AaBU MAP OF THE PHILIPPINES. WHERE HE GOT OFF. mr By COQAR WELTON COOLBY "Porhops tlio most baffling Job I vor undertook," said tlio old secret servico man, "was running to earth what waa known as 'tlio Hamilton gang.' "For several months the BtnlcH of the middle west had been flooded with counterfeit flvo, ton nnd twenty dollar bills of n most IngenloitB make. So nearly perfoct wore tboy that they woro conBldorcd exceedingly danger ous, nnd to myself nnd three assistants was assigned tho task of capturing (ho gang. "Well, we finally succeeded In trac ing tho counterfoils to tho vlllago of Hamilton, In ono of tho states border ing on tho Mississippi river. Wo also learned that tho gang consisted of at least three men, and obtained a very nccurato description of one, a partial description of another, nnd an exceed ing vague and unsatisfactory descrip tion of tho third. However, wo folt confident of their capture, having onco traced them to Hamilton, but wo soon found wo had congratulated oursolvcB too noon. "Wo had been In Hamilton but a fow hours when we became convinced that tho place was what wo termed 'a pious town' that Is, that tho citizens woro law-abiding nnd honest and that If a 'mint' was operated in their midst It was probably without their knowl edge, certainly without their assist ance. "When this fact became elenr to us, I called upon tho vlllago constable, tho only officer of which tho town bonrUod, nnd questioned him closely relative to uny men answering tho descriptions In my possession. Ho was certain ho had nover seen any such Individuals In tho town, nlthough ho had heard of tho counterfeits which I mentioned In fact, ho had seen several of them. But ho felt positive they wero not manufactured In or near Hamilton. "I was, of courso, positive- they were, find with tho constnblo's assistance, began a most careful and systematic soarcli for tho men wanted or any clew that might cnnblo us to locate their .-don.' "Three months pnBsed without re sult, although I was uotlflcd that a now batch of the counterfeits had been "floated.' I began to feur X had made a mistake and that the 'bogus' did not emlnato from Hamilton after all. So I wont carefully over my work, only to reach tho samo conclusion: the 'Counterfeiters must liavo their head quarters In Hamilton. Hut who wero they? "Tho town wn3 lltorally flooded with toad money. In fact. It seemed to be tho only currency of thoso demonlnn if lions In circulation In the village. I irna puzzled. Either tho cntlro popu lation of tho town was In league with tho gang, or else "Then an Inspiration struck me. I called upon tho several storekeepers In tho vlllago. " 'Who Is your best cash customer?' 2 asked. "Ono and nil mndo tho samo reply, without hesitation: "'Widow Bnrtlett.' "" 'Who Is tho Widow Dartlctt?' ' 'Sho Is tho wealthiest woman In tho county,' they said. 'Hor husband has boon dead twenty yenrs. Ho left her a big estate Sho keeps hero money In the bank, and resides In that big brick Jiouso on tlio hill. Sho is a recluse; no ono over visits her.' , "Does she make- hor purchases In porson or through a servant?' I usked. "In person,' they said. " 'Pay with currency or checks?' " Tn currency, nlwnys.' "I went to tho bank. " 'How much money hns tho Widow Xnrtlott on deposit hero?' I naked. " 'About ten thousand dollars,' was the answer. " 'Does sho draw out much?' " 'Hasn't drawn out any for several jnonthB nearly a year.' 'I called upon tho village constable." "I called In my assistants and sum moned tho conBtnble, " 'I havo a clow,' I said. 'Tho party who floats this bad money Is tho Widow Dartlett.' "Tho constnblo was astonished. 'Im poABlblo,' ho wild. " 'Nevertheless,' said I, 'wo will raid her houso to-night' "About 10 o'clock wo surrounded tho two-story resldenco of tho widow. Tho houso was dark; thero was no sound within. I rang tho bell vigorously gov oral times, but thero was no response. '"She must ho away from homo, l remarked to the constubjo," I mnm P. lm&w k THE WIDOW BARTLETT CcpjllKlil. Wri, by IMIIr St"f7 rutillitilnit Comptnr. " 'Sho never goes away from home,' bo answered. "So I forced In tho door and the constnblo and I entered with dark Inn terns. The house was elegantly fur nished, but we found no signs of a liv ing occupant. Dust covered every thing. " 'Sho Is out,' I snld. 'Wo will con ceal ourselves In tho bushes nnd watch.' "So wo bid ourselves In tho ynrd anil waited. Just at dny-brcak an aged woman walked up tho path from tho street and entered tho dwelling. " 'That's her,' whispered tho con stable. "I waited a few minutes through courtesy. Then I rnng tho bell, but there was no response. I opened the .