? t 'a&rtai l- l ! I l k! I 1 DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers Is cure to know of the wonderful eiJ cures maoo by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the rreat kldnev. liver ; and oladder remedy. it istne great medi cal triumph of the nine teenth century: dis covered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, tho emi nent kidney and blad der specialist, and Is wonderfully successful In promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright's Disease, which Is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-Root Is not rec ommended for everything but If you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found Just the remedy you need. 1 1 has been tested Inso many ways, In hospital work, In private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful In every case that a. special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried It, may have a sample bottle sent free by mall, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer In this paper and aend your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blng hamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and riomta'.flwirap-noot iolkr sizes are sold by all good druggists. BEST FOR THE BOWELS If an titvcn't a rriruUr, liratthy moTmrnt of lb kewals try day, you're III or will b. Keep .your feawali epen, and be well. Korea. In tho ihapcof lo bMlpbTloorplllolton.li dangeroua. The smooth. Macule.!, moat perfect way of keeplog the bowelf clear and clean It to take CANDY OATHARTIO EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY Plaaiant. Palatahle. Potent. Taata Hood. Do flood. Never Hlcken, Weaken, or Urlpe, 10, , and M cent) trw box. Write for free pample, and booklet nn ealtb. Addrc.e 433 trwusua auior coarisv, chiugo mw tori. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN fa n? IK. M Or M m CM. lEWlS SINGLE BINDER smmgfgsmm CIGAR Give Your Horse a Chance t Dont Be Fooled. Take the gen . erlftaal ROCKV, MOUNTAIN TEA Mad only by Madison Medi cine Co.. Martitoa, WU. It keep you well. Oar trad Mark cut en each package. Price), 33 ctnti. Never I4 In balk. Accept ao subtil tat. Atk your druggist. J I). FULTON. ' HlVKUTON, NKBRA8KA. AUCTIOKEElt. TEKMS REASONABLE AND SATISFACTION GUAUAN'I KKI). The 5 Minute Breakfast food. .PURIAN - HEALTH - FLOUR MAKKS "BRAIN - BREAD" PURIAN MILLS, St. Louis, Mo. -Itr.tUy'sl. w. cnnE3 all Kidney Kidneycura aohe, etc. Atdrui X7iacuucn, iiuvn' I cists, or uy msi vi. rirouw.iw Ttoc, etc, ot Dr. B. J, Kay, Saratoga, N. Y. ei I. Free book, ad KS WHFJE All ELK f MIS. . a t Oongti Byru I DTratV IIMM UO laatesGood. Vm muni. Bold by onuiua fzm mi y v I II aUcP fcl KV( 1 JPWrl 'G "iN: III j--. ' ' 0$mM I' A eowl twklnc Vsl hor and poor lnok- P-V Ing lmrnt-it H ttie iv?A woret kind of u com- f; -" 1 bluatlon. i23SiV Eureka aW Harness OIHA not only maltM Itio rmrncM and the I A bone leak better, but nukM the in IttaUirmoftnixl pliable, put-, it In mn. IVm itifii , , tllllnn to last twlcn long Urn jJJIIUawA us It ordlnnrlly wtiiiM. (Ifi Wluii'li, " If iIm ef IMU'i( STANDARD '11. I limVv OIL. CO. tMi'i iUiMm WmBiVm P ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Doings in County Court. Mm oli 1-KMutu of Ktulolf U. A Hmulitoltl, pci:if)i'it, licitiing claims; nllii'md ('litlin n( Mnrtln Hrof. $"i,"i Mum Ii !! Eitnti) of Hiuloli rfonniisr hitltk'i', ilt.uf.Heil, purilnl iiccutiin, of executor ille1. .Mrtnli l-Estatti of Atlim: II Cats wHI, iliicv.isi-tl. lieurluK clitlii; iillonui