1 51 teJ K . . 4 it $ o Is S It. 4 Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. :uI&MiWtI ASSISE1 Kidney trouble prey3 upon the mind, dls tour ages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cnecrtuines3 soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order ' or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent I mat it is not uncommon (or a child to be born 'afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too often. If the Urine scalds the flesh or If, when the child reaches an ago when It should be able to control the passage, It Is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon It, the cause of the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first step should bo towards the treatment of these Important organs, Thl3 unpleasant trouble Is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well a3 men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and tho Immediate effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It is sold UY uiugguu. III lliijr- rl cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mall free, also pamphlet tell- noma of swunpRoot. Ing all about It, Including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received (rom sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer 8c Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., be sura and mention this paper. ft3s5Ejgi PILES lMfltor4 tha fartauree f the etaaaai with protruding pllea brought on by eeoatlpa tlon with watch I wu filleted for twenty years. I ran aerote your OASOARKTS In the town of Newell, la,, aad aerer found aay thing to equal them. To-day I an entirely free (roan ilea aa feel like a aewaMa." . a H. Kim, Mil Joaea St., Moux City, la. CANOV CATHARTIC r W CATfiAarnc taoCfOaiflirQ IMffWfVVfff raaMMMM Meaaaat. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Dp oodTHerer Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. We. so. He. ... OURI CONSTIPATION. ... aniwie umt c.nT. oins. inimi, u ?. m THtVTASTEVERV wi N Av v TIB Ej Ralacmlsweai rrfl KB 13 hvo no c!fcct en iavWrS nfffltTi tfr El v,iihliureUll.ir-V Vl .'-& U U. FW M uriic vriihUureKtll.tr' nti (.1.1. It Jr. il Ilit! djnp, tri.oft nr.J ll ali.c, S.iiclio do lint 1'ru.k. ho ttitihinr V ?ftf2rcef TiAivi-Aj'jr. "X y)ir .wx. .f 1 Sold vtryvber la cant 1IU. Made by Standard Oil Company OVER THE STATE. ALMOST FORGOTTEN. OB faie tu clisls N jfil I'll tiarnti rot ift . VN v k only Left J MU ZJ- locking Ilka tlK. V fl new, Tjut hlJ C I M Trent twice . Ol .TV -is li'-1 H ailongbvlht l-Vfl J3k'"S. M f I tutolEurclia JlA V V"" I Hun..UIL J&VH I li yu V. H. (inrdinlcr, n prouilnont liaiel wnio iiiuri'liiint of Scilbnur, dioil In ilic lioapitnl fit Fn-ninnt, tho tcsiilt f tin ticdik'iitul pistol shot wound. Hurchtr" trli-tl to rob the baik n Ncmalia, hut .voro friRlitonoil nwny nnd niailo their cscnpo on n linntleiu'. t A olrrci forgtsr tins boon workitiB In Nobrtiskn City for several dnys and leniains uiidoU'dti'd. Tho (t. A. H. post at l'lnttMiuoulh hits roct'lved twonty hcndstoiifs fiom lliu Kovi'tninoiit to bo placed over tho Bftivva of ilecoiisoii coinrtulcs. Wllliimi SprnBm', for thirty yenrs n nssideiit of Hamilton county, dropped tlrnd In York of heart failure. Kairflold is figuring on putting in n gaB plant. Conl operators, who hnvo been aper iiting between Gllend and Hubbell, say thav have struck ft nine-foot vein. Citizens of Valley hava decided to form it stock company with n capital stock of 110,000 to establish an inde pendent telephone company, eventu ally to connect with other independent lines in the state. a Two rural mail routes will bo estab lished at Franklin on April 1st. a An alleged rapist was captured south of Cambridge. He is charged with having assaulted a lady at Blooming ton. The Y. M. C. A, in Nebraska has a membership of J,600. York is