The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 28, 1902, Image 7

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Prnminnnt Pnlnnnnt :!? D.
VJ . ' .... ,
coives Fatal Injuries.
ri8 Young Men Arretted nt David City
for Amnnlt nml Itobhery Dlt
nilmcil Ni'ijuol In n Kim
u Murdur No ten
Friday morning Thomas Green,
treasurer of tho Fairmont Creamery
company, while looking up bouio rcc
onlB In what la known ns the old skat
ing rink, In Homo manner fell from tho
loft to the floor crushing In his broatt
bono and causing a lesion of tho lungi
nnd heart, which caused his death In
thirty minutes. Tho funeral took place
Sunday afternoon. It won conducted by
tho Moaonlc fraternity, of which Mr.
Orccn was an honored member. Mr.
Green had been n resident of Nebras
ka for about twenty-two years, and
hlB death haa greatly afflicted tho
wholo community, his business asso
ciates and his family.
FuftlonIM Waiting for Kepiihllran to
Annnnnre Day of Convention.
At a meeting of tho populist and
democratic stnto central committees,
held In Lincoln March 18, tho chief
eubject discussed was tho date of tho
nominating conventions. It was the
sentiment qulto generally expressed
that tho question of tho date of tho
state convention should not bo deter
mined Immediately, but should lie left
to the chairmen to determine after the
republicans have announced their date.
In thlo way tho fuslonlats will have tho
advantage of knowing the strength of
tho entire republican ticket, and the
causes of Internal tights. They will
thiiB bo able better to make up their
platforms and construct their ticket.
A goodly number of populist editors
from all over the Btato were In atten
dance. illegal I'Uiiing.
Chief Deputy Game Warden Slmp
klns sprang from tho rear end of tho
stnto llsh car at tho Elkhorn depot In
Omaha as It was pulling out for a trip
along the Elkhorn river to dlstrlbuto
trout In the stream. Ills reason for
haste was tho sight of two men with
a largo string of fish. He had them
arrested for having more than the legal
number In their possession and a com
plaint will bo filed. The men wcro
Meyer Vino and H. Drown. They had
300 fish which weighed from half a
pound to eighteen pounds each. Al
though tho men sold they secured
them across the river, Mr. Slmpklns
thought tho catch had been gathered In
nets. Tho open season for fishing be
gins April 1 and clo3ca October 31, but
tho law provides that no one shall
have In his possession more than fifty
flBh. A fine of $5 for each fish Is pro
scribed for this violation of tho law.
UlamWacd tho Cimo
The preliminary hearing of Thomas
Garhan, Henry Garhau, Edward Doty,
Harry Ingalls and F oi Ingalls,
charged with assaulting and robbing
Ernest Schneller In Hieing City on the
night of March 8, wan concluded in
county court by Judgo Skllca dismiss
ing the case.
From the testimony Introduced nt
tho trial, It seemed that Schneller, who
claims to boa doctor, was conducting
a patent medlclno show at tho opera
house. During the performance the
doctor inado some remarks casting re
flection on tho Garham boys. The boys
resented tho Insult by meeting the doc
tor on the street after tho show and
giving him a good thrashing and In
their rage used tho doctor more se
verely than waa necessary to accom
plish their purpose. Tho evidence
wholly failed to provo that any robbery
had been committed. Public opinion
In Rising City la divided on the mat
ter. Guilty of Crlmlinit Arnault.
P. Courney Richards, tried In tho
IiOncaster district court, waa declared
guilty of criminal assault upon Marie
Magdanz, his Btepdaughtcr. The Jury
recommended him to tho mercy of tho
court. Under tho law Judge Holmse
may Impose a penalty oi from three
to twenty years. Tho Jury deliberated
on tho caso about four houra beforo
agreeing. A recommendation for
mercy waa made for tho benefit of
thoso Jurors who dl dnot feel that the
evidence waa sufficiently strong to
warrant a severe sentence, and who for
a timo were Inclined to favor an ac
quittal. Shot In Dance Hall.
