J. IIIMI mm Mill H IIWMMM ' ' I I .1 ' n !f: 1 c h i h: l- ruiii.l-iinli in UlllKF I'UIILISHIN' COMPANY". One renr . llin"inii VI H'lll.lSIIKI KVKIlY KUIDAY 5uUrrll Itie pototllcot Hod Cloud. Nob. m ncoudcIsM Mull niMtcr. ADVKUTISINU HATKSi I'lirtiMioil dm n (llrn tlon. REACH Some of our people ait! complaining uuoiit tint liicK of rnlu hrhIii Wo need rain for tliu MiutH Kiniii. V. A Mycin, .formerly of IhU place, hns jmrchiisuil propctty in Lulxuion. Theic is u piotnicteil meeting in -progress ill tin U. II elmioli, uotiiluct oil hy Rev. Mi Com hum . Kveryhoily coulitilly inviieil to iitteiul. The li.ise l)ll club of litis locnlitv litis . oi-Riitili'd uiul n now lomlyto com tnenee a seiie- of H-iitn'S willi theollivr club of i'm1 stumling. News will reach them by utliliessine, O. II. l-'ru.ici at this olllec. Again WL' nml.e a note of another tai'in .sale in om neighlioihooil; this time it iva.s ilumcp Fiuier in W. A. Myers -eoiisiil'ei at ion $1,(500 Our ilow luigh'jur, M'1. Cm pur, is ie purled to be confined to hi bed with incasliiH, but is t ill is nine i (purled to bo getting uloiig nicely. Several of the friends and noighbois of Prof. V (5. Shannon swooped down on him last Friday with well llllid bas kets to remind him thai another year had passed and tin universal V of his birth had lelurned the foity-llfih time. ICveiyhody t epulis a pleasant time. We iindeistand thai Al Slnny has or deied a new .steam tliiesliing outlit for the coining sciisnn That is the pioper way in thiefili, the day of the horse power havine passed. Thciu was an exhibition ntvi-n at the Ash eieek school house lai Friday evening, l being the last day of school in that dislucl. The house was so small ai.d the ciowil so huge th.it not Muuiu than iiaif of those pn-seiu ueie libit' to net seat"'. J. J. Fin.ier was Drilling some put'' chases in Itcd Cloud tile liisl of '.he week. jVrry Ileal dalee stalled the-litst of tliu week oil hu Oklahoma Hip Klmer Ileal iNleu was In Lebanon last Jjaliiidiiy. Tlieie whs a .lurprise party at Claik n Stevens' Moiuliijcveuing, it being the anniversary ot Miss Sally's bmh. Tliu big sale of John Aushiit. came oil' in duo foim Monday. Everything sold at n gooil price. Mr. mid Mis. 1. umaker spent the lat ter pari of last week with their iltuijli lur near Ogrti of this county. licit Stevens has been seen several niglilH lately in and about this place. It must bo that hois trying to capture ouu of tho Wolfe's of our neighborhood. Aie we light, Mori? Mrs. Geo. Ile.irdslee who went to southern California for her health is repotted mil much butter than wjicu she was heic, hut piobahly mote time thine will iiifieac her heailh. Them .mis a j lint iisMieiutiiiii of the nlu.'atois of Sin th ami Jewell i ounties "A.atliebiuon last S.i'.ui day and nuito a s noinbenjt the teachers of this locality r iittuiided and report a good time, there biiiug about fifty teachers present. Grandma Frazier lias been very sick for the last few days, but is butter al this writing. Sumo report some blackleg among Ihueattlo yet. Mrs. Witt. Prev st was the guest of ' her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Km. i'or Sunday. Tuere was a dance given by the young folk at (Itn residence of Mr. Wilson on Saturday evening. All re port a good time. Will and Oto Fiazinr were breaking a span of tine colls Friday of last week, A .brother of Geotge King has been helping hint a few days hi his faum work. Clarence Iluaulslee has just finished drilling twenty ucies of oats where wheat had been killed out. Suveial of the young folks were the guests of Mis F.inni'i Huigess Sunday ' . WOMER, KANSAS. Siwiiig