The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 28, 1902, Image 8

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Former Well Known Cltlien of Red Cloud ,
Dies in Chicago.
I). M. L'ntt, fntlior of Chutlcs ..,
Nnto ami Kd 1'lntt of this city, died
Wednesday ut llio lioimi of hi dntigli
tor, Mrs. John It. Slilroy, I- CIiIchko,
111. tutiouil services who hold Thurs
tiny in Ultlcngo, mid Inturmont will
tnko iiluci! today ut Clinton, Wis.
Mr. I'lntt was born nt CI in ton, Wis.,
OTiycnrsngo. In 1878 Mr. J'Jdtt came
to lted Cloud, mid in partnership with
1). M. Frees of Chicngo ostublishod tho
llrst lumber ynrd in Webster county.
Severn! yours ago he milieu from tho
business mid was succeeded by hit) son,
Chnrlns J. I'lntt. About, three years
ngo Mr. I'lntt wont to Chloaco for
ineiliunl tieiitinont, Ids hojirlnn having
failed mid his general health lielug
lintl, hut ho leeolved little or no relief
from his ailments.
At Mr. I'lntt bedsldn dining his
luat hourH were his brother, bis daugh
ter, Mrs. John It Slilroy, mid family.
Mr. Ed Plntt, tho youngest Hon, was
in Cliientro Monday, but owing to an
apparent improvement iti his father's
health returned to Rod Cloud, arriving
homo Tuesday ovoning.
Mr. I'lntt was a prominent Mason,
being n member of the Knight Temp
lars. Ho was very well known in Hed
Cloud and during his many yonrs resi
dence bore inado many fn nds, who
will regret to lenrn of his death.
The CmKF unites with tho many
friends of tho deceased in extending
sympathy to tho berenved family.
Real Estate Transfers.
Tho following transfers, furnished
by tho Wobstor County Abstract and
Farm Loan company, wero raado dur
ing tho pnst wook:
AuatlnBlley to Ablo K Wagner, w 4, nw
nr ne nr 83 4 9. 700
Anatln Klley aid wife to K O and F I Oat
nan, wd.ew nr no n,r 2.14 fL... 800
Winifred 11 uucaer auu nuaoana io job
Pntel. w d. tit nw or ne nr 2 1 11
Annie Harden and husband to Wash Heed,
wa, ioi o, Diuvft iv. niiiucu..MH.H.....M uw
I'hlllp Kverhart and wire to Wtn A Dele
hoy, wd, Ut 7. bleck 3, Iliischow's ad
dition to Illue 1IIII 350
John II Anderson to Wm O Cling, w d, nw
qr833 9 ...... 33U
Joseph II Watson to W W Jtltclicy, part o
af nw nr 4 a II 1400
Albert If Goodwin and wife to W W
llllchcy, w d, nw nr IS 8 10. M860
OcoW Blind) U H J Mccnta,wd.lotall
and 12, block 19. lllne Hill 350
John Bchulti and wife to .1 U Meyer, Jr. w
lit aw cjr 8 212 800
Wn It Carglll to Jok Kohmetiher, w d, n
hf nw qr 13 4 0 . . 2300
Wm II Carglll to Andrew Ileiatetlcr, w d,
0 hf sw qr 14 4 9 2000
Votes M Miller and wife le Caroline liarf',wd.noqrl73U 3700
Daniel Hutchinson to Chan C Ileskett,
il, nw qr 1 3 10. 3200
Allco V Hnll and husband ( Chaa E
Hlcka, wd, partnwnr swir8 4 II 45
Chaa II Kaloy and wife to wm Poster, w
(1, loli 11 to 21, block 1, Unrber'a second
addition to Hed Cloud 35
Oeo W How and wife to Charles Kent, wd,
lota 4, r. 6nnp7, bleek I. lted Cloud...... COO
Waller W Hook to .lemo II Carey, w d.
aouth hf no qr 10 4 0. l'.W0
United State in Samuel II Fuller, patent,
nwqr awqr!.'? 3 1U .