Edward Stewart shot Daisy Smith
twice with a revolver In a Lead, 8. D
danco hall. Doth Bhots took effect, one
In tho left hand and tho other In tho
arm and breast. Tho latter Is regard
ed as dangerous. It pxiscd through
tho muscles of tho right arm and pene
trated tho lung, Tho woman Is still
llvlnk, nnd there aro chances of her
recovery. Stewart 1r In tho county Jail
at Dendwood. They aro both colored,
and tho shooting Is tho result of a Jeal
ous quarrel.
Hlvor nml Harbor Hill 1'iinieit
Tho houso passed tho river and har
bor bill, which has been under consid
eration throughout tho week. Although
eevcral minor amendments wero adopt
ed, not a slnglo dollar waa added to
tho measure, and, us passed, It carried
exactly what It did when It came from
tho committee, $G0,C88,267, Including
authorizations. Mr. Sulzer (Now York)
attempted to force n record vote on
the final pabsngo of tho bill, but only
three members, Messrs. Smith (Iowa),
Fitzgerald (New York) tod Cochran
(Missouri) supported him.
Coinmiiinlcr of tint Itrlii'l force on tit
Iftlittul of Naniar,
General Lukban's effoits In Influenc
ing Gueverrn, who recently Issued n
proclamation declaring hlmseir tho
successor of Gonernl Lukbnn In tho
Island of Samnr, to surrender, havo
been successful. Iloth General Smith,
In command of tho United States
rorces In the Island of Samnr, nnd
Gueverra have agreed to nn urmlatlco
to facilitate tho collection of Gucvor
rn's men with their rifles when tho
formal surrender will ho made. The
arms will be paid In nt tho Tort.
General Smith cables that Gueverrn
hau 400 rifles and guarantees tho obso
lutc pcacefulness of his men.
General Chaffee la greatly pleased
with what he conslderc closing the ac
tlvo Insurrection. Tho reslstanco In
Untangas and Lagiiim provinces Is
practically over. There nro dally sur
renders there of men nud guns. The
Insurgents havo been completely
stnrvcd Into submission by General
Doll's nggresslvo tactics In preventing
any exterior assistance from reaching
Some surprlso Is expressed nt tho
number of rlflco to be turned In by
tho men under Gueverrn. aa It was
thought there wcro but 200 In Samar.
Anil dune 18 Flicrt ni tho Date of tlio
liubllcHii State Convention,
The republican state central com
mittee fixed on Juno 18 aa the dato for
tho next state convention. Lincoln wna
selected aa the place by a vote of 20 to
5. Tho representation wna based on
the voto for Judge Sedgwick last fall
In a ratio to provide for 1,080 dele
gates. An unusttnlly full attendnnco of
committeemen marked tho meeting,
which had llttlo difficulty In deter
mining the questions In hand. A host
of candidates for congress from tho
various districts of tho Htato, with
many politicians who had no interest
for themselves, making tho occasion
one to recall tho lively scones of the
recent senatorial contest. The best of
feeling prevailed, tho committee ses
sion being marked by complete har
mony. Mile Threaten to Itelgn,
Gen. Nelson A. Miles told tho senate
committee on military affairs that, if
the bill Introduced by Senator Hawlcy
at tho Instance of tho war department
for tho organization of a general staff
for tho army should become n law, ho
would decline to longer hold his com
mission. Tho reason ho gives la that tho bill
Is utterly subversive of tho interests
of the military establish!.
said that ho would not
Buch a proceeding to tli
of continuing to hold
The statement wai
course of a prolongs
committee, which
hind closed doors
eral Miles touched
subjects connected
Five miles east ofaaMHWio
of two unknown nuHcrknlcd
Frank Ilartman ntBe, sljot
Hartrann's wlfe.causlnaJHKt. wound
nnd seriously wounded ImKIaughtcr.