alfalfa is the order of the diy.' Alfalfa is tho iunt prolltahlo tnop for this country. Will Arnold is at lioinn again after a " visit to his old home in the east, Will said ho was going for 'his 'health and from appearances he has hi ought bain; the best looking kind of health wo It'itn mi ii for . me ti no Will irf al right and so Is his health. Tho windier is line and tl'e fanner ate repiring the gnnim! for one of tin lamest crops die cotintiy has cvei known As wo have never failed in nut- piophrcv we would advlsn build ing ccilis and gratuities aecotdingly. Mr. Geo. Huaton and wife were the guests of R v. Armitsteil Sunday. Miss Annie Williams and Miss Graei ZInn and nevcral other wholarn are home fmm the Franklin academy for a short vacation. Mrs Pounds is around again after n longfpell of sioknrss. Mrs. Kit, Matties tins born on tho sick list. Tim creamery Is doing a Una business mill will bo at its full capacity onn. tt is tho best paying concern of the kind in the country. Womni- now has an Implement house with another soon to follow. Messrv. Moldredgn and Hopkins f Rivertou were on our streets on busi ness otio day last week. Tho hardest man in the world has been at Worn or several daya. Tho naity with the man says lioispntrilied. lie is a haul looking cuss anyway and belongs in Kansas. II. T. Ring is sowing a largo Held of alfalfa. Uncle Dan has. a now team nnd is once more the head man at Womer. Geo. Liik , our Del.HVol sepeialor man, has placed quite a number of soparatoiH with the farmers. Geoigo is a hustler. Mis Will Allen is at homo again altera week's visit with friends and relatives at Hummer. Will Watt-on bought a tine team of Jiiniuie Graves. Hen IJerganl and wife will soon bo at nnnie to their ft lends in the George Gable house. HllYAN DUTCH FLAT. Mi. Hoiightalln and CbrUty me biiy building a chimney mat piasterii g Mr. Shannon's new house. About lifty of the people round about the Flat drove ovei tho hills through the lielils to Mr. Shannon's lo-iilence last Friday ami surprised the inhabi tants in gtent .shape as it was his birtli tluj and taking possession of the house ptopaied a tine dinner at which sixty i partook, including the pastor and Sab- j bath school scholars of winch he was supeiiutendeiit. After dinner they prcxcutcd Mis. Shannon with three line covet lets for having such a tine looking man. Mr. Fred Wittwei'sson is improving slowly and after a few weeks may be able to be about, and our greatest wisu is that he may still improve. Alfalfa sowing is now almost over. Fall wheal looks well in this locality. Mr. Lewis has sold his faun and in tends to locate near Denver in the near fat me. May success go with him mid his estimable lad. Clms. Tin ockmoi ton is n visitor with Mr. Witgonet overcast, lie is improv ing sonmwhat lately. ' Mr Kngtroiu has b.ipn rather poorly for some time but is getting better. Messrs. Woit and Hint Stevens at tended the graduating examination al Cora, on Mau-h ?'.)ch, ami will attend again next Satin day, April VI. Sales are still in vogue and stock sells west in Kansas. NORTH BRANCH, KAS l' W. Cline's school closed Friday. Alfalfa sowing and tree planting are claiming the attention of the people at piesent. Junius Pollock thinks )n has an easy time working for Will Fishburn Ho has just to sit oti the drill ami drive. Wo have been doing considerable traJing with Mr. lleemas's now clerk at d wo ihiuk she bids fair to becomo a good one. John Fishburn has been making a new fonee. N. J. Caster and Steve Ralph havo been trading horses. Mr. Ralph has moved to llurr Oai. The Misses Cline, while go 115 homo from literary