a city of 6,000 or 7,000 inhab itants, has several schools and no saloon. John T. Mason,li,ving between Guido Kock ajndtfdrlh Branch, sustained a total loss of his barn and its contents by fire'on'Sunday, March 2. Land Commissioner Foilmer expects to liniib tho annual lousing of publio lands soon. About 8.0M acres has been'leas'ed within the pnst two waeks and Mr. Follmor expects to lease tho remainder of about 10,000 within a short time. Tho temporanco people of Lincoln nro urging a prohibition ordinance, which question will bo voted upon nt tho comiugspiing election. Chairman H. O I.indsey of tho No braska republican htato central com mittee has issued a call for a meeting of the committee to bo held at Lincoln on March 20 to duteimiuo the time and placo for holding ilia nominating con vention The yearbook for tho Nebraska fed cnurtm of women's clubs will bo pub lished in the near future. Inddtnti ol Evry Day Life Which Vry Fw People Slop to Think About on Account of Their Llttlenew. Spimu i here and so is tho lime for making Balden. It Is also tho time for iMking up the tinsh In your front and back yards. But if you do this and sot it afire, bo sure and watch tho llro un. til nil is burned out. There Is nothing that will make your neighbor mad so quick, and also cause neighborhood rows, ns to havo to get up in tho (lend hour of night and carry water or shovel dirt to put out a llro in a rubbish pile. And especially so if it is some one else's iiibbish pile It is also tho time for the chickens to wall; nroiiml behind you and scratch and till their crawj oil tho tiny scetl which nro supposed to result tlieroftom. However chickens will bo chickens. About tho only way wo know of to get oven with them is to get some boxes and tnako lien's nests in tho garden and then if you don't got vegetables you may got hen fruit. It is only a short while now until tho city election and many peoplo nro on tho anxiousseat. These aro not only tha various candidates, but several others. Just why people should row about such small things as city offices wo can not see. But still thoy will do it. And whon it is over what has been gained. Tho probabilities aro that the aver ago person has made nothing but a few enemies. Enemies who will always be looking for a chance to got ovon, .and who will not hesitate when the chance comes. Batter just keep "mum" and voto tho dictates of your awn con science. Tho weather the past week has been conduslve to spring fever, and several cases whero tho symptoms were very much in evldenco were noticoablo on the suany side af the street. Wo understand that the now opera housu projoct has fall through. What a pity, what a pity. However, the peoplo af this place will soon havo a park to go to, where they can fish and bathe and boatrido and enjoy other sports and amusements. Won't that bo nice. It will at least bo something that every one will appreciate. If tho peoplo of this county continuo to sell out and try their luck somewhere elso as fast as they havo for the past six months, it is only a question of time until wo will havo ouo of the most thickly populated counties in tho state Now ones tuko their places as fast ns thoy leave and they generally como back in a year or so and got as near to the old location as is possiblo and nro satisfied. There are lots of worse places than Webster county. Why don't the council do a good job aud put in a stone walk on tho corner from the Royal Hotel to tun Holland House. It is needed worse there than at any other place in the city at present. Thuru is uoX even a btatdcro!isnlK to eross on when it's muddy. Willi all the improvements that havo been mad in this block in tho past, year tho pi opnity ownoih are cerininlv entitled to soint- kind of a walk to cross tlio street "ofcr py." When the timo comes for fishing, April 10th, the