The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 04, 1902, Image 1

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""wwwKwftu faWMMni..tnfwrrBMW.itiraRrotnnnnic
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FUTiTtllHlaJ1:'! .
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'3. . -' 5tffeV,s
S" 4,
J r -"TATv'lUB. -,r V.' U -A "ff yrfBfeLWv:AA - T, W.U-J ,;fjj V-, XJ V-A . 'V,U CTlft5Tteiia&S?-MG ' - .. .Ci-riffi
Display Extraordinary
Greater price advantages than we or you ever
knew before.
ft' However small
at the prices the best.
Our trade expects of us the best in every class, regardless of the price, and they
get it, Genuine business success is the outgrowth of giving the
best values for the customers.
No matter how small the price, our goods at that
price are unmatched always.
Mercerized Grenadines, 25c and 35c.
Tissues, 20c to 30c.
Sheet Lawns, isAc to 50c.
Silk Ginghams, 50c.
Satin Stripe Tissues, 25 to 35c.
Batistes 7 to 25c.
Dimities 10 to 35c.
Imported novelties 75c.
Foulards, 25c.
Mousseline de Soie, 50c.
Silk Novelties 50c.
- Czarina silks 50c.
French Ginghams 15 to 30c.
Special line of ginghams at 10c.
Special line of ginghams at 6c, very nice for
school dresses,
No one can doubt the extent of our line after ex
amining the goods on display on our counters.
To have seen them is to have seen tne best.
Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded.
Wheat is looking Hiiu in thesu pint",
untmi ..t mil' fiit'iiii'ia urn Diittinir 111
of 4, whilo othoiH mo disking for oorn.
V. K. I'livnoVJ hired limn, Will Hen
nctt, dupiirtcd for his homo nenr Hivnr
ton on Wednesday H11 hnd a had
cold. Albeit Skjclvui woikcd for Mr.
l'nyno 11 few duy3.
0 M. Wilson is exchanging horses nt
the. rate of two a day
Kaatcr sorvicos at New Virginia weio
,vull attended in spite of the bad
weather, and an excellent program was
Mr Hoy Wilson and MUs (iraco
Aljflitadt atttnJod Kastor soivicoi at
1'liRiviow, near Uladon.
J. C. Wilson haB returned fiom his
trip to Virginia. Ho 1 epoi ts plenty of
moisturo for thut place.
j U. Wisecarvor foV bought over
twenty head of yoi.Ti'j' .'attlo at the
rerent salos.
C M. Wilson hns bought a milk cow.
That is one more step iu the right
A stranger from Knnsas passed
thAneh uoro Mondny looking for stock
hogs. Kiirtw 8Carce 'ound here
i "":": i. Ci i sm wf jl .. -arm "-.:.'s. v--.-" "-
n- ---. . tm &wk;'jmw53:yjr- m - jm '.. . - i'AVr m Hau . mm -g
-.v&. - v -" .rfc ' aKwvj jit. ,f.x'., '.,5 ,i-?-r ,-i viAfliT. !. v . x :. 4 VArV i .'.-WGrvi, nH wi --? - .. Tfiij
, V). i-vjk-v.jLpu-i -lis. " ftArft .. foSr &&WLamZiXiFmv,.7zr - - . -2- ,.,. ul
the price we have
Otto Skjolvor, Sr., was in Ked Cloud,
on business Satuidav UU daiighterft,
Misses Ada dud Tillie, euiiiu liomo for
the weok's vaeatitm.
Miss Lizio Maikei, county supeiin
tendent, lias been visaing schools in
these parts.
Mumps and measles aio now the go
in western Catherton.
Swedish Sunday school opened at
North Star .sthool house on Kaster
Tho missionary Sunday school at
di.itiiet 11 has begin tiguui.
F. K. Payno and H () Lewis had fat
tened hogs on the market at Ked Cloud
Mr Abeihoff's sale was well attended
on last Thursday. Stutl bold well. A.
A. Cooper purchased a horso. It, U
Payne bought n cow He says he's
sorry they don't put up their good
looking girls.
Frank Heau and wife visited at J, C
Wilson's Sunday, as did also Claudo
Duval and wife.
Herbert Williams is working for J
U Wisecarvor.
J. l'etorson has put out over forty
acres of alfalfa. Ho hns eovonty-live
head of cattle on full feed, using
waxifrfiA fcv .vw m
tTTti--rnvruti.-igupaKrtjjirtCTwayCTMi wiiwiji
the goods and
mostly cotton heed meal.
Schools hi omul hem will soon doiu.