&' "I lifted u gray wig from her head." door and entered, but Widow Dartlett was not in. I searched every room nnd closet; I visited tho collar and tho attic, but r found no living being. Tho hotiBo was carefully guarded and no ono could bavo left tho placo unob served. Hero was a puzzle. I called tho constnblo. " 'Didn't you sec a woman enter this house a few moments ago?' I asked. "'Yes,' ho replied. "'Well, whoro is she now?' I de manded. "He searched the houso from collar to garret and I followed him. 'I glvo It up, bo sold. 'I would havo sworn I saw Widow Dartlett como In Just now." '"Sho Is In hero, then,' I said, 'and I'm going to find her.' "From my pocket r took a two-foot rulo and measured tho width of tho rooms ont tho ground floor. It was Just fifty feet from ono outer wall to tho other. Then I measured tho sec ond floor In tho samo manner. It was only forty-two feet. "'Thero Is a hidden room In this house,' I said, 'eight feet wide.' "On tho north side of tho houso was a largo old-fashioned chimney, ex tending below tho ground. " 'Lots take a look at that chimney,' said the constable. " 'Good idea,' said I. "So wo wont to tho collar. Set in tho chlmnoy, nenr Its base, was a largo ash pan. I pulled It out and found an opening largo enough for a man to crawl through. Inside tho chlmnoy was a ladder extending up ward. " 'It's all over,' said I to tho con stable. 'Call tho boys.' "When tho others arrived, I started up tho ladder, followed by one of my assistants nnd tho constable. On tho second floor I found a door on tho south sldo of tho chimney. Drawing my gun I kicked tho door opon and sprang through It into a small room. "I landed In tho midst of three per sona who wero eating breakfast. Two wore men who exactly answered tho descriptions of thoso I wanted. Tho other was tho Widow Dartlett, as I bollovcd. Scattered about wero plates, paper and paraphernalia. "Wo bad tho cuffs on them In short order. Then tho 'Widow Dartlett' let out a volloy of oaths. " 'My dear widow,' said I, 'pardon me. And r lifted a gray wig from her head, revealing tho black hair of a man underneath. "Well," resumed tho old secret servlco man, reflectively, "I captured tho plates and a largo quantity of bad monoy, but tho 'Hamilton gang' wero never tried for counterfeiting. Tho villagers found tuo remains of tho real Widow Dartlett burled In tho collar, and they hung my prisoners that night." 1'rennrliiB for the Coronation. Every one will bo relieved to hear that quite extraordinary precautions aro to bo taken to preserve tho fabric of tho Abbey from defacement during tho coronation. Somo Idea of tho ox teuslvo ntfturo of tho transformation of tho Intorlor lntp what may porhap ho termed a glorified grandstand, will be gathered from tho fact that tho con tract for tho rouch timber to bo usod in tho process amounts to no leas than X. 10,000. Tho stonowork must of ne cessity bo pierced horo nnd thero with what aro called "put log holes" to glvo support for tho temporary wooden framework. When, however, tho Ab bey Is onco inoro cleared of tho tem porary stands no truco will bo discern ible of the hnvoo mndo In tho mean time London Telegraph. A llttlo encouragement muny a man. has mndo Better ride an ass that carries me than a horso that throws me, pi jA jk -v"V Oovornmoiit llfn Recently I'ntillihert Its rimt One. Only 400 copies of the, new map of tho Philippines, recently prepared un der tho direction of Gen. A. W. Gree ley, were printed by the wnr depart ment, the edition barely supplying tho demands of tho army posts. Tho Natlonnl Geographic society, however, obtained tho plates and nan printed a largo number for public distribution, using th? map as a supplement of the National Geographical Magazine. Tho slzo of tho map is flvo feet two Inches by three feet; tho scale fifteen miles to tho Inch. Every town or ham lot known by the Jesuits or rcportod to the wnr department by Its mnny officers throughout tho Islands is In dicated. In short, It Is a compilation of everything now known about tho Phlllpplno archipelago. A glance at the map shows how much exploration Is needed In largo sections. For Instance, on tho Island of Mlnlioro only a few names along tho coast arc given. Tho Interior of tho island Is n blank. Tho tremendous progress made by tho American government In tho Is lands Is graphically