The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 21, 1902, Image 7

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BWJ M.iansaa
vl WiW ''
hirt. Smith Wouldn't It bo terrible
Mr. Smith Oh! I don't know. I'd
of real, old-tltno wiener wuret.
A son who went west and entered
politics was at last elected to con
gress. Ho was naturally greatly elat
'cd and, wishing hla parents to share
'his good fortune, ho sent tho following
'telegram to his father, who was an
honest old farmer hack cast:
"Have been elected to congress. Your
son. "John."
A few hours later John got tho fol
lowing reply from his father:
"Wo all feel sorry for you. Advlso
us how wo can help you.
"Your Fathor."
Clerk Mr. Snipper was In while you
were out; ho Bald ho'd call again to
morrow. Proprietor Very kind of him.
Clork But ho wanted to collect a
bill. ,
Proprietor Very kind to say when
ho would call.
"Sectional lines aro vanishing. Soon
thero will bo no North, no South, no
rEast, no West."
"Yea; r aupposo It's only a question
tof time until they get up a corporation
trig enough to own the whole country."
Mother What are you doing with the cruet stand, Willie?
Willie Playln' barber, and I'm glyln' Tcmmlo a shampoo.
Id the Wrong Department.
In the millinery show room of ono
of the largo department stores In Phil
adelphia a customer inquired of a
saleswoman what they charged to
clean feathers.
"Ton cents apiece," was the answer.
"Oh, I could never pay that price!"
gasped tho lady.
"How many have you? If you havo
a sufficient number wo might make a
reduction In tho price."
"Why, I couldn't count them, for I
havo two beda full."
. TJriArilnaa tn tintr aha wnt ft 4ia
f .vwt...w MMJ uu Tf IW .U UU
wrong department.
Milking Thcru Flu
Mrs. Borden I notice you got a new
suit of clothes to-day.
The Boarder Yes; but they're too
Mrs. Borden Well, ,you can send
them back and get that altered.
The Boarder I've got a bettor
achemo. I'm going to look up a good j
boarding houso.
"Ho proposed to hor aa a Joko."
, "Well, she accepted him. Ho doea
not regard himself as a humorist any
more." s
tint the lieneflt.
"Doy ain't no two ways erbout it,
jMIstah Jackson," said Charcoal Eph,
fa ho paasod tho syrup, "w'ou or worn
n ntaurles or man fo' bcttah or fo'
Corse, shr mouty soon tin' out sho
ettlu' do benefit ob do alternative."
Itutis In the rurally.
" "Your meter doesn't work," said tho
, "tas man as ho estimated a mil.
i tziiniu '
Iflfifclly," rei
fapfy eon-la
i VCinai muiunuuu bi-uuie iu iifu m uiy
remarked tno nousonomer.
law is in tho same fix."
Pictorial Bumor
If wo should havo war with Gormany?
llko to go over there and get a tasto
Wise A college education pays In
Wrong How so?
Wise Well, my son has Blgned to
Miss Llpplncott MIstah Johnslng,
Mistah Johnslng No; I devotes
"When I began business," said tho
plutocrat, wearily, "I mado a vow that
whenover I earned an even million I
would quit."
"Why, you've dono that, many tlmea
over, long ago," said tho other man,
"yet you aro still accumulating."
"That's tho curse of it. Whenever I
think I'vo made the even million I And
on figuring It up it's either a Uttlo
rooro or a little less, and I've got to
renew tho struggle."
And ho sighed heavllp, T
men. I
Ilo Knew Ilctter.
"But two," protested the young man
"can live as cheaply ns one."
Tho old man lookod at him pity.
"Before a young man marries," he
said, "he ought to have a Uttlo ex
perience." "In what way?"
"He ought to bring up a family ol
girls, and then ho would gain an ap
proximate Idea of how each Individual
woman ndda to one's expense accouut."
Tim Mnrk of flnnlui.
Asciim Whnt'a that boy of yours
doing now?
Poppers Ho'a got a Job In tho bank
and ho'a going to bo president of that
bauk bo mo day.