Mnry K. Uiulon 84I1GO, Iltmry It ittun $01, tfimili M. Chi 8 well $1,H.8.00. Mnrrh 5 Kitiitc of Lonmlor .Smith, i!i t'cnuil, licnrinK on itlitiiin of Potor Joiisun for hIIowiiium! nml rccoidlnR AlltllRllticsttul C'())3 Of Will of Slllll tl(!' ccilcnt; will allowed and J. S. White .ippointrd nilminlstrator rith will an uuxud. Estitto of Alluii T. Aycrs, tiecimsiid, lieiniiiR of petition of Nathan A Ayor.t for adininistrntion, and appointment of A. T. Walker administrator under bond of $1,200; bond executed and up prorcd mid letters issttad. Kitato of Uudolf.O. A. Durnhtold, decuaNed, iinal tcport of William Sliultz, administrator, tiled and ap proved, and order of distribution. et Real Estate Transfers. Tho following transfers, furnished by tbo Webster County Abstract and Farm Loan company, wero made dur ing tho past week: Nora Wilht Imson and husband to L E Albaugh, bwJ 20 1 11 $ 1400 Lewis Chindon and wifo to Fjrd- cis E. Preston, lots 4 and.O, btk 3, Morey's add to Ditio Hill, wd COO Omer Gagnon and wifo to Ernest Carpenter, so 27 4-12, w m v 3000 Joseph Uenertux to Jacob Quir- in sej 80 1 12, wd 3200 Thomas EiuIrIi and wife to Ed C Emigh et nl, nn 7 2 10.. 2700 Frank () Lea to Ida May Lea, nwi tie 33 2 11, qcd 1 Wallace W Wright and wifo to Otto Pope, I lot 22 blk 81 Red Cloud, wd. . .... 2134 J I) Soutkwoll and wifo to 11 C Wolf, lots 1!) and 10, blk 10, S & M add to Led Cloud wd. . . 500 Joseph Pashby to John Zopf, se 204 11, wd 3800 John Werner to Pohn lilolim, nwj 10 3 11 w d 2500 Moses C Williams and wifo to David Wedniun, ni$ ucjof e) nwl02l0wd . .... 0000 W 11 II Wells and wifo to J M Ilurgosssc and ej sw and so ue, 20 2 12 w d filGO Alva li Wiggins and wifo to F A KiK'hn, nw 15 1 10, wd 2400 Will Holmer ot al to Jos Pashby, nei 23 4 12 w d 3100 L) It Uungan and wife to Nana L Denton, nw 11 4 12 w d 2800 Harriot A Milligan to John H Wilmnt, lots 7 8 0 block 1 K & J add to Kcd Cloud, w d 325 Austin Itiloy and wifo to Mary E Simpson, n nw 2 4 0, w d 1200 United States to Raymond W Koontz, pJ sw and lots 2 3 4 in 30 2 11, pat. Henry Stcllens ta Fred Churclies i' nwi ""d nw nw and ne hw, 11 3 9, wd 4100 Total. . Mostgtigcs tiled. .. " released 815010 $10225 7385 STOLEN BUZZSAWLETS. Eight marriage licences wetn issued at Hastings last week. Mrs. Moritz Moblor of near McCook was found dead in bed one morning last week. She was abovo 70 years old. Tbo llurlington has put in use tbreo new GO foot mail cars between Pacific Junction and Donver. A lady in Harlan county swallowed a pin, and upon removing it tbe tissues of th throat were torn, blood poison ing ensuing. She is not expected to live. Some Rosomont men are digging for coal on tbeir faims and bavo now gono to a depth of 300foet,finding some coal, but in small quantities. It Is said that 1002 will bo tho groat est year known for railroad improve ments in tho United Stutes. It is expected that no loss than 8200,000,000 will bo expended for extensions. Notice of Application to Vacate Alley. Notice is hereby given all persona interested, that a petition purporting to lie signed by tho owners of at least two thinls of the lineal feet of propel ty abutting thereon, asking for tho vaca tion of tho certain alley in Red Cloud city, to-wit: The alloy extending north ana south in the center of block iwonty-ona of the original town of Rod Cloud, said alley extending from Third avenue on the north to Second avenue on the south Ride of said block, having been tiled in Ilia olllee of tho eity clerk and presented to the city couucil in regular session March 5th, 1902, it was by the mayor and council oi tiered that March 25, 1002, at 1:80 o'clock p. in., nl tho cilliiiu of tho mnvor in said city, bo tixed nn the tltno nml phtco (or it ttenring on said potition when and whoro nil persons Interested limy p poar nnd fllo their claims for damages or objections to the granting of said petition. Given under my hand and oOiulal spal this March Gib, 1002. 