David I. llurieu to .Tacpli Wltlillda, w d,
NhfaoqrHm! alif awir3 4. 3330
German lnaurnnco Co. Io Ntlhon llarllett,
kO qr 25 4 I!) .... 2S00
Total.... IIISPO
Mortgages filed ....... tiiCR
Mortgages released- .......... tl IV8
-. a kl..k. Bl.. UU
Tliete will bo an exhibit of the work
of all tho pupils of the lted Cloud
schools at tho high school building, ex
cept the primal r and kindergarten,
which will bo in Mif-slteinsborg's room,
Friday, March -b, 2 to C p m. Every
body welcome
Tho sonior.s have commenced road
ing Itossegei's Waldhelmat. It is tho
fourth German book for this year.
Tho boys have commenced boxing
again, but ns yet no ouo litis lost any
claret to speak of.
Tho juniors' program was n good ouo
and tho boys did well in their dobttto.
Tho lecture given Inst Friday in tho
opera house was highly enjoyed by tho
audionco. It was tho last ono in tho
locturo courso started Inst fall by tho
Miss Gortio Coon has boon elected to
tako Mrs. Ratlin's room after vacation,
Mrs. uaurn win go to join nor Hus
band at Leigh, Neb.
After several months of hard work
the pupils are glad to got a vacation
next wook.
Miss Schnellor will spend the vaca
tion at bor homo in Clay Center, Nob.
Report of high school courso of en
tertainments: iuciins.
Seaton tickets 1300 (O
Tlcketa at door 130 20
..1331 4)
Kntertalnmenta . a.Too 00
Use of onera heiiac...
Tlae of Congregational church.......
Expenses on advertising ,
Moving piano
l'ostaijo and Incidentals ..
Cleaning epera house ....
.. 2 00
. UM
.. 2 75
,. 1 '."J
County Court Notes.
Estnto of Permolin Mostoller,inenm
potent. Inventory and appraisomont
Estate of Milton Lester, deceased.
Examinations of llnal account and hear
ing on potition for assignment of ostnto
ana ortior assigning same to Ella
Walker Lestor.
Estate of DeJay Juilson deceased.
Bond of Chas. F. Cathcr filed and ap
proved and letters of admlnstration
Tho Globo Printing Co, vs. Miss Eva
Thompson. Default of defendant and
judgment entered for $25.25 and cost
of action,
Estate of Gcorgo M. Warner, de
ceased. Boport of appraisers in mat
ter of homestead nnd dowor for widow
filed nnd approved. Decreo of homo
stead and dorvor as roported by com-
Estate of DeJay Judfon deceased.
Appraisers commissions to L. P. Al
bright and D. B. Spanoplo.
L. P. Albright vs. F. N. Richardson,
ttotin on promissory note. Summons
returnable March 01st, ,1 p.m.
Estate of Rudolph O. A. Barchtold,
deceased. Hearing on final account
and discbarge of administration Mar.
' - wuw
or eMsaUfatloa tortMr.
L v rates northwest via Hnrlimrirni
lloiito. To Killings, Montana, $10 00;
Cady, Wyoming, 810 Tfi; Heleiia nntl
HuMe, a.'OOO; Spokane, WaMiin'o ,
llWfiO, Portland, Taeoinn, Seatilo and
ltosslnnd, II. C, &2"j00 Ahnvu tales
will bo in effect every day In March
miilApiil Iroin Missouri ilvnr term.
milb and from neatly till stations on
It. & M. It. It. A wondi'iful opportu
nity to visit the northwest. Tho Uig
Horn llnsln of Wyoming Is aeonntiy
of great resources and now undevelop
ed. It has just been made accessible
by a new lino of the Utitiliigton Route,
and presents many attractions to the
hoiueseeker. Folder on Hig Horn lia
sin fiee on n quest. For tickets, rales,
or additional information apply to
nearest agent, Ilttrlingtoii Route, or
write to J. Friuiels, (Joncral Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Nebr.