No motlvo is known. The two mon
rode up to the Hartman home and
asked to remain all night. Without
waiting for an answer, one of the men
shot Hartman dead. Mrs. Hartman,
who soon camo upon tho scene, was
shot In tho head and ono of tho men
attacked and struck the daughter with
an ax. Then they rode away. When
the alarm was glvon no trace of the
men could bo found.
Killed by a Train.
Two boys, aged 1G and 17, members
of a party of three, who wero tramping
across the country, woro run over and
horribly mangled by a train at Yslcta,
Tex. They were asleep on tho track.
Tho third boy, Freddio Winchester of
Brunswick, Go., escaped and states that
the naran of ono of his companions was
J. J. Johnson of Abilene, Tox. Tho
nnmo of tho second boy lie doc3 not
remember, but his home was In Los
Neprro Whipped, to Death,
Tho dead body of Oliver Wright, a
negro, was found near Hlgbce, Mo. Ills
back and arms wero ono mass of scars
and bruises and his clothing was torn
to shreds and scattered for a hundred
feet nlong tho road. Everything In
dicated that a death strugglo had
taken place. It Is genorally believed
that ho wan whipped to death, and all
evidence goes to show that Buch was
tho case, but who tho parties woro or
why they killed him Is not known.
Doctor Hill for Treating; McKlnley.
Tho hills of tho physicians who wait
ed upon McKlnloy havo been turned
over by Senator allnna to tho chair
man of the flnaneo committee of the
senate and tho appropriation commit
tee of the house. They appropriate
r Chloroform.
Thieves broko Into tho home of Rev.
John Ferguson at Newton, la., nnd
chloroformed Mrs. Ferguson, giving
her bo much of tho drug that for a time
her llfo was despaired of. Nothing of
valuo was taken.
In a general light In a "Joint" owned
by Henry Schultz In tho Toad-A-Loupo
section of Kansas City, Kan., Gcorgo
Thompson, aged 38, was killed, Iko
Patton waa dangerously stabbed nnd
William Insklpp was seriously stabbed
nnd beaten. Tho two wouuded men
aro under arrest charged with Thomp
boii'b murder.
IOulB Chambcrdon and his wife, who
lived nt McDonald, Pa., wcro struck by
a train and killed. Tho couplo had
been visiting and were on their way
home when the accident occurred. i
kjifid he
IW to
Aged Soxton Found in Unconsci
ous Condition.
Neuro ' I.J lulled In Alnbama Huglne
Mown Tp With Fatnt Itrnult Al
legcd Hump Tlilote Captured nt
tlrantl Inland Other Now.
Alex Martin, ngod CC and sexton of
tho Baptist church of lllulr. Neb., was
found In the basement of tho building
In an unconscious state, lie startod
over early In tho morning, us was his
ciiGtom, to light the flrea und ring the
bell, but when It wan lound tlni" for
tho lost bell to ring and tho first had
not been rung an Investigation was
made. Mr. Martin was found on tho
woodpile, In tho basement, bruised
about the face, evidently having fallen
over from an attack of paralysis. Ills
condition 1b extremely critical.
Trouble lletvreen tho I.awle moment
nnd Cltlren of t Texan Town,
For the past two wceka there haa
icen an epidemic of burglarlea and
lawlessness nt Lytton Springs, Tex.,
nnd It developed that tho law-brenkcra
havo organized into a sort of ondcttu.
Reports from Lytton Springs wero that
thero had been troublo between tho
lawless element and the citizens. Tho
outlaws nro said to havo assembled
shortly after midnight nnd began their
maneuvers by shooting Into the Pal
mer house, which seems to bo their
central point of attack. Tho citizens
turned out In pursuit with blood
hounds. The doga wero killed by tho
outlaws and It Is reported the outlaws
aro surrounded at Holler's tank. Thoy
nro Bald to bo entrenched behind a
dam, bidding doflanco to tho citizens'
posse. Two of the posse have been In
Juied and It Is thought that tho out
laws havo suffered noma, as qulto a
number of shots have been exchanged.