illustrated by tho rod lines, Indicating cables, telegraphs and telephones, which penctrnte to nearly all comers of tho arcnlpelugo. Ncnrly 7,000 miles of wlro arc now strung, whereas tlueo years ago thero was not one mile In the service. All tho telegraph lines are owned by the government and operated by a government department tho United Stutcs Blgnnl corps. Tho stations noted as commercial stations are open to messages of a private nnd commer cial charnctcr, whllo from tho stations noted ns military only messages of a military nnturo can bo sent. This map Is tho first map of the Philippines that lint; been prepared by Amerlcnn officials. Tho spelling of tho nnmes Is that adopted by the United States board on geogrnphlc names. SHE LOST NOTHING. Omlisloii In tlio Wcildliic Service Thut Uldn't Count. A distinguished naval officer was telling this Btory on himself tho other evening to u gnthcrlng of hlB friends. At tho time of bis marrlugo he hud been through tho civil war and had hud many harrowing experiences aboard ship, through all of which ho kept his courage and remained as calm as a bravo man should. Ab the tlmo for tho ceremony camo on, how ever, his calmness gradually gave way. At tho altar, amid tho blazo of brass buttons and gold lace marking tho full naval woddlng, tho offlcor was all but stampeded, and what wont on thero seemed very much mixed to him. Fearing the excitement of the moment would temporarily tako him off his feet, tho officer had learned tho mar riage ceremony letter perfect, as 'he thought, and ho remembered repeating tho words after the minister in a me chanical sort of way. After the ceremony was all over and all was serene again, Including tho of ficer's state of mind, the kindly cler gyman camo up and touched him on the shoulder. "Look hero, old man," ho said, "you didn't endow your wife with any worldly goods." "What's that?" asked tho bride groom with something of astonishment In his voice. "Why, I ropcated the sentenco 'With nil my worldly goods I theo endow' soveral times and, dcsplto my efforts, you would not say It ufter me." Tho bridegroom seemed perturbed for a moment and then a beaming light came into his face. "Never mind, sir," ho said, "she didn't loso a blessed thing by my fail ure." Washington Star. In Train ot Iniaeta as Food. Admitting that It becomes nrgu inentatlvely impossible to ent a cut let, humanity may still be saved from tho extremes of a vegetarian diet. A French entomologlBt, M. Dagln, has discovered a half-way house, which he cordially recommends In tho shapo ot Insect food. He speaks on the subject with authority, "having tasted several hundred species of raw, boiled, tried, broiled, roasted nnd hashed In sects." Regnrdlng spiders as a sldo dish, ho finds two objections "they nro not insects, and they live on nnl mnl food." M. Dagln's recipe for cock roach soup Is as follows: "Pound your cockroaches In a mortnr; put In a sieve and pour in boiling water or beef stock. Connoisseurs prefer this to real bisque." Tho perfect Insect, ho con tinues, in most appetizing style, may bo shelled and eaten ilko a shrimp. Caterpillars aro pronounced a light food, of easy digestion, and may be eaten "out of tho hand," raw If pre ferred. But tho most popular Insect food ot all Is locust flour, which tho Bedouins take boiled In milk or fried nnd served with rice. Wc rcmembor a certain "Garibaldi biBCUlt," which al ways suggested an Inside layer ot squashed files. Italy and Abyitinlun. After tho Franco-Italian entente cor dlalo wo have an nalo-Abysslnlan cntento perhaps not so cordial. Sev eral Abyssinian chiefs have been creat ed knights ot tho Italian orders and Menellk has sent tho badges ot his two ordors for tho decoration of meritori ous Italians. Tho Ethiopian orders nro: Tho Order of Solomon, romark nblo for Its heavy badgo of gojd rep resenting tho seal of tho wise Hoberw king, with tho Inscription, "I conquer ed tho lion of Judnh," and tho Order of tho Star of Ethiopia of recent crea tion, tho badge being nn emerald on a flvo-polntcd golden star, with tho In scription, "Abyssinia stretches hor arms to tho Lord." Had Omen 'Wore Too Much for th riillaitolphla Darkey. Dftectlvo Gcorgo Fall of tho city hall force was riding up town In a Thir teenth street trolley car last week when u colored man of bis acquaint ance camo Sn and sat down In tho next scat. After a brief chat the de tcctivo said: "Are you superstitious, Sam?" "No, snh," said Sam. "Well, It's a good thing you're not," said