Aacum Bright, ch?
Poppere Well, air, ho can sign his
name so nobody on earth can niuko It
the end.
pitch for J2.0Q0 next
A Modern Tantalnt.
"What's do matter wif Mistuh 'Ras
tus Pinkly?" inquired ono of the belle3
of tho parlor social.
"He's a heap o' trouble," answered
the other. "Did you eber hyuh 'bout
do 'gemman in do school book dat was
stahvln' wif victuals In sight?"
"Well, dafs do position Mistuh 'Ras
tua la In. He's be"en 'p'lnted Janitor to
a poultry show."
rinaannt Country Neighbor!.
Mrs. Waldo (of Boston) I have a
letter from your Uncle James, Pene
lope, who wants us to spend tho Bum
mer on his farm.
Penelopo (dubiously) Is thero any
society In tho neighborhood?
Mrs. Waldo I've hoard him speak of
the Holstelns and Guernseys. I pre
sume they aro pleasant people.
Slightly Mixed.
Prof, von Schroller, tho representa
tive from Austria at the recent Eng
lish congress of tuberculosis, stimulat
ed tho Interest of tho members in the
proceedings by saying:
"The work done by this learned as
sembly has exceeded my most sangu
ine expectorations."
does yo' play do game or ping pong?
all my spare time to crops.
Mutating Karly.
Holden Tedmoro seems to bo qulto
a bright follow.
Grant U should think so! Ho la
about as smart n chap an you'll find
in a day'a travel. Why, he'B had tho
appendicitis, and ho isn't 22 yet!"
Had Mm There.
"Now Year's gif, Ma-se .William!"
Why didn't you como around on
"I did come, suhj but you wuz so
full, you didn't know what day it wui."
At Swords' Points i
Copyright, Uy STwarr
Led Out To Fight.
It waa doubly humllliitlug for
Ilhlnclauder to find that ho had,
through tho fortunes of war, became
tho prisoner of tho man ho hated.
Hoffman was mndly infatuated with
tho countess, who waa In Metz, and
ho had learned, as lovers havo n fac
ulty for doing, that while tho dashing
adventuress pretended to caro for him,
bIio secretly mlorcd Hhlnolander.
This combination of circumstances
amused tho most evil passions In Con
rud's nature, and ho Blmply glared hla
hatred us ho thua looked in Paul's
"Ah! we meet ngaln," ho wild, and
iu tho heated passion applied an epi
thet that camo Illy from the lips of
ono whoso parent had brought tho
shamo upon Hhlnolandcr'H family.
Paul promptly knocked him down.
Ho would havo dono so had ho
known that the next Instant ten Hword
bayonets would pierce hla heart.
No such thing occurred, however.
Thero woro men stnndlng thero ready
to cry "bravo" on account of tho man
ly blow men who had no sympathy
with ono who could insult a prisoner
of war; men who might havo mutinied
and rofused to oboy If ordered to cut
him down.
But Btrango as It might appear, that
blow, Instead of making a madman
out of Conrad, seemed to knock a Ut
tlo common hcubo into his head.
When hearoso ho simply gavo or
ders to have tho prisoner taken to n
dungoon under tho fortress where ho
had fought so valiantly.
As Paul passed him Conrad hissed
In his car:
"Tho hour Is closo nt hand I do not
forget what I vowed in Heidelberg.
This world Is too small for both of
"My nentlmonta exactly mako It
soon," waa the characteristic reply
Paul gavo.
Rhlnelander had been In the dun
geon about nn hour when ho wna sum
moned from bis cell to tho prosence
of tho commander.
His conductors led him to a small
enclosed space beneath tho ramparts,
and hero he found Hoffman, with two
French officers, awaiting him.
It was to be a duel.
Paul was not astonished ho hnd
made up his mind not to let anything,
however serious, take away his cool
disdain, his calm confidence, that In
an affair of honor llko tho one in
which ho was about to engage is tho
moBt valuablo nrraor with which a man
may bo clothed.