Con Wilson trailed hoies with Otto
Skjelver, Sr. Con got two hoiscsfor
one. but that wasn't all he wanted, he
Hoy Wilson i studying (iijnuan He
told the .sciibbler that he knew ono
sentence, and that was "Jch liolie dich
Aufweider hoIioii."
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at the postotlieu hi Hod Cloud, Nolt.
laska, tor tho week ending April
3. W1 h '
Stephen A Honnett, Win Coloman,
G. Cooke, C. C. Dullield,
John Maggims,
These lotttrs will he sent to the dead
loiter olllce ApiillTtli, if not called
tor hefoio When calling for above
ploahosay "adveitised " T C. Hack
Kit, I'ohtmastor.
Are You Using Allen's Foot-Ease?
Shako into your shoes Alton's Foot.
Kaso, a powdor. It cutes Corns, Hun.
ions, Painful, .Smarting, Hot, Swollen
feet. At all druggistsgand shoo stores,
Knights Templar Eister Services
(.'initio Ciuiimandeii No. 1 1,; Older
of Knights Tciuplar held theh tiuiiual
lvistcr services at Masonic hall Sun.
day last at !i p. tu , there being present
an autueiice which omroitalily tilled
the hall, and which included seveial
Knights and Indies from neighboring
Owing to clicutnstanees beyond tho
control of the Knights they weio (lis
appointed in both the attendance of
the speaker and those who weio to
furnish tho music for the occasion, but
showed their resources under such
misfortunes in an admirable manner
by procuring, in addition to the ritual
istic service of the older, addiesses to
bo made by Hon. ,). P. A. Hlack of
Hloomington and L II lilacklcdge of
of this city, and Messrs. Koss and HayeH
and Mesdames Haiim and Mitchell and
Miss Igou very kindly came to tho as.
sistance of the older on tho spur of the
moment and furnished music accept
nblo and enjojablo to all. Hev. Schlrs
sor opened the service with prayer and
pronounced the hononlctinu.
I he address by Mr. Hlack was schol
arly and eloquent; was of peculiar iu
terest to Masons and contained many
good thoughts and beautiful h'guicsof
speech. That of Mr. Hlackledge fur
nisiicil much interesting intormation
not generally known icgardin tho
history and purposes of tho older
Many woids of commendation weie
heard for both spcakoiM, each of whom
impressed the audience with the beauty
and value of the Masonic institution.
I he Sir Knights iu full uniform pre
sented n very line appearance
Husband and Wife Insane.
Last Wednrdav Sherill MeAithur
went to tho VI liiitlmaii farm about tea
miles noith of here ami In ought In
Fred Mueiilbach and wife Jennie, who
were taken bcfoie the insanity hoard
and adjudged insane the same after
noon. Sherill MeAithur, uMcd bj
Mis. A K He) nolds, left with ihem for
Lincoln Thuisday mottling Mrs
Mtichllmch being lather violent it .. i
neeessaiv to fasten tier lrimls to r
waist Fred Mueiilbach was I, . in
Austiia .'W yeais ago and has i n a
I evident ot this county a iiiiiubct of
yeais His wife, Jennie, is a daughter
of D.iuiel K. Dexter, who was one of
tho pioneer Fcttiers of the coiint.
The couple have four eliildieu, the old.
est of whom i.s about si yeais old. the
youngest about two mouths When
found they weio living iu the coin cub
and the ohildion were much neglected
It seems that Mueiilbach has been woik
ing on a peipetual motion idea for
years and worry over that has been the
cause of both he and his wife becom
ing insane. The fust siniutoms of her
trouble were noticed about a week ago,
when ".she began to becomo violent.
Uotn navo been growing gradual v
nioto violent and their helucination has
lately becomo of a religious turn,
Suicide of Wm Magarin.
Last Tuesday word was received in
this city of tho suicide by hanging of
William Magarin, living two miles
south and one mile west of Hluc Hill,
Tho deceased was quite well to do, was
of Gorman parentage nnd an old iesi
dont of tho county. Tho net was com
mitted at about noon on Sunday,
March .'JO, and when found by his son,
who had been sent to call him to din
ner, Mr. Mngarin was apparently
standing in the corner under tho hook
used to hang tho harness upon. Ho
had taken a strap and fastoned one end
to tho hook, making a noose in tho
other end. Death vas caused by
strangulation. No cause is known for
tho nmh act, as he was financially well
to do anil his domestic relations woro
most pkasaut. Ho hnd been iu ill
henlth for somo timo past and it is
supposed tho deed was done tinting a
lit of temporary insanity. HoJIeaves a
wife and live ehildion, two of whom
tiro mm i led and all of whom mo well
to do.
