The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 14, 1902, Image 6

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Red Cloud Chief.
John Chinaman Is likely to And thal
Undo Ruin is merely chancing tho
It Is too bad that tho light couldn't
liavo been pulled oft whllo Teddy wnf
running tho senate.
That Detroit cane merely goes tc
show that tho bank director who di
rects Is still a raro bird.
The Wllkesbarro Times, Is raising a
howl About dirty bank notes. Well
lucro Its provorblRlly filthy, .
Now thnt Minister Wii has been Id
a railroad wrcrk ho may bo regurded
as thoroughly Americanized.
Count Bonl do Cnstcllano has just
written no not for monoy a letter
on tho Panama canal question.
Even tho lltio banks throughout tho
country will bo obliged to put on fend
ers or tho trusts will get thorn.
Sir Hobort Ball of Cambridge pre
dicts another glacial period; and ho
was not lecturing In Doston, cither.
Sonntar Clark Is said to be unhappy
because ho has so much money. Evi
dently ho docs not greatly desire hup
plncss. Porto Rico had a good-sized riot
recently. It Is hard for n pcoplo to
break up long-cstabllsued customs all
at once.
Thero is also the consenting wire
less message that the lady Hashed to
tho throbbing fclgnul stutlon In Mar
coni's heart.
King Edward Is to receive seventy
water color paintings as a coronation
gift. Has not tho king power enough
to avoid this?
It Is considered a notablo ovent In
Italy that when parliament was open
ed there no ink wells were thrown at
tho presiding officer.
If Japan made Its alllanco for tho
purposo of borrowing money it should
havo selected J. Plorpont Morgan
rather than Great Urltnlu as its part
ner. Maryland onco grew the flnost llgfl
In the world. In fact, somo of thoso
vain-glorious Daltlmoro pcoplo do say
that Eve Imported hor apron from that
A Cleveland genius has Invented a
smokeless furnace at least ono that
will not produco black smoke. Thl3
shades all tho other Inventions of tho
current year.
Tho judge may nod on his bench; the
Supreme Court has said so. It Justice
1b blind what harm can thero bo In a
Judgo closing his eyes for tho much
needod forty winks?
Thero nro Indications that tho Span
ish throno will be sadly out of repair
by tho tlmo King Alfonso Is ready to
take possession. Alfonso, by tho way,
Is u royal thlrtconer.
'the Albany Times-union encourag
ingly remarks thnt if Spain's new
navy will kcop near shore and avoid
belligerent people It may havo a long
and honorable existence.
In his capacity as goncral pacifier
Uncle Sam might bo willing to tender
his good offices In the present un
happy controversy between Spain and
tho anarchists, it called upon.
Last week a Brooklyn clorgymnu
asked tho trustees to reduce his sal
ary from 110,000 to $8,000. Hopes aio
entertained that tho trustees will
shortly Do ablo to partake of solid
A Brooklyn lawyer tried twenty-two
cooks from an Intelligence olllco In one
week, and then mado an attempt on
the remainder or his life. Tho simple
nltcrnntho of slaying tho cooks did not
occur to him.
'A Now England railroad has Issued
$40,000 woith or fico pnsses to a state
legislature. This Is ono of .those ex
traordinary accidents which nio liable
to happen In tho best regulated rail
road president's office.
Concerning tho culture or Sumatra
tobarco under cloth In tho United
Stntcs, It Is generally anticipated that
Connecticut lnontlvo gonitis will suc
ceed In devising somo available paper
substitute for tho cloth.
An Atchison Christian Scientist It
bold enough to say that if Fathor Time
approaches him ho will snatch the
scytho out of his hand nnd break It
That Is being dono every day by un
scientific resolute persons of tho other
It Isn't necessary for ono gentlemar
to Jump over chairs and hit nnothei
gentleman on tho noso bccattbc one
gentleman is called untruthful In a
high place. It Ib Mifllclont to say, with
emphasis on tho "If" "If tho gentle
man will repent that remark outside
. the house "
President Harper says ho Is In th
East only to secure a president for lile
law school, but that will not prevent
cautious millionaires from taking the
opposite Mda of tho street when they
eeo bjm sauntering carelessly along.