To Core a Cold In One Day
Tako Laxative Itiomo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund tho money if it
fails to cure. K. W. (Jtovo's signature
is on each box. Sou.
Inflammatory Rheumatism cured in 3 days-
Morton I. Hill of Lebanon. Ind. sayo: "My
wlfo had Inflammatory rhenmallain In oory
muscle and joint; her aufforliiK wan terrible and
ncr noiiy nnu laro were awooirn aunoni ncyona
recognition: had been In bed fornix weckaand
had clKht nhynlclana, but received no bono lit
until hhc tried tho Mystic. Cure rur;Ithvtiuintlam.
It Karc Immediate relief nnd alie was ablo to
walkabout In thrco daya, I nm anrcltaavcd
her lire." Sold by II. K. Grlco. DruggUt, Hed
Cloud, Neb,
Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold
Laxativo Uromo-Quinino Tablets euros
a cold in ono day. No cure, no pay
25 conts.
Rheumatism Cured in a Day.
MyatloCuro for rheumatism and neuralgia
readily cures In from one to thrco daya. Ita ac
tion upon the ayatem la rcmarkablo andmya
tcrloua. It removes at once tho oauao and tho
dlscaso Immediately disappears. The first doso
greatly bcnclltH. 7D cents. Hold by II. K. Orice.
fled Uloudi Neb.
Attkntion Faiimkiis: Have you
scon those hard wear hand-made har
ness at Hutler's. Ho will sell you ono
for 130, no not 930, but 820; nor will hi
take 920, but $22; no bring your team
nnd he will fit thorn on your horses for
Notice of Election.
rursunnt to a reaelutlon duly adapted, by
nnaulinous vote, by the beard of education ef
the aehool district of Hed Cloud city, In the
coumty of Webster. In the atata ef Nebraska
(being iicheol district No. 2 In laid county), at
an adjourned regular melting of Bald board,
held March S.MIKM.
Notice la hereby given that an election Ih
called and will be held within and for nald
bchool district on Wednesday, the U3d day of
April, IWi, at tho usual polling places within
tald district, to wit:
In the First ward of raid city, nt the old I'lntt
In the Second wird of said city, at the fire
men's ball.
Aid tho polla Mill be open fremOe'clocka.m.
to 7 o'clock p.m. of Mild day, nluhlch time and
))1hcc nil theqtmlllled voters of said school dis
trict may cast their bnllnW upon the following
proposition which Is submitted to them, viz:
Shall the school district of lied Cloud city. In
thecouaty of Wtbster, In thestnto of Nebraska
(being school district No. SJ In tali) county), by
and through Its hoard of education, und the
proper fllcern thereof, to create a fund to bo
controlled mid expanded by nnd under tho di
rection of tho board of education ef nld din
trlct. for the purpose of completing thu erection
nnd furnishing of tho public school buildings
of said district, by procuring and Installing a
hcntlng plant therein, issue und uegetiHte the
negotiable coupon bonds of said selfool district,
tone dcnoiolniitid tho building Improvement
benda (third Issue) of said dlisrlct. In thu
amount of four thousand dollars', iu the dennui
limtleu of live hundred dollars each, numbered
consecutively from one to eight, piiiihlc to
hearer, to become due twenty venra after tho
date thereof, but to bu pnytblu nt thu option of
the district, at any lime after tho expiration of
ten yenmnfter their date, und to te dated tho
day ef their lhsuuacc, and to draw interest from
date nt llvo per cent per nnnum, payable ntiun
ally an tho 1st day of July ef each ar, principal
nail Interest pa able at tho fiscal agency of the
state of Nobraskn, In cw Yerk city, said bonds
to lie signed for said district by tho president
and secretary of tho board ef education.