Fall. "There's a cros3-eyed woman sitting opposite." "Ya-as, suh, dnt's right," chuckled Sam. "And up In the corner Is a hunchback." "Yns, suh, I see3 him." "See the number of the car up thero? It's 313." "Yns. sail." "And this Is Thirteenth strcot we'ro on, you know." "You go long, suh." "Tho ensh register, ns you may observe, shows the figures 1313." "Ya-as, suh." "And this Is Friday." "Ya-as." "Also it Is the thirteenth day of tho month." "Quit yo foolln', man." "It Is now," said tho dctectlvo, pulling out his watch, "Just exactly thirteen minutes past " The colored man had risen to his feet. "I ain't Hupahstltlou3, MIs tnh Fall," ho said, "but heah'a where I gits off. You do make a man mighty oncomfable." Philadelphia Record. Too I.lttie for Too Morn. When the lato nineor of Afghanistan was troubled with a bad toothache he sent for his European dentist In open court. The dentist examined the tooth, which was nothing more than an old stump, and advised that the ameer should take laughing-gas and havo It out Tho ameer inquired Into the effect of the gas and replied: "I can not risk being a dead man for fivo seconds, much less flvo minutes." So, whljo the whole Afgjian court surveyed tho operation, the dentist struggled with the tooth, and tho stout old nhicer never moved n muscle. The quality of common sense which characterized this ruler once averted a war between England and Russia. A representative of tho ameer told him that the Russians had taken Afghan territory, but ns England had guaranteed him against aggression ho could easily depend on England to go to war If ho said tho word. Tho nmccr sat quietly for a few min utes, stroking bis beard, and then called for a map of Afghanistan. When it was brought he asked tho representative to show him the ter ritory that had been seized. Then tracing tho little fringe of country, and sweeping with his linger tho great space that stood for the rest of his kingdom, he said: "It is so little that It Is not worth making a great war about." Youth's Companion. Wanted III Share. "The treaniry department runs across many funny things In the courso of a day's business," said an official ot that department. "The malls aro full of curious oplstlcs, but, as a rulo most of them receive polite atten tion and answers nro returned. Just before tho closo of tho year that ended with December 31 Secretary Gago gave an Interview, showing the splendid condition of tho country in a financial way, and the full purso of Undo Sam. In his stntement lie showed that four years ago or a llttlo more tho per cap ita circulation throughout tho country was only $23.14, but that although tho population bus increased tho volume of money has more than kept pace, so that the per capita at tho first of tho year was I2S.73. A man named Schmidt in New York Baw tho statement, nnd tho day after New Year wroto a letter to tho treasurer saying that If tho per capita wus so much he certainly did not have his portion of It. He inclosed a draft on the treasurer for tho amount that ho considered ho was entitled to. Tho draft was presented to Treasurer Roberts with great solemnity, but he declined to honor It, and directed that no answer bo sent to Mr. Schmidt, whoso letter wbb well written and tho handwriting good." Solving It. Patrick, a thrifty tradesman in tho neighborhood ot the Dublin docks, was, tho story goes in Tit-Dlts, a man who never spent a penny more than he needed to spend; but ho was.novor theless, as good a man at tho making of an Irish bull as any who lived be tween Bantry and Dallycastle. Having ono day occasion to send a lcttor to a placo at some distance, Pat rick called a messenger and asked him his prico for going such a distance. "It'll bo a shlllln'," said tho man. "Twice two much!" said Patrick. "Let It bo sixpence." "Nlvver," answered the messenger. "Tho way 1st that lonely that I'd nlv ver go It under a shlllln'." "Lonely, Is It?" snld Patrick, ccratchlng his head. "Faith, an' ye'ro rolght. Now, man, I'll tell ye whnt wq'll do; make It sixpence, nnd I'll go wld yo to kapo ye company!" Lost In the DUccrri. Gov. Tod, tho wnr governor of Ohio, was generally considered to be conscious to tho full ot his ofllclnl Im portance. He was under discussion In tho lobby of a Columbus hotel when a stranger to the city remarked: " 'Tod' all tho Tods I over know wroto their namo 'T-o-doublo d.' " Thero was sllcnco. 