Opening Day
Last Satin day was opening day at
tho now furniture, uudoi taking and
lllUSio StOlO of Alllliirlil. Krua in 1 1...
Moon block, and to say that it was a
success would bo but putting it ligbtlj.
Tho store had been neatly and tasto
fully ananged for tho occasion to show
the visitois just tho kind of a stock of
goods this lir .n cantos iu these lines.
Upwards of live hundred people visited
ttlO Store dlirincr the minium. Iwiiiiu
One of tho pleasant featutesut the oc'
uusioii wus mo mtisie lurnislicu by tho
Misses Floroiico Cotting, Helen Alt-Far-land,
Hotinio Kmigh aim Kthol Hosmer.
KllCll Visitor Whm meNxiitnil iviih
souvenir of tho occasion, tho ladies
receiving packages of needles and tho
gentlemen had to bo contented with
Kaster eggs. Mrs. H. F. Muutz, wife of
i u h luuutiKci' oi mo utiuertaKlug de
partment, carefully handled the m. ive
nir Dart of tho uroprum. Tiiken nil in
all tlio opening was a gland miclosc.
aud Tiik CMKy, with the .cut oi
our people, is pleased to note .lie sue
cess of their business venture and tho
liroarcsa thev hnvn mmln ainii.t tlw.v
stat ted in business hero only a few
snort years ago,
HfnnuiMLwMHJ'ueOTMttMiTjmjjKwBn.n TTT"iniTTrwanillw.wiMfc. .
Gustavo Uor' portrait of Dnt ia worth
teoiug one. Hut once is anougli. Bom
audi look you notic on the faces of thos
who huv Buffered, nnd "till su(Tr, muoh
physical pain; peoplmmbjeottorheunMttiAm,
gout, neur1iA, periodic hR(Uch, lumba
go, or pain from some old lesion. This pain
habit piitn ita inarki on thsm, aa tha custom
of hnndling ropra crooks a srvilor's Angara;
or as too much riding of a bicycle stamps a
worried expansion on certain fac. No
wonder pttotilo said of th Italian poet aa
ha parsed along, "Thera goaa
The complaints abova named all yUld to
tha action of llenson'a Porous Plasters, and
quickly too. Not only those, but colds and
coughs, kidney and livar affections, all
congestions and muscular strains, disraacs
of tho chest, asthma and all ailmenta which
are open to extrrnnl treatment. It la fre
quently ?atd that lienton't Platter it J'ain't
Matttr. It cures when othera ara not even
nblo to relieve. For thirty yeara tha lead
ing external remedy. The old-style plaa.
tars, as well as salves, liniments, oils, ate,
hare litllo or no efficacy aa compared with
it. Uaa it. Trust it. Keop it in tha
house. Ask for Heiison'aPlaaUr: take no
other. All dmgginui, or wo will propay
postngo on any number orderod In tha
United States on receipt of 2Gc. each.
Beabury Jb Johnson, Mfg. OhomisU, N.Y.
Council Proceedings.
Council met at ui'iyoi's ollliie.
Minutes of last meeting read aud up
pioved. Mr and Mis J 1). Cinns appealed
befoie council and petitioned tor open
ing of street in (iullifoid's addition.
Matter icfci led to 111-13 or
Upon motion Attorney lllaeklidge
was instiueled to draw occupation tax
l'etuion for htono eros- walk on
Foiuth avenue 011 the wett side of Kim
siiei t was taken up aud upon motion
petition gi anted as prayed for, and
walk 01 dei ed laid at once
The following bills weio piesented
and upon motion allowed.
W W WrlKlit, nulve . T OH !
D.I Mjcrx. expuiifck ntli! .. . -00
I l) o K., Iinllruiit. .. .'Win
0 W Don.Milnrt , ... r hi
.Imidrlih'tli Milury .. l-l M
D.I.Muth. hidun U)
(111 IfolliMPr. tmliiry . I'J l0
.liiliiiOrlltt-tli, liibur 4 M
Kleallon tioiml '-It tx)
duo Ninrhi-r. nlulit wntLh lit
K J 1'iilKlplier. nnlary 13 N)
.1 i: KeK r. Hillary . 2'i 00
CUIef I'llMUIlltIK CJo . prllltlllK H (K)
NcIimhLu Telephone Co Geo
,1 .l ScllnrH. nalnrj ... . 4U 00
dV liou. coal 111 ul frclKlil M WO
I' llnrkluy. kcraper 3(0
K W ItoiH. (ImjiiKO 7 0.')