probabilitios aie that no one around here will bo arrested for etch ing tish unless tho authorities conclude to tock the streams. Tho day of the festivo fruit treo agent is at hand. Ho Is clad wltli n very pleasant mine and handshake and blessed with a gift of gab. We givo this minute descrip tion so you can dodge mound the cor ner when vou see nun coming. Ducks and geese are repotted to be quite thick on the river. Chilly ducks and "old gaeses" nro quite thick in this city too. Low rates northwest vin Burlington Route. To Billings, Montana, $15 00; f'ady, Wyoming, $10 75; Helnna and Unite, $20 00; Spokane, Wa'hiugton, $22.00; I'm tlntid, Taooma, Seattle and Rosslnnd, B. C, $25 00. Above tatcs will bo In effect every day in March and April from Missouri river tetml nnl8attd from ueaily nil stations on B & M. R. R A wonderful opportu nity to visit the not th west. Tho Big Horn Basin of Wyoming Is a conntry of groat resources and now undevelop ed. It has just been mado ncccssiblo by n new line of the Burlington Route, and presents many attractions to the hoiiieseoker. Folder on Big Horn Ba sin ft op on r quest. For tickets, rates, or additional liifoimatioii apply to neatest tiguut, Burlington Route, or write to ,J. Francis, General Passenger igent, Omaha, Nebr. ravT 11 Good Horse Sense will tell you that old eggs and glue arc not things you want to cat; yet some coffee roasters glaie their coffee with such things. Not so with Lion Coffee It's just pure, unadulterated, undisguised coffee; never covered up with any glazing of any kind. Uniform quality nad frethnett are laiured by the eeeled peckege. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund tho money if it fails to euro. K. W. Grove's signature is un each box. 25c. Many School Chlldrea Are Sickly. Mother Gray's Sweet ffawdars for children, used by Mother Gray, a nurse la tha Child's Home, Now York, breaks up colds in 24 hours, cities fovorisbness headache, stomach troubles, teething disorders and destroy worms. At all druggists, 25c. Sample mailed freo. Address, Allen S. Oltastead, LoRoy. N.Y. mnwi to mmmmmi'mmmmummy. Vrro Ailvlco by our physicians, l'rco Sample of Medicine, ur. jvtiy s jiomoiruauncni.n nopaKO vfflmmimwiWt A System Purifier Illustrated book flCBCrlblnasvtntitoms. cmnes of diseases, best treatment, also many valuable, recipes and prescriptions In plain l.innuago, oaves doctor's bills. As It for It. Dr. Kay's Renovator cures tho very worst cases of D' Heart, I.Hcr and ICldncv diseases and 1 Wrlto us about all your symptoms. Sold by DruKgiats. s., ducts. ori, aula. Constitution. Headache. I'.ilnltatlon of bad results of La (Jrinpo. Send for proof of It. ilrt iv DrucirlntH. I)nn't tultn nnv mihallLutn but Bond us S3 cts.. COcts. or 11.00 and wo will send Ur. Kov's Renovator bv return mull. A ss-cent or 50 cent package of Ur. Kay's Kcnovator liCiiaBniiaaii to bencut any of thoso symptoms or money refunded by us. ajPUelialill.Wajfj ft Auurcss, ijk. is. j. kay MEDICAL, co., Saratoga springs, JM. Y. m Inflammatory Rheumatism cured in 3 days Morton L. mil of Lebanon, Ind.. bt: "My wife had Inflammatory rheumatism In every muicio end joint; her mfforlng was terrible end Iter body and faco were sweolen almoit beyond recognition; had been In bed (or tlx weeks and had eight phyilclans, but received no benefit until the tried the Myntlc Cure forinheumatlim. It Rave immediate relief and she wae able to walk about in three dayi, her life." 8old by U. Cloud, Neb. I em sure It laved O rice. Druggist, lied Stop the Cough and Works oif the Cold Laxative BromoQuinlne Tablets cures a cold in one day. N cure, no pay 25 cents. i Rheumatism Cured in a Day. MntloCure for rheumatism and neuralgia readily cures In from one to three days. Its ac tion upon the system is remarkable and mys terious. It removes at once the cause and ibe disease Immediately disappears. Tho flrBtdose frcatly benefits. 