C-t c . -; 1 rwi.iTOtuiJVTCAT.mv.T'v.iTx-liruxif'f .lcr.lJCtLflRcacIa(Mrnf?:TtTttVJ i " " r r 1 --t" nTTTrnnri- mini iiir.ninniiiiiiuiiiiiuimiii.im mimirwi-MTn-in-nrn . VOLUME XXX. RED CLOUD, NEISKASKA. MAI? OH 28, 1J)02. NUMBER IJJ Display Extraordinary of WASH FABRICS. Greater price advantages than we or you ever knew before. However small the price we have the goods and at the prices the best. Our trade expects of us the best in every class, regardless of the price, and they get it, Genuine business success is the outgrowth of giving the best values for the customers. No matter how small the pric, price are unmatc "f! BBBBBBBBBBBat U ssaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV) v . j 1 l.iiVZ ,h.lC oods at that s. Commissioners Proceedings. Board mot pursuant to adjournment on Mnreh'20tli, at 1) a.m., nil tnoinbcrs present. Motion uuulo timl seconded Unit Jo soph Holnrleli ho appointed U. 11. It. I). No. 48." Motion prevailed. Motion mndn nud seconded in tho matter of erroneous assessment of Win. Schtiltz in taxes under protest. Tho treasurer wan Instructed to refund 98. Motion prevails. Motion tu-uln and carried that claims for rotul tax work hu paid out of tho fund in road district lu which tho work was done. Motion mado and carried that treas urer bo iustiuctcd to sell lots 15 to 24, block ll.Garbot's 2d nddition to Red Cloud for BOo on tho 81 00. Motion mado and carriod that lots 4 and 0, block 10, ordinal town of liluo Hill bo sold for f 10.50. Motion mado and carried that county treasurer bo authorized to sell tho fol lowing lots, 9 to 12, block 3, Rohrer's addition to B!uo Hill for $20.00, loss 1001 taxes nad cost of salu. Tho following claims were ullowed and warrants ordered drawn on the respective funds: ltOAD KIJNU. 2 65 7 N) 1 71) Mercerized Grenadines, 25r Tissues, 20c to 30c . - Sheet Lawns. 1; A " Silk Gingha1 Satin Stripe ' . Batistes 7 to 25c Dimities 10 to 35c Imported novelties 75c. Foulards, 25c. ", ' Mousseline de Sole, 50c. Silk Novelties 50c. ' Czarina silks 50c. French Ginghams 15 to 30c. -V . . Special line of ginghams at 10c. - -' Special line of ginghams at 6c, very nice for school dresses, No one can doubt the extent of our line after ex amining the goods on display on our counters. To have seen them is to have seen the best. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. WORTH $300,000,000. Tlio President of a certain big Oil Oom pony i dd to bo worth t300,000,000. A tidy bit of money and no mistake. And yot ho isn't happy. In an address to a Blbls class h spok of hrlala and troublei of the rioh and ths loads thoy have to carry, A. young Inly whispered to a friend that ho might if ear a Benson's Porous PlaaUr on Ida back or, batter still, divide the money among the numbers of the clasa. I don't know why her idea about the plaster makes ma want to laugh, but it does. All tha earns I have seen plenty of people laugh after putting Benson's Plaster on their back or chests, or on any other spot whero there waa weight, heaviness, weakness or pain. It may b the sharp stabs of neuralgia, the aches and wrenches of rheumatism ; it may be colds in muscles or bones j it maybe those kidney or lumbago thrusts that make you yell as at a dog bite; or it may be a strain or cramp, anything that wants quiet ing and comforting. Dont bother with salves, liniments, lotioss, etc., or with say of ths stupid and useless eld styls plasters. Clap on a Benson's. It relieves t one and cures quickly. It stops th pain and snakes you laugh for th very ease and good feeling of it. But watch out against Im itations and substitutes. All druggists, w will prepay postage on any number ordered in tha United State on receipt 85o. each. u tsabory k Johnson, Mfg. Chemists, MX A. Il.ntK.. W) 83 W. . Hoffman .. a ( K u, Chrlnty 1 80 Harrr llnrrlH ...... 