Traced to Valley Where They
Were Disposed of.
Another Mine Horror In Wfcjtfi Five
Urea Were Loit Ncurniika Jtrprc
ented In Crtttlrmrn'i Conten
tion Wants Trial -audud.
'.A fArmcr by the nnmo of Snath, liv
ing near Jamestown, Neb., had Bovon
nogs stolen (luring tho night or March
3d. Tho thlovoo were traced to Valley,
where It wns round they had disposed
of the hogs to tho Omaha Elevator
company, which had turned them liito
tho stock yards with a lot of others,
which wcro about to bo shipped to mar
ket at South Omaha.
Mr. Spath had been giving these par
ticular hogs a tortnln kind of treat
ment and for tho purposo of keeping an
account of their .gain had marked them
bo it was an easy matter to Identify
uln stock.
Tho thieves sold the nntmnls nnd hnd
given assumed names when they went
to tho bank to cash tho check, Ono of
them discovered thnt ho was known
to tho cashier, upon which no politely
Introduced his companion an tho gen
tleman In whose nnmo tho check wnH
drawn, upon which tho cashier paid the
Tho thieves hnd only been out of
town a short tlrao when the sheriff of
.bodgo county nrrlvcd.
They havo not yet been captured, but
an ono Is known and no expense Is be
ing spared, they undoubtedly will bo
taken soon.
Mrero WnnU Trial Tinted.
Tho attorney for John B. Mescrvo
seek to hnvo Judgo Baxter of tho crim
inal court bring his trial to an abrupt
ending by directing tho Jury to acquit
tho defendant on tho ground that ho
has committed no offense against tho
laws of tho state of Nebraska, declar
ing In explanation of this contention
that tho 3,000 Interest on $00,000 of
porraancnt school funds, which Interest
ho is alleged to havo embezzled, was
his own monoy and not tho stato's.
They practically afllrm that Mescrvo
deposited tho funds in tho bank bo
causo there was at that tlmo no au
thorized place to invest it and no se
curo safe to kcop it In, and that it is
nono of tho stato's business if tho bank
did pay Interest to Mescrvo whllo It
was on deposit.
Nebraska Man Vice President
Tho National Cattle Growers' asso
ciation, In session at Denver, elected
the following officers:
President, P. C. Lusk of Chlco, Cal.;
first vlco president, Bartlctt Richards
of Ellsworth, Neb.; treasurer, 8. O.
Olll of Denver; secretary, H. W. Rob
inson of Denver.
An executive committco wns named,
including Bartlctt Richards and Hugh
Chlvlck of Nebraska and F. M. Stew
art and Q. E. Lemon of South Dakota.
Resolutions wcro ndopted asking
President Roo3ovclt to suspend tho
work of removing fences from tho pub
lic rango until action on the leasing
bill Is taken. Tho convention adjourned
sine die.
An Odd Klopenient.
Mrs. James C. Hessian, aged 30
years, and John Corneilson, a 17-year-old
boy, left Leavenworth and havo
not been seen. They nro said to have
eloped. Tho couple Is believed to bo In
Kansaa City, Mo. The.polico authori
ties thero havo been notified to look
out for them. Tho local police havo
been unablo to find either of the parties
In Leavenworth.
Mrs. Hessian Is tho mother of two
children, ono aged 7 years nnd tho
other 10 years. Her husband Is a la
borer at Fort Leavenworth. Young
Corneilson Is a brother-in-law of Mrs.
Court Cnies nt rinttsmunth.
Judgo Jcssen adjourned district court
at Plattsmouth until next Monday,
when the Jury work will bo taken up.
The.caso of Anna Wilkinson against
John Wilkinson,- in which tho defend
ant petitioned tho court to modify a
decreo of alimony on tho ground that
fraud had been perpetrated, was taken
under advisement. Two years ago
Mrs. Wilkinson secured a divorce and
wns allowed $1,000 alimony. Tho orig
inal papers In this caso havo been lost.
