The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 21, 1902, Image 1

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Yf&fr- . .
Floor space covers too large and conspicuous a place in the
home not to be adorned with something sightly and artistic.
The charm of a carpet is the design and quality, and this is
where we make a strong bid for your trade.
Lowell and Lecestershire, extra super, all wool,
65c and 70c.
Lecestershire, extra super, wool filled, 50c f 55c.
Unions, 45c.
Sultana, a rare value, colors absolutely fast, out
wear cotton carpets, at 25c yd.
Japanese and Cninese straw mattings 15c to 40c
Grass Matting, the best wearing matting pro
duced, a nice line of patterns in 3 and 6
foot widths, per square yard 40c.
Linoleums and Oil Cloths.
Moquettes, 85c,
Axminsters, $1.00.
Extra Axminsters, $l.iO. '-
We cut and make carpets and deliver them to you the day of the sale.
Wejguarantee the fit of all carpets.
It is a pleasure to unroll the carpets that we have in stock. The buy
ers are pleased with them. They are moving rapidly.
Carpet Remnants.
r t in our carpet stock we have a few 10 to 20 yard lengths of Extra
SSS' : Super and Axminsters that we will make special prices on to save
"f" if;.. moving them to our new department.
Rug and Art Square Dept
Extra heavy Smyrna, light weight Smyrna, Axminster rugs, in 30x60
inches, 36x72 inches, 48x84 inches. Grass mattings and rugs, neat
designs, 3 sizes.
We carry border with several patterns of Axminsters and can make
you up rugs in any size that you may want.
My, oh my, tho dust.
Some men hhi dona sowing outs.
This weather is hard on tho wheat.
Mrs. Henry Britton is reported to bo
improving very slowly.
M. M. Miller expects to load his cur
at Cow lea the latter part of this weok,
ami leaves for his now home jn the
west on Monday.
A number of Stillwuter,.peoplo at
tended the sale 'at Harry MoOormal's
near Guide Rook on Monday.
Mi 8. John Miller departed for Weep,
ing Water to visit her mother and oth
or relatives. She was accompanied by
Grandma Crd.ier.
A number of the neighbots aud rela
tives o'''Mr. Millor assembled at tho
homo of G. A, Well on Monday to our
prise Mr. Miller's folks who had been
enticed there. Of coursu the usual
amount of good things to cat were fn
evidence About forty persons were
present and report a good lime!
On Kiiriilnv 11I
p. m., at Hie homo of
Charles Rasser and wife in Lester,
occurred tho marriage of their (laugh
terj Miss Mary, to.Aivu Sinks of What
com, Wash., Rev. O. L. Hamilton olli
elating.' The ceremony was performed
before a host of friends and relatives,
after which a splendid dinner was
served. The young couple received n
great many useful and pretty present,
witli which to adorn their new home.
Mr. and Mr?. Siuks left on Wednesday,
accompanied by Henry Blackburn and
wife of Indium, cousins of the groom,
for Whatcom, Washington, their future
home, where Mr. Sinks is in the em
ploy of a railroad company. May their
blessings be rbli and numerous.
Oar load of northern grown seed
corn on hand at $1 25 per bushel at W.
B. Roby's.
Setd Potatoes!! Soed Potatoes I
Miner Bros.
Beautiful Home
. . -
A Jolly Piper Party.
A Polly Piper party was given at tho
home of Mrs. W. W. Wright on Satur
day afternoon, from 2 to 5 o'clock, hy
Miss Clara Abel in honor of Miss Fail
nio Reiitlny. Tho party consisted of 15
young lady friends Each lady was
given a clay pine, also two Japanese
paper napkins with which to decorate
Hie pipe, the lady doing the uioatattis.
tic work to be givtn a prize. Mls
Ellen Stonebroaker win awarded the
prize by tho Judges, who were Mea.
Huntley and Wurreu. Tho ladies were
permitted to retain their decorated
pipes as sovenirs of the occasion. The
jiouKo wai exquisitely decorated, The
curtains were drawn and lights fur
dished by caudles. Refreshments were
served on tot tables, and a genera
good time was had. '
The only exclusive hat nets shop is in
the north end of the Moon block. Good
vnrk aid tho right price,
FIRE nHjmq
1 1
East Half of (he Business District Burn!
Last Sunday.
On lust Sunday afternoon about 2:1
tiro broku out in tho pool mom
Cnmpbnll on tho north ond of tho blod
and in loss thnn two hours tho who
block was in ashes.
Tho high wind, which hail be
blowing nil day, uidod tho (lames
their destructive work nnd forced t
tiro along at a terrific rate, sweopi
everything in lis path. The buildin
burned included tho following:
Pool room. No insurance
Implement shop. Insurance 1800.
Blacksmith nnd wagon shop. No
Campbell Argus ollico and dwelling.
Insurance $1000.
Campbell hotel. Insurance $1000.