8KAI- John K Kkhi.ku, City Olerk. PUBLIC SALE. I Tho undersigned will sell by publiu, nueiion at his rrtidetirc 7 mlUs south of Ri Clnnd. Thuicflay, M'uc'i 18th, commencing ui 10 o'ciouK, .m., ilio folhtlng dcsctlbed piopciij, to-wlt: 3 iearling calvps, 1 yearling, full blood Durham bull, 1 hotsc, 1 span 2 tear old mules, 1 pearling cull, 5 utoud flows; ftlso 8 tons millet, corn fodder, 25 bushel iiiillotsced, 100 bushels of corn, 1 seedtr, 1 stalk cutter, 1 mower, 1 bay inku, 1 bay bucker, 1 hay rack, 2 walk ing corn plows, 1 riding corn plow, 1 Stirling plow, 1 riding lister, 1 harrow, 1 wagon, 1 bugj, 2 sets of harness, 1 grindstone, chickens, household goods and other nnicles too numerous to mention. Tkhms ok Sai.k Nine months time will be given on -ill sums over $5, pur chaser giving note with approved no amity bearing ton per cent interest. All sums under $5 cash. On nil sums over $5 a discount of 2 por cent will bo given for cash. L. A Lkwis M. A. Cole, Auctioneer. Low rates northwest via Burlington Route. To Billings, Montana, 115 00; Cady, Wyoming, 110.75; Holona and Butte, 120.00; Spokane, Washington, 823.60; Portland, Tacoma, Seattle and Rossland, B. C, 825 00. Above rates will bo in effect overy day in March and April from Missouri river termi nals and from nearly all stations on B. & M. R. R. A wonderful opportu nity to visit tho northwest. Tbo Big Horn Basin of Wyoming is a connlry of great resourcos and now undevelop ed. It has just been mado accessible by a now line of the Burlington Route, nml presents many attractions to the homeseokor. Folder on Big Horn Ba sin free on request. For tickets, rates, or additional information apply to nearest, agent, Burlington Knute, ur writotoJ. Francis, Oonera! Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebr. M otherGray's SweetPowdcrs for Children Successfully used by Mother (Jiay, nurse in the Children's Hon.o in New Yoik, curt! fovcrishtifss, bud stomach, teething disorders, move and regulate the bowels and destroy worms. Over 30,000 testimonials. They never fail. At all druggists, 25c. batnplo free. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, Now York. This Wllllnterest Mothers. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for children euro Feverishness, Bad Stom ach, teething dismders, bteal; up coUIf, move and regulate tho bowel and tie stroy woiivh. I hey never fail. Over 30,000 testimonials. At. all druggisU sac sample mailed tree. Address. Allon S. Olimtead, LeRoy, N. Y. Twentieth Century Medicine. Cascarets Candy Cathartic are as far ahead of ancient pill poisons and liquid physic as the electric light of the tallow candle. Genuine stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. What you doin' neighbor? Helping Bill. What' Hill doin? Hnlping Man dy. What's Mainly doin'? Helping mother. WlmtV mother doin'? Tak ing Rocky Mountain Tea. Sensible family C. L. Cotting. Attkntion Faumkks: - iavo you soon those hard wear handmade har ness nt Butler's. He will sell you one for 830. no not $30, hut $20; nor will ho take