The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 14, 1902, Image 4

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See year...
Its month
latered at toe poet office at Red Cloud. Neb. a
BtMadclMtutlt matter.
Furnished en eppllcatlen,
Col. Ilixbjr remarks, "March oimo In
hka Bod Tillman; let us hope it will
jo out like a gonUemaa."
Mrs. Carrie Nation will lecture io
Hastiofcs on .March. 16th aid pay her
usual visit to the saloons. Liquor
dealers do hot object to her presence
so lose; m Mitt famous hatchet is kept
under oorer.
Brigadier General Froderick t'untton
is being shown a Rood time by patri
otic friends. He was the guest of
honor at a dinner in New York city
given by the Lotus club, and at Chi
cago was highly entertained by the
the Marquette club.
It Is wtlraated, that the acreage of
winter wheat in .Nebraska this year is
1,000,000 acres, an increase of over 35
per cent, over last year. It is also
estimated that the total yield will bo
17,OOt,000 bushels, wbioh Is as much as
tho yield of both tho winter and spring
wheat of last yoar. Hastings Tribune.
The Denver & Kio Grande railroad
company has issuod orders that all
ouiployos in the operating department
shall discard stonisetting watches, no
matter how valuable, and accopt tho
regulation timo-picco, which must pass
muster with tho oflloial inspoctor.
This is a very important decision.
The railroad compauios of tho land
are conscious of tho fact that thoy are
servants of tho people, and are putting
forth strouuous efforts in tl oir endeav
ors to savo lifo and limb.
Tho intolligonco of a community is
determined by it" schools. Wo arc
pleased to nolo that Red Cloud is
blessed with a public school system
Hint is not surpassed in tho state.
It has gained this standing largely by
tho faithful co-oporntiou of stipuriti
tomlunt and teachers. Fanners and
others who wish to rotiro from rural
life and glvo their children a lasting
education, can do no hotter than to
locate in this beautiful and growing
John Alexander Dowie, the Zionist,
gave etidonce on Sunday in a speech
at the Auditorium in Chii'ngo, that he
is sadly unbalanced in hU mental on-'
pauity. lie made a vicious attack upon
the llir association, i nlling its mum
burs liars and inut deters. Ho claimed
to have three sticks of dynnmil in his
pocket which he intended to hurl at
some imaginary enemies among the
association's members. No sane man
would uttoi such words and expect to
bo dealt with us n babe in tho hands of
tho people.
This city is sadly in need of a street
lighting system. Other cities of less
importance havo good light plants at
rousonablo cost. Strangers who visit
Rod Cloud aro surprised that the
plo'asure of their evening strolls is
mm red by unexpoctodly st pping into
a gutter or coming into sudden facial
contact with Mother Earth whore a
terminus of sidewalk cannot be scon.
Not for this reason only should a light
system ho established, but the citizens
of Hod Cloud are entitled to the best
of everything going, strcot lights not
Apropos of tho examination of Prince
Henry nt Alhiny of the sword alleged
to have btuu presented to Washington
by Fiedeiiek the Great some
iconoclastic scribbler is out with a do
nlrl that any such sword was ever
sent, and an allegation that tho sword
that is exhibited has no inscription on
it as advertised "From tho Oldest to
the Greatest Soldier." Possibly that
doubt account tor tho action of Prince
Henry when the sword was handed
him, in drawing it from its scabbard,
contrary to the rule of the exhibitors.
It is alleged that becauso Washington
iu his will, distributing his swords,
stipulated that thoy should never be
drawn save in defense of the country,
this sword has reposed in its scabbard
continuously for a huudred years.
Henry broko tho charm and now the
question is did ho tind the alleged in
scription anywhere on its hilt or blade
Nebraska State Journal.
$45 U CallloraU and Return.
Tickets on sale April 21 to 27, May 27
to Juno 8, August 2 to 8. Liberal
stopover arrangements and return
limits. For additional information ask
the nearest agent, Burlington Route,
or write tor a California folder to J.
Francis, General Passengor Agsnt,
Burlington Rcute, Omaha, Nob.