63 Chns. Ooll 5 HS V. I. (Jrcenki .100 W. II. Stciira 1 9J N. horeeiihou U 00 (.'ban. Ilaimcii. ..... ii 00 Jns. Atwood !1 05 It. WlKclim .lcnuii MhiIu.IoIimsoii K. S. (iRrbcr. o hi Antli.iiT Sudl.ek.. I 00 Krnnk A. Ktiebn. . H 10 K. (inlllford 2 00 II. .allinnu 3 01 Vance ssorRCtuon .30 00 WEEK'S HAPPENINGS. For salo bills cull at this olllce. Potter wiis In (Juido Mock IlltlDOK 1UNI. Seed Potatoes I o. T)0. '. i. W. fti..'i hen Wlltmu MINERBROS. X. STATE CREEK. Mrs. Lizzie Barber of Cnwlos, Neb raska is visiting relatives and frlonds of our part this wook. Al. Sorivnor canio in from Norton and Grahnm county Saturday with ton bond of nice work mules ho bought out there. Cool and blustery,, ronl March wea thor, though lot her curan now if wo aro to have any more winter beforo spring opons. Tho Mt. Hopo school in two weeks more will bo a thing of tho past and Wm, G. Shannon will havo a rost after .teaching for six months. Jesse Sapp formerly of this part, and now living near Hill City, Kansas, is visiting his little boy Lesllo this week at bis Grandpa Scrivnor's. Mr. Uerndon of Lincoln, Nebraska, and formerly of our locality is down on a visit with Wolf and others and may move back on his farm this spring. Mr. Brown, a carpenter of Red Uoud, and a first-class workmao, is tho contractor nnd builder of James Butler's addition to his residence on his farm. Wo aro glad to report that old Win Harrott who has boon seriously sick is improving fast under tho euro of the Womor doctor and Dr. Crnigliton of Red Cloud, Nebraska. Mark Hanna Paine, our trustee and assossor was ascertaining what tho farmers on our crook were worth last week and wo learned ho was nearly done with the work of his township. J. O Butler's now hous'i is under good hoadwny and will soon bo com pleted. It adds greatly to tho general appearanco of his farm as well as his other buildings and windmills ho has already up. Wm. J. Scrivner who lias been in Oklahoma sinco last fall working at his trade of carpenter, has come home. He reports that tlto wheat is injured in that country on account of tha dry winter. He says iu some localities they uavon't had any rain since they owed it last. fall. An item is going thu round of tho press to tho ulTect that newspaper aro more reliable than commercial agen cies iu deciding a man's financial standing. It is a fact that one of tho frequent questions a newspaper man is called upon to answer is as to men's willingness and ability to pay their debts and meet their obligations. A man goes away from homo to sottlo in a new country. Thu, next thing is a query tired buok to his homo paper unking all about him. Many a man has gono oh" owing his home paper n big bill and hu wouders why it is that his now homo people seem afraid to trust him and regard him with suspi cion. Tho answer is easy, Some one has written back to his lrino paper and tho paper has promptly replied that he is 'no good. Osceola Record. . Are You Using Allen's Postdate? Shako into your shoes Allen's Foot Kase, a powder. It cures Corns, Bun ions. Painful. Smarting. Hot. Swollen feU At all druggistsfand shoe stares, zoc. . :i to v. w. wripht u -v ., K w Aiiillii Kile;-,j... ,..1 to 10 BO Vniiec SorBcnKon.. lb 00 IKSANK KUN'I). Dr. t. W. Tnllejn H 001.1. A. McArthnr ... I'l Rft F. II. (irrlncb -1 .'0 Jhb. linrdon.. 0 VJt h. II. lilackleilgc. :i Uo l'OOH KUNU. F. II. flcrlHolJ S lllcnry Arm'B '.'O 00 T. It. Hnl) ft 00 C. A. Ontario- SI Of) Austin .Itllcy 13 00 W. II. Itoby II ijo Mcrlen . Hellncr. 