unfc'xVK .4 t'- I iwiwi'iumwi jhjbiu.ihimi-mu wiwanu,Mftnavw. 4 -a -a -9 a a 4 4 a 4 4 4 4 -9 4 4 4 J 4 4 9 9 9 -9 9 9 4 9 9 -9 -9 -9 9 9 9 9 -9 9 -9 -9 9 9 9 9 -9 -9 , 1 4 S- Uust A new line of the latest styles in Ladies9 Belts. Also an assortment of the popular Roll Combs. Come see them. in and 1 Heoihoase - Bros., 9 9 9 9 JoWelet'S l"ll Opticians Kuil Clout! , N'cbroeka. -3 tf y if m fM( i if rp n i y if m t q i m it n it m j ii i m tilbiitb)bvtittitbvlilitbib)kttiVti)btttbvlvltlibUitb 4 5- cause u gieat nriny lights uciglib.ihood I The best way 3 to keep peace with jour neighbors is to fence your chirke-.s with poultry netting Wo '" making pi ices that makes this possible. Poultry Netting ! 9 9 9 in. high, 15c psr rod. in. high, 25c per rod. in. high, 28c per rod. in. high 35c per rod. 9 a 4 -s i 6o Use the celebrated 9 4 4 4 9 9 9 3 9 9 9 .a 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 -9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 -9. 9 9 9 9 -9 9 9 -9 -I 9 9 9 9 9 9 4 9 9 J 9 4 9 S Poultry Netting. boards required to keep it from sagging. No Barb Wire $3.60 per 100. 26 inch hog fence 35c per rod; barb wire top and bottom. MORHART Bros. Hardware Co. 9 -9 jtwwwwvwvwrwww'Wi' JOHN (. l'OTTKH, KTTORN6Y -KT -Over MiurV Grocery Store. L.KVtf, "I toll you what the New Cuba if the bust live cent curat' in twn. If you can't " it .ako u H uc Fiont. Hoth are I 1 lu sai -ti.-k " iummNu! 8-5-c M. I LOCAL BREVITIES For sale hills cull at this ollk't!. Try Hint poultry tnrat nt Caldwell's (So to Hifo & Koon's (or sceil pota toes. Spring underwear anil hosiery itt the Fair. Sett! Potatoes 1 1 Miner Ilros. Scot! Potatoes I Mrs. Ceo. Fentress returned to this city last Friday. Homember inn when you want u har ness. Jok. Fooki,. J. H. Smith was doing business in Hiverton last Saturday. (Jirl wanted at City Hakery. .los llerberger, proprietor. Tho Kingman combined riding lister only WO at Wolfo Uro?.' Millet and catio seed and a full line of fresh garden seeds at HobyV. James Uurden began the work of an addition to his houso Thursday. Wanted Horses ant! colts for pas ture, 21 miles north. Oi.iVKit Hedok. Sowing machines nt reduced prices, at Taylor's, opposito Cottiog's drug store. Mrs. Corbin of Guide Hock has been visiting at tho home of Mayor-elect Hampton. Ora Montgomery, Will Klv nntl I'M. Moranvillo drove up from (initio Hock Wednesday evening. County Superintend nt Marker is visiting schools in the north part of the county this week. Wanted a good girl for general housework, (loot! wages, no washing. Apply nt OMIT otlice. (Juitc a number of this Masons went to Hastings ami Omaha this week to attend meeting of tho Shriners. County C nimissioner Oerloch was in the city tho lirstof tho week settling with road overseers of his district. Miss Helen Wright went to Mloom ington Thursday morning after a short visit heio with relatives nntl friends. Al. E-helman, wife ant! family left for Fulton county, Wednesday morn ing. They have Ix'on visiting here with bis brother Henjaniin. Mrs. Ohmstedo ami Mrs. Merriman returned to their homes in Oxford Wednesday evening after a short visit in this city at tho bomu of Ed. Koon and wife. Hife &, Koon have received and placed their stock of groceries. They havo a very neat appearing store, and will no doubt make a success of their new venture. Mrs J. O Wiles goes to Orleans Fri day where she will make her homo in the rutin 0 bet husband Having accept etl a position in tho grocery store owned by Peto Shea. F. A. Kuehn has sold tho farm lie ro cently purehastd In. in Col. Wigizins, and will have a public sale on April lf, after which ho will move to this city and reside in the property at present occupied by John I'olnicky. I have buyers for both farm and pas ture land. If you havo land for sale pleasu list it with mo at once. No charge if I do not get you a buyer. Also farm loans at lowest rate with op tion C. F. CATHKit, Htid Clout!, Neb. F. M. Hamaker drove over from Lebanon Tuesday bringing with him his daughter and her husband. Tho last two look tho train at this place bound for Clioyenno, Wyoming, wheio