To Mother In this Town.
Children who are delicate, feverish
aud cross will get immediate relief
from Mothor Gray's Sweet Powders for
Children. Thoy cleanse the stomach,
aot ou tho liver, making a sickly child
strong and hoalthy. A certain euro
for worms. Sold by all druggists, 25o.
Sample froe. Address, Allen S. Olm
stoad.LeRoy, N.Y.
Spring werk has commenced .
Farmors ato sowing onts this week.
Charles Gurnoy, Jr., Bays thero if
nothing like milling,
Walter Gurnoy and John Holiworth
returned home Saturday night from
Joo Garber, Jr., contemplates learn
ing the carpentor trade, as he has con
siderable natural ability along thatliao.
James Mahady left for Oregon Mon
day evening.
Frank Fahndricb departed for Mich
igan to farm their new farm.
A great deal of ozoitement on
Crooked Creek.
Chav. Finnent was a visitor of Mr.
Fahndricb fast Sunday, also John Mar
tin. Laurak Hedge flnlihod her term of
school last Saturday. U. S.
This fine weather makes the farmers
talc ( beginning spring work.
Goorgo Wolf has moved onto the C.
H. Kaley farm on the bottom. He will
work for Mr, Kaley this year.
James lleauohamp has moved onto
the Potter farm, vacated by Mr. Wolf.
Potior says Jimmle has bought it.
Eugeno Sjiith will work for his fath
er this year. He wan obliged to rosign
his position on tho Kaloy farm on ac
count of his wife's health.
Mrs. Emma Smith is stopping in town
this week.
Ben Reod and wife were down to
their sister's, Mrs. Alios, to look at
their now nephew Tuesday.
Mr. Eddy from Inavale filled the pul
pit at Ash Crook last Sunday both
morning and evening in the absenco of
tho regular preacher, Mr. Hancock.
Orvillo Holmgrnin will farm tho old
Mil place this yoar.
J. J. Smith is improving this' line
weather by discing in some alfnlfa.
S. 1). Audrus has stnrtod In farming
with his plow.
Henry Bird and wife, formeily of
this place are visiting friends and nc
quaintaiiiccs here this weok. Mr. Bird
is now in tho grain business nt Billings,
Oklahomn, and reports times are good
and business prosperous, although it is
somewhat dry thero now.
J. M. Dean's sale was well attended
and property sold fairly well.
County Clerk Garber and family
were down from tho county seat Satur
day on their way to Jewell county,
Kansas to attend the funeral of Mrs.
Armagost, mother of Mrs. Garber and
Mrs. W. 11. Bayles, which occurred on
Mr. Miner from near Dubois, Nebras
ka, arrived last week with a car of
stock, implements nud household goods
and moved onto the J. B. Pago farm
one milo cast of town.
W. H. Sawyer started this morning
for Jewell county, Kansas, to move
some moro buildings. He is a first
class hand at t'co business and has a
good outfit
Mr. George Winker of Alvo, Nebras
ka, and Miss Carrio Haydon of Beavor
creek township, were married last
week. They have the best wishes of
all who know tbem. Mav they live
long and prosper.
W. H. Barcus is sotting out Cedar
trees at his placo this week. Mr. B.
has a very nico homo in tho north part
of town.
If you want fire nud tornado insur
ance ca'l on Colviu & Barcus, repre
senting tho Continental Firo Insurance
company of Now York. Nono better
and terms right.
Mr. Fryo, northeast of town, a driver
of the creamery wagon that noes to
Lawrence, was kicked and soverely in
jured by a mule ono day last wook.
Last Sunday it was thought ho wa dy
ing but be rallied and has chanco of
recovery yet.
J.K Hayos, statu oil inspector and
Ills deputy, and a re, rosentativo of tho
Standard Oil Company wero hero Tues
day. Mr. Hayos formerly traveled over
this territory for tho Beatrlco Creamery
and produce Company, and is woll
known over this part of tho state.
J. E. Joaes has moved into the V. D.
Vaugban property east of town.