7Sconts. Sold by II. K. firlre. led Cloud. Neb. WAttTEU Secral persons of character and good rcpntntlou tnciicn cmte Cone In this county required) to represent nnd nilvcrttae old estab lished wcalthv htitiuos house or solid (liiiiiiclnl st. inline t-nlnryfltt woekly with expense nil dltlutiiil. nil pn able litcnsh ench Wednesday direct Iroin iiuud otllres. Ilorsu unit carriage fiirulthid when nccesMirt. ltcfcrenccs. Eu close srlf-nddit'Micd stHiuiictl emelopc. I)ept. Mnunt',er.t.1Cnxtoii llulldluK. Chicago. llutv Ate Your Ktrtneyr, f h'Huiriirurillsciirii alt ktilncr Ills pie freo ArtJ.btorllm; ltvmrilyCo.C'blcaKenr ARE YOU DEAF? ccAVkirTbksHiE I w vjiiiiii7 4 r f'i'?y.yty v ANY HEAD NOISES? ALL CASF OF nPAPiurcQ rw i BWBMBBB BieBBV SrA C I f iwf iiurm.- . ARE NOW C'dRABUS by our iter. i. v:..l'.ky. Oi. ' " ' ' -rl HEAR N0ISE8 GEAbc ESttecufATBLY. M.'ircll '. tool. ..iiiriU 1 v.Itl now give jcu F. r.. WERWAN. OF U,LTrlT'-. '""" I .I.TItl II I .., (TtHlltmeHiliewftii " . . iiv'jf'ie . ; a full ItUlorv nf tttv .i- tn li t ttl 1 1 -itr tMcn m. Alxiut dvr ttati ii'-o m rihtif bv- 'tiujt.. r I " '. , '. :i jjct.itlK wcrc. until I tost my hc.irfiiK in tlilsrartntiu'lv 1 iimlcrwtnt i. tu.ituitMit to' nti-rli for Itutc li'M'tli- xt thorn nnv success. toiiMiltntB nuni tierof pliyiiiciaiis. nincirf o'.lur tlii-HKi-t I'ltim l mi. t-Moii.trl nt ihucttj. who told mc that only nil iix-ration ronH htlp nv end cn tlit'l o'llv t iiiixi-nrily. tn.it the head noises would thru cease, tint t lie ht-irini! In Hi-aifectvtl cur won' iuln.t imutr I then saw. our mlti rll'CtiKiit iicciden nils' in n t York lnpcr. nntl ordered your treat. ment After I lintl ii"tl it oulv u few ilns ntrortli.itrt ijmir ilirrrtioiiH. the noises censed, and todnv. nftcr five nl.- ni luuriiiL- in tlu,itlns.ili.iir has been entirely restored. I thank you licattllv mid bea toicmuin Ytiy truly jour V. A. WUK.MAN, Tio S. Ilroadway, Baltimore, Md. Off treatment does not interfere with your usual occupation BTd'reei:ml YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME "USF" INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 LA SALLE AVE., CHICAGO, ILL Barnum's Monkeys Dont Be Fooled. Take the gen . erlgtaal ROCKV MOUNTAIN TCA Mae aaly fcy MaMaea MHI claa Ca.. Maaiaea, WU7 It keeaa you well. Oar trade urk cut an each faekage. Price, 33 cent. Never ae!4 la hula. Accept aabeth tut. Ask your druggist. F Prospects for tbo tiual developmoit of a coal miao near Jamestown are aeod. A vein of coal has been found and work is progressing on further working of tbo mine, A six weeks' session of tho southwest Nebraska teachers' institute begins at Culbertson May 27. Sheridan county wants a new court house. Among tho municipal ornaments of the city of Lincoln will be an 18,000 fountain. "All well all happy lots of fun". That is the regular report from the monkey cage of Barnum's Circus ever since the keepers began dosing the monkeys with Scott's Emul sion. Consumption was carry off two thirds of them F' 1 New Barber ! Shop. !1S M i ! vu; ; NOW LOOK OUT I "Take enre of yourself," say our frienda. "I'll try to," w 0 answer. We do take a little care, yet in spito of wnrin clothes, rubbers and mackintoshes, nn nnny of peoplo were bowled out by pnotttnouia aud other lung and chest diseases last winter. Thoy ciuiL'ht cold, neglected it, lot it fix upon them, woro torn by coughs, choked by I inflammations and congestions, wasted by ' fever, tired out,by pain nnd then Rave up , tho fight. Tho hour you renlizo that you have a cold on the chest, place a Benson's TVirnna lMnator wliprA fltn ttnln nr rtnrtrpft- l sion is felt. If you think two are needed i C1CCftrfC l!