A Wnmnn Horsi-thlef.
un Fort Scott has a femalo horsethlet
on her hands, who stole a horso and
buggy from a liveryman, but was
caught by tho olllcers at Baxter
Springs. Tho woman Is an nttractlvo
blonde, about 23 years of ago, and calls
herself Uirdlo McCurty. Sho is believed
to bo a member of nn organized band
now working In this section.
Sulfide lit CflfTeyillte.
Mrs. Gcorgo F. Boswcll, wife of a
Coffoyvlllo buBlncss man, committed
Bulcldo In Ncnl, where sho was taking
treatment. She had been In tho hos
pital thero for about a year and con
cluded sho could not got well. This, It
Is thought, unsettled her mind.
MtifTer Hot ore Injury.
An accldont happened to Oeorgo
Westlako of Eaglo, Neb., when ho was
assisting 1 nlettlng down a windmill
tower on tho Dcntler plneo. Tho ropo
broko that was holding the tower and
let It fall, striking Wcstlnko on tho
hnd and bruising him up badly. A
plank that was holding tho tower
struck hlB leg, breaking both bones Just
above tho ankle.
Murder mid Anon,
Charles Andrews, a negro, killed his
wife, set llro to her room, cut his own
throat uml dteilut Newark, N. J,
riintojrrnptier Shnne Kill Kcl Knthermas)
Ayrmrently Without Came.
Ed Kathcrman was shot down and
Instantly killed by J. B. Shano of Law
rence, Kan., In front of tho latter's
photograph gallery.
As far as could be learnod, there
wns no provocation whatovcr for the
deed, and no reason for tho act has
been assigned.
Ed Kathcrman has been employed at
Wiedemann's Ico cream and oyster par
lors, nnd was on his way home with
Harry Green, who Is employed at tho
Eame place. Tho two wero walking
south together, talking and laughing
as friends nro wont to do. As they
passed Shane's gallery Mr. Shano was
standing In tho door. Kathcrman
looked up nnd Bald: "How d'do, Mr.
Shane," not stopping nor making any
further romarlt. Almost Instantly, and
Just after tho boys passed tho door of
tho shop the report of a revolver was
heard and Kathcrman fell dead at tho
feet of his companion, falling on his
fnco and with his hands In his pockets,
an ho had had them when ho passed
tho place. Green turned in tlmo to
sco that tho shot camo from a re
volver in the hands of Shane.
Shano was Immediately arrested. At
no tlmo did ho mako an admission or
denial of tho shooting. Shano was
taken to Topcka for safo keeping.
To Stop Pntoon Fines.
County Attorney Torranco has filed
In tho district court n pctttloi In quo
wnrranto against tho city of Arkansas
City to test tho right of that city to
rccclvo money from her Joints. Tho
petition charges tho city authorities
with receiving sums varying from $50
to $100 per month from certain parties
engaged In tho snlo of intoxicating
liquors, contrary to law. This, It Is al
leged, Is dono by reason of an under
standing between them that tho mar
shal can collect a fixed sum as occupa
tion tax which ho is to turn over to
tho city clerk without divulging tho
names of thoso engaged in nuch sales.
Tho petition charges that tho city ot
Arkansas City has been exercising this
unlawful corporato right for a period
of two years, and prays that ,sald city
may bo required to answer tho charges
so that It may bo arrested from cxer
clslng such corporato right.
Contractor docs Into Court,
Charles Olson filed a petition in the
district court of Hall county asking a
writ of mandamus compelling tho
county board to let tho bid for the con
struction of tho new court houso to
him as being tho lower bidder. Olscn'a
bid In round numbers was $77,000, and
Flldorf & Klrschkc, local bidders who
wero awarded the contract, bid $84,000.
Olsen refused to enter an agrooment to
complete tho court houso by January 1,
1003. He Is also said to have admitted
to tho county board that bo had mado
a mistake on ono Item of $3,400. Fll
dorf & Klrschko were awarded the con
tract on an offer to complete the build
ing by January 1, 1903, and on the find
ing of tho board that the latter was
tho best bid. All other bidders wera
above $84,000.
Mystery I Cleared Up.