A pos30 of citizens left Austin for the
sccno of attack and It is thought that
tho outlaws will bo capture:).
In Jail for Abtiftlni; HI Family
Fred Denton of Omaha, who for tho
tnast four years has been engaged In
the crayon portrait business, was nr
rested on the ehargo of wife beating.
When placed In Jail he broke down.
Tho arrest was tho result of an investi
gation mndo personally by Mayor
MoorcB. Mrs. Denton recently wrote a
letter to her mother In Chicago, ask
ing that she and her four children ho
removed from Omahn. Tho mother
forwarded tho letter to Mayor Moorco.
clghbors assert that Denton hns beat-
n his wife eight times during tho past
even months that thoy have lived nt
1750 Leavenworth street. Tho mayor
l'ouud the wife und children without
Alleged Horo Thloe Arretted.
Two mon giving their names as Hen
.Ickson and Snpor nro held at Grand
Island under arest on Information from
tho sheriff of Deuol county, chnrged
with Btcallng two carloads of horacs.
The sheriff of Deuel county arrived,
but went back for more evidence, tho
horses also being held. Doth mon had
big revolvers on their persons, but
Sheriff Taylor nipped them In tho va-.
booso as tho train was entering the
city, and thoy made no resistance.
Unable to FurnUh Iteluforrement.
Tho rebels havo captured tho pre
fectural town of Kom Chou, In tho
provlnco of Kwang Tung, and havo
solzed tho arnonal and granaries. Tho
mandarins of tho garrison fled and ap
pealed to Canton for reinforcements.
Tho viceroy of Canton roplled that It
was Impossible to furthor deplete tho
Cantou garrison and uie,ed Genornl Ma
to mako tho utmost efforts to put
down tho rebellion.
Wont Through the Hoof.
Samuel Truax, who has been con
fined in the Dutte, Neb., Jail Blnco tho
2d of March, charged with soiling
mortgaged property, and who was
chased all over Oklahoma and finally
rounded up at Dattle Creek, Neb.,
broko Jail In an unaccountable man
ner. Ho got out of tho steel cage and
went up through the roof. He loft no
clew and tho sheriff has no trace of
Family of Thren Found Dead.
James Towns, his wife and their 8-year-old
daughter woro found dead In
bed at Chicago. They had been asphyx
iated by gas from tho kitchen range.
A plug had been removed from tho
range, and tho man's arm was thrown
over tho child, apparently holding her
down. Theao circumstances are cited
by tho police as evidence of a double
murder and suicide.
Full to CoiiTlet.
Judgo Burroughs, In tho MadlBon
county, Illinois, circuit court, dis
charged tho Jury In the caso of John
Falrman, charged with making threats
to destroy property of certain farmers
If money was not sont the signers, who
Htylcd themselves "Invlnclbles." Tho
Jury wns out slxty-olght hours and
could not reach au agreement.
l'layine; Jrae James,
Will Martin, aged 13 years, of So
dalla, Mo., was fatally shot In East Se
dalla by Edgar Allon, a playmate of his
own ago. A Jchsq James company was
in Sedalla last woek and a number of
young Hboya woro reproducing tho play
in a barn, having au audience of about
fifty boys. Allen was playing tho part
of "Jesso Jamofl" and Mnrtln that of
a detective. Whon tho latter attempt
ed to capture the bandit, Allon took
a shot at Mnrtln with a 3S-callbro re
volver, tho ball onterlng Martin's head
near tho right ear and passing out on
tho opposite tilde.
On Hljrnal Corp Man Killed lit tho Kn
KnKeiiient. Brigadier General George W. Davis,
utntloned nt Ziiiiibonngn, Island of
Mlndano, reports Unit u detachment of
the signal corps consisting of seven
teen men hns been attacked by two
hundred Motos near Pntait-Panin,
Ono of tho signal corps men wan
The Moros captured tho transporta
tion of the dotuc'itnent, Including four
pack mules.
