expert machinist and
commanded a high salary.
T-oi Klin Into Million.
Tho flood damage In Shclbyvtlle and
lledford counties, Tennessee, is esti
mated at from $1,500,000 to $2,000,000.
Relief committees are doing everything
possible, but there Is great suffering
and assistance will havo to be secured.
Hundreds of families are homeless,
it being impossible, even nt this time,
to give tho correct number.
Tho only deaths reported aro three
negro children.
Only ono brldgo across Uio Duck
river remains standing In the county,
all tho steel bridges recently erected
nt a cost of 150,000 being washed away.
Tho damago to the town is esti
mated at J200.000. Duck river is now
within Its banks.
Kilter of .1. R. Ilnjil Commit Suicide.
A dispatch from Philadelphia tells
of tho death, by her own hand, of Mrs,
Mary 13. Clement, Bister ot ex-Governor
lloyd. Tho dispatch says:
"Disheartened because of lack of suc
cess In litigation and henrtbroken over
her innblllty to retain tho affections
or securo the custody of her only son,
Mrs. Mary E. C. Clement killed herself
in her flno homo, 1017 North Broad
Btrect. Her body, badly decomposed,
was found In a third-story room which
was filled with gas, and a rubber tube
attached to ail open gas jet and reach
ing to tho bed upon which the body lay
told tho story of suicide.
Minn Million for Indlumt.
Senator Stewart, chairman of tho
senate committee on Indian affairs, re
ported tho Indian appropriation bill to
the senate. As reported It carries a
total appropriation of $9,415,339, a net
Increase of $973,834 over tho total as
tho bill passed tho house. Authority
Is given to use tho trust funds of tlm
various tribes of Indians to tho aggre
gate extent of $1,031,191 for tho cettle
ment of obligations and for other pur
poses. (iraat MlulngNutt HrBiin.
What is perhaps tho biggest mining
suit in the history or Colorado has
been filed in tho district court or Colo
rado Springs and Involves mining
property valued at more than $5,000,
000. Tho property affected Is all lo
cated In the Cripple Creek district. The
BUlt is brought by tho minority stock
holders of tho Mount Itosa company
against tho Woods nveatmont com
pany. tloorclu Negro Lynched.
Walter Allen, n negro charged with
criminally assaulting Miss Ulossom
Adamson, a 15-year-old girl, In Home.
On., was taken from tho Jail by 4,000
peoplo, who battered down tho prison
doors, and hanged him to an electric
light polo In tho principal portion of
tho city. A volley was tired afterward
and fully a thousand bullcta entered
tho negro's body.
Kill Mother anil Child.
Fearing that ho would bo arrested
for theft, Wlll'um H. Lane, n colored
butler, shot and killed his employer,
Mrs. Ella J. Furbush, her 12-year-old
daughter, Madeline, and probably mor
tally wounded another daughter,
Elolse, aged 7 years, nt their homo In
Philadelphia. Lano, who is 27 years of
age, escaped from tho house and four
hours later was captured by Philadel
phia detectives while waiting In Cam
den, N. J., to boatd a train for Bridge
ton, N. J. Ho was Identified by llttlo
Elolse and confessed his crime.
Sheepmen mid Cittllcmcii Untile for Hit
A roiirler rem lied Hock Springs,
Wyo.. from the seme of the fight be
tween the sheepmen mid the cattle
men Hint of Big I'luuy. Ho was on tho
ground mid states that no ono wan in
Jure cl, but that 12,000 sheep were killed
and wultcicd, the auliunls being shot,
clubbed to dentil unil tlilven over a
cliff Into n deep ami narrow ravine.
Three sheep wagons wero burned, to
gether with tho bedding and en. .p out
lit of the Mock masters.
Thu light occurred between Sand
Springs and East Houldor creok, twen
ty inlltM eust of Big Plney. Tho sheep
men wero scvetal miles beyond tho
deadline and were encroaching upon
the reserve of tho cattlemen, when a
band of tho Intter appealed, heavily
armed and mounted.
AfU'r firing several shots at the
sheepmen, who returned the fire, the
cattlemen closed In and as they out
numbered the sheepmen Mvo to one,
tllennned tho herders and lied them
and proceeded to destroy the outfit and
kill the sheep.
The courier refuses to divulge tho
names of those Implicated In tin; out
rage, neither will ho glvo tho names of
tho llockmasters, but ho would not
deny that tho intter weie John and
Abe Hill. Thero Is consldetablo ex
citement in the upper Green river
country, mid further trouble Is ex
pci ted.
