The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 14, 1902, Image 1

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New Goods and
New Prices !
But it's giving the right swing to the selling and we're naturally
anxious to see it start with a'
Good values, the kind to encourage
buvincr. values that mean something to you, but only a little introduc
tion to the many inducements that should cause you to come here for
all your spring and summer needs.
Prices that
and persuade !
March is the summer dress making moitth; people have time and
the fabrics are all ready. March is the month when the new, rare and
evclusive things are shown; when those who want such thinSs must
get them. ,4
Silk Tissues, Novelty, Satin Striped and Mercerized Tissues,
Silk Swisses, Wash Silks, Silk G-inghams, Batises,
Lawns, printed Lawns, and Ginghams.
20 pieces ioc Ginghams at 6c yd.
25 pieces 12A Percales at Sc yd.
Remnants of percales at 6c yd.
5,000 yards Garibaldi, Simpson's Blacks and Grays, Garners's Reds, American
Blues, Etc., at 10 yards for 40c.
Shirt Waists and Petticoats.
50 new styles in the new washable Shirt Waists are now ready.
Splendid variety and styles show a busy year's betterment over those
you've known in the past.
White lawn waists begin with the plain but practical sort at 75c, and there are
,many pretty styles trimmed with lace or embroidery, prices range up to $3.50.
The colored waists show more elaborate treatment and wide variety of effects; the
material too gives liberal opportunity for choice. Prices range 75c to $3 50.
Different styles of mercerized petticoats, all made with good strong material,
CD blacks, colors and large ruffles, price $1.50 to $3 00.
The Home Art Club Delightfully Enter
tained on Saturday Night.
The Homo Art club tendered n fare
well bnnqiiot to Mr, and Mrs. 0. IX
Robinson at tho Hotel Royal on Satur
day oventng at 8:80 o'clock. All tho
husbands of tho members wero Invited
to graco tho 00 jasion, Tho only absent
ones were ox Gov. and Mrs. Garber
and tho Rev. V. H. Xindora: clrcum.
stances over which thoy had no control
alono proventing them from being
present. Tho early part of tho evening
was spent In amusemonts, progressive
whist and croklnolu. At 10:30 tho
company whs invited to the dining
room, where a sight mot thoir eyes
lone to be rennmbured. In the center
of tho room and extending its full
length was tho table spread with
snowy liuon and artistically decorated,
displaying the skill in such matters of
tho Homo Art members. Covers woro
laid for twenty-four. In tho center of
tho tablo stood n hvo-pronged candol-
abra, with red sbado, on n contor-pioce
of beautifully-ombroldorcd American
Beauty rosos. Hero and there over
thu table wero scattered in graceful
confusion Maiden Hair ferns, smitax,
jonquil1', hyacinths and scarlet gorani
urns. On each napkin lay n double
souvenir caul of tho occasion. On the
insido was printed tho onn woid,
itig account of its bjrth and giowlh,
during which alio was many times In.
torrtiplcd by laughter and applause,
she spoko about tho llrst sign of its
dissolution. "Wo have the evidence of
it heforo us tonight, in this banquet
prepared to do honor to tho members
wo aro about to loso from our midst.
You huvo shared our club joys and
sorrows, laughter and tcan, been gay
and pensive with us, endured our hard
ships in tho training of this club child
of so much promise; and now we aro
called upon to dissolve your dellghful
relations to it. Wo knew it would
come sooner or later; and now tho
hour has nil but arrived when somo of
us will say that dreaded wordnot
good-bye but fnrowell. Our lovo and
sympathy will follow you and your
family to your now homo; may pros
perity await you in tho still 'wild and
wonly wost,' and may your thoughts
ofteu turn to this occasion as ono of tho
bright spots in momorj'a hall. We
wish you God-speed and bid you who
can tell? perhaps a last, a long fare-
well. Your friends, Tho Homo Art
This was tho llrst entortaioment of
its kind ever given In our little city
and proves what women can do, and
those aro indeed f rtuuate who belong
to "charmed circle,"
Armella Armngost, wifo of J. O.
i Armagost, was born near Philadelphia,
Wnmnn " null hnnmitli IL thrcui tiulll'iinn Mim-li (t. IWIO: (lli'il Match 7.