Tho United States transpott Duford
haa arrived at Manila. She has on
board n detachment of tho Twcnty
soventh Infantry, n squadron of tho
Elovcnth cnalry nud fifty puck mules.
Thero have been four more cases of
cholera, nnd two nioro deaths
from tlio plague aro reporkd. Tho
health authorities belle vo that their
rigid precautions have nvertcd an epi
demic. As General Chaffeo did not want tho
men of tho Third Infantry to run the
risk of cholein na a result of contact
with tho city, that regiment has al
ready been taken nboard the United
States transport Grant, which will pall
for San Francisco ono week uhead o
her scheduled lime.
Cnuvlrtfi Crenmttd.
Flvo county convicts were burned to
death whllo attempting to burn their
way out of prison nt Kosciusko, Miss.
They set llro to the stockade houso
In which they wero confined nml tho
building burned so rapidly that escnpo
was Iniw)salblo und they wero crc
inatcd. Thoy were Dob Durt, Phil Newell.
Jim Culberson, Amos Ralford nud
Jones, nil negroes.
Tho prisoners wero let out to Robert
Campbell, county contractor, whoso
farm Is situated sixteen miles weft of
Kosciusko, and all were charged with
minor offenses.
KnirJiin lllow Up.
A helper engine on tho westbound
freight train No. 20G blew up whllo
going up I.uko hill, seventy miles west
of Ogikn.
William Wilton, engineer, of Ogden,
E. A. 1'phoff, brakeman, and an un
known tramp wore killed.
Fireman Roy Munsey war. terribly
burned and will probably dlo from his
Tho engine waa a now compound.
Tho eauHo of tho explosion Is not
known Traffic wns blocked for about
two L
Women Frlinner (let Awny
Four women prisoners broko Jail at
Fort Scott, Knn., und wcro captured.
One, Hlrdlo McCarty, charged with be
ing a horso thief, waa found hidden
under n blanket In tho bottom of u
wagon being driven by Peter Shcllay,
twelve miles away. Tho others wero
captured near Hammond after bolug
chased for threo hours.
The women confessed that Sheflay,
Red Taylor and Charles Snyder, nil of
whom have been arrested, assisted
them in picking tho locks of the Jail
F.xplred With Heeret Untold.
Joseph Hopkins, tho alleged bank
robber shot by "Dan" Klploy In Chi
cago, Is dead. He was delirious during
his last houra, and n shorthand re
IMirter was kept at his bed3lde to catch
his ravings in tho hope that ho might
say something which would furnish a
clow to tlio poKtoffleo robbery of Inst
summer whun $74,000 In stamps waa
For tho Kullef of Veteran.
Congressman Mercor has Introduced
a bill for tho relief of the soldiers of
tho civil war who aa veteran volun
teers re-entered tho sarvlco nnd wero
afterwards dlschnrged to recolvo pro
motion and commissions as officers.
Tho bill provides that they shall bo
paid all Installments of veteran bounty
which were withheld from thorn on ac
count of their being bo commissioned
Neurit Lynched.
Bill Zolgler, a negro charged with an
assault on a llttlo whlto girl was
lynched seven miles below Troy, Ala.
At a preliminary hearing the negro
was bound ovor to tho grand Jury. Tho
sheriff started to town with tho pris
oner, but was overpowered by th mob.
The corouer's Jury rendered a ver
dict that tho negro camo to his death
at the hands of unknown persons.
Wife Shoots IluHlinnd.
During a quarrel at tho suppor tnblo
Liberty Kcmpf, a well known buslnesn
man of Washington, Intl., choked his
wlfo. Tho woman managed to get a
revolver and fired five shots at her
husband, ono bullet penetrating tho
brain. Kempf died In a few minutes.
Tho wlfo told her story to tho pollco
and has not yet been arrested.
Dallied the Doetor.