E. T. Merriman's now house is pro
gressing nicely. Ho will havo a nice
residence whon completed. W. D.
Hull is tho builder.
J. P. Halu was in town last Saturday
soliciting for the Nation, of which be
is one of the editors.
Say Nat, "Who are you going to
take?" now.
Fred Billlugtoa moved into tho Fow
lor homo Saturday.
J. B. Walsou had his sale Saturday.
Mrs. Hurry Hopking is very low at
tho present writing.
Bert Fulton and family took tho
traiu hero, Monday for Oregon.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Hoit.'on
Monday, a boy. Father and son doing
The postmaster is having tho interior
of the goveruiuuut((bulldiog painted
and papered tills week. Crafford &
Morgan tiro doing tho work.
Nathan IMutt and laiy look in tho
jiibilco singing in Ked Cloud Monday
If you wish nny thing in tho lino of
bull rings call on Jay Crafford. He
will furnish them freo on application.
Greenhalgh & Benton aro building a
six foot woven wire fence around their
lots In tho rear of their store.
Misses Flora and Josle Godwin en
tertained about lifty of their many
friends last Thursday evening. Musio
was furnished by a part of the Cewles
orchestra, and the light fantastlo was
tripped until the wee hours of the
A. N. Godwin had his sale Tuesday.
Havo you noticed that smile on
Jack's facet I wonder why T
Mr. Pattorson of Campbell visited
over Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Wat
son. Mr. Rlche of Illinois arrived with his
family and household goods Monday.
He has beught the Watson plfcje and
will move on atonco.
A. N. Godwin and John Norris and
their families leave this week for Ore
gon where they will mako their future
home. Although' we are sorry to lose
them our best wishes follow them.
There was quito an excitement on
our Btreota last Saturday caused by a
short pugilistic affray which ended in a
longer foot race. No one hurt serious
ly although ono of them narrowly es
caped losing his oye sight from so
much sand and gravol being kicked in
Our worthy professor has gone into
tho bog business, having bought nil of
"hog" at the sulo Saturday.
Have you seen that protty necktie.
Tho Cowles orchestra gnve a pleas
ant entertainment Tuesday evening at
tho Congregational church.
James McBrido is working for A I
J. M. West of Blue Hill was in this
village tho latter part of the week
transacting business.
Fred Kauffman has tho foundation
ready and is engaged in hauling the
lumber for his new hotiso.
Con. RiggiuM will work this summer
for W. E. Thome.
Robt. Taylor Jr. has been employed
by D. Byrnoof Blue Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Truo drovo over to
Paulino the latter part of tho week.
Mrs. G. P. Cather returned homo last
Monday from Grand Islaud where sho
had been spending several weeks with
her children.
Mrs. Phelps of Rosolnnd spent Sun
day with hor husband at this placo.
John Zopf and wife returned Satur
day from Kankakee, Illinois, whore
they had boon called by tho death of
his father.
D. S. Phelps has been out of town for
several days this weok.
S. L. Grandstuff has boon confined to
his bed with an attack of pntumonia
but at this writing is roparted to be
considerably better.
11. A. Koertner from Illinois has
moved onto tho Rnst farm.
Town olection will bo hold on tho
first Tuesday in April. J. R. Horn, V.
S. Hall and F. Burden will act as the
judges and H. L. Boyd and L. E.
Sponce as clerks
James McCoy and son Kern drov. to
Campbell Tuesday.
Charles Mooro of Guide Rock, who
organized and instructed the Bladon
band, drovo in for a short stay with
friends tho fore part of tho week.
A number of tho frieudsof Mr. and
Mrs. Alex. Brady gathered at their
homo Tuesday and enjoyed a pleasant
visit with thorn. Mrs. B. who has boon
an invalid for yoars appreciated this
act of friendship.
Jeff Morritt and wifo wero surprised
by their friends Monday ovoning, who
dropped in on them to have an even
ing of enjoyment and bid thorn fare
woll before taking their departure for
their now homo near Wilcox, where
Mr. Morritt has purchased a farm.