'ihcn an old ucqualntanco of tho chlot executive explained: "Well, to toll tho truth, that used to bo tho governor's way of writing It, but ono day, as It happonod, a roan told him that God spelled his name with only ono 'd.' That settled It. 'i henceforward tho governor's final 'd' was lost In the discard." Collections of scarf or tie pins one of tho fads ot Now York men. Is TO REFORM CRIMINALS Noted Writer Points Out Dofocts in Our Present Systom. There la probably no subject of greater Importanco to organized so ciety than tho problem of how to deal with tho criminal classos, so as to re duce their number and thereby prevent crime. Criminals mere always will be, nnd henco somo crime. Howrf to mini mize noth deserves tue best thought of tho hour. It Is often said that crlmo Js on tho Increase. It would bo truer to sny that what constitutes crime 13 constantly being Increased by legislation. Our atato legislatures nt every session pass ono or more stntutes making certain acts misdemeanors which wero not so before. Real cvlmo and actual crimi nals aro rapidly fading away beforo tho advancing light of civilization and education. Punishment for crime has much to do with making criminals. This state ment seems paradoxical, but It Is an Indisputable fact. Hundreds may be saved from a life of crime by tho proper administration of the criminal laws. It used to be thought that sever ity of punishment was the wise course, Indeed the only method, to pre vent crime. Fear, no doubt, deters many.; but It Is not fear thnt must bo chiefly relied upon to enve men from crime. No man was ever made bettor by being put In the stocks. Severity Is useful only In cases In which refor What Dreams Mean Good and Bad Luck Foretold by Bells, Dogs, a Ring, or Olives. To dream of bells signifies a speedy marriage or good news. To dream of ivy means that you havo many true-hearted friends. To dream of dogs has very different significations. If they fawn and fondlo upon j on, then It Is a lucky omen; If yoii nro In love your sweetheart will marry you and render you happy. If they are barking and snarling at you then be sure that enemies are secret ly endeavoring to destroy Snr reputa tion and happiness; If you arc In love, bo careful of your sweetheart. To dream of an elf signifies a happy return of one long absent; presents of valuo may be expected after this dream, which also signifies marriage, with wealth, position und happiness. To dream you hear an echo to your own voice denotes that your lover Is much attached to you. It also denotes that you will hear good tidings from a distant country. To dream bees sting you denotes loss of good character; and If you aro In love, of your sweetheart. To dream you see them at work Is a very lucky dream It forebodes great success by your own industry. To dream you see them making their honey under your own roof Is the best omen in the world. For tho rich to dream of bees is rather unlucky; but to the p'oor they denote comfort, nfllucnce and suc cess. To dream that It is hailing or snow ing, or that the ground is covered, Patrick on the Witness Stand Pat was on tho witness stand sorely against his will. He as more than an unwilling witness; he was sullenly cross and uncommunicative.. His "dandhcr wits rlz" when tho brutally offensive lawyer on tho other Bide had sought to belittle him as an honest wage-earner. "What's your business?" was asked with a hair-sneer that implied that tho answer would reflect on Pat's valuo as an Intelligent witness. "I'm a hod-carrier," was tho straight forward reply. It's an elevating business, Isn't it?" "It's as olevatln' as slndln' up tho hangman's niuterlals; and yc'vo carried him some, 1 believe." The examination was prosecuted more warily after this retort, tho law yer, however, ever on the nlort for nn opening thiough wnieh to rotrlovo him self It offered when Pat incautiously or Innocently replied to some question that "It would be a mirm-lt-" if things were otherwise. "Ha! You say 'twould be a mlraelo. (Jan you define a mlrarle?" "Not by rule o' thumb. 