Postollico nnd confectionery. No
Furso & Co.'s drug store. Insurance
Nellie Kverling's millinery store. No
The loss is estimated to bo up in Hie
thousands, witli only a small amount
of insurance.
Commissioners' Meeting.
Board 'bf( commissioners met March
18, pursuant to adjournment. Mem
bers present: Wm A May. tJ G Over
man, F H Gerlach, W Richard and C
H Wilson; E S Garber clerk and Wm
A May chairman.
Motipn made nnd carried that resig
nation of L A Haskir.s as justice of the
peace bo accepted
On motion Clarence Reed was ap
pointed justice of the peace to till un
expired term. On motion the ollicinl
bond of Clarence Reed was approved.
On motion M II Dunlin was appointed
constablo for Potsdam precinct. Ou
motion tho ofllcial bond of M H Durdin
was approved.
On motion tho ofllcial bond of Lewis
Cutter as justice of the peace was
Ofllcial bond of E O Bergman of 0 H
Road district. No. 48, was approved.
Moved and carried that J F Swoboda
bo appointed O H road district, No. 0,
and official bond approved.
Petition of G H Haselbrook to repair
road between sections 10 and IS, town
8, range 11, also repair road at north
west corner of section 10; roforred to
following committee: F 11 Gerlacb, C
H Wilson and Wm A May.
On motion J F Brunor was appointed
O H district, No. 18, and otliciul bond
On motion tho ofllcial bond for Sol
dier Relief commission of Jerome
Vance was approved.
On motion tho hoard adjourned to
moot nt 8:30 a. m., March 10.
Petition of J F Petorson to have rond
across swj sec 8, town 1, range 11, va
cated and platted on w and s lines of
same; petition granted.
On motion county treasurer was or
dered to sell lots 4 and 5, block 0, Gar
bor's 1st add to Red Cloud for $15, less
tax for 1001 and cost of sale.
Petition, of M W Drish rot at to ap
point A Brady O H district No. 18 in
Harmony precinct; rejected.
Petition of Amos Gust et nl to open
road referred to following committee:
C II Wilson, W Richard, J G Overman.
On motion' Yanco Sorgeuson was in
structed to cut ditch along north side
of right of way betweon sec 5 and 8
east of creek, work to be completed on
or before March 25.
On motion county pay O A Ramoy
$35 for damages of right of way be
tweon eeo 6 and 8.
Petition of JtBso Brooks ftftl to
divide road district No. 48; gnatoi.
On motion Ctias Nelson iMo'nt'd
O H road No. 38 and off bord
Adjourned to meet March 20.
For sale bills call at tola office.
)i r finy? a
nt Witttatnt nrtlltltv tvaa IiaM
,.. .... V. ....... .J .... .. ,
Cloud on Tuesday, March 18. lv
Foe was sleeted chairman and J.'1
Warrou secretary. The following waV
adopted as a basis of assessment. Real
estato nt an average of $3 per acre.
Stallions. . $25 00 to $50.00
Horses of all ages. . . 5.00 to 15 00
Fat cattle, per cwt 100
Cows 0 00
Two-year-olds 0.00
Yearling . . 2.00 to 5 00
Sheen tier head .50
Horh, por cwt 1 00
Steam engines 25.00 to 75.00
Fire and burglar proof
safes .
5.00 to 10.00
25 00
Billiard and pool tables
Carriages nnd wagons... 2.00 to
Watches and clocks 1 00 to
Sowing machines 2 00 to
Pianos A. ..... 20 00tii
Organs , 3 00 to
Corn nnd oats, por hu ,
Wheat, per hu.
Rye, per bu.
Household goods 2.00 to
Bicycles . 2 00 to
Likes California.
10 00
5 00
40 00
8 00
50 00
Somo people have an idea that Ne
braska pooplo do not faro well when
they leave here and go to the west, but
tho following, from the Exeter (Califor
nia) Sun is self explanatoiy on tho
"Mr. Jas. K. Wall, a reo nt arrival
from Red Cloud, Nebiaska, was so
pleased with our climate and other
conditions that he has decided to ma no
his homo with us, and will send for his
wife to join bim here in the immediate
future. Mr. Wall has been looking
Into the conditions here with a view to
investing some capital in our midst
and is so rouoh pleased with the out
look that ho intends to expend some
six thousand dollars. Hi contemplates
orocting half adozm dwelling houses
with the latest improvements in the
shape of windmills, tanks, electric wir
ing, etc. Water will bo piped into the
houses and through the yards for irri
gation purposes, thus giving tho resi
dents a chance to beautify their homes
with floral displays. Mr. Wall, who is
a relative of fie Griggs family of our
town, bus been commissioned by a
number of Nebrnsknns to investigate
for thorn farming conditions out here,
nnd ho states that if he reports con
ditions favorable auuniber of thorn will
come out and settle here as they are
not satisfied with the condition!) in
their present 1'iono, nnd are seeking a
more equitable climate and more pro
ductive nnd fertile soil. Mr. Wall is
going io tho mountains as soon as the
weather permits to enjoy some of our
magnificent scenery.