they will make their homo in tho fu ture. Postmaster T. C. Hacker loft Monday morning at 2 32 for Krownvillo, Neb raska, called thero by a messago an nouncing tho death of his sister licrtha who tiied Sundav of paralysis, aged about TO years. Tho funeral occurred on Tuesday at that plauo. Thursday afternoon occurred tho death of James, son of George Hibby, living in the south part of town. The deceased was eleven years of ago and has been sick hu a slum time with black diphthtii InHMineir was made last ev.'i ing u tit Hutl Cioutl oeino terv Se Vi n Sunday at Church of Cnrist. Pl-eicliinu 10.110 a. in , "Tliu LoiiT.sSup p, r." s 00 p.m. "How Much lluttur is a Min I nan a Sheep?" Junior Kn tlcavoi !i p m. SoniorKndeavor7 p.ni , Subject, -Tiiti Lite of Clirist." Prayur meeting Wudnosdny 8 p.m. Ail wel come. 'J'. A. Mkubimtii, Minister. All of tho younger H. it M. lirnmen located at McCook threw up their situ atioiis In" buuila). Tlieir gritivaine was the i.iii iiinncy of cull to vvoik, and th" i O'tttiiig of trains vlmu tlioy were e tiled out. There was limb ing in the nature of a strike, the action taken being merely a protest against what they considered unjust treatment by tlm company. One of tho most pleasant parties given in this city in some time was given by Mr. and 'Mrs. Jas Hurden for their daughter Flossie last Saturday evening, the occasion being her 13th birthday Theio were fifteen guests preseni who presented her with a hn'Klviinii Wcdguwood vase. Tliu evening was spout in dancing nntl pliiMiig games and a tbor uglily good time was had. Tno thirteenth annual eonveini u of tho Webster Coii.ity Union Sunday School A tociiuio i will in held at the Congregational ebiitcli, GVvo-., n Thursday and Frltlav. April 17 an I IS Ivteli Sunday sclioi. i i. tiiiiiilnii io i.nr delegate) for ev r i weuty nu mbi-i s m ,nj ir fratni ... t of. Pattnr, mi p iiuloiuK and aucrotarlr- uio ex olllcio p iiiiiei nl Hie eiinvc. linn. All Sunda, scli'n.i worl.i'is, Wni'tliur uietu lii'i.s ot tho aisoeiaiioti or not, are oai nestly i'tnp'steil to bo present. A Milt'iulid prograiii Has b n prepared and an enjoyable and profitable time is proui.t.i! all who attend. GENERAI CITY NEWS. Market Fair. piieo paid fur eggs at The Henry Fox of Nelson was in tho cit Til est! ay. Frank Kico of Hladcn was in tho city Saturday. Choice Karly Ohio seed potatoes at Miner Uios. Dophie CI rk of Uladeti was in the city Saturday. I. N. Hrown of Nelson was in the city Tuesday on business. Picture mouldings and curtains nt Taylor's, opposite Cottlng's. Mr. and Mrs. 11. H. Hinkins of Hiver ton were in tho city last week. Homo Art Club meets with' Mrs M. M Stern Wednesday, April 10. County Clerk K. S. Gather and fam ily spent Sunday in Guide Hock. Two or three good second-hand bug gies for sale. F. N. HtcllAttnsoN. A carload of seed oats at the Seldom ridge elevator, Cowles, Nebraska. Mrs. Geo. Hollistcr returned Satur day night from a short visit In Nelson. Mrs. J. O. Butler returned Tuesday from a brief visit with friends in Has tings. John O'Niel catno in from Council B lull's Friday night to visit with friends in this city. Go to Butler's for all kinds of harness and hardware. All goods in both lines soltl at a small margin. Alfred Osborn and mother from near Noitb Blanch were transacting busi ness in the city Saturday. Chas. Btisehee has closet! out bis valooti bu-incss at Guide Koek ami is liguring on lenuving to this city and engaging in business. The biick foi the walk on the Boyn- ton lot has m rived, also (ho stone for a crosswalk, anil will be placed in posi tion as soon us possible. Henry Cook Iiiih renovated the In terior of his drug store. The loom has been lepaperetl and repainted and pie scuts a ieatly improved appearance. J. O. Wiles passed through this city Saturday light eniouto for Oilcans, Neb., having sold his business in Po u ami accepted a position ill Pete Shea's grocery store. Sam Temple left Sunday morning for Atlantic, Iowa, called there by a tele gram announcing the death of Lis sister, Miss Bertha Temple, from can cer. Mr. Temple has tho sympathy