(T?AfitM'1 make it two. No harm if you were cov- 1 JulOOUlO Ul UUUU Arl wMi flinnt friinv nn. nntrlflv nnrl ' iirevcnt the eneorcment of blood in the orgnns. In this way with ordinary cau tion as to exposure you will break up the cold nnd uvoid n serious sickness. No other applications, or any other form of treatment, will accomplish this as certainly and speedily. Itaason's l'lastera have a dis tinct and positive action and are curative to the highest degree. Use them with tho some confidence for couuhs, muscular iheuma 1 tSam 4 t-i A nuin ttoftlr nnil nliAal I nl ttllsltm the CirCUS had I ilar ailments. Women, who are chief suffer k SCHAFFNIT, 4 i Razors Honed,; BARKLEY & Proprietors. lliTini'iit l'ntter-Wriglit Kuildiiig AND J AL.L, KliU3 Ur liUUrm TOOLS SHARPENED I barber woi k exHctited utisfaclion AH kinds of t protupil.v ami gnnruriteed. I D. FULTON, KlVKItTON, Nkuraska. AUCTION B-E II . terms ueasunaule and Satisfaction guaranteed. to buy new ones. One day a keeper accident ally broke a bottle of Scott's Emulsion near the monkey cage and the monkeys eagerly lapped it up from the floor. This suggested the idea that it might do them good: Sjnce then the monkeys have received regular doses and the keepers report very few deaths from consumption. Of course it's and presented to the oity council in . r J regular sessiau March 5th, 1903, it was sion than new monkeys and by the mayor and council ordered that j suits the CirCUS men. Natlce oi Application to Vacate Alley. Notice is hereby given all parsoiu interested, that a petition purporting to be signed by tho owners of at least two-thirds of the lineal feet of property abutting thereon, asking for the vaca tion of tho certain alley in Red Claud city, to-wit: Tho alley extending north and south in the center of block twenty-one of the original town of Red Cloud, said alley extending from Third avenue on the north to Second avenue ou the south sido of said block, having been died in tha office of the city clerk GIVE - US - A - CALL. ere from cold weather complaints, should I J IV C. - US) - A LnUL, keep these plasters always within reach. 'lmmmmLm,m.m.mmMtkmtttktkm,mm.tktkM,d Oet the genuine. All druggists, or we will prepay postage on any number ordered in tha United Htatos ou receipt of 25c. each. Seabtiry k Johnson, Mfg. Chemist, N.T. I. B. COLVIN. REAL ESTATE FARM LOANS. Lock Box 23. Guldo Rock, Neb. .ll kinds of property bought, sold and exchanged. COLLECTIONS MADS. TERM REASONABLE DON'T TOBACCO SPIT and SMOKE YourUfeawayt Ton can be cured of any form of tobacco using caatlr. be mado well, itrong, magnetic, full rt aew life and rigor by taking MO'TO'BA9g that makea wtak men strong Many gala tea pounds in ten daya. Orer MOQ,&9 cared. All druggjata. Cure guaranteed. Bopjk- 43T BjtMBDY ca, Chicago or New York. CANDY aMTMJtinw). sw& Are You Using Allen's Foot-Ease? Shako into your shoes Allen's Foot. Kiibo, a powder. It cures Corns, Bun ions, Painful, Snmrtiuc;, Hot, Swollen feet. At nil tli-tiKRists nnd shoe stoics, '25c. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR The 5 Minute Breakfast Food. PURIAN - HEALTH - FLOUR UAKKS "BRAIN - BREAD" PURIAN MILLS, St. Louis, Ma. The Chikk and Chicngo Intor Occau onn year for $1.25 March 25, 1902, at 1:89 o'clock p, m., at the office of the mayor in said city, bo lixed as tho time and place for a hearing on said potition when aud whero all persons interested may ap pear and file their claims for dnmapos or abjections to the granting of said petition. Given under my hand and o racial seal this March Cjh, 1002. SKAL JoimE KKSLEK, CityClbrk. H PARKER'S m HAIR BALSAM datum ana. teaiinM Ut bl ProuiatM a laiurltnl trowlh. Krr rails o ucnor urn Ualr to lt Yautbrul ColorT Can Kalp alMawt hl UUias I pg.MMtl.W yiMMlW I BM Defakrn-TMul OooT Ce I taWaaa. BaU by dnaaSata. RELtEVC ntm aVMCS, PONDS EXTRACT Reduces! oM-fcalf with pure soft water, applied frequently wit dropper or eye