I2G, but $22; no bring your team and he will tit them on your hordes for 810.85. m e To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxativo Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Glove's signature is on each box. 25c. i WaMTtO -Several rernou-. of character and Rood reputation In each rtate (one In this county requlrec hi is represent ana au i retirement and advertise old estab llshed wealthv llHll. r Hi trail standinc. Salary IIH.O) weekly with expenses additional, all payable In cash each Wednesday 1 onsihCKS iioiiso ci noun iinanciai direct from head offices direct irora neaa omces. uorse ana carriano rttruisnea, wncn necessary, nerorences. Kn cloke self-addressed stamed envelope. Dept. Manaxer 333 C'axton Uulldlng, CIiIcsro. Shake Into Your Shoes. Alloa's Foot Kns'j. It rosts tho (col. Cures coins, bunions, inRiowinn nnils, swoolon nnd sweutiiiR feet. At nl druggists It ml slmo stores S&u. Ask todny. THEY CRUSH THE POWERS This is written in mid-October. The long, eppreasiva summer is qaiU gone. Fading leaf, withering tree and the rustling corn in the fields are 'signs of tha season. Fog, frost, rain, snow, thoy are coming. You remember last winter ; of 1000 and 1001. The weather was cruel. Ah I the thou, ands it killod, and tho hundreds of thous ands it maimed and crippled. Oh, the rough grasp it laid on men at work, women at borne, and children in cribi and cradles. Coughs that began befora Thanksgiving Day are racking and tearing them still ; yes, and growing worse aa they dig deeper into tha poor, tired throat and lungs. Many wer cured by using Itenson's Porous Plaa Urs. For the soothing and healing powei ef these Plasters is wonderful. They con. .jaer the complaints THAT ARE KILLING THE PEOPLE. No other plaster, no othor medicine or ep. plication, cau compare with them. Coughs, colds, backache, rheumatism, lumbago, kidney and liver troubles, asthma, influ enza, they all go down before Benion'i Plasters like a snow image in the sun. Ton can't throw money away on a Benson's PlaaUr. Everybody Lb going to use them tkla aeaaon. But make certain you get the genuine. All druggists, or we will prepay noetace oa any number ordered ua tha united State on receipt of 85o. each. uSMlaW.1. Many School Children Are Sickly. Moll, i r GtajN Sweet fumlcis for children, ued by Mother Ot ay, n riurs in Hit. (,linil lliiine, New Y.iik, br-nl.? up ciiKl.i in 21 hours, mites fe mistiness headache, stomach troubles, teething disoitlers and destroy wim At all druggists, 2.i Sample inaib'd tn-e. Add i ess, Al;en y. Olmstuad, L"Roy N.Y. A Certain Cure for Chilblains Shake Into your shoes AIIcii'm Foot Ease, a powder It cities chilblains, frostbites, damp, sweating, swollen feet, At all driiggK'n and shoe stoics, 25 cents. It Keeps the Feet Warm and Dry. Ask to-day for Allen's Foot Ete, a powder. It cures chilblains, swollen, sweating, snic, aelihm, damp feet. At all druggist;- and xhoe toie, price 2: Inflammatory Rheumatism cured in 3 days. Morton I. Illll of t.crmiion, Ilul, .it: 'My wlfu hnd Intlninmntory rtieiitniitisi'i In pvcrv nuurle nml Joint; tier niffotlui; whh titrlblo nml tier body mid fucu cre nwnolen nlmoM licjimd rccoKtiltlon; had becu In bed for elx wcckH nnd had ulKht phyalclnnt, but received no benefit until Blip tried tho Myotic Cure for.HheumiUlimi. It krvo Immediate- relief and elio was able to walkabout In three days, lam mire It caved her lire." Sold by U Cloud, Neb. K. Orlce. UniKglit. Kcd Lot us speak of man as wo bud