of his many friends in this vicinity. Kugeno Hunter of Hiverton was a pleasant caller at this ollico Friday. Mr. Hunter is an old friend of Tin: C'iiikk, and has been a resident of lliv ertin for a number of years wliero bo is engaged in the business of stock buy ing. Last Friday a number of Silver Long tin's young friends called ant! very pleasantly surprised him, the occasion being bis tenth bit Unlay. A very pleasant timo was had ami tho young tolks who participated are now eagerly waiting for Silver' next birthday to come The Hev. Mori ill twins dispensed moving pictures nntl religion in this city tho lore part of tho week at tho rate of twenty cents per head admis sion. Tho total amount of what they received tor the benefit of tho Morrill twins was not reported, but it is safe to say they didn't lose anything. Arranngemeiitshavtf about been com pleted for tho Odd Follows' anniversary celebration to bo held hero ou April 25. The open mooting, to which tho gen eral public is invitcd.-Avill bo held in tho evening nt tho opera houso, while in tho evening a banquet nnd reception for Odd Follows and their families only will bo held nf tho Potter-Wright hall. Jami s Cather nnd Art Ho by got tho idea into their heads Sunday that Red Cloud was too small n place for them so thny rotlo tlieir wheals to Franklin where they boarded tho train bound for Denver at which-place they woro informed by tho police that thero woro some anxious parents in Hetl Cloud looking for them ami they had better go home, which they did, arriving hero Thursday morning. Tho boys gavo no reason for their escapade other than that they wislie.it to see tho world, .'in'ttlo it again boys, because such actions arc only foolish and do not make men of you. IT'S SO GOOD ! for tho tired feeling that comes in tho spring, duo to sluggish Mid impure blood. We mean Cottmg's Sarsaparilla a medicine that has been tried anil has won such an enviable reputation with those who havo used it. It is the best sprif g mr.tlleiiru on lint market to purity the blood and tone up the system. Wo havo a com plete assortment of drugs and medicines. Chas. L. Cotting, THE DRUGGIST I have the largest stock of Wall Paper in tho city. My goods anil prices will suit you. 11 K. (I KICK. WEEK'S HAPPENINGS Miner Bros, have early seed potatoes for sale. Ben Ludlow went east ou No. 10 Thursday. Quaker lice killer and axle grease at Caldwell's. L. M ImIciis of Fremont was in tho city Tuesday. Butler keeps the Best ou earth. Bloomer hog fence, A. S. Chambers tif McCook was in the city last Sunday. Nate Piatt of Cowles vns hero the lit si of the week. Leslie Brink of Guide Hock was in Hetl Cloud Monday. Tub Ciiiiik ami tho Toledo Blatlo one year for SI 'Jf. (ieo. Unit anil wife were down from Cowles WcdnoMlny. MNs Minnie Whitley of luavale was in Bed Cloud Moiulnv. J, P. Halo lift on No. 10 Thutsdny moriiiig Oouiid for Omaha, Mrs. Nettie Postelwaile of Gtiido Bock w:ts in the city Tuesday. By Shcphoitlsoii ami friend weto down ft Jiii Hiverton Tuesday. Win Howe of Cowles was transact ing business in this city Saturday J V. Auld and G H. McCrary drove ilo.vn to Guide Koek last Sunday. O B. Fra.ier and J. W. Starr weio in from Beach the first of the week. Mrs. (ieorge llatlell leturned to this ciy from McCook Wednesday morning- Bev. Guo. W. Hummed of Blue Hill was reviewing old acquaintances hero Tuesday. Philip Karr and sister from near Blue Hill weic shopping in this city Wednesday. K. Beitler of Cowles was in town Monday ami renewed his subscription toTllK ClUKF. Win Squires of Salem las been vis iting with his sou in law, Frank Smith, the sliou man. Do not forget that Taylor has moved his undertaking to the room opposito Cutting's ding store. For Sale Fiisl class driving or work horse, weight llfiO, 11 years old. In quire of Jas. Burden. Bring jour news items to Tiik Clitni-'. We will he glad to print items of local and general interest. For sale or will turtle for cows or hoifers. a good work herse, weight 1200. Inquiio of Jas. Burden. Geo. Hutchinson was down from Cowles Wednesday on business con nected with