7 60 Jhh. h. Jolnifcon & Oil T. II.QlllKKle 9 S3 A. MmiJclbnum. 7 K A. Crelgliton 24 1 r. W. II. Uaulk....7l SO W. II. Itoby 21 20 Dr. .1. K. IJurrett. 10 10 M II tibei'ley A SonSO oj t)r. r. II. Myers 31 M Dr. C. WeRRmnnU 00 II. StumpcBherbt. .1 ..' Turnnro HruH 20 'JMH, .1. Wbltteu to 35 Motion made and seconded that bil of Morten & Poisiget for 110 bo reduced to $7 CO. Carried. Motion mado nud catried that bill of W. 11. Caulk of 5118 fiO bo reduced to $71. Carried. Motion mado and carried that bill wf C. A. Guthrio for $11.75 bo reduced to $23 00. Motion mado and carried that claim of Henry Aruds for $20 75 bo reduced to $20. On motion board adjourned until) 8:80 a.m. March 21, 190-2. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Moved and carried that J. B. WUe carver bo appointed O. H. II. U. No. 04. Upon motion Isaac Thomas appoint ed O. H. K. L. No. 38. Tho application of R. U. Pitney for admission to tho soldiers homo at Grand Island was presented to the board and. applicant recommended for admission. Motion mado'and carried that county buy carload of bridge material from John Tow le, Omaha, Nobr. Board adjourned sine die. . Jury List May Term Tho following named poisons havo been drawn for tho May term of dis trict court which convenes May 5, 1902. h. M. Barlow, Chas. Uoigle, jAko Goll, Fred Peterson. Chas. McConkoy, K. Ii. Cox, Ed. Metcalf Alex Forest, Wm. Schultz, A. A. Cooper, Jno. Lurkoy, S. L White, Frank Beau, A.J.Hayes, J.O, Hartman, Geo. Hutchison, F. M. Wright, Geo. Matkins, Ed. Bobbins, B. F. Hudson, Albert Henry, Tom Jones, Iko Ludlow, E. Woodward. If all tho efforts put forth, with al tho time and money invested iu order, to tear down established good cus toms, established business, and well grounded institutions, were ur I in strengthening the good custom'., bet tering business already started and do ing honorable work, and in 'ienling fairly and squarely with institutions already well-grounded, Columbus would doubtless be better off, Colum faai Journal. H. T. Tuesday. Sold Potatoes 1 Miner Bros. Geo. Heeyts was. up from Guido Rock TucHday. Wm. Woodsillo of Bladen wits oiutu streets Tuesday. ', Willis A. Carpentor of Intivalo was in tho city Wednesday. W. N. Richardson returned home from Omaha last Friday. V. II II. Wells and wifo loft Tues day morning for Diller, Nebraska. A. J Bragg, wifo and daughter of Guido Rock wero in the city Wednes day. Sowing machines at reduced prices, nt Taylor's, opposite Cotting's drug store. Car load of northern grown sood corn on hand at $l.2fi por bmhel at W . B. Roby's. W. L. McMillan returned Thursday evening from a two weexs' trip to Chi cago and other points. Herb Richardson of Council Bluffs, Iowa, son-in-law of Ed. Parkes is visit ing in the city this week. Dr. Bock reports tho arrival of a baby daughter at tho home of Jesse Roigle on Wednesday of this week. John Sal.orman, who did tho car penter work on the Potter-Wright building, was in tho city tho fore part of the week. J as. Robinson who has been shaking bands with old friends hero, doparted for his home at Henry, Illinois, the last of the week. Wo would like to impress you with tho fact that the Glass Blowers take as much pleasure iu giving u good show as you do in cooing one. Will Phares, who has been for tho past three weeks connected with tho Ciiikk, departed last Friday morning for his homo at Cllcton, Illinois. Mrs. Ida M Howland of Hastings will give a Viavi lecture to ladies on Thursday afternoon, April 3, nt 3 p.m. Subject, "Health Talk" nt tho resi dence of 1). J. Myers. Graco