cup, will reaaova coagejtloa aad lattaatljr relieve pala aa4 bafkua matloa. CAUTION! Avel4 dauaroua. Irri. Utlag Wltra Haael preaaraUeaa, tap reaaated to be " tha aama aa " PONDr8 BXTRACT, watch aaally aear aad gaaarally caaiala "weed alaabel," a aaciyi Six Million Boxes a Year. In x8os, none; in 1900, 6,000,000 boxes; that's Cascarets Candy Ca thartic's iumo into popularity. The people have cast their verdict. Best medicine for the bowels in the world. All druggists, 10c. . Attention Farm kus: dare you seen thoso hard wear hand-made har ness at Butler's. He will sell you nno for 130. no not 930, but 120; nor will he take 920, but 922; no bring your team and he will fit them on your horses for 910.85. 11 WiHTiDSeTeral persons of character and Consumption in monkeys and in man is the same disease. If you have it or are threaten ed with it can vou take the hint? This picture represent the Trado Mark of Scott's Emulsion and is on tin wrapper of every bottle. Send for free sample. SCOTT & DOWNF., 409 Pearl St., New York 50c and ft. all druggists. This slftiatnre ia on eTerybo; of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quiwne Taweta the remedy that cmttm m eeW i elay MJj TIMETABLE. B. Ac M. B.T RED CLOUD NEBR. ?PiaaTiasaaag5 GcMiktc stamped C C C Never seM In balk. Beware of the dealer who trio to sell xaemcthiflS hut as good." I.OOat-- asKBBmVpP I LINCOLN OMAHA CHICAGO 81. JOE KANSAS CITY SI. LOUIS and all points east and south. DENVER HELENA DUT1E SAL1LAKEC) PORTLAND SAX FRAXCISG0 and all pointi west. SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNIOKY, 6:10 a. ra Kood reputation In each itate (one In Ihla county 111 iiprcKni aim aa hTO1 alan direct (rom head oOcea, raDreaent and adrertlaa old eatah. ed wealthy budneaa houaa of lolld nnanelal reaulrei hed wealthy Mending. Salary SIS.OO weekly with expenaes additional, all payable In caah each Wedneaday u 1 reel 1 rum uaaa omcea, uorae ana carriage rnrniineu, wuen neoeiaary, neiereacet. Bn cleae aetr-addreaaed aunped enyelope. Dept Uauagf r Mi Caxten Hulldlag, Chicago, BON TON IBAPRY and GflFE.; When in town oat at the Bon Ton whero it iB clean, cool nnd no flies. ;15 oent Meals at All Hours.i lSoda Fountain is Open V Fifty-siv ditTerent kindt af sumroei drinks. W. S. BENSE, Prop. TalN8 LBATB At FOLLOWS: No. 13. TaBictiger dally for Oberlln ' and St. Francis branches. Ox tord, McCook, Denver and all Dolnta west. ..-.-- - J 14 PaaaenRor dally for St Joe, Ko " Kan"? City. XtchUon. St. Loula. Uncolu via Wymote aiidallpolntaeaitandaoutb 2-32 a.a No 16. Paienger. aaiiy. moto, polntsln Colorado, Utah and California 8:35 p.m No. 16. Passenger, dally for 8t. Joe, Kansas City. Atchlion, St. Louis and all points east and south -. o:oo a.B PROPRIETOR.; DBALEH IN No. 174. Accommodation, dally except " Sunday. UaaUnes, Grand Is land, Black Utile and all points In the northwest. 1:00 p. a Na. ITS. AccommodaUon, dally except Sunday, Oberlln, Kansas, Ox frrd and Intermediate sta Uons. via nepubllean . t:30p. No. M. Krelght, daily, Wymore and St. Joe aud Intermediate junction points 18:48 No. 63. Freight, aaiiy ror MepuDiican nrlnani. oxford and all DOlnti west. -- l:Mp.ai m vmtshL Wed. Frl. A Sunday " ""--n: . :.i . x a lor wymore aua aji poiuien m.ovm.m No Bleeping, dining Vines, Liquors, California brandies. PABST MILWAUKEE'Befer ALWAYS ON TAP. and recllnlna chair cars. (aeata free! on through trains. Tick If ..1.1 .. tai Tickets sold and cue checked to any point In the DnHec For InfomaUon. Uaaa ublea,mapa or ticket call on or addreu A. Conover, Agent. Bad Olottd, Mebr. or J. Francis, General raatengai Agaat Osiaaa. Watoaaaa. aBafJaaai G. V. ARGAimiGHT, ART1ST PORTRAIT PAINTER. Rkd Cloud. Nebraska, Landscapes, Flowers, Fruits- and Por traits made to order, STUDIO IN DAMKRKLI. BLOCK. jrfi I, 1 ') v . s' 11 h r C i t 1 - saa-WM