The mystery surrounding tho where
abouts of Allco Burton, tho pretty 17-year-old
girl who disappeared from her
homo In Arkansas City, Kan., was
cleared up when sho wroto home Tho
girl was supposed to havo eloped with
a young man and ho was arrested at
tho depot In Wichita, where ho was
awaiting tho train to meet tho girl, but
sho did not arrive. Ho was later re
leased and went to Kansas City. The
girl's family received a letter from her
stating thnt sho was married to Wil
liam Brennen, at Independence, Mo.,
nnd thnt thoy are living in Kansas
City. No attempt will bo made to force
her home.
Sent From the Indian Territory.
A Missouri, Kansas & Texas prison
ear, at Muskogee, I. T., was attached
to tho northbound train with twenty
eight convicts, under sentence of from
ono year to life, for tho prison at Fort
Leavenworth. Ten aro whlto men,
cloven Indians and soven negroes. In
cluded In tho party wcro Chltto Harjo
and nine of hlB followers, who have to
sorvo two years each. Forty-eight are
under sontenco at tho military prison,
but ns that Institution is crowded, four
teen are held for later shlpmouts.
American Mule the Best.
A parliamentary paper was Issued
containing dispatches and reports re
garding tho remount department In
South Africa. It rofers to tho Amer
ican mules as being tho "best recolvcd
from nny sourco, magnificent workers,
and kept In condition undor tho most
ndveroo circumstances."
Tho Ameilcnn horses, tho report
says, varied greatly, but tho majority
wero excellent.
Thrco Tunnel Workmen Killed.
A lnndslldo on tho Illinois. Central
railway-near Roslno tunnel, Kentucky,
killed three men. Tho bnnlc of a deep
cut caved In and several workmen wero
burled. All wero taken out allvo cx
ccpt tho threo men.
lllondhnund After n Trump.
A tramp set llro to a barn on the
farm of Chi Is Stclnwcdg, near Doni
phan, Kan., and tho building, together
with 400 bushels of wheat, burned.
Bloodhounds ftom St. Joseph aro nftor
tho tramp.
Wu Weary of Life.
Mlko Frey. sr., of Junction City,
Kan., shot himself nt tils homo. Tho
bullet entered his body Jiiht below tho
heart and langed downward. Tho
physlclami Bay ho cannot llvo Tho
cause for tho sulcldo was III health.
Ho was about G7 years old and wns
ono of tho eaily settlers of this county,
coming hero nbout thirty years ago.
HoToro righting,
Local government olllelnls nt Colon
declare that sevens 118111111"; hub oc
curred at Fucatntlva, near Bogota and
that tho rebols aro routed.
At Swords' Points;
Copyright, by Stbhrt 6 Smith, New York.
CIIAl'TER XVI (Continued.)
These resulted In a discovery, for ho
felt posttlvo that he could sco signs
it a trap door above, no unusual thing
In these old Berlin nouses which have
itood tho grime and storm of centur
ies. To roach It he utilized a tdblo that
ltood In a corner, upon tho top of
which' ho placed a chair.
Eureka! Tho extempore ladder ac
complished all that was expected of
It, and when he found a small section
of tho celling actually yield to his
gentle, persuasive pressure, Paul be
gan to believe that ho hud tho gamo
In his hands.
Being a thorough athlete ho expcrl
Dnced no troublo In drawing hlrnBclf
up and passing through tho opening.
Hnd ho bettered his condition? Ho
seemed to bo In an apartment of some
Whllo moving forward to find a wall,
ho halted several times to listen, nnd
thuB became fully convinced that thero
was something or some ono in tho
room with him. This was not pleas
ant, slnco It laid him open to attack
t any moment.
As though the situation wns not In
teresting enough for Paul, his hands
by accident, whllo groping around,
camo In contact with eomo object that
had rested upon a small table; and
Buch wob tho unexpected force em
ployed that tho vase toppled over upon
tho floor with a crash.
It was loud enough to almost arouso
tho dead.
Paul heard tho unknown spring
erect In surprise and start toward
tho spot where tho table had betrayed
tho intruder.
Bent upon defending himself, ho
prepared to receive tho party who
rashly advanced, but thero was no
need of warfare.
Suddenly a descending Bhrlek at
tested that the unknown had struck
tho chute the open trap had received
him most affectionately, nnd ventured
to kiss his face, no doubt, several
times as ho was passing through.