his properly hoto. W. D. Hall of Guide Hock was in the city Saturday making arrnngemonts for the funeral of H. E. Chrisuian. My property, consisting of n 3-room house nnd six lots in northwest part of town, for sale or rent. Mits. Louisa Hanky. Ex-Seorotary of Stale Piper of Alnin and B. Lowo of Huntley, an aspirant for congressional honors, wero in tho city Wednesday. Fon Sai.K ou Hknt. House ami two lots one block south of Miner Brfis store. Write (J. W. Hutchison, Cowles Nebraska, or inquire of Jos. Fogel, at harness shop. Mrs. Anna Scott left for Portland, Oojgoii, Wednesday morning whoro hcjrtwo sous Victor unit Ackley are re siding. She expects to mako her homo there in the future. Attkntion Faumkhs! -Iiivm you scon those bald wear hand-made har ness at Butler's. Ho will sell you one for $30. no not ?.'I0, but $21); nor will ho take 820, but. $2'.'; no bring your team anil ho will lit them on your horses for $10.85 ipany the best kind of life X insurance. 3 'The cash value of tho policy at theJ end of the period is more than you havo paid. Tiro, Lightning, Tornado ands Life Insurance, j ,In tho best Old Line ol Mutual' Companies. ' fO. C. Teel, Agt,i Hku Ci.oui), Nkiiiiaska. UA.WWWWWW A Twenty Yean I Life Policy fin an Old Line Loir Best Pants on Earth ! The Best Guarantee ! Listen: We pay 12c for every sus pender button that pulls off. 60c for every waist band that rips. A new pair if they rip below the waist band. What - More - Cam - You - Ask. Price, $2.00, $2.50, $2.75, $3.00 and $3.50. Gomden Haley Clothing Go. THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS. 444449494-144-94a4444444a444444444444444-943444j REMEMBER WE PAY HIDES AND POULTRY of all kinds. Our stock of Groceries is now in. Butter Eyt;s, Etc; taken in exchange for Groeeries or Meat, dome and see us. RIFE KOON, ! The Reliable Butchers. ttCtCttfrtfrCfrfrtfrttFfrtFttt4 Los Chnnoy has resigned bis position nt tho Hoyal Hotel ami has gone to Cowles to take charge of C. F. Mt Keighan's horses. The members of the Cnristian church tendered their pastor, Hev M 'letlitb, nntl wife, a pound party last Wed ties day ovoning. A very pleasant timo was report etl. Win. II. Vontly of Wobster county and Miss Anna M. Uaid of Jewell county, Kansas wero united in mar riage by Hev. I. W. Kdson at his lost deneo on Sunday evening. Omar Wolfo shot and killed a largo pelican while hunting down by the river Its spread of wing was a trillo over eight feet. Those birds are rather rare in this section of the country. A very pleasant dancing party was Kiven at the 15. & M. Kutiug Houso last Friday night which was attended by a largo number of the young people of tho city. I'rof. Crone presided nt the piano. Tho Odd Fellows team of this city wont to Campboll Tuesday to aUond a meeting of the lodge of that place, t ey having receivett an invitation to come up ami do aomo work for that lodge. The Home Art Club met at the home of Mrs. J. A. Tulleys last Wednesday afternoon ami wero right royally enter. taint'd. Although tho lirst course of thesnppur was a little light, the see; ond courso ably demonstrated Mrs. Tullnys ability to enlortain. Tho moot ing wan on tho tiato of Mrs. T'tilleys' birthday and although none of tho club members know it at first, they found it out afterwards. Last Wednesday ovo. ing at tho homo of S. A. Fiuehor ami wifo in tho south part of town oeotirred a very happy event when their daughter Miss Maud K. was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Samuel 11. Dorr of Alva, Oklahoma, Samuel West otlluiating The wedding was a private one anil was witnessed by only a few of the most intimate friontUaiid relatives uj tno contracting parties. Tho now oupio will mako their futuro homo at Alva, UKiauoma. , ,.- Weaf Berkshire Pants ! Ik Ik CASH FOR COME AND SEE US. 'WWW''W If you want a ohoap harness remem ber I can furnish it as cheap as any onn Jos. Fouel. i THE i Pleasure, I Comfort, I Rest! STORE. i Furniture, riusic, ) Undertaking.) Albright Bros.J r Damerell Block, c f Red Cloud, Neb. COMB AND SEE USJ i ? 0 mm Bjassgwwiyy irTwtTCTnrTiwwsr' rsewsj..- n Irm'