Mr. Day, tho Stato Journal man, was
calling on tho business mou of this
place increasing tho subscription list of
the Journal.
Gund A Co. are shelling thoir corn
this week. McCoy Bros are doing the
V. S. Hall is erecting a new building
on tho lot where tho meat raantet re
cently burned.
S. L. Truo has decided to move his
stock of goods to Pauline, where he
thinks he has a better show for doing
business. Of course, we hope ho will
Sen! Potatoes I ! Seed Potatoes !
Minor Bros.
New Nebraska Corporations.
TerwillingtM- & Bright Grain Elevator
Company"! Inwu unit Smith Dakoin;
capital stock 9!0,000.
Washington Hall Association of tin'
town of Washington; capital slock'
, Upland Improvement Company of
I Franklin, capital stock, f 10,000.
Nebraska has no bonded debt.
Tho Inst bonds outstanding wero re
deemed and cancelled June 2, 1000.
During the past 20 ymrs tho wraith
of Nebraska has increased 105 percent.
Statis.ics show that In Nebraska only
31 people out of 1,000 cannot rend or
write. This is the best showing made
by nny state.
, Eighty percent, of Nebraska farmers
own their own farms.
In Nebiaska originated Arbor day.
In a single year Nebinskans planted
60,937,404 forest trees.
In tho whole United States 722 out of
every 1,000,000 inhabitants are con
lot. In Nobraska alone the ratio is
only 860 in ovory 1,000,000. The
Ho nesoeker and Investor.
Choice Early Ohio seed potatoes at
Miner Btos.
Butler keeps tho Bloomer hog fence.
Best on earth.
More Truth Than Poety.
Tho politician is my shepherd; I
shall not wanfanf good good thing
during the campaign. Ho icadeth mo
into the satoon for my vote's sake; ho
fllleth my pocket with good cigars;
my glass runneth over. He proparoth
my ticket for me in the presence of my
better judgment. Yea, though I walk
through tho mud and rain to vote for
him and shout myself hoarse, when he
is elected straightway ho forgettetb
me, ho knowoth me not. Surely tho
wool has boon pulled over mine eyes
-11 the days of my life Anon.
Wo havo boon at loss to exactly lo
cate the above politician, but wo thijk
ho is a Populist.
If you want a cheap harness remem
ber I can furnish it as cheap as tiny ono
Jos. Fookl.
Try that poultry meat at Caldwell's.
Tho Life of Wm. MeKinley, by Murat
llalslead, and Tub Chief one year for
SI. 60, the price of the book alone.
Selling Tobacco to Minors.
"Compiled Statutes of Nobraska,
1885, Page 80S. Chap 205, Sec 245.
Section l-S:iln Prohitiiled. That
hereafter in person or pt'i'auiis in this
stato shall sell, give, or furnish any
cigarette or cigaruttes, or torucco in
any of its forms, to nny miiioi under
fifteen yeaib of am.
Section 2 Pi-iialijJ Thai if any
person or periotw in this Ktiito shail
violate the provisions of this act, he,
sho or they shall, ou conviction, forfeit
nnd pay for every such offeriso tho sum
of twenty-livo dollars "
Superintendents of the various Sun
day schools in this city aro earnestly
r quested to call ntti ntion of schools
to tho rapid growth of this pernicious
habit when le viewing tho temperance
losson of March 2.1
By it quest of W. C. T. U
J. s. Crafford of Cowles was in tho
city Wednesday.
stories have
been written of
magic mirrors iu
which the future
was revealed. If
such a thine were
possible many a bright - faced bride
would shrink from the revelation of her
self, stripped of all her loveliness. If
there is one thing which would make a
woman shrink from marriage it is to see
the rapid physical deterioration which
conies to so many wives. The cause is
generally due to womanly diseases.
Ivost health and lost comeliness are
restored by the use of Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription. It cures irregular
ity and dries weakening drains. It
heals inflammation and ulceration, arid
cures female weakness.