Ono of tho strangest medical cases
In the history of La Crosso terminated
In tho death of Mrs. Frank Wlchmau,
who had been In a trance for tho past
Beven dayB. During that time she had
takon no food or water, and was ap
parently dead. Her caso baffled tho
Does Not Want It.
Joseph H. Manloy announced thnt for
business and pereonal reasons he had
declined to accept tho position of first
assistant postmaster goneral, tonderct)
him by Postmaster General Payne.
Miulolau Drowned.
J. II. Hnhn, director of the Detroit
conservatory of music and a musician
widely known throughout tho country,
was drowned at Englcoldo, his coun
try home at Carey lnko, near Constan
tino. Mr. Ilahn was formerly presi
dent of tho music teachora' national
Murderer Sentenced.
Albert Smith wa3 sentenced to twenty-five
years' Imprisonment for tho
murder of Bruco Martin, committed six
weeks ago at Dca Moines, la.
Fnko Dotoctivo Held Up Picnic
Rosort Nonr Grand Island.
Voting Man MvIiir Near llenhlemaiiiNeb.,
llniiK" lllunelf fulumhu Hloper
Marry In Denttir Flrrk, the I. In
wood l.lrrriniiu Hound titer.
Two men, ono of whom gave his
name on Dill Jones, railed nt the Mid
way, a picnic retort and naloon two
miles southwest of Grand Maud, und
called for beer. Thoy represented
themselves to bo members of the club
called "Tho Midway" and were given
tho beer. Then tho man "Jones"
bhowed tho btnr of u detective nnd de
manded ?10 tif Mr. Sanders, the pro
prietor, or ho, the detective, would ro
poit nnd pmseculo Sanders. Sanderu
paid tho $10, tnklng a receipt. From
this plnco tho men went over to Lion
grove, also u club affair, running, as Is
tho Midway, without a license, other
than tho government license, and mndo
the Hiimo demand there. Tho ono had
given tho name of n certain member,
as was tho cane at tho Midway, but the
othor's effort to buy beer was refused,
with tho explanation thnt ho wus not
a member. However, the former mndo
the demand nnd was told that ho would
bo Beon nt n placo where tho ther
mometer never falls below 110 In the
Bhadc. It , expected thnt tho men,
who nro said to live In Grand Island,
will bo nrrested und proecuttd for
Mutt llaro Full ltenent.
Representatives Stark, Ncvllln nnd
Robinson had a conference with Mr.
Mondell nnd Mr. Shnfroth of the irri
gation committee and mndo a pro
posal to thorn that If they would con
Bent to adding a flection to tho Irriga
tion bill providing that no public work
which should bo constructed under the
propooed act by tho direction of tho
secretary of tlio Interior should permit
tho diversion of any water from the
wntershed of tho South and North
Platto river, In Unit event they would
support tho bill. Tho commltteo will
take up these questions nud Nebraska
fusion members believe bouio uctlon
will bo taken along tho line BUggcstcd
by them and that with thlB provision
In tho bill NebrnBka will get her full
shnro of the benefits of tlio proposed
Irrigation euterprlBe.
Hpeaker to Have Opposition.
Scnntor O. B. Courtrlght of Water
loo, Iti., is announced ns a candidate
for tho rcpublcnn nomination for con
gressman In , opposition to Speaker
Hondersou an 1 will mako n fight for
control of Uu coming congressional
convention, 'hiu nieanB that for tho
first time slnco he was sent to con
gress by tho republicans of tho Third
district In 1882, Colonel Henderson will
find It neceBiary to content with nn
aspirant for hts sent
For ten ycara tho nomlnntlon has
come to him by unanimous vote of the
delegates nnd only once or twleo has
thero been tho rcmotcbt Indication of
Lot llaby Find Way Home,
A bit of a child, tho dnughtcr of Mr.
and Mrs. Greenfield. rcBldlng five miles
In the country, wandered away from
the home of a relative In Grand Island
nnd became lost. A dlljgont search
was begun, the pollco force aiding, and
for two hours tho llttlo ono wns hunted
high and low. Finally a messenger
was sent out to tho Greenfield homo
and the llttlo girl was found to have
arrived thero Just a few moments be
foro tho messenger nrrlvcd, having
walked tho onttro distance. She had
become lost as to tho olty, but knew
her way to her homo In tho country.