NtilTt'M Internal Injtirlri and Ho May
Not l.liu.
A lO-yenr-oltl son of Sam Plnkerton.
who resides In Custer county, Nebras
ka, was dragged to Insensibility by a
horse. Tim boy was herding cattle,
and as he did not return home at tho
usual time, a search was made, and
he was found In an unconscious state
some distance from tho house. Ap
pearances showed that ho had been
dragged ubout eighty rods. It Is sup
posed he was attempting to dismount,
and as ho had his feet in tho straps
above tho stirrups, his foot caught,
which frightened the horse, with tho
above result. When found a doctor
was summoned who found tho lad's
skull fractured and also Internal In
juries. It Is thought ho cannot re
cover. Klcctlnuw In Vbrukn.
Llccnsn or no license was the Isruo
In a large number of Nebraska cities
and towns. Hero is tho result:
Wet Alma. Ansley, Beatrice, Car
roll, Claries', Cozad, Crelghton, David
City. Kim Creek. Fatrbury., Fllley,
Gothenburg, Geneva, Havelock, Har
vard, Holdrege, Humboldt, Kearney,
Lincoln, Lyons. Norfolk, Newport,
Odell, Osceola. Silver Creek, Shelton,
Stromshurg, Syracuse, Tekamah, To
bias, Wausa, Wymore.
Dry Adams. Aurora. Benkclmnn,
Hrokcn How, Hellwood, Cedar Rapids,
Clay Center, Elgin, Fullerton, Gibbon,
Lexington, Mlnden, Nelsou. Ord, Ris
ing City, Stella, Tecumsch
.Summoned to I) r tunc rut I u "at Homo."
The board of governors of tho demo
cratic club at New York met anil de
cided to havo an "at homo" Monday
evening, April tl, and to invito promi
nent democrats of ue country to in
tend. Among those to bo invited aro ex
Presldent Grovcr Cleveland, William
J. Bryan, William C. Whitney, David
li. Hill. John G. Carlisle. Daniel S. La
mont. Senator Arthur Pue Gorman and
all the democratic senators and repre
sentatives In congress.
Ten 'riioumiid Miner Out.
After mass meetings of tho Roches
ter and Pittsburg Coal and Iron com
pany's miners were hold nt Punxsutaw
nuy and Sykesville, Pa., tho threatened
strike was formally declared. It In
volves 10,000 miners and will havo tho
etfect of curtailing the employment of
nearly us many moro railroad men em
ployed by tho IlufTalo, Rochester &
Pittsburg Railroad company, -whoso
freight traMlc will be uearly paralyzed
In consequence of tho strike.
Striken Hoy With Hammer.
Mrs. Anderson, who, with her hus
band and two sons, lives in tho old
charity homo nt Shenandoah, la., un
der a spell of demontla, struck her
youngeBt boy, 12 years old, with a
hammer with tho latent to kill him.
Sho said that God had told her to kill
tho boy whllo ho was yet Innocent.
Overwork and worry had unbalanced
tho woman's mind. Sho was com
mitted to tno Insano asylum in Clarln
tln. Tho boy will recover.
Mr. Kitther Morrl Dead.
A special from Cheyenne, Wyo., an
nounces the death thero of Mrs. Esther
Morris, known as the mother of woman
suffrage In Wyoming. Tho adoption ot
tho equal suffrage amendment In
t. Vrtllilnif tvu lntrvtttr 1iitt - dun 4
forts nnd sho was tho first woman jus-
tlco of tho peace.
May l'rovn Fatal.
Etl ward Mendeth, a farmer residing
In Otoo county, whllo working In the
field with a team, was kicked in the
left sldo or tho race by one of the
horses. Ho has been taken to Ne
braska City for medical treatment. Tho
wholo left sldo of his faco Is crushed
In and It Is feared that ho will not re
cover. Sinpectrd of Shocking Crime.
The dead body or Will Hayes, 24
years old, of Wheeling, W. Vn., was
found lying In a vacant lot near tho
business section of Wagoner, I. T. A
pair of bloody scissors with which
Hayes had evidently bcon stabbed to
death, lay near tho body. Tho man's
watch was missing, and his pockets
had been rifled. Six men and three
women, all negroes, wero arrested on
suspicion or connection with tho mur
der and, owing to threats or lynching
at Wagoner, tho prisoners have been
brought to Muskogee.