him, And censuro only what we can see, Remembering that no one can be per fect, Unless ho uses Rocky Mountain Ten. U.L. .tittlrg. e Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold Laxative Bromo-Quininn Tablets cures a coltl in one day. No cure, uo pay 25 cents. ei Rheumatism Cured in a Day. MyMlcCuro for rhenmatlcm and neuralgia readily cures In Hum one to three days. Its ac tion upon tho bystem la remarkable and mys terious. It removes at once tho cause and the dlpeai-o Immediately disappears. Tho II ret dose greatly benefits, "icetith. bold by II. Ii. Orlce. ltcd Cloud, Neb. Wanted Sevcrul persons of character nud good reputation in each state (tine In this county required) to reprctont nnd advertise old estab lished wealthy business house of solid financial sttndlnir. sJalnrr IIS weekly with cxi.pni.ps ail dltlonal, nil pa able In cash tach Wednesday direct from head olllccs, llnrse and carriage furnished when necessary. Kofcrenccs Kit close sell-addtessed stamn'd envelope. Ucpt. ManaKCr.'i.'i.l Cnxtou IIuIUIIiik l.'lilenno. m IIoiv Arc Yonr Itldnry I Dr. tl0bbs'8iamius fills nnronll klrtncr Ills. 8an plefreo Add. bierilnglli-ru-dy Co. Chicago nrN.V. Help... Nature I Babies and children need J I proper food, rarely ever medi J cine. If they do not thrive ! on their food something is ; f wrong. They need a little I help to get their digestive machinery working properly. COD LBVER OIL WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES of LIMES SODA J will generally correct this 1 1 difficulty. j If you will put from one I fourth to half a teaspoonful 1 : uUt,' Imtil thro nr four . Ill uauj j ... . .- - times a day you will soonsee a marked improvement. For larger children, from half to a teaspoonful, according to I age, dissolved in their milK, if you so desire, will very I soon show its great nourish ing power. If the mother's . milk does not nourish the baby, she needs the emul sion. It will show an effect at once both upon mother I and child. uc, andti.oo, (11 drutgisti. L SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemlsti, Ntw York. Two Years Ji&o You wera advliaa IP A RENTEMFana.r'stM uaabls. awlnl to hlrt valuM al Und, to mcmio lam naar four all hoiats oralaraiat kronoa with taiatloa, aa crtetgM. inyovorUkot oall at fclUrootrp,ta cure IOO Acr Homestead la MANITOBA. AMIMHOIA. MS. KATCHEWAN M ALBERTA, tha RAIN aM SRAZINa DIITRICTf Ol FERTILE WESTERN) WtlTtltai uaaaua. SSfbMt. WjrBtenUNM W.V. BENNETT, - N. Y. Uf. Bltff ., OwdM. Nttb ftV jJHl H 'VaaaLVal tnttSia j. I tba adilas U JW,SlIi 7(1 ouroi K.SSr.lVf.ihTi.-MT' . irJ7...... Markcta. ahMla TtlnVia-v. T. Oaislnnr. IPlnranoe. Okarahaa. ala.. earaalaBk Pft anf farad for vnara with Holla. T aatf hMitkl ! ",S3,iiS i Ues of B. B. B. put his blood In t i??? "ii:zi.r. titmtS dltlon and tho Soils disappeared. m Be) 'CHICHESTER'S ENQLIRM W& A Pennyroyal pslls ViCsJ M II lTilftv8ArK:..A.lTV.'.r'.l.uW ." ierurrtrt WtTrtHaiB U -M B-Jai for CIIIClllMTKU'h r.Nlll.mll Ewlr777)i I I vw D WaKkSS3D ittSlnral AFTER SMKOWt PONDS EXTRACT Cools, Comforts and Heati tha Skin, Enabling the Most Tender Face to Enjoy a Close Shave Without Unpleasant Results. Avoid dangerous, Irritating Witch Ilazcl preparations, represented to be "the eamo ne" POND'S EXTRACT, which easily sour and generally contain " wood alcohol," a deadly poison. CONSTIPATION ttio frequent cruso of ApK'n. Ileitis rii'.I ii nnyullirr Pi'r lous Ills should nercr t n v'eefd. Tlio plijirtljn to the umn.1 CRthartla remtdlcs Is llitlr