And shall the said school district nnd
tho taxing authorities .thereof, annu
ally, until said benda are paid, cause
to be asaessed nnd levied upon nil
the taxable property within said district, in ad
dition to all other taxes, n tax aulllclcnt to pay
tin, anaual interest on said bonds, and alio nn
nually after the cxplratlou of ten yeara from the
date of laid bonds, In addition to all other
taxes, cause to ne assessed ana levied uon all
the taxable tironerlv In said district, for a sink
jng f and, a tax In the requisite amount or pro
portion to pay tho principal of said ootids aa
they beeoroe duo.
Tee term of ballets to bo uaed at said election
In favor of said question and proposition, shall
he aa follows:
For School District Improvement bonds (3d
And the form of the ballots to be used at said
election against said question and proposition,
shall be us follows:
Against Sebool District Iroprovcmeut bonds
(SdTseue)and tax; and a arranged In conform
ity to tho present ballot law that the qualified
voters of said district may vole for or against
said proposition by making a cress in the usual
mauaor In a square opposite tao statement of
the, manner in wnicn mey desire to vote; ana
tdieuld a majority of the ballots caat at such
election be In favor of said question and prep
otltlon.thea the hoard of education of said dis
trict shall be authorized to Isauo and negotlato
a ild bonds In the open market to the highest
bidder at not less than par value and pay Ike
proceeds thereof to the treasurer of said district
to be kept by him In a separate fund and paid
out as authorized by said board on warrant for
aald purpoio i peel tied only.
Dated March Mlh, 1902.
lly ardor of the board of education of the
school district ef Itod Cloud city, in Webster
county, Nebraska.
C. It. Ciionb, President.
lly I.. 11. Pout, Secretary of Hoard,
(Incorporated) in tho fetato of Nebraska, at the
close of business March lftth, 1UOJ.
Loaus nnd discounts. ,.. rs 3,15 to
oierdrufis ..
Cnrrent expenses and taxes nald
707 05
Duo from itniional, stale ami nrlvaiu
banks nnd bankers...
...M,17 2
Hills of National hauls
Nickels and cents
Legal Tender
Total cash tu hand
'.'.038 00
ei uj
3 4'Jt K,
i,M) 0J
IM.Hl 13
. I1W.3IS 11
Capital stock paid In
Surnlus fund-
.. tl.MO) 00
Undivided iroBt....... .. .'
. no
2,flil il
individual tienosilH sublect
lutmrus VO.OW N!
Demand certificates of do
peslt ... fcoso :h
Time certificate of deposits. 21 10
Total Deposit . toi,TC4 I
STATior Nebraska,
l!fl!tf Jl
vuumy 01 neDtie
I. W T Anl.l rt..l.l. K ....
above named bank, do solemnly'swear that tie
above statement is correct anil a tnie coin of
the rennrt iiiRrtn In h s..... i.. "t? i ..'5A4W ol
J, W. AULD. Director.
da8yUof C1Im!12"1 wo", ,0 before wo ! 2S
loeatl D. U. 8rAMoit, Nosary pbfcle.
1 ' " ' ' " ..
--? . , 1 ttf
r."r1 tlstf VI Wll MHiJaV ktH IiBissnl H . O m INC Bsnissssf anisninW asssnl issssssnf H nwVTfl tKf bU f hfJ i VltA WUl f A I' 4 Lt
1 -mmm rut iimr'ns s f
ill 1.1 jL 1 laf yMlf mM
Wr ' ST Batk B3i) 1 1
fl LXX U afl aV wf W l anian. afesfe "nolftt. -- gA
rrr-v &V''""' I Kin Mig WW isss -., M
s L Hllnli illliil S t I
,0 "' V m I I I II II afiiflfl mm mm. vW svs I
mi tutor. j BoH l;j n lifmrQ&MjPminh I
lss FOR IO ..(.IF S ls'orAa'(?fohr
fQUHrAitirtN I0HTA3S. w M 00 CAnr
MATCH tla. !K
Our New Illustrated $ fl P' Jf
rmt 700JI,T0i. FOR 1902 mmQ0Bg!??m
"' mmmmmmmmf
ssssnfl FBJsBtiap!3LanUftny P I
1&37y?Z?-rizdh2?--. aessnTak
iuir. jwmsmmmm
eap v 100 nt. - 11 '.;. s. m a
Photographs Enlarged.