Friday night, came near having a runaway, John Parsons, wife and daughter, Willi his son-in-law, Oscar Hewitt ami family have started for western Colo rado, Mr Heetnan's nephow is working for 1-.1i uuiiKcr 01 wicgo. A few weeks ago wliile playing bluek 1I11111, Mis.i Wiight sovetely hurt her finger, so much so t lint she has had her ting tiled oh" mid now she has gone to mo country to seeK rest wo suppose. John Sttyker returned from western Nebraska last Wednesday where ho had gone to help move down his par ents, l'liey will live oh Zimrl Hadloy's fat m. The literal y at Dist. No. Ill was well attended last Friday night Dr. lJuudy's have moved back to Ionia. The following parlies were married here last week. Klmer Polin mid Ida Woolej ; John Parsons and Kmina Uamphell, and Frank Figgiiis and Der tha Halsley. May Stanley has been driving to her school since her hi other has cone away 1 u the delivery for mo Dillon Nursery Company. .at 'An: LINE. Woatlior windy nnd threateninc rain H. Sliinik and Win. Vaiulke made a ' bu.sineHs Itin tn (lulde Hnuk lai.1 week anil report the win at and rye looking lino. Fai mers ari) busy sowinp; oats and alfalfa. il.K. Fox hildono of his hot'dos for $.")() last week. 1 The comity uomiuUsloiiers were in Line loctitiup; a mad on the west lino of nuhool stjetlon 10-1-U this weuk, 1 Mrs. McNitt anil her two hods have uiuvuit in wucio Mr. Van.atton livod and will f-u 111 tin-place this year. I Vinci intciing tit Win Vandyke's Apr.lU! at 7!I0 . in. AcoMliiltnvi I t.t'lnti Is ex'end d to every iiiembi-rM liie class anil all the friends tliat wish to conic. Mr. Slim k attended llui Mile near Lebanon tlii week and repot Ih that everything sold high. Mr. nod Mrs, lleaubhamp spent Sun day with George Drake. W O Haskins iiiado a business trip to Salem, Kan., this week. Rev. J. J Campbell of North Hrnneh, Kan., will pieaeh at Penny Creek, dis trict No 8, Apt it 1.1, at 11 a. ni. Will Scrlvner is building a fratno house 10x34, on his father's place. BLADEN. More weather tho first of tho week. Robert Kneo loft Saturday for a trip into Kansas. II H. Watson has been out 011 his farm putting in oats tho first of this week. I) S. Phi Ins drove to Roscland Sun day to visit with his family. V. S. Hall nnd J R. Horn were at tho county seat last Friday. L S. True of Pauline drove over to this place Sunday to visit friends. Mih Louis Cutter and her slsler Mai V who have been sncndiuirtho win ter in California returned home Satur day evening. J. W. Tlohinson of Franklin is in town working in the interest of the A. O. U. W. lodge. O'Neal the Raker Medicine man was in town over Sunday. Chas, Snnnco had a new windmill erected 011 his place one day last week. Mis. (Jeo. Newhouse of Red Cloud is spending a few das with her parents Mr. and Mrs Wash Reed. Al Rred Mild his te-im of black horcs Monday while al Blue Hill. Curtis mid Wayne Rei d who have been visiting relatives mid fi lends in tins vicinity tettirned to Cheyenne, Wi inning, Mottdai. I'. II lloyd and daughter Mrs Wayne Reed drove over to llluu Hill .Monday. Mrs. Miller Adams of Hustings is vis itiug her parents Mr. and Mis. Wash Reed of this place. Gtandpa Die Iter who has been a snlVerer for a long time mid almost hclplc-s for mine than a year passed away Sunday morning at his home west of tow ii. Chas B Hicks was tiansiiuiing busi ness at Blue Hill Tuesday. Mr. Mend, who botieht the Jeiiuincs farm came in Friday evening with his family and fat tiling implements and will take piif.session at once. Frank Speuco and family of Ong were the guests of his brother Charles and R"iiciof ibis place. A .nan in tho east who is