Few' words wero wasted between tho
, Hato showed In Hoffman's eyes, and
tho American's calm smile mado his
blood fairly boll.
Paul was given his choice of tho two
Bwords, and divesting himself of his
superfluous garments, ho took his
placo upon tho blood-stalnod turf rendy
to give tho Alsatian nil tho satisfac
tion his flory naturo demanded.
How Conrad Caught a Tartar.
Few men would fancy being drag
ged from a dungeon to havo a sword
clapped In their hands and bo com
pelled to face an experienced 'duollst
with murder In his heart
Yet Rhlnelander accepted tho oppor
tunity to oblige Hoffman with an
eagerness that the other could not fall
to observe.
Perhaps a more remarkable engage
ment did not occur during tho brief
though sanguinary war botween tho
neighboring nations.
It seemed as though tho two swords
men wero ably matched.
Mlnute3 crept by and as yet neither
of them appeared to havo gained a
material advantage.
This could not last
Undoubtedly the man who obtained
his "second wind" in advanco of the
other would havo tho game In his
That was whore Paul's previous ex
perience upon the plains, breaking
bronchos, chasing wild cattlo and en
during the privations of a cowboy ex
istence, served him well.
And when ho folt this chango steal
ing over him ho experienced a pecu
liar, almost savago satisfaction, know
ing tho power would speedily bo in
his hand to complcto the business.
Paul might at another tlmo have
been merciful and spared his antago
nist, but he knew full well that to do
so now only meant disaster to him In
tho near future.
Hoffman, nllvo and well, would bo
a thorn In his flesh, whereas the same
fellow disabled meant temporary peaco
at Inst
Ho decided not. to kill him, and even
when under such n tremendous strain
proved his title to tho narao of a chiv
alrous opponent, slnco it was a prlvll
ego few men in the heat of battlo
would forego.
Suddenly Paul mado a savago feint
and the next Instant tho point of his
word protruded from back of Con
rad's right Bhouldor.
It was tho ond.
Tho duelist could no t longer wield
his trenchant blade, though ho mado
gallant effort to do so; believing he
had received a mortal wound ho let
tall his dishonored sword, utterod a
sound balf-way botween a snarl and a
groan and fell at full length In exact
ly the same spot marked by tho blood
of tho drumhead court's last victim.
JO.k9 XZ. lfll U-Pft
- !
& smith. New York.
Paul leaned on hla sword and
sought to recover his breath. Victory
had como to him again, iw though de
termined thnt tho wrongs of iho bitter
past should bo amply avenged.
Already they worn bending over the
fallon man to ascertain how seriously
ho had been hurt, and one of tho sol
diers called for the doctor.
With that two forms advanced froiw
tho shadows and approached one a
medical man, whom Paul, to his sur
prise, recognized ns Sir Noel Trnverfl,
and tho other n woman, iu tho garb
of a lied Cross nurse.
Ah ho stood thero, unnoticed, recov
ering his breath, ho found his atten
tion fastened upon tho nurse, whoso
faco ho had not us yet seen, but whoso
tlguro and movemoiitK moused a sud
den suspicion.
Could It bo possible and within tho
walls of Metz, sho whoso heart brat
for tho causa of hor people and yet,
startling though tho thought might
be, his suspicion rapidly crystallized
Into a posltlvo assuranco which ono
gllmpso of hor faco soon verified.
Ho loaned against tho wall with
folded arms.
Tho blood dropped from the linger
of his left hand, but ho know 11 not;
knew nothing, iu fact, but that hla In
fernal luck still pursued him and thnt
tho fates had decreed he should slash
down her cousin directly under her
Never to IiIb dying dny would Paul
forget tho strange admixture of cmo--
tlons that well-nigh overwhelmed him
as, leaning against tho cold wall eft tho
courtyard, he saw approaching him the
being whom ho loved to distraction,
and yet whom ho feared was separated
from him forovor by tho cruel decrees
of fato.
Hildogardo looked Intently In his
face as sho camo up.