Tender of Manila MIlon.
According to nd vices, says tho Now
York Horald from a well-informed au
thority in Rome, tho pope has offered
tho nomination of tho archbishop of
Manila to Bishop Sebastian Gcbhard
Mcosmor of Green Bay, Wis.
As Btated In tho Aasoclated press dis
patches recently, the SpanlBh arch
bishop of Manila, Mgr. Nozelada do
Vila, has rcslgnod the see nnd will re
tire to Spain, as did the Spanish pre
lates in Cuba when tho United States
took possession there.
Flrtt Htnton of MrKlnley.
Tho first statuo to President McKln
loy has Just been delivered in plaster
to a foundry at Florence, R. I., where
It will bo cast in bronxo at onco and
be rendy to bo unveiled at Muskegon,
Mich., on memorial day.
Tho sculptor was well equipped for
the undertaking, as he had make a bust
of the lato president nnd has all ncccs
nnry measuromenta which he had made
at a sitting Major McKlnley gave him.
(iuet nt Whlto lliimr.
Mr. i Kstrodn Pnlma, tho president
elect of Cuba, met President Roosevelt
In his official capacity for tho first time
when tho former wna the guest of
honor at an Informnl dinner at the
Whlto house. Tho affair wus Intend
ed as u mark of courtesy to President
elect Pnlma, who expressed his high
npprcclntlon of tho honor shown him.
Ha No Thought of Itenlgnlug.
Secretary Hitchcock has returned to
Washington from St. Louis, whero ho
was called by tho serious Illness and
subsequent death of his brother. Ho
denied that ho had any Intention of
resigning his cabinet portfolio or ever
had contemplated retiring.
Official contradiction lias beon re
ceived at the state department of the
report that Powell Clayton, Jr son of
Ambassador Clnyton, and formor mili
tary attache to tho United States em
bassy at Mexico, was forced to leave
his post because of hie refusal to fight
a duel.
Scimdiil Huld to i:lt In the Trenmr
Among mcmbeis of tho houso, re
publicans ns well us tlemocrnts, It Is
quilt! freely predicted thnt exposurcn
nro hi ptospett which will shnko tho
treasury depnitment down to lis vory
foundation. Tho Immigration bureau
Is not tho only one Involved, but scan
dals are hinted nt nud mild to exist
In nil but cans tif which Assistant Sec
retury Taylor Is In charge.
An official, who has charge of a cer
tain line of contrattlng at a salary of
12,000 annually, Is said to bo building
a ffiO.OUO residence.
CommlfcBloncr or Immigration Pow
tlerly seems to have more friends nnd
backers than wan apparent when tho
uuuoutieeiucnt was first mndo thnt tho
president hntl dctei mined upon his re
moval. Those In touch with Immigra
tion bureau ufTuIra tlcelnre Hint ho waa
not only cognizant of tho Hills Inland
scundnl, hut that ho insisted on the
Investigation, nt which tlmo nllcgcd
revelations of corruption wcro sup
pressed by Taylor.
A number of repiibllcnn congressmen
havo signified their Intention of cull
ing on tho president to mnko the situa
tion clearer to him nnd ndvlso tho ro
movnl of Taylor rather than Powderly.
I.UeryniHii Hit 111 Hearing.
Mnillsou Fleck, the young llvoiytnnn
from Llnwood urrested on n ehargo of
carelessness In punning the two women
from the Platto river bridge, whereby
they were drowned, wnB nrrnlgnetl be
fore County Judgo Wells In Schuyler,
Neb., nud bound over to nppenr at tho
next term of tho district court It was
feared that some troublo regarding
tho prisoner's safety might havo oc
curred hud tho county not seen fit to
hold tho accused In custody. Nearly
200 people, friends of tho unfortunate
victims nud tho accused from Butler
county attended tho preliminary hear
ing. Young Fleck provided for his dc
fenso some of tho best legal talent in
this part of the state.