weli posted on business atTaiis of Bladen wrote a letter to Mr. Hicks in which he says: "I saw by the paper a while ago that ome one had inteiested themselves in your behalf and had Phelps in court, Havo the same ones given up the busi ness of fill uishing 'Haiuer's ' " Mrs. Geo. Newhouse returned to Red Cloud Thuisd.iy morning on tliu train. GUIDE ROCK. , Guide Rock went dry .for tho (irt time 111 many ji-.l.i, but it is mining this mori lag just the saino. Qneei is it not. Died, Apiil. "nil, 190'i, Edward Chris-! man, sou ot Jotiu n. Uiirisiiiau or Do ver creek township, Mr. Oluis. m 1.1 was born hear the town of Tiaoy in Iowa and was 20 years of age at the imu of his deatn. The immedia'o cause of death was the rupture of an aiteryinhis head. He wae just con valescing from measles. The funeral occurred from the Baptist church at this place on Sunday, being one of the largest ever occurring heio, the Odd Fellows condneting the services at tho grave. Rev. Covert preached tho fit miral sermon in an earnest nnd touch ing uddies". The remains weie laid to rest in the Guide Rock cemetery. LB Colviu returnid from Iowa last Friday He reports limes no better there than here and juit as dry In the locality lie visited. ' The crownhiR joy .01 woman hood is mother hood and the crowning joy of hood is heilVthy children. But there can be no joy 111 motherhood without he; alth, and without health for the mother there can beno health for the child. It is of vital importance for women to know that the health of mother and child is in general entirely within woman's control. The thousands of women who have used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription when expecting motherhood, have testified that tt made them healthy and happy in the days of waiting, made tile iianya auveui pracucuuy puuucss, and gave them health to give their chil uren. .... ... Mm V. J. Kiddrr, of Hill Date I'nrm (ISnos. burs Center), KnontiurK, Vt writes; "DiirliiKthe pnl year 1 luiinii myseii exjicciuiK maicrimy, ami In rntilillv failiiiK ht-alth. I Milleml ilreait-fulK- Irnin hfoatini: nnit tiriuarv ilitricultv. I wa BfhiK iwrctptlbly weaWer each il.iynuil Mtfft-rcil iiuieli sli.iri) jtaiu at limes. I felt that MimithhiK iiist heiliitic I fought yotirmlvice V mul iccclvtil n iirompt reply took twelve bottle of Doctor Vieict-'s l'.tvoiite rrescrl)ton, nnil ttlsii followeil 011r itistriiclloiiH I lwaii to improve itnmciliately, my hciltli liec.ime excellent, mul I cuitlil ilt all my mviivrk(ue liicoitnKool Uu t.trnt), I walkeil ami roite ull I i-ottlil, ami eniojeU it. I h.nl 11 short, eay confinement ami have a hcatthy baby bo," The People's 'Common Sense Medical Adviser, a book coutniniii"; 1008 pages, is yiveu away. Send 21 one-cent sumps for expense of mailing only, for the book in paper covers, or 31 btamps for the volume bound in cloth. Address Dr. K. ,V. Pierce, Uuffalo, N. Y. CoMn and Ravin weieln K'tiisn-. on business tiie fore part of the week. ,, ... Mir,,limil !lIlll wifo .... young lady boulder al their house, come to stay too Frank Perry and family south of town are reported all sick with the measles. O, say. did .von ever see n nicer rain nnd nearer the right time. Wo will hnvo plenty of wheat and to spare. Ij. W. Kly and wife lost their nb'o months old babv on the 5th. Tho fu neral was prnnched bv Rev. Illaekwell' on last bahliath at tho il. I'.. church. Mr. and Mr. Ely have the sympathy of their many friends in their bereave ineut. Quito a number from Red Cloud at tended tho funerals hero Sunday. County Treasurer MeCrary, County Joik K. S. (r'irhnr, Deputy County Clerk .1 J Garber and others