Crayon Sepia, Water Color
and Pastel.
I carry 11 full lino of
Artists' Materials,
Frames and Mouldings.
und solicit your trndo.
1 uiinint(o iho lineat worttult, work
in tho west at populnr ptiui'B.
Argabright, the Artist
Rkd Cloud. Nebimska,
North stairway, Damoroll Block.
WUw Are Ymi- KMieri I
Dr. HOBba' SMraans P1IU enre all kidney 111.
fi (re. AJM.slternof ReasiyCo.,Clila8r
include many article not shown here. It contain the most attractive
List of Present ever offered for Tag, and will be sent by mall on receipt or
postage two cent.
Our offer of Presents for Tags Will expire Nov. 30th, 190a.
Write your name and address plainly on outside ol package containing
Tags, and forward Tags by registered mall, or eapreu prepaid. Be
sure to have your package securely wrapped, so that Tag will uol be
lost In transit. Scud Tags and request for Presents (also rcuuesU lor
catalogue.) .0 C. My. BROWN,
4341 Folsom Ave.,
St. Louis, Mo.
Tou can be cured of any form of tobacco usln
n 11 'au m a &! Vis II i
toacco ubiok
rnetic, full of
easily, be made well, strong, ma
new Hie anu Tigor vy iakiqk "
that make weak men strong
ten pounds tn ten days, over auu.uuu
cured. All druggists, euro guaranteed. Book
let and advice 1'RKE. Address BTKRWNQ
EUUUDY CO., Chicago or New York. 437
Genuine lUmpcd CC.C. Never uM In bulk
Beware or the oeeicr wno tnc 10 m
MfMthlng ut a good."
Look Box S3. Guide Bock, Neb.
ill kinds of property bought, sold sod
isiUrnsBsssssalsi" !,
Thl algnature I on everybox otf the genuine
Laxative Bromo-Quimne TMet.
the remedy that vwttm oW
!BflpIY and CfiFE
When in town oat nt tho
Bon Ton where it iB clean,
cool nnd no flies.
15 cent Meals at All Hours.1
fSoDA Fountain is Open !1
Fifty-Blv different kinds of summer
W. S. BENSE, Prop.
m 6M ffi -am.
Oleaiuc. and Uvitinu Ui hair.
lVomoirf a laxurlftnt erowth.
Never Valla to llntore Oray
Curt, tcalp di.f.K. tilling.
Inlo estate of Joseph Vedak. an Incompetent.
Notice la hereby given that In pursuance of n
llccaso Issued by Ed. L. Adams, Judge of the
district court of Webator County, Nebraska,
made on tho 13th day r March, 1902. far tho
Bale of the real estate hcrolnaf ter described.thero
will ko sold at the east door of tho court nous
in lted Cloud, Ncbraaka, on tho 30tb day of
April, 1902, at ono 'clockp.m.. at public vendtio
to the hlgbeat bidder, one half of the purchase
prico cash, balance to be secured by first mort
gage on tho real estate hereinafter described on
five years time, and to bear Interest at the rato
of 7 per cent, per annum, payable annually , the
fallowing described real estate, tewlt: The
north half of the southwost quarter of section
twenty-four, tawn three, ranee eleven, in Web
ster county, Nebraska. Bald aale to remain
epen ouo hour. JOSEPH 8IDLO, Guardian, .
LByR.T. rerran, Ills mH "
I Beet Ooncb SyrnnTTaate OoodV Use I
I in time, poia, py arBMiws.
" Ua tAttir 'ssssj'
7S w.
a wk.mjj'I 3flsssssla1i
' tv &nsimqm