U K Tail, prlnlliii AI&M
urdinaiice xso 6, pioviinng lor tne
vacating ot alley in block Jl was pre
sented and lead for third time aud on
motion adopted and ordered published.
Matter of II. 11. l'eck for vacation of
stieetsond alloys preseuted and upon
motion laid over
Tho vote of last Tuesday's election
was can vasHoi with tho following to
lot 2d l'lur. or
Canmdatss. Want. Ward. Tot. MaJ'ty
For Marnr
I. II. Hnmiiton. It .... TO ISO 3 U6
T. .I.Ward, V . :l 74 4i
J. B. White. I' 13 22 35
O. W. Uow. It Hi 122 a 185
CllftR. IH'tkC, 1 .... 30 3t 70
For Clork
O. B. ItolKle.H.. 97 141 -'14 340
bCHttcrlllK 2 2
For rollce.ltnlM
hamiiul Went, It 05 131 336 310
hcatterlni' - 7 7
for Aldermen, nt Wrd
Oeo. H. llollihter. lt. f r IB
v. .1. Pelemon. r .. 31 34
I. II. dolmen, ! . is IS
For Alilermcn. 3d Ward--
.loliu (Irlllllh, It . UA G M
.1 II. Hlaiincr. It 77 77 3'J
A. (J, IIOHinur, 1' . 4141
I. A. AUltZ i' IS SH
It. K. Klllton. :i 25 3.1
For Meinhcrx of School Hoard
1: v. ItOKH, 11 t 121 17.1 13U
T. r llaeker. It .. 77 131 3UH HS
.1. .MiMeiu, r . ., z, .57 ni
deo Tope, 1 .... 15 41 IVJ
Upon 1110:1011 council adj uiriied to
meet Friday evening, Apiil 11.
liig Horn llasin, Arc 3011 inteiested
in the big Horn Hasin of Wyoming
It contains marvelous openings for
small ranches along good streams iu
the valleys, with one million of gov.
eminent land open to settlement under
the United Slates land laws 1'hu Bur
lington Hottte hrs just published a
.'older descriptive of the Uig Horn
llasin. It is illustrated and contains
an accurate map. It tells about tho
lay 01 the land, character of the sol .
products, yield, irrigation and oppnr
tunitios If yoii'iii interested, better
wiite for a copy It's free J. Khan
CIS, General Passenger Agent, Omaha,
No or.
m t '
FORNIA. March 18th, Apiil 1st and Kith, .May
Oth nnd 30th; only one faro plus 12 for
the round trip to all points iu Califor.
nia. Stopovers allowed on tho going
trip. Final return limit is 21 dajs
from date of sale. Please call or write
for further information.
A. CoNOVtu, Agent.
Tho Chikk nnd Chicago Inter Ocean
ono year for 11.20.
Death of Chris. Rawer.
Cluistopher (' Hasser, aged 1M yeais,
11 months and I!) days, died March .'Id,
at 7 o'clock a 111,111 St. Luke's hospi
tal, Denver, Col The funeial services
weio lield jestetday at the rrnidoiieo
of his father, Chailes Hasser of Lester.
Hev, (t. W. Hummel preached the ser
mon. Interment was in Pleasant Hill
Chi 1h Hasser, who was employed as
a hrakeman for the Colorado and
Southern railway, met with n serious
accident at Alpine Pass, Col,, 011 the
evoning of Tuesday, March 11. He
had opened tho west door of tho tunnel
tu let the train through and climbed 011
top ot the second car. When tho train
started into tiiu tunnel ho wns caught
by 11 bunK of snow and thrown under
the ears. Ho was drngged several hun
dred feet before the tiain could bo
stopped, having hid left iinklo and right
leg badly smashed, back hint and faco
scratched, He was takeu to Gunnison,
where his wounds were dressed, and
from there he was sent to a hospital iu
Denver. Amputation of the loft leg
was noccessary, aud wlim the patient
was thought to bo well on tho way to
recovery the but sling of an uitery
caused a violent hemorrhage, from
which death resulted.
The family of tho deceased young
man have the sympathy of a large
number of fi lends and acquaintances.
County Court Notes.
March 27 tisintu of Samuel W. Hoff
man, deceased. Final account of ad
ministrator tiled aud petition for dis.
charge. Hearing on Mttno April 17,
10 a. 111.
Kstato of Do Jay Judsoti, deceased.
Inventory and appraisement tiled.
March 31 Albiight s T. II. Hich
aidson. Action 011 contract. Tiiu I to
court and judgment for plaintilT, $50,
intci l!-l ,iml costs.
State of Nebniska vs. Lee (Jarver.