Merchant at Shelby Accidentally
Rocoivos Contonts of Gun.
t.nrgo Hotel lit Aliunde llll.v
hy l'lre Father (it-lit Totm-mlon of
IIU Ctilhl 'Amnteiir Athlel
Com pete ill llHHtlntn.
Henry Durrltt, a merchant of Shelby,
ivas accidentally shot at C. Deleal's
:toven miles southwest of Rising City,
Neb., by Levi Miller and seriously
wounded in both legs near the knees
v.hllo engaged in chnrlvailng Frank
Schesllnger and a daughter of Mr. De
lent, newly married. Mr. Buirltt is
4ii Id to be In no serious danger unless
blood poison should set in.
.hiiiice of Clmnnel In Ml-mirl (law- lllm
8300,000 Properly.
Tho Armour Packing company and
Hie Chicago Great Western Railway
company will probably be deprived ot
tho lMissesslon of forty acres of accre
tion land lying to tho south of the Mis
souri river by a verdict returned In
the district court at Kansas City, Kan.
Tho laud Is valued at $200,000 and tho
greater part of it has been held by tho
Armour Packing company, which
caused S. K. Howe, an old Mshcrninn,
iiul who claims to be the original own
&r, to bo ejected in 18115.
Many yearn ago, Howe, a poor fish
erman, located on au Island in tho
Missouri river, Just opposite the Ar
mour packing plant. In 1894 the Mis
souri river changed Its course, and the
land, which was originally nu island,
became a art or the mainland. As an
Island, the property was practically
worthless, but when it became a part
or the malnlnnd It ndjolncd the land
of tho Armour Packing company and
its value was great. Tho accretions
became greater, and the trestle, over
which the Chicago Great Western en
ters Kansas City, was built on a part
of tho now laud.
In 1895 "tho Armour Packing com
pany brought proceedings to eject
Howe, who Insisted that the property
was his by settler's right. Tho Armour
company claimed possession because
Its lnnd adjoined the new made ground.
The case wns brought originally In a
justice court, taken to the city court
and finally to the district court, where
Howe was given n decision.
Kev. Mr. I.niither Ann mi net- III Future
The nov. Mr. Louther of Arkansas
City, Kan., who was convicted by the
M. E. conference of heresy, says he
will start out with a lent and preach
the gospel as ho sees It. Dr. Louther
announced it as part of his plan to
ultimately enter another denomination
where he could preach In accordance
with his belief.
When tho report of tho committee
was received half of the ministers In
tho conference sobbed. Bishop Mulll-
I lieu said it was with the utmost regret
that ho had to announce that Dr.
i Louther's ministerial "credentials
should be taken away.
linrneil to Dentil In Cur.
An unknown man was burned to
death In a car on the Chicago &. Alton
road at Grlgg's Siding, Logan county,
Illinois. Tho flro was discovered whllo
the englno was taking water and the
crew set' the car out on a siding to let
It burn. Today the charred body of a
man was discovered. .His head, legs
and arms wero burned away, and it
was impossible to Identify him, but the
train crew believes tne body that of
William Coffery of Montlcello. Ky.
Coffery had been employed by the Al
ton to work In company with other
mon In the "camp car." Other oc
eupants of the car cannot be found.
Coroner Boyden will make full Investi
gation. Joke May l'rove Costly.
A plcco of wood dipped In chocolate
was tho catiBO or tho filing or a dam
ago suit for $500 against C. II. Wild,
agent for tho C. J. Fletcher Candy
compnny of Kansas City, Kan. Tho
plaintiff Is Mrs. Vina Green, who is
employed at Collins' candy store. In
her petition filed In tho common pleas
court of Wyandotte county, sho claims
that on March 24 Mr. Wild tendered
her what seemed to bo a chocolnto
drop; that she accepted It, and, at
tempting to blto It, broke ono or her
front teeth. Sho found It waa a pleco
of hard wood, dipped In chocolate, got
ten up for the purpose of playing
tricks, nnd asks $500 damages for the
pain she suffered and the humiliation
resulting from the loss of tho tooth.
Margin nt Kiuporln.
Burglars entered the home of Charles
Jackson at Emporia, Kan., whllo tho
family was uway from home and se
cured about $55 In cash, somo jewelry
and an $80 bank draft and somo minor
effects. Tho homo of J. M. Harmon
was also entered, but the burglars got
but little. These make four robberies
committed within tho last week.
One Child Kliooln Another.