1 never practiced 'em." VA Merely the Hone Itejiortrr. The icturn of Pere Hyacinth to Rome nnd his preaching to great Pro teHtant congregations recnll nn un published episode ot his visit to San Francisco yours ago. He then spoko only French, and a local Journal sent to Interview him Pleicy Wilson, an ec centric Englishman, who had been bred for the church, but who had made a specialty ot the theaters and turf. After a general talk on his visit and his Impressions of California the con versation shifted to religious topics. Tho Intimate familiarity of tho re porter with theological quest lona sein ed to nmazo Pero llyaclntho, and when the Interviewer rose to go. ho said, with tho puzzled 100k still on his faco: "Pardon me, but you . avo Hhown mation Is hopeless and in which abso Into removal from all social Inter course is therefore necessary. Wo are rapidly coming to believe that kindness and close supervision aro the best preventives of crlmo. Thero Is no more cruel, Inhuman or unwlso provision, says J. Franklin Fort In the Forum, than that of tho Wow York constitution which rcqulros tho Judge to lmposo for a second oftense doublo tho ponnlty fixed by law for tho crlmo of which the offender Is convicted. It simply substitutes brute force for rea son and righteousness. Criminals nnd penalties must both be graded. Tlmo has demonstrated tho wisdom of so doing. Until within a few years say fifteen us the greatest period all the states confined convicted persons, whatever tnelr ago or offenso, in tho samo prison, and tho penalty Imposed had to be served by all Inmates alike for tho term Imposed. Such is still tho case in many states. But gradu ally thero has grown up ns a first step in criminal reformation a system of reduction ot time for good bohavlor. This was established at first largely a3 a measure to assist prison discipline. It was tound to be successful In its operation and It has led up naturally to two other systems now existing in soveral states namely, conditional pardon and parole. foretells marriage. To dream of hall or snow before asking a favor augurs that you will obtain your desire. To dream that you nro groaning un der somo heavy yoke which Is almost unbearable signifies that you will bo gladdened by receiving tidings that a considerable legacy has been be queathed to you. To dream that you are looking through a microscope, denotes that your lover will remove to a great dis tance, but that, after many years' ab sence you will meet again, and be mar ried, and you will bo very comfort able and happy. To dream you see olives dcnoteB happiness, and that you will be suc cessful In all your present undertak ings; to tho lover thoy foretoll a speedy marriage with the object of your affections. It you aro gathorlng them off the trees, they show your sweetheart Is unfaithful. To dream of rings is favorable if It be on your finger. If you are In love, expect to' be speedily united to tho person on whom you have placed your affections. To dream that your ring falls off your finger betokens evil, also the death of somo dear friend. To dream of being In the garden of Eden signifies that every happiness will bo yours, and you will becomo selfish and Indifferent to tho wants ot others. If you pluck fruit you will divide your pleasures with ono In every way worthy to enjoy them. Forgct-Me-Not. Proves Difficult Subject for Cross'Examiaation. Like many another brow-beater who feels himself bolng worsted, tho legal casuist lost control of himself at this reply and pitched head on. "You arc a hod-carrlcr, you say7" "I swore It." "You swore to a miracle, too, sir." "Yer honor looks as if ye woro goln' to swear at It." "Never mind me " "Och, sorrow on the heed I'd over be given yo if yo weron't forcin' yerself on rao." "Como, como! No more of this quib bling. You say you cannot doflno a mlraelo. Suppose a man foil from tho fourth story ot a building on which you wero working and escaped without hurt; what would you call that?" "I'd call It a lawyer's story, yer honor." "Bother tho story. Supposo you know for yourself that that man actually foil that distance seven times In so many days In a week and was never hurt. What would you call It then?" "Thin I'd call It Sabbath-breaking on wan ot tho days," replied Pat, accord ing to tho New York Times, "and, bo gob, by thnt tlmo, too, I'd call It a habit the man had." VV such astonishing familiarity with questions thac only a theologian usually understands that I should llko to know with what special depart ment of your newspaper you aro con nected?" "Oh," said old Wilson, with dry humor, "I'm the horso reporter!" Million I.lve on the Oeeun. Tho population ot the ocean Is esti mated at 3,000,000. That la to say, tho number of sailors nnd others whoso business Is on tho high seas equalB tho inhabitants ot the thirteen original colonies. Last year moro than one-sixth of this ocean" popula tion, or to bo moro exact, 500,000, offi cers and men, ot 4,343 vessels, cntored the port of New York. fcr.-- i W" ' w 2 . i , A -, V ., -k... .tM