Assault and battel V. Defendant asked
thit plea of guilty be entered, and was
adjudgnd to pal a tine of 95 and costs-,
which was d mo
Apiil 1 Estntu of Hosella K Myerw,
deceased. Itoud of administrator tiled
and approved
Letteis and appraisers' commission
issued Win lions and ,1 S Hothrock.
Wm Hairis vs. Allenia It Reynolds
Action for debt Summons to appear
Apiil 7.
Real Estate Transfers.
Tho following trausfeis, furnished
by tho Webster County Abstract Co.,
were made (luting the past week:
Wm It Itatclltr to Johanna Overlnc. w d,
part Hwnr block 4, l.e Duc'a addition to
Ited Cloud 1 M)
David M I'latt to Mary K Milrey, w d. lota
1 and 3, block 10 Ited Cloinl, and part
block 7, Htnltli t Moore's addition ... . 20)0
Alexander Monla and wlfo to Win It
ThomaH. w d, H0ir3l3 11 19X
Alexandtr Monla and wife to A K
Thomas, w d, no jr 21 ,1 II 100U
I, K AlbaiiRh to O II Schlomer, t it, sw ir
20111 - - 3000
llCWIlbaraud wife to Wm II Van Pet
toil, d, sw qr 20 3 10 3000
Win II Van I'cttcu to O 11 Bchlosser, w d,
nwor30 2 10. ........... 3000
Daniel MuLaurIIu to Martin Uodeu, ( 0 d,
tie iir 7 212 1
Wm ll HotTmati and wife tolanthn Morcy,
w d, lot, block 8, llladen 3W
lauthu True and hutliand to Wm II Hon
man. w d. lot it, blocx 8. llladen ..... ..... 2 U
II AKiiesMchaubourir to Mary K Maloney.
vd loth 3,3 and 4. block II, Vtiuce
addition to (luide Itock AV)
JoiephC'hsllliitoCM Hmltb. w 0,t-eirl8
:i 12 - ISOO
C II A i K H Co to Joseph llounctt, w d,
awqrlUIll 261
State of NvbraakM to J Jacob Klinlrcbcr,
w d, sw qr no qr 11 3 0 .... 2H0
O 1) JeuulUK" 10 A 11 Mead, w d, w hf lie
iir 15 4 13? UW
John O Wolfo and wife to Frank V Taylor,
wd. IciIh in, II and U, block 'I, Had
elllT's addlllou 10 Hcd (Jloud 90if
Albert Keplich and Hlfo to August
DahinB. w d uw qr s.1 4 10 1400
Lincoln I.aad Co to Mlnnlo II Ileiinett, w
il. lot 7. tilock 1, llladen. 6Q-
(' II .1- q It It Co to Christian a II Jeshon, w
il b w iir y ' 1
i-olmnon lleekwlili and wlfo "to deruTan
Kapllet cliiircli.u d part block -, I,o Due's
nildltlon to Ked Cloud .... ... .. ., .... 2."'0
I.jdla Ilallcyct al to II S llalley, w d mv iir
'.113H yjiio
II h llalley to J II llalWy, w d, mv ir al 2 M 35U0
Uihtanl I'lirin aud wife to Conrad KHz, w
d, o hf 110 qr 3 aud part w hf nw qr 3 1 11 5250
MnrtKAKCH filed .
Mort;aKCH roliaiied'
... 14IV)
.... 1913
Religious Conference.
A call has been issued for a confer.
once .if tho irious religious douomi
nations, ue held at tho Fust Oingio
gational ehui cb, Lincoln, on Saturday
and Sunda, April r u-d 0.
Tim piincipal nij el of tho confer,
euee is the disfiiasnn of methods of
re.igious cduciii iu twr the jotith of tho
couutiy The meeMiigs are to beheld
under Hie auspieed of the Univetsitv of
Nebraska and tint Lincoln Pastois'as--uciation
nnd the various reliuioos dn.
iiominalioiis ami uduuatioiiHl institn
lions of tlie stato aie invited to send
leptesentativcs to participate in tho
discussions. An inteiesting proginm has boon
Diepated, including addresses by E
Hunjaiiiin Andrews, chancellor of tho
University of NobrnkHj Abrnm Simon,
labbi of the .Juwiali e.ingreg,itlon9 01
Liucolu; Hev. J M. ltv-ado, rector o.
St. ThernHa's Pio-uumodrnl, Lincolni
and many other prmiiiiient ministers of
tho gospel and educuors ot tho state.
Tnu meeting promisea to bo au inter
esting one.
L .'
. ,
1 .m-
mmmmmMmwrntf? mm
' wsm.