At least, so far as our friend was
concerned, ho wasted no pity upon
the late lnmato of tho room who had
gono Into such sudden cxllo.
A door would bo a very welcome ad
dition to his requirements Just then.
And he found it, Blnco this roof
above was of the plain every-dny cali
bre, and not fashioned to deceive stray
Onco out of the door, Paul found
himself In a hall at least ho Judged
It to bo such, far there was no light
to betray tho fact.
Ho could hear voices and tho rust
ling of moving persons around; then
llghtB flashed up in tho same wonder
ful manner which had marked their
disappearance when Paul sought to
detain the countes.
It began to look as though ho would
yet bo brought faco to face with the
forces of the enemy, nnd compelled to
fight his way out of this spies nest
How lucky ho was armed! What a
glow of satisfaction to draw that little
toy from his hip pocket, and feel that
bo long as it remained faithful, ho
would control the situation.
But this was not making progress.
To remnln where ho was Increased
his difficulties, whereas by a bold rush
he might be so lucky as to reach an
outer door, which, upon being forced,
would bring him to tho street
He found tho stairs.
Nothing seemed to hinder his prog
ress In that direction, although thero
was considerable racket In other parts
of tho houso consequent upon finding
tho unfortunate victim of tho open
trap In the room where the American
had been confined.
Paul reached tho outer door and
was drawing tho bolts, when a cry at
tracted his attention.
Looking up ho snw tho countess,
with startled eyes, surveying him.
Ho bowed with tho graco of a
"Ah! countess, you sco It Is hard to
hold ono who has been cowboy and
Texas ranger," ho said.
"You are free you you will bo
tray me, and T shall bo shut up In n
gloomy fortress even If my llfo Is
Bpared. Mon Dleu! how cruel, and I
lovo you so, monsieur," sho cried,
wringing her whlto hands In distrac
tion. "Countess, thoro nro nomo hours be
foro morning, and you will havo until
then to CBcnpo. 1 am not without pity.
Endeavor to forgot your luckless at
tachment. Blnco only misery 'can como
of It. Countess, I have tho door open;
allow mo to say bon solr."
Sho hnd ono last gllmpso of his
manly fguro, nnd then tho closing
door hid It from view.
When next they met, these two, tho
ono who would not nnd tho ono who
wooed, It must bo under Hkles thnt
wero glowing with tho blnzo of buttlo
and upon tho grocnswnrd drenched
with tho blood of gallant men.
Beyond tho Rhino.
Months nftcr.
With tho Iron Chnnccllor at tho
plow tho ghastly furrow of war, with
all Its attendant horrors, had pene
trated far beyond tho historic Rhino.
All Franco was quivering undor tho
fearful shock.
(Sedan and Gravelotto had boon
fought nnd lost Worth wns but a
'dl&nal nightmare, tho emperor a pris
4-f44444 44444444444
oner of war with MacMahon's lino
nrmy, and both Met?, and tho capital
Everywhere tho German arms had
been victorious.
Paul Rhlnelnndcr hnd nlredy seen
much of war's horrors, and nil 'that
was martial In his nnturo had been
stirred by tho scenes of excitemont
that had como his way.
There had been news of Hoffman.
, Tho mnn wns a traitor to his coun
try madnoss -hnd seized upon him,
nnd making uso of tho fact that his
matornnl grandparents wcro Alsatlons,
hence French vsubjects, lio liad griho
over to the enemy, bag and baggage
Paul heard this with grim satisfac
tion. Paul, who know to a certainty
that this change of heart hal been
wrought through tho witchery ot that
beautiful and magnetic crenture, the
countess, nnd thnt Conrad was her
latest victim.
All unknown to Rhlnelnndcr, events
wcro undor full headway and driving
swiftly toward a most dramatic cli
max, nt which altar his fat,o must be
It was an October evening.
Tho mutter nnd growl of heavy
siege guns, that for hours hnd been
sending their projectiles Into tho
forts defending tho citadel of Mctz,
had by degrees died away, and night
was spreading her mantle of rest over
tho tragic scene. MacMahon's grent
nrmy was hemmed In moro securely
than ever.