John Lilly, 9 .yeare old, of Ottawa,
Kan., accldnitally fired a chargo of
shot lntc tho foot of his companion,
Charley Wruy, C years old. The latter
may lose tho foot The children wero
playing In an attic of tho Wray homo
with tho gun nnd were pluylng "bur
Blurs." Killed, by a Switch Knglne.
Ralph Elmore, one of the gntcmen
at tho Wichita stock yards, was killed
by being crushed between a switch en
glno and a freight car. He was 40
years old and had a family.
MJivnllr City. N. !., Ilin i
OOO l'lre.
Twele hotels and more than a scoro
of small buildings adjoining tho board
walk which Is built along the ocean
edge at Atlantic City. N. J., were de
stroyed by a flro which swept the beach
front for two long blocks from Illinois
avenue to New York avenue. Tho loss,
It Is believed, will exceed $750,000. In
this icspcct tho conflagration Is tho
most disastrous that has over visited
the city. The loss will be only par
tially covered by Insurance, ns the
into of 5 per cent charged by Insurance
companies on property here is regard
ed as almost prohibitive.
Fortiinutcly no lives were sacrificed,
though probably a dozen pel-sons were
slightly Injured and burned during tho
progress of the Ore.
It was reported that six men had
perished In the llauies, but the rumor
was without foundation.
The origin of the the Is unknown,
but It was snld to have started In
either Brady's baths or the Tarltoii'
hotel, which adjoins the baths at Il
linois avenue and tho board walk., Tho
city Is guarded by a company of mil
itia who wero requested by the mu
nicipal authorities to aid the police In
thu prevention of looting. About a
dozen men were arrested during the
day fur robbery.
AtTt'ctlnc Scene Frr-tenti-d In I'liittNinonth
A 7-inontliR-old baby was brought
Into County Judge Douglass' court at
Plnttsmouth, Neb., by Its grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Everett,
and n heating was had to determine
whether the child should remain in
their possession or bo returned to the
father. George L. Briton. A largo num
ber of witnesses had been summoned
nt the conclusion of the hearing the
court ordered that tho child Imj given
to the t'other. It was shown that the
mother of the child had departed this
life on March 1, 190:1, nnd that It was
her dying request that Mr. nnd Mrs.
Everett, her pnrents, should take tho
child and rear It, but the court did not
feel Justified in holding that such re
quest was a defense to tho writ of
habeas corpus bvued. It was an affect
ing scene when tho grandparents, with
tears streaming down their cheeks, re
luctnntly gave up tho child which they
had learned to love ns one of their
Killed hy n Homo.
Henry Westerhouse, a man 00 year?
old, who came from Coffeyvlllo a week
ago, was instantly killed at Wichita,
Kan., by being trampled upon by a
frightened horse belonging to Uie
Wells-Fargo Express company. The
horse war. croslng the Snnta Fc rall
toad tracks as an express train was
coming in. und Westerhouse ran and
tried to check It. Tho approaching
train frightened tho horse. It reared
up and struck Westerhouse over the
heart with Its heavy hoofs.
Utility of Murder In Seeontl Decree.
A special from Joplln, Mo., says:
The jury In the caso of James Wilson,
charged with the murder of Orvlllu
Lyons, a neighboring farmer, thirty
five years ago, returned a verdict find
ing him guilty of murder In the second
degree, and fixing his sontence at ten
years in the penitentiary.
A motion for a new trial and nn ap
peal was filed. Wilson was arrested In
Oklahoma recently after a search of
Illimilthit l'tmtuiiiMter Arrested.
John Schilling, a local politician,
caused the arrest of tho postmaster,
Ewlng Herbert, of Hiawatha, Kan., ou
tho charge that Herbert disturbed hit
peace by calling him names and talk
ing to him in an insulting manner.
Herbert denies Hip charge and has de
manded n trial by jury. Schilling
wanted his son mndo postmaster and
lost out. Herbert asserts that causing
his arrest was part of u scheme to dis
credit him.
Convict Tried Suicide.
Coby TIdwell, a convict in the fed
eral penitentiary at Leavenworth, tried
to commit suicide by hanging. Ho was
working In the shoo shop nnd slipped
away. Ho was found hanging from the
bar across the top of a cell. Ho used
his suspenders for a rope. The gunrd
TIdwell came to tho penitentiary from
the Indian territory n year ago to serve
a five-year sentence for larceny. He
served terms In two other peni
tentiaries before.
(lold Medal Content.