wero ntnotig tho number. Two funernls last Sunday and two funerals just a year prior here Samuel Lane of Burr Oak, Kansas, who has been poorly for foiiiu time is improving, being up and around the house. Married, April 2, 1002, at 12 o'clock, al the home of the bride's parents, Mr. nn I Mrs. S. N. Potior, in Logan town, ship, Smith county, Kansas, Mies Del pha A. Potter and Mr Chas. W. Fields nf Stuart, Kan. Rev. J. K. Covert, the Baptist minister of Guide Rock, Neb., pet formed the cetenmny About forty of die relatives and friends wero pies out. I'lie groom is a prosperous young farmer of Smith county, while the bride has been one of the teachers of the cottntv for live year The. young con )Im u i reside o" -l Ini 01 11 nilo Hilda Inilf Miiuli of l,'-h:it".M. M.'iy hand some nnd useful pt aints were 1 ceived. I'i 'lie i j i it .lt Gnl ciciit'il t 0 heavens mid lilt- phi ill, then tlm edltiu anil then lm "1 i - ''.'t-prtlsef fitn the prompt piy ing miIim-i tie r, which wis all vim f tri i To- n i dn it -u- w d and h" e'e.iteil -Ii" in-i'i wlio dues not hclli-Vi! in nn vet ,1 .i.il'. nliuM.i r who do".s not ii ue ii.ene imii. 1 tneii lie rested. Then the ilevil got into the moulding room -ind eteated the man who takes tne p 1 ei f 1 vein end f mn to Any for it. A'tei- ho h id completed that soiry j b, mul had a few lumps of mud lett he eie-ii-d ihe 1 .eue nf a man who settled hi mte-ii-nges by ni si. in s ih ' "i '1 : in mat iv Ins papei i- fuivii ' II . $-15 to California and Return. Tickets on sale Aptil 21 to '27, May 27 to Juno 8, A112 2 t S. Llbi-r.il stopover in 1 -iiivj, me'. 1- nnd it Him limits For addtii'i'1'!! tnforiiniti'iii tt !; the ueiiiest iui nt. lint linirliui Route, or wii-e for 11 Caiifot ni 1 fo'der to J. Franeis, General Passenger Agent, Butliugton II- (lie, Oniulii, Neb. Clii' S-iitev k-fi tot Pri-c tit, Aii zona. Wediie-itiiv "idng i.l'ii-k ex. pt u.i to .stop niL-r i.i Demur lur a tt-w davs anil 'hep mt mm t(, Yi.-iU u-here hewn, visit v, itn ln-i sou C II , cum- llli'll'l l.iloWU :.s D;,-i,, v In, is tlithl- inast 1 011 the railroad at that place "C. C. C." on Every Tablet. Every tablet of Cascarets Candy Cathartic bears the famous C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. Look for it and accept no other. Beware of fraud. All druggists, 10c. Oil for the Children. Give them oil cod-liver oil. It's curious to see the result. Give it to the peevish, fret ful child, and he laughs. Give it to the pale, anaemic child, and his face beqomes rosy and full of health. Take a flat chested child, or a child that has stopped growing, give him the oil, and he will grow big and strong like the rest. This is not a new scheme. It has been done for years. Of course you must use the right oil. Scott's Emulsion is the one. Scott's Emulsion neither ' looks nor tastes like oil because l we are so careful in making ;t nlo.ncnnf tn rnlrp . Send for free sample. SCOTT Si llOWNH, ChcmUu. ,0 Pearl St., N. Y. 50c and f 1 00; al druuguu. Application for License Notice In hereby kIipii that a iiplltlou Munoil by thirty or moro readout frvelioblerh nMlio H-coiul want of llio city of Iti-d Cloud. Nrbintkn. has been .lllctl will) the city clerk or mid ellyor toil Timid pravlliK llmi 11 llenm-a bit urniilt'd by ,s.lld t'ily council ot said cliy to M. M. Sliru tor iticFiilu of lunti, spirituous and Iiuiiik lliiinri on lot .hri'C (II), bluck nnu (I), Williams' uddl- I.... ... .,.n..l,.. at ttb.l .l..ii.t STI.r.iklu lli.tt nn I Ullll IU IllUtli; Ul Itni, IMIt'l, .M.'Kin.n, Hill, u. ,0I1 Wi t,0 inketi on kiM nviltluii by tho maor 11111I tho t'lu i-olllli'll mi Ill" 7lll .i 11' Mill 1 j. m ul tho tlrsi met-ims "f the t-uii Hi there itfur .1. IJKi-si.kii, I'll) lerk. 1 vet 1) U'it UiiiM nay oi April ri'U. hi uen uhhiu. .st.lt Application for Llcens;. V itli-o I livrvli) till en thnl n o Itltill hUlicil b thlityiirinou' rokMouilni'lioliliTMil Hn.