"How strange that wo should meet
hore, Hcrr Paul!" sho said with a faint
"It Is remarkable and I consider
myself fortunnto Indeed. Tell mo, Is
ho much hurt?" designating with a
nod tho spot whero Conrad lay, and
pretending not to see her outstrctchcJ
hand, since ho could not very well ac
cept It, considering the condition of
his digits.
"Througa tho shoulder, mynheer;
but the doctor tells ua with good nurs
ing ho will como through," sho re
plied, appearing somcwhnt shocked at
his evident disinclination to meet her
friendly ndvancea. "But you aro
wounded, mynheer."
"Who said so?" ho asked, as If an
noyed. "They told mo over there It is nec
essary for tho doctor to remain yet
awhile, ho ho sent rao to you."
"Ah! It Is next to nothing."
"Still I insist on seeing it."
Ho could no longer refuse.
Ono of tho men brought water, and
having bathed tho stricken member
sno stopped the flpw of blood accord
ing to tho latest methods men known
to tho medical fraternity.
"Waa this fight of your seeking,
"I assure you, no it was forced
upon mo. I was brought up from my
prison cell to meet him and give him
tho satisfaction bo has long craved."
At this moment ono of the soldiers
came up, carrying tho doctor's bag,
and quickly followed by tho English
man. How eagerly ho pounced upon Paul's
good right hand and squeezed It most
"Hoch, hoch, hoch, tho American!"
he said, In Imitation of tho hoarse
cries that had signaled Paul's triumph
on that former occasion when he met
Conrad In tho HlrschgnBso inn and won
tho ovorlastlng regard of tho students
by defeating tho hero of htty duels.
"Glad to seo you, doctor!" Bald Paul.
"And I'm dolighted. You make mo
feel proud of my cousins across tho
big pond. By Jove! but you soaked It
to him hard! An Inch lower down
and tho air would havo whistled
through hla lung on this chill October
morning. But, my dear ooy, I 'must
Insist on you putting on your coat to
avoid taking cold. Ah! my good nurse
has douo hor work well, I seo. Sho
la a treasure!"
"You are right, Sir Noel," echoed
tho wounded man, enjoying tho look
of embarrassment that mado hor faco
turn as red as a peony.
"Then you have mot hor before,
Rhlnelander?" as HUdegardo moved
toward tho other groups.
"What's tho urns of denying It. Sir
Noel I lovo that girl with all my
heart and soul. She 1b the sweotest
being on earth to me; tho dearest In
ten thousand; tho ono altogether love
ly!" "That's tho way to talk, and I'm In
clined to believe it's nil right, too,"
said tho doctor encouragingly.
"Perhaps It will come out all right,
Sir Noel. I hopo so, at least. And
now I wonder what they will do with
me am I to go back to my dungeon?"
"I shall see to that you aro wound
ed and should bo In tho hospital. I
can fix it so you may walk the streets
of Metz. Tho ond Is almost nt hand,
at uny rate, for surrender 1b In the air.
Como with tno."
So tho singular ovont was oyer.
Perhaps tho llko had never been
known boforo In tho annals of warfare.
Paul endeavored to survey It In a
calm manner, devoid of passion, and
was of tho opinion that ho had como
out of tho alTAlr with something to hist
Thoio waa n grim satisfaction In th
reflect Ion that, even ns on their first
encounter, he had emerged from th
engagement with honor. t
Hlr Nool wna aa good as his word.
Ho had somo Inllucnco nt
Aa a lesult Ithlnolandcr found him
self given tho freedom of tho city In
return for his slmplu promlso that ho
would neither run away nor attempt
to communicate with tho German
forces Investing Metz. ,
Paul was keenly Interested In nil 1
saw. But ho waa seeking a faco hori
and thero ho looked, whorevor crowd,
roamed, endeavoring to locate tho on
who was In his mind.
If only Karl wero present Knrl who
was- with tho besieging host, winning
golden oplnlonn from his superior of
ficers by his bravery and discretion.
And then Paul had whnt waa pos
sibly ono of tho most- aevcro shocks
of his life.