custlvc n act tun which Incretws cousllJntlon InttvAd oteurintf It. rAHKEIt'i) (IINdhll TONUTIe tho iirot-rr rettiMly. Jt acts on tti IJrcr. and when tisrd as ulrcvted. permanently reinOTue the cotutlpatlon. ) eta. at W at all lrrugKUte. G. V. AHGA1JUIGHT, ART1ST PORTRAIT PAINTER. Uki Ci-oui). Nkiiuaska, Lnn(lii'nt". Flowt'is, Fruits and I'or trnitH mudtt to iiiik-r. STUDIO IN. DAMKHKI.L HI.OCK. I. B. COLVIN. SEAL ESTATE ? FARM LOANS. Lock Uoz -3. Guide Hock, Neb. VII kluils of proporty bought, sold o.id t'XchntiKPd. tn'OLLBCTIONS MADE. TERM ItEASONAllI.K MONEY Rtfundtd.iur0- antce Dr. Kay's llcnovator to euro dvsncDsIo, constl Eatton, liver and kidneys. Best tonic, laxative, lood purifier linown for all chronlo diseases; renovates nnd invigorates tho whole system nnd cures very worst cases. Get trial box at once. If not Batlsllcd with it notify us, we will refund money by return mall. Wrlto your symptoms for Frco Medical Advice, sample and proo'. 25 & two at aruBRiais. ur. u. j. Kay, Saratoga,' N.Y. TIMETABLE. B & M. R.y RED CLOUD SEMI LINGO I, X OMAHA CHICAGO S'l. .OK KANSAS CITY S7. LOUIS and nil points mat nml south. DENVEl! HELENA BUT1E SAL'l LAKE C'i PORTLAND S.L FKAXCISGL nnd nil points west. THAINfl LKAVK AH rillXOWSt 13, raM-omir dally for Olierlln amiI St. I'rniiclt liranchob. Ox N'o ford. Mr-Cool;. Denver hikI nil points went.- - - - 0:10 a.ui No.lt. rati-cmtfr dully for St. Joe, Ki.niH t'lty. Ateliliion. ht. l.unlf. Lincoln via Wjmoie and nil points east nml mttli 2'32 a il Nil ir I'rtsheiiKer. itiiliy, ueiiver. an points In Colorado. Utah and California H:X p.rt 1C. I'si-senger. ttally for St. Joe. Nl, Kkiimis tin. Atciiisoii, at. I.oiiIh snd all points east and omh - 10:lKJa.n. So iTt. Attommodntlon. dally cxrept SntidHV. lUslliifs. Oram! Is land. Ulack Hlllk and all points In the northwest- IMitp.n. o iT.I. ACforamoiIatlnii dally except Sunday. Ohcrlln. Kansss, ix f nl nut Intermediate stii lions, via Ttepiibllriui... ......... t::ilp.n. .-n at l'rpltfht. dallv. Wjmore anil M .Hie fii'l liiienr.tillflte ;tiii('tloiitolnts U' 1'ip.n. so. rsi. Kreluht. rtall lor l.eiiiionritii OrleHiis.DxfordHndallpolnti. west -.... I :C'i i n. Mi iu., KrelKlit. Wid J'rl. A Minday for Wvniore and all nullit east 6 .'ids.ii. rlt.;ifiiK. dlnliiK. and rtrlliilne chair ran (M-uts free) on Uirnui.li tialns. Tickets sold and Iuiks'iiU'j t'liccked to any point In the United siMtes or Canada. For Information, iluiu tai'lis. niHp nr tleWeU call on or address A. Conovcr, Agent, lied Cloud, Nebr. or J. Francis. General PassenRet Aden: Omaha. Nebraska. a m a Dr. Kay'a Utlcuro cures ak fcmalr diseases. At drug irisu, It. Illustrated took If mil YWk fcmalr diseases. At drug mmmmm w . K illustrated tool and advice fre. Dr.D. J.Kaj,Saratofa,K. Y., Forewarned, Forearmed The liability to disease is greatly lessened when the blood is in good con dition, and the circulation healthy and vigorous. For then all refuse matter is promptly carried out of the system ; otherwise it would rapidly accumulate fermentation would take place, the blood become polluted and the consti- tutton so weaKenca inat a simpie n.nt.h.1 M. I nil i -A.l.lt t- A.. .. oi .. uiuiuuy Ullj;Ubl.aUi.PWIUUillJI. A healthy, active circulation means good digestion and strong, healthy nerves. As a blood purifier and tonic S. S. S. has no equal. It is the safest and best remedy for old people and children because it contains no minerals, but is made exclusively of roots and herbs. No other remedy so thoroughly