-tlrl 'i,i hut ihe city of Itdl cluml, Aubnuku htik in en hint lib iliu ell) eli'tk nf undl city ul Itoil I'liiiel 1 rn)tin: Ihm n Ik'eiiM- In- vr ntutl b) M4 r ciiiinvll of Mtlil t'ily to.lolin I'ohtliik) rprilm n'eof innll i-plrlliuniii mnl inoiin llijuoii on h.i tlvn .'i) hlni-k llilrly nut' ..31 tirlKiuHl miyn i'lt of Itt'il Cluml, t ti tit liclluii ultt be iitlKiinn mill putitlon by Hi- nnitnr mnl 1 Itj I'.iinii'll ait the Till 'lny of Mil), in -J trill Ihe llrl mui'tlii of tliu cSnnull llicrt-nf tci J, K Kk.i.kii. ' U Clerk-. Iiatoil ttiU ail day of .vpill, Wj'.', ul ltd Clout, .Setiriiblia. VWtMi:v.-:.y,i.K . SI1- ii'iO . " '" FfliPTS u "v-v- sy 'fi I' . "u If that problem confronts you we can help you. Our advice is to take the 'route that leads to our store; but if you can do better after examining our goods take the other route next time. But if you examine the cut, make, quality and price of our suits this spring, you will travel the same route airain and land in our A chance at you is all Galasha, Ifleseott & Storey. vPr Good will tell you that old you want to cat; yet I iiicir tuiicc wnu aui.11 if. I Uil. WfcV. WE 111 tn '. H.4MI m 1 Lion Coffee It's just pure, unadulterated, undisguised coffee; never covered up Uniform quality and freshnecs CHOICE SEED COftN! "Pride of the Nishnabotna." This Corn was bred in Northern Iowa by a Member of the Seed Corn Association. It is brinlit gulden eolor, litieli slnpcil eat. 7!) pounds in the enr will shell uiMie .Ii in fit! ptiuiids nf kernels (i'-riniuiitiiin Mrunp Out of n lrtnilful of tl rii'ts 0(5 spi-otited Tins corn i-ipt'iii'il piirffetly. It was j;i'uu hj une t th" In - iv 1 11 t.iiser- in Montpiiiiiiii emiuty, low 1 l'ricc, $1.-0 per bushel, f. o. b., Red Oak, Iowu Wis li.ivn some ehtiiee IHTK COUN nt ?l.'J.'i pui Inislnd. UffiTi'iiei's -Fiii X .'1 mil IJ-tttk, nl Ui'il (Jit, .f- GEO. W. JOHNSTON, 11A11I). AUK AN1J SKKIM SHERWOOD Red Cloud. Highest Prices GROC6RS PLATT & FREES CO.. Chicago - Lumber - Yard. KKD CLOUD, Lumber, Lime, TRADERS Xt - DKALEliS IN LUMBER and COAL fottilcllns: iaoterioLl,iJEto. Red cloud. City Dray and Express Line. E. inl. ROSS. PROP. 1 Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest! CITY AGENTS FOR ADAmS'EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONE NO. 152. H SVStlim PliriflMi i'rro !"?"i'"i.!?AwWnifBiiU.miiCll0Of $ ,-muu.u ,mpm mm prescription, In plain HS:hl?ivoVranaInXeoPHreV Write us ubom mi your symptoms" Sold b but f.cnd us 13 cts.. to cts. or il.oo and wo w 111 .ASS1 or V-. PwkoBo of Ur. Kav's tn nmni "n Ar.hT ,"i".K"l r. Ivuy'H )benelltonyofthesoHvmnrn,nuV.'..i?J.J1Pvl.l)f Is f .. - j. I diriin.rj'iv "uirintu MMlinNMJMfllTMfMMmim'"""'"'"- opnnBH, , x. f ... .... wt .v.v. illl.lllllA Which Is the Best? store next fall. j) we ask. Horse Sense eggs and glue are not things some coffee roasters glaze 11111153. nui au nun with any glazing of any kind. arc Imured by the taaled package. UK1) OAK, IOWA & ALBRIGRT. Nebraska. Paid for Produce. NEBRASKA. Coal and Cement. Ua&JSlSlist Oo. Nebraska Ailvlcti bv our nhvsli-limu i.-r.,17.,u, ,,f 3' liunjua. .,:ilS;.". V"1' '!'.: i"'".'.' v n,,, .,' J'1 C' rl VJ''. Kend 'or proof of it. hi i?,?.18! .)on l tuUo ny substltuto iiSSS. "&" "enoyutor 'V return mall. Itcnovutor Ih' i sm r nitiu . I TI VnMn. f". I mr 4 '"'"""iiiiiiiiiWftTnTnrninrHIMWrlWMWIffrllrHIMW fr" KP'