This October night was destined to
bo forever markel by a whlto stone
In tho annals of Paul's romantic life
history oro tho morning star shono
upon Metz ho would havo passed
through another experience thnt must
havo a decided influenco upon his
wholo future.
He was sauntering about after com
ing from the field hospital, when ho
met by chnnce an aide of tho general
in command at this post.
From him he heard nows that elec
trified him; news that indicated bo
daring a night assault on tho fortress
that Paul hurdly believed it to bo
true. Immediately he Bought an audience-
with the commander to beg for
Indulgence and the coveted opportun
ity ot seeing whatever of action thero
might prove to bo In the assault.
Rhinelander had seen much of ser
vice, but his desire to have some sort
of share in everything that camo to
pass led him to Join tho forces se
lected for this hazardous task. Ho
was In the van, of course men of
his stamp usually find somo means of
reaching tho front rank when the bat
tle is In progress.
When tho French opened fire It
sccmod ns though tho wholo outer
works blazed with tho fury of a Ve
suvius. Chnssepot and mitrailleuse mingled
their bark until It beenmo a thunder
ous roar men shouted nnd cheered,
whllo abovo it all could bo heard the
hollow rattle of tho Hat Bavarian
To Paul tho music was a hideous
nightmare, but he could appreclato tho
fact that it served to animate and
enthuse theso Bavarians Just as tho
pibroch thrills tho Highlander mus
cles grow ns Btlff as Iron, teeth
snapped close togother, oyes were set
In that steady staro that tells of in
domitable will power and into tho
Jawa of death they went
Thoy wero now nt tho foot of tho
apparently impregnable fortress.
Tho llro abovo was Just as furious,
but most of tho missiles overshot tho
mark, and had thoy chosen to wult,
a clinnco for a breathing spell now of
fered Itself. However, they went up
over tho walls llko tho wild chamois of
tho Swiss Alps, thosd little Bavarians
In tho eyes ot tho amazed French
men they must havo appeared llttlo
short of dovllB hatched out ot tho In
fcrnnl fires that blazed all around.
Onco In tho fortifications thoy camo
Into hnnd-to-hand conflict with tho
French, nnd then tho fiercest kind of
warfaro was Inaugurated.
Tho Bavnrians might have had held
tho fort had they been quickly rein
forced, but It was not tho policy of tho
Gorman generals to bring on a bat
tle, slnco starvation must decido tho
question speedily enough.
Tholr object hud boon attalnod In
teaching tho French that after all
tholr position was not so Impregnable
aB thoy might havo believed.
And henco tho signal ot recall
Surrounded by struggling forms en
gnged In a desperato death grapple,
with fires and tho blazo of still boom
ing cannon lighting up tho Bcono as
with tho, glow of Infernal conflagra
tions, tho spectacle of Paul engaged
with a French swordsman wns ono
lit for the delectation of tho gods, and
Mars himself must havo been fully
satisfied with such nu horolc picture
Thou came tho recall. Paul re
mained, not through choice, hut bo
catiBo ho had become Involved In a
singular ongugoment, and could not
break away.
Two men, sndly lacking In that
chivalrous spirit for which Frenchmen
havo becomo famous tho world around,
bad chosen to attack him at tho same
time, and If their eagerness wai nny''
gauge 10 moir capacity tor flolng
harm, Rhinelander must bo in a bad
way Indeed.
Lucltlly tor him they wcro mero
tyros wlUi tho trenchant blades they
wielded so cHtmslly, and ho believed
himself casl'. capablo of mastering
them without trouble.
At the samo tlmo tho chances of
his being nblo to cscapo, onco thlsf
woro dono, grow very dubious, Blnco
tho French wero gathering nbout tho v.v
sceno of the singular duel, always
eager to watch any, feat of arms out of
tho ordinary run.
They saw a .spoctaclo that was not
likely to como their way every day,
for Paul kept his adversaries guess
ing, and parrying nil manner of Imag
inary attacks until at length .ho ,Baw
his chance to retire ono of them with
a thrust through the shoulder. .