Ho heard hla nnmo softly pronounc
ed, and, with Karl In hla mind, it
seemed to him ns though a spirit of
tho air must have spoken, no familiar
wero the tones. Paul could not refrain
from turning his head und glnnclng
Of courso ho raw only French unl
1 forma, peasants In woolen amuckn nmi
wooden sabots, townsnconlo who ti
ered In groups and solemnly discussed
mo consequences to their business
wncn tno uormnna controlled tho city,
hilt never a slam of thn rftnv.lmn1toil
Ivoung soldier of tho '"Fatherland, In
lila sombre uniform, so strangely at
ynrlanco with tho env nluninun of Mm
lardo Mobllo, tho national troops and
Uio ferocious zouaves and frnnctlrcurs.
) And na ho looked Paul heoamn enn-
sclous that ono of tho Inttcr who
iiiiiiiKuu ncuruy nau couguea ns u to
attract his attention, nt tho samo tlmo
looking straight In his direction.
Then It was ho received tho shock
as though from a strong gaivanlo bat
For It was Karl!
What could It mean? "
Tho air of mystery surrounding
Karl; the quick movement by means
of which ho expressed silence by press
ing a finger upon his lips thoso thinga
aroused Paul's curiosity to fover pitch.
Ah! ho had guessed tho truth.
Karl a spy!
Tho circumstances woro positively
convincing, and yet Paul found diffi
culty in bclloving his eyes. I
Meanwhile Karl had como closor, so
that he might speak In a low tono
without being noticed. (
"Whero can I seo you alone, my
friend?" ho naked.
Paul's mind was quick to act. "'
"Yonder aro two benches back to
back. 1 shall drop down on ono and
Inter you can do the same on tho'
other. Then we can converse without!
appearing to do so, and keep an eye,
out at tho samo time for danger. Do
you comprehend?" J
Presontly they were thus seated,
Paul apparently reading a local paper,
whllo tho seeming franc-tircur dozed
In tho bright sunlight
A thousand pairs of eyes might fall
upon them lolling thero without a sus
picion arising that they woro in direct
"You aro surprised?" asked Karl. '
"Bewildered,, you moan," replied iha
"Still, Bomo ono had to come. Our
reports have been so meagre and con
tradictory that tho general was deter
mined to learn the truth about tha
starvation Bald to exist among tho
enemy." ,
Thero was that In Karl's earnest
tones to warn his friend that ho had
something of Importance to communi
cato, something that concerned Paul's
mission to Europo during these trou!
Ioub times.
(To bo continued.) f
Time to Step.
Under the machinery of tho law, at
at present administered, a lawyer has
great advantages over a witness. Rec
ognition of this fact is probably the
reaaon why peoplo always enjoy seeing
a witness get the better of his ex
aminer. Thero was lately heard a case In
which tho plaintiff had testified that
his financial position had always boen
Tho opposing counsel took him In
hand for cross-examination, and un
dertook to break down his testimony,
upon .this point.
"Havo you over been bankrupt?"
asked tho lawyer.
"I have not," was tho answor.
"Now, bo careful; did you ovor stop
"Ah, I thought wo should get at 1)
finally. When did that happen?" i
"After I had paid all I owed."
Ota Time London.
The population of the citv of Tn.
cion In tho year 1G80 has beon estimat
ed at 123,000 souls. In that year John
Lyly was tho most fashionable. author,
and Sir Philip SIdnoy was tho darling
of the court. Edmund Spencer had
Just leaped to his Immediate and last
ing popularity, and Shakespeare was
courting Anno Hathaway In the green
Inncs of Warwickshire, not a line of
his dramas so much as thought of. It
was not until twenty-fivo years later,
when King James, had como to tha
throno, that tho city came to number
200,000. London was thon, as now,
tho center of the Engltsn-Bpenking
world, but that world was smaller In
population than our single states of
Pennsylvania or Now York, and Inter
ests, political, social and' literary wer.
concentrated In the metropolis to a de
gree far beyond the present, oven In
England. Professor Felix E, Schelllng
In Llpplncott'a Magazine,