Episcopal Sorvico Sunday March 30, "Easter Day," morning prayer, holy communion and sermon 10:30 a.m. Evening prayer and ser mon 7:30 p m. Sunday school 13 m The public is cordially invited. Church services nt tho Baptist church Preaching services every Sunday at 10 80 a.m, and at 8 p.m. Sunday school at 11.80 a.m. Young People's mooting at 7 p.m. Mid-week prayer service each Wednesday evening. T, K. Sciu.oKit, Pastor. Harry Bates who formerly lived near Cowles, but now of Dresden, Kuusas, passed through bere Thursday eiinuittt to Cowles where ho has been cnlled by the sickness of his mother living cnit of that, place, who Is repotted quite lo'v with stomach trouble. Evangelist Meredith has moved into tho Chas. Potter houso directly east, of tho Fireman's hall whero all who may noed his services may find him. Ho expects his wife on Saturday, March 20th. She is just closing a six months term of school in western Kansas. Mark his smile. At the Baptist church there will bo regular services each Sunday morning and evening. This is a decided step in advnuco nnd wo are sure our friends will rejoice with us. Next Sunday, morning tho pastor will preach an Easter sermon nnd tho evening themo will bo of interest to all. Tho Odd Fellows of this city aro making elaborate preparations for tho celebration of the 83d anniversary of tho founding of tho order in America. Thoy have secured Judge Norrls of McCook, a Past Grand Master, to do liver tho address which will bo given iu tho opera house tho evening of April 25th. Thu public is welcome Subjects at tho Church of Christ Sun day, March 30th: "How may I know that I am saved?" "Fallon among thieves." Bible school 12 in. Prayer mooting Wednesday 7 30 p.m. Junior Endeavor Sunday 3 p.m., Mis Winnie Sherman, Supt. C. E. 0.40 p.m. Sun day. A cordial welcome to all. T. A. Mkhkditii, Minister. jki v. isiiiKorirnmi januiy tcu las; Thursday ovening for LaGrnndo, Ore gon, whero he will go in business with Messrs. C. 1). Robinson nud L. I). Wells. Bert as ho is commonly known, has iiKtny friends h re who will regret his departure, but who also wish him a full measure of success in his nuw lo cution. As u citizen Bert hits always been an exemplary one, nnd we take pleasure in recommending him to tho pcoplo of L iGrando. .Last Thursday being Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Sherman's thirty-second anniver sary, a numuer ot ins relatives ana frlonds decided to help them com memorate tho event, nud wended their way to their homo iu the south part of tho city, with well-tilled baskets, and gave Mr. and Mrs. Sherman one of the most pleasant surprises they bad ever participated in. A very pleasant timo was had. Mel says he never saw so much "grub," and in speaking to a reporter tho next morning he said he was "us full as a toad around n street lamp at night," and we have no doubt ot It. .4 Big Horn Basin. Arejou interested in tho big Horn Basin of WyomlngT It contains marvelous openings for small ranches along good streams in the valleys, with one million of gov ernment land open to settlement under the United States land laws. Tho Bur lington Route bra just published a .'older descriptivo of tho Big Horn Basin. It Is illustrated and contains an accurate map. It tells about tho lay of tho land, character of tho soil, prndmtiH, yield, irrigation ami oppor tunltio". If you're interested, belter write for a copy. Ii'h free J. Fbak cis, General Passenger Agent, Omaha,. Nobr. BssaaaW f nJ ksbbbV BSSSSSSKl iP .OHBBbV DTS 1 MECOJfJfMWDXD BY mmstcEMtai PON EXTRACT Sixty Years a Household Remedy For Burns, Cuts, taralnt and Bruises. I K -WS VM4W4