After that his work was easy
Ho set upon tho second officer, rat
tled his Bword with quick tlcrco und
thrust, nnd used him up bo generally
that ho finally lost his nerve, when a
quick upward blow sent his blade rat
tling nway, nnd loft him unarmed at
tho mercy of his foe.
Just then, however, Paul wns not In
a humor to decide whether to cnll tho
affair off or pink his zcalouB antago
nist as an earnest of victory.
Truth to tell ho had about all ho
wanted to tnke care of In looking out
for himself.
There wns about ono clinnco In ten
that he might escape ns his comrades
had done, by beating a hasty retreat
over tho edgo of tho ramparts.
Paul was not tho man to hesitate
nnd lose valuable time In calculating
chances. Accordingly ho whirled on
his heel, made a mock bow to thoso
who had Just witnessed his remark
nblo fight, which compliment surely
Frenchmen should appreciate, nnd
then mado a headlong break for tho
edge of tho ramparts, intending to
throw himself down regardless of mi
nor damage, slnco It wus his one
chance to get clear.
So vast had been tho number ol
troops pressing forwurd to havo a
share In the engagement thnt his way
was blocked.
Finding Mb cscapo cut off In the
direction of tho wall, ho changed his
mind nnd decided that only a mad
man or one utterly despernto would
continue to advance In that quarter,
and his situation did not call for such
a needless sacrifice since aB a prisoner
ho would bo liberated when tho French
Again ho turned nnd mado a dash in
an opposite quarter, hardly knowing
what lay ahead of him, yet desirous
of evading capture.
Then his passage was blocked guns
threatened him. tho shining bayonets
being within a foot of his throat.
It was all up, nt least so far as es
cape was concerned, nnd Paul was
forced to admit this with a grunt of f, "
disgust So ho dropped tho point ot ' !,
his sword to tho ground as a sign of
yielding, nnd made no resistance when
they disarmed him. v
A mlnuto later ho regretted hls'hclp
lessness more than words could tell,
for tho French officer camo and sur
veyed him with grim contemptuous
mien, and Pnul recognized his old foe
man, Conrad Hoffman.
(To be continued.)
Document Drawn Up When Ills Hollnegi
Was 37 Year Old.
It Is not generally known that tin
Pope mado a will as long ago aa 1S37.
A copy of the document Is beforo ma
It reads:
"I leave my soul In tho hands of God
and of tho blessed Mary. I Institute
as the heirs of my property my deal
brothers, Charles nnd John Baptist, In
equal shares, enjoining upon them tc
have fifty mnsso3 said for tho boned)
of my soul each year for a period ol
Ave years, after which tlmo thoy will
bo relieved of this duty, although 1
recommend myself to their lovo nnd
charity to help my soul still further,
I also Impo3o upon tliem tho duty ol
distributing twonty scudl each ycai
to tho most needy poor of Carplnoto
my natlvo town. I bequeath to mj
Undo Anthony, ns a token of my re
spect and affection, tho porcelain 'ser
vice, which His Eminence, Cardinal
Sala, presented to mo."
This was mado when tho Popo wai
only 27 years old and at a tlmo when
his health was so poor that ho did nnl
expect to survlvo many months. Yel
ho has outlived every man of his tlmo,
every associate of his youth, evcrj
Cardinal that belonged to tho Sacred
College when ho wa3 elovated to It.
Chinese Dental Method.
Somo Interesting specimens ol
Chinese dentistry havo recently been
shipped to Philadelphia by Dr. P. T.
Carrlngton of Bankok, Slam, who pre
sented them to tho University of Penn
sylvania. Tho consignment, which
is now on exhibition In tho Dental
musoum, Incluaes two pairs of crudely
mado forceps, used by -the Chlnc3o In
extracting teeth, and many other
specimens of tho dental profession,
among which aro somo artificial teeth
carved from Ivory. Somo of the speci
mens presented by Dr. Carrlngton
which havo-attracted particular atten
tion nmong Pcnn's dentul students arc
sevoral teeth affected by botel-nul
chewing, which works such great
havoo with tho toeth of orientals.
iA model illustrating tho practlc
among tho Slnmeso of mutilating tholr
teoth by filing, Is also among tho col'
lection. '
It takes a father to point an cxam
plo, but a mother to be one.
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