Baptist churchRev. J. B. Daly and
wife will preach each tvening this
week, except Saturday, aud will remain
with us over Sunday, On Sunday at
4 p. m. there will be an address to
ladies only by Mrs. Daly. Her talk
will be to young ladies and ro girls
under 14 admitted.
T. F. Schloe skk, Paslor.
Church of Christ Morning i ermoij,
another in the series on Church OftV
cors of the New Testament. Evening
sermon at muni hour. Bible-school at
12 m.
Tjik Cinir and the Toledo, B'ade
on year for $1.25.
LWork ol a Miscreant
MhtuiiiljiAr t h 11 r
In vV
Real Estate Transfers.
The following transfers, furni'licil
y inn Webster County Abstract and
arm Loan company, were made dor-
g the past week:
Koehlor, tr, to August Broesch
m'J 03 4 10, q c d $ 1.
lelon M Anthony ot al to August
Broesch sej 83 4 1$, w d 2400
W Dickerson nnd wife to C L
Cottlngotnln nwJ12 1 12,wd 100$
A Koertncr and wife to Min
nieKocrtncr nt nej 5 3 11, w d 2500
enneah farrell to Edward J
Kolley swj 7 3 12, q c d 12ft
na G Hill and husband to H B
Hunter lot 8, block 12, Guide
Rock, wd ., 25$
Archibald Campbell and wife to
Geo F Hunt lots 4 and n, sec 8,
lot 1, sco 17, nnd lot 1, seo 18,
1 0, w d 2500
Geo F Hunt and wife to John E
Jones, same, w d, . . 3000
Sallio Parks to John M Emmtr
son, ptnej 10 4 12, wd 20W
Dora Wcdoaian to O W KnUy,
ptswisw35 2 11, wd 300
Deck W Sawyer to John Weigel,
1 40 lots U and 4 in 14 1 0, w d . 10
Riley P. Sawyer to John Weigel,
1-40 lots 8 nnd 4 in 14 1 0, w !.. 20
Chas E Hicks and wife to A 11
Alexander, lot 3, blk 10, Bla
den, w d ,
Jnmus Saunders to Alicu W Hall,
pt nej swj 8 4 11, w d CO
C E Perkins trustees, to Alice
W Hall, lots 10, 11,12, blk 17,
Cowles, w d 00 ,
T E Penman et al to 1" R Hall,
lots 8 and 4,. b)k 3, Cowlea, w d 250
Theodora U Colo and wife to F"
C Nass, s nwj 23 3 9, w d . 1750
Theodoro B Cole and wife to Juo
II Bangort, n, nwj 23 8 0, w d.. 1750
Annie L. McDonald to Wm N
Richardson, pt. sc .11 2 11, w d 3750
Mortgages tiled . .10062
Mortgages released... .. . . 4535
Duck Hunting Season.
Tho open season for shooting ducks
will close April 15. Aftor that time it
will be illegal to be found in the pres
ence of a wild duck unless it can bo
proved that tho bird died o! a linger
ing disease. Although only about 25
days remain for duck hunting there is
game of some kind that can bo hunted
legally practically all the year round.
Chief Game Warden Simpkins requests
all hunter and lover of sport who are
likely to be lured to a duek pood to
take out a license immediately. Such
a license will be good until December
21, and P. may come bandy some day
to show to a deputy game warden who
may present himself at an unexpected
moment. Snipe, ducks and geese may
bo killed from September 1 to April 15.
Then one may shoot doves, plover oi
wild pigeons from April 15 till October
80. Dove shooting is becoming'quito
popular among hunters, but Mr. Simp
kins says it really ought not to be
allowed until July 15. Tho present law
its Introduced provided that the season
should not open until July 15, but it
was cnanged in tho shufllq. On Onto
bor 1 prairie chicken shooting opons
and ends November 80. Fishing is in
order from April 1 t October 31, ex
cept for trout, which may bo caught
beginning Juno 1 and ending October
31. Advertised Letters.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at tho postoQiceat Red Cloud, Neb
raska, for the week ending March
Nancy Dodge, A. J. Stiver.
Tueso lotttrs will bo sent to the dead
letter office April 3d, If Bot called
for before. When calling for above
please say "advertised." T. O. Hack
km, Postmaster.
Alva Sinks, Wbatcom, Washington.
- Mary Rasser, Amboy, Neb.
John Rose, Rosemont.
Anna Lultzons, Rosemont.
Sewing machines at reTuced prices,,
at Taylor's, opposite Cotting's drag
lore, .
' '!
. r.' ul
' ' !.
t ) .1
SB,. j.V l-a.