and eiiectuaiiy cicans sss effectually cleanses the blooa ox im purities. Aiinc same time it builds up the weak and de Diliiuicu, unu reno vates the entire sys tem , It cures permanently all mannet of blood and skin troubles. Ifr. B. B. Kelly, of Urbana.O., writasi "I bad Eosoma on my bands andfaoo for five years. It would break out In littla white pustules, oruaU, would xqnn and Jl. Im-nnlnnt.kA aWln -M. anil InflUII. Thi dootora did me no soodlnsed oil the raedloated soaps and salves without bneflUB. B. B. ouwd me. and my akla , i a umi ., - x-.-. Mrs. Henry UleRirtea, oi uape May, n, , aarn that twenty-ono bottles of B. H. 8. it bor oi uanoor oi tue oreaat. ntw and friends thought bor oaao hope- b. a.. wo bot- ood oon- Send for our free book, and write our physicians about your j uedical advice free ' THE (WT irkCtfM C. MUMTA, M. Iwiflai In Itl'lt sri'l Until nj.nllle boiM k.1.1 IUi tl rlbijon. 1 nlr no other, 1 If tine Denseroua ruhatlintlan nd Imita tion. Iln; of yoar llmi!(ikt or tBd 4r. 10 ud Itrllrr r.ir .adn-a.-ln Untr. St re ell Iirntiitu Chlrhr.trr chemical VmL l.ni Slkfl. IILItlll. lHt.tn.nl.il B.I. n. loo tilt tir .MailUonl'url..l'111V.. VA iLOWNEY'S AND CHASE'S, BOX GOODS. tH".i-iiti4 iiiul Nut (iiiiU ftimi ?,),; ii.SH.WI pti Iiii.x omc made candy at 15c' per pound. Dr. Kay's Lung Balm eurcs every kind of couKb. laKrfpnc, bronchltlH, sore throat, croup, whooping cough, etc. Never derunges the stomach. AtDrugvlata, lO&Oc. New - Barber Shop. BARKLEY & SCHAFFNIT, Proprietors. l..iM'iiii'iu l'ottir.Wi'iglit Hiiililiii, j Seissors Ground,' Razors Honed, j AND ALL KINDS OF EDGE. TOOLS SHARPENED 3 t J All kintlsof bnrber work executed promptly nud stitisfuction guaranteed. t GIVE - US - A CALL, j J. S. EMIGH, DENTIST. A I N L E S S DENTISTRY tUl want rx. Mnu Bf'iiir Wiirk or Trrlii Wnjinj! I'Li.j i'Olf K! AI.N IM.A1 M I) the . uii'fii'i'tjH'ut lu Iftnal roe milim DON'T TOBACCO SPIT and SMOKE Yourufeawayl you can be cured or any form or tobacco uslna new life nna vigor by taking MO'TO-BAO, that makes weak men strong. Many Rain ten pounds in ten days. Over 300.000 cured AiiurugRisiR. cure guaranteed. Hook- let and advice l'KKG. Address STKRI.INQ anoaut t-u., v-nicago or new Yorsv JJ Genuine i tamped C C C Never told In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "something Juit as good." PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clunntt and Lciutlilci tbt balr. l'ranwta a luxuriant trowth. Merer raits to Iteitore Gray a&air w 11a iuuiuiui n.uiur. Curti Kalp liiMi blr laULng, tUc.apdlluiJat IhuglKi DR.KAY'8 ' KBNOVATOB Invigorates and renovates tho sis torn; purines snd curlcbes the Mood; curea the worst dyspepsia, constipation, headache, liver and kidneys. SSoandll.atdruggtsts. Preo R advice, sample and took. . Ur. D. J. Kay, Saratoga, N.Y. H-aa ENOVATOK SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN FOLNICKY, PROPRIETOR.; DBALRR IN Vines, Liquors, California brandies. PABSTMILWAUKEE'Beer ALWAYS ON TAP.od &A This signature Is on every boa ol the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine TaMu the remedy that eanrea ta cold tta osva mj nrr mkdioal advioc. 'yriwus rltbla all your symptoms, ltonovattngthe system is the only safe and sure method ot cur Ing all Chronlo Diseases. Dr. Kay'a Renovator In the onlv oerf eetsvstem renovator. Free asm. , '. ..-;-'-.--. .z -. . - - isam. N.Y. pies ana dook. ut, s. j. avay, ctaratoga, J" The BON TONJ ( W. S. BENSE, Prop. i T CANDY CATHARTIC aEHliffl mQCMiJtH 'AU Pi