Leslie Bratton won tho gold medal
In the pontathon contest at tho young
men's Christian association gym
nasium at Hastings, Neb., he having
scored sixty-five points out of 100. Par
rott won tho running high Jump with
four feet nine. Bratton got first In the
sprint. In tho fence vault Parrott won
tho prize. In tho standing broad Jump
Sewell won the prlzo with nlno feet
nine. The potuto raco was won by
Mrs. Mabel Fenton Haines, on trial
Tor a week past at Mount Holly, N. J.,
charged with tho murder or her 3-year-old
step-daughter, Gwendolln, by th
alleged means of arsenic, was acquitted
by the Jury's verdict, rendered fifteen
minutes after its retirement. Th
court's charge was favorublo to the de
fendant. Two Dead and Four Injured.
Two mon wero killed and four In
jured by an explosion In one of th(
blast furnaces of tho Illinois Steel
works In Chicago. Tho explosion
forced a mass of molten metal through
tho "blower." Ono man, not identified,
was burned to a crisp. The other,
Nicholas Maturscck, died after linger
ing several hours in agony. It Is sale
tho injured will recover.
Tho samo kind of man who runs af
ter you when you havo money will run
away from you when you haven't.
Current News
and Views
Soldier Mlntnket tho MlnUS ot .liutlce
for IlnrBlHi
M. Calllaux, the French minister ot
flnnnce, had n curious ndventuro in
Paris one evening recently. Ho wns
invited to dine with his colleague, the
minister of murine, whoso residence Is
opposite the ministry of finance on tho"
other chip of the Ixiuvre. Ah ho wns
late he took a short cut through the
gnrden, but found tho gnfo locked and
that he had forgotten tho key. M.
Calllaux is an excellent gymnast, and
proceeded to scale the railing. He hnd
Just got on the top when ho was spot
ted by the vigilant sentry, who men
aced him with his bayonet. His asser
tion that he was the minister of justice
wns received with scorn, and his trans
fer to the guard houso ns a burglar
was only prevented by tho arrival of
tho minister of marine, who rescued ,
him from the soldier.
Mm. Mlnule Dnvln or Omaha Holder of
tho World's Kurort!.
A most extraordinary record In that
of Mrs. Minnie Davis of Omaha. Mnr
rled at 13, sho was a mother at 14. a
grandmother at US and at 45 a great
grandmother. Mrs. Davis Is n native
of Boston and has lived in Nebraska
slnco 1803. Her first child, now Mrs.
Ellis of Council Bluffs, born when her
mother wns 14. was married when 13
nini had a daughter a year later. This
daughter at 15 became Mrs. Rlgby ot
Mr. Minnie Dnvla.
Seattle, Wash., and two years later
was u mother. This latter event hap
pened three years ago. Mrs. Davis
now has children younger than her
Another Dead Sea.
The new dead sea discovered by
Dr. Sven Hedln, In Tibet, seems en
titled to rank among the geographical
wonders of tho world. It is described
as enormous In extent, but so shal
low that to navigate it ono must
wade half a mile to reach the boat,
and must drag tho boat half a mile
before it can be floated with a load.
But the most remarkable character
istic is the almost incrcdlblo amount
of salt, and the boat and oars aro as
whlto as chalk; even the dress of tho
rowers mooii becomo whitened, while
drops of tho water sprinkled upon a
dry surface leaves globules llko can
dlo drippings.
Finnish People Show Their Hatred of
Their Itutalan Governor.
That Gen. Bohrlkoff, who has been
commissioned by tho czar to "Rus
sianize" Finland, Is the most unpopu
lar man In the country goes without
saying. Though the Finns aro a God
fearing and peace-loving people, re
ports of nttempts on tho general's lit
havo been telegraphed several times.
To vent their hnto the Finns have
recently spread broadcast bust photo
graphs of Gen. Bobrlkoff, which they
havo surmounted with two horn,
The Caricature,
showing that they consider his charac
ter on a par with the sntanlc majesty
in charge of hades. Tho police have
looked In vain for tho photographer
responsible for tho caricature. Sev
eral arrests have been made, but no
convictions have remltcd.
An order has been Issued threaten
ing all who aro found In pos5CBsloa ot
copies of the picture with Imprison-'
ment. '
Heir to Japnn'n Throne.
His royal highness, Prlnca Mlchl,
grandson or the present mikado of Ja
pan, Ib the youngest heir preeumptiva
to a great throne among all the royal
personages In tho world. Ho is eight
months old, hns a dozen nurses on
English and French governesses will
bo secured ns soon as he is uble to
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