"It Is with the greatest pleasure that I tell
you what IJr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and
'Golden Medical Discovery have done for me,"
writes Mn. I'.mma L. Dankes, or 195J North 7th
Street, HarrUburjr. Pa. , "They have done me a
world or good. F had female weakness for six
years-, sometimes would feet so badly I did not
know what to do, but I found reller at last,
thanks to Dr. Pierce for tils kind advice. I have
this medicine still in my house and will alwaya
keep it." ... . t
If you are led to the purchase of
"Favorite Prescription" because of its
remarkable "cures of other women, do
not accept a substitute which has none
of these cures to its credit.
Free. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense
Medical Adviser, paper covers, is sent
free on receipt of 31 one-cent stamps
to pay expense-of mailing only. Or
for cloth-bound volume send 31 stamps.
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Lion Coffee (i
is 1 6 ounces of pure
coffee to the pound.
Coated Coffees are
only about 14 ounces
of coffee and two
ounces of eggs,
clue. etc.. of no
value to you, but
money in the pocke
of tho roaster.
h1 i n
. ,WKSfeiK!S&sg&
, .JEHBOlKin-aBBHKjrtf nr-
Children's Suits for Spring. We have gone just a trifie
crazy perhaps in buying" Children's and Boys' Clothing
this spring, but you must clothe boys right and we pro
pose to do our part. Would be pleased to show you
that for $1.25, $1.50, $1,75, $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50 you
can get something good and dressy.
We sell Boys' Shoos.
Galusha, Ifleseott & Storey.
Henry Bros., !F airfield, la.
Black Diamond Seed Oats, 100 lh. 13, or 500 lh. 112.00,
Iowa's Premium White Oats, 100 lbs. 2 70. or COO lbs. $12 00.
Yellow Dent Seed Corn, $1 00 per hu. or 0 bu. for $7 50.
Choice White Corn, 81,50 per bu. or 5 bu. for t.7.50.
Saekirtt, Cith with ord'r. Wrltt for prltit n Choice Clovtr, Timothy and Millet Slid,
To Introduce It nulnkly the Inncntor will rIvo
want mouey-lt'a free. 11. C. Co., -IS Main St..
"Pride of the Nishnabotna."
This Corn was bred in Northern Iowa by a Member of the Seed
Corn Association.
It is bright golden color, litioly shaped ours, 70 pounds in the ear will shell
iiuiro than 50 pounds of kuruuls Uormiuutioa strong. Out of u hundful of
57 grains CO sproutod This corn ripnued perfectly. It whs grown by ouo of
tho lust corn -rnisorrt in Montgomery county, Iowa.
Price, $1.50 per bushel, f. o. b., Red Oak, Iowa.
Wo havo some choice WHITE (JOHN at 91.25 per bushel.
Iicforonces First National Bank, of Ked Oak, Iowa.
Red Cloud,
Highest Prices
Chicago - Lumber - Vard. v
Lumber, Lime,
buildliifflmaterial. Etc.
JCity Dray and
b. sm:. ross, prop;
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
brought great joy to the in
ventor and so will this mes
sage bring good news to
you in regard to Boys' and
The V. S. Clorcromeat on January 30th. .
Krsntrd a patent forn trans Hint docs away
Willi all old fnnhloncd Ideas nn nbolutc pcr-
fft trilHfl thut llftltn mntum .villi iMmf..)
away 110 In each slate He don't nsk. expect or
WeMbrook, Maine.
inc. niMWM 1 n
Is the ouly Incubator on llic mafket tint heats tbe
corners flrst. It Is sclf-ref;ultlii(;, snlf-Teiitllnt-trig
nud require no supplied moisture.
It Is so simple any one can tun It. lias been
pronounced by exprrts to be the greatest Invention
of the aire as a poultry liatchcr The receipts of
the" poultry Industry alone Iu this country amounts
to more every -ear than all the wheat aud com.
We pay freight to any K. K. Station lu the U. S.
Send for nur catalogue, It Is free.
Hiawatha Incubator Co.
fliuwathu, Kansas.
Paid for Produce.
Goal and Cement.
Express Line.