,..,......., - .,.- . ..r - . . ,.... , ,.. w. ... ...... -.
quotations"' eowcliiiing hor. On the 1002,. tigcd 72 yiais nnd 1 day. She this oommunUy,
Ai m- "tro ,UI n i-uuiui
Mi Julia Saladen and William
Zachnry were man led at Hip residence
of Joseph Saladen, four miles south of
Red Cloud, on Wednesday Afternoon at
4 o'clock, T A. Meredith officiating.
Quite a number of friends and rela
tives wore present. The happy couple
left Thursday morning for a visit in
Missouri. Mr. Zichary is section fore
man at Cowlcs.
Married, at tho office of County
Judgo Edson, March 8, Charles H.
Heshle, agod 30, of Smith county, Kas.,
and Anna I). Nossman, aged 20, ot
Webster county. Thoy will reside
near Guide Rock.
Marnod, at tho tesidonce cf tho
brido'a patents, Edward R. Motcalf,
aged 31, to Agnes W. Drown, aged 18,
youngest daughter of James G. Drown
and wifo, at 2 p. m , Monday, March
10, Judgo Edson officiating.
At tho homo of the bride's mother,
Mrs. Oliver McCall, on the evening of
March 11, occurred tho wedding of
Thomas E. Tophntn, aged 23, and Miss
Jessio A. McCall, agud 21. There wai
present a Urge circle uf admiring
friunds and relatives. Thoy wero tho
recipients of many bountiful and costly
presents. Tho groom is ono of Web
ster county's prosperous young farm
ers and Is well nnd favorably known In
Newest Under muslins.
Beauty and daintyness in crisp and snowy muslins, cambrics
Fine Wrappers.
Not the cheap poorly made kind, but finely finished, well made,
?;ood fitting wrappers, the kind you have been wanting. Prices range
rom $i.oo to $2.50 with corset attached..
We have rhem, the veJy latest kind, with fancy buckles and new
fastenings, prices range from 25c to $1.00.
Belt Buckles, Hairpins, Hair Brushes, Purses, Fancn Back and
Pompadour Combs, Etc.
Republican Delegates.
Caucuses wero hold in tlm various
wards last evening and tho following
delegates chosou to attend tho coven
tion this afternoon! . First ward D. L.
Groat, W. B, Uoby, L. H. Foil. C. F.
Cather, A. A. Fiame, John llallock,
J. H. Baker, Geo Smolsor, W. N. Rich
ardson, M. C. Sherman and Geo. Hoi
lister. Second ward A. Galushn, L.
H.Beck, J. B. Stanser, D, W.Turnute,
I. H. Ludlow, Jos. Curr, U. B. Grone,
n . i IJ..I..I.. W IV
1. uummings, wiin. mjikij, . . .i
Wright. John W. Kinsel, Wm Mitchell,
H, E. Grico,
Millet and cano seed and a full line
of fresh garden seeds at Roby's.
O. F. EraaB has sold bis Interest in
the seoond band store to Carl Person
and will start a restaurant opposite the
CniEroflloo in the building formerly
l-.l U- W O Tlonan
For Ml bills call at this office.
Doings in County Court.
Estate of Geotgo M. Weiner, lie
deceased. Healing on the petition of
Georgian Warner for assignment of
homastead nnd dower. Petition grant
ed and J, W. Rued, Jerome Vance nnd
Lewis Reisult appointed commission
ers to appraise homestead and mutts
uro and set off dower,
Estate of John W. Shorwoud, de
ceased. Itiveuloiy and appraisement
tiled by oxocutoiH.
Estate of Rusulla E. Myets, di.'ceused
Isaac Myers appointed administrator
under bond ot WOO. Wm. Irons and
J. S. Rothrnck appointed commission
ers to appraise.
Estate of Do Jay Juilsou, deceased.
Hearing on petition of Josophine Kent
for uppointmeut ot administrator. C.
F. Gather appointed administrator and
bond II zed at 13,000.