(loreil by a llutTalo.
News linB been received of tho death
of Richard Rock, nn old tlmo and
widely known scout and frontiersman,
nt his ranch near Henry'B lako, Mon
tana. Rock wna gored to death by n buffalo
which ho bail ralBed. Rock waa ono
of tho r.coutB with tho Ill-fated Custer
expedition nnd Is snld to be tlio man
who gave Custer Information of tho
presence of tho Indians under Sitting
Hull In tho valley whero tho crafty
chieftain had encamped. Rock ndvlscd
thu general to wait for the coming of
Reno beforo nttneklng.
A year or so ago Rock was Bent by
tho government Into YollowBtono park,
to count tho buffalo remaining there.
FnnMnn Move to Denver.
General Frederick Funston nrrlvcd
from tho emit nnd will go to Iola, Kan.,
to visit relatives. General FunBton
will return to Kansas City and leave
for Oakland, Cal., to bring Mrs. Fun
Bton und the baby to Denver, whero
the goneral will mnko hla headquar
ters whlto at tho head of tho depart
ment of the Colorado.
llleycle Clause Her Death.
Katy Clagg, aged 30 years, of Erlo,
Kan., wna Instantly killed nud Lydla
Schneffer, aged 18 years, of Paolo,
Kan., was Internally Injured In Kansas
City ns the result of being struck by a
bicycle ridden nt a high rato of speed
by Charles Johnson, nged 10, who was
racing with another cyclist. Miss
Clogg'H neck was broken.
Hoy Hiiiik lllnuelf,
Roscoo Wilson, tho Boventoen-ycar-old
son of Robert Wilson, living five
miles weBt of Dcnklcman, Neb., com
mitted Bulcldo whllo in tho Held plow
ing by bunging himself with a halter
ropo on a hayrack. The cause of hts
action is unknown by relatives and
friends us he seemed to be in good
spirits when ho left tho house.
Hall for Europe,
Boer Delegates Wolmarana, Weasels
and Dcbruyan sailed for Europo on
the Btenmer La Ouiicogne. Whllo they
got smnll comfort from tho officials at
Washington, they are satisfied there
Is a strong undercurrent of sympathy
among tho American peoplo for their
White Man Kill NejreM.
K. J, Armsted, former tax collector
of Montgomery, Ala., and at ono time
ono of tho wealthiest men in Alabama,
today shot and killed Mary Hansen, a
ncgrcea, and then committed suicide.
It Is believed Mr. Armsted was tempor
arily insane, as he had been drinking
heavily recently.
Killed by Train.
The costbound limited passenger
train on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad
ctruck a buggy containing Ed Carlson
and Nels Nolson, killing both mon In
BtanUy. The tragedy occurred on a
road crossing west of Valparaiso, Ind.,
and was caused by tho horeo balking
on tho track.
lllow HI Head OfT.
John Lcsher held a Btlck of dynamite
under his chin nt Fort Scott, Kan., and
deliberately exploded It, the ehargo
blowing off his head and an arm. He
had been drinking and, telling his wifo
ho proposed to kill himself, went to a
vacant houso near by and committed
the deed.
Rcalfjn In llndy.
Tho entire pollco force of Helena,
Mont., resigned as a result of ordera
which they Bay wcro Issued by Mayor
Frank J, Edwards, who la a candldato
for re-election. Tho republican prim
nrlcs aro to bo held Thursday and the
fight promises to bo a close one. The
pollco assert they were personally in
structed by tho mayor to attend the
primaries and arrest all antl-Kdwards
republicans nud their resignations fol
lowed. Frlomls of Mayor Edwards
deny the statements of the police and t '
advance charges of bribery. '