Mrs. Clarence Hmmon
the city this weak.
is visiting in
A few citizens, demociats. amis and
pops or whatever name is appllcuble,
held a meeting at the court houso last
Satuiday night nnd decided to nomi
nate meu for ciiy oIlWis. Souk- very
stirring speeches wero made and sever
al nanlleinnn were nominated forotllcu
Thu titles wore suspended ftoiu tho be
ginning of the mooting and all Domi
nations were made unanimous. So
unanimous in fact that tho parties
have neatly all declined to run for
ollico Willi tho exceptions, as near
ns we were able to lent n, of T, J. Ward
who was nominated for mayor, nnd
Frrd Petetson who was named for
councilman on the south ward.
Cur load of tiotthern grown seed
corn on hand at $1.20 per bushel at W,
B. Robj's.
Jos. McClelland who recently moved
fiom this city to his furm near inavale,
was transacting business in the city
yi'stet day.
The Ckkt aad Life e( McKfaiky IM.
other side tho menu, vhich contained
all tho luxuries of thu season nnd wns
scrvi'd in a manner hard to improve
upen. Mis. Robinson was soated at
thu nut end of tho table, whilo Mrs.
X-tnders presided with dignity at tho
west end After tho blessing, tho com
pany wero seated and tho following
Clam lleulllon.
Turkey. Ojstcr Draining.
Craubcrrj Sauco.
Cilery. I'cas.
Olives. Pickles. New OnUtis.
Chicken Salad. Ham.
Hot Holts.
Pried Ojmters Saratoga Chips.
New Tomatoes,
Vanilla Ice Cream, Cakes.
ColTee. Tea. Milk.
Claret Punch,
Mrs, Xanders acted as toastmaster
and presented each toast and speaker
in achatmlng little speech. After the
third course had been removed, Mrs.
Wright responded to tha toast:
"1 can never hope to do justice to
thorn. Those gdntle and submissive
creatures whom we took for bolter or
for worse. The embodiment of all
which at one time was called youth
and whom we thought equal to Adonis
for beauty, Solomon for wisdom and
Hercules for strength, but found on
closer acquaintance but ordinary mor
tals, only larger than ourselves in
avoirdupoiso. Wo trust none
of our beloved husbands will take
offense at what has been said, oven
though we havo boon a little severe, for
have wo not paid them tho highest
compliment possible by surrendering
to them our names, our fortunes nnd
our honor? In tho Innguugo of Hamlet
wo can say: 'What a wonderful pieco
of work is maul how noble in reason!
how iutinlte in faculty, in form nnd
moving! in nctlcu, how like uu angel!
in apprehension, how like a god! tho
beauty of tho world! tho paragon of
animals!"' Tho omitted part of this
speech created much merriment and
After the fifth course, tho following
gentlemen D. J. Myers, L)r. Beck and
C. D. Robinson wero callod upon to
respond to tho toast, "Tho Now Wo
man." It was amusing to tho club to
see bow shy nearly all tho gentlemen
were of hor in public, until G, J, War
ren won the day in a happy liltlo
speech, proving at least his fearlessnoss
of either tho old woman or tho new.
After the next course, Mrs. Warren re
sponded In a tantalizing spottoh to tho
toast, "Tho Secret Work." Whon
coffee was served, Mrs. Xanders re
sponded to the toast:
"ouu club "
After giving a delightfully-interest-
On the 1002.. r.ued 72 nnd 1 day. She t liW oommun'iy, luivingwrnn icmuuiit
....:..i 1 ;..,. ... I......I. a,.... nVrii for a number of years nasi.' J ho
ww nn in iiiui iiil-11 lii i uiiiiir in 111
Bgost Sept. 2."), 1840. To this union wns
bort. 12 children, all lived to bu grown
except one, which died is infancy.
Six girls nnd six boys, twenty grand
childron nmt ono groat-grnndchild.
Two of hor children oiod afier being
ginwn, Hattio Bicrmnii nnd George M.
Armagost. A husband and nine
children, survive her, six boiug
present at hor dentil. Four girls nnd
two boys, Mrs. J. S. Chiles, Clnrindn,
hi ; Mrs. Mary Baylos, Guido Rock,
Nob.; Mrs. Corn Garber, Red Cloud,
Neb.: Mrs. Clara bomko, Mnnkatn,
bride is ono of Webster county's hand
somest and most hiehly respected
young Indies, having been a resident
hero nil her lifo. Thoy will mnke thoir
homo near Guido Rock, wlioro tho
groom owns n uno farm.
A licenso to wed was issued to Fred
M. Danker, nged 21, of Franklin
county, and Bertha L. Plot point, aged
10, of Webstor county, on Wednesday.
The Ciiikk takes gioat pleasure in
congratulating these happy victims of
Cupid's piercing dart, and may their
lives bo long and prosperous, tilled
Kns.; John Armagost, Burr Oak, Kas ; with tho blessings which eternal
and Ira Arraaeost, Nelson, Nob. Amos
Armagost and family of San Marcial,
Now Moxico, arrived one day too late.
She united with .the Gorman church
when quite young and lived a consist
ent .hristian life to tho end. She was
a devoted wife and loving mother and
bore her suffering with patience, being
ever hopeful of brighter days to come.
Exhibit ef School Work.
At a meeting of the Red Cloud teach
ers last Friday arrangements were
made for having an exhibition of the
work ot the different department) of
the school on rriday, March 28tb,
from 2 to 5 p. m. The teachers of the
same grades of the different wards will
arrange tho work of the pupils in the
rooms of tho high school building, with
exception of tho primary, which will
bo in Miss Romsberg'e room. Tho ex
hibit will show tho work of all tho
pupils, not merely tho best. All tho
patrons of tho school nro requested to
call at tho high school building on tho
day montioned and inspect the work of
tho different departments of tho
Advertised Letters.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at tho postotlico at Red Cloud, Neb
raska, for tho week ending March
vigilance is bound to produce.
in, 1002.
J L Camp
Ova Little
C M Palmer
P Holland
A B Hunt
Lay Ottis
John C Potter
R O Wlosor
These letters will bo sent to the doad
letter ofllce March 27th, if not call
ed for hoforo. When calling fer above
please say "advertised." T. O. Hack
Kit, Postmaster.
March 18th, April 1st and 15th, Kay
Otb and 20th; only one fare plus 13 for
the round trip to all points in Califor
nia. Stopovers allowed on the going
trip. Final return limit ii 21 days
from date of sale. PlJase call or write
fer further information.
A. Conovkk, Agent.
Graco Episcopal, services Sunday,
March 16, fifth (passion) Sunday in
Lent. Morning prayer, litany and ser
mon at 10:30 a.m. Kveningprayer and
sermon 7:30 p.m. Sunday School at
12 m. The public is cordially Inviteu.
Evangelist Mrs. J. B. Daly will give
au illustrated talk to children on next
Sunday afternoon in the Baptist
chuich at 1 o'clock. All the children
are invited.
SnbjocU nt tho Church of Christ en
Suuday: Morning, "Eldersof the Apos.
telle Church." Evening, "Some Soul
Farewell Party.
A very pleasant party was given at.
tho home of H.C. Weber living four
miles northeast of town on Wednesday.
Mr. Wober intends to start for Canada
in about two week. He hns sold his
farm to Mr.Slosser ftem Dakota. Wo
nil regrot to boo Mr. Webor nnd family
leave, having been en ono place in our
neighborhood for thirty years. Tho
best wishes of thoir neighbors go with
them to thoir now homo. There wore
ver fifty in attendance. The families;
reprssented wero Pierco, Robinson,
McCune, Davis, Brush, Esslg, Sheldon,
Decker, Bright, Tonnant, Engels, Son
ton, Slosser.
Baptist Church Meetings. 1
Evangelist J, B. Daly and wife of
Omaha began revival meetings in thu.
Baptist church last Wednesday even
ing and they will conduct meetings
fftuli night except Saturday, and also
next Sunday morning nnd evening.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Daloy both singand,
preach the gospol. Mr. Daly has held ,.
i-vangelistio meetings in every English
speaking country iu the world, and is
a noted evangelist.
Tax OiiibV and the Telede Blade,
one year for II 20.
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